Sample service business proposal. Commercial proposal template. Working with foreign partners

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The popularity of business commercial proposals (BOs) is not unreasonable if we take into account the performance indicators of such documents. In addition, today search services are simply torn apart by user requests in the format: "How to make a commercial proposal correctly?" In fact - nothing.

Because the commercial offer is a kind of "Olivier" salad, which has various cooking variations: from sausage with peas to hazel grouses with capers. And each of these recipes cannot be called “wrong”.

However, now we will dot the i's so that you can write an impeccable business proposal in accordance with the high standards of modern marketing art!

Varieties of commercial offers

So, a commercial offer is one of the many types of advertising text, which is drawn up in the form of a business letter or an official appeal. Due to its simplicity and effectiveness, it is undoubtedly the most popular way to attract the target audience of potential consumers. And also an equally common tool for interacting with regular customers.

There are several types of business proposals:

  • "Cold";
  • "Hot";
  • standardized.

It should be understood that each of these options for commercial proposal must be written taking into account the form, structure of the letterhead template, as well as the circumstances and goals that can be set not only by the letter writer, but also by the receiving party.

"Cold" commercial offer

"Cold" commercial offers are sent out impromptu. Therefore, the addressees of such letters are unprepared clients who perceive the commercial proposal as spam. But even he can have a response, although the probability of reflection on the part of the recipient is rather small.

Let's simulate the situation. For example, the organizers of the regional sports festival did not take care of purchasing sports uniforms for the competition participants. There are only a few hours left before the start of the events. And then, out of nowhere, a letter comes with the title: "Express delivery of sportswear at manufacturer's prices." It is then that the potential client will certainly carefully study the saving commercial proposal, and then he will make an order.

But this is just an exception to the rule. Everywhere, the fundamental functions of cold CP are reduced to the distribution of interactive advertising. In view of this, you have to pique the interest of the consumer in reading this document. How to do it:

  1. Come up with a catchy and catchy headline.
  2. Emphasize the attractiveness of the commercial proposal by making the right offer.
  3. To motivate the addressee to take action towards mutually beneficial cooperation using marketing techniques.

We'll discuss each of these elements a little later.

Important! Perfect example commercial proposal "Cold" type should not exceed 1 A4 page of printed text only and 2 pages of the illustrated template.

If you have additional information, it is better to state it in a cover letter. And in no case write "novels" in the style of Leo Tolstoy, business people simply do not have enough time to read them.

"Hot" - personal commercial offer

A personalized commercial offer differs from a "cold" one in that the client receives such a document only after an official request or preliminary oral contact. Those. The guarantee of reading a personal letter is prohibitively high, so the main semantic load should fall on the offer and the motivational component, and the headline may be of secondary importance.

In turn, the complexity of preparing “hot” commercial offers is burdened by the need to adjust the text to the individual needs of each customer.

For example, if during the conversation the client was interested in the advantages of your organization over the firms of competitors - write about the advantages, allocating the lion's share of the commercial proposal form for this structural element.

Standardized commercial offer

Essentially, a standardized business proposal is one type of hot commercial proposal. However, due to its strictly regulated structure and methods of influencing the customer, it falls under separate species business letter.

The thing is that the client can attach a standard form to the official request, which limits the compiler in terms of describing goods and services, principles of cooperation, advantages over competitors, etc.

In standardized commercial proposals, dry numbers play a decisive role: value for money, warranty service and contractor experience.

It will not work to write something on your own initiative, because the attached sample form is designed to filter out information of marketing purpose that is unnecessary for market monitoring.

In such cases, the only thing you can do is offer the lowest price. It is enough even to make a 1-5% discount in order to have a significant chance of winning the competitive selection.

Covering letter

Above, we have already touched on the topic of the cover letter. It complements the business proposal with the following objectives:

  • familiarization with the main document;
  • proportional distribution of large amounts of information.

Moreover, the cover letter may contain attachments: price lists, descriptions of terms of cooperation, invitations to trade shows or any other marketing activities.

Secondly, with the help of the accompanying notice, you can also remind yourself and indirectly encourage the addressee to study the template of the original document.

Samples and Quotation Templates

Better to see once than hear a hundred times. You can't argue with that. Therefore, here you cannot do without samples and templates. However, never repeat the classic mistakes of irresponsible authors of commercial proposals - 100% copying of information or 50% compilation from two sources. After all, if the stolen content is exposed, who then wants to cooperate with a company that has established itself in this way?

A commercial offer is one of the main ways to start communication with a potential client. The success of the sale of a product or service largely depends on how well and professionally it is compiled. Any commercial offer consists of the following sections:

    The logo or emblem of a company that offers a product or service. A commercial proposal must be drawn up on a letterhead using the corporate identity of the organization. This is an indicator of the level and seriousness of the business organization of the supplier company. Description of the product or service. In this section, it is necessary to disclose what, in fact, is proposed to purchase or what is proposed to use. Advertising of services and terms of cooperation. Here you should indicate the advantages of the product or service, substantiate the reasons why the client is recommended to purchase the product or service, describe how they are better than their competitors from competitors. The company's advantages. IN this section the advantages of the company are revealed, its experience is described, implementation successful projects and so on. Contact information - after reading a commercial offer, a potential client should understand who, by what phone or e-mail address. Signature of the company representative.

Commercial offers can be classified according to several criteria. So, depending on the quality of contact with a potential client, commercial offers can be "cold" or "hot". "Cold" offers, as a rule, do not have an addressee and as their goal they have to inform the target audience about the capabilities of the product. This offer does not take into account the specifics of the potential client's business and is typical. "Hot" offer, as a rule, is sent after meeting with a representative of the potential client. It contains unique benefits and conditions that are relevant to a specific potential buyer. The purpose of this type of offer is the transition to negotiations on the terms of cooperation and the conclusion of an agreement. Also, there are such types of offers as presentation (giving a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe company's products), promotional (inviting to participate in a marketing campaign), congratulatory, gratitude (containing unique conditions in honor of the holiday or in gratitude for long-term cooperation), or an invitation (it contains an invitation to participate in an event).

When composing a proposal, it is necessary to clearly understand and highlight the problems that the target audience has. A commercial offer can be considered successful or correctly drawn up if, thanks to it, it was possible to convince the recipient that he needs the offered product or service. For a business proposal to be successful, it is recommended that it meets certain requirements. First, it must be free of grammar and spelling errors. It is useful to use professional text editors for writing. They automatically check literacy and highlight words or parts of a sentence that are recommended to be changed. In addition, modern text editors have special templates that can be used to design a commercial proposal. Since the main task of such a document is to attract attention, it is allowed to use various infographics, pictures, diagrams, diagrams and similar illustrative materials in it, which makes it easier to perceive the proposal and increases the likelihood of its acceptance. The color scheme, which is used in the design of the document, also plays an important role. First, the colors must match corporate identity companies, and, secondly, should not be provocative or too calm. Black and white documents should not be done either. They look outdated and will not attract the reader's attention (except for those for whom the content is more important than the form, but there are fewer of them). It should be remembered that at the present time a large flow of information falls on each person every day, so it is very difficult to process it. It is for this reason that the necessary data is packaged in graphic materials. Of great importance is the quality of the paper on which the quotation is printed. It must demonstrate the credibility of the company that manufactured and delivered it. A pleasant feeling in your hands will automatically add attractiveness to the sentence and increase the likelihood of reading it to the end. A commercial offer should be delivered either by e-mail, or in person. Moreover, the second method is much preferable. Indeed, in the first case, there is a high probability that the letter will be deleted without being read as spam. And with personal delivery, there is a chance to personally talk to the recipient and convince him of the usefulness of the product or service.

Ready-made commercial proposal samples

Service Proposal Templates

Commercial offer templates for construction firms

Commercial offer templates for selling products

Quotation templates in Word

Ready commercial proposal for cooperation Examples of commercial proposals for the sale of goods Samples of commercial proposals for the provision of services

How to create a commercial proposal correctly

Write a commercial proposal for the sale and delivery of goods

When creating a commercial offer for the sale and delivery of goods, it is necessary to reflect the following points in it: 1. Uniqueness - how the product differs from substitutes and competitors, what are its advantages, why it can satisfy any need better than others. 2. Value for money also important point in the product offer. The consumer, as a rule, chooses a product that allows the maximum in this ratio. Therefore, when offering a product, it is recommended to indicate which additional bonuses in quality will be received by the buyer. 3. Prompt delivery. Products are purchased when needed. The buyer wants to solve his problem with the help of the product as soon as possible, so he is not ready to wait for a long delivery. 4. Service. If the product is technically complex, it is imperative to indicate how the buyer should act in the event of a breakdown or the need for maintenance... All other things being equal, the buyer will prefer the product that he can either easily service himself, or there will be a service center next to it.

Commercial proposal for cooperation in business

When drawing up this type of commercial proposal, it is necessary to very clearly and, at the same time, unobtrusively tell about the benefits of cooperation, what benefits it will bring for the partner, and also describe the proposed conditions for conducting joint activities. This is enough hard work, since the proposal should not be written in the dry language of the business plan, but, at the same time, reflect all its main aspects. It is an art to create such a commercial proposal. It is also necessary to remember that the cooperation proposal is made to a specific partner. Therefore, it is very important to know the needs of this partner and in the proposal to reflect the ways and mechanisms of their satisfaction.

When creating this document, you must also understand the interests of the target audience. So, for companies that rarely use the services transport company, the most important factor in making a decision will be the availability of discounts or price. Trade organizations are primarily interested in the delivery time and safety of the cargo. Therefore, when drawing up a commercial proposal to representatives of this segment of the target audience, it is necessary to indicate why the company can offer the minimum terms and the presence of protection or escort along the way. transport services through tenders. Therefore, the commercial proposal should clearly indicate the possibility of compliance with all the conditions reflected in the tender documents.

Make a commercial offer from a construction company

Potential consumer of services construction company, first of all, the price is of interest. Therefore, in the commercial proposal it is recommended to describe in detail the possibilities of reducing it, and the reasons why it is possible (for example, due to the use of modern materials or unique technologies, and so on). The transparency of pricing is also important for the consumer, therefore it is recommended to include a table with a cost justification at the end of the proposal or as an annex to it. Construction time also plays an important role. It is advisable to indicate in the proposal how and by what means they can be reduced. The reputation of the construction company is also taken into account by many customers when making a decision. You can confirm it with articles from newspapers, letters of recommendation, various awards, descriptions of completed projects.

Features of the offer of accounting, legal and consulting services

The number of providers of such services is quite large, so the competition in this market is very high. In addition to the price, the following factors can attract the consumer:
    High probability of a positive resolution of the client's dispute in the courts (for example, demonstrating their success in similar cases); Saving the client's costs on staff by transferring part of the functions to outsourcing; Full support of the client's activities, solving all his problems in a certain area, so that he only the main activity; Offering various bonuses that competitors do not have (consulting on a number of issues for free).
It is possible to formulate other advantages that will allow the client to effectively solve his problem, save or earn more.

Commercial offer of an advertising agency

A document from such a company must demonstrate its professionalism. In a commercial offer from advertising campaign there should be original design elements, professional terminology, effective slogans and other similar elements. This allows a potential consumer to immediately assess the level and technology of work advertising agency... If it knows how to sell itself well, then the client's product will be able to effectively advertise. Thus, the customer has an element of trust in the company, which increases the likelihood that he will use its services.

Common mistakes when writing text for business proposals

The first mistake many marketers make is oversaturation with data. They sincerely believe that it is important for the client to know everything about the product in order to take a balanced and rational decision... However, in practice this is far from the case. Buyer or customer behavior is rarely rational, but rather emotional. Therefore, it is not worth giving a lot of information in the offer, it is much more effective to create in the consumer the feeling that the product or service will help him satisfy the need. This feeling significantly increases the likelihood of a subsequent purchase. The second common mistake is over-focusing on a potential customer. The authors of the proposal are scattered in complements, describe all the client's successes, assuming that it will be pleasant for him. However, a potential buyer is much more concerned about the solution to his problem or problem, so he, of course, will be happy to read about his successes, but if he does not find an answer to his questions, then it is unlikely to contact such a company. Also, many compilers mistakenly include the following information in a sentence:
    The history of the company describes how the company's path began, how it developed and so on, but this is not at all interesting to a potential buyer of the product. This only takes up his time, which means it annoys him and worsens the perception of the proposal. The history of the leader, the reasons why he came to this business, that he is an expert in this or that activity, indicate his achievements and awards. This is also not interesting to a potential buyer and worsens the impression of the proposal. Description of the production technology to convince that the product is really of high quality and has the declared characteristics. But it must be borne in mind that the buyer is not an expert in the production of products. He needs to understand that the product or service has the required properties. For this, a certificate of quality or a description of the product itself with characteristics is quite enough. An indication of irrelevant needs of the client. When drawing up a commercial proposal, it is important to clearly study the representatives of the target group and formulate the need that they want to satisfy with the help of a product or service. If there is no such information, it is highly likely that the commercial proposal will go into the void. The buyer will not find answers to his questions in it and will not purchase the goods.

How to effectively complete a commercial offer

The last sentence in the document is very powerful. A potential buyer is likely to skim through the text, but will focus on the last paragraph or phrase. This is how the human mind works, and when drawing up a commercial proposal, you need to use it. The content of the last paragraph or proposal should reflect the essence of the entire document and urge the potential client to take the necessary action - make an appointment, start negotiations, purchase a product or service, make a test order, and so on. Most often, a commercial offer ends with the phrase "with respect." This, of course, is a win-win option, but it is much more effective, instead of this phrase, a text offering the recipient of the document unique conditions for the sale of a product or service (for example, with a significant discount). This will interest the client much more than expressing respect for him. Moreover, a respectful relationship between partners is implied a priori. A fairly common option for ending a commercial offer is a message that specific managers are always ready to answer client's questions, and their contact details are indicated. How to contact a specialist, of course, should be at the end of a commercial offer, but it does not in any way induce a potential client to take any action. So, the sales pitch should end with a motivation for action. The following motives can be distinguished that can induce the client to perform the required actions:
    Information that the number of goods or services offered under the terms of this commercial offer is limited; Bonus offer - a free sample, the opportunity to test a product or service, the availability of a product, a discount on the current or next purchase; Description of the buyer's personal interest (that he will receive what savings he will achieve, what needs he will satisfy, and so on); Information about the attractiveness of a product or service (availability of a guarantee, special delivery conditions, high-quality service).
Within the framework of each type of commercial proposal ending, specific wording can be formed that will demonstrate its relevance and relevance for the buyer. Thus, casting a glance at the final paragraph of the sentence, he may carefully read the entire text and then contact the company for a product or service. Offer cover letter templates:

If a commercial proposal contains more than one page, or various additional materials are attached to it (for example, pricing tables, price lists with the entire range of goods, a schedule for marketing campaigns, conferences or exhibitions), then a cover letter must be sent with it. It contains in a very concise form the main conditions and the essence of the proposal. First of all, the cover letter should contain a greeting from the addressee, preferably by name and patronymic (addressed address attracts much more attention than typical greeting formulas). Then you should introduce yourself and name your position in the company , so that it is clear what issue is being addressed. In case of preliminary meetings, it is recommended to remind the recipient of the letter about this. In the main body of the letter it is necessary to inform the potential client about the goods or services offered by the company, as well as about the benefits that cooperation can bring. This must be done briefly so as not to repeat the commercial offer, but at the same time, after reading the paragraph with the advantages, the potential consumer should have questions and the desire to find answers to them in the commercial offer itself. This will encourage him to read the document more carefully. Next, you should list the documents that are attached to the letter. Firstly, this is the norm of document circulation, and, secondly, this will allow the addressee to quickly navigate which documents to pay attention to in the first place in order to make a decision. At the end of the letter, thank the recipient for the attention shown and call for action (call the company , ask questions by email, and so on). Rules, completion cover letters are identical to the recommendations for the final phrase of a commercial proposal. Thus, writing a commercial proposal is quite a technological process. If you follow all the recommendations, then it will be successful and lead to transactions. However, each compiler must develop his own unique style and way of forming the proposal. This will greatly improve the efficiency of his work.

Anna Sudak

# Business nuances

How to put together a presentation correctly?

10 main components of a commercial proposal. Samples of successful offers available for download.

Navigating the article

  • How to prepare a commercial proposal for a client
  • For finishing work
  • Commercial offer for contract work
  • For design work

In order to sell your services quickly, efficiently, expensively and at the same time it is profitable to stand out from the competitors, you should learn how to draw up a commercial proposal and present it to your clients. How? You will learn about this in this article.

How to prepare a commercial proposal for a client

  • establish fast and effective contact;
  • sell goods / services;
  • get regular customers.

Commercial proposal is an advertisement in which you need to briefly reveal the essence of your proposal with clear benefits for the client. Yes, exactly for the client. Do you want to be chosen? Learn to sell your services. It doesn't matter if you are a cotton candy or building materials business.

So, what should be included in the offer?

  1. Contacts and details. You can place them both at the top and bottom of the page. But we recommend doing it from above, so that the information is always in front of your eyes. In the requisites, for example, construction company, indicate legal address institution, registration number and other important information that you see fit.
  2. Please contact by name. If you are offering construction services to a specific person, refer to them by name. If there is no such person, just say hello, use the title of the job, etc.
  3. Name. Do not forget to indicate in the title that the document is a commercial offer. This will save you unnecessary questions from recipients and attract interested customers.
  4. Date of preparation. Be sure to include the date when the document was drawn up.
  5. Dates of validity. Do not forget to indicate the period of validity of the offer. At this point, we can talk about urgency, limited quantity. In general, limit the time so that the addressee feels that if he does not use this opportunity now, he will miss a great chance to resolve his issue quickly and efficiently.
  6. The essence. Briefly explain the essence of the proposal. Use bulleted or numbered lists. With a few words, tell us that you are the best in construction and support these words with facts.
  7. Delivery. If you are delivering physical goods to the regions, please describe the process. Tell us in what ways you do it.
  8. Use infographics. Photos of the product or work performed, pictures, diagrams and tables. But be careful - the infographics should be relevant and unique. You should not use someone else's material to achieve your goal.
  9. Printing. Make sure that the document is stamped and signed by the person responsible for the proposal.
  10. Promotions. Talk about the opportunities the client will get. If they are, of course.

By the way, a commercial offer can be personalized and cold. Personalized is intended for a specific person. A cold message is sent to all potential clients. Do not try to "sniff" the same sentence to everyone at once. It is more competent to develop an individual commercial proposal, taking into account the characteristics of the target audience.

It is important to understand that the commercial offer should be short, but informative at the same time. You should not "yak" in it, focus on the benefits that the client will receive, but do not forget about yourself. Use numbers. Learn to use them for your own good.

Try not to mention your competitors, and even more so to say nasty things about them, that your hands are not from the right place or something worse. Even as a joke. This will only alienate the potential consumer from you and tarnish your reputation.

Let's take a look at these examples:

A good example. He sells. But not as much as we would like. Not enough numbers and portfolio. Do you agree? If you are writing an offer for the first time, we recommend using the model form.

And it looks like this:

This is how a sample commercial proposal for construction work looks like:

For finishing work

In order to create the most attractive commercial proposal, you can include all services for installation work right away, but you can split them into groups and sell them depending on the client's needs. This is where you need to experiment.

Sample commercial proposal for renovation work

Commercial offer for contract work

There is no single template for a commercial offer, but there are mandatory clauses that need to be included. Of course, with a share of creativity and a bias to the industry, or rather to the list of services that this or that company can provide. Commercial offer for contract work was no exception. When compiling it, you can take this document as a basis.

The commercial offer plays an important role in the promotion and development of the company.

With a correctly drawn up commercial proposal, the volume of orders and sales increases, which, accordingly, increases profits.

Varieties of commercial offers

There are two types of them: "cold" and "hot" commercial offer.

  • With a "cold" commercial offer, the dispatch is made to an unprepared customer. In other words, spam is coming. People most often do not feel too enthusiastic about such a mailing, but the main task of a commercial proposal is to interest a potential client and get the letter read to the end. The most important advantage of a "cold" commercial offer is its mass character, large audience coverage. However, in practice, responses are more responsive from commercial offers coming to a specific, specific person.
  • The second type of commercial offer is "hot", which is sent at the request of the client himself or with whom negotiations have already been conducted. Recently, a commercial offer, designed in the form of a presentation, has become increasingly popular.

Commercial proposal structure

It is desirable for each company to have its own commercial proposal template.

  1. Title. It plays a huge role, especially with a "cold" commercial offer. The title should be catchy, intriguing, attract maximum attention and make you want to read the entire letter.
  2. Offer. At this stage, it is necessary to arouse the interest of the recipient of the letter with the potential benefit for him, so that he continues to read the letter of offer.
  3. Conviction. Here you need to convince the client that it is this particular product (service) that he needs, and he must place the order through the company that sent the letter.
  4. Limitation. Many people forget about this point, but it is necessary. On a subconscious level, it forces a person to study the product more closely (if the quantity of goods in the commercial proposal is limited) or immediately navigate the timing (if the commercial proposal is valid only for a certain period).
  5. Next comes the call. It should be short but strong, calling for concrete action.
  6. Do not forget about contacts, we indicate the most complete data.

Try to point to reviews on the company's work, visual images, photographs in the commercial proposal.

And remember that a well-written commercial proposal is already half the success!

Below is a sample form and a sample commercial proposal template, a version of which can be downloaded for free.

On our site you could already read about. The ability to draw up correct and effective business proposals is very important in any business. We can say that with the help of a commercial offer, there is a certain form of communication between the company and its real or potential partners, suppliers, customers.

When developing a commercial proposal, you need to pay attention to both its design and structure, and content. A high-quality commercial offer should not contain too much text. Ideally, it will take no more than 2-3 pages (in some cases, depending on the specifics of the industry, the document can reach 10-15 pages). And if we are talking about a "cold" commercial proposal, then its size should not exceed one page of text at all, otherwise it will simply not be read.

As you can see, in order to invest in the limitations of the optimal size of a commercial proposal, and to express its entire essence to the maximum, you need to spend a lot of time and effort on developing the content of this document itself. If you need to create a commercial proposal, and you are doing it for the first time, then you cannot do without templates, samples and examples. On the Internet, you can find a huge variety of ready-made examples commercial proposals that can be taken as a basis.

Some templates are almost ready-made commercial proposals. All you need is just to fill out a ready-made form, having entered the name of your company and the type of services provided in the form. However, regardless of how you will create your commercial offer (use a ready-made form or write from scratch), you should always remember that a commercial offer is a very important document in your activity, which can, figuratively speaking, predetermine the fate your business.

Drawing up a commercial proposal

So, first you need to determine to whom you will send a commercial proposal. Depending on this, its structure will slightly change. Commercial offers can be personalized, that is, written for certain specific people (or firms), or non-personalized, that is, designed for a wide audience.

However, even if you are interested in the second type of commercial proposal, you must compose it for a specific target audience. That is, your the target audience - these are people who can potentially be interested in your product or service. For example, the target audience of goods for children is young parents, and small business lending services are, accordingly, start-up entrepreneurs.

What is the purpose of any commercial proposal? Of course, the sale of a product or service. Therefore, all efforts in drawing up a commercial proposal should be aimed at making the recipient interested, to induce in him the desire to make a purchase. Therefore, from the very first lines that your potential client reads, the commercial proposal should arouse interest and make you at least read to the end. And if the recipient of the commercial proposal has read it to the end, it means that he is interested. And if he is interested, then there is a chance that he wants to become your client or partner.

We have already written in more detail about the structure of the commercial proposal (the link can be found at the beginning of the article), briefly recall that this document should consist of at least three components: the introduction, the main text and the conclusion. That is, your sales pitch should be consistent and structured.

Examples of commercial offers

Below are some examples of commercial offers for the provision of different types services. As you can see, these examples contain all the basic elements of an effective commercial proposal: at the very beginning there is a short catching phrase, the main essence of the commercial proposal is briefly and succinctly, and images, various colors and fonts are used.

Non-personalized commercial offers

They are also called "cold" commercial offers, that is, they are sent to all potential customers of the service. Examples below ( to view in maximum resolution, click on the image):

How to create a commercial offer online?

Today, there are many online services that work so that you can quickly, efficiently and without problems make an effective commercial offer. According to user reviews, one of best services is QuoteRoller. Previously, this service had only an English-language interface, which for some was a barrier to its full use. However, QuoteRoller already exists in Russian. On this QuoteRoller website, by clicking on the link at the bottom of the page, you can register, and then start writing your commercial proposal, following simple instructions.

In addition, there are others online services preparation of commercial offers, for example, Moffer. This service is also quite popular and easy to use.