How to terminate the contract online. How to terminate an agreement with Rostelecom for a home phone and Internet. Potential problems when returning Rostelecom equipment

Recently, the Internet from Rostelecom has worsened your quality indicators. This led to the fact that most customers "run away" to other providers. Having decided on this step, the user is faced with the question - how to terminate the agreement with Rostelecom?

Disconnecting the Internet Rostelecom

This is not an easy question, since during the connection a written contract was concluded with this company, and it would be wrong to simply “hush up” this matter. In order not to run into unnecessary litigation and similar problems, it is recommended to go through the service disconnection procedure.

The article will talk about ways to turn off the Internet and TV Rostelecom, as well as turn off additional services.

For more information on how to disconnect from Rostelecom completely, for this you need to collect all the documents:

  1. Passport (identity card of the person in whose name Rostelecom was registered for the Internet);
  2. Provider agreement;
  3. Come to the reception at the office and write the appropriate application (according to the sample);
  4. At the end of the paperwork, you need to return the equipment that was issued by the company at the time of using their services.

Rostelecom can be completely disconnected from the Internet only if there is no negative balance on the personal account.

Voluntary blocking

Now we know how to disable Rostelecom services completely. In addition, there is a voluntary blocking function. It is used by people who often leave for a long time in order to get rid of unnecessary expenses.

In order to take advantage of voluntary blocking, you must:

  1. Come to the company's office and write a corresponding application or enable the service in the subscriber's personal account;
  2. According to the standard form, it must indicate the personal account and the period for which the Internet must be suspended.

The "voluntary blocking" function must be activated for at least one month. You can temporarily disconnect from Rostelecom's Internet for no more than 90 days.

From the beginning of 2015 you can turn it on by telephone (tel. 8 800 707 12 12).By suspending the use of the Internet, the payment for the lease of equipment and the port is removed according to the tariff:

  • The first month is free;
  • Starting from 2 months - 5 rubles per day.

Recovery from voluntary blocking

To restore the Internet after voluntary blocking, you must:

  • Call the hot number of the company;
  • Using another Internet, disable the service in your personal account.

Shutdown of television Rostelecom

Termination of Rostelecom agreement regarding television:

  1. Come to the nearest office of the company;
  2. Fill in the form for turning off the TV (according to the drugs and passport data);
  3. While performing this procedure, it is worth keeping a copy for yourself;
  4. After processing the application (within 3 days), the television will be turned off.

Set-top box delivery and shutdown interactive television.

To hand over a set-top box for iptv without trial, you need to apply personally to the office of the company with a statement. You can download the claim for delivery of the Rostelecom set-top box at the link. You can only suspend this service via the Internet.

Disable pay channels

The procedure for disconnecting paid channels is as follows:

  1. Go to the TV tuner menu;
  2. Go to the "Interactive menu";
  3. Select "service management";
  4. Click on the button "connected packages";
  5. Select "Disable";
  6. Save settings.

Disable View Control

If the service is not needed, it is easier to disable it through the set-top box menu directly from the remote control.

To deactivate the View Control service, you must:

  1. Turn on the tuner and go to its menu;
  2. Select the menu "Additional functions";
  3. View Control line;
  4. "Disable" and "save changes".

Canceling a paid antivirus subscription

It will also not be difficult to unsubscribe from a paid subscription to Dr.Web antivirus within Rostelecom services:

  1. You must go to personal Area on the official site;
  2. Find the section "Mine";
  3. Enter "Subscriptions";
  4. To find required service, in our case it is Dr.Web anti-virus;
  5. Disable.

In case of any problems, when terminating the agreement regarding the antivirus, we recommend that you contact the operator of Rostelecom.


Now we know how to terminate the agreement with Rostelecom and all the subtleties of disabling their services. Procedures of this kind must be approached responsibly, so you should read the article carefully. Knowledge can save you time and money.

How to terminate your Internet contract with Rostelecom if you are moving and no longer need the services of this company or just want to change your provider? When concluding any contract, you need to pay attention to the terms of its termination and the presence of penalties. Failure to fulfill obligations due to early unilateral termination of the contract can lead to a very unpleasant situation, for example, disconnection of the Internet along with television, from which you have not yet planned to refuse, as well as fines of various sizes.

Basic terms of the agreement with Rostelecom

The concluded contract contains a clause explaining how to correctly terminate the Internet agreement with Rostelecom unilaterally. Usually, it is enough to come to the nearest branch and write a statement. In order not to go to the dealership twice, it is better first. In a telephone conversation, we recommend that you immediately clarify that you are interested in the question of how to terminate the Internet agreement with Rostelecom. The provider's representative may require you to come with an identification document, your copy of the contract and a certificate of receipt of the equipment.

The company cannot have legal grounds to refuse a client.

Attention! It is impossible to terminate the Internet agreement with Rostelecom only in one case, when you have a debt for the services provided. Remember to keep track of your current payments and meet your financial obligations.

Potential problems when returning Rostelecom equipment

Usually, when connecting to Internet services, special network devices are provided:

  • modem;
  • router.

For this reason, the question of how to terminate the agreement with Rostelecom and return the equipment may lead to the company's demand to pay for the modem or router, as already purchased but not paid by the client.

If you have not entered into a sales contract with this company, such a condition is illegal. Such a requirement is contested in court as an imposition additional service... You can also contact Rospotrebnadzor or complain to Federal agency communication. This path is for the most persistent and principled.

Large telecom companies typically have a strong legal team, extensive litigation experience, and are willing to take legal action on all of their contracts.

How to refuse telephony Rostelecom

It is not so difficult to terminate the analog telephony contract from Rostelecom as in the case of the Internet and. Citizens conclude a state (municipal) contract for the provision of fixed telephone services. According to this agreement, the subscriber receives long-distance and international telephone communications to fixed numbers installed in residential buildings or offices. Termination of this contract occurs in the usual manner with the notification of the communications provider within five days from the date of application.

The contract for the provision of Internet, television, IP-telephony differs from the municipal one, since it is an agreement for the provision of additional commercial services population and is not subject to social protection.

Carefully read the terms of the contract with Rostelecom and do not lose sight of the small print clauses. Since the contract is standard, its form cannot be changed. Therefore, demand to print the contract in a larger font in a readable version - with spaces and paragraphs. If you are faced with problems and decided to terminate the contract for the Internet or telephony from Rostelecom - evaluate the level of material losses on the one hand and your own time on the other. Sometimes paying a forfeit will be the best option.

The form of the Agreement on the provision of communication services, together with the details of the operator, the rules for the provision of communication services, is posted for review on the operator's website and is available at the link

The appearance of the form of the Agreement looks like this:

It is important to note that the completion of the Agreement takes place in the subscriber department or operator's service centers by the potential subscriber personally, or by an authorized person in the presence of a valid power of attorney to conclude an agreement with Rostelecom. In any case, the issuing individual is required to provide a passport.

When filling out, in addition to passport and registration data, the necessary options for the provision of additional are marked with ticks.

Before going to conclude an Agreement with Rostelecom, we recommend that you thoroughly study the Rules for the provision of communication services of PJSC Rostelecom individuals... By the way, there are repeated references to them in the contract form itself, printed in small print at the bottom of the document. Let the shape change standard contract you are not able, but you can always show yourself as a legally competent person, and, if necessary, require the drawing up of a protocol of disagreements to the concluded agreement, in which you can take into account controversial points.

Equipment rental

Usually, providers arrange various promotions for shareware provision of equipment, which significantly interest potential customers. And in combination with "tasty" tariffs, it seems unrealistic to refuse.

When renting equipment, do not forget to require the registration of an equipment acceptance certificate as an addition to the main Agreement.

In the future, if you decide to terminate the contract, you will have to return the equipment to the operator. And, if the acceptance certificate is absent, you will have to compensate the cost of the equipment in full

Please note that if you have refused the services of Rostelecom, and the equipment has not been returned, then the rent will continue to accrue to you, but not at the prices of the promotion, but at the basic rate.

Number of contract

An important point to remember is the contract number or, otherwise, the personal account. It will come in handy when making payments for the Internet both at stationary payment points and on-line payments or using payment terminals. If you only use your home phone, you don't have to remember the contract number, just remember the phone number

You can find out the number of the contract by going to the official website, by selecting your region in the upper right corner of the page and only then, by entering your Personal Account after entering the login and password provided by the operator upon connection, in the settings you will see the desired a combination of 14 digits (framed in the figure)

If you are not an Internet subscriber, you can see your personal account in the monthly receipt sent to you.

Public offer agreement

Usually, contracts are concluded as follows: one party sends an offer to conclude an agreement, and the other party, in case of agreement with the terms, signs an agreement. But contractors may not always be in one place at the same time to conclude an agreement. Plus, the operator (in our case, Rostelecom) can offer the conclusion of an agreement or annexes to it at the same time to an unlimited number of subscribers by publishing the text of the proposal on its official website or in the media. This is the offer of the offer.

The contract is concluded by the mutual expression of the will of the counterparties, when the person who received the offer, by his certain actions (registration on the website, making a payment, etc.) accepts his consent.

This should be taken into account when preparing a claim for filing a lawsuit against Rostelecom, if such a need arises and the Agreement or its Supplements were previously accepted.

More information about Rostelecom's offer proposals can be found on the operator's official website

There are situations when termination of an agreement causes serious difficulties for Rostelecom clients, sometimes leading to disappointments and scandals. To prevent this, Rostelecom clients should know how to refuse Rostelecom equipment, how to terminate the contract and return the equipment back to the company.

Reasons for terminating contracts and returning equipment

There are a number of reasons pushing subscribers to refuse the provider's services and return the equipment to it:

  • poor quality services;
  • insufficient internet speed;
  • not satisfied with the tariffication;
  • frequent problems, the solution of which takes a long time;
  • lucrative offers appeared.

Not every subscriber knows how to refuse equipment Rostelecomto get your money back. You need to understand that this cannot be done using the Internet. To refuse further use of the services, you have to go to the office.

Algorithm of actions how to terminate the contract

If you no longer require the company's services, first of all, you should prepare the required documents:

  • available copy of the contract;
  • directly the device itself;
  • certificate of acceptance / transfer of equipment;
  • your passport.

After making sure that there is no payment, you need to inform the company representative about the termination of the use of its services.

The most common problems or how to refuse equipment Rostelecom

It is clear that the shutdown procedure has a lot of pitfalls that an ignorant person can easily stumble upon.

Debt for services rendered

Such problems arise mainly when, when moving, they forgot or did not know how to terminate equipment installments with Rostelecom... Clients who do not use the services of a provider are bewildered by the amount of growing debt. This is due to the fact that, despite the disconnection of the service, subscription fee is constantly growing. It follows from this that the timely termination of the contract will save you from fines and overpayments, and, accordingly, stressful situations.

Debt for the use of equipment

When terminating the contract, you must immediately hand over the leased equipment, if this does not require its dismantling. Otherwise, the rent will continue to be charged even though you have canceled the service. This can lead to the formation of debt.

Returning equipment to the provider

Many users don't know how to return equipment to Rostelecom and return your money for it. If for any reason the manager refused to pick up the equipment and return the money to you, you can safely write a statement in which you must indicate:

  • the reason for the request;
  • the essence of the requirements;
  • the result of communication with the manager.

The main thing is not to forget to pick up a copy of the document, which has a mark that it was accepted for consideration. Having received the answer, you can make a decision based on it.

Most often, if the set-top box has no defects and damages, receipts and original packaging are present, the issue of returning the equipment is decided in favor of the client.

When concluding a deal with a service provider, the client signs an appropriate document on the basis of which cooperation begins. In some cases, citizens want to stop working together to different reasons (many people think that this can be done through a personal account, but this is not entirely true). Most topical issue it remains how to terminate the agreement with Rostelecom?

You can terminate the contract for any type of service (a sample is available in office branches) provided by the institution (for home phone, television, internet). The application does not include a point about the reason, however, when communicating with an employee, you will have to tell about it (filling in should be drawn up based on the rules and requirements of the company), this does not have to be done through your personal account. The fact is that to terminate the agreement with Rostelecom is important point for the company itself. In search of new clients, organizations also try to retain existing ones.

It is worth taking into account that Rostelecom will try to offer a different tariff, the employees are trying to persuade not to terminate the contract, but to fill in another one. However, find more profitable terms in another organization you can quickly enough, there are a lot of services in this area. How to terminate the agreement with Rostelecom for the Internet, home telephone and television? In fact, the procedure, regardless of the chosen direction, is rather monotonous with some nuances. It is recommended to study these subtleties, they are not indicated in the personal account service.

Rostelecom has the right to terminate the contract for a home telephone every subscription, regardless of the tariff, filling out the document is carried out quickly. An employee can refuse an operation for a number of reasons. These include:

  • A special clause in the agreement that does not allow it to be broken for a certain time;
  • Debt;
  • Incorrect filling of the application;
  • Individual reasons.

The application for termination of the Rostelecom agreement, a sample for the Internet, home telephone and television has the same format:

There shouldn't be any difficulties with filling, since the client will be required to:

  • Fill in the header;
  • Enter the contract number;
  • Indicate reason / not indicate (this is not always necessary);
  • Date and sign.

Of course, not all citizens know in whose name it is necessary to write an application, even though there is a sample. To resolve the issue, you just need to call the department and clarify the name of the employee responsible for such operations, and incorrect filling can lead to a refusal. Termination of the agreement with Rostelecom for the Internet sample has a similar form. Despite the simplicity, the company will not immediately let go of the client. It all depends on the chosen area in which the contract is concluded. Each type of service provided by the provider should be considered more closely.

How to terminate an internet contract

The main reason why they refuse Rostelecom's Internet is that the specified speed does not match the real one. Sometimes you can understand this using the personal account service. Many people believe that the provider is obliged to constantly provide the maximum Internet performance specified in the contract. In fact, this is not the case. The information provided reflects maximum capability, but not persistence. Typically, the drop in speed occurs in the evenings, when everyone has returned from work and logged on to the network. How to terminate the Internet contract with Rostelecom and what is required for this?

The user must write a statement and pay off all debts to the supplier. Regarding the modem / router, it all depends on the Internet agreement with Rostelecom. The device can be picked up if it was rented out. With an installment plan, you will need to pay the balance of the debt, if any. The personal account function will no longer be active.

How to terminate a TV contract

The procedure is the same, except that the cost additional equipment (video sender and set-top box) are more expensive. You can terminate the contract by fully purchasing the equipment / paying the rent for the current month.

All users have the right to terminate the agreement with Rostelecom for the Internet, television and home phone. An exception in individual situations is in the special clauses of the contract.

Terminate your home phone contract

The procedure is performed according to the standard algorithm. The client should make sure that there are no debts and write a statement, a sample of which is available above. Terminating the contract with Rostelecom for a home phone is an operation that the organization is increasingly faced with. In the era mobile devices stationary devices are becoming less in demand (only for some purposes) and are used less and less in everyday life.

Terminating an agreement with Rostelecom for the Internet, television or home phone is a responsible decision that should be approached with full confidence in its loyalty.

Where to terminate the service contract

To implement the plan, you must visit the office of the company. There is no other way to perform the procedure. The client must submit the following documents:

  • The passport;
  • Title deed for housing where internet / home telephone / television is connected;
  • Agreement on the receipt of this property through the sale and purchase;
  • Cooperation agreement with Rostelecom, which is planned to be terminated.

In some cases, users are advised to only temporarily suspend cooperation. For example, many are wondering how to terminate the agreement with Rostelecom through their personal account? It is impossible to implement the operation using this method (the personal account cannot solve this problem). Through online service it is allowed to block work with the organization only temporarily.


It should be understood that the agreement with Rostelecom for the Internet, television and home phone can be terminated only by paying off all the debt and submitting an appropriate application (a sample is available in the office). You just can't stop paying, because the company won't let go of such a client until the full amount of the debt is paid. How to terminate the agreement with Rostelecom and what you need to know for this is described above.