Rainbow professions competition. Contest of creative works “Rainbow of professions. Teacher's introduction

Educational and entertainment program for career guidance

"The world in a rainbow of professions"

Goal:to introduce students to the diverse world of professions.


· To reveal in students already existing knowledge about various professions.

· Expand knowledge, horizons, vocabulary of students.

· To form a cognitive interest in working people and their professions.

Educator.Hello dear friends! Today we will talk about various professions.

What does the word "profession" mean? (Children's answers).

If we turn to the dictionary of the Russian language, we will read that professionis a genus labor activity, occupations, requiring some preparation and is usually a source of livelihood.

What professions do you know? (Answers of children. As a rule, guys name both professions and positions).Very good, but one mistake has crept into your answers. You have mixed professions and positions in your answers. What is a position? Let's look at the dictionary again.

Position- official position, place in any institution, and related job responsibilities... Now you can distinguish between these concepts. For example, there are teachers in our school. This is a profession. But the school has both the director and the head teacher - these are the positions they hold, while remaining teachers by profession.

Competition 1. "Profession or Position?"

Two students are invited to participate in the competition.

Various professions and positions are printed on pieces of paper. Each player is given the same set of lettering sheets. It is necessary to sort them out as quickly as possible into two columns: "profession" and "position". Can be attached to a magnetic board. Approximately the following options are offered: doctor, teacher, director, builder, head teacher, cook, manager, salesman, foreman, metallurgist, etc. (The winner receives a token.)

You have coped with this competition. Now pay attention to the next competition ... If we figure it out, everything will be all right.

Competition 2. "Who is in front of you?"

Two students are invited to participate in the competition. By working clothes and uniforms, we can determine who works with whom and where. Name the professions of the people in the pictures (sailor, pilot, doctor, astronaut, policeman, firefighter, bulldozer driver, tractor driver). The winner is the one who completes the task faster. (The winner receives a token.)

Play with the audience. Puzzles(for the correct answer - token):

1. With an ax, a plane

He cut the planks

Made window sills

No hitch - a hitch. (A carpenter).

2. Put dexterous two hands

Heels on shoes.

And heels on the heels -

Also the work of these hands. (Shoemaker).

3. Puts brick by brick,

Floor by floor is growing

And every hour, every day,

Higher, higher new house.(Mason).

4. At work day-to-day

He controls his hand.

Raises that hand

One hundred poods under the clouds. (Crane operator)

5. Who is on the rails - along the tracks

Are the trains leading to us? (Driver).

6. He loves to plant flowers,

Grow and water them. (Florist).

7. From sifted flour

He bakes us pies

Rolls, buns, rolls.

Who is he? Guess! (Baker.)

8. We work as a team

They bring us sand, concrete.

It is necessary to work together,

To build a new home. (Builders.)

9. Here on the edge with caution

He paints iron.

He has a bucket in his hands

He himself is painted motley. (Painter.)

10. At the easel with a brush, I am.

Paints are my friends.

I am alone and not alone

Surrounded by paintings. (Painter.)

11. On a piece of paper, on a page -

Either dots, or birds:

Everyone is sitting on the ladder

And the songs are chirping. (Musician.)

Competition 3. "Who Lost This Thing?"

Two students are invited to participate in the competition. Various things and tools are laid out on the table. Participants are invited to take turns taking one subject and name the profession of the person to whom, in his opinion, it belongs, explain why he thinks so. The winner is the one who names the profession last. On the table, you can put an electric light bulb (electrician), a pen with red paste (teacher), a ladle (cook), hairbrush (hairdresser), a spool of thread with a needle (seamstress, tailor), etc. (The winner receives a token).

Competition 4. "Art Salon".

Five children are invited to take envelopes with names of professions enclosed in them. It is necessary to read the task and draw on a piece of paper an object that characterizes a particular profession. If the audience guesses right away, then "the artist gets a token. You can offer a profession: artist, singer or musician, photographer, confectioner, programmer, doctor, driver, salesman, hairdresser, beekeeper, etc.

Play with the audience. "I like this..."

While the contestants are drawing, the audience is invited to play. They stand in a circle. The first child says: "And I like the profession of a teacher," the next child says the same as the first, and adds another profession, for example: "And I like the profession of a teacher and a doctor," the third adds again, for example, "And I like the profession teacher, doctor and psychologist ", etc. The list of professions grows, and it becomes more and more difficult to repeat it. A mistake in replaying or adding a profession means that the player is out. The player who is the last in the game wins. He is given a token.

Competition 5. "Specialists"

Three guys are invited to participate in the competition. Everyone chooses some profession that he likes. You can write these professions on the board so that viewers can see the names. Players are invited to take turns to name one subject belonging to a representative of his profession. The one who finds it difficult to name the item is eliminated from the game . (The winner receives a token.)

Competition 6. "The Brave Tailor"

Two boys are invited. Need to thread the needle as quickly as possible. (The winner receives a token.)

Competition 7. "Young Constructors"

Two girls are invited. It is necessary to make a paper airplane as soon as possible. The one who makes it faster gets the token. You can test aircraft (testers) and give a token to the one whose plane will fly further.

Competition 8. "Actors"

Those who wish are invited from the hall and show a pantomime. It is necessary to say the name of the profession to be shown quietly to the teacher, and to portray it so that the audience can guess. If the audience immediately guessed the intended profession, then the "actor" receives a token.

Competition 9. "Expert in rural professions"

This competition is quite difficult for city dwellers. But still, let's try to remember what professions can the residents of rural areas have.

Everyone is welcome to participate in the competition. Children are asked to look at illustrations depicting a milkmaid, a pig, a poultry woman, a fur breeder, a shepherd, a tractor driver, a veterinarian, an agronomist, etc. If there are no illustrations, then you can tell about the activities of a representative of a particular profession, and the child will have to name it. For example: "A woman or man caring for and raising chickens, ducks, geese, etc.", "A woman or man who treats animals", etc. (The winner receives a token.)

Competition 10. "Who works here?"

Two students are invited. An illustration of a plant or kindergarten (any other institution) is hung on the board. Participants are invited to name as many professions as possible of the people working in this enterprise. The one who names the most professions wins and receives a token.

Educator.So our game program "The world in a rainbow of professions". Many of you showed today good knowledge different professions. Now let's sum up the results of our game. The winners receive medals "Expert of Professions" 1, 2 and 3 degrees, and participants - incentive prizes.

The complete lesson can be downloaded at the beginning of the page

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IV Festival of professions: Competition "Rainbow of professions"

Competition of creative works
"Rainbow of professions"

Position | Outcome General Provisions Contest creative works vocational guidance orientation "Rainbow of professions" (hereinafter - the Competition) is held by the Interschool educational center No. 4 within the framework of the IV Festival of professions. The subject of the Competition is children's creative photographs and drawings of vocational guidance topics (hereinafter - Works). Purpose of the Competition: attracting the attention of children and youth to the need for a conscious choice of a professional path. Objectives of the Competition: - creating conditions for professional self-determination; - development of the creative abilities of student youth, the cognitive interest of schoolchildren in the profession. The competition is held in two categories: - Color photographs. - Drawings. Conditions and procedure for the competition The participants of the Competition are students of secondary schools of the Sovetsky district of Krasnoyarsk, as well as students of additional education institutions. The competition is held in two age groups: Group 1 - children from 6 to 10 years old; Group 2 - children from 10 to 16 years old. Color photographs on glossy or matte paper with a size of at least 30x45 cm are accepted for the competition, as well as drawings made on paper (cardboard) in format from A4 (album sheet) to A1 (Whatman sheet) in color. Drawings can be made in any genre and technique (ink, gouache, watercolor, pastel, engraving, graphics, mixed techniques, etc.).
The number of Works accepted for consideration from one school of the district is not more than three in each age group and for each nomination. Works are presented in expanded form in a mat or frame, in the lower right corner of which the title of the work, the author's name and surname, the number of full years, the institution should be indicated in printed type. Application procedure To participate in the Competition, you must submit an application according to the specified sample (Appendix No. 1) to the organizing committee by e-mail before March 1, 2010: [email protected] , or at the address Krasnoyarsk, Ustinovich street 24 A cab. 222 tel. 245-59-96 (98). Works are accepted until March 10, 2010 at the address indicated above. Each work must have an inscription on the reverse side, in which you need to indicate: the title of the work, the author's name and surname, the number of full years, the name of the educational institution, as well as information about the teacher (consultant). Summing up and awarding procedure Summing up the results of the Competition, the announcement of the winners will take place within the framework of the closing ceremony of the IV Festival of Occupations of the Soviet District. A jury is formed for the Contest. The jury includes the organizers of the Competition, teachers, specialists in career guidance work, teachers of the Siberian Federal University, professional artists... The jury in its activities is guided by these Regulations. The Jury of the Competition: - determines the criteria for evaluating works;
- evaluates work,
- determines the winners;
- prepares proposals for awarding the winners. Additional Information tel. 245-59-96 Mikhalyak Vera Vasilievna

Appendix No. 1


Application for participation in the competition of creative works "Rainbow of professions"

Director _____________________ (full name)

Larisa Dugina

A person in his life is constantly faced with the problem of choice. Choice profession Is one of the most serious, most important decisions in life.

"What do you want to be when you grow up?" - This is the most popular question that adults like to ask very young children.

The time will come, and our children will have to choose profession... Many roads will open before them, where they can find their place in this world. Maybe one of them will become a scientist or an astronaut. Among them there are those who sing and dance well and their future is the theater stage. And who loves to cook may one day become a chef.

Every year the Employment Center of the city of Alatyr conducts in April children's drawing competition« Rainbow of professions» ... This year it passed under the title "Man of Labor through the Eyes of Children".

Children attending the club « Young artist» and groups "Polyanka" accepted active participation and took prizes. Children were awarded with certificates and prizes.

Congratulations to our students:

Emelyanova Elizaveta - I place

Dolgova Natasha - I place

Ustrimov Varvara - II place

Bessonova Romana - III place

The works were distinguished by their uniqueness, originality, technique of execution, efforts, creativity and soul of children are invested in each drawing.

We wish you further creative victories!

Related publications:

Once the guys and I made an exciting excursion around the kindergarten and learned that in preschool not only educators work.

I would like to bring to your attention the group project "Rainbow of Creativity". I was very lucky with a partner: a responsible and creative person.

In autumn in our kindergarten an event dedicated to the rules road traffic... So that the children are not bored with the rules.

So the new 2016 has come. What will he bring us? I hope a lot of new and interesting things. It is impossible to look into the future, but to remember.

From February 29 to March 4, a competition among parents (legal representatives) "The most original hat" was held in our preschool educational institution as part of the celebration.

Abstract of the OOD for cognitive development "Rainbow of professions" Topic: "Rainbow of professions" Educational tasks: 1. To develop in children the ability to reason, analyze and represent the profession by connecting.

"The world in a rainbow of professions"

running under the motto

"Rare, important, necessary professions"

Organizing committee

GOU Center for social and labor adaptation and vocational guidance "Gagarinsky" in Moscow

· District Methodological Center of the South-West District Education Department, Moscow Department of Education;

· Moscow Finance and Law Academy / MFYuA /;

· Institute of World Economy and Informatization / IMEI /;

Moscow State University / MSU /.

General Provisions .

Sooner or later, every child faces the need to ask himself the question: "Who to be?" And in search of an answer to it, children begin to look at the work of their parents in a different way, notice the features of the professional activities of the people around them, at their own hobbies. Hobbies, from which a professional orientation can then be formed, thanks to which confidence in your professional path is developed.

To help all the children find their vocation, evaluate the entire palette of professions, learn more about rare professions, and it was announced that a competition for children's creative works "The World in a Rainbow of Professions" was held under the slogans "Rare, important, necessary professions", "The most the right profession - teacher " .

The competition, in addition to vocational guidance, also aims to show children all the complexity and versatility of the teaching profession in the life of society and the individual.

In this show jumping, children and adolescents using paints, photos and computer work will be able to demonstrate who their parents work or their grandparents worked, talk about some rare profession, and also think about who they want to become when they grow up, and that the existence of the World is impossible without the labor of people.

The purpose of the competition :

- attracting the attention of students to the conscious choice of the future professional path;

Assistance in social and labor adaptation of children with disabilities;

Integration of children and children with disabilities into an equal environment.

The competition is aimed at solving the following tasks :

1. Acquaintance with the world of professions.

2. Creation of conditions for professional self-determination.

3. Development of creative abilities in children.

The competition is held in the following nominations :

1. Fine art (drawing, painting, graphics, collage, arts and crafts).

3. Literary presentations (prose, poetry, essay-reasoning, essay, literary sketch).


All children and adolescents from 7 to 18 years old, teams, organizations are invited to participate in the competition.

Works are accepted without preliminary selection.

Requirements for work.

The works submitted for the competition must fully reflect the theme of the competition "The world in a rainbow of professions", held under the motto "Rare, important, necessary professions"

"The most needed profession is a teacher"

The works submitted for the competition must meet the following requirements:

· To works on fine art:

The size of the work is A3, A4 format;

The works are accepted in the form (rigid mat with fastening for hanging or a frame with glass);

On the reverse side, you must indicate in block letters: surname, name of the author, his age, title of work, name of the institution, his address and phone number, surname of the teacher, address email institutions;

A label is provided for each job separately. The text should be printed in block letters according to the sample

and contain: full name child, age,

name of the organization,


· To works in the direction of literary presentation and author's photo:

The works were performed by children and adolescents independently, the age of the participants is from 7 to 18 years

Literary works are accepted in a formatted form, printed or written by hand (to post works on the competition website, you must attach the work on an electronic medium);

The title page of the literary presentation must contain: surname, name, patronymic, age, work title (topic), educational institution, home, email address (welcome) and participant's phone number (required).

- Attention! For works in the nomination "author's photo" must be attached title page and a label is provided separately for each PHOTO work. The text should be printed in block letters according to the sample and contain:

F.I. child, age,

job title, school number or

name of the organization,

FULL NAME. head.

Work evaluation criteria

Artwork :

Disclosure of the topic;

Colorfulness (brightness);


Accessibility (understandability);

Creative finds;

Artistic performance.

Literary presentation (essay-reasoning, essay, literary sketch, abstract):

The sequence of presentation of the topic;

Argumentation of choice;


The brilliance of the description;

A creative approach to the disclosure of the topic.

Disclosure of the topic;


Accessibility (understandability);

Creative finds.

All participants of the competition are awarded certificates, the winners in three nominations, diplomas and gifts.

Terms of submission of works for the competition:

Delivery of works is carried out by participants independently at the address:

moscow st. Fotieva, 14, building 2. Center for social and labor adaptation and vocational guidance "Gagarinsky";

Works submitted for the competition are accompanied by a participant's questionnaire Appendix # 1;

Institutions and organizations providing works for the competition in the amount of more than 5 units fill out the participant's application form Appendix No. 2.

The works submitted for the competition can be used at the discretion of the organizers of the competition. The organizers of the competition reserve the right to refuse to accept work that contradicts the terms of the competition. It is prohibited to submit to the competition works in which profanity, aggressive or obscene language is used, as well as if the content contradicts legislative documents RF.

Handwritten works will not be used as publications on the competition website.

To post a work on the site in the section "Competition", it must be accompanied by a copy on electronic media in the formatword, and for photos in the formatjpeg.

The works are taken by the participants within two weeks after the dissolution of the exhibition; the organization is not responsible for unclaimed works.

Terms of the competition :

Acceptance of works will be carried out from December 21, 2009 to January 29, 2010 inclusive.

Works are accepted at : st. Fotieva, 14, building 2. Center social and labor adaptation and vocational guidance "Gagarinsky";

Notification of school administrations and heads of participants about the results of the competition will be carried out a week before the award ceremony.


The jury includes leading experts from the UMC in the field of the declared nominations, specialists in career guidance, representatives of municipalities, universities, colleges and other specialists.

Organizing committee:

Defines and controls general order holding a competition;

Confirms the composition of the jury;

Summarizes and analyzes the results of the competition, awards the winners

Holds an exhibition best works

· The organizers of the competition reserve the right to introduce organizations supporting the competition into the organizing committee.

Official details of the organizer of the competition :

GOU Center for social and labor adaptation and vocational guidance "Gagarinsky": 119333 Moscow st. Fotieva, 14, building 2.

WWW.PSYKONVOY.RU / Site of the center of TsSTAiPO "Gagarinsky" /

Curator of the competition: Shmarova Evgeniya Vladimirovna