Business Risk Quotes. Who does not take risks, he ... or without risk there is no life - photo

Anyone who divulges a prediction or expresses an opinion without risking anything is somewhat like a charlatan. If he does not risk going to the bottom with the ship, he looks like a spectator of an adventure film.

I'm a good mom. But that doesn't mean I'm a good girl. I need a risk.

He who is not ready to lose is not ready to win. If you lose sight of the familiar shore, you will find new land... Get rid of junk - you become lighter, fly higher. If you risk stability for the sake of a dream, you will get a satisfied smile at the end of your life. And you won't forgive yourself if you don't dare. This is what a sad old man from the island of Curacao told me.

Ordinary people can dare more than once, but not everyone is capable of doing this at the right time.

Security is largely a superstition. In the long run, avoiding danger is no safer than going towards it. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.

The merit of the strategist is to make reasonable decisions, and those who voluntarily risk their lives win the battle.

You can invest not only money, but also your knowledge, and your ideas, and your time, in the end. But still, any investment is a risk. You will never win big if you only minimize the risks.

Bear in mind that great love and great success come with great risks.

Everything is at stake. Always.

Zombies on a zombie hater party - you can't think of the riskier risk.

I have nothing else, so everything is allowed to me. Anything. I have nothing to lose.

I will not risk my life for those who are afraid to risk theirs.

It was a very risky plan. - Big risks - big rewards! The only game worth playing. “Maybe you should. Him - no. “That's what I love about you, Stars and Stripes: your glass is always half full. Sour milk.

Kai ... Kai risked his life for me. With your only life. I am not able to risk mine, so I must risk everything besides my life.

You said that after Julia you don't want to ... - I didn't want to. I don’t want to. Just the thought that the child will settle in our hearts, and we will lose him again - can you bear it? Me not. But if the child already exists, this is different. A child is not a thought, it is flesh and blood. If you can risk your heart again ... - I can. - Then I can.

IN real world you're just being shot at, Loman. Because that's the dude under the meth, because you're a cop. Now, even in our department, we cannot be safe. And if this guy pulls out the barrel instead of the phone, and we wait until we are convinced, it will be too late. But you will get a beautiful funeral, at least. - I would prefer a funeral for a worthy cause rather than contribute to this problem. - Yes, if those who throw stones at the cops themselves vilified this badge for one day, they would understand that there is a war going on here, and the enemies dress the same way as civilians. - Oh, let's be honest, sometimes enemies dress the same way as we do. And I don't mean just the intelligence department. - Do you want the truth? Under these clothes, I'm still black. Yes, but if I get shot, I'll just be a dead cop. I signed up for this risk myself. - Some solutions should appear. - Yes, today I am grateful that you stopped me, but tomorrow ... Tomorrow we may be the ones who are lying on the street.

I like to take risks. - You can see it by the tie.

Crow, what are you doing here? - You haven't contacted for weeks! You can't just go and go on a mission like that! “I'm not one of your sent Cossacks, Jimmy. You sent me to get information about our enemy, and here's a report for you: her [Salem] agents are already here. - We know that. - Oh, you know! Oh, thank you to me risking my own head to keep you informed! A bond is when both sides have contact, buddy. See? There is a Send Message button here. - Crow! ... Go on. “Your little pest is not just another pawn. She is responsible for the current state of the Virgin of Autumn. - What?! - Regardless of how others see us, we are not just teachers. People in this room, heads of other academies - we are protecting the world from evil, the existence of which he does not even know. This is why we are meeting behind closed doors! This is why we work in the shadows! So tell me James - when you brought your army to Vale, did you really decide to be careful, or did you just give up on our rules? “Caution doesn't work that way. I did it out of necessity. - You're here because Ozpin wants it! He accepted you into our community, initiated you into the course of the real war that we are waging ... - And I am grateful to him for that. - You have a funny way to show your gratitude. “Vale's people need a protector who will not sit idly by. They will feel safe when they see my fleet in the sky, and our enemies will see our strength. - Ha ha ha! Do you really think they'll be scared of your boats? I was there, I saw what they did. And take my word for it - they instill fear. “And fear gets Grimm’s attention. The guardian is a symbol of security, but the army is a symbol of conflict. Tension is already in the air, and people are asking the question: what is the size of the threat, that it takes a whole fleet to repel it? - And what do you propose to do? - Find the real Guardian.

Of course, riding a motorcycle comes with a risk: an accident is more likely to be severely injured than when driving. On the other hand, you constantly think about it and become more circumspect in every way. People sometimes fall asleep while driving, but they never doze off on a motorcycle.

- Malcolm Forbes, publisher of Forbes

If no one had ever risked, Michelangelo would have painted the floor of the Sistine Chapel with frescoes.

- Neil Simon, American playwright

Life is a risky business.

- Harold Macmillan, British Prime Minister (1957-1963)

He who leaves nothing to chance, does almost everything right - only he can do little.

- George Savile Halifax, 17th century English statesman

Every successful venture is rooted in a bold decision once made.

- Peter Drucker, American economist

The result of risk-free management is a business without gain and pleasure.

- Al Neibart, Founder of USA Today Magazine

Uncertainty and risk are the main difficulty and the main business opportunity.

- David Hertz, American mathematician and analyst

In a moment of indecision, act quickly and try to take the first step, at least an extra one.

- Lev Tolstoy, Russian writer

When a horse takes a hurdle, there is something about it that makes it feel good. Maybe it's a risk, maybe it's a game. In any case, this is exactly what I need.

- William Faulkner, American novelist, novelist

Taking risks means jumping off a cliff, spreading your wings in flight.

- Ray Bradbury, American science fiction writer

Yes, in such moments you forget all the previous failures! After all, I got it by risking more than my life, I dared to risk it and - here I am again among the people!

- Fyodor Dostoevsky, Russian writer

Only those who are willing to take risks swim far. Safe boats do not go far offshore.

- Dale Carnegie, American educator, psychologist, writer

The Chinese word for "crisis" is composed of two characters: one for "danger" and the other for "opportunity."

- John F. Kennedy, 35th President of the United States, 1961-1963

Each step of the artist is an adventure, the greatest risk. In this risk, however, and only in it, lies the freedom of art.

- Albert Camus, French writer

Of those shots that you did not make, 100% are off the target.

- Wayne Gretzky, Canadian ice hockey player

Taking a risk means momentarily losing a fulcrum. Not taking risks means losing yourself.

- Seren Kierkegaard, Danish philosopher

You cannot win a war under the slogan "Caution First".

- Winston Churchill, British politician

You always have to get into hot water, then you will stay clean.

- Gilbert Keith Chesterton, English journalist and writer

All life is risk management, not risk elimination.

- Walter Wriston, former CEO of Citicorp

Moderation is a fatal property. Only extreme leads to success.

- Oscar Wilde, English writer

Seeking small gains at the expense of great danger is like fishing with a golden hook: pull off the hook and no amount of prey will make up for the loss.

- Octavian Augustus, Roman Emperor

He who watches the wind cannot sow, and he who looks at the clouds cannot reap.

- From the Bible. Ekk 11: 4

There is no business without risk. To discover and develop your own business, you have to put everything on the line: your career, your savings, your personal relationships, and even your mental health.

Failed entrepreneurs don't like risk. The ability to make their own decisions and take responsibility for their actions scares them. But if you want to be successful and realize yourself as an entrepreneur, you must be prepared for the risks and challenges that life presents you.

If you win, you will be happy. If you lose, then a little wisdom will be added to the treasury of your life experience. But if you don’t take risks, you will not be able to move forward. As Indian entrepreneur Dhirubhai Ambani aptly said, if you don't fulfill your dream, someone will hire you to fulfill theirs.

Risk is the only way to be successful.

Introducing quotes successful people, which every entrepreneur (future and current) should adopt:

  1. "The biggest risk is not to make any risky decisions ... In a world that is changing very quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not to take risks." Mark Zuckerberg, founder social network Facebook.
  2. "The risk comes from not knowing what you are doing" - Warren Buffett, American investor.
  3. “I’ve always done what I was a little unprepared for. This is a chance to grow professionally. You think,“ Wow, I’m not sure I can do this, ”and then you take it and do it, moving one step forward.” Marissa Mayer, general manager Yahoo.
  4. "If you're offered a seat on a rocket, don't ask what the seat is. Just get in!" - Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook.
  5. "Do something you don't think you can do. Try again. Do better a second time. People who have never fallen will never reach the top." Oprah Winfrey, American TV presenter, media mogul.
  6. "Life is risky. There is only one big risk that you must avoid at all costs. And that is the risk of doing nothing." Denise Waitley, American business coach.
  7. "When you take risks, you know there will be time for success and for failure, and both are equally important." Ellen DeGeneres, American actress.
  8. "If you have everything under control, then you are not moving fast enough" - Mario Andretti, American race car driver, Formula 1 world champion.
  9. "If you are not ready to take risks for the unusual, you will have to be content with the everyday." Jim Rohn, American speaker, business coach.
  10. "Don't be afraid to take a big step. You cannot cross the abyss in two small leaps." David Lloyd George, British politician.
  11. "When you see successful business, it means that someone once made a bold decision "- Peter Drucker,one of the most influential management theorists of the 20th century.
  12. "People who don't take risks make about two big mistakes a year. People who take risks make about two big mistakes a year." Peter Drucker, one of the most influential management theorists of the 20th century.
  13. "When a person takes a serious risk, he needs inner discipline" - George Soros, American financier, investor.
  14. "You can do without intuition and the risk of it. Firstly, because even the most correct solution can become erroneous at any time if you delayed its adoption. Secondly, there is no such thing as absolute certainty, it simply does not exist in nature "- Lee Iacocca, American manager, former president of Ford and chairman of the board of Chrysler Corporation.
  15. "In today's understanding, risk is primarily inaction" - Robert Kiyosaki, American entrepreneur, investor.
  16. "The more you strive for security, the less you have it. But the more you look for opportunities, the more likely you are to get the security you need." - Brian Tracy, Canadian business coach.
  17. "Every risk you take is worth it if it drives your success and contributes to a good life." Richard Branson, founder of the Virgin Group Corporation.
  18. "You should not be content with little. Always strive to the top. Every outstanding athlete and every successful billionaire strives for gold, not bronze." Donald Trump, american businessman, President of the Trump Organization.
Thoughts, aphorisms, quotes. Business, career, management Dushenko Konstantin Vasilievich

Caution and risk

Caution and risk

See also “Problems and Solutions” (p.285)

Relentless activity will lead to wealth rather than discretion.

Luc de Vauvenargue(1715–1747),

french writer

Idea to build on future business, (…) Is always risky: there must be a probability of success, but also failure. The future itself is both risky and uncertain, and if an idea is neither risky nor uncertain, then it is simply not a practical idea suitable for building a future business.

Peter Drucker(p. 1909),

american management specialist

The focus should be on maximizing opportunities rather than minimizing risk.

Peter Drucker

People tend to spend their lives trying to minimize losses, not maximize gains.

Alan Lacaine,american writer

Uncertainty and risk are the main difficulty and the main business opportunity.

David Hertz(born 1919), American lawyer

He who watches the wind cannot sow, and he who looks at the clouds cannot reap.

Bible - Ecclesiastes 11, 4

Calculate first, take risks later.

Helmut von Moltke(1800–1891),

german field marshal

No one has yet managed to measure the depth of the river with two feet at once.

Ashanti proverb

Those who are smart too late are brave too early.

George Halifax(1633–1695),

english politician and writer

Life is a risky business.

Harold Macmillan(1894–1986),

british prime minister

80 percent of all surprises are unpleasant surprises. This includes bills, estimates, broken promises, fires, acquaintances' family holidays and pregnancy.

William Marsteller(born 1914),

Carry the full bowl carefully.

English proverb

You cannot win a war under the slogan "Caution First".

Winston Churchill(1874–1965),

british prime minister

In every big case, you always have to leave some part to chance.

Napoleon I(1769-1821), French emperor

Seeking small gains at the expense of great danger is like fishing with a golden hook: pull off the hook and no amount of prey will make up for the loss.

Octavian August(63 BC - 14 AD), Roman emperor

Moderation is a fatal property. Only extreme leads to success.

Oscar Wilde(1854-1900), English writer

All life is risk management, not risk elimination.

Walter Wriston(born 1919), American manager

The result of risk-free management is a business without gains and without pleasure.

Al Neibarth(born 1923), American publisher, founder of USA Today magazine

Whoever risks nothing, risks everything.

Those who risk nothing will receive nothing; whoever risks everything, loses everything.

French dictum

The biggest possible risk is doing nothing.

Robert Goisueta(1931–1997),

manager of the Coca-Cola company

Every successful venture is rooted in a bold decision once made.

Peter Drucker

If no one had ever risked, Michelangelo would have painted the floor of the Sistine Chapel with frescoes.

Neil Simon(born 1927), American playwright

The Chinese word for "crisis" is composed of two characters: one for "danger", the other for "opportunity."

John F. Kennedy(1917-1963), President of the United States

Even a turtle will not take a single step without sticking its head out of its shell.

James Conant(1893–1978),

american chemist

In a moment of indecision, act quickly and try to take the first step, at least an extra one.

Lev Tolstoy(1828-1910), writer

Nothing can be done carefully and quickly.

Publius Cyrus(1st century BC),

roman playwright and actor

Whoever leaves nothing to chance, does almost everything right - only he can do little.

George Halifax

Better two losses than one regret.

Thomas Fuller(1654–1734),

english writer

When you slide on thin ice, all salvation is in speed.

Ralph Emerson(1803–1882),

american writer

A mouse with only one burrow does not live long.

George Herbert(1593–1633),

english poet

If we knew what we were getting involved in, we would never get involved in anything.

Baldrige's Law

He didn't miss any opportunity to miss an opportunity.

George Bernard Shaw(1856–1950),

english playwright

There is nothing more tiresome than indecision and nothing more useless.

Bertrand Russell(1872–1970),

english philosopher, logician, mathematician

A weak person hesitates before making a decision; strong - after.

Karl Kraus(1874-1936), Austrian writer

If you are not losing your head when everyone else is losing your head, you may be underestimating the severity of the situation.

Plain lettering on US Navy ships

A bird in the hand is safer than the same bird overhead.

American dictum

Be careful: buy a cat in a bag.

Alexander Furstenberg(born 1913),

radio engineer, writer

There are no guarantees in this world, there are only opportunities.

Douglas MacArthur(1880–1964),

american general

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Courage. Courage See also Heroes, Caution and Risk, Fear, Cowardice. Courage is when only you know how afraid you are. Franklin P. Jones * Courage: the strongest desire to live, taken the form of a willingness to die. Gilbert Chesterton Hero Not Braver

From the book The Big Book of Wisdom the author Dushenko Konstantin Vasilievich

Caution and Risk See also "Fear" Caution is a good thing, but even a turtle will not take a single step unless it sticks its head out of its shell. NN * In a moment of indecision, act quickly and try to take the first step, at least an extra one. Leo Tolstoy Who is watching

From the book The Big Book of Wisdom the author Dushenko Konstantin Vasilievich

Fear See also Caution and Risk, Cowardice We are young as our hopes and old as our fears. Vera Peiffer * If you want not to be afraid of anything, remember that you can be afraid of everything. Seneca Anxiety is the interest that we pay in advance for our troubles. William

From the book The Big Book of Wisdom the author Dushenko Konstantin Vasilievich

Cowardice See also “Courage. Courage ”,“ Caution and risk ”,“ Fear ”Many would be cowards if they had enough courage. Thomas Fuller * The brave will run away, but will not yield. NN Timid but not cowardly. Vasily Klyuchevsky Am I really timid? I lack the courage

From the book Thoughts, aphorisms, quotes. Business, career, management the author Dushenko Konstantin Vasilievich

Caution and risk See also Problems and Solutions (p. 285) Relentless activity will lead to wealth rather than discretion. Luc de Vauvenargue (1715–1747), French writer Idea on which to build a future business, (...) always risky: it should

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Benefits and Risks The success of a routine birth after a caesarean section depends on many factors, including the reasons for the first caesarean section. The main advantage of conventional childbirth is that it is usually safer, since it does not imply abdominal

The risk is all around us. Life is a constant risk. Everything that you are trying to do has a certain level of risk. No outcome is ever 100 percent certain, but it is a risk that can help advance your life and career.

"Good luck accompanies the brave."

The biggest risk is the lack of willingness to take risks. Geena Davis notes: "If you risk nothing, then you risk everything."

Those who take risks and fail are more successful than those who choose to do nothing.

I took the biggest risk of my life seven years ago. Instead of taking the traditional route of getting a job with a Monday to Friday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm schedule, I started pursuing something more interesting and meaningful. This caused discomfort. But I did it anyway. I've never looked back. Incredible opportunities for self-knowledge opened up before me.

It is very convenient to avoid risky actions. It makes you feel in control. It gives you a sense of security. But it kills your creativity.

There are two types of people:

1. Those who take risks and seize opportunities to make the most of the universe. Those who see failure as an option and use every obstacle as an opportunity to get ahead.

2. And those who take pride in safety. Those looking for stability, convenience, comfort, mediocre performance and a guarantee that everything will be fine.

The world needs and rewards both.

But stability does not guarantee results. If you want to do useful work, your only option is to take the risk and work with it.

Goethe once said: "The dangers of life are endless, and among them is security."

There is never a perfect moment to act.

There will never be a perfect time to start a project, bring an idea to life, or demonstrate your ability. Timing will never be perfect for you, whether it’s writing a book or changing your habits.

Once you admit it, you will do much more. important work everyday.

No matter how many opportunities you take in life, you will feel fear every time the horizon looms. new project, interesting work or just something new. But this fear will be familiar to you. You will get used to it. And he will not prevent you from changing anything.

Denis Whateley says: “Life is inherently dangerous. There is only one big risk that you must avoid at all costs and that is the risk of doing nothing. "

The justification for risk is that you become better at what you do.

In her book, Stop Playing Safe: Rethink Risk, Unlock the Power of Courage, Achieve Extraordinary Success, Margie Worrell says that pursuing a big goal in your life requires fear to be more intimidating than failure. Margie writes, “Risk is the key to being successful in life. Those who don't lose are not the ones who were brave enough to fall short of their expectations. They are the ones who acted as if they had never lived at all. "

You have to forget about discomfort if you want to do interesting work. If you want to achieve great things, risk is not your enemy.

The hardest part is taking a step

“Everything has a risk and a price. But they are much less than the risk of prolonged comfortable inactivity. " - John F. Kennedy

The first step is to take risks.

Many people don't trust themselves well enough to step into the unknown.

But everything is unknown until you try it.

It is quite difficult to make an important decision to take a step. This is the biggest obstacle to achieving anything worthwhile in life. Fyodor Dostoevsky said: "To take the first step, to pronounce the first word is what people are most afraid of."

You can be as successful as you can afford to get out of the safe zone and continue to feel comfortable.

“The reward is in the risk,” says Rachel Cohn.

You have everything to do better in life if you can act without regret. You don't even need to start a new project for this. You need something with which you can merge emotionally. That which brings out the best in you.

In his book “Be Afraid ... but Act! How to Transform Fear from an Enemy to an Ally Susan Jeffers encourages us to move from pain, paralysis, and indecision to power, energy, enthusiasm and action. She writes: “Every time you are faced with something that forces you to fight, your self-esteem rises dramatically. You learn to think that you can handle it, no matter what happens. And thus your fears are noticeably reduced. "

Everything you do has two possible outcomes: either it works or it doesn't. The ability to accept any outcome is essential if you want to succeed in life.

Life has its merits and demerits. Taking risk is worrying. It's natural to be afraid to take risks. Listen to yourself and take risks. Your success depends on this.

You will find more interesting and important work if you are not afraid of uncertainty. And your life will be as useless as possible if you are afraid of losing what you have.

"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all." - Helen Keller

Don't think too far in the future when you decide to take the risk and act. Use what you have right now and take the risk of moving forward in life.

If you think too much about the risk of failure, you may be missing out on your chance.