Organization of development of the production of new products. Organization of the development process of new products Creation and development of new products

Essence, content and objectives of the process of creating and mastering new equipment. Development of new types of equipment is carried out in the process of preparation of production. The more complicated the design of the new technology, the more time, labor and funds are required for this training. Not only the timing and its cost, but also the technical level and the uniformity of the production of new techniques depend on the progressiveness of production. The combination of work on the creation and development in the production of new and improving previously developed types of products and technological processes is called technical preparation of production (CCI), which is a special type of activity. It combines the development of scientific and technical information with its transformation into a material object - a new technique.

goal TPP - Creating a sample of new techniques and the organization of its development in production. The creation and development of new equipment is carried out in a certain sequence of phases of a single process of technical preparation (TPP content): Theoretical studies having a fundamental and search nature; Applied research, in the course of which the knowledge obtained at the first stage find practical use; Experienced work, during the implementation of which the knowledge gained and findings are implemented in the drawings and samples of new mechanisms and machines; Technological design and design and organizational work, in the process of which technological methods of manufacturing and the form of organizing the production of new products are developed; technical equipment of new production, which consists in the manufacture of equipment, technological equipment and tools, as well as if necessary - and in the reconstruction of enterprises and their units; development of the production of new products when the designs created at the previous stages and methods of their manufacture are checked and implemented in production; industrial production, providing the release of new quality products and in quantities that ensure the needs of the market; the use of a newly created product in the field of operation; Studying the behavior of the newly created product in the field of operation and the development and implementation of new types of products that embody the latest achievements of science and technology that meet the requirements of consumers competitive in the global market.

The content of the CCI is determined by the scale of production, in relation to which the product is developed, and its scientific and technical characteristics (novelty, complexity, manufacturing technology, etc.). The main tasks of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the paths and methods of their implementation are given in Table. 7.4. The TPP of the new technology includes a complex of various research, design, technological and organizational and planned events. They are produced by research, design and technological and design institutions (research institutes) together with enterprises, joint-stock companies. According to the nature of the work, the processes of the CCI are divided into phases: research, experimental, technological, organizational and material (production and economic) (Fig. 7.6).

Organization of research work. Modern production cannot be successfully developed and improved without fulfilling relevant scientific research. Scientific research creates prerequisites for the accelerated development of technology, open new potential sources to increase public productivity. Research work (NIR) includes fundamental, search and applied research.

Fundamental - Studies that learn objective phenomena and patterns, fundamentally new ways to transform nature and society, productive forces, creating highly efficient techniques and technology, the use of new energy sources. They are often carried out without taking into account possible areas of application of the results, although in their process it is possible to obtain side results of an applied nature. The results of fundamental research serve as the basis for the formation

The main tasks of the technical preparation of production, paths and methods of their implementation

TPP task

Ways of implementation

Implementation methods

1. Ensuring continuous


progress in accordance with the technical policy in this industry

  • 1. Creating perfect machines.
  • 2. Design and implementation of advanced technology and production organization.
  • 3. Complex mechanization and automation of production processes
  • 1. Prediction of the main areas of industry development. Organization of timely scientific and technical information (NTI).
  • 2. Constructive unification, standardization and aggregation.
  • 3. Technological unification and typing of technological processes.
  • 4. Joint work of designers and technologists to create a technological design in production and operation

2. Creating conditions for the organization of uniform on schedule and economical production

  • 1. The introduction of progressive forms of organization of production and labor.
  • 2. rational management system, planning

and accounting for production

1. Organization of all types of flow and flow and automated production

and technical and economic substantiation of their feasibility.

2. Application ACS.

3. Reducing duration,


and cost preparation cost

  • 1. Apply network scheduling and management.
  • 2. Combining time of design and technological work.
  • 3. Scientific organization of labor of designers, technologists and production personnel of experimental, instrumental and other workshops, laboratories and training bodies
  • 1. Development of optimal preparation schedules for each division. Control, adjustments and optimization of graphs.
  • 2. Rational specialization of the Bureau, groups and individual workers and timely NTI.
  • 3. Creation of regulatory and reference farms, including the development of standards for design and technological work.
  • 4. Design mechanization

and settlement work, breeding, configuration, etc.

5. Application of a unified system of design, technological documentation (ECCD, Netdi Effect)

Fig. 7.6.

a complex of scientific and technical problems of applied nature in relation to the needs of specific areas of science, technology and production. These studies are carried out mainly in academic institutions, universities, and enterprises are not conducted.

Search - Studies aimed at creating a scientific bargain for its further use in applied research. They are performed when there are no ready-made scientific and technical solutions. They are aimed at finding optimal solutions to the resulting scientific problem. Search studies are aimed at studying the possibility of creating new equipment, forms and methods of organizing production on the basis of previously carried out studies of a fundamental nature, newly open patterns, principles and phenomena. They investigate fundamentally new directions for the design of the technology of manufacturing special equipment and materials. Search engines are mainly carried out in industry research institutes, in some cases academic institutions and universities are conducted. Enterprises of search engines do not conduct.

Applied - Studies aimed at solving scientific and technical and organizational and economic tasks in order to obtain a specific result for directly use in design developments. Applied Nir serve to determine the most advanced methods for developing new products, technological processes, a root improvement of manufactured products, materials and methods of their development. These studies are carried out by large enterprises, industry research institutes and universities, which conclude economic contracts with enterprises to carry out specific scientific work for the direct implementation of the results into production. The NIR, carried out at enterprises, conventionally refers to the development of regulatory and technical, design and information documents to be direct implementation (standard and guidelines, org projects, reference books, scientific information materials).

Organization of design preparation of production. Design preparation of production (CAT) is the stage of the CCI of new products, which is carried out after the implementation of the NIR, the design and experimental study of new workflows, materials, kinematic schemes. During the checkpoint, the transition from the creation of individual machines to develop highly efficient systems of machines, equipment and devices that ensure mechanization and automation of all production processes. Special attention is paid to the development of equipment for fundamentally new TPs. The content and volume of the CAT is determined by the type and scale of production, as well as the structural complexity of the product. Development of designs of new machines is performed by the department of the chief designer (OGK) and the design bureaus (CB) of head plants or research institutes and project organizations. The checkpoint begins with the development of TK, which determines the technical and economic requirements for new products. TK can be obtained from the customer or is developed by the design organization. It includes: the purpose of the product with the operational and climatic conditions for its use; main technical parameters; Fitness to maintenance; durability in operation; Security requirements, unification, aggregation, aesthetics, etc.

The TP project is attached to the technical proposal: the development of a schematic diagram of the machine and its preliminary layout; Determination of power, dimensions, type of actuator, technical characteristics (application boundaries).

The next step of the checkpoint is a sketch project: the development of kinematic, electrical, hydraulic schemes of the machine and its layouts, drawings of common species, macating, analysis of patent purity design, determination of cost and expected economic effect.

Then follows the stage technical project, Which determines the main design device of the product and contains a set of drawings of general species and assembly drawings of the nodes, as well as an explanatory note. It gives an official purpose of the product and technical specifications, analysis of the technical level of the product and comparing the latter with the best world samples, competitiveness, calculations for the strength of the aggregates and nodes; Specifications and technical conditions (TU), Vedomosti purchased products, Programs and Test Methods, Patent Form, and also provides an economic rationale for the design. Based on the technical project, a working draft is being developed: working drawings of nodes, parts for the manufacture of an experimental sample, then taking into account the test results - work drawings for the preparation of production. The latter contain the entire set of technical documentation for the production and operation of products of the new design.

As a result, the CAT should be released design documentation, including: that on the product; design drawings of all parts, nodes and mechanisms; kinematic, electrical and other schemes; Specifications of parts; Vedomosti parts and assemblies borrowed from other machines; standard, normalized and purchased materials; Machine passport and instructions for its operation. As a result, the CAT product must fully respond to a number of economic, operational, design, technological and organizational and production requirements (Table 7.5).

Organization of technological preparation of production. Technological preparation of production (CCOS) is a set of interrelated processes that ensure the technological readiness of the enterprise to produce products of the specified quality with the deadlines, the volume of production and costs. The content and volume of the Chamber of Commerce and the TPP are determined by the type of production, construction and official purpose of the product (Table 7.6).

Under the technological readiness of the enterprise is understood as the presence of a complete set of technological documentation and equipment for the technological equipment required for the production of new products. CCI has two directions To master the production of a new product and to improve TP, not related to a change in the design of the product. Each direction has its own tasks, the content and list of works, which depends primarily on the type of product and the purpose of TP. All design and technological work at the enterprise is carried out by the department of the main technologist (OGT) and the Department of Main Metallurg (Firec) together with the technological bureaus (those. Parts) of workshops. Applied three

Product Requirements that need to be provided in the process of design preparation




Compliance with the performance of the tasks of the technical progress plan, parametric row; ensuring the growth of the productivity of social labor; Reducing the specific cost (per unit of mass, power, performance) compared with the basic (replaceable) product


High performance, sufficient reliability, transportability, good retainability, safety; Environmental, Aesthetic and Ergonomic Requirements


Compliance with the selected parameters of the design of its operating conditions; choice of rational scheme; Increased power, operating speeds; automation of regulation, control; Unification of materials, details, assembly units, etc.; replacement of mechanical connections with electric, hydraulic, pneumatic; Choosing the simplest forms of parts


Compliance with the optimal technological conditions for its manufacture; The possibility of typing, mechanization and automation of production processes, ensuring rational control methods



Compliance with the conditions of its manufacture, the ability to specialize production

forms Organization of work on the CCI: decentralized, centralized and mixed. At the enterprises of the unit and small-scale production of the CCI are performed decentralized. OGT, Firet, OGS carry out guidelines, carry out work on typing technological processes and unification of the equipment. All other works make technological bureaus of workshops. In the enterprises of the large-scale and mass production of the CCI are usually conducted centralized - in OGT, Firet, OGS. Work offices are engaged in the implementation of the developed TP. Under the average production, more often applies mixed The form of the organization of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, in which shop bureaus carry out development

Table 7.6.

The main functions and tasks of technological preparation of production

The main functions of the TPP

Common tasks




The establishment of typical methods and means of processing the design of products on the manufacturability, the establishment of basic indicators of the productwork of the product.

Carrying out technological control of design documentation. Assessment of the level of productwork of products. Making the necessary changes to the design of products and its documentation. Reducing the volume of work on the TP p due to ensuring the high level of productivity of the design of products and the use of modern methods and means of performing relevant engineering and technical works



Development and standardization of typical process machines for details and assembly units of general engineering use. Organization of the sectoral fund of documentation for typical technical processing and centralized provision of this documentation of industry industries. Development, standardization and application of typical process machines, technical processing using methods of group processing and technological operations for parts and assembly units. Development and application of operating machineces for details and assembly units, the organization of factory funds of documentation for typical technical processing, technical processing techniques using methods of group processing and technological operations


and manufacture

technological equipment

Comprehensive standardization of technological equipment for generality engineering use. Conducting work on the specialization of design and production of technological equipment of enterprises of industries and sectoral bases of rolled products of technological equipment. Conducting the unification and standardization of technological equipment. Organization of the application of technological equipment, including unified and standard tools, the use of the databases of these funds. Design and manufacture of special technological equipment

The main functions of the TPP

Common tasks

Organization and management of the TPP process

Perspective and annual planning, development and improvement of PP on industry and industry enterprises.

Establishing typical methods and technical means of organization and management of the TPP process. Development and approval of methodological and regulatory materials for the development of typical structures and determining the number of CCI services. Establishing typical structures of technological services. Development of sectoral methodological materials on the organization and management of the TPP process taking into account the types of products and types of production. Development of sectoral methodological materials on the mechanization and automation of engineering and technical and managerial work on the CCI. Perspective, annual and current planning, development and improvement of TP P in the enterprise. The use of modern methods for solving problems of technological preparation of production with the use of means of mechanization of engineering and technical and managerial work. Organization and improvement of the structure of the CPA Services

operating technological processes. Specialized Bureau for Processing Types: Foundry, Blacksmatic, Termic, Coatings, Mechanical, Assembly, and others are organized as part of OGT.

Since for each production facility it is necessary to develop technological processes and make snap-in for various phases of production (procurement, processing and assembly), then the CCI is often the most time-consuming and long-lasting process. The volume of the CCI increases from a single production type of production: in a single production - 25%; in serial - 50%; In mass - 75% of all technical preparation of production.

The main stages of the TPP:

  • 1) preliminary study of technical documentation (technological control);
  • 2) the development of interception technological routes;
  • 3) development of operational processes;
  • 4) designing special equipment equipment;
  • 5) performing technological planning;
  • 6) calculation of the consumption of materials and determining the need for labor and material resources;
  • 7) Termination and delivery of TP manufacturing workshops.

Before developing TP, the documentation is pre-studying - technological control of the drawings and their development on the manufacturability are carried out, the volumes of work, deadlines, costs, economic efficiency are determined, the possibility of ensuring material, labor and financial resources.

Directly, the CCI begins with the development of intercuring technological routes (calculating), which establish a sequence of passage of workpieces, parts, assembly units for industrial workshops and the distribution of the nomenclature between the workshops and sites. In single and small-scale production in universal equipment and equipment, highly qualified workers, the development of route technology is often sufficient for the manufacture of parts and assemble products.

In the medium-term, large-scale, mass production types, we need to develop detailed operating TPs (technological maps).

The design of technological processes is to draw up the collection; development of technologies (technological maps) in the production stages (preparation, processing, assembly); choosing equipment, tools and devices; typing technological processes; development of control processes; Calculation of time standards.

Development of technological processes It is carried out on the basis of working drawings and distribution, taking into account the production program, passport data of the equipment. Reference and guidelines are also used. Designed by TP It is recorded (fixed) in technological maps, which must meet all the requirements of this type of production. Details TP is carried out mainly in mass production and in the smallest of individual.

Technological maps Must be adapted to handle their information on the computer and may have the following form:

  • 1) routes or planning technological maps. They record the route to move the workpiece or assembly assembly to workplaces of the workshop or plant (a sequential list of basic operations with an indication of equipment, tools and devices, discharge and time standards). Purpose Route technology: in unit production - main document, in mass production - for planned dispatching bodies;
  • 2) technological maps Production of blanks, parts or assembly is the structure of TP (detailed characteristics of the instrument, processing modes, the discharge of work and the rate of time) - the main document of all production;
  • 3) operational instructive cards - For workers and adjusters. Contain all transitions, setup methods, processing modes, etc. - Basically applied in mass production.

Labor rationing is carried out by technologists in the design of technological processes. The forms of technological maps should provide for the possibility of their processing on a computer when drawing up a consolidated document consideration of the machine, according to workshops, by types of work, by profession, equipment, etc. These data are source for planning equipment loading, to calculate the number of workers, the definitions of the wage and other purposes.

In the CCI, its main share occupies the stage of designing and manufacturing technological equipment.

The designer of the technological equipment designs devices according to the drawings of the blanks, the cards of technological processes. Initially, check the possibility of using cash (designed, made earlier) or normalized snap-ins. If you need to design a new snap, then you need to determine if you can use normalized parts or nodes to fit. If the number of units of equipment is large (in mass production), the sequence of its development and manufacture is set: the first turn is to ensure the manufacture of a prototype; The second line is tooling, which together with the first queue is a set under the condition of the (serial or massive) production. There should be a decrease in labor intensity and reduction of product manufacturing cycles to the project. With a challenge mastering of a new machine, if there is a schedule of development, the order is coordinated with this schedule. Orders for the manufacture of equipment is more expedient to place on specialized enterprises. At the same time, the traces are loaded: instrumental, stamped-mechanical, model. Dates of the manufacturer of the equipment are installed or fed on the production of production preparation schedule. In mass production often, there is a need for non-standard equipment and various means of mechanization. This equipment is designed just like fixtures (in the same order). The production is advisable to assign them to specialized enterprises or at the enterprise with specialized workshops or repair and mechanical workshop (RMC). Then work is performed on the preparation of technological planning of equipment and jobs, the formation of sections. A technical and economic substantiation of technological processes and the choice of the method of transition to the release of a new product is carried out. Next, the need for equipment, the calculation of the consumption of materials and the need for labor, etc. Standards of material costs are developed on the basis of working drawings and distribution. Data on the distribution of materials for each item is recorded in the specification and processed on the computer. As a result, the reports are obtained on the workshops - the rate of consumption of materials is a consolidated - to compile and substantiate applications. TTP is completed by performing work on reconciliation, commissioning and implementation in the production of TP, equipment and snaps. Installation of equipment and its debugging on the specified accuracy and quality of product manufacturing are carried out; Preparation and recruitment of personnel; checking and debugging technology; Adjusting equipment and finally delivery TP into production. Check and debugging TP are performed similarly to how the design is checked on an experimental sample, i.e. TP is mastered on the experimental series (sample). The size of the series, for example, for the auto plant, is 200-250 cars. The experimental party is made only in the main production shops. All changes in technological processes and snaps are fixed in technological protocols. TP is introduced and commissioned by the workshop only after the projected technology and equipment with the established consideration will be obtained by the product that meets all the technical requirements and conditions of products. A special act is signed about the acceptance of the developed TP, according to which the workshop undertakes to comply with the adopted new technology on the developed technological documentation.

Comparative technique-economic analysis of technological processes. The technologist must necessarily conduct a comparative analysis of TP variants and choose the most effective, ensuring the performance of the technical task. To determine this option, it is necessary for each existing option to calculate the cost of production. At the same time, there is no need to calculate all costs of cost. You can compare only the amount of costs varying when changing TP, i.e. The technological cost, which is calculated by the formula where with y, with P - conditionally variables and conditionally constant costs; TU - the number of products produced for the planning period of release.

The technological cost of all production of products is determined by the formula WITH,A / "\u003d With y and + With P. N. Using these options, you need to compare the technological cost of one product and the entire release for each option when comparing two versions of TP, it is necessary to determine the critical volume of production UU K, in which the costs of both options are equal to:

C, - with x, +

P, K "P2 C - C

Having determined the magnitude of the critical volume of production, it is necessary to compare it with the planned release of this product by UU PL and select the most effective version of TP. Option with smaller permanent joint ventures and large variables C u Costs are more economical at l ^ UU to more economical option with large constant with "and less variables with costs. If the introduction of a new version of TP requires additional capital investments, then the comparison of options must be carried out in the amount of total capital and current costs given, for example, by year.

Organizational preparation of production (OPP) and the development of new types of products. The organization of production of new products provides for the restructuring of the existing PP and all the components of its elements. The development of new types of products requires not only the development of new TP and the use of new technological means but also changes in forms and methods Organization of production and labor, acquisition of new knowledge and skills by the staff of the team, restructuring of logistical supply IT.D.

Under these conditions, it is necessary to introduce a number of measures to restructure production to the release of new products, i.e. implement the OPP. The complex of work included in the OPP is associated with the solution of the problems of an intraproductive and external nature and the quality of these works depend on the general technical and economic indicators (TEP) of the work of the enterprise, the level of organization of production and labor, the material support of new production. The ODP is a complex of processes and works aimed at developing and implementing a project for organizing the production of a new product, the system of organization and wages, logistics of production, the regulatory framework of intrapanent planning in order to create the necessary conditions for high-performance and accelerated development and the release of new products of the required Quality. ODP is divided into a number stages:

  • development of the project organization of the main PP: The choice of the form of organization of production, specialization of workshops and sites, cooperation between them. Determining the needs in areas and equipment for the release of a new product. Drawing up planning workshops and plots. Development of the workshop reconstruction project. Development or improvement of the operational planning system;
  • development of a maintenance project (MOT) Production: Drawing up plans for the movement of labor objects in the production, the choice and determination of the necessary means of intra-water transport and containers. Development of projects for organizing warehousing, repair and tool service. The choice of forms of control of new products;
  • development of organization and remuneration: Creation of a rational project of separation and cooperation of labor. Development of the project organization of the employment process, job service, labor and recreation regimes, workers and specialist bonuses. Calculation of labor intensity. Preparation and retraining of frames. The choice and justification of the wage system of workers and specialists when mastering new products;
  • organization of logistics and sales of new products: Determining the need for material resources. Drafting applications and orders for special equipment, equipment, materials and components. Choosing suppliers and establishing contractual relations with them. Implementation of supply plans for the release of the first samples and series. Establishing connections with consumers, setting needs;
  • creating a regulatory framework for intra-water and economic and operational planning: Calculation of material, labor and calendar standards, cost calculation and prices for a new product. Determination of the size of reserves and working capital standards. The works included in the OPP complex are carried out by specialized research institutes, if the development of production occurs at a new enterprise, or factory economic and technical services, if the production preparation is conducted at the current enterprise. The ODP is a combination of engineering and organizational and economic work and can be fully attributed to the field of engineering development. The most important requirements of comprehensive production preparation include social and psychological preparation of production.

The necessary stage of production preparation is the development of new products, which is a set of diverse processes and works, in the process of which tests and testing of structures and technology is carried out to the established technical requirements, the development of new forms of production organization. During the development of new products, planned production volumes, planned economic indicators and technical and economic parameters of the manufactured products are achieved. The period of development of new products begins with the manufacture of a prototype and ends with serial production of products.

Industrial production is characterized by a large variety of used methods and stages of mastering new types of products.

Each stage of development corresponds to a certain content of works, depending on various manufacturing and organizational and economic conditions at this enterprise.

Periods of industrial development of new products:

  • 1. Checking the new design is a combination of work on verification, debugging and improving the design of the product and its manufacturing technology with the introduction of the necessary clarifications and changes to achieve the requirements recorded in the technical documentation for the product.
  • 2. Adjustment of production provides for the transition from experienced production to serial (mass). The introduction of developed technological processes, forms of organization of production and labor, work is carried out to stabilize the quality of the manufacture of parts and assembly units.
  • 3. In the period of achieving project economic indicators, work is performed related to the revision of the consumption of material resources, labor intensity, cost and other economic indicators before the design level due to the growth of workers' qualifications, raising the level of equipment, reduce marriage losses.

In the process of mastering the release of new types of products, technical, industrial and economic development is distinguished.

The start of technical development is considered to obtain a production unit of technical documentation and a prototype product simultaneously with the task to begin its industrial production, and the end is the achievement of technical parameters of the design defined by the standard or specifications.

Production development is carried out in the process of production setup and ends in conditions where all enterprise production links provide the implementation of the established volumes of output with the specified quality and the necessary stability of production. During the period of production, the "narrow" places are eliminated, the workers fully master labor operations, the loading of equipment and the labor force stabilizes.

Economic development of the production of new products involves the achievement of the main design economic indicators of product production. As a rule, the production costs of the first products are several times higher than the costs of mass produced products. Subsequently, there is a sharp decline in these costs. However, over time, the rate of decline slows down and then become insignificant.

The costs of design training are growing gradually, then their more energetic extension occurs related to large volumes of work at the stage of technological preparation. Organizational training requires an increase in the cost of material support of new production related to the purchase of special equipment, creating nearests, redevelopment of workshops, the creation of transport systems, etc. In the case of full and high-quality technical preparation of production, the development begins with the relatively low initial cost of developed products, the planned cost is achieved relatively quickly. (1)

With incorrectly organized and planned preparation of production, there is a premature start of development, if the preparation is not yet fully completed, the equipment and equipment are not ready, and the design preparation is not highly high. As a result, the initial cost is high. In addition, there are sharp fluctuations in the cost, corresponding to the introduction of design changes. The period of development is stretched. The trend of reducing the cost in the development of the production of new products is, as a rule, a steady nature, and the volume of issue is the most important factor in its decline.

The factors defining the time of development are: novelty and complexity of the product, the degree of processing of technical documentation, the level of equipment, the socio-psychological level of the team, etc. The task is to take into account the influence of these factors on the duration of the development period and ensure the creation of the necessary conditions for its reduction.

There are two main forms of transition to new products: with a stop and without stopping production.

The following factors affect the choice of the transition method:

The technical level of developed products, its difference from removable from production;

Organizational and technical conditions of production: the presence of reserve production facilities and areas; use of standard solutions in design work;

Organization and planning of technical preparation of production.

The transition of enterprises to the release of a new product can be carried out by the following methods: sequential, parallel, complex combined and aggregate.

This transition is consistently called when industrial development begins only after removal from the production of a previously produced product. Technical and organizational preparation is performed in advance during the release of old products.

Allocate intermittent and serial and continuously serial variants of this method. With a disconnecting method, after stopping the release of the old product on the same production areas, work on redevelopment and installation of technological equipment and vehicles are performed, and on their conversion, the development of the production of a new product begins. The duration of these works determines the magnitude of the production stop, during which there is no issue of both new and old products. This is the most inefficient transition option, since the loss in the total release of products here is the highest. For a long time, they cannot be compensated for, which does not allow the use of a distinctive and consistent method in the practice of mastering new products.

The continuous-sequential version of the sequential method is characterized by the fact that the release of the product being mastered immediately after the production of the product removed from production. Although there are losses in the total release of products, but they can be minimized at the expense of the high rates of increasing the output of the product. It requires a high degree of completion of work on the technological preparation of the production of a new product to the beginning of its development. This option requires, as a rule, additional production workers, since the complexity of the products of the products is higher than those removed from production, as well as an increase in the production capacity of the enterprise. It is widely used in mass production, especially during the reconstruction of the enterprise.

The parallel method of transition implies the maximum combination of the production of newly mastered products on the final stage of the release of the old model, simultaneously with the reduction in the production of old products, the release of the new one occurs. It is usually used in the presence of reserve capacity, creating parallel sections, conveyors. This method is most often used in mechanical engineering. If it is impossible to compensate for increased labor intensity, there is no additional capacities, preferably the variant of the parallel method, in which the total release of products is somewhat reduced during the development period of the new product. With a high level of unification of the replaceable and masterful products, in many cases, it is generally possible to avoid reducing the total release.

The main advantage of this method compared to the consistent method is that it is possible to significantly reduce the loss in the total release of products when mastering a new product. A variety of variants of the parallel method, differing period of time, during which the production of an old and new product is combined, the rate of increasing the release of the new and coagulation of the old product, the number of additional production areas, equipment. The variant of the parallel method is characterized by the fact that the total output of products does not decrease. This is the preferred option, as it allows the enterprise to preserve during the period of development of uniform production of products.

In terms of mass production, a parallel-phased variant of the parallel method is widely used. The aggregate method suggests a gradual replacement of individual units in the design of the old model produced. For some time, a transitional modified product is available, equipped with only separate new nodes. Upon completion of the planned replacement of old aggregates, a new transition model turns into a new product. The development is divided into several stages, the team focuses on a relatively small part of the work, and the transition occurs less painful for the enterprise. Each of the stages there is a renewal of not finite products of the enterprise, but only its separate components.

The advantage of this option is that when it is used, it is possible to avoid the root reconstruction of the enterprise, to ensure uniform release of products at each stage, reduce the cost of development of production. However, the process of updating manufactured products is stretched, which can lead to premature moral aging of new techniques.

The comprehensive-combined method is characterized by combining the implementation of individual work on the preparation of production to master new products in a comprehensive solution of design, technological and industrial problems. Production officers participate in the design of the product, developers - in the development of its release. This method can significantly speed up the process of creating new products by reducing the procedure for designing and approving technical documentation, exclusion of extra work, the execution of block design and manufacture of various nodes, partial combination of various works, transition to serial production without the manufacture of prototypes and pilot parties .

When choosing a transition method, factors characterizing the organizational and technical level of production, the design of the new product and production technology should be considered.

Evaluating the organizational and technical conditions, it is necessary to take into account: streaming partial production products

  • - the presence of a reserve of production facilities;
  • - the presence of free production areas;
  • - intra-water specialization and division of labor in the workshops and in areas;
  • - level of sectoral and intersectoral cooperation;
  • - The presence of qualified personnel. (four)

    Object, subject and goal of the course "Enterprise Economics".

    Creation and development of the production of new products.

    Structure of the National Economy (sphere, sectors, complexes, industries, enterprises)

    The structure of the business plan of the enterprise.

    Basic concepts about the enterprise.

    Market pricing products, scope and factors determining it.

    Classification of enterprises for various features.

    Investments, their focus and sources of financing.

    Essence and types of entrepreneurship.

    Marketing and product strategy of the company.

    Production and organizational structure of enterprises.

    Financial plan of the enterprise.

    Organization of the production process.

    Evaluation of production risks and insurance.

    Concentration of production, its advantages and disadvantages.

    The authorized capital and property of the enterprise.

    Specialization of production and its economic efficiency.

    Warming: Principles, Forms and Systems.

    Combining production, its feature and efficiency.

    Business loans and their economic evaluation.

    Classification and structure of frames of the enterprise.

    Organizational and economic and organizational and legal forms of enterprises in the Russian Federation.

    Labor productivity, its assessment and economic significance.

    Strategy of activity of the company, its types and selection factors.

    Reserves for productivity growth.

    The simplest methods for assessing investment efficiency.

    Organization of labor in the enterprise.

    The theory of the optimal volume of production.

    Registration of labor in the enterprise.

    Pospence pricing products and its application.

    Payment of labor at the enterprise.

    Production plan for products.

    Main manufacturing funds, their classification and evaluation.

    Business Plan of the enterprise, its appointment and role in production planning.

    Depreciation of the main production facilities.

    Provision policy of the enterprise and types of prices.

    Depreciation of the main production assets and their reproduction.

    Estimation costs for production.

    Production capacity of the enterprise and its use.

    The cost of the enterprise and their classification.

    Curvas, their structure and economic importance.

    Effectiveness of investment and its assessment on the system of international indicators.

    Production reserves and their rationing.

    Innovative policy of the enterprise.

    Incomplete production and its rationing.

    Engineering and reengineering in the enterprise.

    Rationing of consumption of material resources.

    Influence of competition on the price of goods and profit of the enterprise.

    Material consumption and reserves of its economy.

    Justification of the optimal planning management solution of the enterprise, the choice of the optimization criterion.

    Turnover of working capital, its indicators and economic significance of its acceleration.

    Cost calculation.

    Product quality, its assessment and measurement.

    The cost of production and its structure.

    Competitiveness of products and factors determining it.

    Evaluation of the effectiveness of the economic activity of the enterprise.

    Standards and certification of products.

    Balance of the enterprise and the calculation of the indicators of its financial condition.

    Product quality management system.

    Taxation of enterprises and its impact on the effectiveness of activities.

  1. Object, subject and goal of the course "Enterprise Economics".

Economy- This is the science of how society uses certain limited resources for the production of useful products and distributes them among various groups of people. therefore enterprise economy- This is the science of how this phenomenon is carried out within the framework of a separate enterprise. Judging by the name of the course, objectstudy is an enterprise. Under the enterprise, in accordance with the current Russian legislation, the organization is understood that uses a variety of resources, accordingly, they processes and receives commodity products, provides certain services or performs any work in order to follow the implementation of the finished product on the market. At the same time, the enterprise should build its activities so as to receive a certain profit

Subject The course studies are production and economic and economic and economic social relations, which add up in the enterprise in the process of its functioning.

  1. Creation and development of the production of new products.

Qualitative improvement of production is carried out in the form of innovations. The science area, which studies various theories of innovations - the formation of innovations, their distribution, factors opposing innovations, develop innovative solutions - are called innovation.

Innovative activity - This is a process aimed at implementing the results of completed scientific research and development in the production process. Innovation - There is a final result of innovation that has been implemented in the form of a new or improved product (technological process) implemented in the market.

Classification of innovation:

    According to the degree of novels allocate:

    Basic innovations (sell large inventions and are the basis for the formation of new generations and directions for the development of equipment);

    Improved (associated with the introduction of small and arranged inventions);

    Pseudo innovation (aimed at partial improvement in obsolete species of equipment and technology);

    According to the role in the reproduction process of innovation are classified on:



    According to the degree of complexity:

  1. synthetic;

    For reasons of occurrence:

    reactive (aimed at survival of the firm, they appear, as a rule, as a reaction to radical innovative transformations carried out by competitors);

    strategic (proactive and are aimed at obtaining competitive advantages in perspective);

    By the nature of the application distinguish:

    product innovation (aimed at the production and use of new products and services);

    market (opening new spheres of applications of already well-known products and services and allow you to realize the needs of them in new markets);

    innovation processes (aims to new technologies, the organization of the process and management);

    social innovations (focused on building and functioning new social structures).

The concept of "innovation" can be applied only to those innovations, the cost of creating and implementing which pays for regulatory terms. At the same time, the period of time from the origin of the idea to practical innovation is called life cycle innovation. Financing innovation is carried out from the same sources as financing any investment (self-financing, borrowed funds, attracted sources, etc.).

Investment policies of enterprises should be aimed at increasing production in principle

Creation and development of a new product (services)

Based on the staging of the product life cycle, one of the main factors of the success of the enterprise in the context of competition of competition is the continuous update of goods (services), that is, the creation, development and development of the production of new products (equipment, product). New products created on the basis of new ideas, research and technical achievements, provides competitive advantages in market openness. The concept of the cycle "Science - production" (Fig. 5.1) implies the close relationship of scientific research with their industrial development. A full range of works on the creation and development of new products are presented in Table. 5.1.

Table 5.1. A complex of works on the creation and development of new goods (SONT)

The criteria for optimizing the system of creating and mastering the new product (SONT) are determined depending on the purposes and objectives of the enterprise, in particular, may be:

Technical level of products;

Increasing production;

Expansion of the commercial nomenclature;

Reducing the cost of preparation and organization of the production process;

Reducing the cost of both the consumer and the manufacturer during the operation of the product.

Detention of the proposal of a new product to the market compared to competitors makes strength and costs for its creation and development, that is, leads to unjustified losses, sometimes ends even bankruptcy. Therefore, the reduction in the timing of creating and mastering goods is a central task, which is solved by reducing the duration of the stages of the production preparation system and increase their synchronization. The main tasks and methods for reducing the timing of the creation and development of new products are given in Table. 5.2.

Table 5.2. Methods for reducing the timing of creating and mastering new products

The main tasks of reducing the timing of creating and mastering new products

Adjustment made after transmission of results from the preceding stage of research on the next

Engineering technological

Automated Design Systems (CAPR), Automated Technical Preparation Systems (ASTP), SONT Process Software

Determination of the rational level of phase parallelism, stages and stages of production preparation


Network Planning and Dispatch System, ACS Modeling

Ensuring a minimum of time spent when performing work and transmitting results from the previous stage to the subsequent


Application of standardization, unification, typing automation of technological and organizational solutions; Functional and cost analysis (FSA) and economic substantiation at the stage of experienced production

These processes consist of many stages and stages that are performed by various structural divisions of the enterprise or third-party organizations must be carefully coordinated and agreed in time. A graph of preparation of production as an element of a planning and management system, as well as a model of the cycle of creating and mastering new products, should reflect the main steps (phases) to achieve the end targets. These stages should also take into account the states of a certain complex of work, the timing of their execution, possible deviations from these deadlines and their consequences.

The simplest planning methods imply the use of models of type of tape graphics (Table 5.3). The latter are used for relatively simple production planning objects, since they do not fully take into account the influence of individual factors of the integrated approach to the creation of new types of products, namely:

Do not show the relationship of individual works, which is why it is difficult to assess the significance of each individual work to perform intermediate and end targets;

Do not provide for uniform loading of performers; Do not reflect the dynamism of development;

Make it difficult to adjust the schedule in connection with the change in the timing of work;

Do not provide clear terms of combination and interconnecting the adjacent stages;

Do not allow to apply a mathematically substantiated algorithm for calculating the execution of a planned complex of work;

Do not optimize the use of resources and the deadlines for the implementation of the development as a whole;

It is difficult to automate the process in the stages of creating and mastering new products.

Management of works on the creation and development of new products is complex and, as a rule, conflicting the task through the uncertainty of temporary and cost parameters of work. Among the existing methods for complex processes, it is advisable to choose the network planning and management method.

The main scheduled document in the network planning and management system (MPU) is a network schedule, which is a information and dynamic model, which reflects the relationships and the results of all the work necessary to achieve the ultimate goal of the project.

Network graph, as a rule, consists of two elements - work and events.

During the fulfillment of interrelated work, each subsequent work can be started only after receiving the results of the previous ones, that is, after completing a specific event (Fig. 5.4, a).

If a certain event can occur only as a result of the execution of a number of works x, y, 2, even if some of them are fictitious (as, for example, work), it is graphically reflected in comprehensive (Fig. 5.4, b).

Table 5.3. An example of an enlarged Ribbon Graphics

The accomplishment of any event sometimes makes it possible to start a few works (Fig. 5.4, d).

If in the previous case, to start any work, for example, you do not need to complete an event (5 in Fig. 5.4, d), and you can confine ourselves to the intermediate result, this event must be represented as an independent event 4, and the work should begin with this event. . If it is necessary to know only the result, for example, two works in and and, and the result of the operation x is not needed, it is impossible to show it in the network as shown in Fig. 5.4, \u200b\u200bd, and it is necessary to enter an additional event 4 (Fig. 5.4, E) and a fictitious link between events.

Often, in the practice of graphic image plans, you need to show two or more works, which are performed in parallel (at the same time), between two events. In no case in any case, they cannot be reflected in the network charts as shown in Figure 5.4, g. You need to enter an additional event 7 and the fictitious work 7-8 to designate two works that are performed in parallel (Fig. 5.4, c).

It should also be noted that the network graph or its fragment cannot be viewed like rice. 5.4, \u200b\u200b- In this case, the chart loses its meaning through the "loop" of the process, which is displayed on it.

On network graphs that are finally completed (the goal is achieved) by each individual performer, it is desirable to follow the sequence in the numbering of events from the source to the final, and the source event is often assigned a zero number.

Fig. 5.4. at

The network should not have events that are not preceded by any work (except for the initial).

It is necessary to eliminate the presence of closed cycles, i.e., paths that connect the initial event with it themselves (Fig. 5.4 ,; ").

The network model is depicted in the form of a network graph (network) consisting of arrows and circles. The arrow in the network shows a separate work, and the circle (or any other geometric figure) is an event. Above the arrows indicates the expected time of work - Gee.

The stages of the network planning and management method have the following sequence of basic operations:

1) drawing up a list of all actions (works) and intermediate results (events) and their graphic reflection;

2) score time of each work with the subsequent calculation of the network schedule to determine the term of reaching the goal;

3) optimization of the calculated terms and necessary costs;

4) operational management of work running through periodic control and analysis of obtained information on the performance of tasks;

5) Adjustment of solutions due to the deviation from the schedule. "Work" in network planning is any processes that lead to the achievement of certain results (events). The concept of "work" is understood as:

a) the process of performing actions - work requiring time and resources;

6) the expectation process is a process that requires only time costs;

c) fictitious work (or dependency) - displays a logical connection between the works (depicted by a dotted arrow, over which the time is not affixed or is supplied).

"Event" (except for the source) is the result of completed work or work. Event is not a process and has no duration. The occurrence of the event corresponds to the moment of the beginning or end of work (the moment of forming a certain state of the design object).

The event in the network model may have the following values:

The initial event (s) is the beginning of the execution of a complex of work;

The final event (ultrasound - c) is the achievement of the ultimate goal of the project;

An intermediate event (or current event - ") - the result of one or more incoming work;

The boundary event is an event that is common to two or several preliminary or partial networks.

"Path" is any sequence of work in the network, in which the final event of each work of a certain sequence coincides with the start of the event next work.

The path (s) from the source (s) to the final event (C) is called complete.

The path from the original to the intermediate event (/ ") is called the path preceding this event.

The path connecting any two events (and) and (s), from which none is not the source or final, is called the way between these events.

Network model parameters. The main parameter of the network model is:

a) the critical path (LCD);

b) reserves of events (kg);

c) Time reserves of ways) and works LG- /.

Critical path (LCD) - the largest path of the network schedule. Changing the duration of any work lying on the critical path, correspondingly changes the deadline for the end of the final event (C).

When planning a work complex, the critical path allows you to find the deadline for its implementation. In the process of performing a complex of work, the attention of managers focuses on the main direction - in the works of the critical path. This allows you to most appropriate and promptly monitor a limited number of works, which affects the project's term (for example, SONT), and also better use available resources.

Event time reserve (I,) is such a period of time to which this event may be postponed without a violation of the deadlines for the completion of the work complex as a whole. The event time reserve is defined as the difference between the late T "and the early three deadlines of the events:

Late from the permissible TPI time - this is such a time limit of an event, the exception of which will cause a similar delay in the occurrence of the final event, that is, if the event has come at the time of the TPI, this event becomes critical and the following works under it must be controlled as the work of the critical Ways.

Early of the possible time of events occurrence is a period required to fulfill all the works preceding this event. This time is by selecting the maximum value from the duration of all paths leading to this event.

A full time reserve of the path I (SH) is the difference between the critical path length ґ (LCD) and the length (duration) of the path under consideration ґ (SH):

I (SH) shows how much the duration of all works lying on the path can be increased, then there is a maximum allowable increase in the duration of this path. A full time reserve of the path can be distributed among the individual works on this path.

The full reserve of the operation of the Japi] is the maximum period of time on which the duration of this work can be increased without changing the duration of the critical path:

where C is the duration of work; and - the initial and final events of the work of the TCCI and three - respectively, the late and early term of the events] and / ". Free reserve of work time (Java) is the difference between the early deadlines for the occurrence of events and] and subtracting the duration of the operation of the GC:

Free reserve of work time is the maximum period of time to which it is possible to increase the duration or delay its beginning without changing the early deadlines of subsequent work, provided that the initial event of this work comes in its early term.

The possibilities of displacement of the time and end of each work are determined using the early and later deadlines for the occurrence of events, between which this work is performed:

Early start of work - early start: TRPI] - \u003d three; _ Late start of work: T "PI] - \u003d TP] - - - C;

Early deadline for work: TRZI] - \u003d three + c;

The lateral deadline is later ending: T "] - \u003d TP] -.

Analysis and optimization of the network model. The initial layout option in the form of a network model is usually not the best for the time limits of work and the use of resources. Therefore, the source network model is being analyzed and optimized by the selected optimization criterion: time, labor, material or financial resources.

An analysis of the network model allows you to determine the feasibility of the structure, the degree of complexity of the execution of each work, loading working at all stages of the complex of work.

The relative complexity of observing the timing of work on non-critical paths is characterized by the coefficient of work intensity (KSH):

where and (iz) - the duration of the maximum path passing through this work;

and "(LCD) is the length of the segment of this path coinciding with a critical way;

and (LCD) - the duration of the critical path.

The larger the coefficient of tension, the more difficult to perform work within the prescribed period.

Using the definition of the time reserve - I (b,), books] - can be defined as follows:

At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the time reserve I (B,) paths can be distributed between the individual works on the specified path, only within the reserves of the time of these works.

The magnitude of the coefficient of tension for different works in the network takes the value of 0< кни]- < 1.

The coefficient of tension helps when the planned timeline is established, as far as possible, the available time reserves can be used. This coefficient gives performers a view of the degree of urgency and allows you to determine the order of their implementation if they are not determined by technological relations of work.

To analyze the network model, the CSI freedom coefficient is used], which shows the degree of freedom or independence of the cycles of work, which has a free time reserve, and also shows how many times you can increase the duration of the work C: without affecting the deadlines for the completion of all events and other network works:

If to "\u003d 1, then this indicates the lack of independent backup time for the work of IC.

Optimization of network models according to one of its parameters can be carried out by a graphic or analytical method. Solving the task of optimizing the network model, usually calculate the minimum duration of the completion of the complex of work under the condition of limited resources.

Optimization of the network model carried out by the analytical method is that it is the basis of a regularity, at which the time of the performance of any work (GC) of directly proportional to its volume (o) and inversely proportional to the number of performers (T), occupied at this work:

The time required to perform the entire complex of operations ізаг is defined as the amount of duration of all works:

However, the total time calculated in this way will not be minimal, even if the number of performers corresponds to the complexity of these works.

The minimum time for a complex of serial works and other varieties of fragments of network models can be found by the method of conditionally equivalent labor intensity.

Under the conditionally equivalent labor intensity, it is understood as the magnitude of labor costs, for which the number of performers of the relevant specialty is distributed among the types of work, which ensures the smallest time of their execution.

The minimum work time will be provided with the following distribution of working steps:

where T0 is the total number of operating stages;

0Pope, 0Nast - laboriousness of preceding and subsequent work.

The graphical method of optimizing the network model "Time - expenses" is to establish the optimal relationship between duration and cost of work. Determining the costs and resources required to perform each work is made after the network schedule is developed. Thus, material and labor resources are planned based on the overall structure of the network created by forecasting time ratings. To build graphs "Time - Expenditures" (Fig. 5.1), for each work, it is determined:

The minimum possible financial costs of VTIP to perform work provided that the work will be performed for the maximum time? ";

The minimum possible time of performing the work of the ITP with maximum financial costs of BTs.

In determining the first pair of estimates, attention is paid to minimizing expenses, and when determining the second pair - to minimize time.

To approximately determine the size of the additional costs necessary to reduce the period of execution of the work, or to solve the inverse problem is possible using a graph with an approximating straight line (Fig. 5.5). The amount of additional cash costs required to perform work in the abbreviated time of the IP will be:

For each type of work, a separate schedule is calculated, characterized by the inclination of the approximating line. Using the linear dependence "costs - time" for each type of work, it is possible to calculate the growth rate of the cost of two per unit of time:

Economic efficiency from the implementation of SPU is determined primarily with the possibilities for reducing the total work cycle and cost reduction due to the more rational use of labor, material and financial resources.

Reducing the duration of a complex of work ensures a reduction in the payback period of investments, the earlier introduction of the goods to the market, which contributes to the competitive success of the enterprise ..

Fig. 5.5. at Schedule "Time-Cost"

Students, graduate students, young scientists who use the knowledge base in their studies and work will be very grateful to you.

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