Business with a future perspective. Preparation for the exam in social studies and history. Electronic courses and books. Security of classified and private information

The outgoing year has been the year of robots - smart machines, autonomous systems, autopilots, and androids. They attracted investments, participated in daring experiments and shone on the screens. Their successes will not go anywhere in the next 12 months, but as long as possible.

The 2017 trends included technologies that were invented some years ago, found venture capital or brought in revenue, interested monster corporations, but only in next year will be everywhere and will enter every home. These technologies sometimes complement each other, and sometimes compete with each other, but each of them is a separate direction of technological progress. The Secret describes the five battles of 2017.

Games: AR vs VR

There are two main strategies for embellishing reality. The first of them was glorified by the Terminator, whose electronic eye superimposed useful signatures on objects of the living world. The second formed the basis of the plot of dozens of films: the surrounding reality is not taken into account at all, and a person is presented with a completely fictitious reality - either in the form of direct sensations ("The Matrix") or in the form of synthetic memories ("Recall Everything"). These two philosophies, although not completely opposite to each other, represent their consumers in completely different ways: some want to forget and escape for a while from the cruel world, others want to get information and take action (“I need your jacket and your motorcycle”).

In the past year, there have been big breakthroughs in both directions. Augmented reality presented its first popular application to the world - the game Pokémon Go. While the technology itself has been around for many years - in the form of finished products, not ideas - it has never topped the charts or generated hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue before. Thanks to the Pokémon, it became clear that, firstly, AR can already qualify for large investments, and secondly, gaming applications in this industry easily bypass any others. That means everyone will want to repeat the success of Pokémon Go.

Virtual reality has entered the market for the first time. From March to November, Facebook, HTC, Samsung and Google released their virtual reality glasses, and collectively sold millions of them. According to Deloitte estimates, in 2016 the new industry earned $ 1 billion for the first time, and will earn many times more next year. The only problem is that a killer app has not yet appeared that would force users to massively master virtual reality. But there is no doubt that it will appear: the most promising and mysterious company on the Magic Leap market has already collected almost $ 1.5 billion in investments (half in the past year), its main competitor Oculus Rift was bought by Facebook for $ 2 billion - a lot of money already.

Who will win: virtual reality or augmented reality - is still unknown, but it is quite possible that an approach uniting them will be invented. Microsoft in October presented its plans to enter this market, but will go the third way: virtual reality glasses will be translucent and will allow you to combine a full view of the living world with an overview of the virtual one. This technology is called MR (mixed reality).

Ecommerce: Drones vs. Smart Stores

Delivery of goods using drones is such an obvious and attractive idea that no one can pass by. Both Google and Amazon have pledged to begin full-fledged drone delivery testing in 2017. Already this year, experimental batches of substances as diverse as blood for transfusion and testing (Zipline in Rwanda and Matternet in Lesotho) and pizza (Domino's in the USA) were delivered. Progress in this area is simply inevitable, given the level of competition in the development of, on the one hand, autopilot systems, and on the other, the vehicles themselves. Both of these areas are remarkable in that many notable players are located outside the United States - in Europe and East Asia.

So far, the economy of air delivery does not withstand competition with trucks - one UPS truck covers 120 addresses per day and delivers thousands of packages. Therefore, it is not surprising that numerous startups are conducting tests in countries with poor infrastructure. Matternet, for example, made its first deliveries in Haiti. The construction of a kilometer of a two-lane road costs $ 1 million - for this money you can buy a lot of drones in a third world country.

But in the first world, there is another radical way to save shoppers time: by removing queues from stores. So far only one attempt has been made in this area, but it is extremely convincing. Amazon is experimenting with this technology as well, opening a robotics store in Seattle that self-determines who buys what. The client only has to take the goods from the shelf, and smart sensors using recognition programs understand who took what and write off the price of the goods from the buyer's card at the exit. Since the vast majority of purchases, even in developed countries is still done in brick-and-mortar stores, so far this technology has more prospects, especially since, unlike drones, it does not require the creation of separate legislation, certification and regulation.

Communication: Chatbots vs. Smart Devices

In the first six months after Facebook allowed developers to write chatbots in their messenger, 30,000 programs appeared on the platform. One of them was created by Mark Zuckerberg himself, who spent the whole year creating a smart assistant in his own home and prefers to chat with him. It is generally accepted that bots compete with traditional messengers, but in reality these are different communication channels: some people use to talk with their own kind, others - to communicate with devices. And for this reason, the number and quality of bots will grow exponentially: gadgets are gaining intelligence.

Apple created the first truly popular system a few years ago, but Siri has long been a laggard. Google Personal Assistant and Alexa (Amazon) work better. In addition to them, literally all large firms and several hundred small ones have their own developments. Any device and any algorithm serve people, are forced to be interested in their desires, which means they should acquire their own chatbot. Rapid advances in speech recognition and automatic translation make it easier to create them. There are already people on earth who communicate with glands more than with people. So far, only introverts, but someday most of the first world will live like this.

Another important transition is taking place in parallel. There are more and more devices that should not ask a person about anything and work the better the less they are interested in his opinion. They are forced to find a common language with creatures made of metal, silicon and carbon fiber. First of all, these are cars on autopilot - their whole lofty meaning is not to jerk a person in the cabin at all and at the same time understand what other road users are going to do.

The experiments of Google, Uber and Tesla are not limited to. A truly smart home doesn't have to wonder every time what temperature and what volume level to set on Friday night - it has to guess about it. The drones delivering pizza to the party are completely unaware of the existence of humans, but they cannot afford to ignore the signals of their delivery colleagues. The kettle should inform the toaster ahead of time when it boils so that it will toast the bread on time. Even the Wi-Fi routers that Google (and several of its competitors) make are learning to talk to each other and to user devices in order to optimize the load on the network.

This will be the most inconspicuous human eye a change in the world around us, but extremely important: the devices will communicate with each other more than with us.

Machine Learning: Software vs. Hard

Photo: © Billion Photos / Shutterstock

Machine learning is the most talked about technology term of 2016. Algorithms that themselves look for a way to accomplish the task at hand have achieved impressive success. For example, for the first time they beat a person in Go, the last game with complete information that did not succumb to them. Or they drew gigazillions of pictures in the Prisma app. But there were other achievements, much more important for business - next year they will be on stream. For example, researchers at Google asked two machine learning systems to exchange an encrypted message that a third system could not decrypt, and they did. The economic potential for this kind of experimentation is enormous. The very program that beat the champion in go was used to optimize energy consumption in Google data centers. She lowered the bill by 15%. This example alone gives an idea of \u200b\u200bboth the potential market size and why the whole world is doing machine learning.

The progress of software has completely changed the processor market. It has long been known that special chips, such as graphics, are better at handling machine learning tasks. On New Year's Eve, traditional industry beast Intel closed a $ 16 billion deal to buy Altera, a manufacturer of specialty FGPA processors used by self-learning programs. In 2016, Microsoft opened its own FGPA development unit, Google assembled its first processor in May, and Cupertino has been producing its own chips for some time. The pace of progress and the scale of the industry is such that every large software company is forced to develop its own processors.

Near-state hackers are one of the main phenomena of the outgoing year. Many thousands of Gmail users have become accustomed to the fact that a warning red stripe stretches across the screen of the Chrome browser: “It seems that hackers using state support". The people who hacked the servers of the National Committee of the Democratic Party of the United States worked during office hours according to the Moscow time zone and rested during the official holidays... Russia, of course, denies its participation in the hacking, but the world is arranged in such a way that admission of guilt does not play any role. Intelligence agencies not only in the United States, but around the world will take advantage of the pretext, hire security experts, and at the same time their own new hackers.

Officially, the era of cyberwar has been going on for several years - at least since the Stuxnet virus hit Iran's nuclear centrifuges. But it was a very elegant operation, and the target of the attack was a strategic nuclear fuel enrichment plant protected by every conceivable method. Every country has many critical infrastructure that is not protected at all, such as power plants, political party servers, and electronic signage in train stations. After the leaders of the major powers began to directly accuse each other of sabotage, there is no need to wait long for the next attack. Prophecies of this kind come true on their own.

So that the trends of the coming year do not look too rosy, it can be assumed that in 2017 attacks by state-owned hackers will become commonplace and will begin to have a direct impact on foreign policy - until now, diplomats of the first world countries tried not to complain about them even when national politicians expressed themselves in the most unambiguous way. I would like to believe that not a single real war will start because of cyber attacks.

Cover photo: Oculus

In the West, especially in the United States, the books of futurists about the future are scattered in millions of copies. Perhaps curiosity and a desire to create something new allows Americans to dictate trends in the global business market.

In any case, on the territory of the post-Soviet countries, interest is gradually awakening not only in the already familiar types of business, such as shops, stalls and cafes.

Young entrepreneurial people are looking into the future, trying to find profitable niche and embody your enthusiasm in a promising field. Consider the most interesting business ideas for the future proposed by Richard Watson, futurist and consultant largest corporations on business development.

The endless rise in real estate prices makes us rent an apartment for half our life or sign a mortgage agreement. Experts believe that collective housing purchases will become very popular in the future. There is already a trend for purchasing country houses for two families.

It is quite difficult for a small entrepreneur to take advantage of this tendency. But banks will soon begin to issue loans or arrange a mortgage for two people at once.

Instant insurance

Today, no one is surprised by insurance companies that offer insurance for all occasions. However, there is still a development perspective in this business - instant insurance. For example, why not insure yourself before scuba diving at one of the exotic resorts or just before your skydive? How do you like this business idea of \u200b\u200bthe future?

Every year business life gradually flows into megacities. Soon, about 90% of the entire population of the planet will live in large cities, which means villages and farms will cease to cover human demand for food.

However, people will always want to consume healthy, quality food. In pursuit of eco-production, the cultivation of vegetables and cereals will be established in every high-rise building. Multi-storey farms in metropolitan areas are not that far away.

Medicines products

Food will cease to fulfill its usual role as a source of energy. Soon, a glass of water will treat migraines, and cornflakes for breakfast will treat stomach ulcers. Although this idea is far from being realized, today the teachings are actively working on its implementation. In this matter, the main thing is to follow the principle: "health first". After all, it is almost impossible to achieve such results without the use of chemical elements.

It is quite possible that very soon all the usual stores will be reformatted and occupy narrower niches. Have you ever wondered why pizzerias or sushi bars are so popular around the world? The answer is obvious - a person knows in advance what product he is looking for.

In the United States, such supermarkets appear more and more often. By the way, if you do not want to be the first in your city, study the ones we talked about earlier. Perhaps this is where your first million is hiding.

Online celebrity imitation service

The owners of Internet services will help each of us to transform into a favorite star: try on her outfits, hairstyles, accessories, and then purchase all of this. There are similar sites in the West for a long time, our brother can only find the most successful and copy them. The opportunity to transform into celebrity and pick up a recognizable bow is quite easy to organize within the framework of one Internet project.

Collective ownership

The desire to reduce mortgage payments, rent and other costs will force us to rent a house or buy an apartment collectively. According to Maria Litinetskaya, general director of MIEL-Novostroyki, duplexes are becoming more and more popular in the suburban real estate market - in fact, one house for two families.

Some existing mortgage programs allow for a loan to more than one borrower. At the same time, co-borrowers (maximum three) must be relatives. Litinetskaya says that some banks - for example, Sberbank and Vozrozhdenie - are considering individuals who are in a civil bank as co-borrowers. And only Nordea Bank provides for the possibility of providing a loan to several co-borrowers, regardless of family ties.

Phone transactions

You can pay for inexpensive purchases (a can of beer or lunch at McDonald's) with mobile phone or a special device called an e-tag. Already now, parking is paid in this way in some countries, and in Finland you can use a paid toilet by sending an SMS to a short number.

In Russia, the prospects for the emergence of such technologies are still very distant. According to Eldar Murtazin, a leading analyst at Mobile Research Group, we do not have the contactless readers required to implement an e-tag. They are not yet widely used even in Europe and America, but mobile purchases have entered the daily life of the Japanese and Koreans.

Mobile House

How to kill time in traffic? Car owners are converting them into mobile offices and relaxation areas.

Alexander Gribanov, general director AGR-design, the exclusive representative of the German automotive design bureau Carlsson in Moscow, assures that mobile offices inside a car showroom in Russia have been "ordered for fifteen years already." Moreover, the internal filling of the car can be completely different - from relaxation zones to workplaces with computers, telephones, faxes. “Those who originally tuned their cars just change the technique from year to year as it gets old,” says Gribanov.

"Momentary" insurance

The ways of selling insurance services are multiplying - financial supermarkets are no longer perceived as exotic.

But insurers also have new horizons in terms of expanding their product line - for example, "momentary" insurance. Richard Watson's vision of the future suggests that people can get insurance online before riding a rollercoaster or skydiving. The Ingosstrakh company, however, expressed skepticism that in the near future Russian insurers will attend to the provision of such services.

Vegetable garden in every apartment

In the fight for healthy eating will have to sacrifice personal time - tired of GMOs, we will grow vegetables and bake bread right in our apartments. In addition, people will move from vegetarianism to an “ethical” diet. For example, lettuce and rice are unethical because they require a lot of water to grow.

We buy organic products mainly because they want to healthy image life, notes Andrey Danilenko, the owner of the Russian Farms group of companies. “Everyone wants to live long and well - this is a common place. But in Russia, eco-production is not developed, and even when it appears, it still will not become dominant, says Danilenko. - Although in our country there is more resistance to GMOs than in other countries of the world. And what's interesting is that wealthy people often like to dig deeper into the garden. For example, I try to consume what I grow myself. "

As Marina Goldinberg, Marketing Director of Organic Corporation (Bio-Market chain of stores), notes, in Russia well-to-do people have already started buying home-made bread bakers and organizing vegetable gardens in suburban areas.

Simple Choice Store

It is known that a very large selection of the same type of goods does not increase, but decreases sales. Supermarkets with giant trading halls, striving to impress the buyer with variety, do not yet take this into account.

Another similar trend is that from supermarkets with a variety of food, we will move on to single-product stores and cafes. Have you thought why pizzerias are so popular around the world? Because customers don't have to choose from a bunch of products. “There have been examples of this for a long time - the Ocean store, which specializes in seafood, bakeries, and so on,” says Maxim Trapeznikov, a representative of X5 Retail Group NV, “but I would not call it a trend: maybe people in the West like to buy everything in different places, but I think this is irrelevant for Russia. It is more convenient to buy everything in one store. "

Sleep capsules

The accumulated fatigue becomes chronic. Even in his free time from work, a person cannot relax, and after going on vacation, he immediately falls ill. Who benefits from this? Owners of "sleep clinics" - in Australia, for example, there are already more than 70 of them. And also the owners of hotels, around which there are no places for walking, but where you can sleep with pleasure.

Sleep capsules for office workers is already using Google, and the Japanese hotel "9h" has turned regular rooms into them. Sleep centers under state hospitals exists in Moscow and some other cities of Russia. Marianna Trifonova, chief physician medical center Emerald notes that sleepy capsules last years are popular among the top management of the capital's companies. “A lot of people come to us to relax and sleep during their lunch break,” she says. Today, some clinics use electrosleep treatments. “A special helmet is put on the patient’s head, similar to the one used when doing an encephalogram, and the person goes through a stage of REM sleep, which is most useful,” says Trifonova.

We take over pensioners

Some Japanese companies, in keeping with the tradition of national corporate management, have begun re-hiring their own retired employees. Thus, competition in the labor market increases, and the young have to become more active. Re-hiring projects for retirees operate in agricultural sector Germany, says Galina Spaseonova, a partner at the Agency Contact recruiting firm. And the general trend is that the working age is increasing.

These factors will determine the popularity of the so-called generational consultants, who will facilitate effective cooperation between generations within the company and prevent their conflicts.

Imitation of celebrity

Special sites will help their visitors (or rather, visitors) transform into their favorite star: recreate her image, try on her outfits, and then purchase them. Alena Popova, the founder of Brainstorm AV and the author of the project, believes that everything related to celebrities and their image has already been sold in online stores in the West. All that remains is to find examples and copy. On the portal created by Popova, the female audience reads about the style of the stars, selects a similar look for themselves and finds out from the stylists and users of the project if this very look suits her.

The transformation into a favorite star - with the opportunity to buy clothes like her, travel to the same places as she, and so on - should be provided with one resource, Popova said.

What are the most promising business ideas for the future? What goods and services will the demand increase for? What new sectors of the economy can be expected in the coming two decades? What are the most exciting and entertaining business trends of the future?

3. Restoration of human tissue

This is not about growing an arm or a leg in a laboratory (although, according to scientists, this will be possible in the future). This type of business means the artificial restoration of human skin, tendons and muscles, that is, individual soft tissues of the body.

For example, Soft Tissue Regeneration is working on a device for placing stem cells at tendon tears to stimulate the natural regeneration process.

Of course, many more years of clinical trials and countless tests will pass before the device will enter the use of surgeons, but this business will clearly become promising in the future. This is evidenced by at least the fact that along with Soft Tissue Regeneration, a dozen more research companies are working on the device.

4. Air as a commodity

If water is bottled and sold, why shouldn't fresh air be bottled? Oxygen bars passed their peak in popularity in the 90s, but there are still about eight companies in the United States that supply oxygen tanks for sports needs. The use of pure oxygen increases the oxygen content in the blood, relieves nervous tension.

It is quite possible that in the future, in conditions of contaminated environment fresh air will become scarce and will be sold in bottles as massively as sugary sodas are now.

Moreover, in large metropolitan areas, groups of activists have long been protesting against highly polluted air. For example, a video that sells fresh air has become a form of protest by Hong Kong activists.

5. Car charging station

The demand for electric vehicles in the future may increase significantly, because someday the oil will run out. Accordingly, the demand for related goods and services will increase.

One such product is an electric vehicle charging station. It's kind of gas station, thanks to which the car will be able to recharge and drive on.

Industry analysts argue that this will be a highly profitable business of the future, and whoever is the first to enter the network of charging stations will be able to amass millions, if not billions.

6. Device for reading and decoding DNA

Companies such as Pathway Genomics and BioNanomatrix have long been working on the creation of special DNA tests that can be used to identify the possible development of a particular disease at an early stage.

This will be especially valuable at the birth of a child (or even before his conception - using the analysis of the DNA of the parents, it will be possible to predict the state of health of an unborn baby).

Undoubtedly, technologies that will allow extracting information from the human genome are business projects of the future with great prospects.

7. Audit of greenhouse gas emissions

Environmentalists and greenhouse gas experts predict that private corporations will emerge in the future to provide emission audit services.

Since the state of the planet's ecology is clearly not moving towards improvement at the moment, and the leading countries are tightening their legislation on environmental protection, this scenario seems quite plausible.

To gain the loyalty of the local community, dirty industries will invite such auditors to independently assess the compliance of the amount of emissions of harmful substances with legal regulations.

Today, the hologram is a more refined version of an old trick called Pepper's Ghost. In the mid-19th century, this trick was done with thick glass placed between the audience and the image, which could appear and hover in the air.

Modern illusionists use a highly reflective polymer. Today there are already technologies that make it possible to create the effect of human telepresence in real time. Perhaps in the future, this technology will be used in theatrical productions to create colorful visual effects that can supplant 3d.

9. Personal backpack for flights

Once they invented a personal computer, today - a personal backpack for flights. This is a business for the near future, since a New Zealand company has already commercialized this idea and is taking orders for the first satchels (so far, single ones, serial production will begin in mid-2016).

So far, this device is intended only for flying in the field, but who knows, maybe in the future, enterprising businessmen, together with politicians, will develop air traffic rules, improve the device technically and it will be possible to fly to work in the morning, and not hang around in traffic jams on the ground.

By the way, the idea of \u200b\u200ba personal knapsack for flights was demonstrated to the world back in 1965 in the film "Fireball", where at the very beginning of the tape, James Bond leaves a high-rise building using a knapsack.

In the video you can watch a demonstration flight on the Martin Jetpack.

10. Tour to the Moon

If there are tours to exotic places on Earth, why can't wealthy tourists fly to the moon? Probably the same question was once asked by the pioneer in the field of commercialization of outer space Peter Diamandis.

Gone are the days when space was the prerogative of only government programs and NASA. Today, the idea of \u200b\u200bspace tourism excites the minds of many dreamers and adventurers.

Mr. Diamandis, co-founder of Space Adventures, plans to launch the first space tour in 2018. Each of the two vacant seats will cost the space tourist $ 100 million.

The eccentric billionaire Sir Richard Branson is actively involved in providing Earth orbit services.

11. Growing artificial meat

Growing artificial meat in the laboratory is one of the promising businesses of the future. Using stem cell technology, scientists have already managed to grow artificial meat.

True, for this meat to appear on store shelves, it will take a lot of time to improve technology, testing, approval at the legislative level, etc. The activists of the movement for the humane treatment of animals are delighted with this idea and strongly support it.

Perhaps this business will help solve the problem of hunger in underdeveloped countries.

12. Production of nanosatellites

The smaller the satellite is in size, the lower its cost will be. This is the main limiting factor. This problem can be solved by nanosatellites, which are small in size and equipped with everything necessary to perform the assigned tasks (collecting data for making weather forecasts, dealing with natural disasters, workers in the agricultural sector).

Space tourism pioneer Peter Diamandis predicts the emergence of a large number of companies for the production and maintenance of nanosatellites, as their number will only increase in the future.

By the way, Dmitry Grishin, co-owner of, invested $ 300 million in nanosatellites (the American project NanoSatisfi).

13. Protection of private information

The world belongs to the one who owns the information. Today, thanks to the development of the Internet, more and more information is transferred to the online. Personal photos, videos, documents stored in Dropbox can be stolen.

In this regard, the protection of private and corporate information could be the lucrative business of the future. Business leaders understand that corporate information security is directly related to corporate viability.

Therefore, in the future, the emergence of technologies and companies providing information security services is predicted.

Today, several companies are fighting over who will be the first to take tourists to a space hotel overlooking the Earth. Leading the race is Bigelow Aerospace, which has announced a prototype for the Sundancer Hotel (see image above). This space hotel will accommodate 6 people for a short stay.

Another company also planning to be the first to enter this business of the future is the Russian Orbital Technologies. However, when the project will be tested and launched is still unclear.

One of the most distant business ideas of the future is the vertical farm. If single-storey, high-tech greenhouses are effective, then why increase their efficiency many times over by erecting greenhouse skyscrapers? This will solve the problem of megalopolises in terms of self-sufficiency in food, air purified by green spaces and reduce the pressure on the local ecosystem.

It is necessary to monitor the latest market trends and promptly respond to them. Today, the world is developing rapidly and what was yesterday a business idea of \u200b\u200bthe future, today can already firmly enter our everyday reality.

In your opinion, which business of the future from the above will become a part of our everyday life? Which one will be the most profitable? Leave your thoughts in the comments!




Department of Marketing

Essay on the topic of

“My future business »

group 10503412


ph.D., associate professor


My future specialty is Business Administration. As a 2nd year student, I have already begun to study special disciplines and master the skills of a business analyst, marketer, economist, manager. My future profession is an economist, and the field of activity can be any sector of the economy, but I dream of starting my own business. I guess I still don't have enough professional knowledge, and yet I will try to present in this essay some idea of \u200b\u200bmy future activities. Studying the discipline "Marketing" allowed me to gain knowledge about the factors of the micro- and macroenvironment that affect competitive positions enterprises, take a balanced approach to assessing the market situation, choose the right marketing strategy doing business, etc.

The relevance of this message is determined by several aspects: first, the demand in the consumer market for the product to be developed; secondly, the benefits and advantages that consumers will acquire by giving preference to the product of my business; third, an attempt business case project, indicates that any business requires a serious and balanced approach to assessing the situation.

The purpose of the essay is to demonstrate an understanding of the social significance, economic feasibility and market prospects of the problem of creating and developing a small business enterprise, and its tasks were to develop an idea and identify innovative approaches for its implementation in the market of essential consumer goods.


My future business is the production and production of toilet paper. Toilet paper is an essential commodity, the consumption of which is expected to be stable, which minimizes risks and is an indisputable proof of the “pros” at the development stage this business... Even in times of crisis, enterprises producing such types of products do not experience any special problems with their sale, since they are always bought by everyone. Making this decision, we proceeded from the fact that on average 1 Belarusian uses 1 roll of toilet paper per month. Now there are about 40 companies on the Belarusian market that sell toilet paper. Most of them are engaged in regular resale from other countries (mainly from Russia, Ukraine, Poland). However, Belarus has enough of its own cellulose - the main raw material for paper production. With the construction and launch into production of the Svetlogorsk Pulp and Cardboard Mill (CCM), whose products are exported to the CIS, Baltic States, and the European Union. This is the only enterprise in the country for the production of bleached sulphate pulp, from which corrugated cardboard, corrugated paper, filter cardboard, paper packaging bags, cardboard for flat layers of corrugated cardboard, honeycomb filler, four-valve standard boxes of individual sizes are produced. There is no toilet paper in the assortment line, just as there are no other competitive analogue enterprises, despite the fact that their total number in the country is 9.

Thus, the analysis of the market showed that there are no competitive manufacturers of toilet paper in the Republic of Belarus. There is also no particular innovation in the foreign market of manufacturers. Basically, companies simply produce standard paper that meets even small innovations that can take the company to a leading position. This approach was taken as the basis for the development own business for the production of domestic toilet paper. A convincing argument for its expediency is also the fact that by allowing only 2.6-3% of market development at the initial stage (about 250,000 consumers), one can achieve a tangible economic effect and quick payback of the business project.

As you know, the main obstacle in starting a business is high costs at the initial stage. Suppose that our production will be located near the Svetlogorsk pulp and paper mill, and we will make the necessary approximate calculations for the implementation of a business project.

All data are given at the current exchange rate in US $ for ease of perception.

The main stages of business organization:

1) Creation of a small business enterprise, its registration.

2) Organization of production.

3) Sales organization.

Registration stage includes drafting a charter, filing an application and registering with local authorities and the tax office. To begin with, a non-residential premises with an area of \u200b\u200bapproximately 100 m 2 will be found to accommodate a production area, warehouses for raw materials and finished products.

By registering on your own, you will have to spend a little sums of money and some time... By providing a specialized law firm, the costs will be about $ 390, but these costs will free up time for organizing the production itself. The rental of the premises itself will vary from $ 580.

On stage of production organization It is also important to find a suitable supplier of equipment, while it is important to take into account its location relative to the enterprise being created in order to more quickly resolve all issues related to equipment installation, personnel training, maintenance, replacement, etc.

Toilet Paper Production Line minimum consists of four machines: rewinding (for rewinding raw materials into rollers of a suitable size), sleeve (for the production of cardboard sleeves for rolls), cutting (for cutting long rolls of paper into rolls) and packaging.