New Year's tale scenario in a new way. Scenario of the New Year's performance for schoolchildren “New Year's adventures of the Snow Maiden and her friends. New Year's tales for the little ones

Hurray - just a little more, and we will witness the arrival of the next new year. In the meantime, there is time, you need to thoroughly prepare for this event. For example, come up with funny and modern scenes for the new year 2017, which will delight your guests. Friends and relatives. We have come up with such scenes that are suitable for school and high school students, as well as for corporate parties. Look, play and have fun! New scenes are always laughter, positive and memories for a lifetime!

Stage - magic New Year's eggs
Santa Claus and Snow Maiden are involved in this scene. They go out, say their words, and then start handing the magic New Year's eggs.

Santa Claus:
Well, good, honest people!
Celebrating the new year?
We know, we know that "yes"
I can hear you from afar!
So we came to the call,
And they brought gifts!
But gifts are not simple….
AND…. testicles are golden!

After these words, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden go down to the guests and the Snow Maiden takes an egg out of the bag, shows it to Santa Claus, and Santa Claus reads a verse that corresponds to the gift. And so they walk among the guests and hand them magical New Year's eggs.

Poems for serving eggs:

Luck Egg:
To be richer for you
Get the lucky egg!

Egg of happiness:
An egg of happiness for you!
Hold tight, don't lose!
And always carry with you
So that he brings happiness!

Health Egg:
So that tomorrow you have in the morning,
no headache
get a health egg!
Drink as much as you want today!

Egg of fun:
To cheer up
get the egg of fun!

Egg of prosperity:
In life, so that everything is sweet
get the egg of prosperity!

Egg of love:
So that you can always
Here is an egg of love for you!

Egg of Success:
Get the egg of success
And the path to glory is not a hindrance!

After all the magic New Year's eggs have been distributed to the guests, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden invite the lucky ones to the stage. They go out, the song of the disco group accident is turned on - eggs - and the participants dance at a price.

How to make these magical Christmas eggs?
Everything is simple here. There are two options: either you buy kinder surprises, or you want real eggs, only boiled. And you also need these covers, which you stick on the eggs:

That's all - all that remains is to carry out this scene and hand over the magic New Year's eggs.
Don't forget to download egg sticker templates.

Scene - Ryaba chicken on new way and new year.

First, you need to select the actors who will play impromptu in the scene. Therefore, ask the guests what characters were in the fairy tale about the chicken Ryaba. Whoever called first, he goes on stage. You also need to choose a guest for the role of a rooster and for the role of Santa Claus. When the actors are on the stage, you give them words (each character has one line) and you can start the scene impromptu. The presenter reads the text, and when he says the name of the hero of the fairy tale, he says his own phrase.

Characters of the tale and their replicas:
- grandfather (words: eh, where are my 17 years)
- grandmother (words: yes, deeds)
- egg (words: I was framed)
- Ryaba chicken (words: I got it)
- rooster (words: I'm in charge of the hen house)
- Santa Claus (words: now we will fix everything)

There lived a grandfather (eh, where are my 17 years old) and grandma (yes, things)... And they had a favorite chicken Ryaba (did it please me)... They lived poorly, but happily. And then one day Ryaba's chicken took it down (did it please me) egg (I was tricked), but not simple, but ostrich! Grandfather (eh, where are my 17 years old) looking at the egg (I was tricked), and will not understand - what is it? Grandma (yes, things) generally fell from the chair, but sprinkled all the flour from the table. A rooster flew to the noise (I'm in charge of the chicken coop)... He flew in and was stunned - the egg (I was tricked) - not his! Rooster looks (I'm in charge of the chicken coop) for grandfather (eh, where are my 17 years old), and with a glance asks - how so? And grandfather (eh, where are my 17 years old) just shrugs. And grandma (yes, things) everything sits on the floor and blinks its eyes. Cock (I'm in charge of the chicken coop) how it crows with all its might! And there was a knock on the door. Grandfather (eh, where are my 17 years old) immediately opened the door. And Santa Claus stood on the doorstep (we'll fix everything now)... Grandma (yes, things) even more pressed to the floor. Ryaba chicken (did it please me) I rolled the egg away from me with one leg (I was tricked)... And the rooster (I'm in charge of the chicken coop), began to look with suspicion at the unusual guest. Santa Claus (we'll fix everything now) looked at the rooster (I'm in charge of the chicken coop), then a chicken Ryaba (did it please me) and on the egg (I was tricked)... Looked at grandfather (eh, where are my 17 years old), and glanced at the grandmother (yes, things)... Took Santa Claus (now fixed everything) in the hands of the staff, but how it hits the floor - and music began to play (the song of the disco accident - eggs). Grandfather (eh, where are my 17 years old) immediately began to dance. Yes, he danced so merrily as grandma (yes, things) began to dance on the floor. Ryaba chicken (did it please me) from the cheerful music, I began to touch the legs, and come closer to the exit. And the rooster (I'm in charge of the chicken coop) saw this and began to approach the door from the other side. They danced while the hen was danced (did it please me) with a rooster (I'm in charge of the chicken coop) did not meet near the door. And then Santa Claus (we'll fix everything now) again he hit the floor with his staff, and new music began to play (the disco song accident turns on - the new year rushes towards us). Grandfather (eh, where are my 17 years old) danced even more fun. Raised my grandmother (yes, things) off the floor, and began to dance with her. Ryaba chicken (did it please me) shyly lowered her eyes, and the cock (I'm in charge of the chicken coop) took her under his wing and began to dance a groovy dance with her. Here is the egg (I was tricked) jumped and jumped. Grandfather saw it (eh, where are my 17 years old) and grandma (yes, things) and in joy they began to dance even stronger. And Ryaba chicken (did it please me) with a cock (I'm in charge of the chicken coop) came to the egg (I was tricked), and the three of us began to dance.
Here's a happy ending. Here it seems that the fairy tale is over, but Santa Claus has not yet said his word (here you can say the phrase: now we will fix everything and at this moment the Christmas tree will light up with lights, or it is possible for Santa Claus to say: Happy New Year)

Scenario of the New Year's performance for schoolchildren "New Year's adventures of the Snow Maiden and her friends"
This methodical development "New Year's Adventures of the Snow Maiden and Her Friends" is intended for carrying out the New Year's theatrical program for organizers of educational work at school, teachers additional education, specialists of cultural and educational institutions. Aimed at children 10 - 15 years old.
Purpose: organization of holiday leisure activities for schoolchildren, development of the creative abilities of children and adolescents.
Actors and characters:
Santa Claus
Granny Winter
Snow Maiden (Snows)
Baba Yaga
New Year
Event progress:
Music sounds (screen saver of the program "Visiting a Fairy Tale"). The Storyteller comes out
Hello dear friends! It's no secret that the New Year is the most wonderful holiday, and both adults and children are looking forward to it. And on New Year's Eve, the most incredible miracles always happen. And one such miracle is about to happen on this stage.
It was on New Year's Eve in Veliky Ustyug, in the residence of Father Frost. Numerous artists who came to visit Santa Claus were preparing for a grandiose New Year's ball.
Leaders come out.
1 Host: So, friends, there is not much time left before the New Year, and the concert program is practically not ready. We need to hurry. Artists, are you ready? Guys, your way out. (Coughs). I'm ready too.
Concert number (poetic editing) (Rita, Dima, Camilla, Diana, Tsventuh Vitala, Tanya, Oleg, Redin Vitalia)
2 Presenter: So, so, so ... We have everything in order with the verses. I think Santa Claus and the guys will be satisfied. What about dancing?
1 Host: You can be sure that our dancers are also on the level. Look, for example, They have a great number prepared.
"dance of little ducks".
2 Host: Well, let's see.
1 Host: I can't imagine the New Year without Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. And even without Winter, snowy, frosty, invigorating. And the children will sing about her.
Song about winter "Winter, winter, oh how good"
2 Presenter: New Year is also an extraordinary miracle. In beauty and fabulousness, this holiday can only be compared with the original games ...
1 game "Hold the Snowflake"
. The number of players is 10-15 people. The presenter gives out to those who want to play a small ball of cotton wool, it must be loosened so that it can be blown and it would fly like a fluff.
The task is to prevent the "snowflake" from falling; it is necessary to blow on it, keeping it in the air. You cannot pick up a fallen snowflake. The game starts at the command of the host. The player who keeps the "snowflake" in the air longer than others wins.

Storyteller: Preparations for the New Year's ball are in full swing. I am calm for our artists. And with the help of my magic wand, I will take you to the residence of Santa Claus.
On the stage at the table are sitting Grandma Winter and D. Moroz, drinking tea.
Tired of the New Year's bustle, Santa Claus decided to drink tea with ice in a narrow family circle.
There is a timid knock on the door, Leshy enters.
Santa Claus: Yes, yes! Come in, not locked!
Leshy: Hello! Grandfather Frost, Grandmother Winter, and you have a telegram from the city!
Santa Claus: Telegram, you say? Come on, come on quickly. So, so, we read: "The granddaughter of the Snow Maiden is coming to visit you. I kiss you hard, your daughter Blizzard."
Grandma Winter: Fathers! What a joy! We haven't seen our granddaughter for a long time. Come on, she has changed, grown up.
Santa Claus: Thank you, Leshy, for the good news.
Leshy: Is the Snow Maiden really coming to visit ?! I'd like to see what she has become.
There is a knock at the door.
Santa Claus: Yes, yes, come in!
A brightly colored, disheveled girl enters, chewing gum.
Grandma Winter: Snegurochka, is it you?
Snow Maiden: Yeah. Only now I'm not a Snow Maiden, but Snows. Snegurochka-fool, some name is not fashionable! Nuche, hello, ancestors!
Santa Claus: I don't understand! Who is Hello?
Snegurochka: Well, you fucking give! Completely run wild in the forest! Hello is our way! Darkness!
Grandma Winter: Well, hello, dear granddaughter! Tell me, dear, how you live there in the city .... Snegurushka.
Snegurochka: I didn’t explain it clearly ?!
Granny Winter: Sorry, please, I didn't hear what your name is now?
Snegurochka: Snows, I told you!
Santa Claus: Snee-gi, please tell me! So how are you doing at school?
Snow Maiden: Oh, come on, her this school! There is nothing interesting there. Why go to it, I already know everything.
Grandma Winter: So you probably study for only A's, my dear?
Snegurochka: Well, why immediately on the five! It hurts me to show off - like everyone else, so do I!
Santa Claus: Yes, grandma, things are serious. We need to call Leshy, he is the best student in our school, let him help out of this miracle - to make a normal child.
Leshy: Hello, Snow Maiden!
Snow Maiden: Well, here's another! There will be some Goblin to teach me wits!
Santa Claus: Listen, dear granddaughter! I'm starting to lose patience! You came to visit us, be so kind to treat us and our friends with respect!
Snegurochka: Just think! I'm tired of you with your moralizing! I'd rather go for a walk in the woods.
She slams the door loudly and leaves.
Grandma Winter: Fathers! But where did she go, looking at night! She's going to get lost in the woods!
Leshy: And if she gets a wolf or Baba Yaga with Koshchei?
Santa Claus: There is nothing to judge, but to dress. Get ready. We need to find and return this capricious girl.
The musical screen saver "Visiting the Fairy Tale" sounds.
Everyone leaves. The Storyteller comes out.
Storyteller: While Santa Claus, Grandmother Winter and Leshy are going to go in search of the Snow Maiden, we will return to the Ice Palace, where the rehearsal for the New Year's ball is in full swing.
1 Host: So, we continue the rehearsal. I invite you to a merry round dance song (2) "In the New Year's forest".
2 presenter: And I suggest playing the game (2) "Lump".
5-6 people participate at the same time. An unfolded newspaper or sheet of paper is spread on the floor in front of each participant. The players put their right hand behind their back, and with their left hand, at the signal of the presenter, bending down, they begin to crumple the newspaper, trying to collect the entire sheet into a fist.
The winner is the one who crumples the newspaper the fastest and who has the smallest lump.
The musical screen saver "Visiting the Fairy Tale" sounds. The Storyteller comes out
Storyteller: Yes, it’s fun in the Ice Palace, you won’t say anything. But I completely forgot about our heroine. During this time, anything could happen to her. Pah-pah-pah ... So, let's follow the Snow Maiden.
Snegurochka walks through the forest, sings a song ("Well, you are so scary ....") Ahead of the New Year sits on a stump and cries.
Snegurochka: What are you doing here?
New Year: I played too much and got lost.
Snegurochka: Wow played too much. I think this is a forest, not a tear-off calendar. And what, no one can help you?
New Year: Only Santa Claus can help. Where can I find him in this forest?
Snegurochka: So that's a trifle. Consider that the job is done! After all, I am Snow, granddaughter of Santa Claus!
New Year: Really ?! And will you help me?
Snow Maiden: Of course, I will help. Only a little later. In the meantime, we will play with you and the guys
1 host: game (3) "Soap Bubbles".
5 people take part in the game at the same time. Players receive a bottle of soap bubbles.
Assignment: to blow what there is strength.
The winner is the one who releases as many soap bubbles as possible at one time.
In the second fight, the participants have to inflate one big soap bubble. The winner is the one with the largest bubble.
Leading 2 Snow Maiden, New Year, and you don't want to sing a funny song with the guys. We invite you to the round dance
"New Year's Song" (3 songs)
Snow Maiden are leaving Happy New Year. The musical screen saver "Visiting the Fairy Tale" sounds. The Storyteller comes out.
Storyteller: After wandering through the forest, our heroes approached the Ice Palace, where the New Year tree was located, and rehearsed for new year holiday... They took part in the decoration christmas tree... And there they quarreled in earnest. The Snow Maiden left her new friend and went back to the forest in search of adventure. And who do you think she met there? Let's not guess, but just see.
The musical splash screen "the appearance of Baba Yaga and Koschei."
(exit of the Snow Maiden, Baba Yaga and Koshchei)
The Snow Maiden meets Baba Yaga and Koshchei. New Year is watching from afar.
Snegurochka: Great, guys! Wow, what a cool outfit you have! Stunned!
Koschey: I don’t recognize you in makeup. Sho tse for an unfamiliar face in our deep forest?
Baba Yaga: This one is definitely not from our forest. Ours are much more modest.
Snegurochka: Actually, I am Snegi, granddaughter of Santa Claus.
Koschey: Wow! You're kidding us! Granddaughter of Santa Claus is named Snegurochka. Everyone knows that. And she's all like that ...
Snow Maiden: What, such?
Koschey: Like creme brulee ice cream ...
Snow Maiden: Here's another, like ice cream! For everyone to bite and lick me? Who will you be? Are the real Baba Yaga and Koschey the Immortal?
Baba Yaga: Well, what are you making up, baby? I am Agata Kuzminishna. An old sick woman.
Koschey: And I'm Kosche ... (B. Yaga pinches him, he screams).
Baba Yaga: And this is just Kostik. (B. Yaga begins to whisper something in Koshchei's ear).
Snegurochka: What are you whispering there?
Baba Yaga and Koschey pounce on the Snow Maiden and tie her up.
Snow Maiden: What are you doing? Are you out of your mind? What do you want from me?
Baba Yaga: Yes, Kostik and I are deciding when to eat you: for lunch or dinner?
Koschey: Or maybe we will let go? Maybe she really is a Snow Maiden?
Baba Yaga: I'll let you go! Snegurochka, not Snegurochka, what's the difference. Let's eat it and that's it. Take and dragged. New Year is coming soon, and our dinner is not ready yet.
Snegurochka: Let me go now! You have no right! I will complain.
B. Yaga: Complain at least to the Commission on Human Rights!
Snow Maiden: Help! I am not tasty! I can't be eaten! I have a lot of bones! A-a-a-a-! Grandmother grandfather! Help!
They take the Snow Maiden and carry them away.
The musical screen saver "Visiting the Fairy Tale" sounds. The Storyteller comes out
Storyteller: It so happened that the naughty Snow Maiden fell into the hands of Baba Yaga and Koshchei, who became a villain against his will. What will happen to her now? But what is it? I can hear the steps of Santa Claus. He is in a hurry to help his granddaughter.
The New Year runs around the stage in confusion and shouts: "Help, help!" Santa Claus, Grandma Winter and Leshy come out.
Santa Claus: And what is this loud-sounding miracle Yudo?
New Year: I am neither a miracle nor a Yudo. And it's not about me. Help free my girlfriend. Her name is Snegi, she came from the city for the holidays. And some monsters stole her. They want to eat it.
Santa Claus: What kind of monsters have started up in my forest?
Leshy: Maybe he's talking about Baba Yaga with Koshchei?
New Year: That's it! There was an old woman and a man of undetermined age with her.
Grandma Winter: Ah, you scoundrels! Again they are misbehaving! Let's hurry up Santa Claus to help the granddaughter. And you, Goblin, run forward, show the way, all the paths in this forest are guided to you.
Grandma Winter, Santa Claus and Goblin leave.
The musical screen saver "Visiting the Fairy Tale" sounds. The Storyteller comes out
Storyteller: A fairy tale tells quickly, but things are not done quickly. While Santa Claus and his friends make his way along the untouched paths to the hut of Baba Yaga, we will be transported there in an instant and see what happens there.
the music “the appearance of Baba Yaga and Koschei” sounds.
Baba Yaga and Koschey bring Snow Maiden and put him on a stool.
Baba Yaga: Fu, I got worn out. Yes, and something entered into the lower back.
Koschey: So what are we going to do with her, Yagusya? Maybe let's let go. I feel sorry for her.
Baba Yaga: It’s a pity for him if you see her! The philanthropist is unhappy. What kind of Koschey are you ?! He mutated completely, switched to plant food.
Koschey: I'm worried about my health. And, by the way, I do exercises in the mornings, unlike some of whom it has entered in the back.
Baba Yaga: Be silent, do not argue. I am in command of the parade. We will demand a ransom for it. Go hit the arrow to Santa Claus.
Koschey: Of course, I will go, only I can smell it, Santa Claus will score such an arrow for his granddaughter for us that it will not seem a little.
Baba Yaga: You haven't left yet? Come on, quickly evaporated!
Koschey runs away.
Snow Maiden: Well, what will you do to me?
Baba Yaga: Be quiet, girl, in your position it is harmful to talk. And don't bother me from getting sick.
Snow Maiden: Agata Kuzminichna! Well, shame on you! The 21st century is in the yard: rockets fly into space, computers and cell Phones, the Internet. And you want to eat a child!
Baba Yaga: Do you think we are so dense? Only me your internet on the drum! When you want to eat, no computer will help - you will not be virtually full. And what kind of child are you ?! A stuffed animal. No, I'll definitely eat you.
Snow Maiden: Agata Kuzminichna! But you are still a fairy-tale character. And in the fairy tales of the guest, you must first steam, feed, drink in the bathhouse, and then everything else.
Baba Yaga: Look, you are literate, she knows fairy tales, she will teach me. I myself know the order. Okay, let's go take a steam bath.
Baba Yaga and Snow Maiden leave.
The musical screen saver "Visiting the Fairy Tale" sounds. The Storyteller comes out
Storyteller: The time was approaching midnight and a holiday was already beginning in the Ice Palace, since the guests did not suspect what story the Snow Maiden fell into.
1 Host: Our festive journey continues with a round dance
(4) round dance song "Come on, herringbone, brighter!"
2 Presenter: A person is built in such a way that in summer he wants winter coolness, and in winter summer sun. Game (4) "Getting warm".
(The game is played with music.)
And it's frosty outside - well, everyone rubbed their nose! ... (three noses.)
There is no need for us to beat thumbs up, everyone quickly took up their ears! (we grab the ears).
Twisted, twirled, and that ears flew off! (three ears)
Whoever did not fly off, flew with us further! (With your hands)
They shook their head! (Shake our head)
They knocked on my knees! (knocking on the knees)
And now they are drowning! (we stomp).
The musical screen saver "Visiting the Fairy Tale" sounds. The Storyteller comes out
Storyteller: Sorry, I was distracted from the plot of our fairy tale. So, thanks to the efforts of Baba Yaga, the Snegurochka regained its former appearance, and Baba Yaga, steaming her bones, got rid of back pain. They sat side by side, drank tea and talked peacefully. But Santa Claus did not know about it. Ah, here he is! What will happen now!
Santa Claus and Grandma Winter are coming out
Santa Claus: Oh, you are an old cheat! Look what you invented, to steal my granddaughter, but demand a ransom!
Snow Maiden: Grandma, Grandpa! How good that you found me! I am so ashamed of my behavior! Please forgive me! (Hugs) Grandpa, don't be angry with Agatha Kuzminichna and Koschei, they are just very lonely. And Agata Kuzminichna is also very sick. She should go to a sanatorium and get medical treatment. Maybe you can arrange a ticket for her as a New Year's gift?
Santa Claus: Well, Snegurochka, you are just a "surprise box". I don't even know what to say to you.
Grandma Winter: What is there to think! After the holiday, we will send Baba Yaga to a sanatorium, let Koschei lead the drama club, he is a creative nature, he will succeed. And now invite everyone, Moroz Ivanovich, to the New Year's round dance.
Santa Claus: And, it's true, we were late for some reason. It's time, friends, to go to the Ice Palace. Yes, but where is the New Year? After all, it was he who helped you, Snegurochka, to find you.
Snegurochka: Santa Claus, you know, New Year is lost, and I promised that you would help him.
Santa Claus: Oh, that's it! So there is nothing to be sad about! As soon as the clock strikes 12 times, it will come into its own. The whole year will be at your disposal: have fun, play as much as you want!
phonogram "Chimes".
New Year is coming out.
Well, now, friends, let's go! They are waiting for us at the Ice Palace.
(5) round dance song "New Year's Holiday".
1 Presenter: game (5) "Basket with snowballs" awaits you.
2 baskets are hung on the crossbar, located at a distance of 1.5 - 2 meters from the floor. The players are given 7-10 snowballs. Their task is to abandon maximum amount "Snowballs" in a swinging basket. The winner will be the one who throws more "snowballs" into the basket.
2 presenter: A round dance song continues our festive journey
round dance song (6) "Russian Santa Claus".
game (6) "Snowball"
1 presenter:
Redemption of prizes from the bag of D. Moroz.
In a circle, the children pass the "Snowball".
"Lump" is transmitted and Santa Claus condemns:
We all ride a snowball
Until "five" we all count -
One, two, three, four, five -
You read a poem.
(The child reads a poem and receives a prize from D. Moroz)
And you sing a song
(7) round dance song "New Year's Tale".
The music "The Last Hour of December" sounds, on its background editing
It's time to say: "See you again!"
The New Year's carnival is over.
We were visiting friends of our hearts,
Everyone has been in a wonderful fairy tale.
We wish you all sports health,
Five school, interplanetary routes.
We will follow you with love,
And you friends, do not forget us.
Grandma Winter:
What more could we wish?
Perhaps peace in your families!
So that everything is divided in half:
Sadness and joy and delight.
Well, in general, everything that God gave you!
Snow Maiden:
What to wish for the New Year?
More joyful chores
More jokes, swarm of laughter,
Even above yourself.
Santa Claus:
What else? Perhaps yes ...
Good health, and there ...
Let everything that you dream about
And whatever you want -
Let it all come true!
New Year:
I wish you this new year,
To keep you strong and healthy.
So that you never, never get sick
So that you always eat with appetite.
To grow, gain mind.
Well, luck will come to you by itself.
All together: Happy New Year!

Since mid-December, our entire country, young and old, is in pleasant excitement, expecting new events in the coming year and vivid impressions of the holiday itself. This New Year's bustle of pre-holiday chores is different for everyone, but there is something that traditionally decorates every festive feast and entertainment program: favorite dishes, champagne, gifts and entertainment. And, of course, practically at every holiday there will be a raffle, and it does not matter, rehearsed in advance or arranged impromptu, theatrical or with minimal props, the main thing is to be funny.

We offer our own version of this favorite festive entertainment, namely, a musical fairy tale! In our script author's New Year's fairy tale "Meeting with happiness"a lot of music, humor and festive enthusiasm, it will fit well into the program of any adult holiday or friendly party, especially since there are two options for this impromptu: one with the participation of the hall, the second without, so that you can choose which one is more suitable for a particular composition of guests. Whether or not to dress up a fairy tale is at the discretion of the organizers, the option of musical accompaniment and recommendations on the minimum requisites for the characters are attached.

Lead to a fairy tale. Since the plot of this fairy tale is dedicated to the appearance of the symbol of 2020 - the Mouse, the host can invite guests to meet him fabulously easy and fun with the help of a fairy tale about him - handsome!

Option 1. Scenario of the New Year's fairy tale "Meeting with happiness" (without participation of the audience)

Characters and props:

Santa Claus

White Blizzard

- crown, scarf or beads, handbag with a mirror

Handsome Georges (Jerry Mouse)

Leading - text

Selection and exit of the participants in the tale

Leading: Dear guests, from the excitement reigning in the hall, I understand that you are already ready for real miracles. So, it's time for a fairy tale, and not just a fairy tale, but a New Year's fairy tale, which will surely bring good luck to all its participants and spectators in the coming year. The text and music are ready, the role of the storyteller, with your permission, I will take on myself, it remains to choose the performers of the main roles.

The role of Santa Claus needs the most active, generous, positive and musical man! Whom do you recommend? (guests call). A wonderful choice! I ask you, dear Santa Claus, to go on stage (or to the center of the hall)

(Note: If the company is unfamiliar, then the presenter looks for suitable candidates in advance, while other competitions and dance breaks are taking place. And then, when choosing all four participants, the comment of the moderator can be something like this:

- The role of Santa Claus needs the most active, generous, positive and musical man! I think I will not be mistaken if I choose this man! Well, why isn't Santa Claus ?! What is your name? I ask you to go to the stage (or to the center of the hall) to the applause of the guests

The participant exits - sounds 1. Exit of Santa Claus -

For the role of the White Blizzard, you need a romantic blonde who loves to spin to the rhythm of the music! Who is it? (guests call) Of course, I can see how ... (guest name) during the fairy tale, everyone will spin us! I ask you to go to the stage (or to the center of the hall). Let's welcome the performer of the role of the White Blizzard!

The participant leaves - sounds 2. Blizzard exit -

The most playful and funniest guest, you will surely call her name unmistakably (guests call)... Yes, this is exactly how I imagined the performer of the minx and the unchanging character of Russian fairy tales, one might say, the queen of fairy tale folklore - Babusechki-Yagusechki! Your way out, queen!

The participant leaves - sounds 3. Yagusi's exit - audience applauds, props are presented

And we invite the most artistic and cheerful joker to play the role of the symbol of the coming year, Mouse, and in combination with a charming bully and handsome Jerry! And this? .... (guests call).We ask for the stage! Applause!

The participant exits - sounds 4. Georges exit -

So, gentlemen, artists, you had the honor to take part in the premiere of the New Year's musical "Meeting with happiness". And your task: impromptu, as expressively as possible, to play up everything you have heard about your character in the text and musical compositions. Ready? Let's go then!

Fairy tale text

Sounds quiet 5. Instrumental

It was a quiet winter night, the forest seemed to be frozen in anticipation of miracles, because from minute to minute New Year's wizards should appear, and the amazing night of the transition from the old year to the new will come into effect! And the first in the clearing appeared, joyfully dancing White Snowstorm!

Sounds 6.-

Before the White Blizzard finished singing, a mischievous, cheerful and surprisingly attractive Santa Claus literally flew into the clearing!

Sounds 7.-

The blizzard immediately supported the playful mood of Santa Claus and, winking coquettishly, invited to dance!

Sounds 8.- Frost and Blizzard are dancing

And Santa Claus had already reached out to give the Snowstorm a needle, as the Queen of fairy-tale folklore walked into the clearing with a defiling gait - mannered, confident in her irresistibility, Yagusya!

Sounds 9. - Yagusya appears, behaves like a model


Option 2. An interactive scenario of the New Year's fairy tale "Meeting with happiness" (with the participation of the audience)

(musical accompaniment and plot are the same as in the first version)

Characters and props:

Santa Claus - New Year's cap, scarf and a small bag

White Blizzard- tinsel, white shawl or cape

The queen of fairy-tale folklore Yagusya - crown, bright scarf, handbag with a mirror

Handsome Georges (Jerry Mouse)- neckerchief, glasses, gloves, jacket (a la Georges Miloslavsky from the film "Ivan Vasilievich changes his profession")

Leading - text

Fairy Forest (all guests) - good mood

Foreword and selection of participants in the tale

Leading: Dear guests, according to the excitement in the hall, I understand that you are already ready for real miracles and meeting your new New Year's happiness!

Track 0 sounds. Background to start

Ready? Then, it's time for and not just New Year's, but interactive, in which literally each of us will take part. So let's imagine that our hall is winter forest, but not simple, but fabulous! With your emotions, feelings and mood! And we will all create this lively atmosphere of a fabulous miracle together, reacting to what we hear and see on stage. So when we hear: "In the woods-u-u-u" - we express anxiety and indignation, together raise our arms-branches up, swing them and shout: "Oo-oo-oo-!"... When we hear the word "Forest-oh-oh" - we tightly cuddle or hug each other, expressing a cascade of emotions from fright to joy, depending on the plot, and we oy together. And finally, we express the most life-affirming mood with a gesture "Yes!" and we do this when we hear the word in the text "forest". Let's rehearse? Forest! In the woods! Forest!

Well done! Now I am calm about the emotional fullness of our performance, it remains only to choose the actors for the main roles.

(Author's note : in close companies, a choice is usually not required, so it is clear who and whom will play, and then it is better to go straight to the fairy tale scenario, if there is a need to beat the choice, you can do it, as in option # 1)

Exit participants

Leading: So, I ask Santa Claus to come to me. Hello!

The participant exits - sounds 1. Exit of Santa Claus - audience applauds, the artist is presented with props

And now we welcome the performer of the role of the White Blizzard

The participant leaves - sounds 2. Blizzard exit - audience applauds, props are presented

The moment of the release of the queen of fairy tale folklore - minx Yagusi!

The participant leaves - sounds 3. Yagusi's exit - audience applauds, props are presented

And, of course, we really want to see here the symbol of 2020 - Jerry Mouse, known in fairy circles as Georges Handsome! Hello!

The participant exits - sounds 4. Georges exit - gets his props while he walks out, the audience greets him.

So, gentlemen, artists, you had the honor to take part in the premiere screening of the New Year musical "Meeting with happiness". And your task: impromptu, as expressively as possible, to play up everything you have heard about your character in the text and musical compositions. Hall, do not forget about our important role - emotional mood (in the course of the action, the presenter makes an accent in the text with her voice and, if necessary, prompts the guests to move). Ready? Let's go then!

Scenario of the New Year's fairy tale "Meeting with happiness"

Sounds quiet 5. Instrumental

The storyteller (presenter) speaks against the background of music:

It was quiet in a fabulous forest-y-y , (guests react: "Uh!" and swing their arms above)

Nothing disturbed the silence and beauty.

And suddenly, everything began to sing and spin -

It was the White Blizzard that started to have fun!

Sounds 6.- dancing, the Blizzard appears

And right there, next, a path forest-oh-oh (guests react: they hug, shouting: "Oops!")

Santa Claus appeared, so joyful!

Sounds 7.- dancing, Santa Claus comes out

The snowstorm ran to Grandfather through forest ! (guests shout: "Yes!" and make a hand gesture)

After all, she had a great interest in Frost!

Sounds 8.- Frost and Blizzard are dancing

But then with a defiling gait past them,

Yagusya passed, imagining herself a queen and a beauty!

Sounds 9. - yagusya appears, behaves like a model.


We draw your attention to the fact that this is exactly the converted (for the symbol of 2020, the Mouse) version of the fairy tale "Handsome Petya". Anyone who has gained access to it earlier can use the same link by downloading the updated version and safely carry it out like a new one, but in other companies. For those who first became interested in this musical tale, information below:

To get the full version with music, it is enough to contribute a small amount to the site development fund (300 rubles) - conditions and details on the AUTHOR'S SCENARIOS page

P.S. Dear users, the document below provides detailed information on how to get the full version of this script.

(download by clicking on the document)


N.G. Khudyashova, 2016

So the New Year is approaching, which schools begin to celebrate in advance, especially in high school

To make the festive event fun and interesting, it is better to think over the scenario of the New Year for high school students in advance.

For example, you can prepare a New Year's fairy tale in a new way, according to the scenario of which all the guys will be involved.

A New Year's fairy tale in a new way for high school students can be composed of characters from different fairy tales, which is why the holiday will turn out to be interesting and very cheerful.

AT modern script for high school students, you can add other characters as you wish, then it will be even more fun.

Host: So, in a few minutes, the performance, and the stage is not yet ready! Where is everyone, where are the actors, where are the scenery?

King Guidon comes out

Host: Who are you man? Are you even from our team? Who put you in this?

King Guidon:
Open your eyes
And a little mindset
That you cannot distinguish the king
From somewhere like this

Host: It doesn't seem to you that you are playing too much, I am a director, I have a holiday on my nose - the New Year, but I still lacked such personnel.

The guards leave and take the director away, Vasilisa Krasa and Ivanushka the fool enter

Ivan the Fool:
King, hope and support. They did not lead to execute! As I said, I found you a beauty - a spitting image of a composite, and she washed her dear face and became completely different - she says in makeup she is better. He says once he stole me as the king's wife - take me, I couldn't get rid of her.

King Guidon:
Vanya, you know me, I like meek, but if you make me angry ...! Come on, bring the beauty here - show whom you brought.

Ivan the fool runs away and returns, leads Baba Yaga

King Guidon:
No, no, no, take her back, no, no, no, I didn't order this, no, don't

Baba Yaga: Guidon, I came to you, are you not happy? Don't be afraid, I'm a modern girl, we don't get married early now (pause, I'm fixing my hair), I just decided to break away for the new year.
Although if it is boring I can change my mind (makes a formidable look).

Tsar Guidon exchanges glances with Ivan

Ivan the fool shrugs his shoulders, pretends that he does not know how to help

King Guidon:
Okay, Vanyusha, take her to the bedchamber, let her rest on the way, but for now I need to think about how best to celebrate the New Year ...

Ivan the Fool takes Baba Yaga away.

King Guidon: Guardians !!! Guards, bring the director here soon !!! Until he died there in the dungeon from the cold ..

The guards run after the director

King Guidon: Guardians !!! Who remained there, send a messenger for Santa Claus! Without him, what a holiday.

The guards bring the director.

Host: (aka director) What an outrage, who are you! Honored Director and dungeon.

King Guidon: Sorry, we got excited, those responsible will be punished, and you, if you help arrange the holiday, you will receive compensation for your labors - you will receive a fabulous treasure and an order.

Host: As you don’t understand "majesty", I need to stage a holiday, I need actors to cheer people up - after all!

King Guidon: Here, the fun is needed! Can you cheer Baba Yaga?

Host: Well, I don't know, everything is ready, but there are no people?

Santa Claus: Enters, oh, I got it wrong, oh, I got it confused - I confused the old one, oh, oh, oh, I confused a fairy tale with reality ... it remains only to wait for the New Year, only with the first chimes striking everything will return to its former places.

Host: But what about us, we can't arrange a holiday?

Santa Claus: You can, you just invite whoever you want to see here and everything will come true.

Host: Well then ……… ..

1 performance

Guidon, Baba Yaga and the Host come out

King Guidon: How much fun?

Baba Yaga: It's good, but that's all I need more fun.

King Guidon: What do you want?
Baba Yaga: Dancing, so that at once and with grandmas hedgehogs.

King Guidon: Will there be a dance today?

Host: Of course, the dance "……"

2 performance

Host: Grandma conjure, grandfather conjure, Number three….
3 performance
Host: Santa Claus, I need to go home after the performances, I have friends there, I don't want to be in a fairy tale - I have already grown up.

Santa Claus: I figured out what the reason is - my staff melted, now it will return to normal and send you back, but for now, announce another performance, otherwise Baba Yaga will get bored (you will have to hold the wedding too).
4 performance
Santa Claus: I twist the staff, twirl, I want to return everyone back!
King Guidon, let him rule the kingdom,
Director from fairy tale to reality,
Let the grandma hedgehog dance tango, waltzes and square dance.

Happy New Year holiday
May he be cheerful
May it bring people happiness
Every hour, every day.

I wish you a Happy New Year, I wish you all happiness and joy, prosperity and prosperity, peace and prosperity this New Year.

The host announces a New Year's disco.