Small business in developed countries - France and China. Experience of small and medium-sized businesses in developed foreign countries Business in developed countries

The role of small business has increased with the emergence of a wave of immigrants, especially in the mid-1980s. Characteristic feature is that national minorities are replenished thanks to the flows of immigrants, show an increased inclination to organize a small business. Small business plays an extremely important role in the economic and social life industrialized countries, where it accounts for up to 70% of the gross national product.

Not only financial side issue distinguishes small business of the Republic of Belarus and our other neighboring countries. The attitude of the foreign population to small business is different. In developed countries, there is a cult of business, entrepreneurship is highly valued. In particular, public opinion respects an entrepreneur who has not succeeded in everything, unlike one who has not tried anything.

In economically developed countries, entrepreneurs view the market as an object of research. Demand and supply, qualitative and quantitative characteristics are studied for each product.

An example is the development of small business in Poland. Poland is one of the largest and key members of the European Economic Union.

Small and medium-sized enterprises in Poland are primarily firms in industries such as wholesale and retail trade, services and industrial production.

Comprehensive government support for small and medium-sized businesses in Poland has made this country a world leader in improving the working conditions of entrepreneurs.

In 2013, Poland was named the fastest growing business environment in last years... The total income from small business activities amounted to 840.2 billion zlotys. The average income per company thus amounted to PLN 478.9 thousand.

Experts particularly note the successes of our western neighbors in such areas as registration of property rights, loan processing, investment protection, trade policy, securing contracts and conducting bankruptcy proceedings.

Small and medium-sized enterprises create about 70% of Poland's GDP. They employ about two thirds of the entire working population.

While the economies of most countries are prone to change, the Polish economy is showing its consistency. According to the legislation of the country, income tax is only 19%. Ideal performance ratio work forcequality work at a reasonable cost.

Against the background of other countries belonging to the European Union, Poland is distinguished by a relatively low share of the service sector and, accordingly, an increased share of the real sector.

Table 1 - The share of sectors in value added in the Polish economy.

Note - [source 16]

You can open a business in any country: at this stage of life, given certain opportunities, it can be done anywhere. But the main objectivethat entrepreneurs are trying to achieve is maximizing profits and minimizing losses. Business in Poland includes a number of undeniable advantages.

After analyzing the statistics, we can say that small and medium-sized organizations occupy 51.5% of all enterprises in the country. Of this, the number of microorganizations is 1.339, small organizations are 41.961, and medium - 14.930.

The main advantages of starting a business in Poland are:

1. Low market entry requirements.

2. The minimum number of permissions

3. Easy to start and register a small business

4. Availability of loans

5. Loyal policy of state bodies

However, there are drawbacks everywhere. The outflow of labor to other countries, high taxes and the possibility of a change in immigration policy are the main problems of small business in Poland. Consider each of them in more detail.

The outflow of labor from Poland has been observed not so long ago. This has become a significant problem for the state. This mainly affects young people. But at the same time, enterprises can hire employees from abroad, which significantly reduces the severity of this problem.

Sufficiently high taxes are the most common problem for many large and small businesses. Poland is no exception. As for Central and Eastern Europe, the tax rates in Poland are quite high. At the same time, there are no corruption fees, and the level of well-being of the population allows shifting these costs onto the end consumer.

The possibility of changing corruption policies is a risk for immigrants in any country. However, based on the needs of the Polish state in active immigrants from neighboring states, such a change is possible only in a positive direction.

Setting up a business in Poland has both positive and negative aspects. But it is important to note that the openness of internal european markets allows you to import goods and provide services without any customs fees.

Over the past five years, the number of Polish enterprises has grown by 3%, small - by almost 7%, the number of medium-sized enterprises has remained practically unchanged and the number of large firms has decreased.

The next country that has a successful small business is Germany.

Many of our compatriots living in Germany come to the conclusion that it is unprofitable to work for someone, and even abroad - all the more so, therefore, it is advisable to establish your own business in Germany. But first, you should understand all the nuances of opening your own business in this country.

Let's start with the main benefits. These include: legal security and investment reliability, direct purchase from European manufacturers without intermediaries, the possibility of obtaining commodity loans from European suppliers, the possibility of investing in Russian-German joint ventures... By the way, Germany is the largest market in Europe.

An important feature of the country's economy is that with investments and job creation in Germany, it is possible to obtain a residence permit.

What is the most prosperous business in this country? First, there is the fast food industry. With a small capital, you can safely open your own diner, the main thing is to choose the right location for the establishment itself. Airports, train stations and supermarkets are ideal places for this. Secondly, hairdressing salons. And also, here you can add translation services, real estate, mini-hotels.

The disadvantages of registering a business in Germany include additional expenses for the establishment and management of the company and the obligatory presence of half of the minimum authorized capital of 25,000 euros.

In Germany, the criteria for small and medium-sized businesses are established in the European Commission Recommendation 2003/361 / EG, which entered into force on 1.01.2005.

As economic results we can say that the share of small and medium business turnover in Germany is about 38% total production... The share in the total GDP is 53.8%. About 70% of all people employed in manufacturing in Germany work in small and medium-sized businesses.

Small business is an important socio-economic institution in developed national economic systems... It is based on entrepreneurship, the initiative of individuals in order to make a profit. Also, small business is partly the economic basis for the existence of the middle class in modern theories of the stratification of society.

Small business in developed economies has a number of advantages that attract the attention of scientists. With favorable state and municipal policies, it can provide a high return on investment in innovation, create personal jobs, quickly respond to changes in the economic environment and effectively provide employment for people with disabilities.

The criteria for classifying enterprises as small businesses have national characteristics. In the European Union, a small company is a company with up to 250 employees and an annual turnover of no more than 40 million euros. These criteria are used by Eurostat to harmonize the national statistics of the member states of the European Union.

Small - these are independent enterprises that do not have a monopoly in their field of activity and meet quantitative criteria in terms of the number of employees per year and the amount of revenue. In the United States, there are 5 subcategories of small businesses, for each of them separate programs of state and municipal support can be differentiated.

As the analysis shows, small business is a relative category. It stands out based on the goals and resource capabilities of the state. Additionally, in some states, there are subcategories of micro-enterprises or family-owned enterprises. Enterprises with the same characteristics economic activity may be subject to programs in some countries state support, in other states their development may not be a priority for the authorities.

Statistics show the high contribution of small businesses to the development of the economies of world leaders. There are about 17 million small businesses in the United States. Small businesses account for over 40% of the gross national product. Half of small businesses have revenue of less than $ 500,000 and fewer employees. In all nonfarm industries in the United States of America, nearly 97% of businesses are small by the Small Business Administration standard. About 90% of small enterprises in a number of developed countries of the EU, USA, China, India, Brazil are micro-enterprises with no more than 5 people. The criteria for classifying enterprises as small businesses make economic sense only in the context of the current economic policy. Therefore, data on the level of development of small businesses by different countries are not comparable.

State policy in the field of small business, as a rule, proceeds from the provision on the need to support and remove barriers. The state, pursuing a supportive policy, expects to receive a delayed direct financial benefit in the form of tax revenues in future periods or positive externalities, employment of the population, solving the problem of the disproportionality of the national economy, developing innovative industries, etc. As the analysis of scientific literature shows, the USA, China, Germany, Czech Republic, Brazil and a number of other countries successfully pursue support policies and receive the expected positive effects from small businesses.

Currently, support for small business in Russia is carried out at the state - federal and regional and municipal levels. The support infrastructure includes business incubators, venture capital funds, guarantee funds, chambers of commerce, public organizations and other subjects. The entire spectrum of business infrastructure is developed, the need for which was previously expressed by experts.

Let's consider a regional example. In Moscow, aspiring entrepreneurs are covered by a set of measures. Subsidies can be provided for the purchase of fixed assets and materials, for the organization of a workplace, rent in a maximum amount of 350 thousand rubles. Up to 2/3 of the refinancing interest rate, interest rates on loans and leases, certification costs, for connection to electrical networks 30% of the cost.

Small innovative enterprises can receive subsidies of up to 2.5 million rubles, and those working in priority areas, according to the regional policy of Moscow in 2011 - innovation, production, education, handicrafts, health care up to 5 million rubles. Legal aspect support is usually covered either within the structures of business incubators or by special bodies. Separately existed " hotline"financial, tax, accounting, legal issues and on relationships with inspectors and other government agencies. An important direction regional authorities of Moscow consider holding exhibitions and congresses in order to create business ties. The set of measures can be described as the most complete and covering all major areas. Despite the efforts made to support small businesses with the identification of priority vectors of development, the result of support by some authors is assessed as not quite consistent with expectations. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe criticism is that the level of support has reached the world, but the positive impact of small business on the economy is observed in an insignificant area.

Consider the dynamics of small business development in Russia. The data on all small businesses were provided by Rosstat only following the results of continuous observation of small and medium-sized businesses in 2011. Due to the imperfection of the methodology, data for the analysis of small business development in 2005-2010. available in the Central Statistical Database, excluding indicators of micro-enterprises 1-15 people. and individual entrepreneurs... The share of small businesses in Russia's gross domestic product cannot be accurately determined. Experts say the share of small and medium-sized businesses in GDP is 15-27%. The latest data from Rosstatat are 15.5% and 12.4%, excluding data on micro-enterprises and individual entrepreneurs. Thus, the question of an accurate assessment of the contribution of small businesses to Russia's GDP remains open.

Critics of government support for small businesses in Russia report its ineffectiveness. They operate with the facts of a decrease in the number of micro-enterprises in Moscow in 2011 by 3.1% with a total growth of 30.6% in Russia and a fall in the number of employees in micro-enterprises in Moscow in 2011 by 15% with an increase in Russia of 8.7 %. Moscow is considered a region with high level small business support. It is noted that in 2011 the number of individual enterprises increased in regions where comprehensive support to small businesses is not provided, such as Moscow, Voronezh, Orenburg regions, Krasnoyarsk Territory and the Far East. Until 2010, Rosstat did not process data on the development of micro-enterprises and individual entrepreneurs, and there are no other open sources, provided the data exist. Not being able to check the effectiveness of small business support programs in these regions on Internet portals, they are declared, it can be assumed that there is no direct relationship between the growth of small businesses and the level of state support.

According to many modern experts, corruption in government is the main reason for the lack of significant results in the development of small businesses. The ability to establish communication with representatives of government bodies and to obtain material benefits from this is more necessary for entrepreneurs than creating a new production function and the introduction of innovative ideas. As an illustration, we can cite the situation with the implementation of the target program "Support and development of small and medium-sized businesses in the city district of Togliatti". Beginning entrepreneurs were allocated funds in the amount of up to 500 thousand rubles. for the purchase of fixed assets. The goal of the program in the monotown of Togliatti was to stimulate the growth of the number of small businesses and reduce unemployment during the crisis. 70% of subsidies were stolen either by officials who received their share in collusion with entrepreneurs, or directly by entrepreneurs. Fixed assets in most cases were not purchased or were given back to the seller, the employees were not employed. Municipal bodies did not keep records of entrepreneurs who organized self-employment and hired employees under this program, since no records were kept in their work books.

We cannot say that the entire system of state and municipal support for small business is covered by corruption. It can be said unambiguously that a number of services, for example, consultations on a wide range of issues, are free of charge and are available to all interested entrepreneurs. However, participation in the competitive distribution of subsidies, as practice shows, in some cases is complicated by corruption.

A significant problem is the excessive number of laws, regulations and instructions required for implementation. Yet big problem causes different interpretations by arbitration courts of official documents. Arbitration courts have different interpretations of the need to comply with the cash limit for an individual entrepreneur. It is easier for an entrepreneur to establish a corrupt relationship with the tax authority in the event of a disputable violation, than to contact legal advice or file a claim with Court of Arbitration... Simplification of legislation and the abolition of numerous instructions, regulations and rules, which are difficult to interpret, are, in our opinion, one of the ways to improve the economy.

According to the Corruption Perceptions Index, Russia took 143rd place out of 183 possible. In the ranking of countries in terms of the degree of ease of doing business, Russia ranks 120th out of 183, which indicates an unfavorable business environment. The registration period for a new enterprise is rather long and takes 22-37 days. depending on the region.

The Russian economy is one of the largest in the world, however, a significant structural imbalance towards the energy sector and territorial imbalance towards Moscow, St. Petersburg and the regions of oil production and processing, coupled with a significant economic stratification of the population, determine the characteristic features. This could not but affect the structure by types of activities of small and medium-sized enterprises.

In most regions of Russia, it does not have developed international ties, it is concentrated in the field of oil production and refining and does not focus on the mass of the wealthy consumer - the middle class due to its absence. For example, in the United States, the mass, middle-class consumer reads several daily newspapers, uses the services of house cleaners, and has a private car. The consumption of these services presupposes the presence of a wide range of performers providing consumption, including small businesses. The lack of effective demand determines the moderate development of small business in most types economic activity.

We believe that the ability of small businesses to quickly adapt to changing market conditions directly depends on the level of corruption and the degree of government regulation of the economy. Currently, government agencies are working to simplify the management of business activities... In our opinion, the system of state support for small business in most regions of Russia is sufficiently developed. Its further development is inappropriate without fighting corruption and simplifying the legislation in relation to entrepreneurs.

In the context of the transformation of the world economy, the transition of civilization to the post-industrial path of development, small businesses become an integral link in the structure of the social reproduction process, without which it is impossible to ensure the successful socio-economic development of society and the growth of production efficiency.

Small business development makes a significant contribution to the formation competitive environment, and also meets the global trends towards the formation of a flexible mixed economy, a combination of different forms of ownership and an adequate economic model, in which a complex synthesis of a competitive market mechanism and state regulation is implemented. It is small enterprises that do not require large initial investments and guarantee a high rate of resource turnover that are able to most quickly and economically solve the problems of restructuring, formation and saturation of the consumer goods market in the context of the destabilization of the Russian economy and limited financial resources.

All over the world, interaction between government and business is based on a mutually beneficial long-term basis. At the same time, the state creates favorable and stable legal conditions for entrepreneurs, forms the necessary support infrastructure, provides an attractive investment climate, eliminates administrative barriers, and increases the competitiveness of the national economy. In turn, businessmen help the authorities finance social programs and priority sectors, support the principle of fair competition in the economy, expand the tax base and organize new jobs.

In developed countries, government assistance to small and medium-sized businesses is carried out in a variety of forms. First of all, this is the improvement of the regulatory and legal framework, the development and implementation of programs for the development of specific enterprises, information and consulting assistance, preferential lending, subsidies, tax incentives, etc. - everything that creates a more favorable environment for the development of entrepreneurship, brings business out of the shadow sector of the economy. , increases the taxable base.

In countries with established market-oriented economies, small business is the most massive category of business entities. SEs in these countries form the competitive principles of the market economy, provide the bulk of the working population with jobs, create for big business the necessary infrastructure. Small business in developed countries is the basis of the middle class and, accordingly, a kind of indicator of the stability of society in these countries. The level of development and state of small businesses, the rate of development is characterized by a number of indicators (tables 18, 19).

Table 18

Comparative economic performance

small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the mid-1990s.

Number of SMEs thous. Number of SMEs per 1000 people Employment in SMEs, million people Share of SMEs in total employment,% Share of SMEs in GDP,%
Great Britain 13.6 50-53
Germany 18.5 50-52
Italy 16.8 57-60
France 15.2 55-62
EU countries 15 770 63-67
USA 19 300 74.2 70.2 50-52
Japan 49.6 39.5 52-55
Russia: ** a) Small enterprises 5.65 8.3 10-11

** Only small businesses, no individual entrepreneurs.

Table 19

The role of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)

(The data are given in accordance with the national standards of each country for 1999-2000, respectively, for Russia, only for MP)

In recent years, countries Western EuropeIn the United States and Japan, small business is a collection of numerous small and medium-sized enterprises. The bulk of them are the smallest enterprises (micro-enterprises) with no more than 20 employees.

Small enterprises in developed countries are effective as producers of individual units and small mechanisms, semi-finished products and other elements necessary for the production of final products, the production of which is unprofitable for large enterprises.

USA.In the US market economy, small business today is the "cornerstone of development" and "locomotive" of all those economic processes that are taking place in the economy today and the basis for its sustainable development.

To better understand the role of MP for the United States, we present the following data: in the United States in 1986-1990. small firms produced more than 40% of the gross national product and half of the gross domestic product of the private sector. In some areas of the economy, small businesses dominate. Wholesale trade accounts for 86% of the gross product of the private sector, in the service sector - 81%, in construction - 80%, in the financial sector - 60%, retail - 55%, in the manufacturing industry - 21%. Small businesses play a particularly important role in solving employment problems: in the 1980s, 80% of all new jobs were created by small firms. More than 100 million Americans directly or indirectly earn their livelihood from small businesses.

For example, here is the classification of industries in the United States using following indicators: the density of the employed in individual industries, as well as the total number of private enterprises and their distribution by industry (Table 20).

Table 20

US Industry Classification (1986-1987)

Industry Contribution to national income Employment Private sector enterprises
bln USD % thousand people % thous. %
Agriculture, timber industry 2.328
Extractive Industry
Manufacturing industry
Wholesale and retail trade
Finance, real estate
Transport, communication
Government sector

Half of all those employed in the private sector are concentrated in these enterprises. They provide the creation and development of about half of all innovations in the US economy related to the field of scientific and technological progress. At the same time, on average, for one dollar of costs, they introduce innovations 17 times more than large enterprises.

In the United States, family and home-based small businesses are increasingly developing. According to Link re Sources, a New York research firm, in 1993, 39 million people in the United States worked fully or partially from home, including 6 million after primary service.

Economic policy in the field of MP is defined in the annual report of the President of the United States. It is presented in three sections: political, economic, social. The political part is the main content of the report: state regulation, local legislation, scientific, technical and innovative activities, the volume of completed government orders, trends in financing. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe report: "The government has done everything so that the MP develops freely and stably."

The main indicators that determine the state policy in the field of small businesses are announced: creation of new jobs (small businesses generate up to 70-80% of jobs), competitive fight, economic recovery.

The level of MP determines such federal measures as the establishment of the minimum wage level, safety requirements, protection environmentsince minimal wage is mainly found either in the MP or in large companies services (hotels, hospitals).

China.Small and medium business has received rapid development in China over the years of reform and openness policy and continues to develop at a steady pace.

The small and medium business sector owns 65% of patents, 75% of technical innovations and more than 80% new products China. It accounts for 50.2% of the tax revenue of the entire country. In 2006, the volume of tax revenues from private enterprises increased by 28.6%. The volume of tax revenues from individual entrepreneurs increased by 18.6%.

At the same time, almost 99% of enterprises belong to the category of small enterprises with the number of employees up to 100 people, and only 0.6% belong to medium-sized enterprises with the number of employees from 101 to 999 people. At the end of 2006, there were at least 42 million medium and small enterprises in China, and they create up to 75% of jobs in cities and urban-type settlements (Table 21).

Table 21

Small business development level in Russia and China

The contribution of the small and medium-sized sector to China's GDP was 40%. This sector has become an important factor in the Chinese economy, stimulating the growth of GDP, budget revenues, employment, as well as ensuring the stability of society.

Small business is increasingly becoming a locomotive innovative development the Chinese economy. These enterprises produce an increasing share of innovative products, give a large number of technical inventions. The bulk of China's export products are also produced in small and medium-sized enterprises.

In China, small and medium-sized enterprises are considered the most important source of the country's economic growth, which creates the bulk of goods and effectively solves the problem of employment. The small business sector has become integral part China's economy, which creates a competitive innovative products and technologies, exporting them to many countries of the world.

The state actively supports small and medium-sized businesses. For this, China has established the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), which creates conditions for the development of small and medium-sized businesses.

all over the world today is an integral element of the modern market economy system, without which the economy and society as a whole cannot normally exist and develop. All over the world, small acts today as one of the driving forces of economic, scientific and technological progress, the main employer in all sectors of the economy. And I decided to write a series of articles in which we will look at the role of small business in the economy of some developed countries. With these articles, I want to dispel the opinions of many skeptics who believe that small business has outlived its usefulness, that it is being absorbed by big business. The articles contain only facts that speak for themselves.

Small business in the USA.

These include business entities that employ less than 500 people and whose production or sales volume does not exceed $ 7,000,000. Moreover, all small businesses are subdivided into firms with up to 20 employees, from 20 to 100 and from 100 to 499 people. In addition, among small businesses, there are those that use the labor of hired workers, and those where the owner of a small business does not involve hired personnel.

Small businesses in the United States are the main source of jobs.

Small business in the United States has always been regarded as a major source of new jobs and innovation. Small business is 99% of the country's firms, which provide more than half of all jobs. Small businesses export more than a quarter of goods and services from the United States, registering 13 times more patents than their large competitors. Today, there are about 10 million businesses in the United States with fewer than 500 employees. Most of them have less than 20 employees.

About one in every three American families are involved in small businesses. That is, small business in the United States is not just one type of entrepreneurship, but, in essence, a way of life. American small business is developed in all spheres of the economy: small business operates in both trade and manufacturing. He is in the financial sector, and in consulting, and in the field of innovation, and in the field of social services. Some American sources claim that up to 20% of small US firms start their operations with capital of $ 1000-5000, and more than half of them increase their annual income to $ 1 million in less than 2-3 years.

Government support for small businesses in the United States is within the competence of a special government organization - The Small Business Administration (SBA), created by the US Congress in 1953, is entrusted with the responsibility to provide small businesses with financial and advisory assistance, assist in obtaining government orders and the conclusion of contracts with large enterprises.

Government support for small businesses in the United States.

Small businesses are provided with direct and guaranteed loans. Direct small firms receive for a fixed period, but at lower interest rates than when receiving on the private capital market. When issuing guaranteed loans, AMB provides creditors with state guarantees for a part of the lent capital (up to 90%), which reduces the risk of lending. AMB works with federal government agencies that procure goods and services. AMB also works with large private contractors for the federal government. Especially when developing policies to encourage small businesses to participate in government contracts.

The Administration and Management Department of the Administration carries out a great deal of work on training and advanced training of the management personnel of small business enterprises. Organizes and finances special training courses, seminars and conferences. Produces information materials and manuals, allocates funds for research in the field of management problems of small businesses.

Seminars and consultations are held both on a group and individual basis. In addition, the Administration interacts with universities, research centers and organizations that include special sections for small businesses in their management and industrial organization courses. It is also practiced to provide targeted scholarships for university education to gifted applicants from the small business environment.
A special government program is being implemented to assist small businesses belonging to national minorities. It is based on the Equal Opportunities Act of 1964 and the public works and economic development 1965
Therefore, small business has made it possible for all categories of the population (national minorities, women, citizens with a low educational level) to be competitive in the labor market, to occupy positions that are inaccessible to them in large companies. This is confirmed by the significant growth of such enterprises in recent years. For example, the number of businesses owned by Hispanics increased from 5.6% in 2000 to 10.7% in 2012.

As you can see, the US economy is unthinkable without small business, and the support provided to small business contributes to this.

Small business in Japan.

Small businesses in Japan include enterprises with less than 1,000 employees in the mining industries, less than 300 people for all other types of industry, transport, communications and construction, less than 100 people in wholesale trade, and less than 50 people in retail trade and industry. services. There is another indicator that determines belonging to a small business. This is the amount of the capital of a given enterprise. In most cases, it should not exceed 100 million yen, for wholesale trade - 50 million yen, and in retail trade - 10 million yen. Thus, a huge layer of enterprises falls into the sphere of small and medium-sized businesses - from extremely primitive family-type home-based farms to firms equipped with modern technology.

The economy of Japan differs from other developed economies in the minimal participation of the state. The state owns only the mint. Everything else belongs to private capital. In the Japanese economy, small enterprises play an important role: they account for up to 99% of the total number of companies, about 55% products sold and 80% of the employment in industry and trade.

Small business support in Japan.

Small business in Japan finds assistance not only from the government and several specialized organizations created by it, but also from the administration of prefectures, local governments foreign trade and industry, chambers of commerce.

The state policy of promoting small business includes the following areas:

- ensuring competitiveness by allocating subsidies and loans - direct loans (the Japanese Development Bank allocates them to small enterprises operating in the most promising industries) and guaranteed loans. Thanks to the introduction commercial banks willingly lend to small businesses. In 1994, 60% of all loans fell to small businesses);

- encouraging restructuring, modernizing economic activities, improving working conditions, promoting trade;

- collection and analysis of information about economic performance and technical equipment of small and medium-sized enterprises to assess the effectiveness of state support.

Small business finance system in Japan.

Japan's small business finance system guarantees local government subsidies and loans. If necessary - with the involvement of private credit institutions.

Financial support for the technical re-equipment of small businesses is carried out through the allocation of a loan from the local budget. The equipment is being sold by installments or leased by prefectural lessors.

The allocation of subsidies covering up to 50% of the costs for the creation of centers for improving the technical level of small and medium-sized businesses, consulting, and advanced training has become widespread. technicians etc. The state assumes the cost of diagnosing the state of small businesses.

An integral part of the Japanese small business finance system is compensation for training costs. Compensation is 2/3 of the costs of employee training.

Government support for small businesses in Japan.

The Japanese government is concerned with renewing the business sector and making it easier to start new businesses. In 2003, a law was passed, according to which you can open a small business without start-up capital - with only one yen! And 32,000 enterprises have already been created in this way.

In 2000, a law was passed that simplifies the bankruptcy procedure as much as possible in the sphere of small businesses. Under this law, it is allowed to go to court for protection from creditors even before the liabilities have exceeded assets in order to prevent them from dispersing. This supports, allows him to quickly resume his activities, but does not add joy to creditors.

This support for small businesses allows them to play an increasingly growing role in the Japanese economy. More than 6.5 million small businesses successfully operate in Japan. And it is no coincidence that Japan is one of the world leaders in small business development.

on the role of small business in developed countries. Consider the state of small business in two more countries. It is on the examples of these countries that one can trace the dependence of the state of the economy on the development of small business. And, if in China it receives support and is developing rapidly, in France, on the contrary, small business is losing support.

Small business in France.

Small business in developed countries is primarily related to France. After all, small business in France has existed for many centuries, has its own traditions. And in many ways contributed to the centuries-old economic development of the country. In France, small businesses are businesses with fewer than 50 employees. The number of such businesses exceeds 3 million. About 1.5 million small businesses are individual or family business and does without hired personnel at all, 1.2 million enterprises employ less than 10 people.

The country has created an impressive state system incentives for small businesses. New small businesses are exempt from tax for 2 years joint stock companies and from local taxes. For them are declining income tax and tax on the invested part of the profit.

The state provides special assistance to entrepreneurs opening their business in the zones economic development... For such entrepreneurs, discounts and cancellations of payments to social security funds (health care, pension fund, fund for large families, to the unemployed benefit fund) apply. For some especially required types of business, entrepreneurs are paid a lift.

For the unemployed who decide to create own business, a special business support system has been created. They are exempt from taxes not for 2, but for 3 years and for a year from mandatory payments to national insurance funds. The unemployed who have become entrepreneurs are given special books, with tear-off checks from which you can pay for advice on management, jurisprudence, accounting, etc.

Almost all small business owners can expect to receive loans and subsidies. A government program supporting small businesses in France led to a rapid increase in the number of private firms in the pre-crisis period. In addition, small businesses have become quite competitive because equipped with modern equipment, uses the latest technology and materials.

Small business in developed countries - Small business in France has been around for hundreds of years.

Combined service enterprises are now widespread. So a small private store can have a bakery and a cafe, a gas station includes a small shop. Being a businessman in France means being respected, especially in the hinterland, where the unemployment rate is highest.

It is in France, especially in the provinces, that there are small enterprises with a long history that are inherited from generation to generation. Small business creates about 50% of new jobs in France. This is an invaluable contribution to the economy and social policy state. Indeed, up to 15% of the working population of France is unemployed, which is one of the main problems of the state.

But recently, especially after the coming to power of the socialists (the government preceding the current one) and carried out by them, the situation of small business has become much more complicated. The tax press has hit businesses in France hard. The number of French firms on the verge of bankruptcy is breaking records, French sources say. And this primarily applies to small businesses. Recently, the number of businesses that are on the verge of bankruptcy has reached record levels. And 90% of these companies are small, that is, they have less than 10 employees. The bankruptcy of a large number of private firms can hurt the stability of the French economy.

Small business in China.

Small business in developed countries is also a story about small business in China. The rapid growth of small businesses is also very important in the huge growth of the Chinese economy. From time immemorial, the Chinese have been considered a very enterprising, hardworking and organized people.

Small handicraft production has been developing in China since antiquity. It was with handicraft production that modern Chinese private enterprise began. And recently, private enterprises, especially small ones, are growing like mushrooms. According to State Committee statistics of the PRC in the country there are more than 3 million small businesses and more than 32 million individual entrepreneurs. Thus, small businesses make up the vast majority of total enterprises in China. It is considered a key sector of the economy in China. It is in small businesses that about 60% of the working-age population of the PRC work.

In addition, small enterprises are the engine of scientific and technological progress in China. It is in this sector that the most innovations, inventions and technical innovations are produced. Design offices, research laboratories, design agencies, various small businesses in the field of new technologies and programming produce the most modern products... Numerous technoparks have been created for such companies, where the authorities create the necessary infrastructure for innovative business. It is typical for many Chinese companies of large business to start with small businesses in such technoparks.

Currently, the share of small businesses is 55% of the national production. This is less than in the EU countries, but it should be taken into account that small business in China has reached such indicators only in the last 32-33 years and every year more and more its share in the national economy is increasing.

Small business in developed countries - funds to support small businesses in China.

The Chinese government pays a lot of support to small business development. It is trying in various ways to promote the economic growth of small businesses, improving legislative acts aimed at regulating the economy, taxation, improving lending conditions, and investing in small businesses. In China, state funds for the support and development of small business activities are actively functioning, the main focus of which is to provide guarantees for small businesses in order to obtain bank loans for business development.

One of the most popular is the State Fund for the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises, the creation of which was financed from the country's budgetary funds. This fund helps to protect the interests of small businesses, provides certain tax incentives and additional funding. Small business is also supported by the China Center for Business Coordination and Cooperation, whose main task is to create special conditions for cooperation between Chinese and foreign small business support organizations.

In many Chinese universities, for over 15 years, each student has been able to take a free practical course on how to start a business. In the framework of such projects, Chinese universities collaborate with leading American universities. This course provides the basic knowledge you need to run a successful business.

Small business in developed countries - Chinese government support for small business.

In recent years, the Chinese government has taken a number of additional measures to develop small businesses. As a measure to stimulate the economy, introduced for small businesses. Since August 1, 2013, the value added tax and turnover tax has been frozen for small businesses whose monthly sales do not exceed 20 thousand yuan (approximately 3.3 thousand dollars). The government estimates that more than 6 million small businesses will benefit from these benefits, increase revenues and increase employment for millions of Chinese. The new incentive measures also include simplified customs clearance procedures, lower operating fees and easier exports for small businesses.

As you can see, it is small business that creates new jobs in the Chinese economy and actively participates in the development of innovative technologies. The Chinese government, in turn, pays great attention to the development of small businesses in the country by improving legal legislation in the field of regulation of activities and taxation of small businesses, creating funds to support small businesses, attracting investments, expanding small business lending programs.