How to open a smoothie bar from scratch. What menu to offer to customers. Opening a fresh bar: the financial side of the issue

* Calculations use average data for Russia

Initial investments:

350,000 - 500,000 ₽


360,000 - 810,000 ₽

Net profit:

90,000 - 210,000 ₽

Payback period:

Trade in freshly squeezed drinks fits perfectly into the trend on healthy image life, and also perfectly quenches the thirst for new items, so a fresh bar is an idea that will definitely be in demand.

Fresh bar is a stationary or mobile item catering, which specializes in the preparation and sale of freshly squeezed juices (fresh juices) or other drinks based on them. They can also be called juice bars or smoothie bars. Fresh bars are a relatively new phenomenon in Russia. Such establishments appeared relatively recently on the wave of consumer interest in the idea of \u200b\u200ba healthy lifestyle and healthy eating.

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The idea to create a mini-bar, where healthy natural and, most importantly, fresh juices will be sold instead of alcoholic and low-alcohol drinks, came to our country from America. Nowadays, fresh bars have already become commonplace in many European countries. In the US, entrepreneurs who have opened fresh bars earn over $ 3.5 billion a year. Of course, in Russia, you shouldn't count on such a profit yet. But there is no doubt that such a phenomenon as fresh bars is promising for creating your own business.

The main advantages of opening fresh bars:

  • small initial costs (from 350 to 500 thousand rubles);

  • high profitability (from 80%) and high level markups for drinks (from 200-300%);

    the ability to open a point in a small area of \u200b\u200bseveral squares;

    simple beverage preparation technologies;

    there are no serious staff requirements.

What can be found in the menu of fresh bars

The assortment of the fresh bar can include not only freshly squeezed juices, but also smoothies, mineral and carbonated waters, coffee, tea, snacks and desserts such as fruit purees, muffins, cookies, ice cream and more. Smoothie is a thick drink in the form of berries and fruits mixed in a blender with the addition of ice, milk or juice. Despite the presence of food on the menu, the main focus is still on soft drinks and cocktails based on juices and / or milk.

Since fresh bars are positioned as points of sale of healthy food and drinks, the assortment should be determined based on this concept. In a large shopping center, where you will find several eateries, pizzerias, pastry shops and other catering establishments, it makes sense to expand the assortment not by introducing other dishes, but, for example, by developing new recipes for cocktails and fruit desserts. But if your fresh bar will be installed on the territory of an office center, in addition to drinks, you should think about making and selling various snacks. Even so, you shouldn't deviate from the concept of healthy eating. For example, if you sell hamburgers, you still won't be able to compete with “full-fledged” eateries, but you risk ruining the image of your company, which will no longer be associated with a real fresh bar among customers.

Some entrepreneurs go even further in their selection of bars. For example, in certain Moscow fresh-bars you can buy not only juices, cocktails and desserts, but also extracts of various medicinal plants. Moreover, a bottle with natural contents with a capacity of 100 ml can cost the buyer 1.5 thousand rubles. Extracts and elixirs are positioned as an alternative to conventional vitamins and bioactive supplements. True, it is difficult to say whether such products are in high demand.

When choosing the concept of assortment, some entrepreneurs proceed from considerations that buyers of natural drinks care not only about their diet, but also about their health in general. Therefore, for example, even organic cosmetics are sold in Japanese fresh bars. However, if you plan to add organic cosmetics to your assortment, study the demand for it in advance and keep in mind that you will need to slightly expand the sales area and hire sales consultants with medical education.

The fresh market in our country is just developing, but its participants have already faced the problem of positioning their products. If previously freshly squeezed juices and various cocktails based on them and with the addition of milk could only be purchased in expensive restaurants, which set a large mark-up on them, now the owners of fresh bars are trying to break consumer stereotypes and promote their product as healthy, tasty and, most importantly affordable. True, they are in no hurry to reduce the mark-up on it, since in this case the payback period of the point will significantly increase. Therefore, experts advise finding a compromise solution: for example, leaving the markup for freshly squeezed juices and smoothies at the same level, and creating the appearance of availability and low prices by reducing the retail cost of various other drinks based on them (cocktails, fresh juices with ice and ice cream).

Which room is suitable for a fresh bar

A large area is not required to place a fresh bar. It is quite possible to open a full-fledged point on 4-6 square meters. Unlike other similar establishments, the products presented in such a bar are in demand all year round. In the hot season, people purchase soft drinks based on natural fruits to quench their thirst, and in the winter months - as a healthy cocktail rich in vitamins. All of these features determine the location of your fresh bar. First of all, it should be located in a place with high traffic, preferably near a cafe or restaurant.

Optimal location options for opening a fresh bar:

  • shopping centers and hypermarkets;

  • business centers;

    fitness centers;


    railway stations;

    water parks;


Recently, fresh bars can be seen in car dealerships and at various events. For example, mobile bars that are installed at exhibitions. But still, most often, fresh bars can be seen in large shopping centers right in the middle of the walkway. This retail format is called an island (“an island in a shopping center”). Detailed business plan with calculations for a fresh bar in the format of an island in the shopping center can be found.

A large flow of people for fresh bars is important, among other things, because of the properties of the products. Juices and cocktails are perishable products that cannot be stored for a long time, even with refrigerated chambers. Already within the first thirty minutes after preparation, a fruit drink without any additives loses as a number of its useful propertiesand their taste. Of course, with a large flow of customers, some drinks can be made in reserve so as not to create a queue, but in other cases they are prepared immediately after placing an order. Thus, if your bar is set up in an open area, passers-by can see the process of making a cocktail or juice, which will increase consumer confidence.

What equipment do you need for fresh bars

A significant expense item when organizing your own fresh bar is the purchase of special equipment. The minimum set of commercial and production equipment for a standard outlet for the sale of fresh juices and drinks based on them will cost about 200 thousand rubles.

The minimum set of equipment for a fresh bar:

  • universal juicer, juicer for certain types of fruits (for example, citrus fruits or pomegranates);

  • blenders and mixers;

    devices for cleaning fruits and vegetables;

    refrigerators and cabinets;

    bar counter;

  • cash register and cashless payment system;

    coffee machines;

    ice machine;

    refrigerator for ice cream;

    work cabinets (they can also be located in the bar counter).

When choosing a supplier of equipment (primarily juicers and mixers with blenders), pay attention to the fact whether he offers service maintenance equipment sold to them. With a high workload, even new devices often fail, and repairing it without warranty service can cost a pretty penny.

Disposable plastic plates, glasses, coffee mugs, forks and spoons are usually used from dishes in fresh bars, as well as at other similar food outlets. Glassware can be used quite rarely, but in these cases the fresh bar no longer belongs to the catering system, but rather to catering.

Ready ideas for your business

Additional costs are associated with the design of the sign, applying the logo of your bar (or a chain of fresh bars) to the side of the counters, making branded napkins (optional), flyers or business cards. Flyers and business cards, as well as a bright design of the outlet, are the main tools for attracting customers. For this reason, so far no fresh bar can boast of a memorable brand that is heard by many. Shopping in them is made spontaneously, and not purposefully, and buyers, at best, will later remember the approximate location of the bar, but not its name or logo.

What kind of staff is required for a fresh bar

If buying equipment and renting a place for trade are the biggest expense items for your fresh bar, then finding the right working staff is quite possibly the most difficult task that you will face when organizing and running your business.

As a rule, most of the owners of fresh bars are looking for a girl or woman under the age of 45 to replace the seller. In this case, the main selection criteria are decency, politeness, sociability and accuracy. It doesn't take much time to master a juicer or mixer, so the requirement for the ability to handle the equipment is not at all key.

It should be borne in mind that you will need to find not one seller that meets your requirements, but at least two or three. Please note that shopping centers, which often host fresh bars, are open from morning until late at night, seven days a week. A point in a busy place will need three salespeople who will work in shifts (for example, a week after a week or three days after three). The salary of the seller usually consists of two parts - salary (fixed amount) plus percentage of sales (on average, about 10%).

Ready ideas for your business

Theft prevention is a separate issue. The owners of the outlets for the sale of fresh juices, where the cash register is installed, check their employees for conscientiousness by arranging test purchases. Your acquaintances or friends can also act as a "mystery buyer".

How much profit can fresh bars bring?

The business of making and selling fresh juice drinks is different high profitability - from 80%. The minimum mark-up for the product is about 200-300% (300% for fresh juices and less for other drinks based on them). For example, 250 grams of fresh juice at a cost price of about 40-45 rubles is sold at retail at a price of 120-135 rubles. At the same time, at least 25-30 liters of this drink are sold per day, and on weekends and in summer months, sales volumes can reach 45-50 liters, if a good location has been chosen. Thus, the proceeds from the sale of juices alone can amount to 360-810 thousand rubles per month. Taking into account the cost of production, rent, payroll and other expenses, the net profit at such turnover will be from 90 to 210 thousand rubles. The payback period of a fresh bar depends on several factors: location, assortment, competent promotion, product quality, quality of customer service, etc. The average payback period for such a point is about 10-12 months.

Experienced entrepreneurs advise potential players in this segment, even at the stage of opening one outlet, to think about developing it into a chain of several fresh bars. If you have no experience in this area, then it is better to gain it for at least one year, managing one fresh bar, and then build a network based on the knowledge gained. In this case, the payback period of the project will be about three years. There is another way to develop your own business on the basis of an already functioning fresh bar - the subsequent creation of a network of cafes or healthy food restaurants, which are now considered a promising direction.

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In this material:

What should be considered when preparing a fresh bar business plan? First, you need to walk through the most crowded places of the city - shopping and sports centers, cinemas to see how busy the niche is. Secondly, you need to decide where to get 5-10 thousand dollars to start a business. Comparing the data obtained, we can conclude about the feasibility of the project in this settlement.

We carry out calculations

Before considering the organization of the business itself, let's calculate its likely profitability for the month. It depends on the chosen place and the correct positioning, but on average it is possible to realize from 15 to 25 liters of freshly squeezed juice per day. It would be a mistake to make it exclusively from some one fruit. It will be better if, in addition to purely fruit fresh, there is both vegetable and combined. More on this below.

This approach gives not only a wide variety of proposals to the consumer, but also reduces the cost of a glass of juice. Pineapple juice is one thing, but apple and beet juice is another matter. The average cost per kilogram of fruits and vegetables will be in the range of $ 0.4-0.5. From a kilogram of fruits and vegetables, 0.5-0.7 liters of freshly squeezed products come out. That is, a day for 15-25 liters of juice will need 22-50 kg of fruits and vegetables with a total cost of 9-25 dollars. At the exchange rate, this is 585-1625 rubles.

A 200 ml glass of fresh costs on average 30 rubles, a liter comes out 150 rubles. Total revenue for the day will be 2250-3750 rubles. Taking into account the cost of vegetables and fruits, the profit will be 1665-2125 rubles, or 50-64 thousand rubles. per month. But this is not a net profit, because the cost of rent and the salary of the seller are not taken into account. At first, it is highly recommended to work independently at the bar in order to understand in practice the whole mechanism of the project's functioning. But there is no escape from rental costs. It can fluctuate between 10-14 thousand rubles. We get a net profit of 36-54 thousand rubles. per month. These numbers can change both upward and downward. It depends on the specific conditions and region.

Site selection and equipment purchase

To choose a place, you need to take a closer look at crowded places and pay attention to the fresh bars already standing there. Their presence does not mean that the niche is already occupied even in this place. In large shopping centers, there may be several such bars. One should be interested not only in the location of such establishments, but also in how the trade takes place there.

If buyers are almost lining up, it means that the demand for this service is high, and it makes sense to put your own bar on another floor of the premises. If only a few glasses of freshly squeezed juice were sold in one hour of work on a weekend, then you should seriously think about the chosen place. It is highly likely that the project will be unprofitable.

The main requirement for the location of the establishment is that it should be crowded. You shouldn't place it in an institution that is visited by 30-50 people a day.

When you have decided on the place where the bar will be located, you need to equip it with equipment. Don't skimp on it. A home juicer will not work because the increased stress will cause it to fail during the first days (if not hours) of operation. You will need professional equipment, and more than one.

In addition to a juicer, the average cost of which is 120 thousand rubles, you will need a machine that will squeeze juice from citrus and pomegranate. Its cost is slightly higher - 150 thousand rubles. In addition to them, you need to purchase:

  • a device for cleaning vegetables and fruits - 8 thousand rubles.
  • freezer for 230 liters - 14 thousand rubles.
  • refrigerator for 700 liters - 30 thousand rubles.
  • demonstration showcase - 25 thousand rubles.
  • apparatus for mixing and shaking cocktails and juices - 10 thousand rubles.
  • bar counter and furniture for visitors - 50-150 thousand rubles.
  • cash register - 14 thousand rubles.

Also add here to render additional services:

  • coffee machine - 80 thousand rubles.
  • ice generator - 7 thousand rubles.
  • apparatus for making ice cream - 150-200 thousand rubles.

Total, without the provision of additional services, you will need 520 thousand rubles, and if with them - 800 thousand rubles. The second option is recommended, which makes it possible to both increase the average check and increase the profitability of the establishment by distributing the project risks.

We are looking for staff and developing a menu

The owner of the project will not be able to sit at the bar all the time. This is not his business, he must work on promoting and expanding the business, and while serving clients, it will not be possible to “create” a lot. We need to hire staff.

To do this, it is worth choosing women between the ages of 20 and 40 years of pleasant appearance. Strive to keep them slim. This is not a whim - the increase in sales depends on it. It takes two employees to work in shifts - a week after a week. From time to time they will have to be monitored, by sending secret buyers who would track whether all goods are released through the checkout.

The menu should be made as varied as possible. Those who advise to do only with citrus fruits or fruits are wrong. Carrot or apple juice, pumpkin or beetroot - there are regular customers for each of them, as well as for the mixture. The more recipes, the higher the sales.

Browse the web for recipes, go to various forums that discuss fresh juices. Try and experiment, notice what the consumer chooses more, communicate with him, find out his tastes and advertise new products.

We are working on promoting the project

Despite the fact that the bar is located in a crowded place, you should not rely on the conscientiousness of passers-by who will show an increased interest in the products. It needs to be actively promoted. This should be done starting from the showcase itself.

Take a note: the project is not aimed at selling fresh drinks, but at making people healthier. With each glass you give them a particle of health. Each vegetable and fruit contains many vitamins, minerals, nutrients that have a positive effect on the internal organs and systems of the body. So build on this by decorating the bar with visual agitation.

For each proposed recipe, a beautiful laminated plate should hang in a prominent place, which would briefly describe the benefits of a glass of such fresh. Take advantage of the legacy of natural juice lover Paul Bragg - excerpts from his books on the benefits of this product. It would be nice to make a poster with him that would say that he was standing on a surfboard at the age of 80.

It is necessary to create a page on the social network, in which posts would constantly appear, promoting the benefits of drinks from fruits and vegetables. Design a page and run an advertisement, gaining subscribers only from your city. Don't waste your money on something else - online advertising is now the most effective and cheapest.

When the first bar begins to bring a stable and high income, scale the business, open several more such establishments, projecting all the best that has already worked.

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The smoothie bar is a new phenomenon in our market. In the Western style, this direction is also called a fresh bar or a juicy bar. The beginning of this movement was the idea of \u200b\u200badherents to healthy eating. A smoothie bar is a mobile counter specializing in the preparation of fresh juices and drinks based on them. This business is popular in Europe and the USA. Entrepreneurs raise over $ 3.5 million a year. Of course, in our country you shouldn't even think about such profit. But, experts note the growth of adherents of healthy eating. This means that the profit from smoothie bars promises to grow.

Lower demand for fresh products is due to the initial positioning of the product. The fact is that freshly squeezed drinks were previously sold exclusively in restaurants. And businessmen made a 300% mark-up on them. Now the main task of entrepreneurs who want to organize their business is to offer customers products with not such a high mark-up, but no less tasty and healthy. One of the positive facts to start similar business is the lack of business intricacies, the need for experience, and business mobility.

Choosing a shopping area.

It is very important to choose the right place. It will be possible to work on the street only during the hot season, and it is not profitable to just stand outside. Organize foreign trade with a positive outcome, it will only work at holidays, outdoor events or at entertainment points. It is important to immediately foresee the fact that people will come there with money. And they want to rest. Fairs, exhibitions, festivals and so on are also suitable. But, this is only periodic work and it is better to find a permanent location so that clients always know that you are there.

As a permanent location, it is better to choose a shopping or entertainment Center... It is advantageous to place the bar counter in the middle and attract the eyes of buyers with a bright design. And so that customers do not get the impression that they have harmful concentrates in front of them, it is important to display fruits, vegetables and berries from which smoothies will be made. It is advantageous to be located near the fast zone, then you can constantly expand the range, focusing on new drinks and desserts. And if you rent a place in a large office center, then, in addition to healthy food, you should also prepare interesting snacks. You can also locate your bar at the airport, large beauty salon, fitness center, cinema, water park, and so on.

The cost of renting one square meter can vary greatly depending on the location chosen, the level of traffic, the location of the shopping area, and so on.

In general, renting only 5-7 square meters, you should count on $ 500-600 per month.


To organize a smoothie bar, most of the costs are spent on the purchase of special equipment:

1. Powerful juicer of universal type - from $ 250;
2. Target juicer (for citrus fruits, pomegranates and so on) - from $ 200;
3. Blender - from $ 150;
4. Mixer - from $ 80;
5. A device for cleaning fruits and vegetables - from $ 300;
6. Refrigerator - from $ 500;
7. Refrigerated cabinet - from $ 400;
8. Bar counter - not less than $ 1.2 thousand;
9. Showcase - from $ 500;
10. Cash register - from $ 800;
11. Machine for making coffee - from $ 600;
12. Ice making machine - from $ 120;
13. Refrigerator for ice cream - from $ 400;
14. Cabinets for work purposes - about $ 120;
15. Tableware (disposable or glass) - from $ 160.

When choosing equipment, it is beneficial to make a purchase from one manufacturer, supplier. Buying the whole complex, you can immediately get a discount. But, it is important to provide that the manufacturer gives a long time for warranty service. Indeed, even the most highly professional units can fail due to frequent loads. Therefore, it is important that in the event of a breakdown, you can always count on a free adjustment.

total amount necessary equipment will start at $ 5,000.

Raw materials.

The main ingredients for smoothies are fruits, berries and vegetables, milk, ice, ice cream. It is very important that the ingredients are fresh. All work will be carried out in front of the buyer, so the raw materials should always shine and look beautiful. It is advantageous to negotiate with the supplier to bring fresh fruits and vegetables 1-2 times a week. You will also need to purchase disposable dishes, coffee, ice cream, milk and other components.

In total, you should expect at least $ 800 for monthly raw material costs.


In most cases, a female salesperson is required for work. Best of all under the age of 35-40 years. When choosing staff, you should focus on politeness, accuracy and communication skills. No special skills are required for work; learning to work with a mixer and a juicer will be quick. But, the main problem is to find a person for a shift work. So, you will have to adjust to the work of the shopping center, which starts its day from early morning until late at night. Therefore, for work, you will have to find a seller who is ready to work in shift mode. Payment is most often piece-rate bonus. There is a fixed rate and you can additionally get a percentage of the sales.

In total, you should count on payments in the amount of $ 800-1 thousand.


Branding of your bar, flyers and business cards, pointers have the greatest influence on buyers. It is also important to create an advertisement on the shopping center website. It is also worth grabbing the attention of customers on videos about the mall or in magazines, if any. Making smoothies in front of customers will also have a positive impact on demand. Do not forget to hold promotions sometimes. For example, each customer receives a second smoothie as a gift. Or when buying coffee - a discount on ice cream.

1. Rent retail space - 500-600;
2. Equipment - $ 5 thousand;
3. Raw materials - from $ 800;
4. Personnel - 800-1 thousand $;
5. Advertising - from $ 300.

To start a business, an amount of $ 7-8 thousand is required.

Profit and return on investment.

Business profitability will start at 80%. Most often, the mark-up on a product starts from 100 to 300%. So, a glass of juice can be offered to the buyer for $ 1.2-1.5, at a cost price of about 50 cents. At the same time, about 30 liters of product can be sold per day. The smoothie itself will cost a little less, namely $ 0.8-1. The cost will be only 30 cents. The average profit from a well-promoted point will be about $ 10 thousand. The payback period is about a year.

Buyers and Development.

Buyers are people different ages with a level of income below average, middle and high. Smoothies are mainly bought by adherents of a healthy lifestyle. As a development, it is worth turning to the experience of foreign partners. So, in America it is beneficial to offer in parallel organic food, extracts of various plants. But the Japanese came up with the idea of \u200b\u200bsimultaneously offering the buyer organic cosmetics.

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Ramil Shaikhetdinov (Photo: Regina Urazaeva for RBC)

Shaikhetdinov's first bar began operating in 2007, when the entrepreneur turned 21. The outlet was named Vita Juice and the orange orange logo. It was the counter with the only seller in the mall. It occupied an area of \u200b\u200bonly 2.5 square meters. m and offered only one drink - freshly squeezed orange juice. The entrepreneur spent 500 thousand rubles on the opening. Most of the funds were spent on purchasing a professional juicer.

However, contrary to expectations, the queues to the fresh bar did not line up - the sales barely covered the costs. Shaikhetdinov decided that he was a little wrong with the format. Six months later, he invited his classmate Ilgiz Akhmadullin as a partner. Together they opened two more points in Kazan. New fresh bars already occupied about 10 sq. m and were better equipped - juicers appeared for various fruits, for example, a pomegranate. The menu expanded to 12 types of juices, branded mixes and smoothies, as well as a bar counter appeared. Each such bar has already cost 1.5 million rubles. But they immediately began to make a profit. On average, the monthly revenue of one point is now 600 thousand rubles. per month, profit - 150 thousand. Partners reinvested all profits in opening new points in new cities.

Today the Vita Juice chain has 25 points in 12 cities of Russia, including Moscow. Every year, two or three new bars are opened, and the revenue in 2017 amounted to more than 175 million rubles, the profit - about 45 million. According to 2GIS, this is largest network fresh bars in the country.

The main problem for Shaikhetdinov was the search for employees. The juice seller is not the most prestigious job, people quickly got bored with it, and they left, and it is difficult to look for employees in unfamiliar cities. Therefore, the entrepreneur came up with a motivation system for salespeople. Every six months, each employee of the company can take an exam on knowledge of recipes, service standards, etc. If the test is passed successfully, the employee's salary is increased by 15% and he moves to a higher category of specialists. The best salespeople move on to leadership jobs at the headquarters. Now the Vita Juice company employs over 130 people, about a quarter of them are administrative staff in the office in Kazan.

Photo: Regina Urazaeva for RBC

The entrepreneur saves money on advertising: a fresh bar is not an institution for which a client will specially go to a shopping center. Juice or smoothie is primarily a spontaneous purchase. Therefore, the main thing is to choose shopping centers where there are many people, Shaikhetdinov said.

The most difficult period for the development of Vita Juice was 2014-2015, when the crisis affected the purchasing power of Russians, and the number of visitors in shopping centers fell. Sales in Vita Juice bars dropped and prices for imported fruit rose. “If before the crisis we bought oranges for 50 rubles. per kilogram, then after - already 100 rubles. ”- says the entrepreneur.

Shaikhetdinov began to beat out discounts on rent. This was not done everywhere, and in those shopping centers where the rents were too high, he closed several fresh bars. By 2017, the situation had improved. According to the entrepreneur, the spread of the fashion for a healthy lifestyle played into his hands. The company responded to the new trend - they launched the Detox by Vita Juice line, which contains cocktails made from pear, orange and spinach or apple, broccoli and walnut.

In 2018, the company launched a franchise sale. Under its terms, the Vita Juice fresh bar can be purchased on a turnkey basis with furniture and equipment for 2.95 million rubles, the monthly royalty is 12 thousand rubles. So far, no franchisee has signed an agreement.

Smaller and easier

55-year-old Igor Maymin before the opening of the fresh bar owned two large establishments in Moscow - the restaurants "Cocktail" and "Wheel of Time". The latter was located on three floors and occupied an area of \u200b\u200b1.5 thousand square meters. m.

Igor Maymin and Ekaterina Maymina (Photo: Oleg Yakovlev / RBC)

The idea to open a fresh bar came up during a trip to tropical countries and the USA - the restaurateur watched everywhere outlets offering fresh juices and smoothies. The businessman returned from the trip with a ready-made business plan - decided to launch a fresh bar in one of the Moscow shopping centers. Maymin took his daughter Ekaterina as partners.

In 2007, the first fresh-bar Yummy Mix was launched: an “island” with an area of \u200b\u200b9 sq. m in the capital's shopping center. Its opening cost the partners 2 million rubles. (investments fought back after a year and a half). The menu of the Maimina's bar came up with their own, experimented with various fruits and vegetables. The shopping center website was chosen as an advertising platform. “We published information about our promotions and special offers with them,” says Ekaterina Maymina.

Six months later, the partners decided to open a second point. The launch costs amounted to about 2 million rubles. Subsequently, new fresh bars were opened once a year. Everything is in Moscow, with the exception of two opened in 2009 in Rostov-on-Don. Then the restaurateur met the future manager of the Rostov branch at the international exhibition of retail real estate in France, and he convinced Maimin to try his hand in the province. It turned out that Rostov fresh bars earn no less than Moscow ones - each one earns an average of 6 million rubles. per year, of which about 800 thousand rubles. arrived. There are now ten bars in the network, the last one opened last year.

The 2014-2015 crisis hit the Yummy Mix business as well. But the family found a new audience - these are numerous employees of the shopping center. For them, the company began to arrange promotions during the hours of the least active sales. For example, from 10 am to 12 am on weekdays, when there are simply no buyers in stores, they offered sellers orange juice at a 50% discount, forming a pool of regular consumers.

Nevertheless, several fresh bars located in the shopping center near the Moscow Ring Road had to be closed. “The audience of some centers has changed before our eyes - many people have stopped going to them, as new malls have opened, only local residents from residential areas remained. Now it makes sense to open closer to the city center, in business centers, it is more and more difficult to work in shopping centers every year, ”Maimina admits.

According to the entrepreneur, an important factor for the success of a fresh bar is the location inside the shopping center: “There should be a lot of people passing by, but they should not be in a hurry. The food court is also not the best place, there are too many alternative proposals. We choose shopping galleries - a person goes out with purchases, sees a sign and decides to take a break and drink some juice. "

Maimin sold large restaurants, and now the family is focused on improving the service and expanding the menu of their bars. A professional mixologist was brought in to develop the recipes. The Yummy Mix assortment responds to all the fashion trends in the beverage industry. For example, the company now has lines for vegans (smoothies without frozen yogurt) and strength sports enthusiasts — with added protein.

“The competition in this niche in Moscow is already quite strong,” says Ekaterina Maimina. “Many kiosks, cafes and coffee houses have begun to add a wide range of juices and smoothies to their basic assortment.” But that doesn't mean there isn't room for new players. According to Maimina, newbies can draw attention to themselves through an original concept. For example, the Vitamin & Smoothie Bar Macadamia offers smoothies in lightbulb-shaped bottles. Unusual packaging attracts buyers and encourages them to post photos on Instagram.

Cost of drinks

Classic "Mango shake" (mango, ice), 0.35 l: price - 350 rubles, prime cost - 200 rubles.

"Homemade lemonade" (mango, chia, orange), 0.35 l: price - 200 rubles, prime cost - 120 rubles.

"Freshly squeezed juice" (orange, mango), 0.35 l: price - 300 rubles, cost price - 100 rubles.

Source: Super Mango


Ruslan Nazimov, 32, is a former top manager of the Negotsiant development company. He thought about his own business while receiving an Executive MBA at Kingston University in London. "Then I thought: why waste your potential working for hire?" - Nazimov recalls.

Upon returning to Moscow, he met with his friend Sergei Pivovarov, a dentist, owner of a network of dental clinics. Together they began to come up with ideas for the future business. The choice fell on the supply of mangoes to Russia. Partners are big fans of this exotic fruit. “However, what they sell in supermarkets tastes more like potatoes,” Nazimov said indignantly.

Alexander Nazimov, Ruslan Nazimov and Sergey Pivovarov (from left to right) (Photo: Oleg Yakovlev / RBC)

In the spring of 2017, the partners created Super Mango. The third co-owner was Ruslan's brother Alexander Nazimov, before that for a long time worked in the field of investment banking. The partners brought the first batch of exotic fruit from India. It was an 80% ripeness Alfonso mango. A batch of 800 kg, including delivery, cost 700 thousand rubles.

The partners decided to sell fresh fruit wholesale and retail via the Internet - they opened accounts on social networks and launched a website. However, it immediately became clear that it would not be possible to find wholesale buyers. “Nobody wanted to buy mangoes at their peak. This is a perishable product, it can lie for a maximum of seven days. While unripe mangoes are stored for 25-30 days, ”Nazimov says.

The entrepreneurs managed to sell half of the batch - they themselves delivered orders throughout Moscow. And the other half have lost their presentation. At the last moment, we managed to sell it at a discount to the # FARШ burger chain. Customers of the cafe who made an order for more than 700 rubles were presented with Super Mango Shake.

The partners realized that they needed an additional distribution channel where they can quickly sell the mango if its shelf life is nearing the end. In the summer of 2017, the partners began to set up stalls in the markets and sell mango juices and desserts. We prepared drinks in front of customers. At the Usachevsky market in Moscow, Super Mango made a splash - queues were lined up for juice, Nazimov assures. The company served 250-300 clients per day.

Juice trade seemed to the partners to be a promising niche. However, it was not easy for a newcomer to break into the shopping centers. The representatives of the shopping center were either not interested in a new player with juices, as they already had points with a similar product, or put forward "draconian conditions". The first fresh bar in the shopping center was opened only in October 2017. The launch cost the partners 1.5 million rubles. The new bar has drinks from other exotic fruits - passionfruit and avocado.

Nazimov is a supporter of active sales. “Our sellers invite customers, but they do not shout, but calmly address passers-by,” he explains. - They offer to try free samples, because the culture of mango consumption in Russia is very weak, many simply do not know this fruit and are afraid to ask, so our main focus in sales is on active communication with customers. After a person touches the mango, feels the aroma and tastes it - 99% that he will make a purchase. "

In December 2017, Super Mango launched three more bars. Now each point gives an average of 2-2.5 million rubles. proceeds monthly and 0.5-1 million rubles. arrived. On average, the points occupy about 10-12 square meters. m, and the rent costs 300-500 thousand rubles. depending on the shopping center. Fresh bars now account for about 50% of the company's total revenue, the rest is sales of mangoes on the Internet. Here, unexpectedly for entrepreneurs, Instagram “shot”.

In the summer, entrepreneurs intend to open at least ten more retail outlets on the streets of Moscow - they are convinced that the niche is still far from saturation.

View from the outside

"While the trend towards correct and healthy food is gaining popularity, the format will continue to evolve."

Evgenia Kachalova, founder of the Wine Bazaar chain, Moscow

“The growing popularity of fresh bars is primarily due to the fact that people have now become more attentive to their own health, have begun to pay more attention to what they eat and drink, and have begun to use more high-quality and healthy products in their diet.

The advantages of such a business, I would classify the small organization costs. This format requires a small area, a minimum number of employees, no need to organize a full-fledged kitchen. It turns out to be a rather attractive business with a small investment. The disadvantage is that the product is perishable, if the point did not immediately become popular, you will have to write off a lot of fruits and vegetables.

Fresh bar is a narrowly focused concept, it is difficult to form a circle of regular customers. But while the trend towards correct and healthy food is gaining popularity, this format will continue to develop. "

"Big players will appear, make networks"

Alexander Murachev, managing partner of the Tigrus restaurant holding (Osteria Mario restaurants, Bar BQ Cafe, Shvili, ZEST coffee shop)

“The general interest in this business model is based on the trend of a healthy lifestyle. Fitness centers, yoga courses, local food markets, fresh and smoothie bars, etc. are developing. People want to live longer and better, and therefore began to pay attention to what they eat and what they drink. We feel it in our restaurants. We reduce the amount of sugar and salt in the recipes, reduce the proportion of deep-fat dishes, add more fresh products.

Look at what is happening with parks in the capital: they are becoming more modern, more convenient, more beautiful, some of them have a lot of sports activities, and this also contributes to the development of this segment. The modern consumer more and more makes a choice in favor of a natural product and changes the sweet carbonated drink or packaged juice for smoothies, fresh juice, natural lemonade or iced tea.

A fresh bar is a clear and simple business product for a client. Two to three minutes pass from production to the consumer while the juice is squeezed out in front of the customer. There are few drawbacks, but they, of course, are. The juice business is highly seasonal. The demand for soft drinks is predominantly high in summer. You also need to consider the fact that working with fresh ingredients is not easy. The main concerns are waste control, hygiene, proper storage and reliable suppliers. The quality of the fruit can vary, which will affect the costs of business owners.

Of course, this business will develop. Big players will appear, make nets and displace small single points with a juicer and an incomprehensible name. "

* Calculations use average data for Russia


The goal of the project is to open a smoothie bar for the implementation of a range of catering services in a city with a population of over 1 million people. The smoothie bar is positioned as a health food and beverage outlet.

To implement the project, a 5 sq.m. retail space is leased on the territory of a shopping and entertainment center.

Main advantages restaurant business: high level of profitability and demand for catering services; the profitability of smoothie bars up to 80%; relatively free niche; low level of initial investment; compliance of the format with the fashion for healthy food; small retail space; simple technology for preparing fresh drinks; year-round demand for products.

Increase in sales without investment!

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The initial investment is 465,000 rubles. Investment costs are directed to the purchase of equipment, advertising, purchase of raw materials and the formation of working capital, due to which losses of the initial periods will be covered. The main part of the required investments falls on the purchase of equipment - 54%. Own funds will be used to implement the project.

The financial calculations cover a three-year project period. Expansion of production is planned in the future. According to the calculations, the initial investment will pay off after ten months of work.

Table 1. Key performance indicators of the project


Today in Russia there is an active development of the culture of public catering. The rapid growth in the number of establishments and the diversity of the offer form the Russians' interest in eating out, which is becoming a habit. Even during the economic crisis, the population does not refuse to visit catering establishments, although they try to save on this type of expenses.

Experts agree that the domestic catering market has growth prospects. At the end of 2015, the average per capita cost of eating out in Russia amounted to 741 rubles per month, and their share in the total structure of monthly costs is only 3.6% on average in the country.

The main deterrent to development is the high dependence of the catering market on the economic situation in the country. Recently, the least successful period for catering was 2015, when the turnover fell by 5.5%. In 2016, the situation improved slightly - the market fell by 3.7%, and the catering market turnover exceeded 1 trillion. rubles. The growth driver was fast food, which became the most profitable segment of the market. This is due to the fact that consumers seek to save money, not wanting to refuse to visit catering establishments.

The state of the public catering market is characterized by the following trends:

    the highest demand and growth rates in the fast food segment;

    demand for home delivery of restaurant food;

    reduction in the number of restaurateurs on the market;

    active price dumping by restaurateurs in an attempt to attract consumers;

    growing popularity of new formats of establishments: street food, gastro bars, restaurants of national cuisines.

Thus, the Russian restaurant market continues to develop and look for new models of successful business, despite the difficult situation in the industry. Experts predict the development of the market and the growth of investment activity in the segment of small cafes and fast food establishments. Smoothie bars can be considered one of the segments of fast food. This business model is quite in demand, but not as widespread as other fast food formats.

Smoothie bars are a fairly new phenomenon in the catering market. The idea was born in the United States back in the 90s, and was first realized in Russia in 2006. A smoothie is a smoothie made from fruits, vegetables, milk, or yoghurt, whipped to a thick consistency. A smoothie bar is a mobile or stationary catering facility, the assortment of which consists of fresh juice drinks and other healthy food. Smoothie aficionados see it as a modern diet: not thin enough to be called a drink, but not thick enough to be called a dish. Depending on the composition, which can be the most varied, the smoothie is both low-calorie and nutritious, replacing a full meal. Therefore, the fashion for a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition has contributed to the growth in the popularity of smoothie bars.

In America, this business is already generating multimillion-dollar income, and in Russia it is just beginning to develop. The positive trend in the catering market and the growing demand for smoothies determine the popularity of this business format. Therefore, the smoothie bar is a promising business line. The advantages of this type of activity include:

    high profitability, often reaching 80%;

    a relatively new format in the fast food segment;

    promoting healthy eating;

    low level of initial investment;

    sufficient area to accommodate a retail outlet 4-6 sq. m;

    simple technology for preparing organic and fresh drinks;

    year-round demand for products: in summer, soft drinks to quench thirst are in demand, in winter - vitamin cocktails.

Difficulties that an entrepreneur may face: the direct dependence of the demand for services on the economic situation and the level of income of the population, the selection of qualified employees, the preparation of documentation, the activities of regulatory bodies, fierce competition in the industry.

Ready ideas for your business

These parameters determine the investment attractiveness of a business. Opening a smoothie bar will allow you to take into account industry trends and occupy a free niche.


The smoothie bar is positioned as healthy fast food, and the menu reflects the concept of the establishment. It is based on various smoothies and fresh juices. In addition, it is recommended to diversify the menu with other dishes, for example, fruit desserts, yoghurt, cookies or pastries, ice cream, tea and coffee.

Table 2 shows an approximate assortment. The smoothie bar menu is quite varied and can be updated over time in accordance with the taste preferences of consumers. Statistics show that the majority of visitors prefer citrus drinks based on orange juice. Also, popular types of drinks include: fruit juices from orange, carrot, apple. Recently, vegetable juices are gaining popularity: from tomatoes, celery, beets. The assortment of smoothies should include various fruit and fruit-vegetable mixes.

Table 2. Approximate assortment of smoothie bar

Smoothie (yogurt / milk / coconut milk based)

    Mango / orange

    Strawberry / banana

    Carrot / orange

    Apple / carrot / ginger

    Apple / celery

    Banana / apple / spinach

    Banana / pear / oatmeal

    Blueberry pineapple

Freshly squeezed juices

    Banana / orange / pear

  • Orange

    Carrot / Apple / Orange


    Watermelon (seasonal)

Smoothie toppings

    Oat flakes

    Chia seeds

    Dried fruits

    Greek (cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, olives, feta cheese, bell peppers, olive oil)

    With tuna (iceberg lettuce, green beans, canned tuna, cherry tomatoes, eggs, capers, olive oil)

    Vegetable mix (lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower, capers, cherry tomatoes, olives, olive oil)

    Fruit salad with yoghurt dressing

    Cereal cookies

    Banana chocolate mousse

The production is carried out in-house using only natural quality ingredients. Juice drinks are not prepared in advance, since the maximum sale period for such products is a maximum of 4 hours. Each cocktail is prepared to order, the preparation time is no more than 6 minutes. Purchases of products are carried out periodically in order to supply the production with only fresh fruits and vegetables. Frequency of deliveries: 2-3 times a week.


The target audience of the smoothie bar is people who adhere to the principles of healthy eating, city dwellers trying to maintain health in an urban environment. The price segment is medium.

One of important points when opening a smoothie bar, it is necessary to prepare and implement an effective marketing strategy, which should include: the development of the name of the establishment, its logo and corporate identity; organization advertising campaign (promotions, promotion tools). Since the format of a smoothie bar is a relatively new market segment, it is necessary to pay attention to promoting the concept itself, to tell potential consumers about it.

A bright and memorable name will make the establishment stand out from the many offers on the catering market. Services for the development of the corporate identity of the institution will cost an average of 10,000 rubles. A catchy, attention-grabbing sign or an island showcase design will cost about 20,000 rubles.

Ready ideas for your business

Various marketing tools can be used to promote a smoothie bar: installation of billboards and signs; distribution of business cards, flyers or booklets with menus; advertising on the Internet, media and radio; participation in food exhibitions and fairs; loyalty programs, promotions; sponsorship participation in cultural projects; carrying out draws.

Advertising on social networks will be effective in this case, because young people occupy a large share of potential buyers. Within the framework of social networks, you can carry out the action "happy repost", "feedback contest", "dessert for repost", etc. This tool aims to attract additional audiences.

You can also provide for the "happy hours" promotion - the time during which the institution offers discounts, a special menu, etc. As beneficial offers can be:

    discount on the "smoothie + salad" combo at lunchtime;

    a special drink that can only be purchased during Happy Hours.

    plan an action for weekdays;

    increase the price of the most popular menu items to cover the difference in costs;

    come up with a short and clear slogan for the action;

    stick to one group of drinks or food participating in the promotion;

    track the profitability of the stock.

Thus, catering establishments can use a wide range of advertising tools. It all depends on target audience, budget and marketing policy of the institution.

    Creation and active promotion of a profile on VKontakte and Instagram social networks. 10,000 rubles should be allocated to promote your profile on social networks;

    A repost competition designed to distribute advertising information to potential consumers. The winner will receive a one-time 50% discount on the order.

    Happy Hours promotion, which runs on weekdays from 12:00 to 17:00. During this time, it is suggested to purchase a lunch combo at a discounted price, or a smoothie at a 50% discount.

    Create a striking showcase design that will attract visitors.

For the promotion of the smoothie bar, costs are included in the amount of 40,000 rubles.

Ready ideas for your business

The expected influx of visitors is 25-30 people per day, or 900 people / month. The average check is 250 rubles. In accordance with these parameters, the planned revenue is 225,000 rubles per month.


Opening a smoothie bar and organizing production involves the following steps:

1) Location and interior of the establishment. For any catering establishment, a properly selected room plays an important role. It is recommended to place a smoothie bar in a crowded place: parks, near shopping and entertainment complexes or inside them, near business centers, office buildings and educational institutions, on central streets. The menu should vary depending on the location. For example, if the smoothie bar is located next to office buildings, it is recommended to include various snacks in the assortment; if the establishment is located in a shopping center, you need to provide a dessert menu. In this project, the menu is compiled on the assumption that the smoothie bar will be located in a shopping center.

Since a smoothie bar is a specific catering establishment, when choosing a place, one should take into account the presence of competitors nearby. For a specific format of the establishment, neighborhood with analogues is not allowed - this can negatively affect the volume of revenue. When studying the competitive environment, you also need to pay attention to prices, services offered, quality of service and menu. Often the choice of a consumer in favor of one or another fast food is determined by the cost of the dishes. Therefore, it is recommended to identify the closest competitors and form prices in accordance with this.

A large area is not required to open a smoothie bar - 4 sq. m, which will house a bar or "island", equipped with all the necessary equipment.

For the implementation of the smoothie bar project, it is planned to rent a retail space on the territory of a shopping and entertainment center. The trading area is 5 sq. m, rental price - 10,000 rubles / month. The point of sale is an RMU kiosk, or the so-called "island". This location allows you to attract more people who have visited the mall. The kiosk is brightly decorated in an eco-theme, which makes it possible to emphasize the usefulness of the products offered. On one side of the kiosk, there is a seating area with bar stools, where visitors can sit.

In order to save money, it is planned to purchase a second-hand kiosk worth 20,000 rubles. For its design and furniture filling costs in the amount of 30,000 rubles are included. Thus, the cost of arranging the retail space will amount to 50,000 rubles.

2) Service format and personnel selection. At the initial stage, you will need 2 salespeople who will work in shifts. In the future, the possibility of expanding the staff to serve visitors is being considered. The seller accepts the order and prepares it. The order preparation time should be no more than 7 minutes. Salads and desserts are delivered to the point of sale ready-made (for this, cooperation with a third-party organization is provided), only branded drinks are prepared in real time. It is planned to serve dishes in disposable tableware with a corporate logo.

Requirements for the staff of a public institution:

All employees must have health records with appropriate marks;

Before being allowed to the workplace, all employees must be instructed, study the safety instructions for operating the equipment.

3) Equipment. Equipment for a smoothie bar is selected based on its working areas and range. As a standard, it is assumed that there are two working areas: for washing fruits and equipment, and for preparing drinks. At the first stages of work, it is recommended to purchase two juicers - one specifically for citrus fruits, and the other for other vegetables and fruits. It is advisable to purchase professional equipment that will withstand high intensity of use. Table 3 provides an approximate list of required equipment. In accordance with it, the cost of equipment will be about 200,000 rubles.

Table 3. List of equipment

4) Compilation of the menu. The planned assortment is given in point 3 of the business plan. From time to time, you need to add new dishes to the menu or make special offers - in this way it will be possible to retain the accumulated client base. It is important to provide that for each dish a technological chart is drawn up indicating the consumption of products per serving and the volume of this portion. This information is necessary to obtain permission from the SES, as well as to calculate the need for raw materials.

5) Organization of supply. Before opening a smoothie bar, you should establish raw material supply channels and decide on suppliers. The main requirement for suppliers is the delivery of high-quality and fresh products on time according to the agreed schedule. It is important that all ingredients used meet the requirements of GOST.

When negotiating cooperation with suppliers, you must familiarize yourself with all the conditions specified in the contract. Typically, the shipping costs of the ingredients are borne by your facility. To reduce this cost item, you need to choose suppliers that are closer to your establishment.

The required amount of raw materials is determined based on the menu, technological map product preparation and expected sales. It is important that the recipes of the dishes comply with GOSTs or separately adopted TU.


The initial stage of opening a smoothie bar is registering a business in government bodies and getting permits for catering establishments.

To conduct commercial activities, an LLC is registered with a simplified taxation system (“income” at a rate of 6%). Type of activity according to OKVED-2:

56.3 - Serving drinks

56.10.1 - Activities of full service restaurants and cafes, cafeterias, fast food and self-service restaurants

When opening a catering establishment, difficulties may arise in obtaining permits. To open a smoothie bar, you need to collect the following list of documents:

    sanitary and epidemiological conclusion issued by Rospotrebnadzor;

    assortment list approved by the SES;

    permission of the state fire supervision;

    the conclusion of the tax inspectorate on the registration of cash registers.

The opening hours of the smoothie bar coincide with the opening hours of the shopping center - from 10:00 to 22:00. Based on this, the staffing table is formed. Since the institution is open 7 days a week, it is necessary to organize a shift work schedule for all staff of the institution.

The entrepreneur performs the duties of a manager and an accountant, and can also work for point of sale... The director hires and manages personnel, conducts marketing policy, controls the work of personnel, is responsible for the supply of raw materials.

Sellers interact with customers, form received orders, accept payment, prepare drinks, and also monitor the cleanliness of the workplace.

Thus, the total wage fund is 91,000 rubles.

Table 4. Staffing table and payroll


Salary, rub.

Number, people

FOT, rub.




Seller (shift schedule)


70 000.00 ₽

Social Security contributions:

21 000.00 ₽

Total with deductions:

91 000.00 ₽


The financial plan takes into account all the income and expenses of the project, the planning horizon is 3 years. It is planned that after this period, the institution will need to expand its production and range of products.

To launch a project, you need to calculate the amount of investment. To do this, you need to decide on the costs of purchasing equipment, the initial purchase of raw materials and the formation of working capital, due to which losses of the initial periods will be covered.

The initial investment for a smoothie bar is 465,000 rubles. The main part of the required investments falls on the purchase of equipment - 54%, the share of expenses for the purchase of raw materials and the working capital fund is 32%, the remaining items of expenses account for 14%. The project is funded by equity capital... The main items of investment costs are shown in Table 5.

Table 5. Investment costs


Amount, rub.

The property

Lease of retail space for the 1st month


Trade area equipment

Production equipment

Intangible assets

Business registration, preparation of permits

Working capital

Purchase of raw materials

Working capital


465 000 ₽

Variable costs consist of the costs of the ingredients used in the preparation of meals. To simplify financial calculations, variable costs are calculated based on the average check and a fixed trading margin of 350%.

Fixed costs consist of rent, payroll, advertising costs, and depreciation charges. The amount of depreciation is determined on a straight-line basis, based on the useful life of fixed assets of 3 years.

Table 6. Fixed costs

Thus, fixed monthly expenses were determined in the amount of 133,000 rubles.


The payback period of the project with an initial investment of 465,000 rubles is 10 months. Achievement of the planned sales volume is planned for the 3rd month of operation of the smoothie bar. Volume net profit for the first year of operation will amount to 536,760 rubles. Return on sales in the first year of operation - 16.5%. Given the potential of the business, the profitability of which reaches 80%, we can conclude that financial plan compiled according to a pessimistic forecast. It is possible to achieve an increase in sales with a competent marketing policy, quality products and an attractive assortment.

The net present value is positive and equal to 489,976 rubles, which allows us to speak about the investment attractiveness of the project. The return on investment ratio is 17.2%, the internal rate of return exceeds the discount rate and is equal to 13.14%, and the return index is 1.05.


To assess the risk component of the project, it is necessary to analyze the external and internal factors... External factors include threats related to the economic situation in the country, sales markets. Internal - the effectiveness of the organization's management.

The specifics of the institution determines the following external risks:

    higher prices for raw materials, unscrupulous suppliers. In the first case, there is a risk of increased costs and, as a result, the selling price, which may negatively affect demand. In the second case, the risk is associated with interruptions in production. It is possible to reduce the likelihood of these threats with a competent choice of suppliers and the inclusion in the contract of all the necessary conditions that provide for the supplier's material liability in case of their violation;

    drop in effective demand. This risk can be mitigated by developing effective loyalty programs, including discounts, happy hour services, etc .;

    low or no demand. This risk is likely for a smoothie bar due to its format and the specifics of the menu. This threat should be considered when opening a smoothie bar - it is recommended to marketing research market to identify consumer interest in such an establishment. It is also possible to minimize the risk by revising the menu, conducting an active advertising campaign and various promotions.

    the reaction of competitors. Since the foodservice market is quite saturated and highly competitive, the behavior of competitors can have a strong influence. To minimize it, you need to build your own customer base, constantly monitor the market, and have a customer loyalty program;