Top CRM Systems for Sales. What is a CRM system and how to choose them correctly? Maximum number of users

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CRM system (abbreviation from Customer Relationship Management - customer relationship management system) - a program that allows you to automate clients work, collect data for analyzing and improving business processes.

Consider on a simple example, what is it - work in the CRM system.

"Style" - an enterprise manufacturing furniture under the order. The sales department consists of seven managers working in three stores in the city. Their workplaces are equipped with a special application in which all work is being done. When accessing the client, the corresponding data is made here. The result is a diagram of the model with the cost and timing of the manufacture, is printed by a potential buyer. She, like human contacts, remains saved in the database. The contract for services is formed automatically, information about the order stage (manufacturing, assembly or already executed) is always from any seller-consultant. Just find a client or order by number.

For the buyer, it is convenient - the question can be solved promptly, regardless of the schedule of the sellers. The head is also pleased - sees what employees are busy, and what are the results of their activities. The company creates a list of buyers and contacts, there is data to analyze the demand in the context of models, seasonality and other factors. From new products - on the company's website there was an opportunity to order a manager's call. The application is transmitted to employees automatically, execution is controlled by the program. And it is only part of the possibilities of applying such services.

CRM systems - what it is: telling simple words

it comprehensive system From different business tools. At its basis, the base, where a personal card (page) has been created for each buyer, where its data and information about the history of cooperation are stored: contact information, transactions and communication in order from the moment of interaction. In the program, you can select data on the entered parameters, segmented customers, create tasks, form reports, communicate with buyers and partners, automate document flow.

Opportunities of different systems differ from each other. In some, the simplest features are implemented - information about customers and transactions. In complex, comprehensive programs for large companies, there is an association with other services - warehouse accounting, a wage system, telephony.

What is the CRM system for which you need

In very simple version For such purposes, the usual exsel. Here you can save information about buyers (real or potential), their contacts and purchases. By such a database you can work. For example, an employee complements the file as the call is made. It is indicated by the result of communication - wants to buy, call later, not ready to cooperate and so on. Having such data, you can significantly structure work with consumers.

However, in practice everything faces with a human factor: someone from employees will forget to make information to the file, someone does not want to bother, considering it unimportant, and someone will make a mistake. With the increase in the number of employees, customers and the proposed goods, the task is more complicated. And no longer always gets to understand which of the existing huge files is the newest and correct. Who is to blame for the fact that customers appeal, but do not buy anything, and why is it going on? How to keep a large number of things in my head and not forget anything? Full Avral can occur when dismissing one of the managers or damage to the file.

Just to prevent possible chaos, you need CRM systems. They minimize the human factor, make processes with understandable and open. The company has a single style of work of all employees. For the client, this confidence is that the quality of its service will be at an altitude, in which of the representative offices of the company he addressed.

The head can evaluate as financial results common workAnd the effectiveness of each of the workers, to track, at what stage and for what reasons the breakdowns of transactions occur. Risks can be predicted, and buyers' discontent is to avoid. As a result - satisfied customers, less downloaded employees and successful indicators of the company. Automation solves many tasks.

The main objectives of the use of CRM systems:

  • Unified database of customers, their documents and the history of cooperation.
  • Reducing service time.
  • Monitoring the timing of the tasks and quality of working with clients.
  • Reducing staff loading through automation of actions and program prompts.
  • The ability to analyze various indicators: the number of transactions, the quality of work of employees, complaints and returns.
  • Increase sales at the expense of cross-sales technician and additional proposals.
  • Load distribution among employees.
  • Planning further development strategies.

Assistance in solving these and other work aspects - a brief answer to the question, why the CRM system needs. Electronic assistant allows you to make a potential buyer real and constant. The importance of loyal customers is difficult to overestimate. Huge funds are spent on the search for new customers, often paying off only for several months of cooperation. Satisfied customers are a free saraved radio, an increase in the average check. With high competition in the market, regular customers are especially valuable for any company.

To whom apply

Despite the usefulness and versatility of customer relationship programs, they are not needed absolutely to everyone. There are branches where they cannot be used. For example, these are ordinary retail stores. Customer contacts are not recorded, and excellent service here is built on a wide range of goods, their price and quality, goodwill and professionalism of sellers. There is no special meaning of implementation and in the event that the company works at the limit of its production capacity. Long-term contracts have been concluded, the search for new customers is not conducted, the expansion of the enterprise is not planned.

The benefit of the CRM system will bring business, which grows, looking for new buyers and seeks to keep them by making permanent. And not so important large enterprise or not. The difference will be only in the functionality of the program used.

Most of all, they are used in IT companies, communication, industrial, financial, trade enterprises, in the service sector and tourism.

CRM systems for IT companies

For the sphere information technologies It is important to build cooperation with customers and optimize work within the company on projects. Here you need to establish joint actions of sales, looking for orders, and developers who execute orders. Here the CRM systems are perfect. Their tasks will be to manage and control projects and employees (deadlines, executors responsible), in the preparation of settlement data and documents.

How to choose a CRM system: basic views

There is no universal solution. The choice of functionality and capabilities depends on business features. For a small company, it is usually enough maintenance of client cards and transactions. For large firms, powerful CRM platforms are better suited. They can be chosen among ready-made solutions Or adjust to your tasks.

Sometimes it is necessary to create new programs, taking into account the requirements of customers and integration with other software applications. Such decisions are resorting large mobile operators, Banks and enterprises with lots of customers, tasks and employees. The cost of such developments can reach millions of dollars, and time from an order to create until the full installation will take several months.

CRM classification

Different criteria are used to carry out the separation of programs. Allocate the following classifications:

For appointment:

  • For sales - SFA-system (Sales Force Automation).
  • For marketing.
  • For after-sales service.

In terms of information processing:

  • Operational - serve to preserve and process information about consumers and transactions.
  • Analytical - form reports and analytics. For example, the breakdown of customers into categories, the effectiveness of employees, marketing events.
  • Collaborative - simplify interaction with customers. For example, self-service systems on the company's portal, SMS-informing for the purchase, service status, account status.
  • Combined - consist of elements of different types. They gain popularity in recent years.


  • Paid.
  • Free - usually, this is a trial version of the paid program on certain period, or system with less possibilities or number of users.

By technology:

  • Stand-Alone solutions.

Consider these options in detail.

SaaS system

The name is a cloud solution. The program works on a remote server. The company that bought the product pays subscription fee And it gets constant access via the Internet connection and a special application. Work is possible on mobile devices. This option has both pros and cons. The program cannot make any changes, data backup, usually - payable service. This is especially important in this case the reliability and speed of the Internet. Often, for uninterrupted access, the company has two channels for connecting to the network from different providers.

Despite these features, this option is more in demand due to its advantages.

These include the following:

  • No need to buy and serve your own server.
  • No need to ensure the performance of the program, including updates, protection against viruses and failures. Any actions are performed by developer specialists.

This reduces costs when high level technical support. Especially well such systems are applicable in small and medium-sized companies, where there is no computer specialist in the state.

Stand-Alone Systems

Boxing or desktop solution. The program is created by the wishes of the customer, is installed on the company's server and serviced on its own. Any changes, settings, recovery are conducted or independently by customers or developer specialists, but for an additional fee.

Common CRM systems

There is a sufficient number ready-made programs To interact with customers. They enjoy many companies. Consider briefly the main ones:

  • Megaplan is one of the leaders in the CRM program market. Available for a fee and free versions on a small number of users and a smaller set of options. Allows you to work with customers, finance, is simple and understood. Remote access through the site after registration. It can be installed in branches of a company working in different cities.
  • Bitrix24 is free for any number of employees. Has a limit on functionality in comparison with a paid version.
  • Microsoft Dynamics 365 - a paid program for sales departments, marketers, customer service and social networking. It is possible both in the cloud and in desktop solutions. Individually adjusts to customers.
  • - free and easy to operate. Limited by the number of contacts - up to 500.
    Simple business - available in terms of cost system with different tariff packages.
  • SalesAPCRM is a cloud solution with adjustment for different tasks. It offers work with social networks, visual analytical data, IP telephony, SMS mailing and other functions.

What is inside

Whether this solution is ready or individual development, but certain modules and functions will always be present in the CRM system. Excessive filling is not always good - the staff is more difficult to apply the price above.

Mandatory modules:

  • Customer base.
  • Sales management - indicating at what stage there is every transaction.
  • Automation of business processes - setting tasks, reminder, document flow.
  • Analytics and reports - formation according to the specified criteria.
  • Integration module with postal programs, company website, IP telephony.

Question price

One of important moments. Understand the final value of the cost, otherwise you can exceed the planned budget and not to bring the case to the end. The total cost includes:

  • License is the purchase of copies of a desktop program or access for a cloud application (paid at once or subscription per month or year).
  • Installation - transfer of available data to a new system.
  • Refinement - providing different access parameters for employees, appearance and the content of documents, other debugging under a specific firm.
  • Service - work on updating, changing and eliminating failures.

Where to start the introduction of CRM

The process is quite prolonged, and the wider there will be the capabilities of the program, the more time it will be necessary. Experts recommend starting with simple features And gradually increase their number.

Stages of implementation:

  • Analysis of customer expectations for service capabilities, number of users and their roles.
  • Selection or development - options are selected from ready-made or developed according to the requirements of a new version of software.
  • Installation.
  • Debugging and configuration - integration with other programs and transferring existing databases. Opening access for employees, their training.

After that, the system is installed and ready to operate.

CRM systems - convenient and effective solution To automate numerous business processes. An increase in sales, reducing staff, excellent and standardized client service - the results of their work. That is why the CRM market is constantly growing, offering all new and demanded products.

Modern CRM systems can be divided into several types. Types of CRM systems are allocated depending on the tasks and stages of the interaction cycle with consumers, to which these systems are directed to support.

Allocate three main types of systems:

  • operational. This type of CRM systems allows you to automate operational activities. Operational CRM systems process various data sets, "tied" to each specific client. They are necessary for prompt support of sales departments, marketing, as well as customer service departments (service support). As a rule, the data sets with which operating CRM systems work include all the contact information about the client, the interaction history, types, volume and number of purchases, communication channels with a client, etc. Information from these systems is basic for the work of analytical CRM systems. .
  • analytical. This type of systems is needed to support the stages of marketing and sales at the strategic level. They allow planning marketing companies and choose the most effective sales strategies. Analytical CRM systems process information from various databases, systematize information, based on certain algorithms, identify the most effective tendencies of customer interaction.
  • joint. This type of CRM system provides collaboration with clients, i.e. Customers have the opportunity to directly interact with the CRM system of the company. Interactions can be carried out through Web Pages, Email, Automatic Voice Communication, etc.

These types of systems are basic. CRM manufacturers of systems offer combinations from the specified three types.

Advantages of CRM system

The main application of the CRM system is associated with the organization and management of customer relationship. Therefore, first of all, the advantages of the CRM system are manifested in increasing sales indicators, in particular, sales increases, their effectiveness increases, the cost of attracting customers is reduced. In addition, CRM systems have a significant impact on the managementability and culture of the organization's work.

The main advantages of the CRM system can be attributed:

  • Increasing decision-making speed. By combining fragments of clients, the processing and analysis process is accelerated. As a result, those responsible for interaction with clients can see the entire history of contacts, to more quickly respond to requests and make decisions on them.
  • Improving the efficiency of working time use. CRM systems allow you to automatically track important events related to customers, and issue notifications. Personnel No need to look for this information in scattered sources.
  • Increased returns from marketing events. Because CRM systems store all information about the client and the history of interaction, marketing actions become more customer-oriented. The company has the opportunity to organize marketing activities aimed at each specific client.
  • Improving the accuracy of reports. Systematization of information increases the accuracy of reports and accuracy of sales forecasts.
  • Determining the value of each client. Allows the Organization to determine and plan the needs for resources to work with a particular client. CRM systems allow you to establish the priority of resource attracting depending on the value of the client.
  • Reducing paper workflow. By automating the process of interaction with the client, all documents can be translated into electronic form.
  • Reducing customer outflows. Due to the use of CRM system, personnel has access to all parts of interaction with the client. This improves the quality and efficiency of customer requests.
  • Eliminating duplication of tasks. CRM systems can be integrated with other control systems, which eliminates dual data on the transmission and data processing.
  • Ordering processes.CRM systems allow you to combine all customer interaction processes in unified system. Inputs and outputs of processes become available for different processes, which simplifies management of contracts, projects, events, products, etc., which are associated with each specific client.
  • Increase management culture. The automation of the process reduces the dependence of the tasks being solved from the subjective actions of each of the employees. CRM systems specify single rules for work and customer interaction.
  • Protection and data security. By applying the CRM system, you can organize a centralized management of data access to customers and ensure their safety.

CRM selection criteria

On the market of software products and information systems There are a large number of proposals for CRM systems. These systems are quite diverse in terms of solid tasks used, applied equipment, work technologies. When choosing a CRM system, it is necessary to take into account many factors.

For the purposes associated with the work of the quality system, it is important to take into account the following of them:

  • Compliance with business requirements. Before deciding on the implementation of the CRM system, it is necessary to determine exactly what tasks it will be solved in the context of a particular enterprise. The system must be selected for business requirements, and not vice versa.
  • Easy use. The user interface must be as simple as possible and convenient to work. If the CRM system will complicate the process of interaction with customers and increase the number of actions that will be required to work for work, such a system will remain unclaimed. This will lead to the fact that the key element of the quality system will not be implemented - data registration.
  • The presence of analytical tools. To analyze and identify the behavior of consumers, their requirements and expectations, the CRM system should provide the ability to conduct an analysis focused on each specific client.
  • Ability to set up processes. It is important that the CRM system allows you to flexibly change the settings depending on the process of execution of the process. Such an opportunity to allow more fully to determine and automate each specific process.
  • Scalability. This criterion is especially important for large organizations. It is necessary that the solutions applied in the CRM system are scalable and could be used for a large number of users.
  • Configure under the condition of a particular industry. In each industry and the field of activity there is its own specificity of working with clients. This specificity should be taken into account in the CRM system.
  • Setting up users. Both the organization itself and the environment surrounding it change over time. This leads to the need to change the working conditions of the CRM system users. For efficient work, it is necessary that the system is provided for simple and quickly changing user functions in accordance with the changing business tasks.
  • Integration with other information systems. There may be other automation and process management systems in the organization, so an important selection criterion is the ability to integrate and exchanging data between the CRM system and other automation systems.
  • Cost of ownership. The cost of ownership of the CRM system consists of several components: license costs, hardware integration and software current costs maintenance and administrative expenses for the management of IT - assets. This criterion is also essential when the system is selected.
  • Technical support efficiency. For efficient work of the CRM system, an important factor is the rate of response of the system supplier to user requests and solving problems that arise from them.

There are a number of other criteria that need to be considered when choosing a CRM system. The above criteria are the most common and necessary for most companies.

Each entrepreneur as business develops faces the need to implement software that can simplify the process planning process, customer accounting, storage of documentation, monitoring the effectiveness of employees, performing current tasks. With all these tasks copier special programs, abbreviated called CRM (CRM). Popular CRM systems differ in the appointment and functionality. Being properly selected, they are an effective tool, allowing to save time and effectively increase productivity. Assist in choosing a functional reliable CRM system, the popularity rating of which is confirmed by positive reviews, will help annually component Top best software products.

List of tasks that need to be solved in a specific case

CPM has a lot of functions capable of simplifying daily work - control the sales process, maintain projects, maintain interaction between departments. Before you start choosing the optimal platform, you should create a list of specific working tasks, to solve the software. It is also necessary to determine its functionality, technical requirements, employees who will use it in work.

In most cases, the CRM system is designed:

  • systematize the process of collecting, storing information - contacts of real and potential customers;
  • control the process of interaction with clients, seeking to increase the level of service, the effectiveness of marketing and sales;
  • automate the receipt of statistical reports.

Attention! Competent use of CRM capabilities can be influenced by the level of sales, increasing them

Getting acquainted in more detail with the application options presented in the market, it is recommended to pay attention to the possibilities of project management and communications, the availability of ready business processes, features of working with documentation, as well as the probability of expansion of software and its customization.


The need for the integration of CRM systems to maintain a client base, quality control of service is equally high from startups, among representatives of small businesses, as well as large companies. If the latter can afford to implement the most functional (read - the most expensive) CPM, then limited financial capabilities (as a rule) first and second do not allow them to use expensive paid tools, without testing pre-purchase. A selection of free versions of CRM platforms will allow you to appreciate the ability to integrate a similar product into a specific business, as well as determine the optimal option.

Customer base

The free version of this platform allows you to automate the process of doing business. With it, you can carry out customer accounting, control the maintenance of tasks, accounts, reports, execute the personalized SMS-newsletter by email. In a free format, it is available for 10 users, unlimited in time, does not require the programmer to attract for its configuration. The client base uses cloud technology to store data.


The free version of the platform is designed for 5 users. With it, you can share current affairs on 2 projects, define tasks, subtasks, execution time and priorities. This SRM system provides access to the storage of 0.1 GB files. Its interface is intuitively understood, it is convenient for work, technical support at a high level.

Monitor CRM Light

The functionality of the free version is limited: only 1 user can work with the program. But it does not need additional software and provides good opportunities to simplify the management process - creating deployed analytics, project management, maintenance of office work. This program is unlikely to consider how perfect option Organizing business processes in the long term, but at the first time of business development, it will become an ideal assistant.


Specially designed for small business. Calculated for 1 user and has a limited functionality that allows you to plan work and receive reports, store customer information.

Bitrix 24.

This is the best SRM system in the opinion of the majority. Also has a free version available to 12 users. With it, they can use standard business tools, mobile applicationsComfine in social networks, chat, mail. In addition, users can store data in the cloud, for which 5 GB is specifically assigned.

Hubspot CRM.

The most popular English-language free program of the Russian audience (unified programs generally use minimal demand due to the large selection of Russian-speaking). The functionality is minimal, but very simple, allows you to quickly understand the principle of system operation.

Many paid SRM systems offer free test versions for a period of 2-4 weeks. For example, AMOCRM, megaplan, RosbusinessSoft, Zohocrm, ManageEngine

Taking advantage of a free test version, you can in practice to check how much the same or the program is related to work processes. If the result does not satisfy, there is always the opportunity to try another.

The best of the best

Some of the modern CRM systems do not require the purchase of a server and services of the system administrator, since cloud solutions use. Many of them have extension components or can be customized. They function perfectly in the browser, mobile phone or tablet. Annually compiled CRM system rating allows you to select best options From this manifold of proposals. The list of the most popular platforms is headed by Bitrix 24, BMP Online, Amasrm and Megaplan.

Bitrix 24.

A large universal SRM system that has a wide functionality for automating work in any company.

Features allow:

  • carry out accounting client base;
  • monitor sales efficiency;
  • carry out the necessary documentation;
  • manage communications, tasks and projects.

BMP Online Sales

Service with a set of ready-made online instruments. It has a concise interface, built-in telephony, processes library, a convenient form of working with documents. Project management Presented by two sections - tasks and projects. Functional allows you to create your business processes.


It has long been included in the top of the best. It is a cloud program that does not require large expenditure costs. It is designed to keep the client base. It has a simple, intuitive interface and a set of necessary functions - allows you to track the productivity of employees, compile reports, build sales funnels and analytics, distribute customers.


Service that allows you to automate the process of sales and planning, communications and communication with clients. All information about them is stored in a structured database, track activity associated with it, just helps the CRM platform. In addition, the megaplan allows guest accounts that give the opportunity to discuss projects directly in the program and invoice.


Considering the best systems designed to manage business processes, it is impossible not to mention. Its functionality is concentrated in 3 basic modules, in addition, includes several extension components and is able to integrate with other applications. Comfortable at work at the expense of a simple, available interface and optimization to perform popular tasks - sales automation, collaboration within the network, interaction with customers and lidas through social networks, office work.


A flexible system, easily customizable at any level, is sharpened to the needs of small businesses can be installed on the cloud. Its functionality includes several basic modules, including automation of the entire sales cycle, project management, documentation, reporting, and can be expanded due to the integration of additional applications.


Completes the review of CRM systems recognized by most users the best. This product has english and Russian-speaking interface, ready-made reports to create reports, allows you to communicate with clients using email or through a web form in online mode. Integrating MANAGENGINE SRM-platform in their business, you can:

  • contact contacts;
  • conduct customers and procurement;
  • handle orders.

Which CRM system to choose

At the moment there are a huge number of proposals. Cloud versions, as practice shows, more correspond to the needs of small business than boxes, because they require less additional expenses and technical preparatory moments. Boxes of CRM systems need to buy their own server and additional hiring programmer.

Despite the fact that each SRM has its own characteristics, the principle of operation of all is approximately the same. AMOCRM interface, Bitrix 24, Zohocrm, looks simple. A little more difficult to deal with the BPm'online and Sugarcrm infeme.

Bitrix 24 has the best communicative features. Its functionality includes access to chat, tape and, most importantly, to project communication. A fairly limited set of features offers AMOCRM and HUBSPOT CRM, which can be quite valid at the initial stages of the implementation of the system in small companies. For larger firms, programs are more suitable with a large set of tools and processes, such as megaplan, BMP Online Sales, Bitrix 24.


Business confidence in proven software products Allows you to effectively manage sales and marketing, increasing their productivity. The most popular CRM systems offer optimal functionality, the possibility of its expansion and customization, work in a desktop application or mobile device. The choice of this or that service is individual and depends on the company's format, as well as its daily work tasks. Using free test versions before implementing a specific program, you can make sure that the selected CPM system is suitable for controlling a particular business.

So, the company provides managers a corporate client base for work. What is required from sales manager? It is necessary to maintain the current base and work on its expansion. The manager must submit information about clients, transactions planned meetings. This means that all the managers accumulated by the manager will remain in the company. What is the benefit of the manager? Here we encounter a psychological barrier - despite the decline in demand of specialists with their client base, managers prefer to collect information about customers to themselves in a diary. First, it is thus the personal customer baseWith which you can work hereinafter, and secondly, the diary is the "personal space" of the manager, where the most important information is stored. How to motivate the manager to work efficiently with a corporate client base?

It is an opinion that without the support of the company's management, it is impossible to implement the CRM system. And, indeed, if only sales and the number of money earned, there are no motivation to work in the CRM system with managers in the evaluation of employees. After all, anyway, no one will check who and what data filled on customers. In this situation, the risk increases that, as a result, there will be no topical data in your corporate client base, contact details will be incorrect or will not be made at all.

Let's think about what exactly needs to be controlled in the work of managers with a client base? It is necessary to determine the minimum data set that the manager is obliged to contribute to the corporate CRM system. For example, if the manager appoints a meeting with a client, in the database must be reflected: the date of the meeting, the surname, the name of the client and its contact details, the topic of the meeting and its result. If you have this data, you can control the current loading of the manager, the quality of data filling and the result of its clients.

It also needs to be understood how long the manager is spent on working with a CRM system. If the manager for filling out data will spend half of the working day, then on its immediate duties - sales - he will have little time. That is, it is necessary to do work with a customer base convenient. The CRM system should allow you to quickly perform frequent operations. For example, if an employee is reported for each telephone received, it is convenient to use the list of status, from which the manager simply selects the desired value: "Complete work", "Completed", etc. Or if the wrong number called the wrong number, it is not worth spending the manager's time for a detailed report on the similarity of phone numbers or the psychological portrait of the called. If your CRM system information about the phone call is forcibly, regardless of the manager actions, it is necessary to automate the processing of this information.

It is important that the data from the CRM system appear in reports analyzing managers. Better if the reports are automatically generated in the CRM system itself, and not pass intermediate adjustment in spreadsheets. If this is not possible, at a minimum, the data in the report must be coincided with the CRM system data. In this case, it is obvious to the manager that its indicators in the report are directly dependent on the quality of customer base.

When the manager is set to filling the CRM system data, it is necessary to show what it is necessary. If you ordered managers to make customer contact information to a corporate CRM system, use it. For example, the company decided to notify customers about the sale. If the manager incorrectly fills the customer data and cannot provide a list of phones or email addresses for mailing, it will have to contact customers independently, looking for contact details in diaries and notepad. At best, spending some time, it will cope with the task. But, most likely, most of his customers will not know about the opportunity to profitably purchase goods.

If your managers have a plan on the number of contacts taken, meetings and concluded transactions, it makes sense in Online mode to show the progress of the plan. In order for the manager by registering in the corporate system information about a deal made, he saw that from 10 transactions 5, it was closed and there was still 5. Visual "counters" helps the manager quickly navigate in the current situation, and the manager is to conduct an express analysis of the manager's base. There is an alternative for maintaining the "purity" data in the corporate system - to allocate a separate person to register data in the database. The main advantage is that you teach one person to correctly handle the data cheaper and easier than the whole department. The main disadvantage is the load on this operator, a proportional to the number of managers, from which a request for data entry into the corporate system is received. Optimal option Labor separation is presented: the operator, for example, is responsible for entering personal data, and managers are for entering data on their current events.

An additional advantage in the separation of access is to save customer personal data. However, if the CRM system does not allow to divide the rights to editing data, or the management of the company considers the presence of a specially trained operator inappropriate, from this option will have to refuse.

So, let's summarize - what is necessary for quality work Manager in the corporate CRM system:

1. Control of the head for the management of the client base: if no one checks - why do it? 2. Formation of reports on the work of managers in the CRM system or the use of data in the reports of the reports so that the manager understands where his indicators come from. 3. Automation of frequently performed operations so that the manager does not spend on their fulfillment of half the working day. 4. Using the data that the manager contributes to the system. If you obliged to manage customer contact information to the database, but this data is used only by the manager itself, it reduces its motivation. 5. The visual display of indicators helps the manager and its head to evaluate the ONLINE situation.

We build effective customer relationships.

The CRM (Customer Relationship Management) abbreviation is translated as "customer interaction management system". System - and therefore, a service that allows you to systematize the information with which the user works. Such programs can be called databases that, if necessary, remind you when a contract is needed or sent to the Client a letter.

What should be paid when choosing a CRM?

The best CRM are those that optimize the work of the seller and marketers: build sales funnels, issue analytical reports. Today there are many such complexes, but before you make a choice in favor of a particular system, you need to understand what purpose you need it.

Before buying CRM, it is necessary to explore the feedback from enterprises and managers of sales departments. Fidbeki will help you navigate in the manifold of software and make optimal choice. The choice of CRM depends not only on its functionality, but also on how convenient it works with it, is it possible to plan tasks and compiling reports on ready-made transactions. Also, before making a choice, learn licensing issues. If you have previously decided which CRM to choose, implement its demo version and see how effective work will be with it.

In this material, we present the CRM review, which are most often used in the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet.

CRM system "FreshOffice"

CRM called FreshOffice allows you to delimit work with physical and legal entities. This process is implemented due to the possibility of conducting cards of two types in which you can add new fields.

User reviews about FreshOffice, allow you to highlight the following advantages of this complex:

  • The presence of a software phone, which besides standard functions allows you to carry out free conferences between the two offices.
  • Built-in "FastReport" designer, which allows you to create simple documents and complex tables with formulas and selection functions.
  • A convenient list of orders, which makes it possible to track the processes that were not executed at the desired period.
  • Each action is confirmed by a characteristic internal message, for example: "Customer transmitted", "The task is assigned to you."

CRM system "client base"

The client base is one of the most popular complexes for small businesses, allowing you to create almost any tables and distinguish between access rights to various data arrays.

The client base program has such advantages:

  • The presence of a designer with which you can configure the system for any business.
  • Special configuration store in which entrepreneurs can purchase ready-made modules for clinics, communication salons and other types of business.
  • The ability to test the free version that small businesses can use (no more than 10 people, 500 customers).

If for business you want to choose a system client base reviews of experienced users will help you with this. The managers using this complex characterize it positively and identify such an advantage as the possibility of grouping customers in terms of activity.

CRM system« aMOCRM.»

This complex was first presented in 2008, among users it is largely popular with the simplicity of the interface and management. Also, different AMOCRM systems are distinguished by the fact that the client files are not the system-forming here, but file information about the transaction.

Among other advantages can be allocated:

  • Displaying the number of calls (for the manager), which each of the managers did.
  • Report on meetings and concluded transactions.
  • Report "Events". Allows the head to see all the changes that were committed over the past day.
  • Integration with services that make email e-mail and SMS.

AMOCRM is available for use in one of the four paid versions, or one free, with limited functionality. A special offer "Business decision" is also proposed, which includes the setting and implementation of the complex in a particular company and a subscription for three months, during which you can use the maximum set of functions.

CRM system« bitrix24.»

CRM "Bitrix24" was developed by the company "1C-Bitrix" and issued to the market in 2012. User reviews about Bitrix24 emphasize that with the help of this complex you can consider already current and potential customers, suppliers, and even those who sent your press release.

The system is popular at the following positive sides:

  • The system can be integrated into an online store and work with orders right there.
  • Integrated lists of goods and services.
  • Integration with an electronic mailbox is possible - data from letters CRM- will enter the desired fields.
  • Operational setting of tasks to sales professionals.

With all the convenience of Bitrix24, the shortcomings in the system are also present. The main one is the lack of way to track the dynamics of project development. Specifically - you will not be able to separately display a list of products that were offered to the client in the transaction process. It is also impossible to consolidate several managers at one transaction.

CRM Megaplan system

The MEGAPLAN project management system was published in 2008. In it, you will find the tools needed to automate sales, planning and working with clients. CRM megaplan can be used for free for 30 days, then you have to pay. Using the full paid version costs 750 rubles per month. There is a free version of CRM-free, but its functionality allows you to register in the system of 7 employees, and at the same time only 3 people can work in it. Also, the free version allows you to simultaneously conduct only 50 projects. But despite this, the user's reviews of the Megaplan system say that it is ideal for LLC and IP.

The advantages of CRM- "Megaplan" can be attributed as follows:

  • The work of each manager will allow to control the transaction management feature.
  • Obtaining full reporting for each counterparty.
  • Convenient processing of business calls and meetings.

The introduction of the CRM system should contribute to the creation of long-term relationships with clients, as well as with the help of such complexes, you can simplify the workflow itself. Such a system will make an impossible situation when several sales employees call the same client.

Today there are many CRMs for the store and other types of business, the most popular of which we have already considered. Programs can be divided into those that need to be installed on the server and cloud systems.

  • The classic sample systems are on your server, and you can modify the software code at any time under your requirements.
  • When choosing cloud systems (SaaS) software Located by the supplier, and you log in via the Internet. When working with such a complex, you cannot change the product, work will also be broken if the Internet suddenly turns off. The advantages include what you do not need to follow the updates of the system, and purchase the server.

Free CRM for business present in the market are oriented a single number of users, they cannot be implemented on large company. Also, free CRM can slowly work if there is too large number records in the database.

Users themselves say that among free CRM for sales, Monitor CRM has proven itself. There is a paid option, but also with a limited functionality, the CRM system allows you to conduct detailed customer accounting, as well as take into account the prices of competitors to this product, which allows you to promptly respond to the enterprise marketing service.

Also pay attention to how simple CRM will be installed on the workplaces of managers. The easier the program, the faster, your employees will work more productively. Before using the CRM system in the enterprise, be sure to check with developers, what will be your costs, if you need to make changes to the program code. You also need to know how much you have to pay, if the staff of employees increase. Consider future expenses, and on the basis of the data you can choose an optimal CRM system for yourself.