I feel like I'm degrading. How to prevent degradation, and what to do if you are rolling downhill I am degrading what to do

Good day! I am sure you have heard the expression "degraded person" more than once. I've often noticed how people use it in their speech, sometimes completely out of place. Therefore, I decided to clarify what this concept means and what leads to this state.


In order not to unreasonably rush with words, let's consider the signs of degradation, by which everyone can understand that changes have begun to occur with a person leading to social death, and gradually approaching physical.

  1. A person's circle of contacts and interests gradually begins to narrow. He does not care what is happening in the world, no one is curious to learn something new. He can "withdraw" in himself, since interpersonal relationships cease to bring pleasure, as a result of which they are of no value to him. He allows himself to be rude, aggressive and overly sarcastic, completely unconcerned about how the other is feeling.
  2. Since the range of interests is significantly narrowed, all attention is paid only to oneself, or rather to the satisfaction of one's basic needs. I talked about them in the article in the article . Therefore, changes can be noticed when a person has become self-centered and deceitful, because the ways to achieve what he wants no longer matter, the absence of a value system, conscience, morality and empathy encourages any action to achieve his own. A certain annoyance, familiarity, swagger and shamelessness can be traced.
  3. Disgust and, in general, negative experiences. It is especially influenced by the fact that they lose the feeling of disgust, therefore, the pole of this feeling goes off scale among those around them. We recently considered the topic of deviant behavior, and so, the manifestations and reactions are exactly the same, besides, degraded individuals often resort to the main forms of manifestation of degradation - crime, alcoholism, drug addiction and the like. You can read more in the article
  4. They become superficial, sometimes even seem to be carefree, and this is not surprising, because the pressing problems of an ordinary person do not bother them at all.
  5. Various intellectual disorders make themselves felt, development stops. The brain, in the absence of new information and, in general, the need to work, stops its activity. This also affects emotional intelligence, such a person becomes unable to recognize his feelings, a disease such as alexithymia may even occur - excessive lethargy, insensibility and inability to notice, describe the feelings of others. The level of aikyu, accordingly, also decreases, sometimes to the very minimum. And what does this mean, read here
  6. The perception of the world becomes negative, he simply loses the ability to notice something pleasant and good, focusing only on failures, and even something positive he will certainly devalue.
  7. A complete transformation of appearance occurs, which also becomes indifferent to such a person. He doesn't care what clothes he goes out in, even if he doesn't. He begins to slouch, does not look around, stops washing and caring for himself.
  8. The speech is incoherent, cannot support the conversation and express his thoughts clearly. And in general, it becomes very difficult to concentrate on it, since I am completely immersed in myself.
  9. Alcohol, drugs act as the consequences of degradation and as causes, therefore, in 90% of cases of personality destruction, they are the main sign by which it is possible to track and predict changes.
  10. Of course, there is no spiritual component, there can be no question of any motivation, awareness, ambition and the ability to take responsibility. Such a person is no longer able to love, support and strive for self-knowledge. I have already discussed in detail what spiritual development includes in the article

Abraham Maslow's theory

Abraham believed that degradation goes through stages such as:

  • There is a feeling that he has become completely helpless, unable to influence events, and the responsibility begins to shift to other people, the government, the weather, etc., considering himself just a “pawn” in this world, unable to change anything. Psychology has a name for this behavior - it is the phenomenon of "learned helplessness."
  • The process of the formation of needs for recognition, security, aesthetics and others ceases, only physiological, so to speak, primitive ones become the only important ones.
  • Splitting the world into "good" and "evil", or "white" and "black". Therefore, they try to exclude contacts with "bad" people, eventually becoming isolated in themselves.
  • He confuses reality with his invented world, after which he may well take the blame for some misdeeds and crimes, without tracking that he did not actually commit them.
  • Obsession with your ideas, categorically rejecting proposals to revise them, as they are incorrect and destructive.

Causes of occurrence

1. An event that led to trauma and loss of the meaning of life. Most often it is the loss of a loved one and valuable person. Experiences can be so strong that the psyche is not able to cope on its own, and if there is no timely support, then it is likely that such an individual will begin to fade away, having lost interest in life.

2. Living an acute sense of loneliness and uselessness. This condition is influenced by such factors as retirement, sometimes "empty nest syndrome", when children grow up and leave their father's house, and parents have to look for new interests and hobbies to fill the free time. Not everyone is just able to find new goals and vocations, especially if they have devoted themselves to children all their lives, ignoring their own desires.

After all, we get used to the fact that society needs us, we need to work, fulfill obligations, and when we retire, we realize that now every day depends only on our own will and efforts.

3. The state of depression often ends with degradation. And all because depression is often tried to cope with the help of alcoholism or drugs, which, as I said, are the cause of personality destruction. The problem is that there is not enough strength to break out of this vicious circle of pain and despondency, to ask for help and support, then such a difficult path of deprivation of life is chosen.

By the way, you can read about depression and how to overcome it.

4. A very acute sense of guilt for some serious offense, which the psyche is also unable to cope with. Then, if there is no punishment or it is not enough to atone for this guilt, you have to resort to such a sophisticated and terrible self-punishment - to kill your personality.

There are frequent examples when, through negligence, parents lost their children, had an accident that ended in death, and were unable to cope with the grief of loss and guilt, punished themselves, considering themselves unworthy to live and experience joy.

What to do?

  1. Whatever happens, try not to lose touch with the world. Force yourself to communicate, get out somewhere, watch your appearance. If you feel that you are not coping with something - ask for help, do not isolate yourself.
  2. Read, visit museums, exhibitions, theater, take an active part in the life of your city. This will give a large flow of information, processing which the brain will have no chance of relaxation. By the way, reading helps prevent such types of disorders as Alzheimer's disease, dementia, alexithymia ... You can read about the benefits of books in the article
  3. I have said many times that you should never stop there. The world is developing too quickly, and it is worth keeping up with its changes in order to achieve success. So self-development should be at one of the first places in your value system.
  4. Eliminate bad habits and, if you have not yet started a fight with any addiction, then it is time to review their degree of influence on your body.
  5. Do not discount the laws and norms of behavior adopted in society, this is what allows you to avoid the primitiveness of the human being.
  6. Do not go on about apathy, giving up on every failure. Increase the level of energy, which will stimulate movement, and, accordingly, development. Force yourself to go in for sports, not giving the opportunity to laziness to control you, then over time you will feel that strength is coming and interest in the surrounding reality appears. There are other ways to keep yourself in good shape about them.
  7. And the most inspiring achievement and joy, of course, is love. It doesn't matter if they are parents, children, spouses, friends or animals - this feeling will help you move on, no matter what.


And that's all, dear readers! Take care of yourself and don't let your mind and soul get lazy or relaxed. And subscribe to the blog, there is a lot of information here that will help on the path of self-development. See you soon.


Hello, I am a student in the 5th year. Recently, my development has begun to strain me very much. Not so long ago, I decided to read about personality degradation and to my complete disappointment, I collected a full bunch of symptoms. To begin with, since childhood I have always been a very active person, played sports, studied (although I did not like it, but delved into the material), constantly walked in my free time, did not like to stay at home and could not stand loneliness. This is how I lived the whole school, but after graduation I began to notice things that were alien to me, namely: insensitivity to educational material, constant fatigue, irritability, absent-mindedness, external negativism and internal fear. Health problems, constant injuries and illnesses also began abruptly, which finally finished off my aspirations to achieve sports achievements. As a result, I began to put on weight, stoop and simply physically weaken. Also, there was a strong self-doubt, constant doubts, which began to reflect on my relationships with girls (which had never happened before). I have become very fearful and often try to stay alone to think about my not very successful life. By virtue of my character, for several years now I had not shared this with anyone, and therefore my head began to be so worn out that even thoughts of suicide (from helplessness) began to appear. I don't know what to do with all this, I just can't even understand how a person from a normal person, in a short time, can turn into someone whom he despised all his life. Now I sit at the computer all day, I do not appear at school often (I still do not understand much), when my friends call me to play football or just go for a walk I find silly excuses to go. But with all this, I myself understand that this should not be so and that it is necessary to somehow fight against it. I used to think that it was a matter of motivation, but now I understand that the situation is even worse, it seems that, in my subconscious, I do not allow myself to get out of this difficult situation. I rarely drink (once every 2-3 months), quit smoking, I don't use drugs, so this is the problem.
I will be very grateful to you if you can help me with good advice, I am really tired of living like a vegetable and I want to develop like all normal people.
P.S. I surf the Internet a lot, so there is a disease of Internet addiction, but here I think it's not only about it.

Oleg, hello

As I understand it, it all started with going to college. The reason is somewhere in the rejection of the new way of life, do not see prospects for the future .. Lack of interest in life in the future. Consequently, if you "get stuck" and stopped perceiving, then what is around you and went into yourself, something scares you in the future or does not coincide very much with your inner expectations.

It seems that playing sports did not bring the expected and caused disappointment.

All this suppresses energy. Have you read too many books on psychology and on the subconscious, there is an independent self-examination and inconsistency of your life with the desired (ideal) image, leads to just such consequences. Appathy. More precisely, it can be said only at the consultation.

It is better to be accompanied by a psychologist. Support.

If you want on your own, then tk. you have willpower (you were able to quit smoking). You can do it yourself (but it's easier with a psychologist). Stop mourning your "unfortunate" life. Pity is not a resource state.

1. Leave alone, computer (forbid yourself to play)

2. Walking alone. Any physical (easy to do). Minimum voltage. (At first I will have to do it through a little "don't want")

Do whatever you previously enjoyed doing.

4. An antidepressant is desirable. (Look online for products containing dopamine and serotonin.) Bananas are the most affordable.

6. Stop digging into yourself. Stop comparing yourself to the past, stop thinking about the future. Stop reading all sorts of rubbish about consciousness, subconsciousness and motivation. All the answers to these questions are in you. And they will come to you at the right time.

7. Live in today’s day. One task for the day. Make the most of your pleasure. Focus on what's good.

8. You need to raise the emotional background by any means. (Then desires will appear)

(If you do not use something, the brain, hand, emotions (joy) for a long time. Then it starts to die off and has to be developed anew after physical injuries. Then everything falls into place and desires and meaning appear again. You are alive and young, which means processes will go quickly).

10. Stop constantly using the brain and learning to feel. (If it is not clear, then I offer 30 minutes of free consultation, I will explain. Write in a personal)

Everything in our body is arranged very harmoniously. If you leave the game to the computer and introspection (for a while, stop disturbing yourself). Everything will start to recover ITSELF. A little help and nudge.

You have an inner lust for life. But there is no interest. You don't see the meaning. It was a little different at school. (You were told - you did) And now is the time to find your own interests on your own. And making decisions for the future. In the future, everything will be fine, easy and interesting. Everything will be as you decide. It is not necessary to live your whole life in tension, you can do it with pleasure. You will find both meaning and interest. And now is the time to pull yourself out of apathy (you don't want to live like a vegetable) and the motivation will work for you, at this stage, only negative.

Does degradation not suit you? So much for your motivation.

You need to go through three stages. Recovery of the emotional background. Finding your own desires. And then the goals and movement, easy and interesting.

There are times when the past is gone, but something new is bound to take its place. Survive this period without much self-destruction.

Best regards, Irina Sergeeva (Polanskaya)

Good answer10 Bad answer1

Oleg, this is not degradation, this is a crisis associated with the fact that you have ceased to be a child and become an adult. Everyone goes through this youth crisis, just in a different form. Its essence is that earlier (in childhood) we accept the opinions and postulates of our parents, we accept them on faith. And we think that we know how to do it right, because mom and dad said so. Then, in adolescence, we sometimes begin to protest against parental values, prove something of our own, but parental values \u200b\u200bare still important. And in their youth they really die off. And there is no point in proving anything to anyone. We must look for our own and go our own way. And this is the hardest part.

Institute. Did you choose that business? The simplest and most commonplace motivation is interest. And the childhood version "I didn't like, but learned the material" is no longer for you. Not a single normal person can live through unwillingness, if we talk about adults. More precisely, they live like this, but they become neurotic and unhappy people. And it is quite natural that if the matter is not interesting to you, the head already refuses just like that, on sheer willpower "because it is necessary" to master the material. In general, living “because you have to” and “as you should” is very stressful and difficult. It is much easier and more comfortable to live when "like" and "interesting". Maybe get a diploma (not long left) and go to study something else? Or choose a job that is not related to what you studied at the institute, if you don't like it?

Diseases. A direct consequence of negative emotions. Emotions accumulate, for example, irritation, fatigue, discontent, anger - all this could have been for unloved childhood activities and for parents and the need to constantly comply with some norms and meet expectations, and then all these emotions, accumulated, "gave out" a bouquet of diseases .... Another reason to think about whether you need to rape yourself in anything. The disease can also serve as a safety net. Perhaps the sport that you were doing is not suitable for you, and you cannot hear your body. And it, tired of speaking to you in an amicable way, began to speak in a bad way - it began to actively resist. Think about it, is this YOUR sport?

Are you trying to be alone? - so it's okay. What kind of "energetic outgoing" image have you created for yourself? It is common for a person to sometimes seek solitude (even for whole periods), sometimes to be sad, to rethink life .... It seems to me that you have created such an image of an "exceptionally positive young man" for yourself and cut yourself according to a template, forgetting to really think about the main thing - and what you really are. Whose expectations do you continue to meet? Who do you want to be like?

Lately you think that you have become very stupid? We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the main signs of degradation and determine how well your fears are justified.

This is how a person is arranged - he must constantly develop and strive for new heights: personal, spiritual, intellectual and social. As soon as we stop developing, our brain turns on the program ... no, not self-destruction, but degradation. Of course, it's nice to lie on the couch all day, looking at the ceiling, but degradation is too high a price for idleness!
Note that from time to time we still need some kind of unloading. Relaxing on the beach for a month, sleeping off for a week and not reading any smart literature is useful if you have experienced a lot of stress or are tired to exhaustion. But such rest should be alternated with vigorous activity.

Signs of personality degradation

American psychologist Maslow has identified several qualities inherent in people with personality degradation:
- Treat yourself as a cog. When a person believes that nothing depends on him, that he is just a pawn that cannot change anything: neither in his life, nor in the life of society.
- Minimum desires. All actions are reduced to satisfying purely physiological needs - to eat, sleep, relieve sexual hunger. Such people go to work only for money, and meet people of the opposite sex only for sex.
- Black and white world. The environment for such people is divided into "us" and "strangers". These people do their best to protect themselves from "strangers", they have a very narrow social circle.
- Categorical. A degrading person considers his opinion to be the only correct one and considers disputes and discussions an unnecessary waste of time.

Poverty of the lexicon. A person uses only elementary phrases, it is difficult for him to find words to describe something, it is especially difficult for him to choose adjectives - it is this part of speech that expresses our emotions and feelings. In general, such people try not to speak, they do not want to spend unnecessary efforts on verbal functions.
- Dependencies. Alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling addiction are very striking signs of degradation. It is difficult to say whether they are the cause or effect of degradation, but the fact remains: if a person is addicted, there is a great risk that he will degrade.

How not to degrade?

Tips, on the one hand, are very simple, but on the other - difficult to implement. Especially if you're not used to making an effort. However, it is worthwhile to strain!
- Read! This is a universal advice to anyone who does not want to go down intellectually. Read not only fiction, but also books from an area that you have never been interested in. This keeps our brains from getting stale.
- Take care of yourself! Yes, yes, taking care of your appearance is not a whim, but one of the elements of self-respect. Make sure you look aesthetically pleasing.
- Reason. Try not to take statements for granted. Argue, debate, defend your point of view - and know how to change it if the opponent's arguments are convincing.
- Be moral. The norms of society were invented for a reason, they have a deep meaning. Therefore, the postulates that one should not lie, steal, fornicate and so on help you integrate into society. And do not get corrupted spiritually.
- Think high. What is the meaning of your life? What is your purpose? What are you striving for, and what is valuable to you? Think about such things from time to time, it is even more useful to look for answers to your questions in spiritual practices.
- Be creative. Creativity is the most effective way for self-development and self-realization. It doesn't matter in what area you manifest it, it will not let you degrade. Look for new ways to solve standard problems, be creative at home and at work.
- Meet. Expand your social circle, try to meet and make friends with people who are engaged in an unfamiliar business.

What if I am degraded?

    Leave this site for two weeks and do other things - reading books, for example, or gardening.

  • Even if you are eaten, you still have two options.

    You have two options for further development of events:

    1. Continue to degrade and, for example, to sleep with melancholy (I don’t know in the World Cup you show degradation).
    2. Stop degrading and start developing.

    As I understand it, you would like to choose the second option (otherwise there would be no such question).

    By and large, you need Target;. Man with Purpose; cannot degrade. By following the steps below, you can find.

    To do this, stay a little alone and quiet: no people, no TV, no internet and no PC at all. Leave just a pen and a piece of paper.

    Congratulations, almost the most difficult part is done, now all you have to do is follow what was written.

    p.s. More optimism and everything will turn out 😉

  • You know, if you submit such a question to public judgment, then you are still very far from degradation! Believe me, with such self-esteem, when 95 percent of people are not even able to admit their own obvious mistakes, you have decided on such a question about yourself beloved.

    It is a pity that you did not specifically indicate what could be the cause of degradation. In the tags I see the word computer, but it raises doubts))) How can a computer contribute to degradation? The fact that you are hanging out on social networks? So what, 40 percent do the same. The fact that you live in a virtual world, do not go out? So what, this is your choice, if you are more interested in a computer than with people - this is your right. Those who prefer pets to people cannot be called degenerates. They are a little weird, but nothing more.

    Are you obsessed with computer games? I agree that this addiction is akin to slot machines, but still not degradation. It is useless to advise you to limit yourself in toys, especially who am I to you to confidently give advice? The only thing I will say is that if you feel that something is wrong with you, analyze what it might be and make a conclusion.