The life cycle of personnel in an organization. The life cycle of an employee (employee). Competitiveness of the product "labor force"

How to determine what stage of the company's life cycle is? How to build an effective HR management strategy depending on the phase of the organization's development?

From the article you will learn:

In 1950, the American sociologist and economist Kenneth Boulding proposed to introduce the term "life cycle of an organization" into management theory. He developed a theory according to which every company goes through 5 stages in the course of development: formation, growth, stabilization, decline and rebirth. The researcher suggested that each phase has its own characteristics and risks. The best option management is selected based on the stage of development of the company.

Organizational life cycle theory

According to Boulding's theory, an organization goes through certain stages during its existence. Like a person, a company is born, goes through periods of childhood, youth and maturity, gets old and dies. The difference is that some organizations are still reborn at the final stage.

This approach to evolution is due to three reasons:

  • Growth and growth are considered a sign of a successful company. .
  • As an organization develops, it requires the introduction of new information processes and administrative decisions.
  • The organization changes its approach to management depending on whether it introduces or strengthens innovation.

The change in lifecycle stage for an organization is not so obvious. It occurs at the time of conflict between the conditions of the external environment and internal processes. Such conflict leads to business inefficiency. At this moment, the company changes its approach to management and takes the path of survival. It is better to know in advance about the need to move from one phase to another. Instead of being immersed in stressful conditions, the firm plans to move from one phase to another and increases its effectiveness.

Organizational Life Cycle Models

Modern management theory offers more than 5 different life cycle models. On the basis of Boulding's theory, modified and extended models appeared, which have found application in practice.

Larry Greiner's model

The researcher identifies five stages of the company's evolution. The periods are characterized by different styles management. Evolutionary phases are replaced by revolutionary ones, when one dominant problem appears in management. After its decision, the growth of the company continues. According to Grainer, the growth of a company comes through: creativity, directive leadership, coordination and collaboration.

Itzhak Adizes model

The model differs from the previous one in that it is based on the idea of \u200b\u200bcyclicality. The dynamics of development is similar to the functioning of a biological or social system... Adizes identifies 10 stages, expanding on Boulding's theory. The model is used in practice to predict and reduce risks. It describes in detail organizational processes and identifies a number of patterns in them. This helps in solving real-life problems specific to the current phase of an organization's life cycle.

Case from practice:

Answers Arina BONDARENKO,
HR Director of "Desan" company

When the crisis hit, the IT company did not give in to it for a long time. But over time, its negative impact became tangible, and the CEO tried to make the organization more flexible. He wanted managers and employees to react quickly to market changes, to quickly implement projects. But I immediately realized that it was not easy to do. The HR director suggested organizing ADIZES therapy.

Model E. Emelyanova and S. Povarnitsina
Life cycle considered from a sociocultural point of view, distinguishing four stages. Each is characterized by its own system of relations between the company, employees and the external environment. The organization goes through the stages of "get-together", mechanization, internal entrepreneurship and quality management.

Organizational lifecycle stages

The classical concept of the life cycle of an organization identifies five stages in its development. These stages are sequential and trace the entire path of the organization from to rebirth. Each phase requires its own management tools and a specific organizational structure.


The main goal of the company is to apply to the market At this stage, business processes are formed, employees are hired and the first clients appear. This is a struggle for survival, in which the effectiveness of management is given the last place. Management is characterized by an unclear organizational structure. Marketing is focused on the product and aligning the client's needs with the company's objectives.


At this stage, the product is already in demand and it is time to improve management efficiency. The company creates the foundation for the future. Management is characteristic, and management is built around people. Marketing is about sales and market share. The company reacts to changes in the environment, but is not yet capable of forecasting.

Read also:

  • How will help:learn how to select employees during the formation of the company.


At this time, the company reaches its peak and strives to consolidate its position in the market. The greatest attention is paid to improving stability and. Management is shifting to a democratic management style. Organizational structure are built according to the process-oriented principle. Marketing is aimed at increasing profits and meeting internal and external needs.


The organization is curtailing its activities due to unprofitability. It loses its competitiveness, sales and profits are steadily declining. The assets are sold, and potential losses are eliminated. Decisions are becoming conservative. The organization is moving towards austerity and risk minimization. During this period, the enterprise either leaves the industry or goes to revival.


The company is fighting for its existence and diversifying its business. During this period of the life cycle, the development of the organization depends on innovation and new acquisitions. The manual is being updated. To modernize business processes, project teams are created, focused on developing new products and increasing competitiveness.

Practice question

What does the HR department need to do when reorganizing a company?

Answers Ivan SHKLOVETS,
deputy Head Federal Service for labor and employment

Reorganization is governed by the norms of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and can take place in the formsh. 5 art. 75 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). How to arrange personnel documents in case of reorganization? Do I need to compose new staffing table?

Features of personnel management depending on the phase of the organization's life cycle

At each stage of the life cycle, the organization implements a specific development strategy. The goal of the company is to achieve a period of prosperity and consolidate its position in the market for the longest possible period. Pay special attention. The HR strategy is determined depending on the phase of the cycle and forecasts for the future.

Table 1.

Features of personnel management at different stages of the organization's life cycle.

A systematic approach to managing the life cycle of an organization allows you to timely predict possible risks and solve emerging problems with the least loss. The staff goes all the way with the company. HR's job is to track changes and prepare employees for them. Matching HR decisions with the development stage of the company reduces the stress of moving from one stage to the next.

Work only then brings satisfaction
when it allows a person to develop.

I am addressing this article to the Owners, Managers and Leaders of projects for the development of people in their business so that Managers can easily and relatively quickly identify the shortage and excess of people in the organization, and somewhere to foresee the curve of the "evolution" of their employees.

Working with many Companies, as a Business Development Consultant, I often face the problem of developing people within the organization. I observe a variety of approaches in this area, such as development through all kinds of trainings, through visiting professional courses advanced training, drawing up plans for the development of personnel and creating on their basis individual plans... It so happens that corporate baths and holidays are presented as an element of development and team-building, sometimes the only one. And other, other events.

What's wrong here?

Here's what. A lot of weakly motivating activities for a specific person are produced, where development plans often live in one dimension, and an employee in another. As a result, the development of people in the Companies becomes either too difficult a matter, or this work is absent altogether, due to a waste of time and money.

In the same cases when the Client has a conscious need to develop people, together with him we build working schemes using the employee's life cycle.

As a result of such work, a simple scheme appears, and the Manager needs to remember and use only two things to manage development: this is the “stage of life” of a person within the Company and the employee's key skill at this stage. And no "inflated" plans and "disposable" papers.

What is the Employee Life Cycle?

Any Business is a living organism. And like any living organism, the Company is born through the efforts and aspirations of its creator - a leader, matures and fades over time. Here we are dealing with the life cycle of organizations (Figure 1).

Looking at the life cycle of the Companies, having analyzed the situation over a number of years, one can understand at what stage of life any Business is and what will follow.

The Companies themselves are made up of people and people also go through periods of growing up and over time, the most outstanding ones, become veterans of "competitive wars", while others leave organizations. In other words, along with the life cycle of organizations, there are also life cycles of employees.

But what can the life cycle give us in terms of employee development?

First of all, it is the clarity or imagery of the perception of "life" and the development of a person within the Company. In addition, each “stage of life” has specific competencies that the employee must meet. These two parameters are enough to manage employee development.

Organizing the Life Cycle

Management issues always require certainty and transparency, and in the case of human development, when it is necessary to understand what to develop and what to demand from an employee, the life cycle helps to streamline the employee's growth within a particular Company.

To make the employee development process manageable, the following steps should be taken.

The first step is to build a Time - Knowledge and Skills diagram.

First, the life curve itself is drawn, then, horizontally, the "stages of life" of the employee are marked, and the vertical line of the growth of his knowledge and skills is marked (Fig. 2).

At the second step, the life cycle curve is divided into several parts - levels, 4 levels are quite enough, although one of my clients uses 6, where at the first level the competencies of exact following the orders of the Manager are indicated, and at the last sixth level, the employee's self-development competencies are presented (Fig. 3).

In the third step, each level should be given the appropriate basic competencies (see Appendix 1). It should be noted that for a specialist, the list of competencies can be supplemented based on his professional activity (Figure 4).

The question may arise: what is the optimal number of competencies? My answer is that you should always choose from the proposed set of “key knowledge and skills”, one or two competencies for each level may well be enough.

Then, in the fourth step, you should determine the time spent by the employee at each stage, this is the “time of his life”. It should be noted here that the "living of the levels" depends on the dynamics of the market and the competitive environment. If the market is highly dynamic, then the lifetime at each stage is reduced. If the market is stable, then the life cycle by stages can lengthen, there is time to qualitatively "pump" the employee (Fig. 4). Finally, the fifth step is to link the life cycle with the employee's current activities. After the life cycle is filled with competencies and the “life time” for each level is determined, the employee's knowledge and skills should be linked to his monthly plan and fact. In this case, an assessment of his competencies is entered into the employee's monthly plan (Figure 5).

The assessment is given to the employee at the end of the period, based on his actual results, by the immediate Supervisor, in cases where the scale of the business is small; and Leader plus Internal Customer when cross-functional issues begin to emerge in the company.

Should the assessment be related to wages? the answer is yes. By linking knowledge and skills with the employee's salary, the Company gives the employee feedbackwhether she is happy with his height or he leaves a lot to be desired. We can say that it is easier to get through to the mind through the ruble, and in some cases wake it up.

A little explanation on the Internal Client. I hope you understand that the activities of any Company are woven from many processes. Both within the Company, as well as in the market, there are suppliers and customers. So, the Internal Client is the Head of the department that receives the product of labor of the department preceding the process (for example, for the Supply department, the Internal client is Production).

In addition, by monthly assessing the employee's contribution to the common cause along with the growth of his knowledge and skills, the Company is able to track the dynamics of his growth, along with the employee's performance.

I would like to point out one common managerial mistake - many managers treat assessments, as well as people development, formally. Can this error be avoided? Yes, if the competency score is based on actual results. It is easy to catch a mistake if you track the employee's performance over two to three months. In such cases, no dependence is visible between the growth of performance and the growth of competencies, in other words, the results are refuted by the positive growth of the employee.

Approximately the same responsibility of the Internal client, when giving an assessment, he must take into account the satisfaction with the product of his internal supplier, because he will answer for the quality of his product to his client, it may well be an External one.

How it works?

I have a Client - a medium-sized manufacturing company engaged in the power industry. Owner, well advanced person in personnel development. He looks at employees as people, not as a resource.

The preconditions for the project were the diversity and fragmentation of the goals of the employees. The Company had budgets and KPIs, development projects were allocated, staff, did not experience a lack of training. But there was one caveat - all the listed goals did not have a "assemblage point", it turned out that financial indicators lived their own lives, development projects their own, and employees developed according to their programs, which the majority simply did not have. And the main thing in this situation is the low performance of employees.

In early 2012, the Owner and I agreed on a project to update the goal setting system. As part of the project, it was supposed to work out key indicators - KPI, current tasks and assessments of the skills and knowledge of the employee. It was supposed not only to work out the goals, but also to combine the KPIs, tasks and assessments of each employee into one profile. It is clear that there should be as many profiles as there are people in the Company.

The project has started. At first, we identified processes and worked out KPIs. We reviewed development projects and identified tasks. And when they realized what skills and knowledge an employee should have, they began to notice that competencies are a "fickle" value and that they grow with the growth of a person in the Company - they have, so to speak, a life cycle. The result of this ingenuity led us to link the “milestones of the long journey” with the competencies that every employee should have. How we did it, and what the results are, read and see below.

Format matters

By itself, the construction of a goal-setting system is quite a "technological" and consistent process. But to expect that, given the will of the Management, everyone will accept the project with a bang, it means to overestimate expectations from the early completion of the project. And if you hurry, as you know, you won't get smiles. In such cases, you need a format that maximizes the involvement of people in the work. I have been using the “Internal Market” format in my practice for a long time. I create a market within the Company, where the Client, the Supplier and the product appear, which is exchanged for money or other equivalents. But, all in order.

First, the creation of the market began with the search for the Customer and the Contractors. The Customer was the Owner of the Company, and the Contractors were a temporary working group. The "client" formulated his order - to put the development of an employee on a technological basis, to create "levels of maturity" - life cycles, from hiring to full self-realization of a person.

Secondly, they formed working group - Executors of the order, from key employees Companies that include all major Divisional Leaders. In total, there were eight people in the group.

Thirdly, they established the rules of work: the first rule - work by time (they limited the “deadline for order fulfillment” in time. In total, no more than three hours were taken to work); the second rule - the "product" created by the group had to be "sold", not sold; the third rule, the Customer had the right to send the product proposed by the group for revision until he was satisfied with it.

And the work went on. The first result appeared an hour later - the number of "stages of life" - the levels of maturity of the employee was determined. There were 6 of them (fig. 6).

Please note that the names of the stages - levels do not contain the usual “age” names such as childhood, growing up, etc., instead, they reflect the nature of the work performed, and the comments of each stage address the reader to understand the essence of the work.

We had to sweat with a set of competencies, we did it in the second hour, the result is as follows: at the first level of competencies - 3, at the second - 3, at the third - 7, at the fourth - 6. At the fifth and sixth to the 1st (Fig. 7).

The group then proceeded to create a scale that should be used by any Manager to assess their employees by maturity levels. Such a ruler is necessary to get away from the subjectivity of the Manager, who can give marks at will, which, as you understand, gives rise to likes and dislikes, and often does not border on a person's real performance. As a result, the scale acquired the form of a ruler from 1 to 5, where the score of 3 corresponded to the manager's expectations, and the scores of 2 or 1 were assigned for a clear discrepancy to competencies. The same, but with a plus sign refers to grades 4 and 5, which are given for the employee's demonstration of the growth of knowledge and skills, and any deviation from the standard must be commented on, and not just got off with the assessment. For illustration, Figure 8 shows the grading scale for the first maturity level.

After working only three hours of working time, the life cycles of employees were determined and agreed upon by all key persons of the Company, and, which is important, approved by the Customer - Owner. Questions - what is it and what to do about it? there was no one. The next step was to link the current activity with the employee's assessments.

We were counted!

Above, I have already noted that understanding and contemplating the life cycles of workers is little that gives us if we do not associate a person's competence with his result. Our goal here is to focus an individual on the key skills and knowledge that will help them increase their effectiveness in performing their current tasks. In other words, evaluation without results is just a waste of time and effort. At the same time, if productivity grows, there is a reason to rate the employee as "good" or "excellent", and this "good" is a reason to move the employee to the next level of maturity.

At the time of the development of the life cycle, each employee of the Company had already identified key indicators (KPI) and current tasks. Therefore, the competencies developed at the session easily connected with the employee's functionality, all that remained was to gain experience in assessing employees and sort out complex and non-standard situations.

Was there a connection between estimates and wages? yes such a connection has been established. Grade - 3 allows the employee to have a "planned" ruble, grade 1 or 2 reduces wages, and grade 4 or 5 increases the employee's income. I will not go into details of how this happens, I will only say that this arithmetic is simple.

And experience is the son of difficult mistakes ...

Any product that enters the market does not remain in its original form, but is constantly being improved. This also happened with the levels of maturity - the product of the work of the key employees of the Company. All his improvements were based on the elimination of emerging problems during the assessment of employee development.

Three months passed from the start of the project to the appearance of the list of problems. During this period, a whole bunch of questions and many “what ifs” have accumulated, and the Client asked for support. As a result, there was an agreement to hold several two-hour meetings with the Heads of departments, the purpose of which was to analyze difficult cases and non-standard situations.

The first problem is how to properly assess the employee?

To resolve the issues that arose, we used the brainstorming format, in which all the problems related to the assessment of competencies were voiced without exception, and the list of problems was arranged according to priorities. Here I sing the ode of group wisdom - as a result of my work, a simple but understandable "technology" for evaluating an employee emerged (Fig. 9).

By the Head of the Legal Department

I evaluate all tasks for an employee in all competencies of the first level. In addition, when evaluating his work, I am interested in besides the basic and professional competence human. I take into account the spelling, the accuracy of the application of legislation, the accuracy and respect for the documents. From the point of view of an employee's growth, what matters to me is his interest in independent work... The point of making a decision to transfer a subordinate to the next level will be the fulfillment of one of the "control tasks", if we talk about a specific employee, then this is a task - the independent development of contracts.

The second problem is what to do with the “formal” assessments?

Above I mentioned a management problem - formal assessments, they arise when the Manager actually unsubscribes, giving the employee a "normal" grade. My client was no exception, Managers, in fact, began to set everyone the "norm" - 3 and forget about the growth and development of their subordinates.

Straws were substituted in two places: firstly, we introduced KPI - Personnel Management, through which the performance of subordinates is monitored; second, they vetoed the ratings without comment. Now "inattention" to the results and development of employees affects the result and income of the Manager.

The third problem is what is the lifespan of each level?

Unfortunately, at the beginning of the project, the duration of the deadlines for each level was not so obvious and dropped out of sight, but now the lack of deadlines has become clearly noticeable and life cycles have turned out to be "rubbery", as a result, there is no movement in maturity levels. Stimulating the growth of employees is the task of the near future, which we are working on now.


As a result of the search for the "assemblage point", it was possible to agree and combine different types of goals of the Company, namely, quantitative KPIs, qualitative goals - tasks of employees and goals of people development, and this is what happened:

1. The productivity of employees is growing, on average by 5% every month.

2. In the first three months, payroll savings by 10% monthly. This is due to the introduction of the principle - pay only for the result.

3. Payback of the project (payment of the Consultant) - 2 months. The remaining 10 months can be considered an increase in the project's profitability (if we count it in annual terms).

Appendix 1. List of competencies of employees by levels of development - life cycle

Many may assume that Human Resource Managers should be the Leaders of Human Development Projects, but I tend to expand the horizon and include in the development of employees direct Heads of Departments, because each of them should rather be a Mentor or Trainer, and then have all the other qualities of a Manager.

Exactly actualization, because all businesses, without exception, have goals, another question is that the systemic basis in business goal-setting leaves much to be desired.

As you know, everything is born and dies at some point. These are the laws of nature - they govern the life of cultures and civilizations, as well as the life of any organization and, of course, people working in it.
What is the so-called life cycle of an organization, what elements does it contain, what should be expected from each of the stages of this cycle, and - most importantly - what should the manager do during these processes? Tells about it Tatiana Naumovich, coach-trainer-consultant for sales, negotiations and management at Trainings For Business.

Tatyana, tell us more about the life cycle of the organization. What he really is?

“TN”: Like any other system, an organization goes through different periods of “life”: it emerges, develops, goes through periods of formation, prosperity, then decline, after which it is completely reborn or replaced by other companies.

If you imagine organization life cycle model as a chain of elements, then the sequence will be like this:

The life cycle of each a separate organization may differ significantly from other organizations: for example, fast growth / short zone of stability / fast decline or slow growth / long stage of stability / sharp decline, etc.
Organizations not only have an impact on the life cycle internal factors, but also external environment, competitiveness, economic, political situation and a number of other important factors.

Is the life cycle of an employee different from that of an organization? What should you pay attention to when analyzing employee behavior?

“TN”: In addition to the life cycle of an organization, there is also a life cycle of an employee within this organization, and he works on a similar principle.
These are the stages of the employee's behavior, the feeling of being in the workplace in different time periods from the moment of hiring to dismissal. In many ways, the working cycle depends on the expectations of a person, the level of his education, on his ability to take responsibility, the desire to achieve any goals, on the quality of professional training and other personal characteristics.

There are many different approaches to describing the life cycle of an employee. I am personally close to the approach, the basis of which is the interaction of the employee with the manager at each of the stages of a person's stay in the organization.

Selection of a candidate, adaptation, training and development, motivation, organization of the employee's work, management of his culture - crises are possible at each of these stages, and the success of overcoming them depends on three components.

They can be conventionally designated as "Three Cs":
According to this formula, C1 is the employee himself, his level of stress resistance, personal maturity, professional qualifications, the ability to draw conclusions and learn from mistakes, etc.
C2 - collaboration in a team. This applies to relationships with colleagues, work atmosphere, support and assistance of other employees in overcoming professional barriers and solving work problems.
C3 - assistance from the leader, on whom, of course, the atmosphere in the team depends, and the organization of mutual assistance (the second "C").
The leader in this case acts as a source of quality. The quality of performance, decision-making, team relationships, etc.

If we talk about the key role of the leader in this process, what traps can await the manager at different stages of interaction with the employee?

"TN": Here I propose to single out several key stages in the process of "life" of a person in an organization, to consider typical mistakes the head, and also pay attention to the reminders to the manager at each of the stages.

Selection of candidates

Manager's mistakes
Most often, managers fear that the candidate does not have sufficient experience, knowledge and qualities for the vacant position. And to avoid possible problems, as well as to save on training and mentoring, managers choose a candidate who, in terms of personal qualities, significantly exceeds the required level of competence. This often happens in times of crisis, when many highly qualified specialists find themselves unemployed at the same time.

You should not be happy if in this way you have gotten a candidate who has much more experience and knowledge than an open vacancy suggests. From experience I can say that for a person it is, as a rule, an internal compromise and this position is considered by him as temporary. Most likely, such an employee will not be satisfied with the content of the activity and will not stay in the company for a long time.

Another common mistake when recruiting new employees is not knowing their intrinsic motivation. At this stage, it is important to remember that, in addition to monetary, there are dozens of other, non-material forms of motivation that can be extremely important for a candidate. Surprisingly, knowing this, many managers still believe that if an employee is satisfied with the salary, then he will work with full dedication.

At trainings, I often cite as an example statistics, according to which people are satisfied with their wages for about the first three months of work, for the next three months they consider their wages to be satisfactory, and in six months they would like a financial increase.

Memo to the head
So, when selecting candidates, a well-defined job profile is of great importance. This means that the leader must clearly understand how he wants to see the candidate: what experience, knowledge and personal qualities he must have.
To understand how this position and the nature of the work will bring pleasure to the employee and satisfy his needs, I recommend drawing up a motivational map of the position. That is, describe the dominant motives that will be satisfied in this position. Examples of such motives:

  • communication with professionals in their field;
  • independent decision making;
  • involvement in personnel management;
  • lack of exciting, stressful situations, etc.

Probationary period, adaptation

Manager's mistakes
Remember how difficult it is in the first days in a new team! The adaptation phase is one of the most important. The further "fate" of a person in the organization, the effectiveness of his work and the duration of the "life cycle" of an employee largely depend on him.
It happens that the manager does not have enough time to adapt the employee or he does not know how to properly behave with the newly arrived subordinate. Then the manager chooses "not to behave in any way": avoids communication with the newcomer, leaves the employee's acquaintance with the team to chance, is afraid to give feedback on the work, does not explain functional responsibilities etc. All this is an additional stress factor for a new person, and can even cause a constant "turnover" of staff.

Memo to the head
In order to make the adaptation period as comfortable and fast as possible, the manager should prepare a so-called "adaptation sheet". It may include the following items:

  • Tasks for probation;
  • Adaptation activities;
  • Execution control.

Most of all, such a sheet will be useful just for those managers who have little experience in the adaptation of employees or not enough time. In addition, this list will help the most newly minted employee, remove a number of questions, and serve as a short-term plan of action for the first time.
Also, such popular and effective adaptation measures as: "welcome-training", training in training center, work with a mentor, etc.

Education and development

Manager's mistakes
As one modern wisdom says, illiterate in the 21st century will not be those who cannot read or write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn. Consequently, personnel training and development has long been one of the priority tasks of the HR department of almost any organization.

One should not neglect the fact that for many modern specialists the opportunity to undergo trainings and improve their qualifications within the company is one of the important motives, ignoring which the manager risks losing his team.
Based on my own observations, I can safely say that the development of human resources helps to increase the attractiveness of the company for potential employees and increase the satisfaction / loyalty of existing ones.

Memo to the head
To develop an employee development strategy, it is necessary to assess the current situation by answering the questions proposed in the book "Human Resource Development" by D. Joy-Matthews:

  • What new skills and abilities are needed to improve the performance of individual employees?
  • What reserves are currently being used to increase labor productivity?
  • What institutional transformations (introduction of new technologies, production processes etc.) require appropriate development of human resources?
  • What opportunities does the company have for staff development and training?
  • What changes in the behavior of managers and employees will improve their performance?


At one time, the German psychologist Karl Buechler first pointed out that people can get pleasure not because they need this or a thing, but from the process itself
creating something. Accordingly, remaining dissatisfied, this motive can lead to disastrous results.

Manager's mistakes
Actually, as at the stage of selection of employees, here one of the serious mistakes of a manager is neglect of a person's individual motives.
Unfortunately, many consider satisfactory overriding factors such as salary, place of work and paid leave to be sufficient for the employee to be fully committed. In fact, this is not the case.

Memo to the head
Once you find out the personal motives of your employees, try to ensure that they are realized:

  • Give employees work that allows them to communicate;
  • Create a team spirit in the workplace;
  • Do not break up informal groups that have arisen if they do not cause real damage to the organization;
  • Create conditions for social activity of members of the organization outside of its framework;
  • Provide positive feedback to staff on the results achieved;
  • Highly evaluate and reward the results achieved by subordinates;
  • Engage subordinates in setting goals and making decisions;
  • Delegate additional rights and powers to subordinates;
  • Promote subordinates up the career ladder;
  • Provide training and retraining that enhances the competence of employees.

Stage of professional stagnation and dismissal

Unfortunately, today there is still no tool to prevent burnout. Even if the organization as a whole and the manager in particular manages to take into account the leading motives of the employee and meet the expectations of the employee, sooner or later the person is faced with the syndrome of fatigue and dissatisfaction.
Having “diagnosed” burnout at the initial stages, the situation can be not only controlled, but also quickly corrected. However, if the signs of employee burnout are revealed too late, it comes to dismissal.

Manager's mistakes

  • Start talking about getting fired before weekends or holidays;
  • Spontaneously inform the employee about the dismissal, being in a bad mood;
  • Conduct a similar conversation right at the workplace of the dismissed, in the presence of other employees;
  • Report termination for more than 20 minutes; reproach the employee and transfer responsibility for the situation to him;
  • Transfer about the upcoming dismissal to an employee with the help of third parties.

Memo to the head
It is in the power of the manager to make the release of the employee from the position they hold constructive. So, for example, you can offer a person another position within the company or find an interesting job in the labor market.
The height of unprofessionalism is considered to suddenly announce to a person: "You have not coped with your duties, look for another job." Especially if, before that, the manager did not give negative feedback about the quality of work.

Treat people the way you want them to treat you. This age-old postulate comes in handy when dismissing subordinates. Remember that dismissal is one of the most painful procedures for both the resigned person and the team. In such a situation, the task of the manager is to correctly explain to the dismissed employee and his colleagues the objective reasons for the dismissal, without affecting personal characteristics person. And, if possible, thank for the contribution that the employee made during his work in the company. This will help not only partially relieve tension in the team, but also maintain the leader's reputation.

Tatyana, are there any general recommendations to "extend" the work cycle of employees in the organization? How can you get specific management tools for establishing business processes, mutual understanding and improving the microclimate in the team?

"TN": The participation of a manager is important and necessary at all stages of the life cycle of a subordinate, and adherence to simple rules will help to retain a valuable employee in the company:

  • Set and control work goals, clearly articulate expectations;
  • Stimulate initiative (brainstorming: group, together, asking for opinions, getting involved in the development of creative solutions);
  • Study the individual characteristics and needs of your subordinates (observe, conduct interviews, talk "heart to heart");
  • Use your understanding of the needs of your subordinates to choose ways to individually motivate;
  • Give constructive feedback: share what the development zones are, explain what can be improved and, of course, encourage success and effort!

Specific management tools can be obtained in two most common ways: from personal life experience and / or by attending business training.
The trainers of the "Trainings For Business" company have practical management experience, therefore in our trainings we share with the participants only proven tools that have proven their effectiveness and applicability in the realities of domestic business. In addition, in the course of preparing for the training of the Customer's personnel, we do not prepare abstract examples, but select individual cases and exercises that illustrate real situations from the life of managers. After all, Your result is our reputation in the market!

What is an organizational system

As you know, any system is elements and connections between them. The organizational system is no exception; it also consists of elements and connections. But where is the boundary of this system? How to lay it? Where is this map? Is she in the HR department, in cabinets with folders with personal affairs? Can it be done based on the payroll? May be. What if the owner builds the strategy of the organization so that his family can be proud of him? Is his family part of the organizational system? What if the organization is built around one of the most important clients and he influences the organization much more than any manager? Is it in the organization's system? But what about those who have not worked in the organization for many years, but who are constantly remembered? By their invisible presence and understanding of "what is good and what is bad", they determine the vector of movement of the organization for many years. Does this mean they are still in the system? Are there ideas, products, services in the system that employees are proud or ashamed of? And what if these services are no longer provided, and the products are not released? After all, it is obvious that the very fact of their existence in the past made the system what it is now. Are these already gone elements still in the system? To what extent do organizational systems extend in space and time?
I believe that everything that significantly affects the organization and what the organization affects, these are the elements of the organizational system. Everything with which there is a strong connection. This is similar to the idea of \u200b\u200bstakeholders, i.e. interested parties.

The organizational system includes elements, current or former:
Those who own the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating the organization and the main product
Owners, shareholders
Top managers
Resources and their sources
Everyone who made important changes in the life of the organization
Family members of owners, shareholders and top managers

Actually, the main difference systems approach precisely in the fact that all elements with sufficiently strong connections are considered. This allows you to take into account the impact of the impact on the entire system, all of its parts. Taking into account the effect of a butterfly wing and the last straw breaking the camel's back.
In the last series of articles, we examined in detail the interaction with suppliers, consumers, partners, owners and shareholders and those who even came up with the idea to create this organization. In this series we will talk about managers, employees, the internal structure of the organization, relationships and conflicts.

The life cycle of an employee in an organization. Appearance.

We will discuss in more detail why organizations are recruiting employees. But now I wonder why we ourselves come to the organization? In interviews with candidates, HR loves to ask questions that, if you take away all the veil, sound like: "What do you want to get out of this job?" A good answer, to me, would be: "A decent salary for a job well done, opportunities for professional growth and opportunities for career advancement." All! Dot! But if the candidate begins to talk about warm relations in the team, good colleagues, respect, recognition ... it becomes clear that my mother did not like it.
Not a catastrophe, not the first and not the last. Usually such people gather in one place. People generally like to stray into packs of interests. In such an organization, as a rule, it is really warm and comfortable and there is such a special ... family spirit. The whole company is one big family with common goals. Moreover, not at the level of declarations, but honestly, at the level of the inner feelings of those who have been working in it for a long time. They are in the majority, because the turnover is very low. The leader is most often big dad or big mom. Sometimes they are called so behind their backs. As a rule, the leaders are also sincere in their intentions, although camouflage is also encountered. Money is usually not paid. They are not asked. In a family it is generally not customary to talk about money, you do not wash dishes at home for money. If you have to do it, you have to do it. This is our common cause and we have the same goals. Usually, a warm relationship costs fifteen percent of the average market price. Companies are always underpaid about that much. That does not prevent you from working there for years, leaving with a pain in your heart and then not sleeping at night. Everything is good in these companies, except for one small moment. When the unloved huddle in flocks, they feel warm and well. But this is not the warmth that my mother did not give. And it will never replace it. From this surrogate "warm and good", I really don't want to grow up. And when no employee wants to grow, the whole organization does not grow. It is swampy.
It's a good question, what are we trying to replace in our life with work? What do we don’t want to see, what problems we don’t want to solve and run away to work 25 hours a day, without days off and holidays? Why do we take all our time for her?

As you know, everything in our world is subject to certain life cycles, including organizations and people in them. What is the life cycle of an organization, what elements does it contain, what should be expected from each of the stages of this cycle, and - most importantly - what should the leader do during these processes? We are talking about this with Tatiana Naumovich, coach, trainer-consultant for sales, negotiations and management of the "Trainings For Business" company.

"T":Tatyana, tell us more about the life cycle of the organization. What he really is?

T.N .: Like any other system, an organization goes through different periods of "life": it is born, develops, experiences periods of formation, prosperity, then decline, after which it is completely reborn or replaced by other companies.

If we imagine the organization's life cycle model as a chain of elements, then the sequence will be as follows:

The life cycle of each individual organization can be significantly different from others: for example, fast growth / short zone of stability / fast decline or slow growth / long stage of stability / sharp decline, etc.

The life cycle of an organization is influenced not only by internal factors, but also by the external environment, competitiveness, economic, political situation and a number of other important factors.

"T": Is the life cycle of an employee somehow different from the cycle of an organization? What should you pay attention to when analyzing employee behavior?

T.N .:In addition to the life cycle of an organization, there is also an employee life cycle within this organization, and he works on a similar principle.

These are the stages of the employee's behavior, the feeling of being in the workplace in different time periods from the moment of hiring to dismissal.

In many ways, the working cycle depends on the expectations of a person, the level of his education, on his ability to take responsibility, the desire to achieve any goals, on the quality of professional training and other personal characteristics.

There are many different approaches to describing the life cycle of an employee. I am personally close to the approach, the basis of which is the interaction of the employee with the manager at each of the stages of a person's stay in the organization.

According to statistics, people are satisfied with their wages for about the first three months of work, the next three months they consider their wages satisfactory, and in six months they would like a financial increase.

Selection of a candidate, adaptation, his training and development, motivation, organization of the employee's work, management of his culture - crises are possible at each of these stages, and the success of overcoming them depends on three components.

They can be conventionally designated as "Three Cs".

According to this formula,

C1 is the employee himself, the level of his resistance to stress, personal maturity, professional qualifications, the ability to draw conclusions, learn from mistakes, etc.

C2 - collaboration in a team. This applies to relationships with colleagues, working atmosphere, support and assistance of other employees in overcoming professional barriers, as well as solving work problems.

C3 - assistance from the leader, on whom, of course, the atmosphere in the team depends, and the organization of mutual assistance (the second "C").

The leader in this case acts as a source of quality. The quality of execution, decision-making, team relationships, etc.

"T": If we talk about the key role of the leader in this process, what traps can await the manager at different stages of interaction with the employee?

T.N .:I propose here to single out several key stages in the process of "life" of a person in the organization, to consider the typical mistakes of the leader, and also pay attention to the reminders for the manager at each of the stages.

Selection of candidates

At this stage, we can talk about the following mistakes of the manager.

Most often, managers fear that the candidate does not have sufficient experience, knowledge and qualities for the vacant position. And in order to avoid possible problems, as well as to save on training and mentoring, managers choose a candidate who, in terms of personal qualities, significantly exceeds the required level of competencies. This often happens in times of crisis, when many highly qualified specialists find themselves unemployed at the same time.

You should not be happy if in this way you have gotten a candidate who has much more experience and knowledge than an open vacancy suggests. From experience I can say that for a person it is, as a rule, an internal compromise and this position is considered by him as temporary. Most likely, such an employee will not be satisfied with the content of the activity and will not stay in the company for a long time.

Another common mistake when recruiting new employees is not knowing their intrinsic motivation. At this stage, it is important to remember that, in addition to monetary, there are dozens of other, non-material forms of motivation that can be extremely important for a candidate. Surprisingly, knowing this, many managers still believe that if an employee is satisfied with the salary, then he will work with full dedication.

At trainings, I often cite as an example statistics, according to which people are satisfied with their wages for about the first three months of work, for the next three months they consider their wages to be satisfactory, and in six months they would like a financial increase.

Memo to the head

So, when selecting candidates, a well-defined job profile is of great importance. This means that the leader must clearly understand how he wants to see the candidate: what experience, knowledge and personal qualities he must have.

To understand how this position and the nature of the work will bring pleasure to the employee and satisfy his needs, I recommend compiling position motivation card. That is, describe the dominant motives that will be satisfied in this position. Examples of such motives:

  • - communication with professionals in their field;
  • - independent decision making;
  • - involvement in personnel management;
  • - the absence of exciting, stressful situations, etc.

Probationary period, adaptation

What mistakes can a leader make at this stage?

Remember how difficult it is in the first days in a new team! The adaptation phase is one of the most important. The future fate of a person in the organization, the effectiveness of his work and the duration of the employee's "life cycle" largely depends on him.

It happens that the manager does not have enough time to adapt the employee, or he does not know how to properly behave with the newly arrived subordinate. Then the manager chooses “not to behave in any way”: avoids communicating with the newcomer, leaves the employee's acquaintance with the team to chance, is afraid to give feedback on the work, does not explain functional responsibilities, etc.

All this is an additional stress factor for a new person, and can even cause a constant "turnover" of staff.

Memo to the head

In order to make the adaptation period as comfortable and fast as possible, the manager should prepare a so-called "adaptation sheet". It may include the following items:

  • - Tasks for a trial period;
  • - Adaptation measures;
  • - Execution control.

Most of all, such a sheet will be useful just for those managers who have little experience in the adaptation of employees or not enough time. In addition, this list will help the most newly minted employee, remove a number of questions, and serve as a short-term plan of action for the first time.

Human resource development helps to increase the attractiveness of the company for potential employees and increase the satisfaction / loyalty of existing ones

Also, such popular and effective adaptation events as: "welcome-training", training in the training center, work with a mentor, etc. can come to the rescue of the leader.

Education and development

As one modern wisdom says, illiterate in the 21st century will not be those who cannot read or write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn. Consequently, personnel training and development has long been one of the priority tasks of the HR department of almost any organization.

One should not neglect the fact that for many modern specialists the opportunity to undergo trainings and improve their qualifications within the company is one of the important motives, ignoring which the manager risks losing his team.

Based on my own observations, I can safely say that the development of human resources helps to increase the attractiveness of the company for potential employees and increase the satisfaction / loyalty of existing ones.

Memo to the head

To develop an employee development strategy, it is necessary to assess the current situation by answering the questions proposed in the book "Human Resource Development" by D. Joy-Matthews:

  • - What new skills and abilities are needed to improve the performance of individual employees?
  • - What reserves are currently being used to increase labor productivity?
  • - What institutional transformations (introduction of new technologies, production processes, etc.) require the corresponding development of human resources?
  • - What opportunities does the company have for the development and training of personnel?
  • - What changes in the behavior of managers and employees will improve their performance?


At one time, the German psychologist Karl Buechler first pointed out that people can get pleasure not because they need this or that thing, but from the very process of creating something. Accordingly, remaining dissatisfied, this motive can lead to disastrous results.

What mistakes of the leader can we talk about at this stage?

Actually, as at the stage of selection of employees, here one of the serious mistakes of a manager is neglect of a person's individual motives.

Unfortunately, many consider satisfactory overriding factors such as salary, place of work and paid leave to be sufficient for the employee's full dedication. In fact, this is not the case.

Memo to the head

Once you find out the personal motives of your employees, try to ensure that they are realized:

  • - Give employees work that would allow them to communicate;
  • - Create a united team spirit in the workplace;
  • - Do not break up the emerging informal groups if they do not cause real damage to the organization;
  • - Create conditions for social activity of members of the organization outside of its framework;
  • - Provide positive feedback to staff on the results achieved;
  • - Highly evaluate and reward the results achieved by subordinates;
  • - Engage subordinates in setting goals and making decisions;
  • - Delegate additional rights and powers to subordinates;
  • - Promote subordinates up the career ladder;
  • - Provide training and retraining that enhances the competence of employees.

Professional stagestagnation and dismissal

Unfortunately, to date, there is no tool to prevent burnout.

Even if the organization as a whole and the manager in particular manages to take into account the leading motives of the employee and meet his expectations, sooner or later the person is faced with the syndrome of fatigue and dissatisfaction.

Having diagnosed burnout at the initial stages, the situation can not only be controlled, but also quickly corrected. However, if the signs of employee burnout are revealed too late, it comes to dismissal.

So, the manager's mistakes.

  • - Start talking about getting fired before weekends or holidays.
  • - Spontaneously inform the employee about the dismissal, being in a bad mood.
  • - Conduct a similar conversation right at the workplace of the dismissed person, in the presence of other employees.
  • - Report dismissal for more than 20 minutes; reproach the employee and transfer responsibility for the situation to him.
  • - Transfer about the upcoming dismissal to an employee with the help of third parties.

Memo to the head

It is in the power of the manager to make the release of the employee from the position they hold constructive. So, for example, you can offer a person another position within the company or find an interesting job in the labor market.

The height of unprofessionalism is considered to suddenly announce to a person: "You have not coped with your duties, look for another job." Especially if, before that, the manager did not give negative feedback about the quality of work.

Treat people the way you want them to treat you. This age-old postulate comes in handy when dismissing subordinates.

Remember that dismissal is one of the most painful procedures for both the resigned person and the team.

Even if the organization as a whole and the manager in particular manages to take into account the leading motives of the employee and meet his expectations, sooner or later the person faces the syndrome of fatigue and dissatisfaction.

In such a situation, the task of the manager is to correctly explain to the dismissed employee and his colleagues the objective reasons for the dismissal, without affecting the personal characteristics of the person. And, if possible, thank for the contribution that the employee made during his work in the company. This will help not only partially relieve tension in the team, but also maintain the leader's reputation.

"T": Tatyana, are there any general recommendations for extending the work cycle of employees in the organization?

T.N .:The participation of the manager is important and necessary at all stages of the life cycle of a subordinate, and adherence to simple rules will help to retain a valuable employee in the company:

  • - Set and control work goals, clearly articulate expectations.
  • - Stimulate initiative (brainstorming: group, together, asking for opinions, getting involved in the development of creative solutions).
  • - Study the individual characteristics and needs of your subordinates (observe, conduct interviews, talk "heart to heart").
  • - Try to understand the needs of your subordinates to choose ways of individual motivation.
  • - Give constructive feedback: explain what development zones are, explain what can be improved and, of course, reward success and effort!

"T": How can you get specific management tools for establishing business processes, mutual understanding and improving the microclimate in the team?

T.N.: Specific management tools can be obtained in two most common ways: from personal life experience and / or by attending business training.

The trainers of Trainings For Business have practical management experience. Therefore, in our trainings, we share with the participants only proven tools that have proven their effectiveness and applicability in the realities of domestic business.

In addition, in preparation for training the customer's personnel, we do not prepare abstract examples, but select individual cases and exercises that illustrate real situations from the life of managers.

After all, your result is our reputation in the market!