Control of all design solutions for. Types of control of project activities

Design control is part of the extensive range of services provided by our organization. To contact us, the visitor can use both the comments on this entry and the contact information located in the corresponding section of the site.

Design is a very important stage construction process... The quality of the design activities determines the efficiency of the use of investments, as well as the reliability, safety and durability of the facility being built.

If mistakes made in the design process are revealed only at the stage of construction procedures, then their correction may require very significant investments. Competent design control eliminates the likelihood of such problems due to the timely elimination of design errors even in the process of project preparation.

The main purpose of such control is to to prevent the transmission of errors in design decisions to further stages of construction... In order to guarantee the achievement of the designated goal, it is necessary to promptly involve in the process experienced and highly qualified specialists who have all the necessary permits for the implementation of control and project activities... The employees of our organization satisfy this requirement fully.

As a rule, design control is performed in a complex of construction control operations, which is also included in the list of services of our organization. If necessary, design activities can be monitored separately, in a separate form.

Design control is compiled by the following tasks:

  • Finding deviations from the original requirements... The projected building or structure must comply with certain indicators indicated at the preliminary stage of the construction process. If during the design activities part of the initial requirements is ignored or omitted, the final characteristics of the structure can be much worse than predicted. As a result, problems with the delivery and / or operation of the facility.
  • Verification of the adopted design solutions.Even if all the initial requirements were taken into account by the contractor to the full, in the design process, gross mistakes can still be made, leading to a decrease in the reliability and durability of the construction site. Design control allows you to minimize such errors, ensure highest quality design solutions.
  • Control of the timing of development and approval of project documentation.Any significant time delays can have an extremely unfavorable effect on the success and feasibility of a particular construction. Meanwhile, correcting design errors is not a quick process, which can be significantly extended. Competent control will make it possible to minimize the time required to eliminate the errors found, and will ensure compliance with the originally planned work schedule.

As objects control can be design solutions, documents, calculations, data. In the process of work, the specialist carefully checks all the developed drawings and diagrams, checking not only their compliance with the current regulatory provisions, but also completeness, applicability and other parameters.

Usually design control is performed by those specialists who are involved in the preparation of project documentation. However, the practice of contacting third-party organizations is also widespread, which has proven its effectiveness over a long period of time.

Design control by our specialists

If your facility requires professional design control, then we will be happy to help you. Our employees will be able to start work in a timely manner, will carry out all the required activities at the highest level quality.

Contact us - we will help!

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on the quality control system of project documentation
1. General Provisions

Quality control is integral part development of project documentation and its final stage.

Quality control of work on the preparation of design documentation for construction, reconstruction and overhaul objects capital construction, including works that affect the safety of capital construction facilities, it is recommended to carry out at the following stages:

  • pre-project control;

  • current control;

  • standard control - for the correct application of design standards when performing work on the preparation of design documentation;

  • "Exit" control;

  • external control - project expertise;
List of specialists recommended for quality control design work:

  • work managers - responsible for the implementation of work on the development of sections, subsections of project documentation

  • specialists - regulatory controllers,

  • specialists - developers of sections, subsections, project documentation or their parts;

  • project manager (GUI, GAP), responsible specialist for quality control of design work.
Recommended frequency of quality control of design work:

  • before the start of work (pre-project control);

  • current (when performing work);

  • standard control (at the completion of sections, subsections and work in general);

  • final control (when issuing design documentation to the customer)

2. Pre-project control
Prior to the conclusion of the contract, the project manager (GUI, GAP) determines the compliance of the enterprise's capabilities level with the expected design assignment for the execution, namely:

  • availability of specialists of the appropriate level, education profile and work experience;

  • compliance of the design assignment with the norms and requirements of the legislation Russian Federation in the field of design;
availability of appropriate technical means (computing technology, software etc.);

  • availability of material resources.
The result of the pre-project control is drawn up by the project manager (GIP, GAP), in the form of a memo addressed to the head of the enterprise for making a decision on concluding a contract and planning measures for its implementation.

3. Current control
It is carried out by the project manager (chief executive officer, chief executive officer) appointed by the order for the enterprise to manage design work for a specific capital construction object.

The project manager of the GUI (GAP) carries out current control, both in the process of performing work, at least 1 time in 3 days, and at the end of a certain type of work on the preparation of sections (subsections) of project documentation with a signature in the columns "Checked" of the main inscription (stamp ).

In the case of appointment of work supervisors - responsible for the performance of certain types of work, they similarly carry out current control with a signature in the columns "Checked".

The documentation is transferred to the current control for signing in the "Checked" columns after receiving the signatures of the developers of related sections (subsections) in the side additional columns "Agreed".

If violations are detected in the calculations, drawing up of drawings, etc. or Inconsistency of the adopted design solutions with the current regulations, technical regulations and a design assignment, the project manager of the GUI (GAP) or the group leader gives the developer a list of comments with the timing of their corrections, and notifies the head of the enterprise memo about violations of a systemic nature to take corrective action.
4. Norm control
Regulatory control - control over the correct application of design standards when performing work on the preparation of design documentation.

4.4. Tasks of normative control.

The main tasks of regulatory control are:

  • ensuring the compliance of the project documentation with the requirements of the current interstate, state, industry standards, enterprise standards, building codes and regulations, and other external and internal regulatory documents used in the design of the construction object;

  • ensuring the completeness of the documentation transferred to the Customer in the amount established by the agreement (contract) and the relevant regulatory documents;

  • taking corrective actions to correct the detected deviations from the norm before the release of products;

  • analysis of the identified comments in order to prepare preventive actions and improve quality;
Norm control should be carried out by highly qualified specialists approved by an order or instruction of the organization's management.

It is not allowed to carry out standard control by specialists who participated in the development of the audited documentation or are subordinate to persons interested in the results of the audit.

All project documentation is presented for standard control in accordance with the plan - the schedule of its release, which should provide for the time to conduct standard control.

4.5. The procedure for conducting normative control:

Documents are presented for normative control at the final design stage in the presence of all established signatures, except for the signature of the department management.

Documents are submitted for normative control in full. Regardless of whether the documentation is developed manually or on a PC, documents are presented only in originals (or copies from originals).

Norm control is carried out at the workplace of the norm controller. The specialist exercising normative control must be provided with all organizational - administrative, regulatory, methodological, reference, and other information documents necessary for his activities, containing information about the validity of regulatory documents, about changes and additions to them, about newly developed and introduced action documents.

When carrying out an inspection, the specialist carrying out standard control should be guided only by the established requirements of the current documents.

The documentation submitted for norm control must be registered in the "Card for recording documentation and registration and nonconformities" when conducting norm control.

Documents not signed by the normative controller should not be accepted by the technical archive (for registration, storage and replication) and cannot be transferred to the Customer.

Correction of errors according to the remarks of the specialist who carried out the normative control related to the violation of the established requirements is mandatory.

Correction of signed originals of documents, without the knowledge of the specialist who carried out the standard control, is not allowed.

The specialist in charge of regulatory control does not conduct an examination of technical solutions, does not check calculations, dimensional "chains" and other technical data that are the justification for the adopted technical solutions.

Specialists not appointed by management or participating in the development of the document are not entitled to sign documents for the supervisor.

Disagreements between document developers and the enforcement officer are resolved by the organization's chief engineer.

The signature of the specialist in charge of norm control should be affixed on each sheet of the original document in the main inscription, performed according to forms 3, 4, and 5 of Appendix G GOST R 21.1101.2013.

When binding standard and re-applied projects, the signature of the supervisor is affixed in the binding stamps. When registering "Permission to make changes" - in the additional columns of the title block (GOST R 21.1101-2013).

The specialist in charge of regulatory control checks the correctness of the changes made in accordance with the content of the "Permission to make changes" and signs the original document in the additional columns of the title block reserved for approval.

To check and take into account possible comments of the organization's management, standard control is carried out before signing by the management and after. In this case, the enforcement officer will endorse the document with a pencil in the filing field before it is signed by the chief executive or chief engineer. After signing the document by the management of the organization, the normative controller puts his signature in the original, and removes the pencil visa.

In other cases, the specialist in charge of regulatory control puts his signature after the document has been signed by all persons participating in the development.

The specialist in charge of standard control puts in the checked documentation in the places subject to correction, marks with a pencil in the form legend, which he removes when signing the document. In the non-conformity registration card, against each mark, it briefly and clearly states the content of comments and suggestions.

Normative control is subject to:

  • design documents developed at all stages of design;

  • standard and reusable design documentation tied to a specific construction site;
- changes made to the previously developed project documentation issued to the Customer.

4.7. The specialist in charge of project documentation control checks:

  • compliance of document designations with the designation system established in the organization (coding);

  • appearance of the submitted project documentation;

  • completeness and composition of project documentation;

  • compliance with the requirements established for the documentation to be microfilmed;

  • correctness of bindings standard projects (typical design solutions);

  • correct use of standard structures, products and assemblies;

  • availability and correctness of references to current regulatory documents;

  • compliance of the documentation with the requirements of SPDS and ESKD standards applicable to construction (GOST R 21.1101.12);
the ability to reduce the amount of documentation, no duplication in drawings and text documents;

  • the correctness of the execution of the Permits for changes and the presence of the necessary signatures;

  • compliance of the changes made to the project documentation previously executed and issued to the Customer with the approved Permission to make changes;

  • expediency of replacing individual structures, products and assemblies with typical, standardized or reused ones;

  • correct assignment of names and designations to products and materials;

  • correct application of reference designations (marks) on assembly drawings, brands of equipment and structural elements - on equipment layout drawings and layouts of structural elements;
compliance of the equipment provided in the documentation with the specified in the current catalogs or agreed with the customer;

  • observance of the rules for filling out the main inscriptions, statements, specifications and other tables;

  • the correctness of the names and designations and documents for products, materials recorded in statements, specifications and tables.
The average norm of document verification by specialists carrying out normative control in an 8-hour working day (regardless of specialization) is 80-100 sheets, reduced to A4 format. The standards for checking Change Permissions should be the same as for documents to which these Permissions are being executed.

If it is necessary to carry out standard control of documents in originals and originals, the verification rate increases accordingly. This norm does not include the time spent on:

  • study of newly received normative-technical and information documentation;

  • search required documents by information sources;
- provision of information and consulting services to prevent inconsistencies in the process of developing documentation;

Viewing the documents presented by the developer after correcting the comments;

Maintaining a file of applicability.

The specialist in charge of regulatory control analyzes the inconsistencies found during the verification of the document and submits the results of the analysis to the quality service on a monthly basis.

4.8. Rights of the specialist exercising regulatory control

The specialist exercising regulatory control has the right to:

  • return documentation to the developer without consideration in cases of violation of the established completeness, lack of mandatory signatures and unclear execution of text and graphic material;

  • demand from the developers of the documentation, clarifications on issues arising during the conduct of standard control;

  • identify reusable documents for their subsequent preparation for unification and internal typing;

  • give recommendations to the head of the department on corrective and preventive measures to improve the quality of documents and planned corrective actions aimed at preventing identified inconsistencies.
The results of process control, ensuring the standard control of project documentation, must be confirmed by the relevant data in the prescribed form. Registration of quality records should be carried out taking into account the requirements of the procedure QMS-DP-02/05.
5. "Output" control
"Output" control is carried out by a working commission consisting of the head of the project of the GUI (GAP), heads of departments (groups), other specialists appointed by the order of the head of the enterprise, in order to determine the readiness of the results of work performed by the employees of the enterprise and sub-designers, for presentation to the customer.

The result of checking the work performed is drawn up in the protocol of the production meeting, containing a conclusion about the compliance of the work performed with the requirements of current standards, technical regulations, the content of the contract and the need for revision.

In case of a positive decision of the working commission on the readiness of sections (subsections) or project documentation as a whole, for presentation to the Customer, the head of the enterprise (chief engineer, executive Director) puts his approving signature on title pages relevant sections and subsections, and the project manager (GUI, GAP) signs an assurance in the explanatory note that the project documentation has been developed in accordance with the assignment, technical regulations etc.

6. External control - project expertise
The decision to send the project to the Customer is made by the project manager based on the results of the final control. The Customer's remarks (expertise) should be eliminated in accordance with the current regulatory documents, while changes made to the design documentation are subject to regulatory control.

Design organizations in the design of enterprises, buildings and structures must ensure a high technical and economic level and operational reliability of facilities, high efficiency capital investments, rational use of material, fuel and energy and labor resources, unconditional compliance with building codes and regulations. The operating enterprises have developed complex system design quality management (CQMM) based on enterprise standards.

The quality control system should be based on a combination of the contractor's self-control with external control, in the following sequence of operations to control the quality of the design product:

  • 1. The Contractor personally controls the compliance of the work performed by him with the regulatory documents.
  • 2. The team leader controls the quality of the contractor's work in terms of compliance with the requirements dictated by the decisions and regulatory documents.
  • 3. Chief Specialist controls the quality of development and engineering calculations of the relevant part of the project, checks its consistency with other parts of the project and the fulfillment of the requirements of the main provisions for design.
  • 4. Chief Engineer the project controls the quality of the initial data for the design, the compliance of the completed design documentation with the design assignment, the mutual consistency of the parts of the project, checks the technical level decisions taken and the requirements of regulatory documents.
  • 5. Regulatory controllers, according to the sections of the project, monitor the project documentation for compliance with the requirements of the current standards.
  • 6. The documentation is signed by those specified in p. 1-5 developers, as well as the chief engineer and the head of the organization. After registration with the specified signatures, the documentation is transferred to the archive and for reproduction.
  • 7. The archive accepts for archival storage all design materials (including engineering calculations), puts archive numbers on them, keeps a card index (accounting).

Design management is such an organization of the process of developing a new object, which, within the framework of the conditions of the task, in the best way allows you to get an effective solution in the form of an appropriate set of documentation.

The structure of design organizations can be complex or specialized, depending on the volume, complexity and nature of the designed objects. 2.1.

Figure: 2.1.

construction building engineering structure

Complex structure - when all or many parts of the project are designed in one department. It is used mainly in small design organizations with a volume of design work up to 1 million rubles. per year and up to 500 people. The specialized structure includes departments specializing in the design of individual parts of the project.

Completion, replication and storage of design products. In accordance with the requirements of the standard for the element in question, in design organization documented procedures for assembling, replicating, storing and sending design documentation to the customer must be developed and maintained in working order. Storage methods for design products should ensure the required durability during storage and a state in which the documentation can be used, if necessary, to make copies. acceptable quality, correction and receipt of information by interested parties. Storage conditions must comply with the regulations for the archival storage of design documentation and must be periodically checked for compliance with established requirements and to identify any damage or damage to design products.

§1.1 Main objectives of project control. §1.2 Content (system) of project control.

Chapter 2. Ways and methods of project control.

§2.1 Project monitoring.

§2.2 Control methods.

§2.3 Change management



Project control is the creation and implementation of a system for measuring, accounting, forecasting and identifying deviations within the boundaries of the project.

The main requirement for the project control system is regular accounting, so that the project manager can take measures at any time during the project implementation.

The main purpose of project control is to ensure that targets are met and to improve the overall efficiency of the project planning and control functions.

The project control system is part of common system project management, between the elements (subsystems) of which there are feedbacks and the ability to change previously set indicators. That is, in case of any violation of the progress of the project, a response is formed, aimed at reducing the deviation from the plan, taking into account changes in the environment.

Studying the topic "Project control" is important for a deep understanding of the need to control (monitor) the progress of the project, since errors and failures can occur during the project. Control will allow you to detect at all stages of the project possible problems on time and, if necessary, take corrective actions to manage project execution.

Chapter 1. Objectives and content of project control

§1.1 Main stages and objectives of project control

The main purpose of project control is to ensure that targets are met and to improve the overall efficiency of the project planning and control functions. A significant amount of work takes project control, quality control of product design in order to ensure that all requirements are met, the procedure for making changes to design documentation.

Control is a systematic process of information processing, designed to identify differences between the planned values \u200b\u200band values \u200b\u200btaken for comparison, as well as to analyze the identified deviations.

Control should ensure:

Monitoring (systematic and systematic observation of all the processes of project implementation);

Identification of deviations from the goals of the project;

Forecasting the consequences of the current situation;

Justification of the need to take corrective action. Control covers the entire planning and implementation period of the project. For a project to be successful, its control system must meet the requirements of flexibility, economy, usefulness for the project, ethical acceptability for executors and the project team, responsiveness, ease of documentation, and the ability to expand.

Control is carried out on the basis of reporting on the implementation of the project, including:

Project status reports - characterize its status (resource expenditure, schedule and budget execution) as of the reporting date;

Project progress reports - allow you to judge the dynamics of the project (what results have been achieved, what operations have been completed, and what are in progress);

Forecasts are judgments about the future state and progress of a project.

There are three types of project control: preliminary, current and final.

Preliminary control is carried out before the actual start of work on the implementation of the project and is aimed at observing certain rules and procedures. It includes the control of labor, material and financial resources in terms of establishing requirements for them and limit values.

Current control is carried out directly during the implementation of the project. It is based on a comparison of the achieved results with the cost set in the project,

temporary and resource characteristics... There are the following types of monitoring:

Time control (achievement of intermediate goals and scope of work);

Budget (level of spending of funds);

Resources (actual costs of material and technical resources);

Quality (quality level of work).

Final control is carried out at the stage of completion of the project for an integral assessment of the implementation of the project as a whole.

In addition to control types, there are project control types. There are three types of project control: engineering-technical, financial, and production-technological. In parallel, quality control of all work carried out is carried out.

The main stages of control are: 1) checking and adjusting plans; 2) evaluation of the progress of work; 3) comparison of actual results with planned ones .; 4) taking action.

At the first stage, it is necessary to determine the intermediate results that should be obtained during the implementation of the project and which can be quantitatively and qualitatively measured and evaluated. Usually, 3 groups of indicators are considered: cost, time and quality.

The second stage is necessary to measure the actual time spent to achieve a result with the required quality. The actual time is measured in real units, the comparison of the estimated costs in the given ones.

In the third stage, actual costs, time and quality are compared with those planned. The main goal at this stage is to compare the expected and obtained results, determine the effectiveness of planning and eliminate possible deviations.

The purpose of the fourth stage is, if significant discrepancies between the actual and planned indicators are found, to take measures to return the project implementation within the framework of the main plan.

Processes project control are closely interrelated and can be represented, if necessary, as one integrated process, consisting of selected processes.

Capabilities holistic project controland, consequently, its management is largely due to the presence of a unified information environment for storing control data. Such an environment should have access to all testing data, examinations, factual control, on the one hand, and planning data, on the other.

Types of control of project activities

One of the most important reasons for the need to exercise control is that any project manager must timely fix their mistakes and correct them before they harm the project. There are three types of control: previous, current and final.

Prior control carry out to the actual start of work on the implementation of the project; it aims to comply with certain rules and procedures. Such control, as a rule, concerns the resource provision of work (labor, material and financial resources).

Current control carried out directly during the implementation of the project. The purpose of this control is to promptly regulate the process of project implementation. Current control is based on comparing the achieved results with the cost, time and resource characteristics established in the project. Distinguish between current control time(achievement of intermediate goals and implementation of the scope of work), budget (level of expenditure of funds), resources(their actual costs) and quality (works).

Final control carried out at the stage of completion of the project for an integral assessment of the implementation of the project in general. On the basis of this control, the acquired experience is generalized for the further development and implementation of analogue projects, and also the management procedures are improved.

Drawing up reports on the status of project implementation... These reports require primary information. For their effectiveness in the control process, the presentation of information can be based on specially developed principles. Regardless of the form of reporting data used, to achieve the effectiveness of control functions, reports should contain the following items:

  • estimated cost (total, for a specific date or for a specific period) to compare actual and projected results;
  • actual results, which characterize the process of performing a given amount of work on a specific date or for a specific period;
  • predicted results, which are based on the selectivity of available information and characterize the expected state of the project and its components for the next period;
  • deviations, which indicate the extent to which the actual and projected results differ from the planned and calculated indicators;
  • reasons, that is, expected and unforeseen circumstances that determine the actual and predictable process of the project, in particular its individual operations, and explain important deviations from the planned indicators.

Assessment of the state of work and forecasting project changes... In order to obtain a generalized indicator of project implementation, a system of indicators is developed, on the basis of which the performance of work is compared in terms of time and cost. To assess the indicator of the status of project implementation, it is necessary to determine the amount of work performed. On the assumption that the team that performs the work remains unchanged and its performance is constant, the amount of work actually performed will be proportional to the time during which this work has been completed at a certain point. In this case, the work can be characterized not by volume, but by the ratio of planned and real moments of its beginning and completion.

Forecasting activities and identifying trends... In order to ensure the effectiveness of project management and the possibility of preventing failures, reports should reflect not only past events, but also situations that may occur. For this, special means of forecasting and determining the existing trends are used. To control the execution of network schedules, calendar plans and resource costs apply different models, methods and tools. In the case of graphical representation (in the form of schedules and network models), the implementation of control functions is facilitated precisely by the logical sequence of these tools, which ensures the determination of the impact of changes in one work on the implementation of the project in general. The development of control systems on time for deliveries, as well as other systems, is based on the same principles. At the same time, it is necessary to completely exclude the possibility of such a situation when the equipment, the installation time of which has already come, has not yet been ordered. In all these cases, information should be communicated in a timely manner.

Regulation of the project implementation process... The main tasks of regulating the process of project implementation are to control the actual performance of work, identify and analyze existing deviations from planned tasks, correct and make appropriate changes to the project using organizational, technological, economic and technical solutions that ensure the timely and effective achievement of the specified project goal. The regulation process consists in repeating with a certain frequency (day, week, decade, month) such procedures: collection and analysis of operational information about the actual state of the project; discussion and decision-making on the further implementation of the work package (adjusting operational plans); restoration of network models (recalculation) and updating of schedules; bringing changes to the responsible executors and managers of the appropriate levels.


All the main elements of the project should be controlled by the management, which must determine the procedure and establish the sequence of data collection at certain intervals, analyze the data obtained, analyze the current discrepancies between the actual and planned indicators and predict the impact of the current state of affairs on the implementation of the remaining scope of work.

Basic principles of construction effective system controls include: having clear plans; a clear reporting system; availability of an effective system for analyzing actual indicators and trends; availability of an effective response system.

The final step in the control process is the actions taken by management to overcome deviations in the course of the project. These actions can be aimed at correcting the identified deficiencies and overcoming negative trends within the project. In some cases, a revision of the plan may be required.