Theatricalization of a fairy tale in primary school. Theatrical performance “Ball of Fairy Tales. Nastya's adventures in a fairyland

A play in five scenes for children based on the Russians folk tales


Ivanushka - N. Ganiev

King Peas, aka the Wolf - R. Shafikov

Bear, he is Yaga-daughter - S. Rudoy

The storyteller- I. Lynnik

Nanny, she is Alyonushka - E. Vologzhina

Baba Yaga - Z. Khismatullina

Nurse - G. Shafikova

Hare - R. Garafutdinov


Storyteller: I will tell you a tale about a distant kingdom - the far-off kingdom. About Baba Yaga with a nose, and about her daughter with a mustache. Sit down more comfortably, but then don't say what to see - you haven't seen, but you haven't heard. The saying has ended, the tale begins. Once upon a time there was a Tsar Peas - a wooden forehead. And he had a son, Ivanushka. The tsarevich grew up by leaps and bounds. I grew up on butter pies, on pure butter, and on fresh milk.

Storyteller: Do you hear? Calls me. (Hides.)I'm running, Vanyatka, I'm running, my sweetie!

The first picture.

The curtain opens. The royal mansions. The Tsar, Mother and Nanny listen at the door. Ivanushka's voice: Nurse! I want cheese!

Nurse: Oh, crying, little one! This moment I'll bring overseas cheese, Dutch cheese ...

King Peas: Vanyusha grew up, but he didn't understand.

Nurse: Yes, wait, king, because he is still small.

King Peas: In-in, small! The shoulders get stuck in the door, the forehead rests against the ceiling ... The big forehead has grown, and all that is on the forehead, that on the forehead, only knows that to shout at the father-king with the nannies ...

Nurse: I'm running! I'm carrying it!

The Tsar, Nanny and Mamka are carrying delicacies to Ivanushka's bedchamber with a song.

Song of the Tsar, Nurse and Mamka

Nurse: Why why why

Does he like Dutch cheese?

King Peas: And because, because, because,

That he is Vanya the Tsar's son!

Nurse: Here I baked for Ivanushka

Sweet honey gingerbread.

Nurse: Ivan will become our big cake from the cake

Like the steamer Titanic

Together: Everybody run, run, run

King Peas: He asks for food.

Together: Everyone is running, running, running.

King Peas: He is hungry.

Together: Bon Appetit!

(Ivanushka appears, yawning lazily, and falls back on the throne)Boring ...

King Peas: And we will cheer you up. We will marry you, Ivanushka! Let's play a little wedding!

Nurse: We have Alyonushka - falcon eyes, eyebrows - sables, and behind a braid - maiden beauty.

Ivanushka: What is it to me?

King Peas: You will hug her, kiss her ...

Ivanushka: What more!

Nurse: He doesn’t want to, my dear ... You’ll give that Alenka a kick, and wag her braid.

Ivanushka: Gee-s-s ... I want to get married!

King Peas: Nurse! Nurse! Why are you rooted to the spot? Rather lead Alyonushka before Vanyusha changes his mind.

With cries of "Wedding!", "The prince is getting married!" Nurse and Nurse run away. Tsar and Tsarevich are playing goodies.

King Peas: Goodies, goodies

Joy at Ivanushka.

Ivanushka: After the wedding I am like this

Give her cuffs!

King Peas: Alyonka has beauty ...

Ivanushka: And a big beard!

King Peas: Soft as a bun ...

Ivanushka: And, probably, you fool!

King Peas: Will you love her ...

Ivanushka: In the bathhouse, beat with a broom!

The Nurse and the Mother appear.

Nurse: Do not order execution, your majesty!

Nurse: Tell me to have mercy!

Nurse: Alyonushka was carried away at night by Baba Yaga in a mortar.

King Peas: Nurse! Nurse! Why are you standing there, your mouths startled? Cry bitterly! (Those howl, wail.) Why aren't you crying?

Ivanushka: Yes, I don’t want to, dad!

King Peas: And right now, I'll get the magic strap (unfastens the belt) and we will also wash with your tears. Roar everyone! Loud! (Everyone is crying)Well, we cried and woke up. Go, Ivanushka, find Alyonushka.

Ivanushka: So where am I going, dad?

King Peas: To the distant lands, to the forest kingdom, to Baba Yaga.

Ivanushka: No, dad. I am still small. I need healthy eating and excellent parenting.

King Peas: All! My patience has run out ... Now, son, I will take care of your upbringing. (Swings around with a strap) Although it is not pedagogical, it may be so good.

Ivanushka, and behind him the Tsar disappear into the bedchamber. Everything was shaking. Ivanushka's screams are heard: and "I will not be anymore!" Finally, smearing tears and pulling up his pants, Ivanushka says. The royal head looks out from behind the doors.

King Peas: Here's my last word for you: go to Baba Yaga, and until you find Alyonushka, you won't go home, but when you find it, you are welcome.

Nurse and Nurse equip Ivanushka for the road.

Nurse: Oh, King Peas - wooden forehead.

Nurse: He drove his dear son out of the palace.

Nurse: On, Vanechka, on, sweetie, a knapsack for your journey.

Nurse: Yes, a cockerel on sticks.

Ivanushka: Goodbye nanny! Goodbye, mother! Do not remember dashingly ... Maybe I'll see you again.

Introductory musical chords sound, and under the song of Ivanushka, the scenery for the next picture is being transformed.

Scene two.

Ivanushka walks through the forest, uncharted paths, and sings a song.

Song of Ivanushka.

Father drove me away

Very severely punished

So that I'm in a dense forest

There I found Alenka.

If a bogeyman meets,

I will whisper quietly "ay"

And then I will shout boldly:

"Hara-kiri" and "Banzai!"

I'm tired of course

I got into a dense forest,

I got lost in life

I, in my opinion, disappeared.

Ivanushka: Oh, I'm tired, I have no more strength. I'll sit on a tree stump, suck on a cockerel, maybe I will add strength. (Sits on a tree stump, takes a lollipop from a bundle, licks)

Eh, if it was a real cockerel ... fried. Yes, if not a rooster at all, but a whole pig with horseradish and buckwheat porridge ...

A Bear appears from the forest, quietly sits down on a stump of Ivanushka, looks at the candy, swallows saliva. Ivan does not notice him, he dreams with himself.

Why waste time on trifles when not a pig, but a baked bull, crushed garlic in its belly, a whole deck of honey, and a basket of printed gingerbread!

Bear: Good! I wish ...

Ivanushka: Good! Oh! ..

Bear: Delight!

Ivanushka: Delicious!

Bear: Give me a lick just once, be a friend!

Ivanushka(he finally noticed the Bear. He saw and voiced as if cut) A-ah-ah! Guard! Robbing! Don't come near, otherwise I'll tell the father-tsar, he will ...

Ivanushka screams, jumping up on a tree stump in fear, but he still does not forget to stretch his hand with the candy as high as possible. And the Bear from such a cry was no less frightened than Ivanushka, covered his head with his paws and rushed behind the bush. And Ivan lay behind a stump and hid ... A minute passed, another ... Ivanushka leaned out cautiously from behind a stump, and Medvkd stuck his face out from behind a bush towards him.

Bear:What are you ... that ... that?

Ivanushka: What are you doing?

Bear: Yes, I just wanted to ask you for a piece of candy. It smells deliciously delicious, drooling straight ...

Ivanushka: So, you are not aiming at me, but at the candy? (crawls out from behind the hemp)

Bear: Well ... that ... that ... and you were scared ... (gets out)

Ivanushka: I was afraid? Ha! (He slaps the Bear in a friendly way) And he himself ... Ha-ha! Didn't he get scared himself? Ha ha!

Bear: You really ... that ... that ... be a friend, give me a lick just once, haven't tasted anything sweet for a long time.

Ivanushka: You, I see, your lip is not stupid ... You just lick that I have to crack a kilo of halva. In general, as long as I am polite, I beg you very much - if you would go pick up and greet you ... You will not be enough for all the cockerels. Bye! I wish you happiness in your personal life.

Ivanushka: Well, get out of the way ... please ...

Bear: The road is in the forest, and here I am the master. I want to start, but I want and instead of candy ... that ... that ... I’m grilling.

Ivanushka (chickened out): Are you shrinking? What is it like? Eat, or what? You, of course, excuse me, but I am completely tasteless.

Bear: But we will try and find out whether you are tasty or not, greedy beef ...

The bear steps on Ivanushka, and he tries to dodge, but to no avail. The bear has almost grabbed it.

Ivanushka: Change your anger to mercy, Bear-father, don't ruin Ivanushka, take a cockerel for yourself - I just joked so badly.

Bear: Thank you, thank you ... (Sucks on a lollipop, smacks his lips.)Oh, sweetness, oh, joy! My friend you are my calico! Let's compose a song?

Ivanushka: About you?

Bear: And about love. (Solemnly.)A song about a Bear ...

Ivanushka: ... And the red-haired Monkey!

Already the Bear plays the balalaika and sings sweetly together with Ivan.

Song about the Bear and the Monkey

Bear: In the forest dense and deaf

The mighty Bear was walking along the path.

Ivanushka: Towards the Bear, without hiding,

The red-haired Monkey was galloping.

Bear: Bear fell in love with the Monkey

And from the heart gave her roses.

Ivanushka: the monkey took them, laughing,

And Mishka only made faces.

Together: Bear and Monkey -

The plot of this song

Your balalaika sang.

Bear Monkey

Said, "Forever!

Mishutka! Buddy! Goodbye! "

Ivanushka: I say goodbye too, Father-Bear. It's already getting dark over there, and I haven't even found a trace of Alyonushka ... Which way should I go? Where to look for Baba Yaga?

Bear: Well, the road is well-known: go straight for yourself, don't turn anywhere.

Ivanushka: Goodbye, Mikhail Potapych! Thank you for your kindness and friendship, and if you offended with something, then do not remember it dashingly.

Bear: I will remember you well, Ivanushka! (They hug.) how kind, how polite he has become! .. I will accompany you to the edge.

Farewell song of the Bear and Ivanushka

Bear: Don't go astray

Go straight through the forest.

If suddenly trouble happens,

Call for help.

Ivanushka: if i hear a howl

I will show my character

And I will run away from the Wolf.

I am brave, I am so!

I went on a spree

I got into a dense forest,

I got lost in life

I, in my opinion, disappeared.

Scene three

Ivanushka sings, walks along the path, and the Hare rushes towards him, as if scalded.

Hare: Oh-oh-oh ... Help! Save the Zainka! Wolf Zubamischelk wants to eat me ...

Ivanushka: Wolf?! (And - he went into the bushes, hid himself, he was shaking from fear and the bushes were trembling.)

Hare: The wolf smells. And the weak need help, uncle!

Ivanushka: What kind of uncle am I? I am Ivanushka. Eh, was - was not. To be afraid of a wolf - do not go to the forest. Let's try to outwit him. Listen.

They whisper about something, laugh and hide: Ivanushka is in the bushes, and the Hare is behind a tree. The Wolf appears with the song.

Song of the Wolf

Chamomile hid

The insects crawled away

And the cowardly Hare

Asked the snatch.

This is me for a laugh

Drowning out the echo

Subtle and cordial

He growled his song.

Break, crush

And tear to pieces -

This is life,

This is happiness!

A rustle is heard in the bushes.

Wolf: Oh! There is someone in the bushes! (Shouts in a trembling voice.) Hey! Come out! I'm brave! I am brave! One ... Two ... (Hare ears grow over the bush.) Aha, oblique, so I got you! (He stretched out into the paw into the bushes and, as if stung, recoiled - shows a powerfully bandaged finger.) Wow, it bites ... Yes, I ... (And once again with a paw into the bushes, pulls the hare's ears, and under them the powerful figure of Ivanushka grows. The wolf whistled in surprise.)Who are you?

Ivanushka: I am an overgrown hare. And you?

Wolf: And I am the Wolf, the king of the forests.

Ivanushka: What a king you are! So, little Wolf ...

Wolf: Right now I'll bite my nose so I don't get teased.

Ivanushka: Barely familiar, and you really bite. Come on like this. If you run from a bush to that tree first, you bite my nose, if the second, I bite. Going?

Wolf: The wolf's legs are fed. It goes.

Ivanushka: Then let's run!

Musical fragment. As soon as the Wolf rushed from his place, Ivanushka darted into the bushes. The wolf is running, looked around - there is no Hare, probably left behind. He looked ahead, and hare ears were already sticking out from behind the tree.

Hare (because of the tree): Lost, Wolf. I'll bite right now!

Wolf: It was a warm-up. We will now really run - from tree to bush. Forward!

Musical fragment. The wolf rushed to the bush and was stunned - Ivanushka was already waiting for him.

Ivanushka (growls and snaps his teeth): Um! Hrum-hrum!

Wolf: Trying is not torture. One more attempt. March to the tree!

Musical fragment. The hare's ears await the exhausted Wolf by the tree.

Wolf: Ah well? Yes, I love you! .. (Swings, kicks, for a second she lingers behind a tree, and now the Wolf with a cast leg) Oo-oo-oo ... Made him disabled, overgrown!

Ivanushka: Don't cry, Volchishka ... Still want a rabbit?

Wolf: Even drooling ...

Ivanushka: Close your eyes, open your mouth, crunch my ear. (The Hare puts a pine cone in the Wolf's mouth) So much for the hare. Yummy?

Wolf(slightly crunching, whispers): Oh! Sub broke! A wolf of demons, a hundred general without an army - one meeting.

Hare (ties up the mouth with a scarf): New ones can be inserted.

Wolf: Tsevo-tsevo? Outwitted me ... And where to insert?

Hare: At the doctor's. Let's go to him ...

Ivanushka: Don't touch the weak, Wolf. Protect them, help them.

Wolf: I won't ...

Ivanushka: That's good. Is it far from Baba Yaga?

Hare: Close. We are on the way. Let's carry out!

Song of Ivanushka, Hare and Wolf

Hare: It's easier for me with friends

Walk through the woods.

Woe together, joy together

What is wrong - I'm sorry.

Ivanushka: You are a Bunny, Gray Wolf,

Look, don't offend!

Wolf: I am his protector now

Like Grandfather Mazai!

Hare: Have their villainous destiny

Ask for happiness.

Wolf: And alive from Babka-Ezhka

Take your feet.

Hare: And when Alenka is near,

With a kind and calm look

Ask her about love.

Ivanushka: You know friends

There is no sweeter her.

I will be brave

I will find it soon!

Scene four

Out of nowhere, a hunched-over old woman appears and rustles straight to the apple tree that grows at the edge of the forest.

Baba Yaga (counts): One, second, third ... Everything is in place. The apples are magic. Memory is kicked out. Vanyusha will try - and he will forget his Alenka, marry my daughter. (Sniffs) Fu Fu Fu! It smells of the Russian spirit. Who is here?

Ivanushka(appears): Hello grandma.

Baba Yaga: Huh?

Ivanushka (louder): Hello grandma.

Baba Yaga: Speak louder, I can't hear well.

Ivanushka(shouts):Hello grandma.

Baba Yaga: Why are you shouting, I'm not deaf. Who are you?

Ivanushka: Ivanushka.

Baba Yaga: Fool?

Ivanushka: Tsarevich. Baba Yaga, let go of Alyonushka. I came for her.

Baba Yaga (realizing something): Why not let go? Let me go. Just give me your word that you will marry this honest girl.

Ivanushka: The royal word is expensive. I give you my word.

Baba Yaga (calling):Beauty! Walk syudy. The prince will marry you.

A well-knocked figure appears, modestly covers himself with a handkerchief.

Ivanushka (rushes to her): Alyonushka! My happiness!

The figure throws back the handkerchief. Before him is a mustachioed Yaga-daughter.

Ivanushka: Duck it's a man!

Baba Yaga: What kind of guy? Maid. Honest. My daughter.

Ivanushka(laughs): Oh, I can’t! Oh, I'll die of laughter!

Yaga daughter: What is he? What is he?

Baba Yaga: What? Laughs!

Yaga daughter: What are you, hey?

Ivanushka: Oh, I'll die of laughter! Oh, I will not survive!

Yaga daughter: What a fool you are ...

Ivanushka: Yes, a mustache! Mustache ... Oh, Lord, well, it happens in nature. How did you get married?

Yaga daughter: How is everyone ... (Alarmed) Why?

Ivanushka: Yes, a mustache!

Yaga daughter: So what? They don't bother me. On the contrary, I smell it better.

Ivanushka: Yes, they don't bother you. What about me? At the wedding?

Yaga daughter: What do you want? Where are you going, fool?

Ivanushka: But how? I will kiss at the wedding, and I myself will think: "Not a girl, but some kind of major general." Yes, nothing is possible for a bride with a mustache! Well, these witches! They don't understand anything. After all, I will not live with you, with a mustache!

Baba Yaga: Vanyusha, you gave the royal word to marry her.

Yaga daughter: Now we'll play a wedding!

Song of Baba-Yaga and Yaga-daughter

Yaga daughter: Ah, the veil suits me.

I'm going for Ivan!

We will eat pancakes and pies.

Let's live happily

Do not grieve about anything

I will tickle Vanya with a mustache!

Baba Yaga: Glorious Vanya son-in-law!

For him I will

Like a mother!

Get sick - I will fly

And I'll pump it on a mortar!

Ivanushka: I won't marry you. Where is Alyonushka?

Baba Yaga: You will bite your elbows. Well, go on. That's just ...

Yaga daughter:Mom, don't let go of Ivan. He loves me ...

Baba Yaga: Shut up! .. Go, dear, go. Only to you a request: get the old lady an apple there ... High I suppose? You will not get?

Ivanushka: What do you mean - high? It's still low for me (He plays along. Takes out an apple)

Yaga daughter: Mom, don't let go of Ivan. He is also an acrobat ...

Baba Yaga: Shut up! .. You know, dear, eat this apple yourself, and you will still get me.

Yaga daughter: Mom, I also want an apple ...

Baba Yaga: Shut up! .. You don't need an apple!

Yaga daughter: What are you doing, mama, keep quiet and shut up? I want it and that's it!

He snatches an apple from Ivan and bites. A piece of music sounds. The Yaga daughter does not recognize anyone.

Yaga daughter: Who are you, witch?

Baba Yaga: The witch herself! I'm your mom, daughter.

Yaga daughter: I have no mummy. I am an orphan ...

Baba Yaga: And here I’m hitting the head with a broom, you will quickly remember me. (Bangs on the head with a swing)

Yaga daughter:Oh, it tickles ...

Baba Yaga: Doesn't help ... What? Are you full of apples? Lost your memory? And he should have lost his mind, here he is, your fiancé, Ivanushka ...

Yaga daughter (scared):I don't want to marry him! Ouch, a staerous club. (Runs away)

Baba Yaga (runs after her): Daughter! Wait! Where are you going?

Ivanushka: Stop, Baba Yaga! Where did she go to Alyonushka?

Baba Yaga: Turned into a frog. Rides through the swamps.

Ivanushka:How to disenchant her?

Baba Yaga (running away): Let's kiss!

Scene five

Ivanushka wanders through the forest, does not sing songs, thinks of a heavy thought.

Ivanushka: My poor little head, you will be lost. Where to look for Alenushka? (A chorus of frogs is heard from everywhere and everywhere they are - underfoot, under the bushes) How many frogs ... Who is Alyonushka? How to find out? Kiss everyone ?! Probably that one over there ... Croaks pitifully, tenderly ... Croak frog, come here ... (Picks up, frowns, but kisses)So you're not Alenka? (The frog shakes his head negatively: "no-oo-oo") Fu, swamp toad. (Notices another) She! She's right! Blinked an eye at me, gave a sign! (I took it, winced, kissed it - to no avail) Is it a toad? (The frog nods in the affirmative: "yes-a-a") To kiss all toads - and you will become a Water One. (Notices a frog wearing a headscarf) The last kiss - and that's it!

Kisses. Musical fragment. Flash Light. The frog turns into Alyonushka.

Alyonushka: Ivanushka, my happiness! ..

Song of Ivanushka and Alyonushka

Alyonushka: I became again


The girl is not a frog

And about love


Sing in your ear.

Ivanushka, my destiny,

I'm not myself with you.

I will reveal the secret without hiding:

You are the best in the world.

Ivanushka: Long way,


We will overcome with you.

Let's leave the sadness


Let's go home soon.

Alyonushka, my fate.

Your hand is in my hand.

I will reveal the secret without hiding:

You are the best in the world.

The curtain slowly closes during the song, and on the last chords Ivanushka and Alyonushka find themselves on the proscenium, where Tsar Peas awaits them.


King Peas: Ivanushka brought Alyonushka home, and - with a merry feast and for the wedding.

Ivanushka: here the fairy tale ends.

Alyonushka: And who listened ...

All performers show up

Together: Well done!

Theatrical entertainment "How children saved fairytale heroes"

Author: Molochkova Anna Viktorovna, tutor of MBDOU DS No. 43 "Solnyshko", village Mago, Khabarovsk Territory, Nikolaev-on-Amur district.
Work description:I offer a summary of the theatrical performance for children 5-7 years old "How children saved fairy-tale heroes." This material can be useful for educators preschool institutions, parents.
Goal:to generalize, systematize, consolidate the knowledge of children in several educational areas: "Cognitive development", "Speech development", "Artistic and aesthetic development", "Social and communicative development", "Physical development".

1. Continue teaching older preschoolers to play educational games; follow the rules of the game; be restrained; skillfully answer the teacher's questions and guess riddles.
2. To consolidate the knowledge of children about mathematical concepts, natural and objective environment; knowledge of Russian works.
3. To provide pupils with pleasure from entertainment.
1. To continue to develop in older preschoolers curiosity, communication qualities, speech activity and thinking abilities.
2. To continue to form mental processes in children: memory, attention, perception, thinking, speech, imagination.
3. Encourage children to express an emotional response to completed assignments (delight, joy, satisfaction).
1. Continue to educate older preschoolers to different kind games, creative tasks.
2.Form personal qualities children: a sense of camaraderie, responsibility, mutual assistance, the ability to work in a team.
3. To continue to educate children to love Russian folklore (fairy tales, riddles, songs); moral qualities: hospitality, kindness, mutual assistance, respect, a sense of collectivism.
Integration educational areas:
- speech development (coherent speech, communication skills);
- social and communicative development (play, labor and moral education);
- physical development (outdoor game);
- artistic and aesthetic development (performance of a song, aesthetics in the design of the hall).
Prior work:
1. Guessing riddles.
2. Telling children of Russian folk tales, watching Soviet cartoons.
3. Consideration of illustrations with the image: fairy-tale characters.
4. Conversations with preschoolers about moral culture (communication, behavior, attention), helping adults in the classroom (labor education).
5. Learning Kolobok's song, an outdoor game "Wolf without a den".
6. Conduct didactic games with children: "Find out and name", "Make a successive fairy tale", "The fourth extra", "Confusion", "Find a soul mate", "Rebus".
7. Conducting cognitive complex and integrated lessons (OOD), didactic games and conversations on various topics with older preschoolers.
Demo material: music hall decoration; tables for participants during some games; musical screensavers; 2 easels; 2 Whatman paper with tasks "Collect the shell"; presentation - game "You know a fairy tale - name it"; 2 envelopes with pictures for the game "Make a fairy tale" Turnip "and 2 more - for the game" Amusing puzzles ".
costumes: Baba Yagi and Soroki - adult (parents).
Gingerbread man - child
Turnip - child
Cockerel is a child
Bear is a child
The wolf is a child
Cinderella is a child
Pinocchio is a child
- "What fairy tale are these illustrations for?" presentation "You know a fairy tale - name it"(B. Ya.)
- "Make a fairy tale" Turnip "(Turnip)
- "Name the fairy tales where the hero is Cockerel" (Cockerel)
- "Collect the shell" (Cockerel)
- "Problems" (bear)
- an outdoor game "Wolf without a den" (Wolf)
- "Find Cinderella" (one of the fans)
- "Entertaining puzzles" (Buratino)
Pinocchio distributes treats: sweets.
Fun children's music - for the beginning and for games.
Forest noise
Opening door creak
The appearance of Baba Yaga
Kolobok's song
Music for collecting shells
Exit Bear
Music for the game "The Wolf Without a Den"
Music for playing with shoes
Song "Pinocchio"
Music for the game "Amusing puzzles"
Final dance

Theatrical entertainment progress:
Cheerful music sounds, children enter the hall.
Leading: Hello guys! They hurry to visit us fairy-tale heroes... Our samovar has already boiled, and the cake for tea is baked, it is getting cold on a silver saucer with a gold border. (looks at his watch)... Well, where are our guests? It's not decent to be late!
A magpie arrives.
Magpie: Kidnapped! Hid it! Lured!
Leading: Magpie, what happened? What have you hidden, who have you kidnapped?
Magpie: Not me, not me! This is Baba Yaga! She lured the heroes of different fairy tales to her hut, on chicken legs. She says that he will not release them until the clever, brave, smart come and complete her tasks. And by the way, you don't know who they are - smart, brave, dexterous?
Leading: I know. These are the guys from our kindergarten "Solnyshko"! Really guys? Children: Yes!

Leading: Let's help the heroes?
Children: Yes!
Leading: Then we will have to go to the deep forest. The journey ahead of us is not simple, but magical.
We need to depict a dark, dense forest:
Noise of trees - shhhhh
Howling of the wind-oo-oo-oo
Growling bear in the thicket of the forest - rrrr
The grunt of a wild boar under the age-old oak - oink-oink-oink
Caw of a flock of crows - kar-kar-kar
The cry of an owl flying overhead - uh-huh-huh
(Forest noise. Opening door creak)
Leading: What kind of creak and cluck?
Children: Yes, this is Baba Yaga's hut!
(Baba Yaga appears on a broom)
Baba Yaga: Ugliness! They arranged a holiday and even without me! Not good. I have a nose - in! (shows)... Thought I didn't? (pretends to sniff and sneeze).
Children: Be healthy!
Leading: Baba Yaga, why did you hide the fairy-tale characters? The guys are looking forward to meeting them. We have everything ready for tea drinking.
Baba Yaga: I wanted to play with them, otherwise I'm bored alone. And no one calls me to visit (crying)... If you can guess which fairy tale the illustration is, then I will release one hero.
Game "What tale are these illustrations for?"
The presentation "You know a fairy tale - name it" is used here

Leading: You see, Baba Yaga, the guys guessed everything correctly.
Baba Yaga:
I do not believe, I will check.
I have seven questions.
I will give them to all the guys.
Answer the questions,
Name fairy tales together.
It is shaped like a ball.
He was once hot.
Jumped off the table to the floor
And he left his grandmother.
He has a ruddy side ...
Did you know? ...
Children: Kolobok!
Leading: You see, the children read the fairy tale, and they guessed the hero!
Baba Yaga:
Well, well, get a kolobok.
Have fun with him for now.
(Kolobok appears - a child)
Here I am! Friends rolled over to you!
In a fairy tale I sing my own!
Remember my song?
(sings Kolobok's song with the children under audio recording)
We are glad to meet you, Kolobok!
Be a guest, settle down.
Children are waiting for the second question.
Yes, and you join the game!
Baba Yaga:
Round, not a month,
Yellow, not butter,
Sweet, not sugar
With a tail, not a mouse.
Children: Turnip!
(Turnip appears - a child)
I am Turnip - golden
I'm juicy, fragrant
Rich in vitamins,
Eat me guys!
Will you play a game with me?
Children: Yes!
Turnip holds the game "Make a fairy tale" Turnip "
Assignment: it is necessary to arrange the plot of the tale sequentially.
Leading: Thank you, dear Repka. Be a guest, settle down. Yes, and you join the game!
Baba Yaga: There you are new riddle.
Who shouts the most and does the least?
Children: Cockerel!
(Rooster appears - a child)
Cockerel: Thanks guys for saving me. Only now I have forgotten what fairy tales I live in. Help me remember!
Children call fairy tales in which the hero is Cockerel.
Cockerel: Well done! I remembered! I'll play with you for that.
The game "Collect the shell" is held
Children are invited to connect two parts of the shell: 1 part of the shell is drawn on a Whatman paper, and part 2 is distributed by the Cockerel.

Leading: Thank you, Cockerel for such an interesting game! Come in, sit down. You will be our guest!
Baba Yaga: And here's another riddle!
He sleeps in a den in winter,
Snoring little by little
And he wakes up, well, roar,
What's his name? - ...
Children: Bear!
(a bear appears - a child)
I'm a clubfoot bear
I'm walking through the forest
I collect cones
I solve problems.
Do you want me to ask you a problem too?
Children: We want!
1) How many nuts are in an empty glass? (0 glass is empty)
2) The animal has 2 right legs, 2 left, 2 legs in front, 2 behind. How many legs does it have? (total 4)
3) How to bring water in the sieve? (Freeze, or put a bag on the bottom of the sieve)
Leading: Thank you, Mishenka! Be a guest, settle down. Yes, and you join the game!
Baba Yaga: And you probably won't guess this riddle!
Who sits at the hole
And he mutters to himself:
"Catch a fish, big and small!"
Children: Wolf!
(the Wolf appears - a child)
Wolf: Guys, thanks! Let's play my favorite game, The Wolf Without Lair?
The game "Wolf without a Lair" is held
Before the start of the game with the help of a children's counting room (For example, “Knock-knock, fog…” and “We sat on the golden porch”) two drivers are selected. One of them is a "wolf" - he will run away. Another "hunter" - he will catch up with the "wolf". All the other guys are divided into pairs and get up in no particular order in the room. Each couple stands facing each other holding hands. It turns out a "lair". When the "wolf" runs away from the hunter, he can run into such a "den" and mate with one of the children. "Wolf" stands up instead of one child in a pair. The one who was left without a pair becomes a "wolf" instead of the one who took a place in a pair. The "wolf" that was caught by the "hunter" becomes a new "hunter".
If the “hunter” turned out to be awkward and still can't catch anyone, then you can just stop the game and replace the tired hunter.
Leading: Thank you, Volchishko! We liked your game very much too! Be a guest, settle down. Yes, and you join the game!
Baba Yaga: Well, you can't solve this riddle for sure!
You know this girl
She is sung in an old fairy tale.
She worked, lived modestly,
I did not see the clear sun
There is only dirt and ash around.
And the name of the beauty ...
Children: Cinderella!
(Cinderella enters - a child, with one shoe in hand)
Cinderella: So quickly I ran away from the ball
So they don't know my secret.
Without a crystal shoe
I became sad (sighs).
Leading: Don't be sad, Cinderella, play with us.
The game "Find Cinderella" - the girls take off one shoe, put it in a magic box. The presenter is selected (the one who will guess should be from the fans) and looks for a shoe for each girl.
Leading: Come in, Cinderella, to the guys. We are all glad to see you as our guest. Be a guest, settle down. Yes, and you join the game!
Baba Yaga: I still have the last riddle. The most difficult one.
Father has a strange boy
Unusual, wooden,
On land and under water
Looking for a golden key
Everywhere his nose sticks its long ...
Who is this? ..
Children: Buratino!
(to the song "Bu-ra-ti-no" is the child-Pinocchio)
I wanted to study at school
Learn different letters.
Malvina said not to be lazy,
And read, read, read.
Guys, I found some interesting pictures today. But what is written there - I cannot understand. (gives pictures with assignments)
Leading: Pinocchio, this is a puzzle! Our guys will help you decipher them!
The game "Entertaining puzzles"

Paramonova Tamara Rakhmatullovna,

musical director of the 1st category

MBDOU kindergarten of general developmental type "Snowflake"

Surgut district, Nizhnesortymsky settlement,

Work experience: 24 years

Characters: Oak, Cat scientist, Mermaid, Leshy, Wind, "Shamakhan beauties", Fakir with a snake, Baba-Yaga, Hut on chicken legs, Matryoshka.

Musical arrangement: Russian folk melodies, "Oriental dance", "Dance of matryoshkas" to M. Devyatova's song "Kalinka" (movement elements at the teacher's choice)

Scene 1

To the accompaniment of a Russian folk melody, a girl, a storyteller, comes out, holding a book of fairy tales in her hands.

Storyteller: Hello guys! Hello dear guests!

I am the storyteller Vasilisa. I invite you to a fabulous journey across Lukomorye.

There are many different fairy tales in the world -

Sad and funny.

And live without them in the world

We cannot live without them.

Everything can happen in a fairy tale

Our tale is ahead.

A fairy tale is knocking at our door,

Let's tell the guest: "Come in"!

(Oak appears in the foreground to the music, a cat is hiding behind it)

Lukomorye has a green oak;

Golden chain on that oak.

And day and night the cat is a scientist

Everything goes round and round in chains;

Goes to the right - the song starts

To the left - he says a fairy tale.

Music. Goblin comes forward and freezes.

There are miracles: there the Leshy wanders.

A mermaid looks out from the branches.

The mermaid is sitting on the branches.

Cat:Hello! I am a learned cat

Meow! Without much hassle

Here I live under an oak tree

I invite all of you to visit.

I'll sing you a song

I'll tell you a story!

Goblin and Mermaid go up to the cat.

Leshy:Hello, scientist cat!

We ask you to tell

Why did you invite us to visit?

Mermaid: Why did you cat called us,

Decided to have a holiday today? Ball?

Cat:I'll tell you everything, take your time ,

Sit back, relax!

Mermaid and Leshy look around, the oak is not there.

Leshy:And where is the oak, where did it go?

Mermaid:Here he once stood!

Cat: I don't know what to tell you!

Maybe he went for a walk,

Sorry, there were so many things to do

He told fairy tales, then sang.

Mermaid: Our cat loves to be wise

Doesn't want to tell the truth!

Leshy: The oak must be returned to its place,

Hurry, get ready for the journey! (go behind the screen)

Scene 2

A storyteller comes out, music sounds, traces of unseen animals lead to a hut on chicken legs.

Storyteller:There on unknown paths

Traces of unseen beasts;

The hut there, on chicken legs

Stands without windows, without doors.

P a hut on chicken legs appears, dances to the music of the song "Granny - Hedgehog", Leshy and Rusalka follow their tracks to the hut, she turns her back to them.

Leshy: Hut, turn towards us in front, and back to the forest!

Hut: What else, but a magic word?

Mermaid: You are welcome!

Hut: That's the same! (turns) Baba Yaga comes out.

Baba Yaga:What are you doing here uncommanding, iris?

Mermaid: The magic oak of the fabulous Lukomorya is gone!

Leshy: And we can't do anything without an oak tree, like that!

Baba-Yaga: What a trouble, so trouble, we have nowhere without an oak tree! Walks, thinks ...

We will now ask the wind if he has seen our oak ...

Wind, wind, you are mighty!

You chase flocks of clouds

Everywhere you blow in the open

And you excite the blue sea ...

Quickly answer us friend

Have you seen our oak tree?

Wind: Your oak tree got lost,

Keep the path to the East!

Baba Yaga: Thank you wind!

Well, you, friends, hurry, fly to the Shamakhan kingdom with the wind, return our green oak to the Lukomorye!

To the music, the Wind, the Mermaid and the Goblin run backstage.

Scene 3

"East Dance » A fakir with a snake sits under an oak tree, oriental beauties after a dance run away and hide behind an oak tree.

Fakir:Oh, miracle - curly oak, carved leaf,

From the hot rays of the scorching sun

Save us with your foliage!

Oak: I miss Lukomorye, I want to see my friends, to my home!

There is a Russian spirit, there is a smell of Russia!

Fakir:My beauties! Shall we let the oak go home? Will it wither away completely? (addresses oriental beauties)

Shamakhan beauties:(read proverbs)

Being a guest is good, but being at home is better!

Spring is not red on the wrong side.

A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a song.

The Wind flies to the music. Holding the hands of the Mermaid and the Leshy, they fly around the hall in a circle, Oak runs after them.

Scene 4

Cat:Today is a holiday in Lukomorye,

It will be fun with us!

Red girls, nesting dolls!

Start dancing!


Hey friend balalaika

Play more fun!

We will meet the oak,

Sing and dance together!

Dance to the Russian folk song "Kalinka" (dance movements of the teacher's choice)

Oak:Lukomorski dear,

Gather under the thick branches!

A fairy tale is joy! A fairy tale is happiness!

A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it.

Good fellows - a lesson!

To the melody of the song "About Friendship" from the MF "Masha and the Bear", the participants bow out.

Bibliography: Tsarenko L.I. "From nursery rhymes to the Pushkin ball ..." -M .: LINKA-PRESS, 1999.-160s.

We invite teachers preschool education Tyumen region, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra to publish their methodological material:
- Pedagogical experience, copyright programs, teaching aids, presentations for classes, electronic games;
- Personally developed notes and scripts educational activities, projects, master - classes (including video), forms of work with family and teachers.

Why is it profitable to publish with us?

Name: Scenario of the theatrical performance "A journey through fairy tales"
Nomination: Kindergarten, Holidays, entertainment, scenarios, performances, performances, Preparatory group (5-6 years)

Position: musical director of the highest category
Place of work: MBDOU Kindergarten No. 25 "Cheryomushka"
Location: Dimitrovgrad, Ulyanovsk region

Travel through fairy tales.

Vedas:Guys, today we will visit magical world fairy tales, meet friends and beloved heroes, learn a lot of interesting things, so ...

Music sounds "there on the unknown"

There is a hut, a storyteller is sitting.

Storyteller:Far, far away, the kingdom is stretched, an immense state - a land of fairy tales, miracles and Magic! Wonderful country! And whoever has visited it at least once will remain a prisoner forever. Because the trees there are the most bizarre, the mountains are the highest, the towers are the most painted, the birds are the most sonorous, and the monsters are the most terrible.

I want to start a fairy tale ...

The name of this tale

Hurry up to guess.

Is everyone ready to listen to the ears?

Will be - a fairy tale -

Give - time

"The old man says to the old woman:

Bake me ...

Children:Kolobok "

Storyteller:I ran away from my grandfather and woman,

Lost and lost

He is suddenly in another fairy tale ...

Listen here, young friend.

Gingerbread man appears to the music and dances.

Kolobok:(Rolls over to the oak)

Oh, where did I find myself

And where did I roll

Here is a huge oak tree

Looks at me straight

I need to ask him.

Where should I go and how should I be?

Sweet oak help me

And tell me the way.

Oak: I am a hundred-year-old oak, not simple

The magic item is under me

There is a book of fairy tales - look

And take it into your hands.

Open any page in it

Just guess the magic riddle.

And you will instantly find yourself in a Russian fairy tale.

And there you will find your way home.

Oak presents a book of Russian folk tales.

The curtain is closed, the curtain is "autumn forest"

Kolobok:(opens the book) Oh, guys, help me solve the riddle:

Near the forest at the edge

Three of them live in a hut

There are three chairs and three mugs

Three beds, three pillows.

Guess - no clue

Who are the heroes of this tale

What is the name of this tale?

Children:Three Bears.

Masha and three bears come out to the music.

Masha:I went for a walk in the forest alone

I couldn't find a way home.

And I came to the forest hut

That stood at the edge.

I did not come in, knocked

I ate there, broke the chair

I was lying on the beds

And I also stayed to sleep

But then the owners returned

And they got really angry.

And then I just realized

How bad I behaved.

I made friends with bears

And I learned to play.

Now we walk with our friends in the forest

And we play with bears.

Guys, let's go to the orchestra with the bears.

Girls and bears go behind the curtain to take tools.

Riddle:But guys, what instruments do you know, guess what instrument sounds like?

They play any instrument behind the curtain, the children guess.

Masha:Like our neighbor

It was a funny conversation:

Geese in a harp,

Ducks in tune

Tap dancers to ratchets

Seagulls in balalaikas,

The waxwings in the flutes,

Cuckoos in whistles

Starlings in bells.

They play, they play

Everyone is amused!

Performed by the orchestra "Dunya - fine-weaver"

Kolobok (says goodbye to Masha):

And with a new tale meet.

They closed the curtain, roll out the stove, and on it is Emelya with a balalaika.

The gingerbread man opens the book.

Riddle:Buckets walk by themselves

The oven carries it by itself

What a fairy tale, guess

Remember soon.

Children:By magic.\\

The curtain opens, Emelya sits on the stove with a balalaika.

Emelya:I came to you for fun,

Russian guy, I'm Emelya.

I call myself a simpleton

Il Emelya is a fool.

But don't believe it's not like that

I'm no fool

Just a brave guy, brave,

Cheerful and daring.

I know a lot of folk games

I invite you to lose.

Play - what do you want?

So come to me soon!

Do you know many folk games?

Children answer.

Emelya:Let's go play the game, Sheep are cool.

The game "Sheep are cool"

Lamb - cool little ones,go round dance

We walked through the forestsstomp

They roamed the mountains,

The violin was playedimitation of playing the violin

Emelya was amused.Shrug their hands, bow.

Our Emelya is simplicity:They narrow the circle, approach Emela.

I bought a horseNarrow the circle, approach Emela

Sat backwardsExpand the circle.

And went to the vegetable gardenwhile jumping, they turn away, clap their hands.

Emelya is catching up with the guys:I didn't catch up with anyone

I didn't catch anyone.

Emelya:Open, guests, ears

Children will sing Chastushki!


I was at the bazaar

I saw Miron.

Miron on the nose

Karkala Crow.

Petya dexterously catches fish

Can make a raft,

Only "Hello" and "thank you"

Can't speak!

In the morning our mother Mila

I gave two sweets.

I barely had time to give

She ate them herself.

Love little kids

All kinds of candy.

Who gnaws and who swallows,

Who rolls for the cheek.

Heroic Lena with laziness

Fight all day

But, much to the chagrin,

Lena was defeated by laziness.

Trill - rubbish - rubbish!

Would perform all day!

I'm reluctant to study

And ditties are not too lazy to sing!

Our Olenka is a strong woman,

A heavy load is on her shoulder:

One hundred kilos on her chains,

Buckles, hairpins, different beads.

The gingerbread man says goodbye to Emelya:

And meet a new fairy tale

Emelya to sit on the stove:

At the pike's command, at my will, take me, bake home!

The curtain has closed

Put Baba Yaga's hut in a corner, curtain "autumn forest"

The gingerbread man rolls around to the music and opens the book.

Open the curtain as soon as Vasilisa stands.

Vasilisa:Hello, my dear,

Bow to everyone low to the ground,

I am a girl - a beauty, a Russian braid.

Vasilisa's riddle:

Magic one I know

I have a wonderful miracle.

One has only to want

I just have to look

Instantly, a pattern will appear -

I weave any carpet.

What fairy tale am I from, children?

Who among you will answer me?

Children:"Vasilisa the Wise"

Vasilisa:Here I take it, I have my handkerchief,

I collect everyone in a circle

Come out, honest people,

Become a round dance.

Round dance "At Kalinushka"

Vasilisa:So they started dancing,












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