Rnu decoding. Regulations for the operation of an integrated system for the protection of facilities of the Organizations of the "transneft" system from the impact of hazardous factors of lightning, static electricity and sparking. You get used to good things

4 Symbols and abbreviationsThe following symbols and abbreviations are used in this document:

APCS - automated system technological process control;

VL - overhead power line;

ГЗШ - main grounding bus;

ЗМ - lightning protection zone;

ZU - grounding device;

KZU - complex grounding device;

Instrumentation and controls - instrumentation and equipment;

КЛ - cable lines;

KR - overhaul;

KS - contact connection;

KSZ - a comprehensive system of protection against impact dangerous factors lightning, static electricity and sparking;

KTP - complete transformer substation;

KTS - technical condition control;

Flammable liquid - flammable liquid;

LPDS - linear production and dispatch station;

LCH - linear part;

МН - main oil pipeline;

MTO - mechanical and technological equipment;

MTP - mast transformer substation;

NB - tank farm;

OPS - oil pumping station;

SPN - overvoltage limiter;

ОРУ - open switchgear;

OST - organization of the Transneft system;

PNB - transshipment tank farm;

PPR - scheduled preventive maintenance;

RNU - regional oil pipeline management;

RP - tank farm;

SMZ - lightning protection system;

SUP - potential equalization system;

TO - maintenance;

TR - current repair;

SPD - surge protection device;

IT system - a system in which the neutral of the power supply is isolated from earth or grounded through devices or devices with high resistance, and exposed conductive parts are grounded;

PE - designation of a protective grounding conductor, a protective potential equalization conductor;

PEN - designation of a conductor that combines zero protective and zero working conductors.

TN system - a system in which the neutral of the power supply is solidly grounded, and the exposed conductive parts of the electrical installation are connected to the solidly grounded neutral of the source by means of neutral protective conductors;

TN-C system - TN system, in which the zero protective and zero working conductors are combined in one conductor along its entire length;
TN-S system - TN system, in which zero protective and zero working conductors are separated along its entire length;

TT system - a system in which the neutral of the power supply is solidly grounded, and the exposed conductive parts of the electrical installation are grounded by a grounding device electrically independent from the solidly grounded neutral of the source.

5 General

    1. OST objects are subject to protection from lightning strike, its secondary manifestations and static electricity in accordance with RD-91.020.00-KTN-276-07, RD-91.020.00-KTN-259-10, SO 153-34.21.122-2003, RD 34.21.122-87.

    2. The operation of the KSZ must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the PUE, PTEEP, RD 153-39.4-056-00, RD-29.020.00-KTN-087-10, Rostechnadzor regulations and this document.

6 Requirements for KSZ from exposure to hazardous factors of lightning, static electricity and sparking

6.1 General

      1. Protection of buildings, structures, equipment, apparatus and other objects must be carried out in accordance with design solutions. Any deviation from the design documentation during construction or reconstruction must be agreed with the design institute and included in the executive documentation.

      2. During operation, the state of the KSZ should be maintained in accordance with executive documentation, changes are allowed only in terms of improving electrical parameters (driving in additional grounding electrodes, laying additional grounding lines). All changes made to design solutions, must be confirmed by the executive documentation and agreed with the design institute.

      3. KSZ consists of:

  • external LPS;

  • internal protection system against secondary manifestations of lightning impact;

  • protection against static electricity.

ADB - aerated drilling mud.

AHPA- abnormally high reservoir pressure.

ANPD- abnormally low reservoir pressure.

OCC - acoustic cement meter.

ATC - motor transport workshop.

BGS - fast-setting mixture.

BKZ - lateral logging sounding.

BKPS - modular cluster pumping stations.

BSV - drilling waste water.

BPO - production service base. Auxiliary service shops (repairs, etc.)

BOO - drilling rig.

VHK - water-gas contact.

VZBT - Volgograd Drilling Equipment Plant.

PDM - downhole screw motor.

WRC - high-calcium solution.

VKG - internal contour of gas content.

VNKG - outer contour of gas content.

VKN - the inner contour of oil-bearing capacity.

VNKN - outer contour of oil-bearing capacity.

VIC - rig assembly shop.

VNK - oil-water contact.

ERW - the effect of pneumatic explosion.

VPZh - viscoplastic (Bingham) liquid.

GRP - water distribution point.

GGK - gamma-gamma logging.

Hydraulic fracturing - deep-penetrating hydraulic fracturing.

GDI - hydrodynamic research. Well condition survey.

GZhS - gas-liquid mixture.

GIV - hydraulic weight indicator.

GIS - geophysical survey of wells.

GZNU - group metering pumping unit. Same as GZU + DNS. Now they are moving away from this, only old ones have survived.

MSU - group measuring installation. Measurement of the flow rate of fluid coming from the mustache.

GK - gamma-ray logging.

GKO - clay acid treatment.

GNO - downhole pumping equipment. Equipment submerged in a well (pump, rods, tubing).

GNS - the head oil pumping station.

GPP - hydrosand-blasting perforation.

Gpw - gas flushing liquid.

GPP - Gas Processing Plant.

GPS - head pumping station.

Hydraulic fracturing - hydraulic fracturing.

Fuels and lubricants - fuels and lubricants.

SHG - group collection point.

GTM - geological and technical measures. Measures to increase well productivity.

GTN - geological and technological outfit.

GTU - geological and technological conditions.

ER - hydrophobic emulsion solution.

CSN - booster pumping station. Oil inflow from wells through the GZU along the mustache to the booster pump station for boostering to the commodity park. It can be only booster pumps of liquid or with partial treatment (separation of water and oil).

DU - permissible level.

UGSS - a unified gas supply system.

ZhBR - reinforced concrete tank.

ZSO - sanitary protection zone.

ZTsN - downhole centrifugal pump.

KVD - pressure recovery curve. Characteristic for bringing the well into operation. Change in pressure in the annular space over time.

KVU - level recovery curve. Characteristic for bringing the well into operation. Change in the level in the annular space over time.

KIN Is the oil recovery factor.

Instrumentation - instrumentation.

CMC - carboxymethyl cellulose.

CNS - cluster pumping station.

TO - major repairs.

CO - acid treatment.

KRBC - rubber armored round cable.

Cattle — . Repair after "equipment flights", casing violations, is much more expensive than PRS.

CSSC - condensed sulfite-alcohol stillage.

KSSK - a set of shells with a removable core receiver.

LBT - light alloy drill pipes.

LBTM - light-alloy drill pipes for coupling joints.

LBTN - light alloy nipple drill pipes.

MGR - low-clay solutions.

MMC - modified methylcellulose.

MNP - main oil pipeline.

MNPP - main oil product pipeline.

MCI - overhaul period.

MRS - a mechanism for placing candles.

MUN - a method of increasing oil recovery.

NB - drilling pump.

NBT - three-piston drilling pump.

NGDU - oil and gas production department.

NGK - neutron gamma-ray logging.

Tubing - tubing pipes. Pipes through which oil is pumped out at production wells, and water is pumped in at injection wells.

NPP - oil product pipeline.

NPC - oil pumping station.

OA - cleaning agents.

OBR - treated drilling mud.

OGM - department of the chief mechanic.

OGE - Department of the Chief Power Engineer.

OOS - environmental protection.

OZTS - waiting for the cement to harden.

FROM - treatment of the bottomhole zone.

OTB - safety department.

ODS - waiting for the underground workover of the well. The state of the well, into which it is transferred from the moment of detection of a malfunction and shutdown until the start of repairs. Wells from OPRS to PRS are selected according to their priorities (usually well production rate).

OPS - preliminary discharge settling tank.

ORZ (E) - equipment for separate injection (operation).

OTRS - waiting for the current repair of the well.

Surfactant - surface-active substance.

PAA - polyacrylamide.

Surfactant - surfactants.

FGP - polymer-bentonite solutions.

MPE - the maximum permissible emission.

MPC - maximum permissible concentration.

PDS - maximum permissible discharge.

Pancreas - flushing liquid.

PPP - bottomhole formation zone.

Tnp - enhanced oil recovery.

PNS - intermediate oil pumping station.

PPZh - pseudoplastic (power-law) fluid.

PPR - scheduled preventive work. Well failure prevention works.

PPP - intermediate pumping station.

PPU - steam mobile installation.

At - rock cutting tool.

PRS - underground well repair. Repair of underground well equipment upon detection of faults.

PRTSBO - rolling and repair shop of drilling equipment.

PSD - design and estimate documentation.

RVS - vertical steel cylindrical tank.

RVSP - vertical steel cylindrical tank with a pontoon.

RVSPK - a vertical steel cylindrical tank with a floating roof.

RIR - repair and insulation works.

RITS - repair engineering service.

RNPP - branched oil product pipeline.

RPDE - bit feed regulator is electric.

RTB - jet-turbine drilling.

RC - repair cycle.

SBT - steel drill pipes.

SBTN - steel nipple drill pipes.

SG - a mixture of tar.

FROM TO - solar-distillate treatment. Well treatment.

Maintenance and repair system - system of maintenance and scheduled repair of drilling equipment.

SKZH - counter of the amount of liquid. Meters for measuring liquid directly on the wells to control measurements on the gas well.

SNS - static shear stress.

LNG - liquefied natural gas.

SPO - round-trip operations.

PRS - sulfite-alcohol stillage.

SSK - a projectile with a removable core receiver.

T - Maintenance.

MSW - municipal solid waste.

THCV - thermogasochemical impact.

TDH - a torpedo with a detonating cord.

TC - grouting composition.

MSW - cumulative axial torpedo.

TO - Maintenance.

TP - commodity park. Place of collection and processing of oil (same as UKPN).

TP - technological process.

TRS - well maintenance.

TEP - technical and economic indicators.

EEDN - Group of Oil Production Techniques and Technologies.

UBT - heavy-duty drill pipes, hot-rolled or shaped.

UBR - management of drilling operations.

Ultrasound - ultrasonic flaw detection.

UKB - installation of core drilling.

UKPN - complex oil treatment unit.

USP - a local collection point.

UCH - weighted oil well cement.

UShTS - weighted slag cement.

USHR - carbon-alkali reagent.

UPG - gas treatment unit.

UPNP - management of enhanced oil recovery.

UPTO and KO - management of production and technical support and equipment configuration.

UTT - management of technological transport.

USHGN - installation of a sucker rod pump.

ESP - installation of an electric centrifugal pump.

XKR - calcium chloride solution.

CA - cementing unit.

CDNG - oil and gas production workshop. Fishing within the NGDU.

CITS - central engineering and technical service.

TsKPRS - workshop for overhaul and underground repair of wells. A workshop within the NGDU, performing workover and workover.

CCS - well casing workshop.

TsNIPR - workshop for research and production works. Workshop within the NGDU.

CPPD - reservoir pressure maintenance workshop.

CA - circulation system.

DSP - central collection point.

SHGN - sucker rod pump. With a rocking chair for low-flow wells.

Winders - tire-pneumatic clutch.

ShPCS - slag-sand cement of joint grinding.

EGU - electrohydraulic shock.

ERA - electro-hydraulic repair unit.

ECP - electrochemical protection.

ESP - electric centrifugal pump. For high production wells.

The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating an electronic archive was born in the depths of Transneft Finance LLC back in 2012. Too much trouble for financiers was working with paper documents. It took from a day to a week to find them and compile collections for various regulatory authorities.

“We took the ideas of our colleagues as a basis, but suggested a slightly different option, more advanced from our point of view,” says Sergey Prokin, head of the production activity automation department of the Information Technologies Department of JSC AK Transneft. - Our proposal was not just to create an electronic storage of primary accounting documents, but to integrate it with the accounting system.

It was decided to implement a pilot project for creating a corporate electronic archive on the basis of OJSC North-West Trunk Oil Pipelines (SZMN) and in the servicing branch of LLC Transneft Finance in Kazan. After a preliminary examination in the Administration Office of the SZMN and in the regional oil pipeline administrations (RNU), it became clear: for the smooth functioning of the KIS EHD, some organizational changes are necessary. A separate subdivision appeared - the department of operational support (LLC), which was entrusted with all the work on scanning, verifying and archiving documents.

- The signed accounting document is transferred to the LLC and after certain actions (assignment of a barcode, scanning, verification) gets into the CIS EHD, - explains Prokin. - The paper original remains in the archive maintained by the LLC, and all further work is done with the electronic image of the document. Accountants practically do not see paper documents, except for those that, according to the regulations, require the signature of Transneft Finance specialists.

You get used to good

Breaking an established scheme of work is always difficult - whatever it is, a person gets used to it and treats new things ambiguously. In this sense, CIS EHD was no exception.

At the first stage, people were wary of the innovation, but as the system began to advance, the attitude changed for the better, says Sergei Prokin.

The introduction of the KIS EHD took place from November 2012 to April 2013, and in May last year its trial operation began. It was divided into two stages: the first - the Office of the Management of the SZMN, Kazan and Udmurt RNU, the second - Almetyevskoe, Romashkinskoe and Perm RNU. According to Prokin, as part of the trial operation, employees got used to the work of the system, formulated some additional requirements for it that were not initially provided for in the project, the developers eliminated individual errors. The option of integrating KIS EHD with the existing Galaktika accounting system, offered by the department, proved its worth as well.

This made it possible to automatically fill in some of the attributes in the accounting system based on the recognized scanned images of documents, - explains the project manager of the contractor for the development and implementation of KIS EHD... -Now it is possible to view scanned images of documents directly in the interface of the accounting system, the possibility of mass processing of scanned images of documents (print / download) from the accounting system.

The electronic archive of primary financial documents associated with the accounting system has greatly simplified the search required documents both for use in daily work, and for providing upon request of regulatory authorities.


The system was put into commercial operation on November 25, 2013, but since August, almost all primary documents have already passed through the CIS EHD. The introduction of the new solution changed the main business processes of the enterprise in working with financial documents: from receiving primary accounting documents from counterparties, their registration and entering information into the accounting system to filing primary accounting documents in the case and transferring the completed cases to permanent storage in the archive. The time required to find the required documents has also decreased.

- We have at our disposal a reliable technology for entering, processing and storing documents, - states the head of the information technology department of the SZMN Airat Sadreev... - Now we can scan and send for processing primary documents directly at remote sites, which will reduce the cost of physical delivery of documents.
“We are now receiving requests from the SZMN to optimize their paper flows of financial documents,” says Sergei Prokin. “Having worked with the system, employees come up with suggestions on how to optimize the circulation of papers in their localities, in the NPC, thus freeing people and reducing transportation costs. Today this work is already underway, and as a result, the process will be seriously optimized.


The result obtained at SZMN left no doubt that the system must be replicated throughout the company. It is planned to do this in the near future, which will allow Transneft to create a single information space for entering, registering and storing financial documents, to minimize the labor costs of employees when preparing reports at the request of regulatory authorities, and to improve access to information.

Vostoknefteprovod LLC, Dalnefteprovod LLC, Chernomortransneft OJSC and Uralsibnefteprovod OJSC will be the first followers of SZMN in the implementation of KIS EHD. Implement the project in these subsidiariesah companies are planning before the end of the year. According to a special scheme, the system will be implemented in the largest subsidiary - Sibnefteprovod OJSC. This year, a full survey will be carried out there, and the system will be put into operation next year.

Also for the next year it is planned to introduce KIS EHD in five more subsidiaries. According to representatives of the Department of Information Technologies of OJSC AK Transneft, all the main enterprises of the company will be covered by the system as early as 2016. Then its phased implementation will begin in small subsidiaries.

- KIS EHD is a universal product, it can be integrated into any accounting systems, this is Galaktika and 1C, and is being implemented now in SAP. All this will be further worked out, - says Sergei Prokin. - The system has prospects, and the process of its improvement will be constant. In general, the new solutions will be standard, common for all subsidiaries. In other words, if a company wants to make a change in the system, then its necessity will be discussed first, and if it is proved, then the changes will affect all subsidiaries. That is, there will be no multiple versions of the system.

As part of the company's IT strategy, a decision was made to create a corporate archive in a broad sense.

- KIS EHD - an archive of financial documents - is the first step towards the implementation of such a global approach, - notes Prokin. - Now, following the example of financial documents, the process of introducing an electronic archive of technical documentation system is underway: this is all design, executive and operational documentation. All these archives will be united by a single interface, and any document can be found, no matter where it is located. This will ultimately allow creating a global archive, where there is no need to store paper, where you can always find on demand required document, see it, use it in work.

Vadim Onopryuk

First vice president

JSC "AK" Transneft "

V.V. Kalinin

"____" ______________ 2001


conducting commodity and commercial operations

in JSC "AK" Transneft "

(PSP, RNU, OJSC MN, OJSC AK Transneft)

1. General provisions, purpose of regulations ........................................... ...................... 3

2. Terms and definitions ............................................. .................................................. .. 4

3. Planning of oil transportation ............................................. ........................... 6

4. Requirements for oil quality ............................................ ............................................ nine

5. Conducting commodity-commercial operations at LPDS, OPS, PSP, PSN (hereinafter referred to as PSP). ten

6. Conducting commodity and commercial operations in the RNU (regional oil pipeline departments) and UMN (departments of main oil pipelines) (hereinafter - RNU) .......... 20

7. Conducting commodity-commercial transactions in OJSC MN ........................................ ..... 22

8. Conducting commodity-commercial transactions in JSC "AK" Transneft ".................. 26

9. Interaction between PSP (PSP, PSN, PS, LPDS), RNU (UMN) OJSC MN, OJSC AK Transneft ...................... .................................................. ........................................ 27

10. Terms of storage of documentation on the conduct of commodity-commercial transactions and reporting documentation .................................... .................................................. .......................... thirty

11. Appendices ............................................... .................................................. ................ 31

Appendix 1

Terms of reporting between OJSC MN at the end of the month ...... 33

Appendix 2

List of main regulatory documentsrequired for carrying out commodity and commercial operations at the PSP, RNU, OJSC MN and OJSC AK Transneft .. 34

Regulations for conducting commodity-commercial transactions

in JSC "AK" Transneft "

(PSP, RNU, OJSC MN, OJSC AK Transneft).

1. General provisions, appointment of regulations.

1.1. These Regulations establish a unified procedure for conducting commodity and commercial operations in OJSC AK Transneft from the level of PSP, PSN, OPS, LPDS (hereinafter PSP), regional oil pipeline management or the management of trunk oil pipelines (RNU or UMN, hereinafter RNU), joint stock companies oil pipelines (hereinafter OJSC MN) to OJSC AK Transneft. In the absence of RNU in the structure of OJSC MN, read instead of RNU - LPDS.

1.2. The Regulations define the duties and responsibilities of the personnel of the subdivisions of OJSC MN and OJSC AK Transneft in accordance with the regular structure of the subdivisions for the provision and conduct of commodity-commercial operations, the procedure for interaction of commodity-commercial services.

The requirements of this regulation are distributed according to the responsibilities of the structural departments and services of OJSC MN, OJSC AK Transneft.

1.3. The regulation was developed on the basis of and taking into account the requirements of existing regulatory documents:

· Instructions for accounting for oil during its transportation through the main oil pipeline system of OAO AK Transneft, approved by the State Standard of the Russian Federation, registered by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise VNIIMS on August 28, 2001, registration code FR.1.28.2001.00274 (1).

RD 153-39.4-042-99. “Guiding document. Instructions for determining the mass of oil during accounting operations using systems for measuring the quantity and quality indicators of oil ", approved by the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Russia, 2000. (2).

· MI 2483-98 “GSI. Norms of error in the balance of delivered and received oil in joint-stock companies for oil transportation. Calculation Methodology ", approved by VNIIMS, 1998. (3).

· Guidance document “Methodology for determining the norms of technological residues of oil in the tank farms of OJSC AK Transneft, approved by OJSC AK Transneft, 2001 (4).

· "Regulations on the reception and movement of oil in the system of main oil pipelines", approved by the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Russia, 1995 (5).

· Standard requirements "Systems for measuring the quantity and quality of oil for accounting operations during oil transportation", approved by OJSC "AK" Transneft ", 1999 (6).

· Regulations on the organization of planning and registration of stops of main oil pipelines, approved by JSC "AK" Transneft "in 2000 (7)

I. Abbreviations

ABC - asphalt concrete workshop.

AGRE - Almetyevsk geological exploration expedition.

AzNII NP (AzNIINP) - Azerbaijan Scientific Research Institute for Oil Refining named after V.V. Kuibyshev.

AzNIIMASH - Azerbaijan Scientific Research Institute of Petroleum Engineering.

Gas station - gas station.

AzCBPO for RNO - Aznakaevskaya central base of production service for the repair of oilfield equipment.

USSR Academy of Sciences - USSR Academy of Sciences.

CJSC - joint-stock company closed type.

AWP - automated workstation.

ARMITS is an automated workstation for the engineering and technological service.

AS "Accountant" is an automated system "Accountant".

ASK is a joint stock insurance company.

ASKUE is an automated system for commercial metering of electricity.

ASUMS is an automated material and technical supply management system.

APCS is an automated process control system.

APCS DNG - automated control system technological processes oil and gas production.

ACS TP and PSP - an automated control system for technological processes of the delivery-acceptance point.

Automated process control system for reservoir pressure maintenance is an automated control system for technological processes to maintain reservoir pressure.

ACS TP TsDNG - automated control system for technological processes of the workshop
oil and gas production.

ATK is an automobile and tractor office.

ATK is a motor transport company.

ATP - trucking company.

ATX - motor transport industry.

ATC - automotive workshop.

ATC - motor transport workshop.

ATS - vehicles.

AUKKiPM - Aktobe department of rope-container and packer methods (Aktobe UKKiPM).

ACBPO - Almetyevsk central production service base.

ACBPOPORNO - Almetyevsk central base of production services for the repair of oilfield equipment.

ACBPO EPU - Almetyevsk central base of production services for the rental and repair of electric submersible installations.

BGS - lateral horizontal wellbore.

BZ - near abroad.

BKNS - modular cluster pumping station.

BMZ - Bugulma Mechanical Plant.

BMTSiKO is the base of material and technical supply and equipment.

BMP - gasoline pump.

BPO is the base of production services.

BTI - bureau technical information.

BTK - Bureau technical control.

VMK - tower assembly office.

VIC - tower assembly shop.

VNIGNI - All-Union Scientific Research Oil Geological Prospecting Institute.

VNIGRI - All-Union Petroleum Scientific Research Geological Prospecting Institute.

VNII - All-Union (All-Russian) Scientific Research Institute.

VNIIBT - All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Drilling Equipment, Order of the Red Banner of Labor.

VNIIGaz - All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Natural Gases.

VNIIGeofizika - All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Geophysical Methods of Exploration.

VNIIKAneftegaz - All-Union Scientific Research and Design Institute for Integrated Automation of the Oil and Gas Industry.

VNIINeft - All-Union Oil and Gas Research Institute.

VNIIOENG - All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Organization, Management and Economics of the Oil and Gas Industry, Moscow.

VNIIST - All-Union Scientific Research Institute for the Construction of Trunk Pipelines.

VNIITneft - All-Union Scientific Research Institute for the Development and Operation of Oilfield Pipes.

VNIIUS - All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Hydrocarbon Raw Materials.

VNIIYAGG - All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Nuclear Geophysics and Geochemistry.

VSNKh RSFSR - All-Russian Council of National Economy.

Supreme Council of the National Economy of the USSR - the Supreme Council of the National Economy (1917-1932); Supreme Council of the National Economy of the USSR Council of Ministers (1963-1965).

VTKU - Higher Tank Command School.

All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions - All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions.

VEF is a foreign trade company.

GBZ is a gas and gasoline plant.

GGM - geological and hydrodynamic modeling (GGM group).

Well Test - interpretation of hydrodynamic studies (well test group).

GDS is the main control room.

GDO - garrison officers' house.

Geokom - Geological Committee.

GZU - group metering unit.

GINMASH - State Research Institute of Petroleum Equipment and Mechanical Engineering.

Giprogaz - State All-Union Institute for the Design of Gas Pipelines and Gas Industry Enterprises.

Giprokhimmash - State Institute for the Design of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering Enterprises.

GIS - Geographic Information Systems.

GKZ USSR - State Commission on Mineral Reserves.

GKNT USSR - State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for Science and Technology.

GKO - State Committee Defense (1941-1945).

Glavgazdobycha - Main Directorate for Gas Production.

Glavgeorazvedka - Main Geological Prospecting Department.

Glavneftegaz - Main Directorate of the Oil and Gas Industry.

Glavneftegazrazvedka - Main Directorate for Prospecting and Exploration of Oil and Gas Fields.

Glavneftegazstroy - Main Directorate for the Construction of Gas and Oil Industry Enterprises.

Glavneftegeofizika - Main Directorate of Oilfield and Field Geophysics (now - Directorate of Field Field Geophysics).

Glavneftedorvodstroy - Main Department of Hydrotechnical, Water Supply and Sewerage and Road Construction of the Ministry of Construction of Enterprises oil industry THE USSR.

Glavneftezavodstroy - Main Directorate of Oil Refinery Construction.

Glavneftemash - Main Directorate of Petroleum Engineering.

Glavneftemontazh - Main Directorate for the Installation of Technological Equipment for Oil Refining and Oil Production Enterprises.

Glavnefteprommash - Main Directorate of Oilfield Engineering.

Glavneftepromstroy - Main Directorate of Oilfield Construction.

Glavneft - Main Directorate of the Oil Industry.

STI - State Tax Inspectorate.

GO - horizontal sump.

GPP is a gas processing plant.

GPK - geological prospecting office.

GPTU is a city vocational school.

Hydraulic fracturing - hydraulic fracturing.

GDS - gas distribution (gas distribution) station.

GRU - Geological Prospecting Department.

Fuels and lubricants - fuels and lubricants.

Geological and technical measures - geological and technical measures.

GTO VM - geological and geophysical technology for optimizing the selection of a location for drilling wells.

HPP is a hydroelectric station.

DZ - far abroad.

Subsidiaries and affiliates - subsidiaries and dependent companies.

BPS - booster pumping station.

DRSU - road repair construction management.

DSRK - road construction and repair office.

DU - road section (structural unit of highway management).

Cerebral palsy is a diffusional zinc coating.

DEU - road maintenance section.

DYUSSH - children and youth sport school.

EGS is a unified gas supply system.

UES is a unified energy system.

Housing and communal services - housing and communal management.

Housing and communal services - housing and communal services.

Housing department - housing and exploitation area.

ZGPN is a deep oil refining plant.

ZNOK and PPD - protection of oilfield equipment from corrosion and increase in reservoir pressure.

IG of the USSR Academy of Sciences - Institute of Geography of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

IGEM of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR - Institute of Geology of Ore Deposits, Petrography, Mineralogy and Geochemistry (Academy of Sciences of the USSR).

IGI - Institute of Fossil Fuels.

IGIG - Institute of Geology and Geophysics.

IGIRGI, IGiRGI - Institute of Geology and Development of Fuels.

INNK - Iranian National Oil Company.

IT - information Technology.

Engineer - engineering and technical worker.

IC - engineering center (organization).

KSU - Kazan state University them. IN AND. Ulyanov-Lenin.

KGE - Kazan Geological Expedition.

KIVTs - cluster information and computing center.

Instrumentation - instrumentation.

Instrumentation and automation - instrumentation and automation.

KIS is a corporate information system.

SPS - cluster pumping station.

Complex of oil refineries and petrochemical plants - Complex of oil refineries and petrochemical plants, Nizhnekamsk.

KPTI - Kuibyshev Polytechnic Institute named after V.V. Kuibyshev.

КРЗС - overhaul of buildings and structures.

CS - compressor station.

KSK SNK USSR - Soviet Control Commission under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR.

KTP is a complex transformer substation.

KTU - coefficient of labor participation.

KET - coefficient of labor efficiency.

LAB - linear alkylbenzenes.

LKS - equipment for local well casing.

LNMK is a laboratory of non-destructive testing methods.

LPI - field research laboratory.

LUTR - LLC Leninogorsk Department of Backfill Works.

MGBZ - Minnibaevsky gas and gasoline plant.

MGPZ - Minnibaevsk gas processing plant.

Ministry of Internal Affairs - Ministry of Internal Affairs.

MINHiGP - Moscow Institute of Petrochemical and Gas Industry Academician I.M. Gubkin.

MISIS - Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys.

MICEX is the Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange, one of the largest universal exchanges in Russia, the CIS countries and Eastern Europe.

ММС - machine-reclamation station.

IOC is a small oil company.

MNP USSR - Ministry of the Oil Industry of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

MNTK is an intersectoral scientific and technical complex.

MPT - metal-plastic pipes.

MCI - wells turnaround time.

SME is a mineral resource base.

Medical unit - medical unit.

MTO (UMTO) - logistics (management of MTO).

MTP - Minnibaevsky commodity park.

EOR - methods of enhanced oil recovery.

Narkomneft - People's Commissariat of the Oil Industry of the USSR.

NGDU - oil and gas production department (structural subdivision of OAO TATNEFT).

NGP - oil and gas industry.

NGS - oil and gas separator.

MET - tax on the extraction of minerals.

NIIneftekhim - Scientific Research Institute of Petrochemical Production.

NIINP - Oil Industry Research Institute.

Research Laboratory - research laboratory.

R&D - research and development work.

NIS - Normative Research Station (structural subdivision of OAO TATNEFT).

NK is an oil company.

NKNKH - OAO Nizhnekamskneftekhim.

Tubing - tubing.

NOC - 1) national oil company; 2) independent (non-integrated) oil companies.

NNPZ - Nizhnekamsk oil refinery.

NOTiUP - scientific organization labor and production management.

LEU - non-state educational institution.

NP - oil refining.

Refinery is an oil refinery.

NPO is a research and production association.

OPS - oil pumping station.

NPU - Oil Field Administration.

NPU "ZNOKiPPD" - research and production department "Protection of oilfield equipment from corrosion and maintenance of reservoir pressure."

NS - accidents.

NSZ - low-frequency seismic sounding.

NTO - scientific and technical society.

NTS - Scientific and Technical Council.

NHZ is a petrochemical plant.

OBTI is a public bureau of technical information.

OBEA is a public bureau of economic analysis.

EIA - assessment of the impact of enterprise facilities on environment... This procedure includes the identification of possible adverse environmental impacts and their socio-ecological consequences, the development of measures to reduce and / or
prevention of adverse effects.

Exhaust gas - sump (horizontal).

OGM - 1) department of the chief mechanic; 2) department of the chief metallurgist.

ОГТ - department of the chief technologist.

OGE - department of the chief power engineer.

OZH - off-site farm.

OKRS - department overhaul wells.

OMTS - department of material and technical supply.

ONVSS - equipment not included in the construction estimate.

TOC - dehydration and demineralization plant.

BHM - bottom hole treatment.

ODA - pilot industrial work.

ORZ is a method of simultaneous-separate injection.

ОРС - workers supply department.

WEM is a method of simultaneous-separate operation of wells, designed for simultaneous-separate operation of two or more layers by one well.

OS - treatment facilities.

OTB - safety department.

OTiZ - Department of Labor and wages.

Quality Control Department - technical control department.

OTPP - department of technical preparation of production.

OTS - technical supply department.

OE - trial operation.

P / o TATNEFT - Production Association TATNEFT named after V.D. Shashina.

P / e - polyethylene.

Surfactant - surfactant.

PB - oven (block).

PB and OT - fire safety and labor protection.

Air Defense - Air Defense.

MPE - maximum permissible emissions. The standard for the maximum permissible emission of harmful (polluting) substances into the atmospheric air. Installed for each stationary source of atmospheric air pollution, taking into account technical emission standards
and background air pollution. The condition is that this source does not exceed the hygienic and environmental standards for the quality of atmospheric air, the maximum permissible (critical) loads on ecological systems, and other environmental standards.

PermNIPIneft - Perm State Scientific Research and design Institute oil industry.

PechorNIPIneft - Pechora State Research and Design Institute of the Oil Industry.

MPC - maximum permissible concentration.

PMK is a mobile mechanized column.

PNI - polyethylene outer insulation.

EOR - enhanced oil recovery.

POPAT - production association of passenger vehicles (APOPAT - Almetyevskoe POPAT, now POPAT OJSC).

RPM - increase in reservoir pressure.

PPN - oil treatment and pumping.

PPR - scheduled preventive maintenance.

PPU is a mobile steam plant.

PPT - pipes with a polymer coating.

PRS - underground workover of wells.

PRTSNO is a rolling and repair shop for oilfield equipment.

PRTSOiI - a rolling and repair shop for equipment and tools.

PRTSPU - rolling and repair shop of electric submersible installations.

PRCTiT - rolling and repair shop for pipes and turbodrills.

PRTSEiKIP is a rolling and repair shop for electrical equipment and instrumentation.

PRTSEiE - a rolling and repair shop for power supply and electrical equipment.

PRTSEO - rolling and repair shop of operational equipment.

PSB - design and estimate bureau.

PSH - utility agriculture.

PTO - production and technical department.

PET - polyethylene terephthalate.

RVS - vertical steel tank.

RDS - regional dispatch service.

RIDS - regional engineering dispatching service.

RITS - regional engineering and technological service.

RMM - mechanical repair workshop.

RMU - repair and installation department.

RMC - mechanical repair shop.

RNO - repair of oilfield equipment.

RNU - Regional Oil Pipeline Administration.

RNU "SNERS" - repair and commissioning department "Spetsneftelektroremstroy".

RSU - repair and construction department.

RT - Republic of Tatarstan.

RTS - Russian trading system, organized over-the-counter securities market; RTS Stock Exchange - Russian stock Exchangethat trades on the stock market, as well as on the market for financial derivatives.

RETO - repair of electrical equipment.

CAD - computer-aided design systems.

SPZ - sanitary protection zone. The gap between industrial plants and the nearest residential or public buildings. The purpose of the SPZ is to protect the population from the influence of harmful production factors (noise, dust, gaseous and other harmful emissions containing industrial poisons).

SK is an insurance company.

SKN - oil pumping machine.

SKTB is a special design and technological bureau.

SMD - small diameter wells.

QMS - 1) international quality standard system; 2) construction and assembly office.

SMU - construction and assembly department.

SMC - construction and assembly shop.

SOS - environmental system.

JV "Tateh" is a joint venture "Tateh".

JV Tatolpetro is a joint venture of Tatolpetro.

SPKB is a special design bureau.

PSA - production sharing agreement.

СРЦ - reconnaissance and target designation station.

ST - specialized equipment, special equipment.

TatAISneft - Automated Operations Department information systems (structural division of OAO TATNEFT).

TatASUneft - Department for Implementation and maintenance automated production control systems (structural subdivision of OAO TATNEFT).

TatNIPIneft - Tatar Research and Design Institute of the Oil Industry (a structural subdivision of OAO Tatneft).

TatNIPIneftemash - Tatar State Scientific Research and Design Institute of Petroleum Engineering.

TatNTO - Tatar Scientific and Technical Society.

TVF MINHiGP - Tatar evening faculty of the Moscow Institute of Petrochemical and Gas Industry named after Academician I.M. Gubkin.

TGG is a thermogas generator.

TGRU - Tatar Geological Prospecting Department.

TN - Tatneft.

TNG - OOO TNG-Group, before the reorganization of OAO Tatneftegeofizika.

TO - 1) heat exchanger; 2) maintenance.

TP - commodity park (oil).

TSC is a commodity shop.

TTD - trade and technical house of OAO TATNEFT.

TTDN - equipment and technology for oil production.

TTSU - Tatar Territorial Construction Department.

TCU - thermochemical unit.

TEU - transport and operational management.

CHP - thermal power plant.

UAD - road management.

UB - security management.

UBR - drilling operations department.

UK - management Company... In Russian practice, a management company is often understood as an organization created to carry out managerial functions in holdings or financial and industrial groups.

UKK is a training center.

UKPN - complex oil treatment unit.

UKPPN is a complex oil treatment and pumping unit.

UMP - management of main product pipelines.

UMTO - management of material and technical support.

UNR - Department of the Chief of Work.

UPVSN - sour oil treatment unit.

UPNP and KRS - Office of Enhanced Oil Recovery and Well Workover.

UPO - pre-cleaning unit.

UPSV - unit for preliminary water discharge (for oil treatment).

UPTZh for reservoir pressure maintenance - management of process fluid preparation to increase reservoir pressure (structural division of OAO TATNEFT).

UPTOiKO - management of production and technical support and equipment completion (Tatneftesnab).

URB - exploration drilling department.

URNiN - department for the sale of oil and oil products.

URS - Workers Supply Department.

US - construction management.

USO - 1) device for communication with the object; 2) installation of desulfurization.

USOI is a unified system for collecting and processing information.

USSHN - installation of borehole sucker rod pumps.

UTNS - Management of Tatneftesnab.

UTT - Office of Technological Transport.

ESP - installation of an electric submersible centrifugal pump.

FLU - light hydrocarbon fraction.

HAL - chemical analytical laboratory.

CA - cementing unit.

TsAKZO - workshop for corrosion protection of equipment.

DAC - production automation workshop.

CBN - Central Bureau of Standardization.

CBPO for RBO and ST - Central base of production services for the repair of drilling equipment and special equipment.

TsBPO RNO - Central base of production services for the repair of oilfield equipment.

CBPO RBOiST is the central base of production services for the repair of drilling equipment and special equipment.

TsBPO RETO is the central base of production services for the repair of electrical equipment (OOO Tatneft-RETO).

TsBPO EPU - Central base of production services for the rental and repair of electric submersible installations.

CCTI is the central bureau of technical information.

TsGA TASSR - Central State Archives of the TASSR.

TsGADA - Central State Archive of Ancient Acts of the USSR.

TsGANTD - Central State Archive of Scientific and Technical Documentation of the USSR.

TSGANKH USSR - Central State Archives of the National Economy of the USSR.

TSGVIA - Central State Military Historical Archive of the USSR.

TsGIAM - Central State Historical Archives of the USSR.

TsDNG- oil and gas production workshop.

CZVT is a center for offsetting mutual claims.

TsIMTNeft - Central Research Institute of Mechanization and Labor Organization in the Oil Industry

CITS - Central Engineering and Technical Service.

TsKBN - Central Design Bureau of Oil Equipment.

CCO is the center of responsibility control.

TsKPRS - wells workover shop.

CCO - Property Control Center.

TsKPPN - shop for complex preparation and pumping of oil.

CCR - Central Development Commission.

TsKRZiS - workshop for overhaul of buildings and structures.

TsKRS - well workover shop.

TsNIL is a central research laboratory.

TsNIPR - a workshop for research and production works.

CNS is a centrifugal pumping system.

CPC is a training center.

TsPKRS - workshop for underground and workover of wells.

TsPNPiKRS - workshop for enhanced oil recovery and well workover.

CPP - cement-sand coating.

CPPD - reservoir pressure maintenance workshop.

CPF - oil preparation and pumping shop.

CPRS - underground well repair shop.

TsPSN is the central oil gathering point.

CPE - workshop of production aesthetics.

DSP is the central collection point (for oil).

CES - Central Electrotechnical Council.

CNC - numerical control.

ShBK is a school of drilling personnel.

SHGN - sucker rod pump.

NGL is a broad fraction of light hydrocarbons.

ELOU - electrical demineralization plant.

ELUAD - operational-line management of highways.

EMZ - electromagnetic sounding.

EPU - electric submersible installations.

ES - power station.

ESP - electric centrifugal pump.

II. Definitions

Miller & Lents is an international consulting firm providing services in the field of exploration and development of oil and gas fields (Houston, USA).

ISO 14001: 2004 - international standard series ISO: 14000, regulating the creation of an environmental management system. Contains a set of requirements for environmental management systems.

ISO 9001: 2000 is an international standard of the ISO: 9000 series, which regulates quality management (quality management) at enterprises. Contains a set of requirements for quality management systems. The current version of the standard is “ISO 9001: 2008. Quality management systems. Requirements ".

LTP Trade is a trading and financial company (London, UK).

SAP R / 3 is an integrated automated management system developed by SAP.

SEC - US Securities and Exchange Commission.

SPE - United States Society of Petroleum Engineers.

"Xetra" ("Exchange Electronic Trading") - worldwide electronic system trading in securities. Based in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Operated by Deutsche Börse.

Affiliate - an individual or legal entity capable of influencing the activities of legal entities and / or individualsimplementing entrepreneurial activity.

Vertically integrated companies are companies that are united through a hierarchy with a common owner. Typically, all members of a hierarchy produce specific products or provide services to meet common needs (for example, an automaker integrates with an auto parts manufacturer).

Volatility (from the English volatility - volatility) is a financial indicator that characterizes the tendency of market price or income volatility.

GDRs, Global Depository Receipts (GDRs) - certificates issued by a depositary bank outside the country of which the issuer is a resident and representing shares of foreign issuers held by the bank.

Geological exploration, geological exploration - a set of works aimed at identifying mineral deposits.

Corporate social responsibility (CSR, corporate responsibility, responsible business, corporate social opportunities) - voluntarily accepted by the company responsibility for the impact of its activities on customers, suppliers, employees, shareholders, local communities and other stakeholders, as well as on the environment (corporate environmental responsibility).

Reserves replenishment ratio - the ratio of the increase in raw materials reserves to their production for a certain period.

The petrochemical block is a complex of the Company's subdivisions engaged in the production of petrochemical products.

US GAAP reporting - an entity's financial statements in accordance with generally accepted principles accountingused by companies based in the United States or listed on Wall Street.

Russian Accounting Standards (RAS) - financial statements of an organization in accordance with Russian accounting standards.

Service block is a complex of projects and individual service systems related to the sphere of direct (online) interaction of the state with the population and the business community.

Risk management - the process of acceptance and implementation management decisionsaimed at reducing the likelihood of an unfavorable result and minimizing possible losses caused by its implementation.