Sending to Belarus without duty. Now everything is clear. How to work restrictions on parcels and goods from abroad. What in the decree

The number of parcels from China has increased, respectively, it has become a reason to tighten the rules of their duty-free import into Belarus to prevent commercial purchases on the Aliexpress website and not only.

From April 14, 2016, the residents of the Republic of Belarus should carefully relate to orders from abroad. Even if you bought a small mobile gadget on a huge discount and did not exceed 22 euros. If at the same time a mobile phone is specified on the parcel and its cost is allegedly understated, the customs service can open the incoming international postal departure. We wrote in the article about various ways to avoid paying tax. Read to try to avoid further paper rolls and additional expenses in favor of the state.

But now, you still received a notice from the customs control bodies.

How will the tax be paid when the limit is exceeded at twenty-two euros?

In this case your parcel is heading to the warehouse of temporary storage of customs. After that, you will receive a letter notice with a request to provide evidence of the value of the goods, or with a request to give consent that the customs service will independently appreciate the cost of your parcel and most likely it will be at a market price.

What you need to send customs:

  • foreign check (it usually seller sends the seller in the parcel, along with the goods);
  • payment receipt (printed when you pay, or look for it in your email, some electronic payment systems duplicate such data when making payment);
  • extract from payment card account with a bank marker (with detail). This method will not help if on the same day you did other purchases, since the amount will actually be more than this order;
  • make a screenshot of the screen and print, where the cost of the order and all its data is visible;
  • write an explanatory note in which the circumstances of such a low purchase price.

Documents will need to urgently send by mail (better by registered letter with notification) at the address: National Airport Minsk, d. 86, 220054, Minsk.

The shelf life of your parcel is calculated from the day following the day of registration of the customs authority, documents submitted for the premises of the goods for temporary storage and is two months.

In case of failure to submit documents and information, the declarations on goods (if required), or the expiration of the time storage of goods, as well as the return of notifications with the "Documents missing", please assess the goods sent in the international mail, independently ", the parcel will be returned to the sender .

So, you want to get your order and all the documents you have on it are sent. After a while, you will receive a notification of the post office that you need to pick up the parcel. If the customs service is your cristed circumstances have not been taken into account You get a parcel and customs receipt order, fill out the blank payment form. Now you have to pay in your post office amount of tax calculated by customs (30% of the amount of the parcel) and a customs fee of 5 euros.

From April 14, 2016, the limits on international parcels for personal use are reduced to 22 euros and weighing no more than 10 kilograms. Previously, Belarusians could be duty free of charge from the border of the parcel for personal use in the amount of up to 200 euros per month (regardless of the number of purchases) and weighing up to 31 kilograms.

Specialists of the State Customs Committee responded to the most frequently asked questions about new limits on parcels from abroad, writes TUT.BY.

Is it possible to order several parcels per month per person so that there are no more than 22 euros in the aggregate, or can you order one package?

Duty free limit at cost (22 euros), as well as weight (10 kg) reflects the total magnitude of all international postal shipments (MPO) in the calendar month. In other words, several parcels can be imported within the indicated rules.

At what point will it be considered that the parcel came from abroad - at the time of receipt of customs or by mail? After all, it is sometimes quite different times. And you can get at the same time at the same time the goods ordered in different times, and do not meet the limit, although each package does not exceed it separately.

The customs authorities take into account the date of registration of the parcel in the warehouse of temporary storage. The specified date cannot change. In accordance with paragraph 4 of Article 160 of the TC TC, the parcels are placed on temporary storage within 3 hours after their presentation of the customs authority upon arrival at the site (institution) of international postal exchange.

Will duties on parcels be charged, which were sent, for example, in March, but came after April 14?

Yes, there will be if the customs value of the shipped goods exceeds the established norms of duty-free import of 22 euros.

Example.Three parcels ordered, their cost is 22 euros, 5 euros and 1 euro, respectively. All parcels come at different times, but in one month. Parcel at 22 euros we take without problems. What will happen to the rest? What duties and fees will have to pay upon receipt of the remaining two? Specifically interested in the issue with the customs fee of 5 euros and payment of mail services. Savchenko Eugene.

Answer GTK: Suppose that the total weight of three parcels up to 10 kg. After the duty free issue of the payment of 22 euros for subsequent parcels received addressed to the same individual, are subject to payment of customs duties and customs fee for making customs operations for each parcel.

For the second international postal departure, customs payments will be paid in the amount of about 6.5 euros: 5 euros (customs value of goods) x 30% + 5 euros (customs fee). The amount of customs payments for the third parcel will be about 5.3 euros: 1 euro x 30% + 5 euros (customs fee).

Suppose, before the entry into force of April 5, I received an international postal departure worth 30 euros. For the same rules, you do not need to pay a fee. And after the 14th, in April, I will come another MPO worth 10 euros. Will a duty accrued on it? After all, the law can not have inverse and MPOs received before April 14, should not be taken into account in the amount of 22 euros.

Subparagraph 1.1 of paragraph 1 of Decree No. 360 provides that the period for accounting for the fact that the physical person of goods for personal use is the calendar month. This approach was not changed by Decree No. 40.

In the situation under consideration, before the entry into force of Decree No. 40, you have already received goods in April worth 30 euros. Consequently, after the entry into force of Decree No. 40, you already used for April of the monthly rate of 22 euros and 10 kg.

How will duties, parcel taxes (gifts) from abroad (in our case, from the USA) from close relatives? How much will they send gifts to us and how often?

No features (individual rules) for sending the specified category of goods (gifts) by decree No. 40 not established.

Suppose parents live in the United States, won the Green Card, send the parcel (clothes, dishes, etc.), the cost of things has not been specified anywhere. Do you need to pay a duty, because I myself did not buy anything, the currency from the country did not export?

Yes, in case of exceeding the rules established by Decree No. 40. In accordance with part of the second paragraph 1 of Article 316 of the TC TC, calculating the amounts of customs duties, taxes are made on the basis of information on the cost of goods specified in the documents provided for by the World Postal Union and used in the Customs purposes.

At the same time, in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 361, the TC TC in the absence of an individual moving goods for personal use, the originals of documents confirming information on the value of the gift, and the availability of the customs authority of the reasonable reasons to believe that the information provided and (or ) Documents are not reliable, the customs value of such goods will be determined by the customs authority independently on the basis of the price information available at its disposal for similar goods, including on the basis of data specified in the catalogs of foreign firms, carrying out the retail sale of similar goods.

The promotional product was purchased for 20 euros. The parcel came in two weeks or a month, the cost of this product on the seller's website is already 35 euros. How will customs act on the fact of valuation of value? What information should be submitted?

An individual is entitled to prove the accuracy of the information presented to determine the customs value. To do this, he needs to submit documents confirming the declared value (contract, specification, invoice, commodity check, payment receipt).

Sometimes it happens that the Chinese seller highlights the cost of goods in the declaration. For example, I buy a thing worth 22 euros, i.e. In fact, I paid 22 euros - an amount not exceeding the limit, and the declaration indicates the cost, for example, in 40 euros. How can I prove that this parcel costs exactly 22 euros? Is it possible to provide screenshots?

If the recipient does not agree with the cost specified by the sender, it has the right to not receive such a MPO and inform the postal service operator on the need to return to the place (institution) of the international postal exchange, which was released. After that, the recipient may appeal in writing to the customs authority and attach the originals of documents confirming the cost of forwarded goods.

In disagreement with the customs value defined by the customs authority to calculate customs payments, the beneficiary of the goods has the right to provide documents to the customs authority, on the basis of which the customs value of the goods sent (contract, specification, invoice, trade check, payment receipt and other ).

As additional documents, Internet catalogs with publicly posted information on the cost of sent goods, printing of bank transfer pages and so on can be adopted as an additional documents.

How are customs authorities plan to distinguish between recipients? According to F. I. O., the address of the recipient, the card with which was paid?

The duty-free import regulations established by Decree No. 40 are applied to the goods for personal use sent to the IGO during the calendar month to the address of one recipient, which is an individual located in the Republic of Belarus. It should be noted that according to subparagraph 2.2 of paragraph 2 of paragraph 2 of the "Conditions for receiving the parcels" of the postal parcel regulations (Act of the World Postal Union), only one individual or legal entity may be indicated as a addressee.

Thus, one individual during the calendar month can get duty free of MPO for an amount equivalent to no more than 22 euros and a total weight of no more than 10 kg, or several MPO per month if they do not exceed these limits.

The specified norm is calculated for each recipient when the goods arrive at its address. Including juvenile.

A situation is possible when one package will delay, and the other will arrive earlier. As a result, the cost of parcels may exceed 22 euros. Is it possible to somehow avoid payment of duty on the basis of payment receipts, from which it will be seen that the goods ordered was at different times and the cost of ordered parcels does not exceed 22 euros per month?

The law determined that the customs authorities take into account the date of registration of documents submitted in accordance with the customs legislation of the Customs Union for the premises of such goods for temporary storage. Another procedure for calculating the specified term is not provided by law.

If the package still exceeds the cost of 22 euros, where do you pay for tax on it? In the mail upon receipt or should you go somewhere and pay?

Customs payments need to be paid in the post office in which international postal departure will be issued. The need to pay customs payments will be informed by the postal service operator.

Example. I ordered an external hard drive worth 90 dollars (or 82 euros). What duty will have to be paid in this case?

Answer GTK: If the cost of the goods sent to the IGO for personal use is $ 90 (which in terms of 82 euros) and the weight does not exceed 10 kg and during the calendar month to the address of this individual, other goods were sent, the amount of customs payments payable will be calculated As follows: (82 euros - 22 euros) x 30% + 5 euros (customs fee for the commission of customs operations), - and will be 23 euros.

What will happen if I exceed the limit and do not want to pay and take the parcel?

If the recipient fails to pay the accrued customs payments of MPO will be returned to the sender.

If the parcel cost is specified in Russian rubles, then what will the euro rate be applied? Do I need to pay a duty if during the delivery of goods the amount exceeded a duty-free limit due to the growth of the Russian ruble to the euro?

US dollar courses and euros to the Currency of the EAEU member currency are applied on the day of registration of the customs parish order.

Will there be new limits on parcels from EAEU?

MPOs sent between EAEU member states are considered intra-union postal shipments and are not subject to customs control. Customs operations are not committed against them.

Interested in the situation when the goods arrive in improper quality and the seller sends the goods re-. Will it be necessary to pay a second time a duty? For example, I bought a camera for 100 dollars with a seller warranty in 2 years. He broke until the restriction of 22 euros was introduced and was sent to the seller to replace or repair. The camera returns to Belarus after the entry of Declaration No. 40 by virtue. Will there be a tax?

Withdrawals with respect to any category of goods, including those sent by the seller, due to the execution of its contractual obligations under warranty repair or maintenance, not established by this decree.

In this case, the customs authorities will be taken into account the customs value and the weight of the goods delivered to the individual in the IGO during the calendar month.
In the case of sending goods for warranty repair or replacement without subsequent payment of import payments, it is necessary to confirm that it is these goods that were previously imported, and put them under the customs processing procedure outside the customs territory. After that, the goods can be attributed to the mail to send the seller.

If you buy a purchase through an online store in the amount of less than 22 euros (let's say 20 euros) and weighing less than 10 kg, but the delivery will cost 5 euros, and, therefore, the total comes to 25 euros, whether it will be considered that the limit of Decree No. 40 will be exceeded And have to pay a duty?

In accordance with part of the second paragraph 1 of Article 361 of the TC TC, when importing goods for personal use by individuals, the Customs Territory of the EAEU in the customs value of goods does not include the costs of transportation and insurance of goods before their arrival and after their arrival in such territory.

Example. The parcel came, 60 euros were written on it: the goods cost 32 euros, and the delivery - 28 euros, the parcel weight is 8 kg. What amount will the duty be taken?

Answer: The weight norm of duty-free import (10 kg) is not exceeded. Shipping cost is not taken into account. The amount of customs payments to be paid, calculated on the basis of the customs value, will be 8 euros in the equivalent: (32 - 22 euros) x 30% + 5 euros (customs fee) \u003d 8 euros. Also mail you pay the collection of 5.4 rubles for each parcel requiring customs duty.

As a rule, it does not cause users questions. But there are some nuances. The fact is that when crossing the border, the goods undergo customs control and for duty-free imports need to be laid in certain limits. Let's discuss with you what the maximum amount is currently applicable to purchases with Aliexpress For residents of Belarus.

  • Tobacco products. Usually on Aliexpress You can find a different tobacco for hookahs, for example, if you look very good and other smoking mixtures.
  • Seeds and plants. Probably you saw that on the site you can buy seeds of plants and colors or even the plants themselves. So do it carefully, since otherwise you can earn a lot of problems.
  • Weapons, spare parts, ammunition. Well, the supplies in the form of a garnet and such weapons you will definitely not find, but various knives, spare parts for weapons, for example, optical sights and other interesting things are sold here.
  • Precious stones and diamonds. No, buy decorations, of course, you can, but if you want to buy a separate stone, which is unlikely, because they are not found on Aliexpress then the customs will not miss it.
  • Spy's equipment. Here is a question somewhat controversial, since it is possible to attribute voice recorders, cameras, jams, and so on to such equipment. Sometimes even phones and similar techniques do not miss. Nevertheless, legislation is becoming increasingly adequate and many things are missing, but it is possible that when ordering the same GPS tracker for a child you will have no problem. It is not known what it depends on, probably from the adequacy of the customs officer, but still be prepared for everything.

As for such goods as food, dietary supplements, gym and other prohibited goods, they are on Aliexpress Simpar no.

In addition, if you decide to buy goods one of the forbidden categories for your country, then better consult with the seller. If he is delivered to your country, then surely knows how it is done and will share the information interesting to you.

How at customs in Belarus is the cost of parcel with AlExpress?

Each buyer is very important that the parcel cost is evaluated correctly, since if it becomes necessary to pay a duty, then it does not want to overpay anyone. As for the option, buyer on Aliexpress I ordered exactly $ 22 and if the customs feeds the parcel more, then again you will have to pay or prove that the price of the goods is less.

So, how do employees assess the cost of parcels? First of all, its price must specify the seller directly on the sticker. If the customs officer considers that the price is underestimated, he will appreciate it independently. For each product, customs has its own price. All products are assembled in a special directory, to some and relieve an employee. The same will be done in the event that the cost is not specified.

If the cost estimate does not suit you, then you can contact the Customs Union and provide them with documentation confirming that the cost of the goods is lower. This may be a payment check, invoice and other documents.

How to order on Aliexpress to Belarus a lot and not pay a duty?

  • If you do not need expensive goods, try to fit into the limit of 22 euros, and if there is a need to buy more, then try to negotiate with relatives or friends to buy on them. In general, according to the rules, it is not prohibited to order for one address, but on different names. Such a situation will allow you not to pay a fee on Aliexpressin Belarus, as the limit is calculated for each person, and not at a specific address.
  • Do not be afraid to ask the sellers to point out the amount of the amount of smaller, as they always go to the meeting. But remember that the customs control all the parcels and, if the employees seem that the price is strongly understated, they will independently determine the price of the goods.
  • When ordering the goods, you can use the services of services engaged in delivery through Russia or Kazakhstan, for which the limit is much higher. That is, first your product will come to one of these countries, and only after processing it will send it to you. It is worth noting that the services of firms are not free. Some take a fixed amount, and someone percentage of order. You can find such intermediaries on the Internet in a couple of minutes.

Video: Custom limits on parcels in Belarus

From April 14, 2016, the norms of duty-free receipt of goods in postal departments have changed in the Republic of Belarus. Without paying customs payments, one person is allowed to receive property worth no more than 22 euros and weighing up to 10 kilograms. Parcels not stacked in the established limit are not prohibited, but the amount of exceeding the permissible norms is subject to a custom duty, in addition it becomes mandatory payment of a fixed customs collection.

The limitations are established in the decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 40 of February 11, 2016.

Payments for sending individuals exceeding the established norms are also paid as commercial batch of goods. At the moment, the size of the customs duty is (in most cases) 30% of the cost; The value of the customs fee depends on the type of goods, for example, for the phone will have to pay 5 euros.

The calculation mechanism can be clearly represented as an easy arithmetic task:

  • Parcel cost: 100 euros;
  • Amount of exceeding the limit: 100 - 22 \u003d 78 euros;
  • 30% of 78 euros \u003d 23.4 euros;
  • Customs fee - 5 euros;
  • Total: 23,4 + 5 \u003d 28.4 euros.

In case of exceeding the limit by weight, but not at cost, the calculation is even easier: 4 euros for each kilogram over 10 permitted.

On the accrued customs payments, the recipient of the parcel will be able to learn from the telecom operator. It is also possible to make their payment in the Communication Department upon receipt of the goods.

The limits and duties on the parcels are customary to consider as a kind of barrier measures to protect the domestic market from cheaper imported goods, as well as how the method of taxation of citizens acquire commercial batch of goods under the guise of things for personal use. All entered restrictions are directed mainly against the online stores of foreign countries. However, officially all parcels from abroad are in the same position, i.e. Even gifts from foreign relatives can be charged with duty and harvest.

It is worth warming here that the intentional understatement of the parcel value becomes a matter of at least ungrateful. Customs authorities own sufficient information on the price range of most common goods

The view that postal departures from abroad are harmful to domestic and contribute to illegal enrichment, expressed the Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus Mikhail Myasnikovich, a few months before the signing of Decree No. 40. Such statements met many critical reviews. In particular, it was argued that 80 - 90% of residents of Belarus parcels do not receive from abroad. What a significant part of the imported goods coming by mail are not made. Finally, reminded of "transparency" of the inner borders of the Customs Union. Thanks to this, recipients of commercial lots of goods or simply expensive parcels can order them to address in Russia or another country of the Customs Union (where limits are worth hundreds of times more) and pay for shipments to Belarus. The income increase due to the new rules has not yet been reported. According to Internet surveys, most respondents intend to abandon expensive parcels from abroad. This does not guarantee a commensurate increase in budget revenues, but, of course, unpleasant to domestic buyers.

By 2019, the limit on parcels from abroad will gradually increase to 200 euros per month. This was announced on June 8 at the round table on e-commerce issues, Deputy Minister of Antimonopoly Regulation and Trade Irina Nacarevich reported.

Photo: Alexander Vasyukovich,

According to Irina NacarevichSince the introduction of limits on the parcels of Belpochta lost a rather large amount of money.

We knew that there would be a redistribution of goods in the territory of Russia - the post offices of the Bryansk and Smolensk regions are now actively working on Belarus. Therefore, the mail is now actively initiated by the return of the previous amounts of limits, "said the deputy minister.

Return to the limit of 200 euros per month will occur gradually until 2019. As Irina Narkevich notes, an instant return to previous amounts is impossible. The specific dates of increasing the limits of the deputy minister also does not call:

Now there is a discussion of this issue in conjunction with the State Customs Committee. They offered such an option: so that the total amount of parcels per month does not exceed 200 euros, and the cost of one remained at the level of 22 euros. That is, a person will be able to order more things duty free.

Recall, the limits on parcels from abroad and the import of goods from abroad were introduced on April 14, 2016. The reason for tightening the limits of the duty-free importation of goods was a significant increase in the importation of goods in a commercial scale to individuals without paying customs payments. Over the past year, Belarusians received 12.7 million international postal shipments and only 1% of them, according to data reported GTC, exceeded the limit of 22 euros. For the excess of the limits, Belarusians paid 2.4 million rubles last year.

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