Performance by roles. The script of the play for the elementary school a tale in a new way "teremok". "A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it"

Scenario of a fairy tale in a new way "Teremok" for primary school

Author Lyapina Vera Valerievna primary school teacher MBOU secondary school № 47 city of Samara
Purpose:This script can be used by elementary school teachers in school drama competitions.
goalPromote the disclosure of creative abilities, talents of students
Learn to distinguish between good and evil by the example of a fairy tale plot;
Development of positive emotions, acting skills;
Raise interest in fairy tales, love of reading;
Develop team cohesion.

Holiday progress:

We are folk artists
Buffoons, masters,
Welcoming you today,
Let's shout friendly: "Hurray!"
We start the presentation
To everyone familiar, without a doubt,
Fairy tales, but in a new way.
Everyone is happy about this tale.
"Teremok" we will show you
We'll tell you everything without hiding.

In our fairy tale, to be honest,
There are no such characters.
Modern children:
And what kind of fairy tale is this?
They tell from the audience - "Teremok"
We don't need hints here -
Everyone is famous and beloved,
All carefully kept
The old fairy tale "Teremok".
This is not REP and ROCK for you,
Children are happy with this fairy tale.
Modern children
Fairy tales for children? Oh, don't.
Than surprise them now
Will you scare me, will you make me laugh?
They should be given an action movie
And not the old Teremok.
Children love everything, not without reason,
Fights, stunts and nightmares.
Is it possible for kids
See this ... gibberish?
Modern children
Well, of course, even very,
Thriller everyone wants to see!
They want to spoil our fairy tale?
2nd buffoon
Come on, quieter, don't argue!
1st buffoon
If you want to speak,
You'd better tell us honestly.
There is enough room for all of us in a fairy tale
We will show a fairy tale together!
2nd buffoon
Hedgehog, cockerel, frog,
The mouse is a gray hole,
Wolf, Bear, and with him the Fox,
Intriguing craftswoman.
We start the presentation
Fairy tales, to everyone's surprise!
Buffoons and children descend from the stage. The melody of the Frog sounds. The Frog appears

Oh, I'm a poor croak
A stray frog
My house was taken from me,
They kicked me out of the river.
I don't get back there
The water is poisoned there.

What do I see, teremok!
I'll go up to the threshold.
Maybe the door will be unlocked for me?
I'll find shelter at last.
Looks around, goes around the teremok.
Quiet, empty, - nobody ...
Shouldn't I take him?
Well, the Frog has found shelter,
Then the Mouse came to her.
The melody of the Mouse sounds, the Mouse appears

How can I, Mouse not grieve?
How can I live without a mink?
Fat cat house manager
He is always and everywhere right
I took my mink
And leased it to others.
Poor mouse is a lesson for me.
I saw the teremok
What do I see, teremok!
I feel success awaits me
I will ask for an overnight stay.
Who lives here, open?
Let me go for the night!
Frog comes out
Paws, ears, tail sticking out ...
Is it a mouse that squeaks?
Well, of course, a mouse mouse.
Hello, gossip-frog.
It's hard for me to go further
Let me go to the teremok.
Come quickly into the house
We will live with you together!
Night has descended. Only suddenly
Rooster came out of the forest ...
Rooster's melody sounds, crowing

An artist's life is not easy
They pecked at the cock.
Genius is not recognized
Dithyrambs do not sing ...
Kukareku, kukareku!
Throw me something into the river!

Who yells here at night?
Doesn't let you sleep well?
Doesn't yell, the artist sings.
Ah, illiterate people!
Well this is Petya-Cockerel!
Don't rush to the river, buddy!
Come in Terem soon!
Pour some tea for the cockerel!
How glad I am to have met you
In your difficult, bitter hour!
That's how it happens in life,
A friend saves a friend in trouble!
Mouse, Frog, Cockerel
Friends, they live happily

They sing resounding songs.
The melody of the Hedgehog sounds

Who is there galloping across the clearing?
Oh, you can't make out in the fog.
Why, this is a prickly hedgehog!
Looks like Schwarzenegger!
And what a handsome man, really!
Hedgehog is practicing karate
Master of Sports, immediately visible!
Who squeaks from the bushes?
Oh, my soul is on fire!
Where are you from passing through to us?
We live in the wilderness, ignoramuses.
And we have not heard of you.
Haven't you been here before?
No, it's my first time with you.
I was small before,
Everyone offended me.
I was sick and sick
But he decided to become "cool"!
I am a sambist and karate fighter,
Ushuist and Judoka!
I can defeat anyone!
We would have such a watchman.
Come to our tower to live.
We will feed you.
What are you waiting for, you go!
Show your teremok,
Feed, drink,
I will serve you faithfully
Watch your teremok.
Hedgehog, Cockerel, Frog,
Mouse-gray nose
They began to live and get on,
Don't waste time!
Bast-broom knit
And sell on the market.
Modern children
Oh, scream, made me laugh
Look, the shop has opened!
What kind of business! Just laugh!
It is not a sin to deceive such people!
Someone is rushing through the forest
This is the Wolf running with the Fox.

The melody of the Fox sounds. The Wolf and the Fox appear
A fox
Look, Gray, little house!
Two-plank sign!
Yes, it is locked.
What kind of animals live here
Weaving bum-brooms?
We would have this room!
We would find an application:
We would open a bar in the woods
The rock-stage was invited!
The forest would hum day after day
Money would flow like a river!
I really love money!
I'll put them in my wallet!
A fox
Whose wallet is this?
Hush, I can hear the stamping of feet!
Hedgehog, Mouse,
Rooster, Frog ...
Let's hide, old lady!
Hiding behind the tree, the animals come out
I see footprints around.
Who roamed here, Rooster?
Wolf and Fox, their trail is familiar,
Their duet is criminal.
A fox
Someone called me, it looks like
Oh, yes, this is my friend Hedgehog!
Oh, what a cool playboy!
A lot of muscles, a mountain-mountain!
If only we could lure him away!
Guard the room!
Fox dance
A fox
Mouse, Frog ... My God!
Who our hero contacted!

And the Rooster, it's for food!
No matter how bad there was!

A fox
Hedgehog, would go to serve us,
We will pay you!
Not in rubles, but in green,
You would have had millions!
No, Fox, don't try
Don't flatter yourself on my account!
I don’t sell friends.
And I don’t rent!
What are you, what are you, dear friend!
A rooster sits on the window
It's easier to negotiate with him.
Have a talk with him, Fox!
A fox
We will take away the cockerel
We'll take a ransom for it.
Appeals to the Rooster
What do I see, our artist!
How handsome and vociferous!
Kukareku, co-co-co!
It's not easy being an artist!
A fox
We opened a bar in the woods
Rock-stage was invited ...
You would be our soloist
A wonderful artist!
We want to listen to you!
And for me it would be better to eat!
A fox
Your place on the stage!
Your invitation is flattering!
Everyone knows my singing
It's not easy being an artist!
A fox
Wolf, grab him,
Push him into the limousine!
The Wolf grabs the Rooster and hides it in the car. Fox and Wolf leave and sing a song

Cheated, cheated
Mouse and Frog "cheated"
They circled around the finger
We took the rooster away!
I need to report to the boss
How can we be with the Rooster?
A fox
Mikhalych is waiting for us in the cafe,
Lemonadic, apparently drinking.
Ish, command much,
Almost wrong - I'll hit the eye!
He has one concern ...
And how dirty work -
The wolf with the Fox rush, hurry!
Pasha all day in the morning!
They drive up to a cafe in which a Bear is sitting in an armchair.
Who's been plowing here since morning?
Wolf with Fox? Our heroes.
Where did you go? Where did you roam?

You got a rooster!
Rooster? Is it great?
What is the cock for us, Wolf?
Can we eat a rooster?
There will be a cool ear!
A fox
Wolf, you only need to eat!
You, Fox, don't go to us!
A fox
Two fools have gathered!
I won't give them the cock!
I'll take the bird for myself!
Tries to run away with the Rooster
Where are you in a hurry, sister?
A fox
It's time for us to go for a long time
It will be dark soon!
They are driving along the road, suddenly they see a barrier with the inscription "CUSTOMS" The melody of the song "Our service is both dangerous and difficult" sounds. Behind the barrier is the Hedgehog in the uniform of a policeman and all the animals

Look, what a miracle?
Grew up, out of nowhere,
Here is the customs ...
A fox
The path is closed.
See the red light is on!

Well, get out quickly!
Show your documents!
Show what are you carrying!
Unlock your trunk!
Export of berries and mushrooms
And other forest fruits,
Small, large, fatty poultry
Banned across the border!
The export of poultry is prohibited across the border!
I'll confiscate the cock!
What nonsense!
Who are you, where are you from?
No matter how bad it was for us ...
And since when did they put up a fence here?
How to resist the authorities?
Maybe we'd better hit the road?
I feel that they will beat!
A fox
Better to bribe the guards!
Yes, perhaps there is a reason!
So, for a bird, a million.
Give, and forward.
Painfully cool he takes!
The hedgehog distracts attention,
The mouse opens the trunk,
Takes out a cock ...
Goodbye, bye!
A fox
My head is spinning
Cockerel, after all, is not the Firebird!
Take half a lemon
And open the border!
Only for your sake, Fox,
Opening the border for you!
Bear, Fox, Wolf are leaving The animals are singing:
We spent abroad
And put in the trunk
A bag with fly agarics, -
A lesson for the kidnappers!
There is no money and no bird!
Goodbye, Wolf and Fox!
That's how it happens in life,
A friend saves a friend in trouble!
Helps, helps,
Pours tea into a mug!
It's more fun to live together!
Friendship should be cherished!

Modern children
Well, they twisted the fairy tale!
Frankly speaking, they were surprised!
We must confess honestly
It was very interesting!
Until now, the animals live together
Pancake pies are baked
Drink honey and kvass
And they do not know grief and adversity!
Everyone goes to the teremok
When the night falls.
The animals in the house fall asleep
And we will lock the teremok!
Let the teremok sleep until morning!
Goodbye viewers!
Goodbye kids!
We will, of course, meet again and again!
Many, many fairy tales
There is in this world.
We will choose the most fun ones for you,
But next time!

The final song sounds

"A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it"

Music from the cartoon "Last year's snow was falling" is playing. It turns out Man - he is dressed in felt boots and triukh, on his shoulder he has a cardboard ax:

I have already sent so! For the third hour I've been circling the woods, I've seen enough of these tales and these storytellers. And there is no normal Christmas tree! Here's a bad luck. And most importantly - some fairy tales are all wrong, not the same as before. Everything seems to be the same, but the feeling that someone somewhere has changed something! As soon as I entered the forest, and here is what a story happened to me ...

Gingerbread man

A young man in a T-shirt with a yellow smiling smile enters the stage. Behind him, limping, is Grandma:

Granddaughters, and the girls all went so arrogant! Shame alone, not girls! She has not only ears, but in general her whole face is studded with glands, this tattoo, like a mother's mother, or she will wear something like that on herself - Slava Zaitsev crosses herself and cries quietly in the corner. Don't mess with them, granddaughters!


Well, ba, I need them, these girls ..! I went, the guys and I agreed to meet ...

The grandmother leaves, Kolobkov “sets off” to the song “Land of Lemon”.

Zaykina jumps out from behind the curtains to meet him. This is a real glamorous blonde - eyelashes, nails, hair, an abundance of pink and fur.

Zaykina (speaks languidly, drawing out the words):

Kolobkov! Where are you going?


Zaykina, get out of the way, go myself and go ...


I was thinking…


Did you think? What a surprise!


Shouldn't I invite Kolobkov to some cafe? Tiramisu, cappuccino, so beautiful I ... In my opinion, the idea is not bad!


Zaykina, I don't want to upset you, but ...

I am Kolobkov, Kolobkov,
Born by engineers
I learned about TV
Babkoy warned ...
I left my grandmother
And he left his grandfather,
From you, Zaykin, and even more so I'll leave!

Think for yourself - where did I, a simple schoolboy from an average family, get so much money to carry you and your false nails to cafes and feed tiramisu? Adie, my fluffy rodent!

Kolobkov ... Come with us today to the cemetery.


Volkova, damn it! Not a fig yourself an invitation! I see you, I have a desire to cover myself with a blanket and in no case hang my legs or arms from the bed - what if you’re hiding under my bunk, and how will you grab it! And you also call me to the cemetery!


It will be fun, Kolobkov. Let us sing to the moon, let us serve the black mass. Quiet, calm, none of the adults ...

Kolobkov (About myself):

Here is the grandmother's right, right in everything ... Listen, Volkova:

Sings his own song, adding a line:
I’ll run away from you, Volkova!

To meet Kolobkov, Medvedev comes out - a girl of VERY dense physique, roughly speaking - full.


Kolobkov! Come to our house for lunch today! Mom and I made dumplings, baked pies, fried donuts. Look at my embroideries, I spent so many evenings over them ...


As I understand it, only Kolobkov is really missing for your plush table. Medvedeva, you are my weeping willow, you are my wise Vasilisa, but I don’t even know what your embroidery looks like!
Sings his own song, adding the last line:
And from you, Medvedev, I'll leave!

Lisichkina comes out to meet Kolobkov. The girl is like a girl, only a redhead.


Hello, Kolobkov. It's good that I met you. They say you understand computers, but something happened to mine - it doesn't load. Maybe, if you have a free minute, will you take a look?


Lisichkina, I'm in a hurry.
Sings his own song, adding:
And Lisichkin will leave you.


So I told you - how free time will be. And you know what? You will help me with the computer, and I will help you with the essay, otherwise the last time the class sobbed over your epic creation. Come on - you give me a computer, and I give you an essay!


But it’s true, the end of the year is coming soon, and I have something indecent in literature. And, let him write, and it's not difficult for me to see what she has with her computer ... Come on, Lisichkina, we'll see. Do you have any firewood?

Chatting, they leave.

It turns out Man:

Have you seen? I’m wrong if this Fox didn’t eat him! And everything seems to be according to the plot, but doubts torment me. Or here's another - I go further, go out to the edge ...

Crane and Heron

A young man comes out of the wings - Zhuravlev:

All the guys in the class have girls. And some manage to meet several at once. And I'm worse? Tsaplina looked at me like that yesterday, for sure she likes me. Maybe call her, ask how she's doing on the personal front, and if not, then drive up to her carefully?

Dials the number. Tsaplina comes out of the other wings. Her phone rings, she picks up:

Hello, I'm listening ...

Hello Tsaplina. What are you doing?

Ah, Zhuravlev, hello. Yes, I'm not doing anything, I'm sitting in VKontakte.

And tell me, Tsaplina, as in spirit, don't you need a strong, handsome, courageous young man, in full bloom, 16 years old? If needed, here I am!

Zhuravlev, have you collapsed from an oak tree? Who's the strongest here? Who couldn't pass the push-up standard for two weeks? And who's beautiful? Yes, even the Lyagushkin sisters shy away from you in all directions, and it would seem that there are three of them, and not a single guy has, they could have gotten involved. Your masculinity is under a big question, you, they say, when you watch melodramas, you cry in three streams! Why do I need such a treasure?

Well, Tsaplina! You're just some kind of spit! (to himself) This is a bummer.

Hangs up the phone, goes backstage.


Look, you will think! As a guy he crammed for me ... He is handsome, ha-ha-ha ... (thinks). Well, actually ... his eyes are really wonderful. And then he messed up with push-ups because of a cold, but he runs the fastest, and plays basketball great. And about melodramas is still unknown - he is watching, or is it a joke. And in principle, let him look, I love them myself ... I shouldn't have offended the guy. I need to call him back.

He dials Zhuravlev's number. He leaves the wings, picks up the phone:

Yes. What else do you want, Tsaplina? Didn't she say everything?

You know, Gray, I think I got excited. If you haven't changed your mind, then I'm ready to accept your offer to date!

What? Sentence? Yes, I was joking, Tsaplina! How could it ever occur to you that I would want to date you? Do you think there are no other cute birds in our swamp or what? Yes, the same Masha Lyagushkina - her legs are longer, and her waist is thinner, and everything else is also in place!

You are a pig, Zhuravlev! Comparison with Lyagushkina, I will definitely not forgive you!

Hangs up the phone. Goes backstage.


Seems to me that I really am a pig. Well, I like her, to be honest. She's not only cute, but also smart, she will help if something goes wrong with her studies ... I'm calling ... I hope she won't send you to the swamp!

Tsaplina comes out, answers the call:

Zhuravlev, if you call me to tell me something else about the charms of the other Lyagushkin sisters, you shouldn't bother. They are well-known beauties!

No, Tsaplina. I want to apologize, but still think about my proposal to meet ...

Zhuravlev, tree-sticks! No! Go kiss Masha, suddenly she turns into a princess!

Both go backstage.
It turns out Man:

They still have not agreed. Call a friend. But I may be confusing something, but in the fairy tale they went to each other, there were no phones in the fairy tale? And what phones are there in the swamp? But the last plot finally finished me off:

Chicken Ryaba

A table and two chairs are brought to the stage. A guy and a girl come out. The guy is wearing a tracksuit and a cap, a girl in a mini-skirt, heels, but also in a sports windbreaker. They behave cheekily. They sit on chairs, snap seeds.


Hey, Makha, do you think Ryabov has given us a report on history?


What do you think he dares not to roll?

They laugh foolishly. A young man, Ryabov, who looks like a typical "nerd" enters:


And go for a walk, come on.


But we agreed that three of us would make a report! And what am I to write for myself now?


Well, like, if you don't want to, don't write. You will get a couple ... And do not blather there, otherwise ... (shows his fist)

The bell rings. The girl opens the door:

Oh, Myshkin ... Hello!

Myshkin enters - a healthy guy, two meters tall.

Well, what have you got here? Ryabov? What are you here?


Yes, he, like, asked for a visit. Says, show him the tricks, self-defense type. He's leaving now.


We, they say, have a report on history on the nose, and I am neither sleep nor spirit.

The guy and the girl look at each other in fear. Ryabov clears his throat, adjusts his glasses, takes a step forward, clearly wants to say something.

Guy (interrupts):

Ryabov, come on to whoever I told you! Then all the tricks!


Why is it on your table? Paper? Is there something printed on it?

Takes, reads in warehouses:

- "Gold of the Scythians". Oops! History report! This I entered successfully! Who dashed off?


They dashed off! They not only know how to tricks, they are also real scholars!


So, I take it, and you, if you are so smart, will write to yourself! Fuck me, come on!


Ryabov .., "bad" person, so what have you done? I'll show you a couple of tricks right now, but you probably won't like it.


Now for a couple on the history of the house it will be so-and-a-something!


Yeah, why didn't you stop Myshkin?


Yes, he will lay me down with one left.


Okay, don't cry grandfather, don't cry baba ... I'll write you one more report, but let's all the same for three. How do you like the topic: "Gold Rush" in the Wild West - the causes "?


Ryabov, dear, sit down and write quickly ...

Going backstage.

It turns out Man, this time dragging a Christmas tree (artificial).

Phew, now you can go home. These misunderstandings got me. Look, what they are feeding! The main thing is that at the exit from the forest I will not meet anyone else, otherwise I will completely go crazy.

Runs it out Wife:

Oh, Lord, there you are! And I've searched you all over the forest! I’ll ask the Kolobok, then the Heron, the Mouse over there, ran, waved its tail in your direction, so I went out to you. What are you, you fool, you go all day?


You won’t believe, maybe I ate something wrong, only your Kolobok and Mouse are not the same. Have you noticed anything strange?


You understand a lot. What time is it now? That's what time, such fairy tales. Moreover, you probably forgot the saying: "A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows!" Come on, miserable, go cold ...

They hug, leave. The final music from the cartoon "Last Year's Snow Was Falling" sounds.

Theater available both in kindergarten and at home! This informative section contains many scenarios for children's performances and theatrical performances - from the eternal classics of Russian folk tales to "old stories in a new way" and completely original performances. Work on any of the performances presented here will become a real holiday for your wards, and the process of participating in the "revitalization" of your favorite characters and plots will be a real magic.

A real encyclopedia for "scriptwriters" teachers.

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All sections | Performance scenarios. Theatrical performances, performances

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Sections: Working with preschoolers

Script to the fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood” by Ch. Perrault.

Characters:Little Red Riding Hood, wolf, grandmother, lumberjacks.

Scenery: forest, house.

Actions:Little Red Riding Hood walks along the path.

Leading: Once upon a time there was a girl, and everyone called her Little Red Riding Hood. Her mother asked her grandmother to visit, gave her a pot of butter and pies. A girl walks along the path of a song, picks flowers, and a wolf meets her.


Hello hello girl
Where are you going.
What's in the basket, you carry your delicious.

I'm going to visit my grandmother
I'm bringing her pies.


If along this path
You will go.
You will come to grandmother's house quickly, quickly.

Along the path i will go
I’ll come to my grandmother soon.
I’ll come to my grandmother soon.
I'll bring her a present

Actions: He laughs merrily, runs away along the path.


I'll cheat the girl
I'll be the first to come to the house.
On a short path
I'll run quickly, quickly.

Actions: rubs his hands, smiles happily, runs away along a short path. The wolf approaches the house, knocks.


Who's knocking on the door
A man came or a beast?


I am your granddaughter
I brought you a present. (In a thin voice.)


Pull the string
Pull up and boil.


I'll open the door now.
I will swallow granny at once.

Actions: He opens the door, eats the grandmother, puts on her cap and lies down on the bed. Little Red Riding Hood walks to the door and knocks.


Who's knocking on the door
A man came or a beast.

I am your granddaughter
I brought you a present.


Pull the string
Pull up and boil.

Actions: Little Red Riding Hood enters the house, approaches her grandmother.

K. Sh: Grandma, you have big eyes.

Wolf: To see you better.

K. Sh: Grandma, you have big ears.

Wolf: This is to hear better.

K. Sh: Grandma, you have a big mouth.

Wolf: To eat you, buddy.

Actions: The wolf pounces on the girl, she hides.

Leading: The wolf swallowed the girl, but luckily the lumberjacks walked past, heard a noise in the house, ran in and rescued grandmother and Little Red Riding Hood.


You can go around half the world
You can't find us stronger.
We are in a hurry to help everyone
We want to help everyone out.

Script to the work of V. Suteev "Who Said Meow".

Characters: Puppy, rooster, mouse, adult dog, bee, fish, frog, kitten.

Actions: The puppy is sleeping in the room.


The puppy slept on the rug near the sofa.
Suddenly I heard someone say: "Meow"!
Looked at the puppy - no one.
Probably, I dreamed in a dream.
And lay down more comfortably on the carpet.
I closed my eyes and heard again
Someone quietly “meow meow,” said.
The puppy jumped up and looked around
But under the table and under the bed, no one.

The puppy climbed onto the windowsill, saw a rooster walking in the yard.


That's who kept me awake.
Didn't you say “Meow”.


If I suddenly start singing
Then I shout: "ku-ka-re-ku"!


Who did not let me sleep?
Who said “meow meow”.

Leading: Suddenly, at the very porch, someone said "Meow."

"It's here": said the puppy,
He quickly began to dig sand.
He saw a mouse there
And he barked very loudly.


That's who kept me awake.
Didn't you say “Meow”.


No, I don’t say that.
Oh, I'm scared I'm running.

Actions: The mouse runs away, and the puppy stands in thought. Someone says "Meow" again.


Someone says “Meow”.
I see the kennel is standing.
I'll take a look there.

Actions: The puppy runs around the kennel, but finds no one. Suddenly a huge shaggy Dog jumped out to meet him.

Dog: R-r-r-r-r-r-r-r


I only wanted to know
Who is here: “Meow”, could tell.

I? You are laughing Puppy!
How can I say it?

Actions: The puppy rushed into the garden with all his might and hid there under a bush.

Leading: And then again he heard: "Meow" The puppy looked out from under the bush, Right in front of him on a flower sat a hairy bee.


That's who "Meow" says.
It won't fly away from me.

Actions: The puppy tries to grab the bee with its teeth.

Bee: W-w-w! I'm going to sting.

Leading: The puppy got scared, ran, and the bee followed him. The Puppy ran up to the pond - and into the water! The puppy emerged, the Bee was gone. A fish was swimming in the pond. And then someone again said: "Meow"


"Meow! Meow!" you say.
Well, where are you in a hurry?

Actions: The fish silently swims away, a croak is heard, a frog appears.


“Meow” who said again?
This I wanted to know.


Everyone should know that
Pisces are always silent.

Actions: The frog jumps into the water and the puppy goes home. Lies down on the rug near the sofa. And suddenly he hears: "Meow"

Leading: The Puppy jumped up, looked around, a fluffy cat was sitting on the windowsill.

Cat: "Meow"!

Leading: The Puppy jumped up and barked: “Av-av-av”. Then he remembered how the shaggy Dog growled and growled: “Ry-ry-rr” The cat hissed and jumped out the window. And the Puppy returned to his rug and went to bed. Now he knew who said “Meow”!

Script for the fairy tale "Under the fungus" V. Suteev.

Scene decoration: forest glade, fungus, cloud.

Characters: ant, butterfly, mouse, bunny, fox.

Leading: A cloud stopped over a clearing. Suddenly it started to rain: drop-drop-drop. And a fungus grew in the clearing. Only the fungus was very small. The fungus was delighted with the rain. An ant is crawling along the clearing. He is not happy with the rain, he is all wet.


I run, I run, I run.
I want to escape from the rain
The rain is getting stronger, stronger.
I will hide under the fungus soon.

The ant runs around the fungus, examines it and hides.


An ant hid under a fungus
And the rain keeps falling, dripping, dripping.
A butterfly flew into the clearing
All soaked, saw the fungus, was delighted.


I flew, I fluttered.
I pollinated the flowers.
The breeze brought a cloud.
You cover me, fungus.
All wet from the rain
I can't fly now.

The butterfly flies around the fungus, flaps its wings.


The fungus is small at all.


I won't take up a lot of space
The rain will end, I'll leave.

A butterfly hides under a fungus. Sing a song:


Leading: A mouse came out into the clearing, his fur coat got wet, his tail was trembling. Looking for where to hide from the rain.


I ran away from the rain
All wet to the thread.
So I run and search
Where can I hide.
Is there no room for me
Make room, friends.


The fungus is small at all
It will be very cramped for everyone here.


I just post on the edge
The coat dries up, I'll leave.

The mouse is hiding under the fungus.

Leading: Here are three of them under the fungus.

Everyone is singing:

Fun, fun to stand under the fungus
It's great, it's great to wait out the rain.

Leading: A bunny is running, out of breath at all. Apparently someone is chasing him.


The fox is chasing me
Hide me, friends,
Help me to hide
Save me from the fox.

Jumps around the fungus, shivers, looks around.


The fungus is small at all
It will be very cramped for everyone here.


I will not press you here
I won't take up a lot of space.

The bunny is hiding under a fungus. Everyone is singing:

Fun, fun to stand under the fungus
It's great, it's great to wait out the rain.

Leading: The fox comes out into the clearing, looks around, approaches the fungus.

A fox:

The hare could not hide here
A very small fungus.

All: Yes, yes, yes, a very small fungus.

A fox:

I will not miss the hare
I'll look elsewhere.

Fun, fun to stand under the fungus
It's great, it's great to wait out the rain.


The rain fell and passed
Singing and laughter is heard.
Friends are surprised
Like a fungus they hid them all.
The frog galloped
He looked at the fungus and said:


While it was raining mushroom
The fungus grew and became large.

Yes, yes, yes, we were all saved from the rain
We will always be friends
After all, we cannot live without friendship.

Scenario for the Belarusian folk tale “Kolosok”.

Characters: Cockerel, little mice Cool, Vert.

Actions: The cockerel walks into the yard, sweeps, and the mice play.

Leading: Once upon a time there were two mice, Cool and Vert. Yes, cockerel Noisy throat.

The mice sang and danced all day
Spinning and spinning.
And the cock got up early,
I got to work.
The yard was sweeping once
I sang my songs.
Petya's clear voice
Suddenly he found a spikelet.


Hey little mice come
What I found, take a look.

Mice: We must take it down to the mill and thresh it.


Who will go to the mill?
Who will carry the spikelet?

Mice: Not me! Not me!


I'll go to the mill
I'll carry the spikelet.


The cockerel set to work.
Oh, he got a hard job.
And the mice played rounders,
They didn't help the cockerel.

Leading: The cockerel has returned and is calling the mice.


Hey little mice come
Look at work.
I went to the mill
The spikelet threshed.

Mice: It is necessary to grind flour.

Cockerel: Who will carry it?

Mice:Not me. Not me.

Cockerel:Okay. I will go.


Cockerel worked honestly
And the mouse Cool was having fun.
And the little mouse Vert sang and danced.
The cockerel returned and called the mice.


Hey little mice come
Look at work.
I came from the mill
The grain is ground into flour.


Oh yes cockerel! Well done!
You need to knead the dough and bake the pies.

Cockerel:Who will bake the pies?

Mice: Not me. Not me.

Cockerel: Apparently I have to.


The cockerel got down to business.
He lit the oven and kneaded the dough.
I baked pies.
The mice did not waste time either.
They sang, danced, played merrily.
The pies were baked, they were cooling on the table,
I didn't have to call the mice
They themselves came running.


Wait, wait!
You first tell me
Who found a spikelet
And threshed the grain
Who went to the mill?

Mice: All of you. All of you.

Cockerel: What did you do?

Leading: And the mice have nothing to say. They left the table, but the cock does not hold them back. There is nothing to treat such idlers with pies.

Actions: Mice are sad, get up and leave the table.