A script for initiating newcomers into young needlewomen of the association. Scenario of the holiday "Dedication to Young Artists" Petrova T.M. Scenario "Initiation into young musicians"

SCENARIO "Initiation into young musicians"
Choir of first graders on stage
Leading. Good afternoon, dear guys, adults and guests of our holiday! We are glad to welcome you to our cozy art school. Today we have a holiday - initiation into Young Musicians.
(Reciters from the chorus)
1.In our city, green and bright
A lot of kids are studying now
Art school number two greet them
Here we will also become musicians2.
This is where the music begins
She sounds everywhere here
And we stand right at the start
A beautiful but difficult path
It's not easy to learn to sing or play songs, It takes a lot of work to become a musician.
Presenter: The choir of first-graders will perform two songs: 1. "Sandals for a centipede" and
2. "A simple song", leader Evgenia Viktorovna Beldyugina, accompanist Oksana Vladimirovna Kuznetsova.
(chorus leaves)
Presenter: in order to become real musicians you need to go through a difficult path, on which you need hard work, patience, perseverance, striving for perfection and much, much more. Are you guys ready?
Audience: Yes!
Presenter: Then, let's go. Yes, I completely forgot, before you go on the road you need to do what?, Tell the guys
Presenter: I think we need to refresh ourselves. And not a sandwich with sausage and not a roll, but a musical good mood. Young musicians of the choir department will perform two wonderful songs for us: the German song "Brother Yakov" and the song "Mysi", the director Alla Yurievna Speranskaya, accompanist Elena Vitalevna Nikolaeva
(the choir of the 1st grades of school No. 23 is being built)
Choir reciters
1. Our school is not simple, Musical like that. They play and sing in it, They live together with music.
2.Many wise teachers, and director at the head, Every day the children are taught Music and beauty.
3. "Brother Jacob"
4. "Mice"
Presenter: We have refreshed ourselves with songs, but I want to listen to musical instruments. Now the guys who are learning to play folk instruments will take the stage.
(to the audience) What folk instruments do you know? (in the audience they answer)
Well done. You know a lot. And now you will see and hear both domra and balalaika. The ensemble "Teremok" is performing, consisting of: Shvedova Karina, Andreeva Vasilisa and Savelyev Aleksey, leader Lidia Yurievna Riga, accompanist Elena Yurievna Bespalova. Several folk songs will be performed at once. combined into one piece, such a combination is called a potpourri.
5. Potpourri for Russian folk songs
6. And now the riddle:
I stand on three legs, Feet in black boots. White teeth, pedal. What is my name? (piano) That's right, so let's listen to Aliya Almukhametova's play "At the Skating Rink", O.A.Inkin Ave. The song of a lion cub and a turtle, performed by Yulia Kuchinskaya, V.P. Anokhin ave. Presenter: Well, it's a completely different matter. We are full of music, and now we can go further. (noise behind the scene)
Come out (fairy tale characters)
Sick Hooligankin. Stop, we have arrived! Sushi the paddles!
Krivlyak Neumekhin. I mean - turn the shafts, rookies! There is no further way!
Leading. Hello, hello. Do you guys know who this is?
Hall (call all sorts of names)
Host Alas, guys. These two persons always spoil our holiday. Meet: Angry Hooligankin (comes forward Angry and grimaces) and Krivlyak Neumekhin (leaves) And you want to say that there is no road to the country of musical knowledge?
Yes, we always walked along this path ...
Sick Hooligankin. You never know who here roamed before ... Here's the path and trampled! Oh, bitter woe to us! She overgrown, dear, over the summer, flooded her, my dear, swamp water!
Krivlyak Neumekhina. Chu-chu is your path of knowledge. We now have a swamp of dropouts. Whisper!
Leading. Swamp? Half-educated ?! Oh, but there is no other way to the country of Young Musicians!
Both. Aha!
Leading. And if we don't get there, then ... oh, then there won't be a country either ...
Sick Hooligankin. How smart she is!
(Reader): One-two, one-two,
Knowledge is nonsense!
One-two, one-two
This is boredom!
Remember everything forever:
An ignoramus is a man!
And it sounds proud!
Leading. Poor things? Oh, how I feel sorry for you!
Krivlyak Neumekhin. What is she? Look, I'm sorry for her!
Sick Hooligankin. Yes, she messed up: she felt sorry for these children - the poor.
What are you - we should be proud of our students
Krivlyak Neumekhina Well, you have an idea. Why be proud of them. Little ones sit, they don't know how to do anything.
This is where you are wrong. They also learn nothing at all, but it's not a shame to go on stage.
Badass On stage and I can go out (grimaces on stage)
Grimace And look at me, be proud of me (grimace)
Presenter So also you need to perform musical works
Grimace It is now (pokes at the keys)
Sickle No Krivlyak today is not your day, you don't play expressively (sits down at the piano herself)
Grimace Haha, and you yourself
Sickness Yes, their tools are ruined.
Grimace Let me go
Badass My chair (scuffle - they roar together)
Presenter Yes, dear guests, what to do with you? Calm down, listen to music. Then we'll think of something (sit on the steps)
8. Alexandra Semyonkina is performing, G.P. Kostyuchenko ave., Composer Abelev "Spring Song"
9.Potyomkina Maria together with her teacher T.P. Voronova. Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation will perform the Ukrainian dance "Kazachok"
10. And one more ensemble. An ensemble means together. And Kira Revenkova and her teacher Lyudmila Vladimirovna Rusanova will speak. They will feature the polka of the Russian composer Alexander Borodin.
11. Alexandra Pryakhina will perform the play "The Cat's Talk", pr. LV Kirpichnikova Host That's good gentlemen. And you are illiterate. I can't write a letter to you. Not a good fairy tale to read!
Krivlyak Why read them - break your eyes! Perhaps our health does not allow us!
Sickness. Ha-tales! We already know them - like the back of my hand!
Leading. Oh, something is hard to believe, in my opinion, someone is bragging - and they won't blink an eye.
Both. We bet - we know!
Leading. I bet you don't know! Okay, let's check it out now.
I'll start and you finish
Answer in chorus:
"The cat in ..."
Sickness. "The cat in the padded jacket!"
Grimace Well, you give the Cat in the Skullcap!
(the presenter asks the audience).
Leading. Boots ...
Both. Imported!
(Children's answers)
Playing with children: (Serpent Gorynych, Little Humpbacked Horse, flying carpet, Koschey the Immortal, Baba Yaga, Boy-with-finger, Nightingale the Robber, Ryaba Chicken, Santa Claus, Little Red Riding Hood, Syvka-Burka).
Sickness. Look, how quick they are! So they spar, and spar!
Grimace. Yes, it hurts, the tasks are serious! What a day we are suffering, and we won't remember one school word - sclerosis, so that it!
Sickness. Why not one! I remembered: "two"!
Leading. So how?
Grimace. How how! If you don't see, we are sitting where we were! Looks like not enough.
Presenter Okay, don't be upset. Listen to our guys, it will immediately become easier. Before the musician takes the stage, solve the riddle
He has a pleated shirt
He loves to dance in a squat
He dances and sings -
if it falls into the hands
Forty buttons on it
With pearlescent fire
Merry fellow, not a brawler
My vociferous (accordion)
12. Ivan Chikhranov will perform the Russian folk song "Like under a hill, under a mountain." Etc. Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation Yu.A. Kovalevsky.
13. Arseny Gorokhov Children's song "Three frogs". Etc. L. V. Kirpichnikova
14 another mystery
Guess, guys
This stringed instrument
Will ring at any moment (guitar)
Alexander Travin is performing, N.G.Shpak ave. Composer Kalinin "Polka"
Presenter: Well, how are you?, How are you feeling?
Grimace Hey, feeling well, how are you? (Slaps his chest)
Speaks well
Sickness And my mood is just super.
Grimace Let's go do something good
Creep Let's go. (Leave)
Presenter: We have a wonderful holiday today. They even helped Sickle with Krivlyaka. And all this is music. Today is as special as a birthday. Birthday of young musicians. And everyone always congratulates on their birthday. The director of our school S.N. Salnikov is ready to congratulate you guys. Let's give him the floor.
(Director's word)
15. Presenter: Performed by Polina Timofeeva. Alina Gennadievna Belousova Ave. will sound Tango. Composer Rodriguez.
16. Presenter: One more dance - the minuet will be performed by Anton Demin. Etc. S.N.Salnikov. In the 18th century, this dance was called the king of dances and King Louis 14 himself composed the minuets. 17 Presenter: Young frogs also love to dance. Arseny Stenin will perform the play, which is called "Dancing frogs", G.A.Bataev ave. Presenter: without a head, but in a hat
One leg and one without a boot
One-two, One-two
Part yourself, kids
What's the rumble here and there?
They bought me ... (drum)
18. A children's song about a drum will be performed by Timofey Mokhov, L.V. Kirpichnikov Ave. Leading:
Music from the cartoon “Masha and the Bear” will be performed by Nikolai Bodin and his teacher Elena Ivanovna Neugodnikova, Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation.
20. "Let's play boogie" is the name of the funny play, which will be performed by Sofia Rabinovich and her teacher Elena Yurievna Bespalova
If three musicians perform on stage at once, such an ensemble is called a trio. And what instruments will you hear now - guess: It will only play, the heart will stop,
Big pipe
She's so tender.
And don't you dare breathe now!
Played on what? On - (flute)
21. Presenter: A trio of flutists, consisting of Sofia Britenkova, Andrey Ildeikin and Eva Tsareva, will perform the play "Cockerel", Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation A.F. Rassadin, ave. accompanist L.A. Rassadina.
22. Presenter: And now an ensemble of guitarists is on the stage. We have already heard the guitar, heard its soft, velvety sound. And now let's hear how several guitars sound, teachers Natalya Igorevna Ivanova and Lidia Yuryevna Riga.
23. Presenter: The vocal ensemble of the choir department is performing. Hands. A.P. Terentyeva, conc. J.V. Andryushin.
Two songs will be played:
"Do, re, mi"
24. "Song-mystery" Host: Our school has a good tradition to end the holiday of dedication with a hymn for first-graders, it was written especially for you, dear children, by the teacher of our school, Honored Worker of Culture of the Ulyanovsk Region Elena Ivanovna Neugodnikova. I ask all first graders to go on stage:
(reciters from the choir)
We have been dedicated today to musicians - this is a class! We swear, we promise that we will not let you down! This is the title of a musician We will be proud to wear it! And we will love our native musician Most of all!
(first graders anthem)
Presenter: our holiday is over, good luck!

Municipal budgetary institution
additional education Tulun city
"Children's music school"


Scenario: Tkach Ya.A.
Moderators: Tkach Ya.A.
Petrova D.S.
Inzaitin S.E.

Tulun 2016

Snow White: Hello! We are very glad to see you - this time. We have gathered here for a reason - these are two.
Bim-bom. Well, thirdly, we are now starting our story.

Snow White: Well, the funny dwarf Bim-Bom will help me today.

Snow White: A year has passed, and it's time to take to the Nursery music school new inhabitants of the musical country - our first graders. Bim-Bom, is everything ready for the holiday?
Bim Bom. Don't worry Snow White, I took care of everything. He prepared beautiful Diplomas, gifts for the children and decorated our wonderful stage with notes. (learns about the loss)
Oh, where are the notes? What to do? Without them, the magic spell of Music is powerless

Snow White: This is all very strange. In my opinion, something very bad happened. Maybe the guys know something? Guys, do you know where all the notes have gone?

(Falsity enters to the music)

False: Colors of music - seven notes,
Hid them under lock and key
I forbid children to sing and dance
The world will be colorless everywhere
I will rule this world!
Hello, I'm madam - Fake.

Snow White: Everything is clear, this fake hid all the colors of the music!

False: Yes, yes, yes! Since childhood, I don't like all sorts of paints, I locked them in a box
(shows the box) and you won't be able to get to your Harmony!
As long as the notes are in the box, you will never beat me!
To get notes, you need to work hard and pass the tests.

Bim-Bom: Well, how am I alone? What if I can't cope?

Snow White: Look, dear Bim-Bom, how many guys are around. Today they have a holiday "Dedication to Musicians".
They, too, face trials, different tasks.
And if the children can handle them,
They will become famous in the world of music.
They will be given the title of "Young Musician"
For their diligence and talent!

Bim-Bom: Tell us, please, your colorlessness, and with what keys does the box open?
Well, Fake, please tell me how the box opens?

False: Ho - ho! Okay, I'll tell you. Only the right answers to very difficult questions will open my box.

Snow White: Let's try guys answer the tough questions?

False: but where are you, I myself do not know these answers!

Snow White: We'll try, right guys?

False: well listen:

(She makes riddles, children answer)

Curled, beautiful sign
We will draw like this.
He is great and omnipotent
This is our (treble clef)
Five rulers - home for notes
The note lives here in everyone.
People in the world different countries
The name of the ruler (stave)
If the note wanted
Ascending to heaven
There is a special sign for her
Called (sharp)
To make a note below
There is another password icon
It is called simply
Buck (flat)

False: what kind of children, they know everything!
Is leaving
BIM_BOM: false, where are you? You promised to open the box! Our guys are all
guessed correctly!

False: Okay, take it! (gives the box)
(To the magic music, the host opens the box, but it is empty)

Snow White: Where are the notes ?!

False: Hear, there they are already coming. I'd rather go out of here, with such smart ones
nothing to do! (leaves)
(marching, notes enter the hall)
Snow White: This note is where the rain is
Sweets and plantain
With her, joy and enthusiasm,
The commander is kinder to her.
It will rain, pour a bucket
A note sits in the house. (before)
(Children guess the note. The note DO appears on the stage).
Bim-Bom: Nota rushes to the ball in a carriage,
Splashes in the sea and in the river,
There is it in the vinaigrette,
And in the belt, and in the house.
Who is there splashing in the river?
Guess - a note. (Re)
(The note PE enters the scene).
Snow White: The note is found in the fireplace,
Eats almonds and walks in mini
Can lay a mine
And serve in the police.
Hug cute kids
And sing a note to them. (Mi)
(The MI note enters the scene).
Bim Bom: Wearing a sundress
And a veil and bows
Our note eats candy
And throws candy wrappers.
The store has a sofa
And we have a note ... (fa)
(Note FA enters the scene).
Snow White: The note on the console rises
And the solfeggio sings.
In scarlet sails Assol
Sang along to the note .. (salt)
(The note SALT enters the scene).
Bim Bom: This note is in the reveler
And in a kalyak, and in a malyak,
In the strawberries in the meadow,
And also in a glass jar.
We were looking for a crane
And found a note here (la)
(The note LYa enters the scene).
Snow White: Nota says "Mercy!"
Only rides a taxi
Loves moccasins
Strongmen and oranges.
The taxi driver was taking a taxi
He lost a note .. (si)
(The SI note enters the scene).
Note DO: We guys are glad to see you all
You will receive rewards.
And the house will become magical
Where we look forward to seeing you!

RE: Look guys,
How many guests came to us
To congratulate on the holiday
You talented children!

MI: All of you had time with music
Make friends forever
It means your heart
It can't be made of ice.

FA: You Feel Like Fun
Singing birds in the morning
And a sad story in the ringing
Rain tears on the glass.

SALT: Soon you can yourself
These sounds pick up
And on the keys and strings
The whole world to portray.

LYA: We wish, kids,
All the best to you.
May always be in music
There will be only five.

SI: And now we are ready for you
Take everyone into musicians,
But try first
You can guess the riddles.

Bim Bom: Gnomes-notes go to the stave. (gnomes attach notes to the staff and go out the door)
And before starting to guess riddles, the folklore ensemble "Svirelka" will perform on our stage

Snow White: He has a pleated shirt, he likes to dance squatting.
Forty buttons on it with mother-of-pearl fire.
Merry fellow, not a brawler, my vociferous (button accordion)
Performs on our stage:
Chamomile Ivan: Kachurbina "Bear with a doll"
Melnik Misha: Latyshev "Emelya on the stove"

Bim-Bom: I stand on three legs, legs - in black boots
White teeth, pedal, and my name is (piano)
And now he will speak:
1.Epova Katya: the old dance "Counterdance".
2. Poghosyan Elizabeth: R.N.P. "Rain"

Snow White: The string is ringing, she sings, and everyone can hear the song.
Six strings play whatever, and the instrument is always fashionable.
He will never get old. We call that instrument (guitar)

Bim-Bom: And here is the forest, and here is the clearing
there is no piano here.
Who will help you sing, dance?
Who will play for us at five?
Well of course it's him -
Played. (Accordion)
And on our stage he will play:
Siliveev Sasha: r.n.p. "Chastushka"
Bogdanov Sasha: r.n.p. "Cat and Chicken"
Polyakova Arina: r.n.p. "Oh, you, Vanka, bend down"

And now we invite Sofia Kulikova, Marianna Efimova and Adeline Kovalenko to the stage: Yakubovskaya "Petushok"

Bim-Bom: If you combine the text with the melody and then perform it together,
What you will hear, of course, is called easily and simply - (song)

The choir "Rodnichok" will perform the song "Gnomes"

Note DO:
Look, these kids
They are friendly with musical notation,
Our school of music
These are the ones you need!

And so today
For the first time and forever
First graders with honor
Will we accept musicians?
Viewers: YES!

Golden treble clef
We will give you now,
He's into fine art
Will open the door silently.

Music sounds .. First graders are handed a KEY.

A world of sounds will open to you
Unknown before
A sea of \u200b\u200bcolorful melodies
And the magic of harmonies.

We are all glad to see you today
To dedicate to musicians,
I sincerely congratulate you all
And to present you with diplomas.

(Music plays First graders are awarded diplomas)

And also gifts for you.
There will be light and shadow in life
But try longer
This is an important day to remember.

(Music plays GIFTS ARE HANDED)

Well, you guys to
Didn't forget about studying
So that you learn lessons
They loved to come here
He will tell you without hiding
All about school moments
Our music director,
Here he is, applause!

Director: C today you are musicians
We sincerely congratulate you,
And in order to show you talents for music,
Take your oath to us now!
I swear to always be healthy
Come to school regularly!
Children: I swear!
I swear to play and write decently,
And in a knapsack to wear "good" and "excellent"!
Children: I swear!
I swear that I will try
Don't fight my friends anymore!
Children: I swear!
I swear to be a child raised,
Do not run around school, but walk at a step!
Children: I swear!
And if I break my oath,
Then I give my milk tooth,
Then I promise to wash the dishes forever,
I won't play on the computer anymore!
Children: I swear!
I will always be perfect child

Children: I swear!

Snow White: Dear Parents! Now it is your turn to take the Oath:
I swear (be I a mother or be I a father)
Always say “Well done” to your child!
Parents: I swear!
I swear not to "build" the child's studies,
I swear to master our instrument together with him!
Parents: I swear!
For deuces I swear I won't scold him
And do homework to help him!
Parents: I swear!
And if I break my oath,
Then I give my last tooth,
Then my promise baby
Feed boiled condensed milk every day!
Parents: I swear!
Then I will be an ideal parent
And I will never forget my oath!
Parents: I swear!

Applause to parents

Bim Bom: In this scroll we will write
Clearly your names,
Let's wrap it up, put a seal
Look, here it is.
Through the years will take place
Your graduation exam,
Then we'll open it in front of everyone
This list is clandestine.
Try to stay in it,
And not be out halfway
And in the same composition
All to reach the release.

(The scroll is sealed and kept at the school until the first graders graduate.)

Snow White: Dear guys! Dear guests! Our holiday has come to an end, we once again sincerely congratulate our first graders: now you have become real musicians!

Bim-Bom: And now we invite our young musicians to the stage for a collective photo.

Internet resources:

Page 2 of 2

SCENARIOholiday for 1st grade students"Initiation into young musicians"

Come out seven notes and presenter.

Opening song

Leading: We're newbies today

We dedicate to musicians,

Speak without words

We promise to teach them.

We will live in the world of sounds

We obey these sounds

You can ask with sounds

You can answer with sounds.

You can hear in the sounds

You can send you a hot hello with sounds.

We are very glad to all guests!
The holiday knocked on our house!
First graders, come in!
We look forward to seeing you!

First graders enter, build on the stage.


Look guys
How many guests came to us
To congratulate on the holiday
You talented children!

All of you have time with music
Make friends forever
It means - your heart
It can't be made of ice.
You think it's fun
Singing birds in the morning
And a sad story in the ringing
Rain tears on the glass.

You will soon be able to
These sounds pick up
And on the keys and strings
The whole world to portray.

First graders read a poem.

1st first grader. Carefully we enter

To this house of music
And we'll get used to it over time
We will be comfortable in it.
2nd first grader. We will always try

Only get fives.
We promise to teachers
Only joy to deliver.
3rd first grader. Solfeggio will teach

Soon we will write a dictation.
We will sing in the choir together,
Developing your talent.

4th first grader. And let mom not be around -
We will play hard scales.

5th first grader. And wherever we have to live -
Everything. We swear to love music!

Group 1 class performs a song.

After singing the song, everyone sits down in the hall.

Leading: Today, guys, funny notes came to visit us for a holiday. How many notes are there guys? (seven). From just seven notes, composers compose beautiful music. And for it to sound, you need musical instruments. What musical instruments do you know?

Guys call different instruments

First graders reciting poetry are invited to the stage.

Leading: Now guess the riddle, what kind of musical instrument is it?

The tool you all know

Handsome, slender, interesting,

And if you press the keys,

Can tell a lot

The pedals help in the game,

The color of the sound is changed

And the music rushes into the distance ...

The tool is called - piano (together).

First graders:

A grand piano has many keys and strings.

Each string has a play hammer.

The keys have two colors - black and white,

The musician plays the piano skillfully.

Leading: But in a different way, the piano sounds strange

Wonderful, incomprehensible - "piano".

And the piano is called that.

"Forte" - loudly means

And "piano" means "quietly", "quietly".

Do you hear the piano is starting to sound?

Both loudly and quietly he can play!

Come on, tell me, children,

First graders:

On the right, the sound is high, thin,

Like a ringing lark.

Left - a low sound hums,

As if a bumblebee is flying nearby.

First graders sit down in the hall.

Leading: And now we will hear piano pieces performed by our students.

Piano pieces are performed.

Come out seven notes.

Leading:We are all gladly ready
Take you to musicians,
But try first
Guess all the riddles.
To everywhere notes-points
Placed in places
Five lines of musical notation
We named ... (stave).

Curled, beautiful sign
We will draw like this.
He is great and omnipotent
This is our ... (treble clef).

So as not to confuse the polka with the march
Or with a waltz, for example,
Be sure to be on guard
It always stands here ... (the size).

Record a melody -
All her work.
Here it is, ordinary
Quarter ... (note).


If the note wanted
Ascending to heaven
There is a special sign for her,
Called ... (sharp).

And I decided to become lower,
Here you go, if you please -
And in this case there is a sign,
Called ... (flat).

“Above - below I cancel!
Everyone in their place! Kar, Kar, Kar!
No sharp, no flats! " -
So commands ... (natural).

What is that note?
Having fun - tra-la-la!
Sings songs loudly!
Her name is a note ... (la).

The names of these notes

Fold in order

And we'll find out what's growing

In the garden bed!

Song of music "Seven notes"

Leading. Look, these kids
They are friendly with musical notation,
Our school of music
These are the ones you need!
And so today
For the first time and forever
First graders with honor
Will we accept musicians?
Viewers... Yes!

Leading:A world of sounds will open to you
Unknown before
A sea of \u200b\u200bcolorful melodies
And the magic of harmonies.
First graders are invited to the stage.


And now the most solemn moment of our holiday is coming.

Now the oath of the young musicians will sound.

First graders read the oath:

Today they open the door for us to music,

Music carries us along the way

Let it be difficult, but we will smile

We will not retreat back, we will not go astray.

Music will help us at school and at home,

We will tell our friends and acquaintances about it

And where would not we have to work and live

We will serve music faithfully everywhere

And in our business we will achieve success

We swear, we swear, we swear!


We are all glad to see you today

To dedicate to musicians

I sincerely congratulate you all

And give you medals.

All notes are presented to the first graders with medals and gifts.

First graders are lined up on stage.

First graders:

The wind sings barely audibly

Linden sighs by the garden ...

Sensitive music lives everywhere

You just have to listen.

Listen to the birds chirping

Hear the wave sing

As rain knocks on your window -

Music is heard everywhere!

The stream flows loudly

Thunder falls from the firmament.

This is a melody of its eternal

The world is filled with nature!
First graders sing songs:

Leading:We all congratulate our first graders

Happy holiday, which everyone is very happy about.
It's like a birthday - after all, in many families
A newcomer appeared - a young musician.
With him, words that were previously unfamiliar entered your house:
Stave, solfeggio, scale, bass, chord.
The sounds are incomprehensible and so far indistinct,
But he is immensely proud of this skill too.
We wish you all the best, kids.
May there always be only five in music,
If you don't forget that without exercise,
Without labor, the melody simply does not exist.
You can hear the laughter of spring droplets,
Music of mushroom rains, Christmas tree garlands.
Before that, you were just first graders,

The script for the initiation of members of the school squad "FALCON" into the Young Friends of the Police.

2nd floor 13-00 o'clock

Hosts: Alina Kuznetsova and Sergey Porygin

1. Fanfare

2. introduction leading.

1B: Attention students and teachers, today we will witness the dedication

students of our school in the detachment of Young Friends of the Police.

2B: Young friend the police are obliged

1. Know well and follow the rules of legal culture, speak to

schoolchildren with conversations about the prevention of offenses and crimes;

1B: 2. Require a younger child school age and their peers

compliance with the rules of legal culture;

2B : 3. To cherish the honor of the detachment of Young Friends of the Police, the trust of the authorities

internal affairs and their comrades.

1B: 4. Be an example for everyone.

2B: And now we are giving the floor to the school squad of the UDP "Sokol".

The work of the detachment of young friends of the police (UDP) "SOKOL"

Zaitseva Dasha

We don't serve in the police.
We are just friends with the police.
Know that if anything happens,
We can be useful to you!

Purpose: the formation of law-abiding behavior among students, increasing the efficiency of the school police officer.


    Raising the educational level of children and their participation in ensuring law and order

    Conducting legal advocacy

    Organization and conduct of raids in order to identify unmotivated absenteeism

    Organization of issue of thematic wall print at school

    Participation in holding thematic exhibitions, competitions and military sports games

    Conducting mass explanatory work among the population to prevent offenses, crimes and child neglect

    Collecting historical materials about the police service

    Organization of meetings with honored workers and veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

    Providing patronage assistance to veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Presentation of the YUDP \u200b\u200bdetachment (Novozhilova Ksenia, Vishnyakova Angelina, Kartashova Christina, Tyrtyshnaya Nastya, Krassy Arina, Noskov Sergey, Gorbunov Nikita, Koinova Victoria, Smolkova Zhenya, Smolkova Vika, Zaitseva Dasha)

It was in September-
The school year is already in the yard.
Children gathered for the council
Discuss these problems.

And the problems are not simple -
Discipline violations.
- And we had 9 people in the class today. And you?
- And today the guys fought around the corner.
Wakha remained with a bruise, and Aska had a potato nose.
It is still unclear what caused the discord.

And our school inspector caught two smokers,
I took away the cigarettes. And you?
- And our senior asked for money at recess,
At first we didn’t give until he threatened us.

Enough! I'm so tired of living.
We need to get down to business
To end the lawlessness.
Maybe we can create a detachment
To help the school?

Let's put things in order
So that there was no attack.
We must not waste time
Forward to the cause, friends!

We created a detachment, called it "Falcon".
Each member of the squad holds a sheet with the inscription of one letter (C, O, K, O, L)

C - bold
About - responsive
K - creative
Oh - brave

L are the best
A - and together we are power!

Yes, we have a great responsibility.
We really need to help the school.

It should be so that everyone in the school feels comfortable.
- And this should develop and grow into something new.
- We must help each other.

Saint-Exupery said: "We are all at the same time, carried away by the same planet, we are the team of the same squad" Falcon "

In chorus: our motto:





In the early morning, a detachment is going to check
- For the whole day we get an outfit from the inspector.
- We are on duty very strictly and actively,
- And get tired - let's get together, we will sing a song together.

The anthem of the Sokol detachment - to the tune of the song "A soldier is walking through the city"

1 verse

Music is heard at the school intersection

Law enforcement is singing, my friends are singing

Lessons run out and I will call everyone

And the loudest I will sing a song

"Sing along with the falcon, sing along with the falcon"


When my friends sing on all the factory streets

Verse 2

In schools and kindergartens, people listen

How much wisdom is in words

Our falcon sings

We're marching a step, meet us friends,

But let the truant and all the punks, all the punks tremble


When my friends sing on all the factory streets

Lights turn on with glowing stars

And our tomorrow is approaching and will certainly come true

A cherished desire to serve in the police.

1B: 4. The floor is given to the director of the school, L.A. Pyatibratova (reading of the order for admission to the detachment)

5. Presentation of certificates

6 oath

V. V. Lyashenko : Well, now, guys, let's take the Young Police Friends oath.

The oath: (Repeat) Swear to Learn Roughly;

Be brave and honest, be patriots of your homeland;

Monitor compliance public order on

the territory of the school, in case of violations, immediately inform the director;

Know and follow the rules of conduct at school;

Prevent illegal actions of your comrades;

Provide assistance and assistance to the internal affairs bodies.

We swear! We swear! We swear!

2B: 7. Closing remarks

For a healthy climate in our school

So that there is less headache

We created a detachment, an assistant to teachers

He guarantees students peace!

1B : Let us once again congratulate the young friends of the police with applause. Thanks everyone! Until next time!

Chelashova Svetlana Leonidovna,teacher - organizer, teacher of additional education MBU DO SUUT № 2 Taganrog, prepared an interesting scenario.

Scenario "Initiation of students into YOUNG TECHNIQUES"

Location - auditorium.

Duration - 45 minutes.

Created for teachers - organizers, teachers of additional education.

For 1 year students.

Objectives: creating conditions for the physical, intellectual and emotional development of children.


The development of the personality of each child through self-realization in the conditions of play, competitive situations;

Development of cognitive interests;

Development of moral, spiritual qualities;

Development of initiative and creativity of children;

Formation of skills to communicate, express your point of view;

Fostering a sense of friendship and camaraderie.

Equipment and materials:

  • musical equipment,
  • costumes: Zyuzuki, Santa Claus;
  • set of tools,
  • set of paper cut tools,
  • a3 paper sheets,
  • images,
  • medals with the inscription "Young Technician".

1. Writing a script, announcement.

2. Training of children - actors.

3. Preparation and decoration of the assembly hall.


  • Zyuzyuk,
  • Santa Claus


Music sounds.

Leading: Hello dear guys! Today we have gathered here for a solemn event - "Initiation into YOUNG TECHNICIANS". My name is Svetlana Leonidovna, and we will spend today's holiday together.

My friends, you are starting your long and interesting journey along the steps of knowledge and skills into the world of creativity.

This year marks 40 years since the opening of the station. Imagine how many girls and boys have learned here to model, design, cut, work with various materials. With someone we already know, and with someone we are to meet today for the first time. Now, at my command, each of you must loudly call your name. Ready? All together in chorus! One two Three! (And even louder?) Well done! Very nice.

(Knock on the door)

Leading: And who came to us?

Zyuzyuka: Oh, oh, oh, oh! Where did I go?

Leading: Hello, stranger!

Zyuzuka: And you do not have to be ill!

Leading: Who are you, our unexpected guest?

Zyuzuka: I am Zyuzuka - a traveler. Imagine, I wrote a letter to Santa Claus, asked for a cool trip, and what !? Where did it take me?

Leading: Zyuzuka is a traveler, now the guys will tell you about our station of young technicians.

Reader # 1:

There is a wonderful home in the world

He is familiar to each of you.

They rush to him from all sides

The law reigns there.

Reader # 2:

There, children respect work.

And they are called masters?

Even if our station is not great,

But she is technical creativity!

Leading: Zyuzyuka, you know, you got to the Station of Young Technicians No. 2, here the guys learn to make various crafts and today we have a holiday "Initiation into young technicians."

Our students have already learned how to use various tools, devices, and began to work with them. We got acquainted with such concepts as template and unfolding. And each of them has already learned the joy of work and creativity, when for the first time he made a beautiful and useful thing from simple materials with his own hands. This means that he has already been in the role of a Young Technician. It is very honorable to wear the title of "Young Technician".

Zyuzuka is a traveler: Young technicians! Ha ha ha! They learned something! I do not believe! But I understood why Santa Claus gave me this strange envelope for the journey! These are tasks for you guys!

Leading: Letter from Santa Claus:

“I'm late! Only those who successfully pass all the tests will receive the title of Young Technician.

Leading: I am sure that our guys will cope with all the tasks and will prove their desire for new knowledge and skills.

Zyuzuka: We'll see!

Leading: Zyuzuka, let's check the guys together! To begin with, we will split into two teams.

Guys, now please answer my question. Do you know how to guess riddles (answer). Well, then we will now hold a competition with you, we will guess riddles. Riddles are not easy, about labor, knowledge of tools and types of technology. And you guys, if you know, you can continue.

So, the riddles:

Modest gray bun,

long thin wire,

well, on the box

- two or three buttons.

There is a bunny in the zoo

at the computer

there is…. (mouse)

To hold two sheets together

do not pity him

need to pour on a piece of paper

sticky stationery…. (glue)

Wooden neck, iron beak, knocks "knock, knock, knock!" (a hammer).

The one-eyed old woman embroiders patterns. (needle)

He tries everything to his taste: pine, maple, and oak. (saw)

By the skate, by the hunchback

wooden sides.

He got shavings from under his hooves

white runs. (plane)

Leading: It was a warm-up.

First competition. Collect tools (3 hours from the team).

Second competition. Guess the tools.

Collect pictures (2-2 from each). Questions

Who works with what tool (2 hours each)

Stick on the sleigh.

Leading: Well done boys! We did a good job, but Santa Claus is late. Maybe he got lost? Let's call him, Santa Claus will hear and find his way!

Santa Claus: I hear, I hear!

Hello kids,

Girls and boys!

I was in a hurry for your holiday,

Have you received assignments?

Leading: Yes, the envelope was given to us by Zyuzuka, a traveler. Our students did an excellent job with all the assignments. And they guessed all your riddles, they collected everything they needed, answered the questions. Santa Claus, it's time for us to start the procedure of initiation into Young Technicians!

Santa Claus: I'm glad for you guys. Thank you, Zyuzuka - the traveler, helped out.

Zyuzuka: And to you, Santa Claus, thank you. I really enjoyed my trip!

Leading: For initiation into young techniques, each of you needs to take a solemn oath - a promise. And I invite you to the stage!

Leading: Guys, we swear the word, we will pronounce with you together, I will start, and you repeat after me:

(The leader, together with the students, pronounce the oath, after which they present the emblems)

Be worthy of the title of young technician!

We swear!

Attend the association's classes regularly!

We swear!

Learn to think, create, invent!

We swear!

Respect teachers who pass on knowledge and skills to us!

We swear!

Respect all circle members!

We swear!

Become a true master of your craft!

We swear!

Take the baton and make the Station even more beautiful!