Busbar at the substation 110 sq. Complete transformer substations, modular. The developed switchgears have a number of advantages

Hard-ka-sh-ka-ka-ka-ka-kit-naya production of LLC "T-ENERGY" pre-n-zn-che-na for getting-no-electric co-one-not-ny between you-co-co-volt-mi ap-pa-ra-ta-mi open (ORU) and closed (ZRU) ras-pre -separate devices 35-500 kV. Rigid bugs can be used together with flexible, for example, in the form of co-che-ta-niya of hard busbars with flexible-ki-mi inside-i-whose-to-you-mi connections.
Complex-you hard-osh-nov-ki for no-mi-nal-nal-ki from 630 A to 4000 A from-go-tav-li-wa-yut-Xia as for tee-out , and for neti-po-s schemes of ras-pre-de-li-tel devices.

In the co-vet of tough osh-nov-ki, use-use-use-are-uni-cal-ny, from the point of view of the reliability, co-unity tel-nye ele-men-you - li-ty shi-no-der-zha-te-li with flexible connections. Shi-no-der-zha-te-li serve for the vos-pri-i-ty of me-ha-ni-che-efforts, arising in the knots with- one-not-ny, flexible connections are used to create reliable electrical contacts between-do-to-ko -ve-du-shi-mi-st-mi. Li-ty shi-no-der-zha-te-li with flexible connections, use-use-use-Xia for the connection of tires between themselves and for attaching-to-unity-not-tion to the equipment-to-do-va-niyu. For a better adaptation to the conditions of the inter-races of the same tires, a specific special -no-stam design of you-so-co-volt-n-pa-ra-tov and other de-ra-bo-ta-but several-mo-di-fi-ka-tions shi -no-der-zha-te-lei. In the ras-pre-de-li-tel-tel-ny devices 220 kV connection-not-nia bus bend-ki-t-s-t-s-t-s-y-pol-nya-yut-sy me-to-dom about -gim.

Technical ha-rak-te-ri-sti-ki up to 110 kV

6 (10) kV OZhK 35 kV OZhK 110 kV
6 (10) 35 110
7,2 (12) 40,5 126
No-mi-nal current, A up to 2500, 3150, 4000 1000, 1250, 1600,
2000, 2500, 3150, 4000
3 3
up to 50 up to 50
<0,1 сек), кА up to 128 up to 128
32 32
20 20
Ka-te-go-rya of the location 1 1,3
16 16
up to 9 up to 9

Technical ha-rak-te-ri-sti-ki 220 - 500 kV

Na-i-no-va-na pa-ra-meter
OZhK 220 kV OZhK 330 kV OZhK 500 kV
No-mi-nal-nal-nal-nal-nal-nal-ni-nenie, kV 220 330 500
The most-wide-necked working-out, kV 252 363 525
No-mi-nal current, A 1000, 1600, 2000, 2500, 3150 1600, 2500, 3150
Time pro-te-ka-ka-ka ter-mi-che-stead-sti-sti, sec. 3 3
No-mi-nal-nal short-carpet-men-ny current of the ter-mi-che-sko-durability (3 sec.), KA up to 50 up to 63
The greatest current of electricity-di-na-mi-che-steadiness (shock value<0,1 сек), кА up to 128 up to 160
Max-si-mal-ny speed-noy at-pore wind, m / s 32 36
Do-poo-sti-may thickness-shchi-on ice walls, mm 20 25
Ka-te-go-rya of the location 1,3 1
Kli-ma-ti-ch-e-s-n-ness and ka-te-go-ry of placement in accordance with GOST 15 150 U, HL, UHL U, HL, UHL
Max-si-mal-ny speed-noy at-pore wind at go-lo-le-de, m / s 16 16
The seismicity of the paradise-island in points on the MSK-64 scale up to 9 up to 9

SVEL Group carries out construction of modular complete transformer substations (KTPB) for voltage class 35, 110, 220 kV (TU 3412-001-63920658-2009), acting as a general contractor (turnkey).

KTPB are designed to receive, convert and distribute electrical energy of three-phase alternating current of industrial frequency 50 Hz, which can be used in the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad for power supply of industrial facilities of the oil and gas production and mining industry, machine building enterprises, railway transport, urban and municipal consumers, agricultural districts and large buildings.

Typical versions of KTPB are developed on the basis of the album "Typical schematic diagrams of electrical switchgears with voltage 6-750 kV, substations and instructions for their use" No. 14198tm-t1, Institute "ENERGOSETPROEKT", Moscow - 1993

KTPB are designed for outdoor installation at an altitude of not more than 1000 m above sea level and work in conditions corresponding to UHL and HL versions of location category 1 in accordance with GOST 15150.

Block complete transformer substations for voltage class 35; 110; 220 kV, developed by SVEL Group specialists (OKP code 34 1200), are modern layout solutions that meet the Electrical Installation Rules (PUE), as well as the requirements and recommendations of JSC FGC UES.

The main parameters and characteristics of the KTPB correspond to the values \u200b\u200bindicated in the table "Technical parameters of the KTPB".

This catalog contains a description, main characteristics, diagrams and other technical information on the KTPB as a whole and the components included in the substation.

Product designation:

Example of substation designation:

KTPB - 110 - 4N - 16 - UHL1

KTPB - Complete block transformer substation;
110 - Rated voltage \u003d 110 kV;
4Н - circuit of electrical connections of RU;
16 - Transformer power \u003d 16000 kVA;
UHL1 - climatic version UHL, placement category 1 in accordance with GOST 15150.

Technical parameters of KTPB

P / p No. Parameter name Characteristic Note
Outdoor switchgear 220 kV Outdoor switchgear 110 kV Outdoor switchgear 35 kV Side 6 (10) kV
1 Rated voltage, kV 220 110 35 - -
higher 220 110 35 - -
the average 35, 110 35 - - -
inferior 6, 10, 35 6, 10 6, 10 - -
2 Power transformer power, kVA Up to 125,000 * Up to 63000 * Up to 16000 * - * Accepted in accordance with the project requirements at the substation
3 Rated current, A
switchgear cells 1000, 2000 630, 1000, 2000 630, 1000 - According to the schemes: 110-12 ... 13; 220-7 ... 14.
switchgear input cabinets - - - 630, 1000, 1600, 2500, 3150 See catalog "Complete switchgear"
chains of lines and jumpers max 1000 max 630 max 630 - -
power transformer circuits 630 630 630 - -
busbars 1000, 2000 1000, 2000 630, 1000 - -
4 Short-circuit through current (amplitude), kA 65, 81* 65, 81* 26 51, 81* * For switchgear cells and busbars with In \u003d 2000A
5 Thermal withstand current for 3 sec, kA 25, 31,5 25, 31,5 10 - -
6 Climatic modification and category of placement U - HL placement category 1 GOST 15150
7 District downwind I - V PUE (ed. 7)
8 Ice area I - VII PUE (ed. 7)
9 Air pollution degree I - IV GOST 28856
10 Seismicity of the Construction site, points 7 — 9* On the MSK-64 scale; * reinforced performance of supporting metal structures
11 Average service life of KTPB, years 30 -



KTPB may include:

  • power transformers (autotransformers);
  • open switchgear (hereinafter OSG) 220, 110, 35, 6 (10) kV;
  • rigid and flexible busbar;
  • cable structures;
  • secondary switching cabinets;
  • contact tension fittings;
  • outdoor switchgears for switchgear (10) 6 kV;
  • general substation control center (OCP);
  • portals;
  • lighting masts and lighting;
  • grounding;
  • foundations;
  • lightning protection (lightning rods, etc.);
  • sS fencing.

The completeness of the KTPB can be changed in accordance with the individual requirements of the project and the customer and must be reflected in the questionnaire for the substation.

Power transformers

Power transformers installed at KTPB, developed and manufactured by the SverdlovElectro Group (SVEL Power - Transformers), are used for power facilities, electrified transport and substations of industrial enterprises with a capacity of up to 250 MVA for voltage classes up to 220 kV (types TDN, TRDN , TDTN) according to the nomenclature of GOST 12965-85. Power transformers made by domestic and foreign manufacturers can also be used.

The consumers of converter transformers are plants for electrolysis of non-ferrous metals and chemical products, electric drives for rolling mills and electric arc furnaces in metallurgy, electrified railway and industrial transport, and special electrophysical research facilities. Transformers meet all the requirements of GOST 16772-77.

OSG (Open Switchgear)

OSG 6 (10), 35, 110, 220, as part of KTPB, are switchgears, which include supporting metal structures with high-voltage equipment installed on them, rigid busbars, flexible busbar elements, cable structures, secondary switching cabinets, grounding elements ... Supporting metal structures for high-voltage equipment are manufactured in block and block-modular design (TU 5264-002-63920658-2009 "Steel structures for block complete transformer substations for voltage 6 (10) - 220 kV).

The supporting metal structures are certified in accordance with the GOST R system, the quality and bearing capacity of the metal structures are confirmed by calculations and test reports:

Test report No. 19-10 of March 16, 2010 of the Test Center "Stavan-test" OJSC "Ural Institute of Metals", reg. No. ROSS RU. 0001.22EF05 from 28.05.2007

Test report No. 15.04.10 dated 05.04.2010 of the Test Center "UralNIIAS" OJSC "Ural Research Institute of Architecture and Construction", reg. No. ROSS RU.0001.22SL07 dated 04.12.2009

Outdoor switchgear 110 kV (Scheme 110-4N)

  1. Support blocks.
  2. High voltage equipment, including HF communication equipment.
  3. The busbar is rigid.
  4. Contact-tension fittings.
  5. Cable constructions.
  6. Secondary switching cabinets.
  7. Support insulators.
  8. Portals.
  9. Elements of grounding and lightning protection.
  10. Service platforms

Figure 1 - Composition of 110 kV outdoor switchgear developed by SVEL group

Figure 2 - An example of a 110 kV outdoor switchgear layout (110-4N scheme) developed by the SVEL group

The supporting metal structures, depending on the design, are designed to withstand seismic loads corresponding to the seismicity of the construction site up to 9 points inclusive on the MSK scale - 64. The metal structures have an anti-corrosion coating for protection from external sources of influence, made by hot or cold galvanizing, or paint and varnish coating.

The outdoor switchgear is equipped with high-voltage equipment of domestic and foreign production, certified by JSC FGC UES, which is provided for in the diagrams of electrical connections of the main circuits (see section "Diagrams of the main connections"). Units with 110, 220 kV high-voltage equipment are delivered to the facility disassembled. Units with equipment for a voltage class of 35 kV can be supplied both disassembled and assembled with high factory readiness (supporting metal structures, high-voltage equipment, busbar elements, secondary switching cabinets, secondary switching circuits (strapping), cable trays, etc.). ).

Metal structures can be manufactured for any type of high-voltage equipment, both domestic and foreign, taking into account the individual requirements of the project. Blocks with equipment, which are used as the main solution in the construction and reconstruction of switchgears 6 (10) - 220 kV, are easily assembled, which is explained by the use of bolted joints instead of assembly welding at the facility.

For blocks with equipment included in the switchgear of various voltage classes, a wide nomenclature list of "blocks" products has been developed (see below), which is constantly updated.

Each typical block has a conventional designation that contains information about the composition and relative position of the equipment placed on the metal structure, the height of such a block and the interphase distances of the equipment. The use of such a designation is convenient for choosing the required version of the unit and for correctly placing an order for its manufacture without spending time on additional coordination.

The metal structure with installed high-voltage equipment has the following designation:

Abbreviations in the name of high-voltage equipment:

VZ - high-frequency interceptor
VK - switch
ЗЗ - ground electrode
KZ - short-circuiter
KM - cable sleeve
КС - coupling capacitor
OD - separator
OI - support insulator
SHO - busbar support
Arrester - surge suppressor
SPNn - neutral surge arrester
PR - fuse
RZ - disconnector
SI - pulse counter
VT - voltage transformer
TT - current transformer
TSN - auxiliary transformer
FP - connection filter

An example of a block designation:

B. 110. VK - 25 / 14.5 - UHL1

B - supporting block,
VK - switch,
25 - the height of the supporting metal structure is 25 dm \u003d 2500 mm.,
14.5 - the distance between the phases in the breaker is 14.5 dm \u003d 1450 mm.,
UHL1 - climatic version UHL, placement category 1.

Figure 3 - Disconnector block B.220.R3.2 (1) -25.8 / 35.7-UHL1

Figure 4 - Block of disconnector, current transformers, support insulators B.220.R3.2 / TT / OI-25 / 35,7-UHL1

Figure 5 - Block of communication capacitors B.220.VL-25.8 / 35-UHL1 and Switch block B.220.VK-18/23-UHL1

Figure 6 - Switch block B.220.VK-25.8 / 35.7-UHL1

Figure 7 - Circuit breaker unit B.110.VK-0.7 / 14.6-UHL1 and Disconnector unit B.110.R3.2 (1) -25 / 20-UHL1

Figure 8 - Switch block B.110.VK.-22.3 / 17.5-UHL1 and Block of supporting insulators B.110.OI-24.5 / 20-UHL1

Figure 9 - Receiving unit of VL B.110.VL-24.6 / 26-UHL1 and Block of current transformers B.110.TT-21/20-UHL1

Figure 10 - Neutral grounding block B.110.3N-32/00-UHL1 and Voltage transformer block B.110.TN-22/20-UHL1

Figure 11 - Block of communication capacitors B.110.KS-24.6 / 20-UHL1 and Block of overvoltage limiters B.110.OPN-26.6 / 20 UHL1

Figure 12 - Switch unit with surge arrester (for a two-winding power transformer) B.035.VK / R3.2 / OPN-14/10-UHL1 and Circuit breaker unit with surge arrester (for a three-winding power transformer) B.035.VK / TT / RZ / OPN-14/10-UHL1

Figure 13 - Voltage transformer unit B.035.TN / R3.1 / PR / OI-20/10-UHL1 and Voltage control unit B.035.TN / R3.1 / PR / OI-20/10-UHL1 (compact )

Figure 14 - Disconnector block B.035.R3.2. (1) -21 / 10-UHL1 and Block of support insulators B.035.OI-35/10-UHL1

Figure 15 - Block of support insulators B.010.OI-23/05-UHL1

The metal structure with installed high-voltage equipment has the following designation:

An example of a block-modular design designation:

KBM. 110. VK / RZ / TT - UHL1

KBM - block-modular design,
110 - rated voltage 110 kV,
VK / RZ / TT - Circuit breaker / Disconnector / Current transformers,
UHL1 - climatic version UHL, placement category 1

Busbar rigid

The rigid busbar, developed by the specialists of SVEL Group, is intended for the transmission and distribution of electrical energy between high-voltage devices as part of both open (OSG) and closed switchgears of KTPB. Rigid busbars are manufactured in accordance with technical conditions 0ET.538.002 TU “Rigid busbars for open switchgears for voltage classes 6 (10) - 220 kV”. The use of rigid busbars makes it possible to abandon the use of bus portals, the installation of foundations for them, the laying of flexible busbars, this leads to a decrease in the land allotment of the switchgear, a reduction in construction and installation work, and material savings.

Figure 16 - Rigid busbar according to the 110-4H scheme

Rigid bus designation:

Rigid bus parameters

Structurally rigid busbar is made of the following elements and nodes:

  • Tubular and flat tires made of 1915.T aluminum alloy, which, with good electrical conductivity, has a sufficiently high strength;
  • Busbar attachment points, which are made in the form of steel brackets of round or flat section, located on the base plate. The attachment points allow for rigid fastening of the tire (console), or free fastening, which provides the possibility of longitudinal movement of the tire in the event of temperature deformations (hinge);
  • Temperature deformation compensators are made of grade A aluminum wire in accordance with GOST 839-80. The wire cross-section is selected based on the value of the rated current. Compensators also play the role of current-carrying flexible connections between buses.

Tire attachment points:

Bus attachment point 110 kV.
The fastening of the horizontal rail to the support rail plate is carried out with round steel clips with a thread

Figure 17 - 110 kV busbar attachment unit

Bus attachment point 220 kV.
Fastening of horizontal bars is carried out with bent brackets made of sheet steel

Figure 18 - Mount of the 220 kV busbar

Rigid busbar is designed for rated currents from 1000 A to 2000 A.
The outer surface of the tires can be painted with paint or color coding with marking rings, which are made from heat-shrinkable tubing. Color in accordance with phasing, according to PUE.
The busbar is designed for outdoor installation at an altitude of no more than 1000 m above sea level and work in conditions corresponding to UHL and HL versions of location category 1 in accordance with GOST 15150.
At the moment, the development of a rigid busbar with the use of cast busbar holders is underway.

Figure 19 - Constructions of cast busbar supports

Figure 20 - Rigid busbar on cast busbar holders

Advantages of busbars with cast busbars

  • Increased mechanical reliability

The use of bolted joints instead of welded joints during busbar mounting avoids the danger of metal annealing and a decrease in the mechanical strength of the busbars in areas with welded joints.

  • High operational reliability of electrical contacts

Since all mechanical forces arising in the busbar connection nodes are perceived by cast busbar holders, this makes it possible to exclude the negative influence of such forces on the state of electrical contacts in flexible connections.

  • Compensation for thermal expansion and deflection of foundations

Cast tire holders provide the possibility of free movement of tires with temperature changes in length, as well as with small deviations of foundations that occur during construction and operation.

  • High speed and simplicity of busbar mounting and dismounting

The busbar has a high degree of factory readiness. The use of cast busbar holders and bolted connections allows quick installation and without the use of welding equipment, as well as quick replacement of tires.

  • Long-lasting color coding (marking) of phases

The phases are marked with lengths of WOER ™ high voltage heat shrinkable tubing. This color coating has a wide range of operating temperatures, moisture resistance, long service life while maintaining color properties and versatility (marking is possible on any section of the tire of any length at the request of the customer). This color designation meets the requirements of the PUE.

  • High damping properties

The use of cast tire holders can significantly reduce or completely damp the amplitude of wind resonant vibrations of the rigid tire system due to the dissipation of vibration energy on a large friction surface in cast tire holders (they act as a damper).

Contact-tension fittings

Contact-tension fittings are used for electrical connection of high-voltage devices. At substations produced by SVEL Group, certified contact-tension (linear, coupling, supporting, tension, protective, connecting) fittings are used, which do not require maintenance, repair and replacement during the entire service life.

Includes the following components:

  • conductive flexible connections: aluminum or steel-aluminum wires according to GOST 839-80. Wire brand, cross-section and number of wires in a phase is determined based on the design documentation for the substation, depending on the rated currents and the requirements of the PUE;
  • contact hardware clamps: standard certified products, used to connect flexible connections to the contact terminals of high-voltage equipment. They are selected depending on the cross-section of the wire, as well as the type and material of the equipment contact plates;
  • tension and support elements: standard clamps designed for laying flexible connections within the outdoor switchgear in accordance with the requirements of the PUE, as well as for connection to power lines.

Cable constructions

  • The distribution of power and control cables is carried out using overhead cable structures (trays), both foreign and domestic. Hanging trays are attached directly to the supporting metal structures. Cables are lowered into overhead cable routes using descents. The use of hinged cable trays makes it possible to abandon the laying of ground cable routes along the outdoor switchgear, which saves installation time and substation costs.
  • Laying of cables of secondary circuits from equipment to cable trays, and from trays to terminal cabinets, is carried out in metal hoses or in plastic corrugated pipes.
  • The need to include suspended cable structures in the supply is stipulated in the questionnaire for the substation.
  • The location of the cable route is determined by the design organization.

Complete switchgears (KRU) 10 (6) kV

KRU 10 (6) kV, developed by specialists of the SVEL group, are used as distribution points of KTBM. KRU-SVEL is equipped with separate cabinets, each of which houses the equipment of one connection to the busbars.

The developed switchgears have a number of advantages:

  • the ability to install inside cells of any type of equipment;
  • the design of the switchgear - SVEL is made of blocks, which contributes to the quick implementation of the customer's wishes (it is enough to change the block);
  • small dimensions, which is achieved by maximizing the use of internal space;
  • the structure does not have welded joints, connections are bolted or riveted, which makes it possible to use galvanized sheet in all elements of switchgear - SVEL;
  • double coating of metal structures with metal powder coating allows avoiding the appearance of corrosion for 25 - 30 years.

More detailed technical information on KRU is contained in the catalog "Complete switchgears of the KRU - SVEL series".

General substation control center

General substation control points (OCP) are designed and used for uninterrupted operation of transmission and distribution of electricity. The OPU is a modular building in which the substation equipment for auxiliary circuits of relay protection, automation and control, high-frequency communication and telemechanics equipment is concentrated.

The control room consists of separate functional blocks, which are joined together and assembled into a separate room. In this room, low-voltage complete devices (NKU) for AC and DC auxiliary needs, relay protection, automation, control and signaling devices are installed. The point provides for everything that is necessary for normal operation: electric heating, lighting, ventilation, as well as the supply of cables and wires for internal communications.

The number of blocks in the control room module, the layout of auxiliary rooms and the type of control panels are determined by the design organization individually for a specific object in accordance with the recommended layouts.

As a rule, the OPU equipment includes:

  • Power transformer differential protection panels;
  • Panels for automatic regulation of power transformers under load;
  • Sectional switch control panels;
  • Overhead line protection panels;
  • Voltage protection panels;
  • Input and distribution of substation auxiliary needs;
  • Operating current control cabinet;
  • Uninterruptible power supply set with operating current;
  • Central alarm system;
  • HF communication panels;
  • Remote control panel;
  • Terminal cabinets.

To connect external control cables, intermediate terminal cabinets are provided, which are installed in each row of low-voltage switchgear RZiA.

The illumination of the OPU is made with luminaires with fluorescent lamps. Heating is carried out by electric heaters located along the walls and in the floor of the boxes. Heating control - manual or automatic.

The control room is equipped with natural supply ventilation through special louvered windows and forced exhaust ventilation using a fan. Installation of air conditioners is possible in the control room.


Portals are designed and manufactured on the basis of standard albums "Unified steel portals of open switchgears 35-150 kV" No. 3.407.2-162, "Unified reinforced concrete and steel portals of open switchgears 220-330 kV" No. 3.407.9-149, developed by Severo -Western branch of the Institute "ENERGOSETPROEKT", also portals can be made according to individual customer requirements.

Portals can be coated by hot-dip galvanizing in accordance with GOST 9.307, or by cold-galvanizing (soil CINOL TU-2313-012-12288779-99, then ALPOL TU-2313-014-12288779-99).

Bolted portals are currently being developed.

Lighting masts and lighting

For technological lighting of KTPB, lighting installations with two lamps directed in opposite directions along the cells with a capacity of 1000 W each are used. Lighting installations, as a rule, are attached to the supporting metal structures of the receiving blocks of the supporting insulators, at a height of about 7 meters from the level of the planning. The design of the installations allows the luminaires to be serviced directly from the ground.

Also for the lighting of the KTPB, floodlight masts are used, manufactured according to the standard album "Searchlight masts and free-standing lightning rods" No. 3.407.9-172, developed by the North-West department of the ENERGOSET PROJECT Institute.


Grounding of metal structures with high-voltage equipment, cases of power transformers, switchgear cabinets and other metal parts is carried out with a steel strip 4x40 GOST 103-76, one end of which is attached to the equipment with grounding bolts, and the other is welded to beams or frames for electrical equipment of the supporting metal structure. The supporting metal structure is grounded directly to the substation ground loop by welding. The ground strip is covered in black on site. The substation grounding contour is calculated by the design organization.


Elements of KTPB can be installed on various types of foundations. The type of foundations, as well as their location, is determined by the design organization on the basis of engineering and geological surveys.

Foundations of the following types are used:

  • recessed;
  • semi-recessed;
  • shallow;
  • monolithic columnar; pile (USO racks, screw piles, bored piles, driven piles);
  • single bed;
  • double bed.

When installing support metal structures on pile foundations and slopes, transitional elements (grillages) are used to which the base plates of the metal structure racks are screwed.

When installed on other types of foundations, the support racks of the metal structures are installed directly on the foundation anchor bolts. The base plates of the racks have Ø35 mm holes for an M30 anchor bolt, in a square of 400x400 mm.

It is possible to install supporting metal structures on foundations based on individual project requirements.

Lightning protection

The function of external lightning protection at the facility is performed by rod and catenary wire lightning rods (lightning protection cables), which provide protection against direct lightning strikes. Lightning rods are installed on 35-220 kV bus gates and 35-220 kV power transmission towers.

The external lightning protection system, organized according to the principle of a lightning protection mesh, is designed individually for each specific structure.


The KTPB fencing is manufactured according to its own design documentation. The fencing is a mesh panels (shields) that are mounted directly on the object by welding to steel pipe racks. A spiky, spiral fencing OKS 54/10 according to TU-1470-001-39919268-2004 is installed along the entire upper contour of the KTPB fence.

Registration of the questionnaire

  • The questionnaire is drawn up according to the established form. Changing the shape, size and content of the questionnaire is not allowed. The questionnaire form for KTPB is given on pages 40-41 of this catalog. Questionnaire forms for switchgear and control facilities are filled out in accordance with catalogs for these types of products.
  • The questionnaire, certified by the signature and seal of the customer, is sent to the manufacturer in 1 (one) copy.
  • All columns of the questionnaire must be filled in, in the absence of data in the columns, you must put a dash.
  • In the section "Equipment to be installed", it is necessary to indicate the type and full characteristics of the equipment, with reflection in the column "Add. requirements "conditions affecting the completeness and design of products included in the KTPB.
  • In the section "Requirements for a rigid busbar", it is necessary to indicate the values \u200b\u200bof the currents of thermal and electrodynamic resistance, the permissible long-term current of the rigid bus. It is also necessary to indicate the version of the rigid busbar arrangement (welded version or on cast busbar holders) and the marking option (marking rings or solid coating).
  • In the section "Climatic conditions of the construction site", it is mandatory to fill in all columns, with the exception of the column "Add. requirements ". The design and material of the supporting metal structures and also the design and diameter of tires in a rigid busbar depend on the correct filling of this section.
  • In the section "Additional requirements" it is necessary to indicate the type and height of the foundation from the level of planning (+0.000), and when ordering suspended cable structures, it is necessary to fill in the corresponding columns.
  • In the section "Completeness of delivery", the designations of the blocks are indicated in accordance with the designation indicated above (see the OSG section). When ordering portals and floodlight masts, their full designation is indicated in accordance with the standard albums for these products (see the Portals section).
  • The questionnaire must be accompanied by a single-line diagram, plan and sections of the substation, the field of foundations and supports.

    Valid from 22.12.2015 to 21.12.2018

    A license from RosAtom was obtained to design equipment for a nuclear installation. License terms:

    Equipment for a nuclear installation classified as safety classes 2 and 3
    - complete transformer substations block series KTPB for voltage 35, 110, 220 kV;
    - complete transformer substations KTPP and KTPN (BM) with a capacity from 25 kVA to 2500 kVA;
    - distribution substations complete series KRUN (BM) for voltage from 6 kV to 35 kV;
    - complete distribution switchgear series KRU for voltage from
    6 kV to 35 kV;
    - low-voltage complete distribution, control and protection devices of the NKU type.

    Valid from 04/07/2016 to 04/07/2026.

    Reducing project development time

    • Use of catalogs for standard products.

    Convenient ordering procedure

    • The use of conventional designations for the main components of the KTPB, which shortens the order approval procedure.


    • The versatility of the units is the ability to install any type of high-voltage equipment, taking into account the individual requirements of the project.

    Reconstruction of existing switchgear

    • Blocks are adapted for any type of equipment.
    • Rigid busbars can be installed on a wide range of post insulators and disconnectors.
    • Development of the switchgear layout taking into account the individual project requirements.

    Shorter delivery times

    • Availability of developed design documentation.

    Reduced installation time

    • The use of bolted connections, instead of welded ones, both in blocks with equipment, and in rigid busbars.
    • Conducting a control assembly at the manufacturer, which in turn allows: incomplete delivery to the object; check the collection of products.
    • The use of rigid busbars - allows you to abandon the bus portals, the installation of foundations for them, the laying of flexible connections.

    Reducing the area of \u200b\u200bswitchgear structures

    • The use of rigid busbars makes it possible to dispense with bus portals, which ultimately reduces the intercell distances.
    • The use of a block-modular design allows you to reduce the number of foundations compared to block structures.
    • The use of overhead cable structures eliminates the cost of additional work on laying of ground cable structures.
    • The location of the secondary switching cabinets directly on the supporting metal structure of the blocks eliminates the cost of installing separate foundations for them.
    • Allows you to avoid the cost of installing separate foundations for them.

Flexible busbar supports of SHOSK 110 type are designed for insulation and fastening of busbar wires in switchgears of power plants and substations for rated voltage up to 110 kV. As insulators in bus-bar supports, support rod insulators with a one-piece silicon protective shell of the OSK 110 type are used. The bus supports of bus supports are made of aluminum alloy. The use of SHOSK bus supports allows avoiding mistakes in the selection of appropriate insulators and bus carriers. The connecting dimensions of busbars shown in the figures are recommended for the purpose of unification and can be changed upon request if necessary.


Parameter name


Rated voltage, kV

The highest operating voltage, kV


Full lightning impulse withstand voltage for bus supports of 2 and 3 pollution degrees, respectively, kV

Test alternating short-term voltage in dry condition, kV

Test alternating short-term voltage in the rain, kV

Radio interference level, dB, no more

Standardized mechanical breaking force in bending, at the level of the upper flange, kN, not less:

Mechanical breaking force in compression, kN, not less 140

Allowable wire tension, kN

Maximum mass of fixed wires or apparatus assemblies, taking into account icy conditions for ensuring seismic resistance 9 points, kg *

Pollution degree according to GOST 9920

Seismic resistance with nominal and maximum loads from the weight of wires and device assemblies on the MSK-64 scale, points, not less *

Permissible wind speed without ice, m / s

Permissible wind speed in ice with a wall thickness of 20 mm, m / s

Note: *) More detailed information on the seismic resistance of busbars with various masses of fixed elements of the electrical installation can be viewed at


Flexible busbar support designation


Section of wires, mm 2, brands:

Wire diameter,

N p.,

Creepage distance, mm, not less




SHOSK 110-1-4-2 UHL1



SHOSK 110-1-4-3 UHL1

SHOSK 110-2-4-2 UHL1

SHOSK 110-2-4-3 UHL1

SHOSK 110-1-5-2 UHL1



SHOSK 110-1-5-3 UHL1

SHOSK 110-2-5-2 UHL1

SHOSK 110-2-5-3 UHL1

SHOSK 110-1-6-2 UHL1



SHOSK 110-1-6-3 UHL1

SHOSK 110-2-6-2 UHL1

SHOSK 110-2-6-3 UHL1

Bus supports are manufactured according to TU 3494-026-54276425-2014

By agreement with the customer, it is possible to manufacture busbars for three wires, for wires of other diameters and for any distances between wires in a phase.

This project considers construction, electrical solutions, busbars and equipment of 110 kV outdoor switchgear

In the archive KM, KZh, EP switchgear 110 kV. Pdf format

110 kV outdoor switchgear decoding - 110,000 volt open switchgear substation

List of drawings of the ES kit

common data
Substation plan.
Busbars. Cell 110 kV W2G. TV2G
Bay 110 kV C1G, TV1G. Section switch
Cell 110 kV 2ATG. AT2 input
Cell 110 kV 1ATG. input AT1
Summary specification
Installation of PASS MO 110 kV cell
Installation of disconnector RN-SESH 110 kV
Installation of three voltage transformers VCU-123
Installation of surge arresters OPN-P-11O / 70/10/550-III-UHL1 0
Installation of bus support SHO-110.I-4UHL1
Installation of a set of two outdoor enclosures
Installation of a remote control unit for 110 kV disconnectors
Single-circuit tension insulators garland 11xPS70-E for fastening two wires АС 300/39
Assembly for connecting two wires to a disconnector
The node for connecting wires to the output of the voltage transformer
Connecting conductors
Mounting tensions and sag arrows of the AC-300/39 wire

KZh outdoor switchgear 110 kV (reinforced concrete structures)

common data
Layout of foundations for supports of equipment for outdoor switchgear-220 kV
Foundations Fm1 Fm2 FmZ Fm4, Fm5, Fm5a, Fm6 Fm7, Fm8
Steel consumption sheet,

KM outdoor switchgear 110 kV (metal structures)

common data
Layout of supports for equipment of ORU-220 kV Support OP1 Support OP1. Node 1
Supports Op3, Op3a. Section 1-1. Node 1
Supports Op3, Op3a. Cuts 2-2, 3-3, 4-4
Supports Op3, Op3a, Section 5 ~ 5. Nodes 2-4
Support 0p4
Supports Op5, Op5a
Support Op7
Support Op8
Service platform P01

Basic design solutions for 110 kV outdoor switchgear

Busbar 0RU-110 kV made of flexible steel-aluminum wires 2xAC 300/39 (two wires per phase). The connection of the wires in the branches is provided by means of the corresponding compression clamps. The descents to the apparatus are 6-8% longer than the distance between the connection point of the wires and the apparatus clamp. The connection of wires to the devices is carried out using the appropriate compressible hardware clamps.

Paired wires are mounted with a distance of 120 mm between them and fixed using standard spacers installed after 5-6 m.

According to Chapter 19 of the PUE (7th edition), the II degree of atmospheric pollution is adopted. Fastening of wires to the portals is provided by means of single strings of 11 glass insulators of the PS-70E type.

The specified mounting sag booms are calculated in the "LEP-2010" program and are determined taking into account the suspension of wires at an air temperature during installation within the range of -30 ° ... + 30 ° C.

The pole-to-pole distance of all devices is taken in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturers and typical materials.

Laying cables within the outdoor switchgear adopted in ground reinforced concrete cable trays. An exception is the branches laid in trenches and in ducts to devices remote from cable mains.

On layout drawings cells 110 kV the filling schemes are given.

Installation drawings are based on factory documentation.

The main equipment used at 110 kV outdoor switchgear:

Outdoor SF6 switchgear type PASS MO for voltage 110 kV. The SF6 gas cell of the PASS MO series consists of a power switch, built-in current transformers for busbar and line disconnectors, earthing knives and SF6-air high-voltage bushings, ABB plant;
- Three-pole disconnector PH SESH-110 with two earthing knives, at the bottom of CJSC GK Zlectroshchit-TM Samara. Russia,-
- Voltage transformer VCU-123, bore K0NCAR, Croatia;
- Overvoltage limiter OPN-P-220/156/10/850-III-UHL1 0, JSC "Positron" plant, Russia;
- Bus support Ш0-110.Н-4УХ / 11, manufactured by CJSC ZZTO. Russia.

Connect all equipment to be installed to the substation grounding circuit with round steel Ø18 mm. Grounding Carry out In accordance with SNiP 3.05.06-85, standard project A10-93 "Protective grounding and grounding of electrical equipment" TPZP, 1993 and a set of electronic devices.

Fixing elements:

3.2.1 The dimensions of welded seams should be taken depending on the forces indicated on the diagrams and in the lists of structural elements, except for those specified in the nodes, and also depending on the thickness of the welded elements.
3.2.2 The minimum attachment force for centrally compressed and centrally tensioned elements is 5.0 tons.
3.2.3 All mounting fasteners, tacks and temporary fixtures after the end of installation must be removed, and the places of tacks must be cleaned.


3.3.1 Materials accepted for welding, take according to table D.1 SP 16.13330.2011.
3.3.3 The dimensions of welded seams should be taken depending on the forces indicated on the diagrams and in the list of structural elements, except for those specified in the nodes, as well as on the thickness of the welded elements.
3.3.4 Smallest attachment force ± 5.0 t.
3.3.5 The minimum legs of fillet welds should be taken according to Table 38 SP 16.13330.2011.
3.3.6 The minimum length of fillet welds is 60 mm.

Rigid busbar is designed for making multi-span busbars and electrical connections between high-voltage devices in switchgear.

Rigid busbar of high factory readiness in comparison with flexible busbar allows to reduce the metal consumption of the switchgear by 30-50%, the consumption of reinforced concrete by 10-20%, the volume of construction and installation work and labor costs up to 25%, depending on the switchgear wiring diagrams and the specific conditions of the area construction.

Switchgears with rigid busbars do not require the construction of portals, are located low from the ground, and are convenient for assembly and routine inspections.


Rigid busbar kits for open switchgears 110, 220, 330, 500 and 750 kV were developed by ZETO CJSC jointly with Nizhegorodskenergosetproekt Institute, NPO Technoservice-Electro CJSC, EDS Scientific and Technical Center, Electroenergetics Scientific and Technical Center.

Busbar is a rigid busbar system. The structure of each phase of the busbars is made of a number of single-span busbars, resting at their ends on support insulators.

For fixing the busbar, there are supporting insulating structures for 110, 220, 330,500 and 750 kV, made on porcelain insulators, as well as polymer (110 kV). Single-span buses of intracellular connections are fixed on the contact terminals of high-voltage switchgear devices.

The busbar of the outdoor switchgear busbars is made of extruded tubular tires of 1915T aluminum alloy, which has high strength, corrosion resistance and good weldability. The electrical connection of the busbars to each other is carried out by crimp-type current compensators. The connection of clamps for crimping flexible descents, branches to the busbars is provided by bolted connections at the installation site.

The busbar design ensures reliable operation under dynamic loads arising from short circuits.

Disconnectors of the pantograph, semi-pantograph and horizontal-rotary type of the RPV, RPG and RG series are used with sets of rigid busbars in the switchgear layouts. The relative position of the equipment and building structures of the outdoor switchgear takes into account the possibility of expanding the outdoor switchgear both within the originally adopted scheme and in the transition to a more complex scheme,

The delivery set includes: tubular busbars, support insulators, current compensators, busbar holders, holders for intracellular connections, clamps for connecting flexible slopes. Additionally, metal structures for supporting insulation are supplied on request.


Parameter ORU-110 ORU-220 ORU-330 ORU-500 ORU-750
Rated voltage (line), kV 110 220 330 500 750
The highest operating voltage, kV 126 252 363 525 787
Rated current of busbar and current compensators, A 2000 2000 3150 3150 3150

Maximum permissible current of one wire, flexible descent, A *

for AC-120/19 wire

for AC-150/24 wire

for wire АС-185/29

for AC-240/32 wire

for AC-300/39 wire

for AC-400/51 wire(AC-400/64)

for wire АС-500/26 (АС-500/127, АС-500/64)

Rated short-time withstand current (thermal current), kA


The largest peak of the rated short-term withstand current of the busbar (current of electrodynamic resistance), kA

Thermal resistance current flow time, s: 3 3 3 3 3