What it means to you getting this job. Education. What to answer the question: Why did you leave your previous job

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When applying for any job, an interview is required. On it, the future employer asks the applicant certain questions.

However, before that, as a rule, it is necessary to fill out a certain document - a questionnaire, after reading which the employer will decide whether it is worth spending time on the main part, that is. interview or not.

That is why it is so important to correctly draw up this form. But in fact, very often, there is no time to think, and the result is required immediately. An unpleasant situation, isn't it?

How to fill out a job application form correctly?

Unfortunately, there is no specific standard for this document. It is compiled based on the needs of the employer. But is it really that scary? In fact, you don't have to worry too much when filling out the form.

In other words, the questionnaire is the same resume, but only a more extended version, using certain questions. It is also important that the answers to the questions contained in the questionnaire are as honest as possible.

It is about how to correctly fill out the application form when applying for a job, a sample of filling out the document will help you understand this and avoid various unpleasant situations.

Main questions

As a rule, when filling out a questionnaire, certain information is required:

  • Your last name, first name, patronymic and date of birth;
  • Indicate the address of residence and passport details;
  • Citizenship and Education;
  • Marital status and the presence of minor children;
  • Work experience and professional skills;
  • Information about personal qualities, awards and merits at previous jobs;
  • Desired salary;
  • Information about the conviction.

It is important to understand that filling out this document is necessary, you do not need to react negatively to it. Therefore, when you are invited for an interview, you must have a passport and diplomas, certificates, and other documentation that will confirm your education or special skills and other merits.

Also, in some cases, the employer may ask for a personal photo, letters of recommendation or the phone number of the personnel department, bosses from previous places of work.

Do not be intimidated by this, take everything adequately. It is very important to complete the required information in neat, legible handwriting, respecting punctuation marks and grammar.

Try not to make mistakes. After all, high-quality filling of information about yourself can be the key to obtaining the desired position.

Desired vacancy or position

I think this point should be explained separately. The fact is that, oddly enough, but the question of the desired vacancy or position, as a rule, appears in the questionnaire. Sometimes he can be confused.

It is clear that when you come to an interview with an employer, you are counting on a certain place and position. But, in fact, if an additional 2-3 possible vacancies from one field of activity are indicated in the questionnaire, then this will only positively characterize the applicant. After all, this means that he is not afraid to comprehend something new.

Several last jobs and reasons for leaving

If you are interested in how to fill out the application form correctly when applying for a job, the sample for filling out information about the applicant will also contain an equally important question about the last jobs and the reasons for dismissal. Perhaps this is one of the most slippery points in the document.

First, let's see what information you need to provide. I must say right away that in order for this item to be filled out correctly, you should take with you to the interview work book... To the information that is indicated about the last places of work:

  • Dates of employment and dismissal;
  • Information about the position held;
  • The reason for the dismissal (the employer, as a rule, pays special attention to this point).

Filling out this item, I want to understand whether it is necessary to indicate the place of work, where there was no official registration. This information can be specified in the questionnaire. Just be sure to note that you worked unofficially.

One more point, of course, it is desirable that your experience was associated with the desired position, but, alas, this is not always the case. It is also advisable to indicate the last 3-5 jobs no more.

In fact, the fewer jobs you change, the better. So, let's move on to the most important part of this paragraph: the reasons for the dismissal. There are different situations:

  • You can quit the conflict with your superiors;
  • Due to dissatisfaction with wages;
  • Due to the creation of poor working conditions by the previous employer or increased workload and other reasons.

I can offer several phrases that may be useful to you, for example: “The remoteness of the place of work from the place of residence”, “Search for more comfortable working conditions”, “Desire for career growth and personal development”, “Unstable situation in the organization” and others.

In fact, the phrases can be very different, but it is advisable to remain in good relations with the authorities upon dismissal. So that you can get good recommendations if needed.

Advantages and disadvantages

When faced with the question of how to correctly fill out a questionnaire when applying for a job, the filling pattern also implies an indication of your strengths and weaknesses. Here you need to try to indicate the most truthful information, but with a competent presentation.

What does it mean? The fact is that you should not write a huge number of your positive qualities in merits, only the most important thing that can be useful for the position for which you are applying. The rest you can demonstrate in the second part of the interview, in a personal interview.

Words that can be used when indicating positive qualities can be, for example:

  • Diligence;
  • Self-development;
  • Purposefulness;
  • Learning ability;
  • Sociability;
  • The ability to react quickly in a difficult situation and others.

The list of advantages is also not worth writing huge. Now let's move on to the disadvantages. If you have them, then you should indicate them carefully and skillfully.

For example, that you are a fan of sweets or reading books, etc. If you have bad habits, then there is no need to obscure, because they will be recognized anyway.

Why does an employer need to know about a job seeker's hobbies and interests?

Quite a reasonable question, isn't it? If you are interested in how to correctly fill out the application form when applying for a job, the filling sample will contain an item about what hobby or hobby the applicant has. What for?

So it will be easier for the employer to understand how you can get along with the team and your professional suitability as a whole, and even vice versa, discourage you from making a positive decision regarding your candidacy. Therefore, when filling out this item, try to select each word as carefully as possible.

In addition, this paragraph should be informative, but briefly stated. For example, if you plan to work in the field of tourism, it is good if you are engaged in studying history or rock climbing and other hobbies associated with tourism, sports, travel.

In addition, sports, where endurance is required, indicates such qualities as perseverance, perseverance and activity, which is important for those who wish to be a successful sales manager. Hobby associated with creative activity indicates creativity of mind and talent, which is useful for designers or marketers and in other professions.


When filling out this column, you should not try to guess what will suit the employer more. It is better if you arrange everything as it is convenient for you.

Let's be honest, everyone is working to get money. Therefore, the salary can be safely prioritized and it is also worth doing in relation to all other proposed options.

Tricky questions

Perhaps this point is unpleasant for many applicants, since there is no single correct answer. When a question arises, how to correctly fill out a questionnaire when applying for a job, the filling sample most often contains several tricky questions.

Why is this done? In this case, you need to carefully assess the question or situation that is described in it and answer it as honestly as possible. It is with the help of such questions that the future employer can see your professional quality, ability to react quickly in unusual situations and other cases.

Why provide health information?

In addition, the form may contain a column about the health of the applicant. It is added at the discretion of the employer. However, the attitude of the employer to the employee in terms of providing benefits and other things depends on this column.

There is also no need to darken here, especially if you have serious health problems or disabilities. Some time after employment, it will still become known.

It is very important that health problems do not affect the applicant's ability to work. Also, do not forget that the refusal to provide a job for people with disabilities, for the employer may result in legal proceedings.


I would like to give a few useful tipswho may be able to help you:

  1. Before you start filling out the questionnaire, you should carefully read the list of the question indicated in it and it is advisable to throw a mental plan of answers to each of them;
  2. Do not leave gaps, even if the question, in your opinion, has nothing to do with you, then just indicate "not available" or something like that. It all depends on the wording of the question. Simply by doing so, you can show that all points have been read and received their answer;
  3. It is very important not to overestimate yourself. Often, job seekers indicate somewhat embellished information about themselves, and then in fact, when it turns out in practice that the candidate does not correspond to his position, the employer is forced to fire him and start searching again. Therefore, evaluate yourself and your capabilities as objectively as possible;
  4. If a question is not clear, do not be afraid to clarify the correctness of its understanding with the interviewer. Just don't do it too often, it can also spoil the impression of you, especially if the questions are trivial;
  5. Before you indicate the desired level of remuneration, it is worthwhile to soberly assess your skills and knowledge.

How to fill out the application correctly when applying for a job, the result

As you can see, when approaching the question of how to fill out the questionnaire correctly when applying for a job, the filling pattern provides an opportunity to familiarize yourself with the possible questions that the applicant may face.

Also, subject to some special important points, there is a good chance that the coveted place will go to you, and not to someone else. I hope this article was helpful to you. I wish you success in achieving your cherished goals.

Job. For everyone, this word evokes different emotions: nervous tension on the face and in the soul, irritation, dislike, neutral feelings (these are also found) and only a few smile.

From childhood, we are taught that we need to get a good education and build a career. But, nevertheless, having an education and working in a prestigious position are two different things.

Work should be fun, or work should be money-making.

Building a career or being a consumer on the labor front? Several years ago, the answer to this question was obvious to me: my work should be prestigious, with a capital letter that I will build a career, and I will definitely grow into professionally... It was so natural for me that I did not expect any other development of events. I studied all my life, as long as I can remember, you always have to be the best, you have to try, you have to be excellent, at least good. Sometimes, it even seemed that if I had poor academic performance, they would love me less.

Time passed, I grew, my outlook changed, needs, priorities, attitudes grew.

People say you need to become a respected person. Respected by whom, and most importantly for what? Finishing university is good and necessary. But then there is a choice of a further path. What will it be like?

Everything seemed simple with work. It is a great happiness to get a job in a specialty, and then you build a career and do not blow your mind. Chasing professional success, positions and titles. Are they needed? Nobody asks. It just has to be, it just matters to people. And how to convey to others that there is a different opinion, and that not for everyone, work is a way of realizing inner peace, self-affirmation and, in general, a whole life. For me, this is a way to earn money for that life to which I aspire to.

And it doesn't matter if I work as an engineer or a salesman with a diploma (thank God, not red - this is a separate topic for reflection) of an engineer, if I am satisfied with the conditions and pay, I will work as anyone, naturally, without going beyond my moral boundaries.

And it will not be a pity at all for those five years spent at the university. It was a wonderful five years, they don't have to provide you with the “right” profession, they give you something more: family, friends, memories, experience. Therefore, no, I'm not sorry for these years and work outside my specialty. I want to live in pleasure, to work from call to call.

And let it be primitive and simple, but I will have time for life, for my life. I want to go home to completely forget about work problems, it is in my life only from nine in the morning until six in the evening and not for a minute more. And that's quite enough.

What does work mean to you?

Yesterday I conducted a lesson with a student on the technical analysis course. And he asked me this question: “You write on your blog that you need to work and work, and then work and work, but all these are just words ... And what actions are needed specifically ??? What exactly is the job ??? "

On the one hand, it is a very primitive, and on the other hand, a very important question, which is simply extremely necessary for a beginner trader to understand. I partially wrote about this in the post "illusion in trading". In this post I will try to reveal this issue in more detail.

And so for me work - for me work is daily work on self-development, constant advancement in front and in spite of any obstacle, movement forward in order to achieve the set task. Is it hard ??? OF COURSE ... But all this brings great pleasure, tk. I know where I am going and what results my pursuit will lead to.

To be more specific, however, everyone has already heard this, everyone who has completed technical analysis courses, then my main job is to first prepare for trading, trade what I have prepared for, and at the end of the working day analyze the quality of the two previous points.

When completing the first point, I try to make a decent selection of stocks to the maximum, the research technique for trading also deals with each of you during training. Only my work does not end purely with the selection of stocks, then I analyze the current market situation and set the levels of possible entries into the stock, I watch how the stock behaves at my entry points, where it knocks out stops, where not. Ie, I analyze the trading situations that the stock gave in the previous days (I do this only on 1-2 sheets of my selection). Then I look to see if these promotions are in the news feed.

During trading, I try not to waste time looking at one share, I try to delve as much as possible into all the trading instruments that hit my list today. I see an interesting situation on the chart, I immediately stick with my eyes on time & sales. I look at the nature of the accumulation of the position, I look at who is the stronger buyer or seller and in general who will be taking money from now, from those who are shorting or from those who are buying.

At the third stage of the analysis (after the close), I analyze my trades, look at my psychological diary, I believe that the psychology of trading is no less important than the very implementation of technical clicks on the button.

At the end of each day, I try to give myself an assessment, give myself 1-5 points per working day!

I consider one of important qualitiesthat a student who is studying trading needs to develop is a desire to constantly work on oneself, constantly engage in introspection and self-development, which in the future will result in a certain understanding of the market, which the TRADER HAS DEVELOPED BY HIS WORK, and not the opinion that is imposed on him , generally accepted theses about trading on the stock exchange!

Recruiters' questions - an integral part of interviews. They are necessary in order to determine the level of competence of the candidate, as well as to identify some abilities that may be useful in the process of professional activity.

At the interview, it is important to behave correctly, dress correctly, and answer the employer's questions correctly. You can find out how to behave correctly in an interview. Below are examples of frequently asked employer questions and suggested answers.

Interview questions can be asked not only by the employer, but also by the candidate. What to ask an employer in an interview, you can find out from.

Frequently asked interview questions and answers

How to answer the question - Tell us about yourself?

The interview begins with the question: "Tell us about yourself."

This question makes unprepared candidates get lost and pondered, since it is quite broad in its understanding. The recruiter does not want to listen to the story about how well the candidate did at school, what was the name of his cat or dog, how much his shoes cost, etc. The answer must mean short history in five or six sentences that the given vacancy, for which the candidate applies, is necessary for him to develop his personality. It is also important to say that, working in this organization, he can be of great benefit to her, since he has a lot of professional skills.

What to answer in an interview when asked about disadvantages and advantages?

Based on the above, the recruiter will ask the following question: "What are the positive and negative qualities you can note in yourself?"

The answer to the question about the advantages and disadvantages should start with listing the positive qualities.

  • punctuality;
  • fast learner;
  • computer skills;
  • sociability;
  • lack of bad habits.

These qualities are present in every resume and are not of particular interest to the company.

Here important to tell specifically about professional skills, for example:

  • i can easily find contact with a new client;
  • i have experience in concluding important contracts;
  • rationally allocate working time.

You can list what was written in the vacancy of the company in the section "Requirements for the candidate".


After that, you should go on to list the negative qualities, but be sure to make a reservation that work on yourself is being done.


  • “I can sometimes forget to complete one of the tasks of the leader, but recently I have been keeping a diary, which excludes my forgetfulness”;
  • “I am a rather harsh person and do not tolerate criticism, but when conflict situation, first of all, I try to identify the cause and eliminate it, avoiding unpleasant statements about the opponent. "

What to answer in a hobby interview?

The answer should be short: you need to tell that there is time to read professional literature, to engage in active sports (skiing, football, tennis).

How to answer the question: Why did you leave your previous job?

This is followed by the most important section of the interview: questions about previous jobs and experiences.

Tell us about your previous jobs and responsibilities.

In response to this question it is recommended to indicate no more than 3 previous jobs. The story about each job should be 5-7 sentences in length. You need to list briefly your responsibilities, which should coincide with those indicated in the vacancy of the company.

The question is inevitable: "Why did you leave your previous jobs?"

You should not speak negatively about those companies where you had to work, since recruiters from different organizations often communicate with each other, which can cause negative feedback.

The answer such a question can be answered by the phrases:

  • “I was not satisfied with the level of wages”;
  • “Work was too far from home, spent a lot of time on the road”;
  • "It seemed to me that I fulfilled my mission in this company, now I am looking for a place of work where I could prove myself as a real professional."

The next question at the interview: "What is important to you when choosing a new job?"

The answer should be inversely proportional to the previous one, i.e. it is necessary to point out that the level of salary in this particular company is quite satisfactory, or the place of work is conveniently located in relation to home, or there is the possibility of good professional and career growth.

The recruiter will definitely ask how long the candidate has been looking for a job.

In no case should you point out that the search continues for several months, because this raises the recruiter's doubts about the candidate's competence.

The answer should be as follows: “Choosing a new job is an important and responsible decision, so I carefully studied all the offered vacancies and at the moment there are a couple of final offers in stock. The job search itself took me no more than 2 weeks. "

How to answer the question - Why do you want to work with us?

Why should we choose you? - this question is a reason to once again emphasize their professional merits.

You can list those positive qualities of yours, but teach them in the form of 1-2 sentences: “My skills and experience, combined with interest in your company - this is what I was looking for (a). I am ready to work for the result for the company and improve. "

Where do you see yourself in 5 (10) years?

Finally, they usually ask about who the candidate sees himself in 5 years.

There is no need to talk about buying a new apartment, a car, a wedding and children - this information indicates that the candidate is not ready to work to help the company develop, since he is only interested in the material component of future work. The answer may be: "In 5 years I see myself as a mature specialist, perhaps a head of a department, who has made significant progress in his professional activity."

At the end of the interview, the next question will be asked: "How urgently can you start to work if we choose your candidate?"

Needless to say, there is an opportunity to accept the invitation this very second. It is important to make it clear that there is room for competition among companies for you. Answer: "Given the circumstances, I am ready to start work within 7-10 days after accepting the invitation." During this period of time, it is possible not only to resolve issues at the previous place of work, but also in case of a positive answer from another employer, to formulate a polite refusal for the rest.

No matter what interview questions are asked, you need to answer confidently, even if the answers are not what the recruiter expects to hear.