IP on electrical work. Detailed business plan for opening an electrical firm. Requirements for the placement and equipment of the organization

Electric installation work

After all paper procedures are finished, and the consumer has everything required documents, you can start to electrical work. Under them implies construction company All the necessary events for connecting electricians, both outdoor and internal. It is worth noting that further speech in this article will go on the implementation of construction and installation work. in the voltage class networks of 0.4 kV. Thus, it is understood that the customer not required Construction of its own transformer substation 10 (6) / 0.4 square meters.

Electrical work conditionally can be divided into two stages: connecting an external line and electrical work inside the boundaries of the power supply object.

This process can be carried out in two ways to carry out an air line or a power cable gasket. Both ways have their advantages and disadvantages. The method is selected and justified at the design stage, so by the time of the electrical installation work there is a clear idea that you need to do.

Regardless of the method of connecting electricity, inside the border of the balance sheet and the operational responsibility of the consumer (within the boundaries of the land or inside the apartment), distribution shield must be installed, located inside the electric meter, an introductory machine and a protective disconnection device (if necessary). In connection with the latest innovations related to private home, the electric shield must be installed on a pipe-resistant near the support. Look more on the page of our site. .

With the air to the list of electrical work, it includes:

  • installing additional supports (in some cases);
  • slip line from the main line network company (installation of wires to the shield);
  • connecting a wire inside an electrical panel.

When laying a power cable, work is carried out as follows:

  • installation of the cable shutter on the post (as a rule, in a channel, to protect the cable from mechanical damage);
  • digging trench and sandy trench preparation;
  • cable gasket in trench (in some cases other cable laying methods can be used, in particular, gasket in pipes);
  • connect the cable to the distribution shield.

On this, electrical work on external connection are running out. Of course, individual differences of the complete list of works are possible. To accurately estimate the final volume of work, departure of construction companies in place is required.

Internal electrical work

Internal mounting work Measure wiring wiring wiring and connecting them to electricity consumers, in strict accordance with the project: from the automatic load of the load group to sockets or switches. The process is carried out in several stages.

The first is preparatory work. Shipping is carried out necessary machinery, equipment and materials, preparation of surfaces for sticking and laying of boxes, trays, etc. It is worth noting that the stroke of the walls is allowed only at the stage of repair of an apartment or at home. With the reconstruction of the existing wiring inside the room, the wires of electrical wiring are paired, as a rule, in protective boxes that do not disturb the beauty of the room.

The second stage is marking. The installers transfer the data of the electrical circuit of the internal wiring on the walls, the floor and the ceiling, if necessary, the markup is carried out on the site near the house (if there is an outdoor lighting, heated pads in the yard or heated roof) in the form of reference signs.

Third stage - electrical work. It is the longest and time consuming, as the workers are underway, cutting, drilling walls. Mostly in brick or concrete houses, in the apartments, all wiring is laid in the thickness of the walls, in special channels - strokers. For their formation, strokesis or grooves are used. All work is trying to spend as quickly as possible, as this is really noisy and dusty process. However, this does not mean that the construction company employees do not comply with the current standards or deviate from the project.

If we are talking about installation work in the apartment, they are performed strictly on weekdays, from 8.00 to 21.00. If there is a regulated "quiet hour" in the house, at this time work is not conducted, or are carried out only with the written consent of the neighbors. The same applies to weekends.

After construction work Installation of the installation, junction box (switchboard) and cable layout are performed. Depending on the specifics of the premises, the cable laying is carried out on the ceiling (if there is a mounted ceiling), on the floor or thicker of the walls.

When the distribution shield is electromotive (usually implemented as a modular box), it is installed so as to provide convenient access.

The compound (sprinkling) of the wires is carried out by different methods - welding, with the help of screw or quick-insulated terminals, crimping. In each case, the best suitable method is selected. Wire soldering is not recommended, and the usual twist of the wires of the electrical insulating ribbon is strictly prohibited.

The next stage is the installation of an electric panel. With its assembly, the equipment is connected to load groups of sockets and lighting. For the power equipment, separate lines and automata are highlighted, a separate UDO is installed for the bathroom. However, all this is indicated in the electric industry of the building, so installers just follow him, adhering to all rules and norms.

The final stage of electrical work

After connecting the electric booster, setting out sockets and switches, connecting equipment, lamps. This stage is long, since work can be carried out even after finishing Premises and, accordingly, requires great accuracy.

Immediately connect all sockets and switches. After that, the installation of suspended, embedded, wall lamps, chandeliers is installed. Last but plug household appliances And other equipment, each device - to your line.

The last stage of electrical installation works - system testing. All connected lines are checked for performance, the correctness of the connection schemes is checked, the lack of damage to the insulation of the wires, the diagnosis of each network site. If everything works without interruptions, can be considered electrical work ended. In some cases, it may be necessary. For example, an electrical measuring laboratory measures the insulation resistance, the resistance of the grounding device, and so on.

Mounting quality - wiring reliability and safety

No matter how perfect and competent is a project of power supply, a lot depends on the quality of installation. Even a small digression from the rules and requirements can lead to emergency situations, and in the most serious cases - both to fires or shock. Therefore, the quality of electrical work is required to pay close attention., trusting work experienced, qualified employees.


To forever forget about the repair of sockets and switches, you should contact construction companyproven himself with the most best side. Ideally, it should be the same organization that was engaged in the development of a project for connecting electricity - in this case, all the specifics of the building and premises will be known to the installers, which means that there will be no unforeseen complications during work.

Review of startups, annually appearing in America, revealed an interesting pattern: people starting new business, increasingly rely on the idea than on equipment or ready-made technologies. This is due to the fact that the total cost of many types of finished production is designed in such a way that their payback will have to wait for years.

"Of course, manufacturers of machine tools and machines lay a certain level of profitability, which makes the use of equipment sold profitable, however, the risks associated with lending and external factors are often reduced to" no "production undertakings," explains the well-known economist from Chicago John Wasser. - Another thing is the idea or professionalism that can be sold well, while investing in the start of the business at a minimum of funds. " Among this kind of startups, Wasser called electrical firms. We will understand why.

Demand creates supply

Electrical work are mandatory with all types of building operations, as well as in almost any activity in the production and other sectors of the economy. In the estimate of their implementation, a special article is given, which sometimes reaches several percent of the project budget.

"In general, we are talking about russian market Installation of electrical systems worth 20-30 billion rubles a year, - said expert on the construction of Rinat Askerov. - But this is the top of the iceberg, since the private sector serves gray electrical installations. However, consumers are increasingly aware that such specialists are better not to trust, because if they cannot be impossible to present any claims. "

A typical order for the electrical installation is the gasket of electrical lines indoors from the source in the shield to the dots: sockets, switches, automata and so on. For example, in an ordinary two-room apartment with an area of \u200b\u200bup to 60 square meters It can be installed up to 16 points to which the cables must be touched by hiding them in the walls by the method of sticking. You also need, which can be up to ten pieces for this object.

Thus, with an increase in the area of \u200b\u200bpremises and with an increase in the tasks the volume of electrical work increases in geometric progression. In other words, those who decide to open an electrical firm, currently burning "Green Light".

Firm is serious

However, the question arises immediately: why do you need an electrical firm? Why register some legal entity if you can safely engage in electrical installation on personal agreement with customers? To answer this question, it is important to turn to the opinion of knowledgeable people.

And reading posts of professionals - the occupation is very interesting. There you can find so many fresh thoughts as you do not read in hundreds of smart articles. That is why various Internet sites are popular, which discusses certain narrow-product problems. For example, there are forums, entirely devoted to the opening of electrical firms.

"I have experience plus a natural understanding of electrical engineering," writes some guy. - But it's tired of working on uncle or interrupt with sabers. There is an understanding that I am capable of greater. The question where to find stable orders, especially if there are enough competitors in my small town. "

Several dozen businessmen participated in the discussion, who already have the experience of becoming their electrical firms.

"At the first stage it will be incomprehensible, why registered the company, and not just continued to perform individual orders, - explains the forumchanin [Email Protected] - It seems like he married. All the same as the registry office, only more worries, but less pleasure. But then the solidity and self-esteem will come, as well as responsibility for their work. You will begin to understand that the company broke does not knit. Then serious customers will be reached into serious status. Sachet will never offer middle Object. So you will make the wiring and sockets to change the wiring. "

And in fact, only a firm in the form of a legal entity may apply for contractual relations with large and medium customers. This business attraction is described in the sets of American startup textbooks. That is why the opening of an electrical firm is a mandatory step towards major treaties.

The first steps

Describe the registration procedure new organizationWhat an electric unit firm should be, no need. Information on how to do it is easy to find on the Internet. We remind just the OKVED code - 45.31.

Another thing is mandatory entry into self-regulating organizations. This stage is considered the most expensive. The initial fee can be 300,000 rubles, and annual plates exceed 30,000 rubles. "It is easier to register as a branch," advises Igor Malyugin. "Then, as" fat ", you can separate. Seek the parent company in the hometown is inappropriate due to the potential competition, but in regional centers - quite possible".

In addition, it must be remembered that in such firms, employees must have a professional admission to the third group, for which it is necessary to listen to special courses, the cost of which can be from five thousand rubles.

Unfeigned stories

So, all legal obstacles stayed behind, and what ahead? It is impossible to look into the future, but to find out what was the path of success with other electrical firms, it is not difficult. Especially since this experience can get rid of errors.

"I did not work by office directory, and He headed the brigade," Andrei Yarmolnikov from Rostov-on-Don says himself. - I think it is the best solution At the start, otherwise there are no problems to avoid. Now the people smart went. What is wrong, they are right. Therefore, all alterations that constantly arise, immediately decorated in place. " According to the director, make a complete wiring of the brigade of the brigade from two people in force for three days, which on the estimate is thousands of twenty. True, the electrician advises not to talk to the customer that "... you are so fast, but it will not agree to in a row. Where work is a week, tell me that for a month. "

Pay attention to the equipment for electrical work and overalls for their employees. "Buy good sets of tools, for example," advises Viktor Smirnov, a brigadier from Moscow. - You will need an E121 signaling device, which is often called "Dyatlom". With it, you can find wiring in the wall. I advise the current indicator for 8100 rubles. In total, if it is in good way to equip an employee of an electrical firm, it will take 20-30 thousand rubles per person. "

In general, the director of new electrical firms announced serious difficulties in the first two years of activity, after which they called their startups consisted. In other words, relying on this experience, we can say that the break-even point will be passed during 24-36 months. As for the cost of electrical work, their rates are public in nature and are not a commercial secret. So, the installation of electrical wiring turnkey in a rustic brick house with an area of \u200b\u200bup to 100 square meters (up to 40 points) is estimated at 75 thousand rubles.

Thus, its electrical firm can become successful business For one to two years. The minuses should include high spending on accession to the SPO, to the advantages - worthy earnings.

We take contracts for the repair of premises, offices, carry out finishing and other works, the need arises to perform electrical work on some objects. In which case, to carry out electrical installation work, it is necessary to have the admission of construction workers? Does the voltage of power supply networks on the object, as well as the type of object, where do we carry out work, or in any case you need to enter the SRO and receive tolerances?


15. Device of internal engineering systems and equipment of buildings and structures
15.5. Electrical System Device
15.6. Device of electrical and other networks of management of life support systems for buildings and structures

The list of works, approved. The order of the Ministry of Regional Development No. 624 also includes the following types of work on which the admission of SROs is needed, but again, only if these works are performed on particularly dangerous, technically complex and unique objects:

23.6. Installation of electrical installations, equipment, automation and alarm systems
24.7. Commissioning works of automation in power supply

If the specified works are performed on conventional objects, to enter into a SRO and receive certificate of admission is not required.

When the tolerance of SROs on electrical work is needed

A group of types of work No. 20 List is called "Exterior Device electrical networks and communication lines. "

Unlike electrical work performed in buildings, apartments, other premises, for which the certificate of admission to have not necessarily carry out work on the device outdoor Electrical networks can be only in the presence of a self-regulating organization.

Exception from the Group of Work No. 20 is only paragraph 20.1 "The device of electricity supply networks to 1 kV inclusive", marked, as can be seen, "asterisk", which means that the admission of SRO will be needed only if the work is performed on particularly dangerous, technically complex and unique objects. For all other works specified in the group of work No. 20, the list, the admission of SRO is needed regardless of the type of object on which the work is performed.

Thus, electrical work, including a device, wiring replacement, and so on. On facilities that are not particularly dangerous, technically complex and unique, without obtaining the tolerances of the SRO.

Looking for a master, brigade on electrical work? Perform work quickly, efficiently and inexpensive!

Services of professional electricians

Electrical work in Moscow and MO

Company CAPITAL STROY IP provides a wide sector of electrical installation services in Moscow and in the area. What goes to the Specker services: design work, electrical installation and commissioning, maintenance of systems: for apartments and residential buildings, as well as offices and industrial premises. Nasha has a lot of experience and experience in the market of electrical work on the provision of services. All work on electrical installation is performed by our specialists using the most modern equipment and In accordance with the applicable requirements of regulatory documents. For years successful work We have grown in close-up company With a wide range of opportunities in the field of electrical work, the basis of which professionalism is laid, decency and responsibility, and the number of services is an impressive list.

Our company employs masters of their case, all the masters have experience more than 10 years have a group of electrical safety not lower than the third.

We provide a wide range of electrical workshop services by highly professional electricians.


Projects for all engineering networks. Contract for construction work with licenses. Licenses SRO and MOE. Report of the electrozero laboratory (technical report). Coordination of MOCEE, MOESK, Rostekhnadzor. Passports on ventilation systems. Acts of work performed, acts of secretive work, the act of equalizing the potentials, acts on the suspension chandeliers and others.

Electrical work in any turnkey room in Moscow and MO.

Conclusion of a contract for the implementation of electrical installations. Total load, compilation and approval of the circuit of electrical wiring. Preparation of the opening for the electrical tailor. Light of the location of electrical points, lighting devices, markup of sections of the passage of cables. Cable strokes under wires, drilling holes for sockets, switches Consolidation of wiring. Mondating the peavernacles, cable laying in the corrugated pipe, Mont tag shield of the electrical invoice, connection of circuit breakers and the RCD, disconnecting of spread boxes, installation of jackets in San. node, gasket power line, installation of temporary lighting.

Running and delivery of work with the demonstration of the performance of the entire system.

Electrical installation in a wooden house, apartment, office,

Electrical installation in shopping centers, stores

Electrical installation of production facilities

Our company's specialists will carry out an electrical installation in the store, apartment, cottage, cottage, country house, wooden house, mall, commercial premises, office, stock, hotels, banks, gyms, hotels, clubs, car dealerships, business centers, beauty salons, commercial premises, medical institutions, parking, parking, restaurant, children's garden, school, administrative buildings, garage. Available of parking and parking lots, streets in SNT, roads. Our masters are equipped with all necessary equipment And have extensive experience in electrical installation.

We provide a wide range of services for electrical work

Designing power supply systems

Designing low-current systems

Video surveillance systems

Installation of electrical lighting systems

Cable Laying in Trays

Installation of hidden wiring

Installation of air lines

Assembling electrical panel

Installation of distribution busbarrow

Mintophag of buildings and structures

Installation of production lighting

Installation Wire SIP

Construction and installation of TP and RP

Electrician services for electrical work - Rates and price prices for 2017 in Moscow

Installing and Replacing Sockets

Installation and replacement of electrical outlet, computer sockets, TV sockets, telephone sockets, sockets for electric stoves, washing machine, installation of blocks of sockets. Rosettes. Demonstration socket

Setting and replacing switches

Installing the transfer and replacement of switches and mounting the keyboard switch, touch, passage, circuit breaker, switch block. Mondage dimmer. Repair switch. Repair switch

Installation and replacement, repair, disassembly

Installation and replacement of chandelier, point lamp, LED tape, bra. Montage transformer. The light of lighting devices. Mortage / replacement of lamps. Demonstration of the lighting device.

Installation and repair

Installation and repair of the doorbell, intercom, video intercom

Installation repair and replacement

Installation of repair and replacement of the shield of the electric, automatic, diph. Machine, RCD, electricity meter, voltage stabilizer, spread box,

Installation and replacement of wiring

Installation and replacement of hidden wiring (in a stroke), installation and replacement of open wiring (in boxes or on a bracket), full or partial wiring replacement, TV and TL laying, troubleshooting electrical wiring.

Installing and connecting household appliances

Installing and connecting household electrical appliances, installation and connection of cooking panels, installation of a brass cabinet, water heater, washer, Connecting a warm floor to the thermostat



Audit Electricity

How to open an IP on electrical installation? Now many specialists in this area are interested in such a question. The activities of individual entrepreneurs of repair or construction work today are very in demand. Open IP on electrical installations is quite simple: it is required to register it in the branch of the tax service at the place of residence. There you can also get a qualified advice on the registration of individual activities.

Collection of documents

Documents for making individual activity must comply with the requirements of the tax inspection.

Therefore, at the place of registration of the applicant in the tax authority, an application is filled with an application for registration (forms with errors or amendments are not accepted).

Next, the code of activity is selected from all-Russian Classifier. In the OKVED directory, the production of electrical work is located at number 45.31. Under this code, a complete list of data of work is specified. At the request of the tax, all the accompanying documents must be certified by the notary.

In parallel with the main package of documents, an application is applied for the use of a simplified tax regime (USN). According to the tax service issued in the tax service, the state duty for registration of documents is paid.

Finished documents are provided or personally or mail, electronic or ordinary. The tax authority inspector necessarily issues a receipt made in a special form with the description of the submitted documents and the date of acceptance of the application.

After 5 business days, it is necessary to personally appear in the tax office to get a document confirming state registration entrepreneurial activity.

Lawyers advise (although according to the law it is not necessary) to open the bank account and order a print.

Documents are needed as follows:

  • filled out application form (form p21001) with a signature certified by a notary;
  • passport (copy and original);
  • receipt payment (payment date should be later the date of submission of an application for registration in the tax inspectorate).

Back to the category

How to open an IP to perform electrical work

Licensing. Cabinet of the Russian Federation since 2005 was canceled licensing the production of work on electrical installation. The legislative act ("On licensing") entered into force, which in some adjacent laws made corrections. As a result, the issue of issuing a license to this type of activity.

Instead, they introduced the certificate of competence, only it is not provided by Energonadzor, but regional public organizations (or local) acting with Rostechnadzor together. Important and main feature that distinguishes a license from the certificate of competence is the issuance on the basis of a voluntary request.

So the government reduced bureaucratic wires for individual entrepreneurs. And at the same time, a group of electrical, designer, repair and operational work in the field of electric power industry is significantly adjusted and expanded. For example, the following types of works are added:

  • preparation and calculation automatic systems control of power grids or power plants;
  • calculation and preparation for heat stations or power plants, transformer substations boiler CHP electric flows;
  • calculation and preparation of systems that allow control and accounting of electricity consumption in real-time;
  • design and operational activities in the system of monthly quality control.

A full list is much wider, and you can study it on the official website of Rostekhnadzor.
A package of documents for registration of the certificate of competence is very similar to the list of paper for licensing. But the action time is different and is 3 years. It follows that the permission is not required for the production of work on the electrical installation, but the certified IP during tenders or other similar contests has advantages. And increasingly there are cases when when concluding a contract with an entrepreneur requires a competence certificate.

Completion. The final stage of the discovery of PI for electrical installation - registration in the Social Insurance Fund and Pension Fund. Today, the procedure is simplified. That is, when applying for registration as individual entrepreneur In the Tax Inspectorate, the documents simultaneously come to the PF of the Russian Federation. Take about it tax inspectors. After a certain time, it is necessary to personally appear in the Pension Fund to accept details for holding payments.

In the case of hiring work force In the pension fund, it is necessary to take place in the status of the employer. Your documents will be needed: a statement (in the form of the PF of the Russian Federation), a document confirming the registration of individual activities, a document certifying the identity, INN and documents indicating the reception of employees ( different kinds civil law contracts).

From the IP does not require registration of activities in the FSS, but for the IP with employees, it is mandatory.

  • receipt of payment of discharge;
  • copy and original TIN;
  • copy and original OGRNIP;
  • a copy of the person certifying the identity;
  • evidence of an individual entrepreneur (copy);
  • statistical accounting codes;
  • a document confirming registration in Stateregistra.

To open an IP on an electrical installation, the current account will not necessarily start. But experts warn that in the case of cash transactions, IP is more subjected to checks. Printing is also an optional attribute of the IP, but if contracts are concluded with legal entities, it will need.