Building a construction schedule. Construction schedule: development, drawing up. Sample calendar plan. Work schedule

5.1. Scheduling of work production, depending on the degree of complexity, provides for the development of:

complex network schedule for the construction of a complex object or its part, which determines the sequence and timing of work with the maximum possible combination, as well as the standard operating time of construction machines, determines the need for labor resources and means of mechanization, stages and complexes of work are allocated to the teams (including those working according to the method of team contract), and their quantitative, professional and qualification composition is determined;

a schedule for the production of work for the construction of a residential or cultural and welfare building or its part, for the performance of types of technically complex and large-scale work, including a work schedule and a linear or cyclogram form; the schedule highlights the stages and types of work entrusted to complex and specialized teams, determines their quantitative, professional and qualification composition;

a work schedule for the preparatory period of construction, including a work schedule in linear or cyclogram form or a network schedule.

5.2. The approved materials for providing the objects of the annual production program with labor, material and technical resources serve as the basis for the development of projects for the production of work for the construction of individual objects. Timing development of PPR for each object are determined in accordance with the sequence of construction. Among the tasks of the project for the production of work, it is advisable to single out independent tasks (the solution of which is not related to the development of a schedule for the annual program of the construction organization) and dependent tasks (the solution of which is possible only after the development of a schedule for the annual program).

5.3. The development of complex network schedules is carried out on the basis of the decisions made in the construction organization project, and the schedule for the production of work for the annual program of the construction and installation organization.

A comprehensive network schedule should reflect:

sequence and timing of construction installation works, equipment installation and testing;

the sequence and timing of the provision of work with material and technical resources and the timing of delivery for the installation of equipment, instruments, cable products; terms of handover to the customer after the end of individual tests of the mounted equipment for its comprehensive testing.

The development of a comprehensive network schedule is carried out in the following order.

Initial data from the project (including the construction organization project) are selected with the necessary detailing of the work; the labor intensity is determined according to ENiR or production standards; and according to estimates developed on the basis of working drawings, cost.

An initial network schedule (network model) is being developed, which should show the design, preparatory, main work and the supply of equipment for each of the objects, broken down by main stages, as well as commissioning. On the basis of the initial data, local graphs are developed with greater detail, and then local networks are "stitched" with the general network using the reference points of the original graph. After that, the calculation and analysis of the network schedule is performed.

The final stage is schedule optimization (adjustment); mastery should be shown at the bottom of the graph capital investments and movement work force.

5.4. The work schedule for the construction of a residential or cultural and amenity building is designed to determine the sequence and timing of general construction, special and installation work carried out during the construction of the facility. These terms are established as a result of a rational alignment of the timing of certain types of work, taking into account the composition and quantity of basic resources, primarily work teams and leading mechanisms, as well as the specific conditions of the construction area, a separate site and a number of other significant factors.

According to the schedule, the need for labor and material and technical resources is calculated in time, as well as the delivery times for all types of equipment. These calculations are performed for the facility as a whole and for individual construction periods. Based on the schedule, the progress of work is monitored and the work of performers is coordinated. The dates of work calculated in the schedule are used as starting points in more detailed planning documents, for example, in weekly and daily schedules and shift tasks.

5.5. The initial data for the development of schedules as part of the work production project are:

calendar plans as part of the construction organization project;

construction duration standards or directive assignment;

working drawings and estimates;

data on organizations - participants in construction, conditions for the provision of workers with construction workers in the main professions, the use of a collective, brigade contract for the performance of work, production and technological equipment and transportation of construction goods, data on the available mechanisms and the possibilities of obtaining the necessary material resources;

work schedules for the annual program of the construction and installation organization.

The procedure for developing a schedule is as follows:

compiles a list (nomenclature) of works;

in accordance with the nomenclature for each type of work, their volumes are determined;

the choice of methods of production of basic works and leading machines is made;

the standard machine and labor intensity is calculated;

the composition of the brigades and units is determined;

the technological sequence of work is determined;

the shift of work is established;

the duration of work and their combination is determined, the number of performers and shifts are adjusted;

the estimated duration is compared with the standard one and adjustments are made;

based on the completed plan, resource requirements schedules are developed.

5.6. If technological maps are available, they are linked to local conditions. The input data of the maps are accepted as calculated for individual work complexes of the object's calendar plan. So, having a technological map for the installation of a typical stage and the roof of a residential building, in order to draw up a schedule for building a house, the installation dates and the need for resources included in the maps are taken.

5.7. The work schedule at the facility consists of two parts: left - calculated (Table 21) and right - graphical. The graphical part can be linear (Gantt chart, cyclogram) or network.

Column 1 (list of works) is completed in technological sequence performance of work with their grouping by type and period. In order for the schedule to be laconic, work, with the exception of those performed by different performers (SS, sections, teams or links), must be combined. In the complex of works of one performer, the part that opens the front for the work of the next brigade should be shown separately.

Table 21

Scope of work

Labor costs,

Required machines


Number of workers

Operating schedule




number of machines - shifts

work, days

(days, months)

The scope of work (columns 2, 3) is determined according to working drawings and estimates and is expressed in units adopted in the Unified Rates and Prices (ENiR). The volume of special work is determined in terms of value (according to the estimate), if the labor intensity is calculated according to the output; when using aggregated indicators - in the corresponding meters.

The complexity of work (column 4) and the cost of machine time (column 5, 6) are calculated according to the current ENiR, taking into account the planned growth of labor productivity by introducing a correction factor for overfulfillment of norms. Along with ENiR, local and departmental norms and prices (MNiR, VNiR) are used.

To simplify the calculation, it is advisable to use aggregated rates developed on the basis of production estimates. Aggregated standards are drawn up by type of work on a building or part of it (section, span, tier), a structural element (installation of floors with welding of embedded parts) or a complex process (for example, plastering the internal surfaces of houses, including plastering walls, slopes, pulling rustic surface notch, mortar base).

The enlarged norms take into account the achieved level of labor productivity. In the absence of consolidated standards, they first make up a calculation of labor costs, the calculation results of which are transferred to the schedule.

By the time the schedule is drawn up, the methods of work must be determined and the machines and mechanisms selected. When drawing up the schedule, the conditions for intensive operation of the main machines should be provided. The duration of mechanized work should be determined only by the performance of the machine. Therefore, first the duration of mechanized work is established, the rhythm of which determines the entire construction of the schedule, and then the duration of the work performed manually is calculated.

Duration of mechanized work T fur, day, is determined by the formula

T fur \u003d N machine-cm / ( n mung m), (28)

where N machine-cm - the required number of machine-shifts (column 6); n mash - the number of cars; m- quantity work shifts per day (column 8).

The required number of machines depends on the volume and nature of construction and installation work and the timing of their implementation.

Duration of manual work T p, day, calculated by dividing the labor intensity of work Q p, man-days, per number of workers n h, which may take the front of work

The limit on the number of workers who can work on the grip is determined by dividing the work front into plots, the size of which should be equal to the shift performance of a link or one worker. The product of the number of plots by the composition of the units gives the maximum number of the brigade in the given capture.

Duration minimization has a limit in the form of three restrictions: the size of the work front, the availability of workers and the technology of work. The minimum duration of individual works is determined by the technology of their implementation.

The number of shifts is reflected in column 8. When using basic machines (assembly cranes, excavators), the number of shifts is taken at least two. The shift in work performed manually and with the help of a mechanized tool depends on the scope of work and workers. The number of shifts is also determined by the requirements of the project (continuous concreting, etc.) and the directive terms for the construction of the facility.

The number of workers per shift and the composition of the brigade (groups 9 and 10) are determined in accordance with the labor intensity and duration of work. When calculating the composition of the brigade, it is assumed that the transition from one seizure to another should not cause changes in the number and qualifications. Taking this into account, the most rational combination of professions in the brigade is established. The calculation of the composition of the brigade is carried out in the following order: a set of works assigned to the brigade is outlined (for group 1); the labor intensity of the work included in the complex is calculated (column 4); selected from the calculation of labor costs by profession and category of workers; recommendations for the rational combination of professions are established; the duration of the leading process is set on the basis of data on the time required for the leading machine to perform the intended complex; the number of units and brigades is calculated; the professional and qualification composition of the brigade is determined.

The complex of work entrusted to the brigade includes all the operations necessary for smooth operation the leading machine, as well as all technologically related or dependent. When erecting the above-ground part of large-panel houses in two cycles, the first, along with the assembly work, includes all the work accompanying the installation: carpentry, special, etc., providing preparation of the house for painting work. During the construction of brick buildings in three cycles, the first one is assigned to the brigade (along with the assembly and accompanying ones) general construction, providing preparation for plastering. In the second and third cycles, plastering and painting works are performed, respectively.

In order for the numerical strength of the brigade to correspond to the performance of the leading machine, the term of work, determined by the estimated time of operation of the machine, must be taken as the basis for the calculation.

The quantitative composition of each link n sv is determined on the basis of labor costs for work assigned to the link, Q p, man-days, and the duration of the leading process T fur, dn, according to the formula

n star \u003d Q R / T fur m. (30)

The quantitative composition of the brigade is determined by summing up the number of workers at all levels of the brigade.

Labor costs by occupation and grade are determined by sampling from the calculation of labor costs. The number of workers by professions and categories n pr is determined by the formula

n pr \u003d N br d, (31)

where N br - the total number of the brigade; d- the proportion of labor costs by profession and category in the total labor intensity of work.

5.8. Work schedule - the right side of the schedule clearly displays the progress of work in time, the sequence and coordination of work with each other.

The calendar dates for the performance of individual works are established on the basis of a strict technological sequence, taking into account the presentation of the work front in the shortest possible time for the implementation of subsequent ones.

The technological sequence of works depends on specific design solutions. So, the method of laying internal electrical networks determines the technological sequence of plastering, painting and electrical installation work. Concealed electrical wiring is carried out before finishing work, and when open, plastering work precedes the installation of electrical wiring.

The period of readiness of the work front in some cases increases due to the need to comply with technological breaks between two consecutive works. If necessary, the amount of technological breaks can be reduced by using more intensive methods.

The technological sequence of performing a number of works also depends on the period of the year and the area of \u200b\u200bconstruction. For the summer period, it is necessary to plan the production of the main volumes of earthworks, concrete, reinforced concrete works in order to reduce their labor intensity and cost. If finishing work falls on the autumn-winter period, then the glazing and heating device should be completed by the beginning of finishing work. If external and internal plastering can be performed in the warm season, then first of all, internal plastering is performed, as this opens up the front for subsequent work. But if during this period it is impossible to complete the external internal plastering, then before the onset of cold weather work on external plastering is forced, due to which conditions are created for internal plastering work in the autumn-winter period, etc.

5.9. The main method of reducing the construction time of objects is the parallel-flow and combined execution of construction and installation works. Unrelated work must be carried out in parallel and independently of each other. If there is a technological connection between the works within the common front, the areas of their implementation are accordingly shifted and the works are performed in combination. In this case, it is necessary to especially strictly observe the labor protection rules. For example, when performing installation and finishing work during the day on one seizure, it is necessary to provide for the completion of finishing work in the first shift, and installation of structures in the second or third shift.

5.10. The alignment of the schedule of the need for working personnel for the facility as a whole is achieved by reallocating the start and end dates of work. But this alignment is relative and is performed only within a rational technological sequence of work.

5.11. Scheduling (right-hand side) should begin with the lead work or process that decisively determines the overall duration of the facility. Comparing with the normative one, it is possible, if necessary, to reduce the duration of the leading process by increasing the shift and the number of mechanisms, or the number of performers in manual work. Depending on the period for which the schedule is designed, and the complexity of the object, there may be several leading processes. The dates of the remaining processes are tied to the leader. All non-leading processes can be divided into two groups: executed in a thread (as a rule, in equal or multiple rhythm with a leading thread) and outside the thread.

In the first group, the number of performers is determined as the quotient of dividing the labor intensity by the duration of the leading process. This is how plumbing, electrical, joinery, carpentry, plastering and other works are designed for the construction of a residential building. Here it remains to tie the start date of this or that specialized thread in relation to the leading one, that is, to establish - with a lag by how many captures the next process should start.

The solution lies between the minimum determined by safety considerations and the minimum allowed by the established construction time frame.

The duration of the out-of-flow processes is assigned within the work periods technologically determined for them, taking into account the general construction time of the facility.

5.12. The work schedule for the preparatory period is developed taking into account the accepted construction sequence and scope of work; the data of the construction master plan is also taken into account, since it establishes the nomenclature of temporary construction objects and the amount of work. The methodology for developing this plan and the initial data are similar to those adopted for the construction schedule.

The composition and procedure for performing the work of the preparatory period depend on the adopted technology and local conditions. The composition of the on-site work of the preparatory period includes work related to the development of the construction site and ensuring the normal start and development of the main construction period, including: creation by the customer of a geodetic reference network - red lines, benchmarks, main axes of buildings, supporting construction grid; development of the construction site - clearing of the territory, demolition of buildings, etc .; engineering preparation of the site - planning of the territory with the arrangement of an organized runoff of surface water, arrangement of permanent or temporary roads, relocation of existing networks and arrangement of new ones to supply construction with water and electricity; arrangement of temporary structures; arrangement of communication facilities (telephone, radio and teletype) for construction management.

5.13. When designing the production of work for each specific object, additionally take into account the following main factors: the scheme of load-bearing structures (with longitudinal load-bearing walls, with transverse load-bearing partitions, frame-panel, etc.); building material (brick, precast or in-situ concrete); number of storeys; extent and configuration in plan; given construction time; seasonal working conditions; the current level of technology and work organization; degree of specialization.

Usually the construction of a residential building is planned in three cycles.

The first cycle is the construction of the underground part of the house; the leading process is the installation of basement structures. In complex geological and hydrogeological conditions, the leading work is the construction of an artificial foundation. Depending on the design of the basement and the amount of work, it is divided into grabs. In order to dismember the work and organize their flow execution, it is advisable to have at least two captures.

In buildings with up to four sections, excavation of the soil is planned in one operation, and for longer ones - in two or more. In the latter case, the installation of foundations begins after the end of the mechanized excavation of the soil at the first capture. In the case of a small gap in time between cycles or an insignificant depth of the excavation, when the crane can be installed outside the collapse prism, it is advisable to use a crane designed for the construction of the aboveground part of the building for the installation of the underground part. In any case, the feasibility of choosing a crane must be economically justified.

Installation of prefabricated foundations is carried out simultaneously with manual soil completion and sand bed filling.

With the pile version of foundations, a multi-grip system should be adopted, optimally in 6 grips - according to the number of processes: striker (1), cutting and preparation of heads (2); cleaning the base of the grillage (3); formwork and reinforcement works (3); concreting (4); exposure of concrete (5); stripping (6).

Installation (or masonry) of walls and partitions of the basement covers, in addition to the main ones, work on the arrangement of horizontal insulation, reinforcement belts, porches, pits.

Backfilling of the pit sinuses from the inside and backfilling under the floors are carried out after the installation of the first row of wall blocks and are planned in the schedule parallel to the installation of the walls.

The device of outlets and inlets of communications (sewerage, drainage, water supply, heating system, gas, electricity, telephony, dispatch communication) is provided before filling the sinuses of the pit from the outside.

Waterproofing of walls is carried out after the completion of the installation of the walls before backfilling the external sinuses. It is advisable to plan the glued waterproofing according to the seizures, and the coating, given the high performance of the auto-aspirators, can be shown in the graph out of the flow.

Installation of floors and welding works on them are planned after the completion of the concrete floors in the basement. It is impossible to divide the installation of floors into grips equal to those adopted for the installation of walls, since the machine intensity of installation of floors is insignificant compared to the volumetric work on the foundations and walls of the underground part of the building.

Table 22 shows the schedule for the production of work on the underground part of a residential 9-storey 6-section building series I-515 on a strip foundation.

Table 22

Scope of work


Machine capacity


Working day

unit of measure


capacity, people day

machine name

number of machine-shifts

working life, days

your shifts

workers per shift


Excavation of soil with loading into dump trucks


Pom. driver

Digging trenches by hand along transverse axes


Manual collection of soil under the base with cleaning

Construction of a sand base for foundations


Installation of foundation


tny blocks

Concrete workers

Installation of wall blocks and basement panels with auxiliary work



Horizontal insulation device on two levels

Concrete workers


Arrangement of porches and entrances to the technical underground

Concrete workers

The device of outlets, inputs and transit communications in the technical underground



Backfilling and underfloor preparation


Concrete workers

Installation of staircase floors


marches and sites with welding and auxiliary

Concrete workers

mighty works

Monolithic termination device


Vertical coating waterproofing of walls with bitumen for

Asphalt distributor

Concrete Carpenter


Concrete workers

Backfilling the sinuses from the outside


from dump trucks with manual ramming


Note: One ruler is 1st capture; two rulers - 2nd capture.

The second cycle - the construction of the aboveground part of the house - includes: the construction of the aboveground part with related works; civil works; special (sanitary, electrical, etc.). The leading process of this cycle is the installation (or laying) of structures of the aboveground part of the house (box). Depending on the structure and volume of the house, it is divided into grabs. Single-section buildings (towers) are not divided into grips when mounting the box in the plan. Associated works (welding, sealing and sealing of joints, joining of seams) are performed simultaneously with installation in different areas. Vertically, the box is divided into tiers equal to one floor, except for frame buildings with columns 2 stories high; in this case, 2 floors are taken as a tier. Extended buildings are divided into occupations, the value of which is taken to be equal to the minimum floor - section and the maximum floor of the house. Usually, half a floor is taken for capture in houses from 3 to 6 sections.

The basis for the construction of multi-section buildings, regardless of their design, is based on the following technological principles: installation of structures in two parallel streams (3, 4 and 5 sections in each) using two tower cranes; combination with the installation of subsequent general construction and special works... In this case, the building is divided into two sections, and each section, in turn, into captures. Construction work, combined with the installation of structures, is carried out simultaneously in two sections, but at different stages and seizures.

When drawing up a schedule, in addition to purely installation work, it is necessary to provide for the supply of various component materials and parts to the floor - prefabricated elements of ventilation ducts and garbage chutes, electrical panels, heating devices, blanks for piping. In parallel with the installation of structures, it is recommended to carry out work on the installation of fences for stairs and balconies. With a lag of 1 - 2 floors, general construction work should be planned; their composition is listed in the attached calendar plan for the construction of a large-panel house, table. 23.

Table 23


Volume of work

Crane operation,

Labor intensity,





Erection of floors with welding and sealing of joints. Supply of materials to floors

Roof installation, floor insulation, material supply

Joining outside walls from the inside and outside

Welding balconies and staircases

Filling of door and window openings, installation of cabinets, extension, installation of devices, covering overhangs

Caulking junction of panel partitions

Waterproofing of bathrooms and balconies with underfloor preparation

Plastering and tiling works

Soft roof device

Electrical work

Plumbing work

Linoleum flooring in the room

Painting works

Continuation of table 23


The composition of the brigade

Working day


Erection of floors with welding and sealing of joints. Supply of materials to floors


Roof installation, floor insulation, material supply



Sewing seams of external walls from the inside and outside


noah side

Concrete workers

Welding of railings

new and stairs


Filling of door and window openings, installation of cabinets, extension, installation of devices, covering overhangs


Caulking junction of panel partitions

Underfloor preparation device with screed

Waterproofing of bathrooms and

Concrete workers

balconies with preparation for floors


Plastering and tiling works


Soft roof device

Insulating roofers


Electric installation work

Electrical installation

1-5 roof floors II cycle

Plumbing work

1-5 floors of the roof III cycle

Linoleum flooring in the room

Painting works


Painting works

Improvement of the territory


The design of the production of special works - sanitary and electrical installation - is carried out in conjunction with general construction and finishing. Special works are performed in parallel with each other on two floors:

1st stage - before plastering works with a lag of installation by one or two floors. The works are planned according to grabs with a step equal to the rhythm of the floor installation.

Stage II - according to the cycles of painting work readiness (does not coincide for sanitary and electrical work). The completion of all special work must correspond to the completion date of the finishing. The work of this stage is performed, as a rule, outside the flow - without dividing into grabs.

Stage I of sanitary works includes the installation of internal systems of cold and hot water supply, heating and gas supply. In winter, additional work should be provided for the installation of temporary systems for heating the finished floors.

The second stage of sanitary works begins after the first cycle of painting work, when the preparation for the last painting is completed in the sanitary facilities and kitchens, which opens the front for the installation of sanitary equipment. All sanitary works are carried out by one team, which does not exclude internal specialization (a link for the assembly of sewer cast-iron pipelines, a link for welding steel pipes).

Stage I of electrical work includes: marking routes, punching and drilling nests, strips and grooves, laying risers, pipes and hoses for hidden wiring, laying out wires with partial embedment in the walls and preparing for floors, installing junction boxes, floor cabinets and shields, and etc.

Stage II of electrical and low-current work begins after painting the ceilings and ends after pasting (painting) the walls. Work at this stage is carried out outside the flow without dividing into captures. After painting - "opening" the ceilings in the apartments, the suspension of sockets and lamps is carried out. Following the pasting or painting of the walls, switches, sockets, bells, plafonds are installed. At the end of finishing work in the house, low-current wiring of the radio broadcasting network, dispatcher communication, and fire alarm is carried out. As a rule, both high-current and low-current works are performed by the same links, but in conditions of a high concentration of construction, low-current devices are mounted by specialized organizations.

Lift works are performed by specialized subcontractors. Elevator tubing is installed by a complex team assembling the house. The elevator fitters begin to align the elements and install the elevator units during the installation of the upper floors in time to ensure the timely completion of the work. The beginning of these works in 9-storey buildings falls on the completion of the assembly of seven floors. Element alignment and assembly of elevator assemblies are carried out on grips free from assembly of house structures.

The third cycle is the production of finishing work in a residential building. Plastering works in brick buildings are performed by specialized teams (units) of finishing SU, and in prefabricated buildings - by complex teams. Depending on the established deadlines and the availability of labor, plasterers occupy the entire front of work at once or perform the work in-line, taking the floor of the house as a seizure and moving with a step equal to the installation of the floor. Tile works are performed in one cycle with plastering.

Painting work is carried out on all floors simultaneously with a breakdown into two stages. At stage 1, putty and painting of ceilings, painting of loggias, balconies, external slopes of windows, preparation for wallpapering and painting of walls and joinery is carried out. The laying of parquet and linoleum with sewing on the skirting boards can be started after the last wet process - "opening the ceilings" and, like painting, can be done out of the stream. As these works are completed, the front is opened for stage II of painting work.

At the II stage of painting work, wallpapering, painting of walls and joinery are performed.

The combination of plastering and tile, painting and parquet, painting and special work is achieved by dividing the work front within a section, floor and even an apartment. Performing painting work, especially those related to stage II, with a breakdown into grabs by stages - sections, is inappropriate. Stage II of painting work should be carried out immediately throughout the house, in a short time, before putting it into operation.

The work schedule is one of the main documents of the project. It was developed on the basis of the standard construction period, the nomenclature of construction and installation work, the volume and labor costs for their implementation, the accepted methods of work, compliance with labor protection and safety requirements.

The calendar plan is executed in a linear form.

Scheduled works are recorded in the technological sequence of their implementation. Separate types works that can be done together are combined.

We accept the number of captures equal to N \u003d 4.

We organize works from 3 to 5 in line with a multiple rhythm.

The name of the machines, their brand and the number are taken according to the selected work methods. The need for machine-changes of the leading machines of the excavator, bulldozer is determined according to the statement (Table 1). The number of machine shifts of auxiliary machines and mechanisms (cranes, pipe-laying cranes, welding machines, etc.) is determined by the duration of those works where they are used:

where: t is the duration of the work on which the machine (mechanism) is used, days;

n cm - the number of work shifts per day;

m is the number of machines (mechanisms).

We select the composition of the links for each work or their complex in accordance with the recommendations of the ENiR.

The duration of work performed manually T p (days) is calculated by dividing the labor intensity of work Q p (man-days) by the number of workers N who can occupy the work front, and the number of shifts in days t cm:

The duration of mechanized work is set based on the productivity of the machines:

where: Q fur is the labor intensity of mechanized work, the need for machine - see,

m is the number of cars.

The quality of the developed schedule is assessed by the coefficient of uneven movement of workers:

, (11)

where: N max - maximum amount workers according to the schedule of movement of labor, people;

N av - the average number of workers, people, which is determined by the formula:

where: Q is the total shift labor intensity of construction and installation works, defined as the area of \u200b\u200bthe diagram of the labor force movement graph;

T is the duration of work at the facility, (days).

Justification of the work schedule

The works in the schedule are recorded in the technological sequence of their implementation. Start of work on May 18. Before the main construction, preliminary works are provided for a duration of 6 days. Then there are earthworks from May 22 to 26: cutting off the vegetation layer of the soil, loosening the soil and its development, these works can be carried out jointly, therefore they are combined. One tractor or bulldozer is provided for each type of work, the total duration will be 4 days.

Manual excavation works (layer-by-layer manual excavation, cleaning of the trench bottom), which follow the mechanized works, are also combined, 5 excavators will work 8 days in 2 shifts. Assembly of pipes into links on the edge, welding and welding of joints are carried out jointly by a team of 6 people from May 25 to June 6: 3 welders and 3 fitters. This is followed by the construction of wells, this work performed by 2 teams of 6 assemblers in 2 shifts from May 29 to June 12. After that, from 8 to 22 June, the pipe links are laid in a trench, the pipe joints are seized and welded (these works are combined into one).

After the end of welding, hydraulic tests are performed in 2 shifts, 2 days starting from June 22. Further, fixed supports are arranged. Then, from June 27 to July 10, valves, expansion joints are installed and anti-corrosion insulation of joints is carried out. These works are combined into one and last 9 days. This is followed by thermal insulation works (18 days starting from July 4): installation of thermal insulation, construction of a wire mesh frame, plastering of the insulation surface. The above works are performed separately with maximum overlapping in time. This is followed by backfilling the trench, first by hand, and then with a bulldozer. Then the final hydraulic tests are carried out for 3 days - from 24 to 26 August inclusive.

The work, starting from layer-by-layer manual development to welding of pipe joints in a trench, is organized in-line with a multiple rhythm of 4. The rest of the work is, as far as possible, combined in time, except for hydraulic tests, which begin after the end of all work, and subsequent work begins after completion of hydraulic tests. The total duration of the work is 73 working days.

Flow method of organizing construction production . The main modern scientific method organization of construction production is stream methodproviding rhythm and high labor productivity.

A construction flow is one or more construction production processes carried out by a brigade (several brigades) of workers, the result of which is a finished construction product.

Flow construction is a method of organizing construction that ensures a planned and rhythmic release of finished construction products based on the continuous and uniform work of teams (links) of the same composition, provided with a timely and complete delivery of all the necessary material and technical resources.

Let's consider a conditional example to determine the features of the flow line construction You need to build 3 identical houses. The construction of each house requires the sequential execution of earthwork (ZZ), installation (MM) and finishing (OO) works. Let's say that the duration of each job takes the same amount of time.

When sequential method construction, you can offer two ways to organize work. The first method involves the sequential construction of houses, and the second sequential execution of work. In either case, the duration of the work is maximum and is equal to the product of the duration of the construction of the house by their number (T \u003d t * n). The intensity of consumption of resources (materials, workers, machines) will be minimal and equal to the result of dividing the sum of the required resources by the duration of construction (r \u003d R 1 * n / T). The difference between the methods lies in the fact that in the first case, earthwork, installation and finishing work is carried out in each house without interruption, but the teams performing earthwork, installation and finishing work after the completion of work in the house are planned to take a break, and in the second case, specialized teams work without breaks, but breaks are planned at construction sites. In the first case, the period of inputting finished products is longer than in the second.

When parallel method the execution of work ensures the minimum duration of work equal to the duration of the construction of one house (t), the intensity of resource consumption increases n times. With the parallel method, the start and end of the construction of all houses occurs simultaneously.

When flow methodwhile maintaining the advantages of both methods and avoiding their disadvantages. Homogeneous processes are performed continuously, and heterogeneous processes are performed in parallel. The duration of construction will be longer than with parallel, but less than with sequential (Tpos\u003e Tpot\u003e Tparall). The intensity of resource consumption is greater than with sequential, but less than with parallel (r last\u003e r sweat\u003e r parallel). The period for entering finished products coincides with the duration for the second case of the sequential method.

The described example is illustrated using the following graphs.

Stream classification is carried out depending on the type of finished product.

Private Stream - This is an elementary construction flow, which is one or more processes performed by one team (brigade link). Products can be foundations, wall masonry, plastering, etc.

Specialized stream - consists of a number of private streams combined unified system fronts of work and consistently performed technologies. Their products are completed types of work (underground part of the building, finishing work).


Sequential execution of works

Resource consumption

Resource consumption

Parallel stream execution


Resource consumption


The front of the works is often calledcapture ... Capture is a part of a building, the scope of work, which is carried out by a brigade (link) of a permanent composition with a certain rhythm, which ensures the flow organization of construction.

Private and specialized streams can have different directions of development, depending on the space-planning solutions of the building. The horizontal development of the flow is carried out during excavation, foundation or roofing. The vertical direction is typical for the installation of multi-storey buildings. Brickwork is carried out according to an inclined scheme.

Object stream- a set of specialized flows, the composition of which ensures the implementation of a complex of works on the construction of the corresponding construction object; the product of the stream is a completely finished building (structure).

Complex flow - consists of object streams simultaneously engaged in the construction of individual buildings and structures that are part of an industrial enterprise or a residential area.

The characteristic features of the in-line planning method are

The possibility of dividing the production process into separate stages;

Continuous production process in time and space;

Simultaneous execution of work at all stages of production.

The main feature of the flow method - continuity and rhythm is achieved by a strict sequence of work of the brigades, when each prepares the front of work for the next brigade, performing other types of work, as well as the corresponding calculation of the flow parameters (rhythm, step).

Let us consider the parameters characterizing it on the flow diagram (Fig. 2.4.5).

Fig. 2.4.5. Stream model parameters.

Rhythm (t) - the duration of the work of the brigade on a private front of work (capture, site).

Flow step (t w) - the time interval after which finished products are released from the flow.

Deployment period (τ) is the time interval between the beginning of the first and the final processes, i.e. the time during which all teams are involved in the work.

The production cycle (T s) - time equal to the duration from the beginning of the work of the first contractor to the completion of the work by the last contractor.

Period of release of finished products (T pr) - time equal to the duration of the work of the final team.

Flow duration (T total) - the total duration of the rhythmic flow.

Number of captures - the number of private work fronts.

Number of running processes per thread - the number of types of work or the number of specialized teams.

Organizational expectation (torg) is an artificially introduced time interval into the work plan for the seizure, ensuring the fulfillment of the conditions for the flow (continuity) of work.

Critical convergence of streams - such a mutual arrangement of streams on the capture, at which the time of the end of the work of the previous stream and the time of the beginning of the next stream are equal. There is no organizational expectation (equal to zero).

When modeling construction flows, not only graphic models are used, but also matrix ones, which allow for analytical calculations. The matrix (table) has the dimension M * N (the number of columns is equal to the number of jobs, and the number of rows is equal to the number of captures. The matrix is \u200b\u200bfilled with the values \u200b\u200bof the duration of jobs t ij (i - job, j - capture).

For the convenience of calculations and clarity of using the matrix, it is presented in the form of a grid with cells. The element of the flow plan matrix is \u200b\u200bthe cell located in the column of work i performed on capture j.

The value of the duration of work (rhythm) is entered in the center of the cell, the moment of start of work is indicated in the upper left corner, and the moment of completion of work in the lower right corner. If on the j-th capture between the execution of jobs i and i + 1 organizational expectation is necessary, then its value is written near the right border of the matrix cell.

Matrix calculations take into account the following relationships. The moment of completion of the work is determined as the sum of the moment of the beginning plus its duration

t ij к \u003d t ij н + t ij, (2.4.2.)

the continuity of the work by the brigade during the transition from one grip to another is determined by the equality of the values \u200b\u200bof the moments of the beginning and end of work

t i, j +1 n \u003d t ij k, (2.4.3.)

the waiting time is defined as the difference between the values \u200b\u200bof the moments of the beginning of the i + 1 work, the end of the i-th work on the lock j.

t ij о \u003d t i +1, j н - t ij к. (2.4.4.)

The design of the flow schedule of construction work is associated with the determination of such parameters of the plan, which, taking into account the rational technology and organization of work, ensure the construction of facilities within the standard duration, continuous loading of resources (teams, machines, mechanisms) and the continuity of work for each facility.

The following principles and consistency designing a flow for the construction of similar construction objects.

Objects to be built by the flow method are installed, i.e. close to each other in design, layout, number of storeys and technology.

The necessary construction work is determined, preferably equal or multiple in terms of labor intensity.

An expedient sequence of work is established in the process of building an object.

A sequence is established for including individual objects in the construction flow (defining work fronts - seizures).

Processes are assigned to certain teams of workers who are equipped with construction machines, tools and devices.

The standard duration of each work by the construction team is calculated or set on the dedicated work front.

The calculation of the main indicators (parameters) of the flow is carried out on the basis of the following assumptions:

Work on each successive capture begins with an interval equal to the flow step;

Only one brigade can work at one capture;

The size of each grip remains the same for all types of work performed on the grippers;

After completing the entire complex of work on one seizure, the work on each of the subsequent seizures ends no later than at an interval equal to the flow step.

The specifics of calculating the plan depend on the nature of the rhythm of the flows. There are the following types of rhythm of flows:

rhythmic flow - in which all its components have a single rhythm, i.e. the same duration of work by each individual brigade on private work fronts;

irregular flow - in which its constituent streams have the same rhythms of the same type of work at different captures and different rhythms of different types of work at the same capture;

irregular flow - in which the duration of each individual brigade of work on private fronts is not the same.

Let's look at the construction of schedules using examples.

Let's build a cyclogram rhythmic flow with t ij \u003d 1, for works M \u003d 3, performed on N \u003d 4 captures (Figure 2.4.6.).

Fig. 2.4.6. Cyclogram of rhythmic work.

The first private flow on the first capture started at the time instant taken as 0. Since the rhythms of all jobs are equal, the lines of the cyclogram of private flows have the form of parallel lines. The transition from one job to another at each of the seizures occurs without waiting, therefore, critical convergence of flows takes place everywhere. The total duration of the flow is determined by the moment the last job was completed on the last grip. In the considered example, T total \u003d 6.

Let's build a calendar irregular flow, for works M \u003d 4, performed on N \u003d 4 captures. The rhythms of work are indicated in the matrix that characterizes this flow.

Captures (j)

Works, brigades (i)

It can be seen that the rhythms for any of the jobs on all seizures are the same (2, 3, 1, 2 units of time).

Consider the construction of a cyclogram (Figure 2.4.7, a).

is. 2.4.7. Cyclogram (a) and line graph (b) of a different rhythmic flow.

First, a line was drawn describing the private flow of the 1st work with a rhythm equal to 2. At the point of completion of the 1st work on the 1st capture, a vertical dashed arrow was drawn, indicating the place of critical convergence of flows, and a cyclogram of the second private flow (rhythm is equal to 3). Analysis of the graph shows that both jobs are continuous and one job is being performed at each grip at any given time. Let's construct a cyclogram of the 3rd work with a rhythm equal to 1. Consider a line drawn from the end point of the 2nd work on the 1st grip (dashed line). Cyclograms 2 and 3 of private flows intersect in the zone of the 2nd capture, which is unacceptable, since this indicates the occurrence of a collision in the execution of two jobs at the same time on one capture. To avoid this, the private flow of the 3rd work must be shifted to the right until a critical convergence of flows occurs at the last engagement. In any other position, the simultaneous execution of two jobs is inevitable. At the same time, on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd captures there are pauses between the end of the 2nd and the beginning of the 3rd work (the duration of the pauses is shown by horizontal bold lines). These pauses are named organizational expectations... The private stream of the 4th job is built in the same way as the 2nd after a critical approach to the 3rd job on the 1st capture. No violations were observed. It can be noted that the cyclograms of performing the 2nd and 4th work, having equal rhythms, are depicted by parallel lines.

The construction carried out allows us to draw conclusions that formulate the principle of linking adjacent processes (private flows) for different rhythmic flows. The linking of adjacent different-rhythmic processes is performed at the beginning of the process (i.e., at the 1st capture), if the rhythm (duration) t i +1 of the subsequent process more rhythm (duration) t i of this process (t i + 1\u003e t i). Tying at the end of the process (at the last capture) is carried out if t i + 1 less the previous one.

In fig. 2.4.7, b shows the line graph corresponding to the cyclogram.

Let's consider the construction of the same schedule using the matrix method.

The initial matrix contains the values \u200b\u200bof the work rhythms at the intersection of columns (jobs) and rows (captures). An additional lower row can be added to the matrix, which indicates the value of the total duration of each work. This value indicates whether this duration increases or decreases relative to the duration of the previous work. Planning begins by setting the start time for the first job on the first job. Usually this time is taken as 0.

Captures (j)

Works, brigades (i)

8<12 12>4 4<8

First, the first column of the matrix is \u200b\u200bconsidered and the start and end of work on the seizures, the 1st private stream, are calculated. In this case, formulas (1) and (2) from the material of the previous lecture are used. The matrix takes the form below.

Captures (j)

Works, brigades (i)

8<12 12>4 4<8

Since it is specified that the rhythm of the 2nd work is higher than that of the 1st, the point of critical convergence of flows should be on the first capture (1st line). The value of the start time of a new job is equal to the end time of the previous job at the closest grab.

t i +1, j n \u003d t ij k,

After that, the second column of the matrix from the point of critical approach to the end of the column is sequentially filled with the values \u200b\u200bof the beginning and end of the work. Next, the capture with critical approach of the flows of the 2nd and 3rd jobs is determined and the procedure for forming the column is repeated.

As a result, the matrix takes the following form.

Captures (j)

Works, brigades (i)

8<12 12>4 4<8

the matrix in the lower right corner shows the value of the total duration of work T total \u003d 20. The cells of the matrix indicate the values \u200b\u200bof the expectations calculated by the formula (3) from the previous lecture.

Let's build a calendar irregular flow... It should be noted that irregular flow is the most common occurrence in practice. It can be assumed that a rhythmic flow can occur during the construction of several identical structures, when the rhythms of the work miraculously coincide, which is difficult to expect in practice. The irregular flow is more real. It can correspond to the construction of several identical structures, when the rhythms of work are naturally different. Keeping the rhythm on the grapples is very realistic if the grabs have the same amount of work. The non-rhythmic flow reflects a real task, when both the volume of work on the seams and the labor productivity for different jobs are different and independent from each other.

Let's consider an example of building a plan by the matrix method. Let's construct a schedule for M \u003d 4 jobs performed on N \u003d 4 seizures. The rhythms of work are indicated in the matrix that characterizes this flow.

Captures (j)

Works, brigades (i)

As in the case of non-rhythmic flows, first the first column of the matrix (the 1st partial flow) is considered and the start and end of work on captures are calculated. In this case, the same formulas (1) and (2) from the material of the previous lecture are used.

To go to the second column of the matrix (2nd private stream), you need to find the point critical convergence of streams... This point is defined as follows. The formula below calculates a series of N numbers. For every capture

The values \u200b\u200bof the work duration of the first column are sequentially summed up by index number k (seizure number) inclusively with the values \u200b\u200bof the work duration of the second column, starting from the seizure with index number k. The series of terms for capture with index number k includes both the value from the first column and the value from the second column of the matrix.

S 1 \u003d t 11 + t 21 + t 22 + t 23 + t 24 \u003d 3 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 2 \u003d 10;

S 2 \u003d t 11 + t 12 + t 22 + t 23 + t 24 \u003d 3 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 \u003d 11;

S 3 \u003d t 11 + t 12 + t 13 + t 23 + t 24 \u003d 3 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 2 \u003d 10;

S 4 \u003d t 11 + t 12 + t 13 + t 14 + t 24 \u003d 3 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 2 \u003d 9.

Among the values \u200b\u200bof the obtained series of numbers, the maximum value is selected (S 2 \u003d 11). At the seizure corresponding to the maximum value of S k, a critical convergence of flows will occur. Consequently, the waiting time is assumed to be zero, the start time of the next job on this grip will be equal to the end time of the previous job.

t i + 1, j n \u003d t i, j k,

Works, brigades (i)

Then the calculation can be continued for the next column of the matrix. Moreover, when increasing the capture number (moving down the lines, j + 1, j \u003d k), the calculation procedure is similar to that discussed above, and when decreasing the capture number (moving up the rows, j-1, j \u003d k)

t i +1, j -1 k \u003d t i +1 j n, t i +1, j -1 n \u003d t i +1, j -1 k - t i +1, j -1. (2.4.5.)

After completing the calculation of all values \u200b\u200bof the beginning and end of work on the second column of the matrix, you can begin to determine the seizure, on which the critical convergence of the 2nd and 3rd streams (works) occurs. The same algorithm discussed above is used. The calculated auxiliary row of numbers 10, 11, 11, 9 has the maximum value of the row member equal to 11, corresponding to the 2nd and 3rd captures. For further calculation, you can choose any capture. The calculation result will be the same. Usually, the calculation starts from the point of critical approach on the engagement with a lower number.

is. 2.4.8. Cyclogram (a) and line graph (b) of irregular flow.

Having carried out similar calculations for all columns of the matrix (flows, activities), the desired schedule is obtained.

In the matrix in the lower right corner, the value of the total duration of work is highlighted T total \u003d 18. The cells of the matrix indicate the values \u200b\u200bof the expectations calculated by the formula (3) from the previous lecture.

In fig. 8, a and 2.4.8, b show the sequence diagram and line graph corresponding to the matrix.

Network modeling in the construction of facilities and structures. Network planning and management is a system for managing large scientific and technical developments, including construction, using a network model as a form of representation of a managed object.

A network model is an information model of a complex of interrelated works, specified in the form of a network that displays the ordering of works in time. The network model can also contain other characteristics (resources, cost, etc.) related to individual works and the complex of works as a whole.

The network of a complex of works is considered as a directed finite graph and displays the precedence relation between the works, which can be represented in correspondence with the arcs or vertices of the graph. The most common graphical representation of a model on a plane is a network diagram. The network model can be represented in the form of tables.

The goal of network planning and management systems is to develop an optimal or close enough construction option, providing a rational coordination in the time of work and the best use of resources. As a result of the use of network planning and management systems, construction time is reduced, labor intensity and cost of work are reduced.

The main basic concepts of network modeling are: Work and Event.

Work - any production process that requires time, material resources and leads to the achievement of certain results.

Event- a) a set of conditions allowing to start work; b) completion of the activity (work), reflecting the state of production in the process of a complex of works.

Tab. 2.4.9. Network models are classified according to a number of characteristics:

Classification principle



By the nature of the display of links in the graph

Jobs - Events (Jobs - graph arcs)

Events - Works (Alternative Networks)

By model display form



By the number of independent targets (the number of target events)




According to the degree of certainty of the model parameters


Probabilistic (stochastic)

By the composition of the parameters

Taking into account the time

Taking into account time and resources

Consider the rules for constructing a deterministic, single-purpose work-oriented graph. A schematic representation of all events and activities, reflecting their interrelationships, is called a network topology.

It is proposed to consider 16 rules - examples.

The first 8 rules explain the order of displaying works and events, connecting them with each other and assigning code numbers to them.

Rules 9, 10, and 11 specify how complex graphs are constructed.

Rule 12 defines the order in which a single-purpose graph is constructed.

Rule 13 deals with nested graphs.

Rules 14, 15 and 16 deal with the procedures for using fictitious works.

consider an example of building a network model of a complex of interrelated works. First, you need to set the sequence of work. The sequence can be specified in the form of a table.

Job name

Names of prior works

Job name

Names of prior works

Job name

Names of prior works

A dash in the table means that the corresponding works have no previous ones, i.e. are initial.

First, let's build the upper circuit in Fig. 2.4.9., Which is preliminary and purely auxiliary. It depicts all the works and ovals connect the endings and beginnings of related works. Events will subsequently be formed in these places. The beginnings of work A and B are connected to form one initial event, otherwise a tail is formed in the graph. The endings of works Z, L and M are also combined to create a final event, otherwise dead ends will be formed.

After building a preliminary diagram, you can transform it into a network model graph, the events in which are numbered. The graph is shown below the preliminary outline. Two fictitious jobs are introduced into the graph. Work 12 is necessary to determine the order of performance of work C and D, D. Work C (24) is performed after work A (12) and B (13), and work D (34) and D (37) only after B (13) ... The direction of the fictitious work vector shows that the initial event of work D and E is not related to the final event of work A. The second fictitious work 56 is introduced to separate the final events of the works E (46) and F (45) performed in parallel.

Figure: 2.4.9. An example of building a graph of a network model.

Let us introduce the following notation, which will be used in what follows:

i is the number of the initial event;

j - number of the ending event

c ij - work performed between events ij, sometimes the letter "c" is absent, then just - ij;

t ij - duration of work ij;

l ij - element of the sequential chain of vectors between events i and j;

g ij - consumption of resources required to perform work ij.

A path is a chain of work between two events. It can be described by a list of numbers of events included in it.

If we consider a certain intermediate event network graph, you can select previous paths, from the initial event to the analyzed one and subsequent paths from analyzed to the final or final event.

In the graph shown as an example in Fig. 2.4.10., Where event 5 is selected as an intermediate event:

Previous paths (l 15): 1, 2, 4, 5 and 1, 3, 5.

Subsequent paths: (l 58) 5, 6.8 and 5, 7, 8.

Full way is called a set of all paths from the start to the end event. In the considered example, it will be a set of 5 paths (l 18):

1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8; 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8; 1, 3, 5, 6, 8; 1, 3, 5, 7, 8; 1, 3, 7, 8.

Figure: 2.4.10. An example for parsing paths in a network graph.

Length of the journey (T ij) - the sum of the durations of all jobs belonging to this path.

If we consider the full path of a network graph, then the durations of the paths included in it will naturally be different. The path with the longest duration is called the critical path. (T cr). The duration of the critical path determines the total duration of all work in the network graph.

T cr \u003d max [T ij]

Consider the following model (Fig. 2.4.11.).

Figure: 2.4.11. An example of a network graph. Above - a vector scale-free form, below - an image of a graph in a time scale, works are set to the position of early beginnings.

Above each vector of the graph, a number is indicated that corresponds to the duration of the corresponding work in some units of time adopted for this graph (hours, shifts, working days, etc.).

Below the considered graph, built in the usual graphical form without a scale, shows the same graph built on a time scale.

The graph is drawn according to the following rules. A horizontal time axis t is plotted along which the digitized values \u200b\u200bof the time scale are indicated. Work vectors of the critical path are plotted along the axis. The centers of the circles representing events are placed at the points corresponding to the timestamps of the axis. Thus, the duration of the work corresponds to the distance between the centers of the circles of events, and not to the length of the arrows in the graph. Parallel to the critical path, the remaining paths of the graph are shown. Parallel path is connected to critical path events with auxiliary vertical lines that are thinner than vector lines. Since the execution of work on parallel paths usually takes less time than the segments of the critical path associated with them, then on parallel paths, time segments are formed, which are called time reserves... The rules for depicting works with time reserves are as follows. A vector is drawn between two events, consisting of two segments, horizontal and vertical. A vector arrow is located near the end event. The horizontal vector line has two different weights. The vector line has the thickness adopted for the depiction of the works, at a length corresponding to the duration of the work. The rest of the vector, corresponding to the time reserve, has the width of construction lines. Since the reserves of time can be used after the execution of the work or before the execution of the work, the thin part of the vector, i.e. the image of the reserve time can change its position accordingly. In the graph shown, all jobs are shifted to the left, and reserves are used after the jobs are completed. This state of work is called early... The opposite performance of work is called late... Figure: 2.4.12.

Figure: 2.4.12. An example of a network graph. The graph is depicted on a time scale, the works are set to the position of later beginnings.

If it is necessary to depict fictitious works on such a graph, then they are depicted by a dashed line perpendicular to the time axis. Since the duration of the fictitious work is zero, its projection on the time axis must have been a point.

Building work plan on the basis of the network model is to determine for each job the moments of its beginning t ij n and end t ij k.

Planning should consider the following system of restrictions.

1. Work precedence relation. The start time of work ij is equal in value to or greater than the value of the end of the previous work mi, i.e. work begins at the end of the previous work or later (Fig. 2.4.13., scheme a).

t ij n t mi к. (2.4.6.)

2. Limiting the duration of work... The end of work value is equal to or greater than the sum of the start time and the duration of work.

t ij to t ij n + t ij (2.4.7.)

3. Initial moment limitation. The start time of each job is equal to or greater than the total start time of the plan. Usually the value of this moment T start is taken equal to zero or set separately.

t ij n T start (2.4.8.)

4. Limitation of the directive period. The value of the moment of completion of each of the jobs must be equal to or less than the value of the specified due date T dir.

t ij to T dir. (2.4.9.)

As we saw when constructing a graph tied to the time scale, some jobs that do not lie on the critical path may have different values \u200b\u200bof the beginning and end of the work, therefore, the concepts of early start t ij ph, late start t ij mon, early end t ij are introduced рк and late end t ij pc for each job.

Early term - the minimum of the possible values \u200b\u200bof the start (end) of the work for the given duration of work and a given initial moment.

Late date - the maximum of the permissible values \u200b\u200bof the moments of the beginning (end) of this work, at which it is possible to perform all subsequent work in compliance with the directive completion date. (Fig. 2.4.13, diagram b.)

Consider the formulas for calculating these four indicators.

KP for the construction of an object, in the form of a linear or network schedule, is intended to determine the sequence and timing of general construction, special and installation work carried out during the construction of the object.

These deadlines are set as a result rationallinking the timing of individual work, accounting for the composition and quantity of basic resources, primarily, work teams and driving mechanisms, as well as the specific conditions of the construction area, a separate site and a number of other significant factors.

The order of development of the commercial proposal is as follows:

1... Make up list (nomenclature) of works.

2. In accordance with it, for each type of work definetheir volumes.

3 .Produce selection of production methods for basic works and leading machines.

4... Calculate standard machine and labor intensity.

5. Define the composition of the brigades and units.

6. Identifytechnological sequence of work.

7. Install shift work.

8. Definethe duration of individual works and their combination with each other; at the same time, according to this data, the number of performers and shifts are adjusted.

9. Compare the estimated duration with the standard and introduce the necessary amendments.

10. Based on the completed plan developresource requirements schedules and their provision.

In the presence of technological maps, their linkage to local conditions is specified (compliance with terms, leading mechanisms, availability of required resources, etc.) and the output data of the maps are taken as calculated for individual complexes of work of the CP of the object.

So, having a technological map for the installation of a standard floor and a roof of a residential building, they take to draw up a schedule for building a house, included in these maps, the installation time and the need for resources.

The initial data for the development of the CP as part of the PPR are:

KP as part of the POS.

Construction duration standards or directive assignment.

Technological maps for construction, installation and special work.

RD and estimates.

Data on the organizations participating in the construction, the composition of the teams and the productivity they achieved, the available mechanisms and the possibility of obtaining the necessary material resources.

The CP for the production of work at the facility consists of two parts: the left one is calculated and the right one is graphic. Such plans are called schedules.

The graphical part can be linear (Gantt line chart, cyclogram) or network.

Let's analyze the order of filling the left and then the right parts of the graph, see table. 6.2.1.

The list of works (column 1) is filled in in the technological sequence of execution, grouped by type and period of work.

When grouping, you must adhere to certain rules:

1. If possible combine, enlarge the work so that the schedule is concise and easy to read.

2. In the same time enlargement of work has a limit in the form of two restrictions: it is impossible to combine work performed by different performers (CS, sections, teams or units), and in the complex of work performed by one performer, it is necessary to do and show separately that part of the work that opens the work front for the next brigades.

Table 6.2.1.

Work production schedule

So, general construction work on a residential building is carried out by one complex team and, based on this, its work could be reflected in one line. But since a number of other brigades are involved in the construction, the general construction work should be divided into such complexes as the installation of structures with an indication of the deadlines for floors, tiers, seizures, in order to show when (after which floor, tier, seizure) the sanitary and electrical works should be started. In turn, the completion of a certain part of special work allows you to start filling holes, preparing for floors, etc.

In this way, the enlargement of the list of works in the schedule is limited by technological factors - the sequence of processes and organizational distribution of work by performer. At the same time, the work of subcontractors is planned in less detail: only their linkage with the work of the general contractor is reflected.

The scope of work (column 2.3.) Is determined by working documents (RD) and estimates. The sampling of volumes and estimates is less time consuming, since the estimates do not contain division of volumes by capture, for this, for individual works, you have to use the RD and specifications for them directly, controlling the correctness of the estimates.

Scope of work should be maintained in the units adopted in the consolidated integrated norms (UKN) or in the uniform rates and prices (ENiR). The volume of special work is determined in terms of value (according to the estimate). In the case when their labor intensity is calculated by production, and when using enlarged indicators - in the corresponding meters.

The complexity of the work (column 4) and the costs of machine time (column 5, 6) are calculated according to different rates. The objectivity of KP decisions is largely determined by the choice of the source of data on labor costs.

The regulatory framework can be:

ENiR, as well as local and departmental norms and rates (MniR, VniR);

Calculations based on ENiR;

Estimated standards (SNiP Part IV, EPER);

Enlarged Integrated Standards (UKN);

Specific production in kind (m 3 / person-day, etc.), in value (rubles / person-day, etc.) or volumetric-constructive measurements (person-day / floor and person-day / apartment and etc.).

The first three sources are based on data averaged for all cases, and this is their disadvantage. The calculation for the current ENiR is performed taking into account the planned growth of labor productivity by introducing a correction factor for meeting the standards. Along with ENiR, local and departmental norms and prices are used (MNiR, VNiR).

Actual productivity in different organizations differs from the norm by 1.5-2 times or more.

Calculations allow you to more fully take into account the entire range of works, but their preparation is laborious and requires high qualifications.

Duration of work (column 7).

By the time the commercial proposal is drawn up, the methods of work must be determined and the machines and mechanisms must be selected.

In the process of drawing up the schedule, it is necessary to ensure the conditions for intensive operation of the main machines by using them in 2-3 shifts without interruptions in work and unnecessary relocations.

The duration of mechanized work - T fur (day), is determined by the formula:

T fur \u003d N mash-cm / (n mash * t), (6.2.1)

where: N machine-cm - the required number of machine-shifts (column 6); n mash - the number of cars; t- the number of cars per day.

The required number of machines depends on the volume and nature of construction and installation work and the timing of their implementation.

Duration of manual work, T p (days), is calculated by dividing the labor intensity of work - Q p (man-days) by the number of workers - n h, who can occupy the front of work:

T p \u003d Q p / n h (6.2.2)

The limiting number of workers who can work on a grasp can be determined by dividing the front of work on a plot, the size of which should be equal to the shift performance of a link or an individual worker.

The product of the number of plots by the composition of the units gives the maximum number of the brigade in the given capture.

Minimizationduration has a limit in the form of three restrictions:

1. The size of the work front;

2. Availability of workers;

3. Technology of work.

Minimum duration of individual jobs is determined by the technology of their implementation, for example, concrete, plastering, painting and other works with "wet" processes.

Number of shifts (column 8). When using basic machines, as a rule (assembly cranes, etc.), the number of work shifts is taken at least 2.

Work without the use of machines, as a rule, should be carried out in only one shift.

The shift in work performed manually and with the help of a mechanized tool depends on the available front of work and the availability of workers.

With a sufficient front, it is advisable to plan these works only in the first shift, in which the working conditions are better, the possibility of more precise organization and management increases, and, accordingly, higher productivity is ensured. In addition, some work, such as finishing work, only needs to be done during the day shift.

The performance of a number of works on the second shift, especially in the autumn-winter period, requires additional measures, such as lighting workplaces, walkways, additional labor protection measures, etc.

However, the implementation of these measures does not completely eliminate the inconvenience of the second shift. Manual work is assigned to the second shift only in those rare cases when the scope of work is sharply limited and the team (link) is forced to split up for shift work (for example, when laying brick pipes).

The number of workers per shift and the composition of the brigade (group 9.10) are determined in accordance with the labor intensity and duration of work. When calculating the composition of the brigade, it is assumed that the transition from one capture to another should not cause changes in the numerical and qualified composition of the brigade.

Taking this circumstance into account, the most rational structure for combining professions in the brigade is established. Usually the brigades have an established composition, which is taken into account when drawing up the CP.

The composition of the brigade is calculated in the following sequence:

1. Outlinecomplex of works assigned to the brigade (column 1).

2. Count labor intensity of works included in gr. 4. From the cost estimate choose labor costs by professions and categories of workers.

4. Based on the data on the time required for the leading machine to perform the intended complex, according to the formula (6.2.1) establish the duration of the leading process.

5. Calculate the strength of the units and the brigade.

6. Defineprofessional qualification of the brigade.

In order for the numerical strength of the brigade to correspond to the productivity of the leading machine, it is necessary to take as the basis for the calculation the period of work, determined based on the estimated time of the machine's operation.

The quantitative composition of each link - n zv determined on the basis of labor costs for the work assigned to the link - Q p (man-day), and the duration of the leading process - T fur (dn) by the formula:

N zv \u003d Q p / (T mech t) (6.2.3)

Quantitative composition brigades are determined by summing up the number of workers of all links that make up the brigade.

Labor costs by occupation and grade are established by sampling from the calculation of labor costs.

The number of workers by professions and categories - n pr determined by the formula:

n pr \u003d N br d, (6.2.4)

where: N br - the total number of the brigade; d - the proportion of labor costs by profession and category in the total labor intensity of work.

For professions that are not provided with a full load due to the insignificant amount of work during the billing period, a combination of professions is planned. It is desirable that the standard labor intensity of work performed in the order of combination does not exceed 15% of the total labor intensity.

Usually they combine the professions of an assembler and a carpenter, an electric welder and an assembler, an insulator and a roofer, etc.

The work schedule - the right side of the control panel - clearly displays the progress of work in time, the sequence and coordination of work with each other.

The calendar dates for the performance of individual works are established from the condition of observing a strict technological sequence, taking into account the need to provide a front for the implementation of subsequent works as soon as possible.

The technological sequence of work depends on the design decisions. So, the method of laying internal power grids determines the technological sequence of plastering, painting and electrical installation work. Concealed electrical wiring is carried out before plastering and painting work, and when open, plastering work precedes the installation of electrical wiring.

The main method of shortening the construction time of objects is in-line execution of works.

Works that are not connected with each other must be performed independently of each other, and connected with each other - continuously. In the presence of a technological connection between works within the common front, the areas of their implementation are accordingly shifted and the works are performed in combination. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the labor protection rules. For example, when performing installation and finishing work during the day on one seizure, finishing work should be planned in the 1st shift, and the installation of structures in the 2nd and 3rd shift.

Scheduling (right-hand side) should begin with a lead work or process that decisively determines the overall duration of the facility.

By comparing with the set deadlines, it is possible, if necessary, to reduce the duration of the leading process by increasing the shift and the number of mechanisms in mechanized work or the number of performers in manual work. Depending on the period for which the schedule is calculated, and the complexity of the object, there may be several leading processes.

The timing of the remaining processes is tied to the leading process. All non-leading processes can be divided into two groups by the nature of their scheduling: those executed in a thread (as a rule, in equal or multiple rhythm with the leading thread) and those executed outside the thread.

Parameters of the calculated part of the KP:

Labor intensity (labor costs) (column 4);

Expenditures of machine time of leading machines (machine capacity) (column 6);

Number of cars;

Changeability (column 8);

The number of workers (column 9);

Duration of work (column 7).

These parameters when compiling a commercial proposal, they can alternately act as an argument or a function, depending on the accepted initial data and prerequisites. In the first group of processes, the argument is the time-duration of the leading process, and the number of performers is derived (quotient from dividing labor intensity by duration). This is how plumbing, electrical, joinery, carpentry, plastering and other works are designed for the construction of a residential building.

Here it remains to tie the start date of this or that specialized thread in relation to the leading one, i.e. establish, with a lag, by how many captures (floors) the next process should start. The solution lies between the minimum determined by safety considerations and the maximum allowed by the established construction time frame.

The duration of the out-of-stream processes is assigned within the technologically determined work periods for them, taking into account the overall construction time of the facility.

Schedules (their composition, structure and level of detail) depend on the composition of the organizational and technological documentation they are developed in. As part of the POS, a calendar plan for the construction and preparatory period is developed and drawn up on the basis of labor costs from the estimated calculations. As part of the PPR, a work schedule or a network schedule is developed that reflects in detail the real duration of construction.

The most common form of scheduling is a network model, which allows you to more clearly reflect the order in which work is performed on a construction site.

The procedure for the development of calendar plans.

1. Drawing up a list of works in the technological sequence of their implementation;

2. Determination of volumes (according to working drawings);

3. The choice of the production method with a list of the required machines and mechanisms, the calculation of the standard labor intensity and machine intensity;

3. Determination of the composition of teams and units, the number of shifts.

4. Determination of the estimated duration of certain types of work and identification of their possibility of combining;

5. Comparison of the received duration according to the schedule with the normative or directive; adjustment.

On the basis of the schedule, graphs of the demand for materials and labor resources are built.

An example of filling out a schedule

Column 1. Name of works.

This column indicates a list of works by type and period (preparatory, main period) in a strict technological sequence. It is allowed to enlarge some types of work, in this case the producers of the work must be the same.

Column 2.3 Scope of work. The scope of work is indicated, calculated according to working drawings.

Column 4. Labor costs. The person-days are indicated, according to the normative documents of the GESN, the same is in column 6 only machine cm for machines and mechanisms.

Column 5. Required machines. They are selected in two stages: first, they are selected based on technical parameters (for example, digging depth, lifting capacity, bucket capacity, etc.), and then by economic comparison (with minimal costs).

Column 6. Number of cars. Depending on the volume and timing of work, the amount of equipment required is selected.

Column 7. Duration of work. First, the duration of mechanized work is calculated according to the formula below, and then the work performed manually.

where is the required amount of machine-cm;

n М - number of cars (column 6.);

A - the number of work shifts per day (column 8.);

α - coefficient of overfulfillment of production standards (within 1.05-1.25).

The duration of work performed manually T p (days) is determined by dividing Q p (person days) by the number of workers n p, the number of shifts A (usually equal to 1) and the overfulfillment coefficient α (fluctuating in the range 1.05-1.25) ...

Column 8. The number of shifts is usually taken equal to 2 - for mechanized work, 1 - for manual work.

Column 9. The number of workers per shift. Determined specifically by the composition of the brigade (column 10).

Column 11. Graphic part. Work performed in one shift is usually indicated by one line, 2 shifts - by two parallel ones. Above them (lines), the number of workers (drivers) and the number of shifts (for example, 2 x 1) are indicated.

Then they compare the standard or target date with the one built on the schedule. The main condition is that the actual time according to the schedule coincides with the directive or standard deadline or falls within the framework.

To assess the schedule for the consumption of labor resources, they build under the schedule in the form of a diagram, where at each time interval the number of workers indicated above the lines of the work schedules is summed up.

The schedule is assessed by the coefficient of uneven movement of workers Kp \u003d N max / N avg, where N max is the maximum number of workers, N avg is the average number of workers;

If Kr does not exceed 1.5, then the schedule is satisfactory.

Example of a calendar plan (graph) in Excel