Scenario of the game program for younger schoolchildren "travel to the country of health". Game program for younger students. Scenario Game program scenarios for primary school age


Location: Kirovsk, Mogilev region, Belarus

Form of carrying out: sports and game program

Goal: create conditions for the formation of the correct literate attitude to the environment,.

Tasks: develop the cognitive interests of students; to form in children of primary school age a belief in the unity and integrity of nature; educate.

Equipment: pictures of puzzles with the image of animals, pillows, sets of letters, gymnastic bench, sets of construction blocks.

Location: gym.

Hall decoration: the inscription "Call of the forest" or "The forest is calling", artificial spruce.

Time spending: 45 minutes.

Participants: primary school students.

Lead 1:Good afternoon dear friends!

Lead 2:Hello dear guests! We are glad to welcome you to the sports and game program "CALL OF THE FOREST"

Lead 1:Once every four years we become witnesses of the fascinating struggle between the "HERBOVIES" and "PREDATORS" living in our forests.

Lead 2:And today, for the fourth time, our animals decided to measure their strength and in a fair fight to determine who is the strongest. And we, dear viewers, will witness what will come of it.

Lead 1:So, let me introduce the participants in our game. By tradition, the first to appear in the clearing are "HERBOVIES".

HARE - ___________________________________________

ELK - ___________________________________________

SQUIRREL - __________________________________________

ROE - _________________________________________

And, finally, the king of Belovezhskaya Pushcha - ZUBR - _________________

Lead 2:And now it's time to introduce the rivals of our wonderful five "herbivores" - "PREDATORS"

Lead 1: We meet.

RACCOON - ____________________________________________

WOLF - ____________________________________________

FOX - ____________________________________________

LYNX –____________________________________________

And finally, the king of the forest - the brown BEAR - ______

Lead 1: Now let me introduce our distinguished jury

Jury President: ________________________





Lead 2: So, the teams are at the start, the jury is ready. And we are announcing the first competition called "COLLECT A PICTURE" or "AS WE KNOW AN OPPONENT".

Title: Sports and game program for primary school students "Call of the Forest"

Lead 1:Fragments of two animal drawings are scattered in front of the players of each team. The team of "predators" is invited to assemble a drawing of a herbivore, and the team of "herbivores" - a drawing of a predator. At the command of the leader, the first players run to the scattered parts and begin to collect the picture. After 10 seconds a second participant joins them, then a third, etc. The first team to complete the image of the animal wins.

Lead 2: And now we will give our teams the opportunity to rest and announce a musical pause.

Lead 1:And we move on to the second competition, which is called "HOUSE FOR ANIMALS".

Our little animals will have to build themselves an improvised house from the details of the constructor.

Lead 2:In the meantime, our jury will sum up the results of two competitions, the song ______________ will perform for you __________________________

Lead 1:We will learn the results of the two previous competitions from our jury. The floor is yours.

Lead 2:Teams, attention! In the next competition, our players need to show not only their strength and dexterity, but also choose the right tactics and strategy to defeat the enemy. Our competition is called "PILLOW FIGHT".

Terms: rivals are invited in turn to the sports bench. At the command of the leader, the players begin to knock each other down with pillows. The player who first touches the floor loses.

Lead 1:And the first to enter the arena

AND _____________

The next to appear here

AND ______________

Invited to the arena

AND ______________

And the last to fight

AND _______________

Lead 2:Now our teams have time to rest. And now ________________________________________ sings for you. Song ___________________

Lead 1:Thanks a lot for the music break, and we continue. Our next competition is called "COLLECT THE WORD".

Terms: at the start, the teams receive an envelope with letters, from which it is necessary to collect the name of the animal, which is called "firefighter" in the forest. As soon as the word is collected, the players, having distributed the letters, build the word on the other side of the playing field.

Lead 2:And we got the word ANT.

Lead 1:But really, guys, an ant is called a firefighter in the forest. Of all the forest dwellers, only ants do not run away from the fire, but rather gather others in alarm. Ants put out the fire with trickles of acid. And if that doesn't help, then they cover the coals with their bodies. Nobody knows how many fires have not started thanks to these small but very useful animals. Their help is very important to nature. Therefore, a person must protect and protect animals, fence anthills.

Lead 2:The next intellectual competition is called "DO YOU BELIEVE?"

Terms: in turn, each team I will ask questions, to which you must answer "YES" or "NO". Each team has 10 seconds to discuss the question and provide an answer.

Lead 1: Do you believe ...

Was the first pet a cat? (No. Dog)

The largest animal is a bear? (No. Bison)

Is the badger's dwelling called a den? (No. Nora)

A bee flaps about 200 wings per minute? (Yes.)

Does horsefly suck out as many as 70 mosquitoes at a time? (Yes.)

Is the beaver's dwelling called a burrow? (No. Hut)

Do insects have eight legs? (No. Six)

Do insects have a bone skeleton? (Not.)

That animals that live only in water are called amphibians? (No. Amphibians are animals that live both on land and in water)

Is the most common poisonous snake in Europe called a viper? (Yes.)

Lead 2:Thanks, teams. And now we will find out the results of previous competitions. The word of the jury.

Lead 1:Ahead is the last competition of our game and it is called "ENVIRONMENTAL LANDING".

Terms: collecting garbage, our animals are transported to the opposite side of the playing field. Once the entire team has crossed over, the participants should compose and build a statement about nature. The winner is the team that does it quickly and correctly.

Lead 2:Let's find out what our teams have done.

Lead 1:Yes, indeed, our little animals have shown us today that nature needs our protection, we all need to take good care of it, maintain order, and increase the wealth of our native nature.

Lead 2: So our game has come to an end. Let's thank our participants for those moments of joy that they brought to themselves and to us.

Lead 1:And while the jury sums up the final results, the song ___________________ performed by ______________________________ sounds for you

Lead 2:So, the word of the jury.

Lead 1:Attention! The strongest team today was _________________.

And "_________________" shouldn't be discouraged. There will still be new games and victories ahead.

And to our game we do not say "Farewell!", But we say "BYE!"


Lead 2:The song _____________________ performed by ____________________ sounds for you.

Name: Scenario game program for children of primary school age "Call of the forest"
Nomination: Kindergarten, Outside work, Camp, elementary School

Position: teacher primary grades
Place of work: State Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 1 of Kirovsk"
Location: Kirovsk, Mogilev region, Belarus

Game - a journey through the Planet of childhood for primary school age

Game program with elements of a sports relay race.

Scenario of the game "Journey to the Planet of Childhood" for primary school age.

Author: Merinova Irina Vitalievna, teacher additional education MBOU DOD DTDiM, Topki.
Material description: Game program script. Can be conducted in an unfamiliar audience. The development can be useful for primary school teachers, teachers, organizers, and parents.
Goal:Team building.
- involvement of children in play;
- organization of leisure activities;
- creating conditions for self-affirmation.
Equipment: balloons, sports equipment, tape recorder.
Event progress:
Music "where does childhood go"
Leading. Dear guys, today we invite everyone to a trip to the "Planet of Childhood". On this planet, you need to be able to fantasize, laugh and not be upset, play and have fun in general, have a great time.
First you need to get acquainted
Dating game "Say the name" whose name I will name now - he will carry out the task.
Tanya raised her hands up.
Oli, Vicki screamed.
Nastya, Sveti waved,
Natasha clapped her hands,
Misha, Sasha and Seryozha whistled,
And Marina all sat down,
Ksyusha, Dasha meowed together,
And Maxims grunted a little.
Nikita, Danil and Anton - shout "Oh"
Lena, Julia and Andryusha - shout "Ay"
About whom I did not say
And today she was silent
As one family
Let's shout together "I"!

(stand in a circle, pass the ball and wish each other a good journey)
Leading. Now we will pass the ball in a circle with these words
You fly balloon,
Quickly, quickly from hand to hand,
Who has the ball left-
He wishes everyone a good journey.
Leading. Now I want to get to know you better.
The game "who loves to sing and play" (children answer questions)
Who likes to sing, play?
Who is missing lessons?
Who lives by routine?
Do we exercise in the morning?
Who protects clothes?
Put it under the bed?
Who among you doesn't like boredom?
Who's the jack of all trades here?
Who keeps things in order?
Tears and books and notebooks?
Who helps mom at home?
And who drives a bum?
Who doesn't hurt friends?
Chasing cats by their tails?

Who loves jelly?
Who is the carousel?
Who likes to swim?
In the bathroom?
In the sea?
In the shower?
In a puddle?
Who would like to become a pilot?
Driving an airplane?
To become a good driver?
Fly from the bed to the floor?
Which one of you, say it out loud,
Catching flies in class?
Which one of you is so good
Did you go to sunbathe in galoshes?
Who loves cake and candy?
Who are the hot cutlets?
Who Loves Apples and Pears?
Who among you doesn't wash your ears?
Leading. Now that we have met and learned a lot of interesting things about each other, we can go on a trip, but before that we will prepare the balloons on which we will fly. We split into two teams, and a show jumping is announced.
COMPETITION "FUNNY FRIENDS"relay race 5 people
For a certain amount of time, you need to draw a funny face on a balloon. (1- eye, 2- nose, 3- mouth, 4- eyebrows, 5- ears.)

(Music sounds) In flight we will perform movements

And we hum all loudly "Ooh-ooh"
A coup in the air
The flight ends.

Stop on the island of the "most resourceful".

At the signal, the participants throw the ball up and try to hold it, striking only with their nose. The winner is the one who keeps the ball in the air for the longest time.

-At the signal, you need to throw the balloon as high as possible.
-And now, at my signal, you need to throw the ball forward. Whose ball will fly by.

COMPETITION "BALL BALLS" choose the strongest
2 participants and 2 seconds are invited - they will count the blows inflicted on the opponent. Participants must not leave the boundaries of the ring.
COMPETITION "RUN WITH BALLS" choose the fastest team.
Keep the ball on the racquet, run to the pin, and come back.
(Music plays)
One, two - flew, (arms to the sides)
3.4 all squatted down, (squatting)
5 we take off again (get up, arms to the sides)
Gaining height (stand on tiptoe, raise your hands.)
And we hum all loudly "Ooh-ooh"
A coup in the air
The flight ends.

Stop on the island of unusual animals... There are many strange and unusual animals on this island, I suggest you settle new residents here.
Given long balloons, you need to make a figure of an animal or bird out of a balloon and come up with an interesting name for them.
(Music plays)
One, two - flew, (arms to the sides)
3.4 all squatted down, (squatting)
5 we take off again (get up, arms to the sides)
Gaining height (stand on tiptoe, raise your hands.)
And we hum all loudly "Ooh-ooh"
A coup in the air
The flight ends.

Stop on the island "Topotushkino"... On this island there are children who stomp the loudest. Do you want to compete with them? Boys stomp, girls stomp, and now all together. Well done!
Two participants from each team receive a ball, you need to put the ball on the floor and stomp on it, who will burst the ball faster.
(Music plays)
One, two - flew, (arms to the sides)
3.4 all squatted down, (squatting)
5 we take off again (get up, arms to the sides)
Gaining height (stand on tiptoe, raise your hands.)
And we hum all loudly "Ooh-ooh"
A coup in the air
The flight ends.

Stop on the African island... There are many wild little monkeys living on this island. Say hello to them.
Relay between teams, hold the ball between your legs and jump to the pins, back to run and pass the ball to the next one.
(Music plays)
One, two - flew, (arms to the sides)
3.4 all squatted down, (squatting)
5 we take off again (get up, arms to the sides)
Gaining height (stand on tiptoe, raise your hands.)
And we hum all loudly "Ooh-ooh"
A coup in the air
The flight ends.

Stop at Fabulous Island. Guys, guess who lives on this island? Correctly fairy-tale heroes, and which we will now find out.
1. Which of the heroes of the Russian folk tale was bakery product? (Gingerbread man)
2. Who of their fairy-tale heroes was very fond of the saying "One head is good, but three is better." (Dragon)
3. Name the heroine of the French fairy tale who got her nickname from her headdress. (Little Red Riding Hood)
4. What character loved shoes very much and what was his nickname for that? (Puss in Boots)
(Music plays)
One, two - flew, (arms to the sides)
3.4 all squatted down, (squatting)
5 we take off again (get up, arms to the sides)
Gaining height (stand on tiptoe, raise your hands.)
And we hum all loudly "Ooh-ooh"
A coup in the air
The flight ends.

Stop on the island "Dance"
A dance marathon is announced between the teams, who will dance whom.
Summing up the game program.
Leading. Have fun, don't be sad and take your time from the childhood planet. After all, childhood will never return to you. Stay children as long as possible.

I greet you all

With this good song

Smile at me friends

To make it more interesting.

Let the whole hall fill

With your ringing laugh

So that no one is discouraged

And played at the same time


When we meet the dawn

We tell him: "Hello!"

With a smile, the sun gives light

Send us your greetings!

When meeting many years later,

You shout to your friends: "Hello!"

Let's be together, all in response,

Say out loud to me: "Hello!"


The main thing here will be the game

Laughter, smiles, songs.

After all, you can't live without them,

It's more interesting with them.

On this day I wish

All victories, good luck,

You are the best friends here

So and not otherwise


LEADING... Now tell me, what do you see in my right hand?

(The presenter raises his left hand with a fishing rod above his head. Most often, children make mistakes and say: "Stick".)

Unfortunately, you are mistaken, I have a microphone in my right hand. And in his left hand is a stick. It is only at first glance that this stick seems ordinary. Do you know how many relatives she has? A broom, a mop, a bat for playing baseball and "towns", fairy wands are also her distant relatives, a conductor's wand ... Can you name what items are relatives of this wand?

(There is a "Stick" auction - ski sticks, Chinese sticks, a fishing rod, a pole for an athlete and a tightrope walker, an oar, a club, a cane, cotton, counting sticks ...)

By the way, this stick is a real counting-ringer. She can determine the winner of the auction. Those who have named the relatives of the stick, please come to me.

(A funny melody sounds, the players go to the Host, who puts the stick vertically.)

I ask each of you, in turn, to clasp the stick with your palm, starting from the bottom, whose hand will be on top, he is the winner, that is the prize.

(A competition is running. The winner receives a prize - corn sticks.)

By the way, these are also sticks, only corn sticks.

(Musical beat sounds.)

With this wand, you can find out who is the most agile in our company. I ask the players to stand in a line and remember how agility is tested.

(The facilitator puts the stick upright, releases it, scrolls in place 360 \u200b\u200bdegrees and catches the stick.)

Are you weak?

(A funny melody sounds, a game is played, whose stick falls out of the competition. The winner receives crab sticks. A musical beat sounds.)

Judging by the label, there are sticks inside, only crab.

Anyone can participate in the next game. It's called "Catch the Stick." Everyone is placed in a circle, calculated in numerical order.

(Players complete the task.)

Remember your numbers! I will stand in the center of the circle, take a stick and place it vertically. Whose number I will tell, he runs out and catches a stick. If caught - becomes the leader, if not caught - jumps on a stick and returns to his place in the circle.

(A funny melody sounds in the background, the game is running.)

Who rides people on themselves? A horse, a pony, a camel, an elephant, and also a stick - a wheelchair. So get on her horse and skip around in a circle.

(The loser completes the task.)

I ask you all to count loudly to three.

CHILDREN. One two Three!

LEADING... And now I ask you to complete simple tasks, all the time, counting to three. We'll go right now!

CHILDREN. One two Three!

LEADING. Now let's go left!

CHILDREN... One two Three!

LEADING... Let's get together to the center!

CHILDREN. One two Three!

LEADING. Let's disperse very quickly!

CHILDREN. One two Three!

LEADING. We'll spin a little bit!

CHILDREN.One two Three!

LEADING. And clap our hands!

CHILDREN... One two Three!

LEADING. Let's repeat from the beginning, but twice as fast.

(Children complete the task. The presenter conducts the game several times, the last time at a "space" speed.)

Those who are not tired can test their flexibility. And my wand - a lifesaver - will help us in this. First you need to stand to my left in a column, one after another.

(Children perform the task. A funny melody sounds in the background. The leader holds a stick parallel to the floor.)

Try, bending back, walk one after another under the stick, which I will slowly lower down.

(The game passes.)

The most flexible player is awarded a prize - Chinese sticks. They are also relatives of my stick - playing sticks.

(The winner receives a prize. A musical beat sounds.)

You can not only eat with these sticks, but also play. But as? I will show you now. To begin with, let's create two teams of six people each.

(The guys are divided into teams.)

I suggest you come up with names for your teams.

(The teams are introduced.)

One participant must be selected from each team.

(The teams complete the task.)

For those chosen by the teams, I present excellent, or rather, large, distinctive foam ears.

(The host gives the players ears.)

I ask our "eared" to move 15 meters away from their teams.

And I suggest the teams to stand in columns, facing their "eared".

I hand over a pair to the first players in the columns chinese chopsticks and a can of noodles. In our case, the role of "noodles" is played by pieces of the clothesline.

(The host shows the players the props.)

At my signal, the first player puts the can on the floor, takes one "noodle" with two sticks, runs to his "eared", and as they say:

"Puts noodles on his ears", returns to the team, passes the sticks to the next player, who does the same. The winner is the team that "hangs noodles" faster and gets together at the finish line.

(The host gives the start signal, a funny melody sounds, the game is running.)

The team won the first race ... (names).

I didn't make a reservation, it was the first race. In the second race, there will be one rule change: you now need to remove the noodles from your player's ears and return them to the jar. Attention! On your marks! March!

(A funny melody sounds, and the second race takes place.)

In the second race, the victory is awarded to the team ... (names).

And now the final of the relay is the third race! Pay attention to the change in the rules in the third round: you run to the "eared", as in the previous races, and return to the team with your back forward, facing the player with noodles on your ears, bowing in the east.

Do you understand the conditions for the third race? Then attention! On your marks! March!

(A funny melody sounds, and the third race takes place.)

After three races, the team won this relay ... (names)

Prizes are awarded to the teams that took part in our relay.

(The rewarding of the teams is in progress. A musical beat sounds.)

Players are given sticks with which to draw.

(Prizes are pencils and markers.)

And again I pick up a stick - playing. Only now it will be a stick - an imaginary, which means: with the help of imagination, we will try to turn it into other objects. Who will be the first to imagine, or rather, to fantasize, will be indicated by a stick - a definitive.

Stand in a large circle.

(The presenter puts the stick on the floor and unwinds it; whoever the thin end of the stick points to is the player.)

Imagine that you are a tightrope walker walking under the canopy of a circus, and you are holding a balance pole.

(The music sounds, the show takes place. Then the players are determined according to the same principle. The shows of the guys are held: a sword, a club, a gun, a conductor's baton, a shovel, an oar, a scythe, an electric guitar, a rod, a rod, a microphone stand.

The presenter takes a stick from the guys - a fishing rod.)

Well done! If I had free hands, I would pat you. Those who do not have a stick in their hands - play the game and applaud each other.

(The guys applaud.)

Let our stick - the little player turn into a stick - the dancer.

Everyone stand in a big round dance, turn to the right, put your right hand on your neighbor's shoulder, and your left hand on your head. Go!

(The melody "Lambada" sounds, everyone goes in a circle.)

Now one hand is on the waist of the neighbor, and the other is on his shoulder.

(During the dance, the positions of the hands change: one on the neighbor's head, the other on the waist, both on the head, both on the shoulders, one on the neighbor's waist, the other on his own head ...)

Bravo! Attention! As soon as I hit the floor with a stick, everyone turns in the opposite direction and continues to move. In the meantime, take each other by the shoulders and move forward to the music.

(A dance melody sounds, the game continues. The callsigns of the programs sound.)

The time of our meeting flew by imperceptibly. It only remains to say ...

(The melody of "Opening song" sounds. The host sings.)


Everyone - bye - bye!

The hand waves again!

See you off

In this good hour!

There comes a parting

But what I mean is:

Parting for a short time

We'll meet again in the year.

Games, jokes, dances are waiting for you,

There will be loud laughter in the hall.

And I will please you with new

Fun for everyone.


Everyone - bye - bye!

The hand waves again!

See you off

In this good hour!

Competition program in grades 2-3 "Merry palette"

Targets and goals:

Fostering in children a sense of beauty and love for the fine arts;

Formation of a close-knit class team through game technologies of teaching and educating students.

Description class hour The game program involves 2 teams of class students.

1st competition "Colored objects"

The presenter invites all the players to name five objects of the same color in turn. Anyone who cannot remember 5 objects of the named color in 1 minute leaves the game. It is not allowed to repeat already named items.

2nd competition "Funny Artists"

I run on paper

I can do everything, I can do everything:

If you want, I'll draw a house,

Do you want a Christmas tree in the snow

If you want an uncle, you want a garden.

Any child is happy for me.

(L.L. Wenger, A.L. Wenger)

The guys in each team are divided into fours, they are offered pencils and a sheet of Whatman paper. Each student of the four randomly draws his own corner of the Whatman paper. Then the sheet is turned over and the participant is invited to finish drawing a drawing made by the previous artist. After that, the sheet is turned over again, and everything is repeated. Thus, it is necessary to fill in the entire sheet. The group then comes up with a title for the painting and shows it to others.

3rd competition "Poetic Rainbow"

It is necessary to listen carefully to the poem and draw an unusual rainbow in the album - in the order of the colors found in the poem. For example, red ("strawberry red ..."), orange ("orange ...", etc.

When the strawberries are red

It tastes great!

Cherries too, no doubt

Just a wonderful treat!

Amanita, although it is red,

We won't eat! It is clear!

Orange, carrot, candy -

Everything is orange.

A nimble squirrel, so know

Just give me nuts.

Chickens squeak cheerfully: “Ti-ti-ti!

You cannot find us in yellow sarafans!

We are yellow too

And they look like flowers! "

Green leaves!

Green grass!

Green frogs

They sing: “Kwa! Kwa! Kwa! Kwa! "

Blue dragonfly

Looked into my eyes

And immediately flew away.

What did she want to say?

How to find out? And above me

Only the sky is blue.

Blue bucket,

Little blue scoop -

This is all I need

To play in the sand!

Purple plum

So delicious and so beautiful!

And wonderful grapes

I'll eat for a hundred days in a row!

(M. Druzhinina)

4th competition "Draw a Snowman"

The children of each team are given sheets of paper and gouache (watercolors and brushes), then they are invited to draw a winter landscape with a snowman. The main thing in the competition is each participant on common sheet draws only one object and passes the brush to the next.

5th competition "Colors of the Rainbow"

Each team is given a set of colored stripes according to the number of participants (among the stripes there must be stripes corresponding to the colors of the rainbow). In one minute, participants from left to right need to line up in the order in which the colors of the rainbow are located. Excess participants should step aside. The team that completes the task faster wins.

6th competition "Drawings and daubs"

Assignment: Each blindfolded team needs to draw a cat (with felt-tip pens on a sheet of paper or crayons on a chalkboard). But the task is performed in turn: the first player draws a circle, the second - the hind legs, the third - the body, the fourth - the front legs, the fifth - the tail, the sixth - the eyes, the seventh - the ears, the eighth - the mouth, the ninth - the antennae, the tenth - the nose.

7th competition "Beautiful nearby"

You need to very quickly answer the questions of the mini-quiz:

1. What is Opening Day? (The first day of the exhibition of paintings)

2. What is a palette? (Paint mixing board)

3. What is the name of the animal painter? (Animal painter)

4. What is a landscape? (Painting depicting nature)

5. Name the heroes depicted in the painting of the same name by Vasnetsov. (Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich)

6. What is the name of the artistic image of a person's face? (Portrait)

8th Contest "Guess the Picture"

On the table lies a reproduction of a famous painting covered with a large sheet of Whatman paper. There is a small hole in the Whatman paper through which the participant looks at the reproduction and after 10 seconds says the name and author of the painting. Then a member of the other team does the same.

9th competition "Paints"

The leader is chosen - "monk" and the leader - "seller". All the rest of the players guess the colors of the paints. Colors should not be repeated.

The game begins with the fact that the driver comes to the "store" and says: "I am a monk in blue pants, I came to you for paint." Seller: "For what?" Monk (names any color): "For blue." If there is no such paint, the seller says: "Go along the blue path, you will find blue boots, diarrhea, but bring them back!" The monk starts the game over.

If there is such a paint, the player who made this color tries to run away from the monk, and he catches up with him. If he caught up, the driver becomes the paint, if not, the colors are made up again and the game repeats.

10th competition "With horns!"

Two people are called from each team. They stand opposite each other at a distance of 3 m. At the command of the teacher, all participants at a fast pace at the same time need to show the "horns" over their heads with their right hand, and extend the left hand forward with a protruding thumb, while saying: "Vo!" Then clap your hands and do the same, quickly changing hands.

The winners are the participants who did not go astray within 3 minutes and completed the task correctly.

11th Contest "Perform"

The team receives sheets of drawings. You need to name a fairy tale, object or hero and paint it.

A flower that was guarded by a forest monster. (Scarlet flower) Color in red.

It was received from a turtle by a wooden boy. (Golden Key) Color it yellow.

A flower that fulfilled seven wishes. (Flower - seven-flower) Paint in seven colors.

The girl who met a gray wolf in the forest. (Little Red Riding Hood) Color in red.

The teacher takes stock and rewards the winning team.

MBOU "Bolsherechenskaya secondary school №2"


Competitive game program for younger students.

Program conditions: 4 teams of 8-10 people participate - experts in fairy tales.

Each team comes up with a name, motto, draws an emblem, chooses a captain and prepares homework: an excerpt from a fairy tale; a song from any fairy tale for a musical pause. For all team members - a costume of a fairy-tale hero.

Developer : Shcherbakova Elena Yakovlevna,

senior counselor

MBOU "Bolsherechenskaya secondary school №2".

Goal: introducing younger students to the values \u200b\u200bof fiction


Personal UUD:

To foster an aesthetic perception of the environment;

Show understanding and respect for the values \u200b\u200bof other cultures;

Analyze and characterize the emotional states and feelings of others, build your relationships taking them into account;

Assess situations in terms of rules of conduct and ethics;

Show kindness, trust, attentiveness, help in specific situations.

Cognitive UUD:

To acquaint with the heroes of Russian folk tales, fairy tales of great writers;

Develop creative imagination, logic of thinking and memory;

To independently transform a practical task into a cognitive one;

Be able to independently carry out information search, collect and extract essential information from various information sources.

Regulatory UUD:

Carry out step-by-step control according to the results of work, under the guidance of a teacher;

Analyze emotional states received from successful (unsuccessful) activities;

Evaluate the results of your activities.

Communicative UUD:

Allow different points of view to exist;

Be able to express your thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication;

Possess monological and dialogical forms of speech in accordance with the grammatical and syntactic norms of the native language;

Form verbal and non-verbal communication methods;

Be able to integrate into a peer group and build productive interaction and cooperation with peers and adults.

Host: Do you like fairy tales? And I love. All people in the world love fairy tales. And this love begins from childhood. Magic, funny and even scary - fairy tales are always interesting. You read, listen - it takes your breath away.

"A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows." There is always a lesson in a fairy tale, but a kind lesson, most often it is friendly advice. The tale teaches to distinguish good from evil, good from bad.

Teams are participating in the marathon today …… Greetings from the teams.

Competition 1.Warm-up.

The facilitator asks the teams questions. The teams are responding. For each correct answer - 1 point.

What was the name of the boy, whose heart almost turned to ice. (Kai)

What was the duckling like before it became a swan? (Ugly)

The roundest fairytale hero? (Gingerbread man)

Heal everyone, heal ... (Aibolit)

What was the name of the girl who made a long journey in a fairy tale? (Gerda)

The nose is special distinctive feature this hero. (Pinocchio)

Who helped Thumbelina get to the warm lands? (Swallow)

Who has the ugly duckling become? (Into the Swan)

Girl with unconventional hair color (Malvina)

Famous boy from a modern English fairy tale (Harry Potter)

Vehicle old man Hottabych (Flying carpet)

Which heroine of Russian folk tales has a long braid? (Barbara)

Disco that Cinderella was going to (Ball)

The first miracle of the goldfish (Trough)

Who fulfilled all Emelya's wishes? (Pike)

The main enemy of Dr. Aibolit (Barmaley)

Which of the fairytale characters of Pushkin had all the strength in his beard? (At Chernomor)

Faithful friend of fox Alice (Basilio)

What's in Winnie the Pooh's head? (Sawdust)

The name of the girl who saved her brother Kai (Gerda)

Competition 2. "Find Familiar Names"

Each team is given a sign “ Fairy-tale heroes". In the cells of the tablet are written the names of the heroes of children's books and fairy tales well known to the children. But the letters of the names are not always written in one line. Participants must find these names. There are eight of them. (Time for completing the task is 1 minute). This task is estimated at 5 points.


Assignments for fans.

"Heroes of fairy tales in riddles"

The facilitator reads one riddle to each team. You need to guess the hero of the fairy tale.

To fly off the ground

She needs a stupa with a broom. (Baba Yaga.)

Wooden playful

I could make friends with a book.

He got into the puppet theater,

He became a faithful friend to the dolls. (Buratino.)

Loves honey, meets friends

And he composes grumblers

And also - puffs,

chants, nozzles ... Wow!

Funny bear ... (Pooh).

Was not left without a tail

Our good donkey ... (Eeyore.)

Grandma baked for grandfather -

Grandfather was left without lunch:

The boy ran away to the forest,

I hit the fox on the toe. (Gingerbread man.)

Lives in Prostokvashino.

The whole farm is there.

I don't know the exact address

But the surname is sea. (Cat Matroskin.)

That girl is no more beautiful

That girl is no smarter.

And Pierrot, her sucker.

He sings about her all day. (Malvina.)

Yes, guys, in this book

Kids live, little ones

And one eccentric lives.

He does everything wrong.

He is reputed to be inept.

Who will name him? (Dunno.)

Mischievous merry fellow

He flies into the window just like that.

He got to the Kid in the house

And he staged a pogrom there. (Carlson.)

Competition 3. "Add the name of the fairytale hero"

The presenter calls the first part of the hero's name, and the participants in the game (in turn) complete the missing name. For each correct answer - 1 point.

1. Dad ... Carlo.

2. Brownie ... Kuzya.

4. Postman ... Pechkin.

5. Signor ... Tomato.

6. Dwarf ... Nose.

7. Princess ... Swan.

8. Iron ... Woodcutter.

9. Ole -... Lukoye.

10. The old man ... Hottabych.


Competition 4. "Magic objects"

* (1 option)

3 participants from teams stand in a circle, alternating with players from other teams. Then a poem sounds - an introduction to the game.

There are magical objects in fairy tales,

They fulfill the heroes of desire:

Flying carpet - rise above the world

A wonderful pot - to eat sweet porridge.

Come on, try and you, my friend,

Collect magic items.

Remember, do not yawn, Name those objects.

Participants of the competition take turns (in a circle) to name magic objects from fairy tales they know. If the player cannot name the magic item or repeats, then he leaves the game. The team with the last player left wins.

*(Option 2)

Name all items:

1. Magic objects that grant wishes (magic wand, petal, ring, hair).

2. Objects that tell the truth and tell what is happening (mirror, book, golden plate).

3. Items that perform work for the hero (self-assembled tablecloth, needle, sword-kladenets, clubs).

4. Items that restore health and youth (rejuvenating apples, living water).

5. Objects showing the way (stone, ball, feather, arrow).

6. Items that help the hero to overcome difficulties, distance and time (invisibility hat, boots, running shoes, flying carpet) ...

Captains competition 5. “From what fairy tale G.Kh. Andersen's subject ".

Cards are issued to the team captains.

Umbrella ("Ole-Lukkoye").

Sledge ("The Snow Queen").

Pea ("The Princess and the Pea").

Walnut shell ("Thumbelina").

Paper boat ("The Steadfast Tin Soldier"),

Nettle ("Wild Swans"),

Chest ("Flying Chest").

Competition 5. "Fairy Tale Trouble"

The names of fairy tales are confused. A commotion began. The princess became Khavroshechka, Koschey became the Clear Falcon. There should be no disorder in fairy tales. Get cards with the names of the fairy tales and connect the beginning and end of the names of the fairy tales.

Teams carry out the task without captains.

"Fabulous commotion"

"The Firebird and the Gray Wolf".

"Princess Khavroshechka".

"Ivan Tsarevich and Vasilisa the Tsarevna".

"Tiny Frog".

Finist the Immortal.

"Koschey - Clear Falcon".

Assignments for fans.

"Heroes of fairy tales in riddles"

The facilitator reads one riddle to each team.

Guess which riddle heroes and from which fairy tales these heroes are.

1. The guy got off his favorite stove,

For water I trudged to the river.

I caught a pike in the hole

And since then he did not know any worries. (Emelya from the fairy tale "By the Pike's Command".)

2. It is not gold that sparkles,

It's not the sun that shines

it fairy bird

He sits on an apple tree in the garden. (The Firebird from the fairy tale "Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf".)

3. On a bump of a swamp, the Bride is waiting,

When will the Tsarevich come for her. (Frog from the fairy tale "The Frog Princess".)

4. A lot of silver and gold

He hid in his chests,

He lives in a gloomy palace

And steals other people's brides. (Koschei the Deathless.)

Competition 6. "Round dance of fairy tales"

Learn Russian at the beginning of the text folk tale.

1. “In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a king and a queen; he had three sons - all young, single, daring, such that they cannot be told in a fairy tale or described with a pen ... "(" The princess is a frog. ")

2. “Once upon a time there was a king Berendey, he had three sons, the youngest was named Ivan. And the king had a magnificent garden; an apple tree with golden apples grew in that garden ... "(" Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf. ")

3. "In a certain kingdom in ancient times there lived a grandfather and a woman and a daughter in a small hut, and she had a doll ..." ("Vasilisa the Beautiful.")

4. “Once upon a time there was an old man, he had three sons. The elders were busy with the housekeeping, they were dandy and dapper, and the youngest, Ivan the Fool, was so-so - he loved to go mushrooming in the forest, and at home he sat more and more on the stove. It's time for the old man to die ... "(" Sivka-Burka ".)

« Who lives here? "

Each team receives cards. One of the players on the team of experts reads the text and answers.

This shelter is located on the roof of the house. And it has a lot to see: cherry pits, nutshells and candy wrappers on the floor. Who is the owner of this house?


2. This building, on command, turns its back to the forest, to the guest in front, and its owner smells the "Russian spirit". (Baba Yaga)

They lived in this dilapidated shelter near the blue sea for 30 years and 3 years.

(Old man and old woman)

One of them has a house made in a quick way from straw, the other is more durable - from branches and twigs, but the third has a stone house with a strong door. Name all residents.

(Nif-Nif, Naf-Naf, Nuf-Nuf)

Assignments for fans.

1. What did Cinderella have a carriage from? (from pumpkin).

2.How much does a ticket to the Karabas Barabas theater cost? (4 soldo).

3.Who is Freken Bok? (housekeeper).

4. Who was able to defeat the Cockroach? (sparrow).

5. What did the Scarecrow need to get from the Great and Terrible? (brain).

6.What substance did Fatima smear on Ali Baba's measure? (honey).

7. What was the name of the disease that Dunno suffered on the moon? (yearning).

8. What did Kai need to lay out of the ice? (the word "eternity").

9.When does old man Hottabych's beard hair not work? (when the beard is wet). 10. What was in Little Red Riding Hood's basket? (pies and a pot of butter).

11. How did Thumbelina get to the land of the elves? (on a swallow).

12. What animal did brother Ivanushka become? (into a kid).

13. What did Emelya ride? (on the stove).

14. Where did the seventh goat hide? (in the oven).

15. Malvina is a girl with what hair? (with blue).

16. Who brought Aibolit to Africa? (eagle).

17. In what fairy tale did the bird save the emperor from death? ("Nightingale").

18 In what fairy tale did the sea burn? ("Confusion").

19. What is a "red flower"? (Fire).

20. What was the name of Malvina's poodle? (Artemon) ....


(performance of a song from a fairy tale prepared by one of the teams)

Task-competition "Story in a circle"

The moderator reads the story, and the participants, moving in a circle, depict everything they heard.

"Carousel of fairy tales"

We go to fairy land "Lukomorye". To do this, you put on a heroic helmet on your head, tie a sword-kladenets on your belt, harness your heroic horse Sivka-Burka. The horse throws back its head, whinnies merrily and hits its hoof.

You jumped into the saddle, whistled, whipped the horse, and galloped out of the yard. You are driving through a dark, impenetrable forest. Suddenly, a huge ... drops of dew drips on you from the branches. Thick thorny branches block your path, and it is very difficult to wade through them. Then you loudly shout "But"; the horse jumps and ... lands safely on the other side of the ravine.

But the forest finally ended. Before you is a huge oak tree. And then a deafening whistle is heard. It is the Nightingale the Robber whistling. Trees lean towards the grass itself, dust rises in a column, gets into your eyes. Your horse falls to its knees. Resisting the wind, you can hardly spin a huge club over your head and throw it at the Nightingale the Robber, and you yourself fall unconscious.


Summarizing. The word of the jury. Rewarding.

Final score sheet "Marathon of Fairy Tales"


Warm up

Mach 5 b

Fairy-tale heroes

Mach 5 b.

Add name

Mach 5b.

Magic items

(for each correct answer - 1 p.)

Captains competition

Mach 7 b.

Fabulous commotion

Mach 6 b.

Round dance of fairy tales

Mach 2 b.


The task

Mach 10 b.