Resume templates to apply for a job. And also, samples of forms and examples of completed resume (26 pieces). Lawyer's resume: professionalism, analytical mindset and even creative thinking Lawyer's resume for work ready-made examples

A lawyer is the company's guide in the world of legislation and law, which means that he is a specialist who must know everything and about everything. He is not only a consultant, but also a direct executor of the employer's instructions related to documenting the main legal points in the company's activities, an expert in the contractual work of the organization. An experienced employer reads a lawyer's resume meticulously, because it is this specialist who should become an example of scrupulousness, attentiveness and exactingness to compliance with the law.

Principles of writing a resume for the position of a lawyer

A lawyer is a specialist who is called upon to bring all actions of the company in strict accordance with the rules established by law. That is why a lawyer's resume should be, without exaggeration, "exemplary" in terms of design. While there are no formalized forms and guidelines for writing a resume, there are unwritten rules for a successful written presentation. They are based on the principles of drawing up business documents, as well as on some psychological aspects perception by employers of information about applicants.

The lion's share of information about personal and even professional qualities an experienced employer will read between the lines of the resume.

The structure of a good CV

The classic (developed by the practice of using the document in the field of personnel recruiting, popular and successful) resume consists of 5-7 sections.

  1. Applicant's personal data - full name, place of residence, age, marital status, contact information.
  2. The purpose of the document is to indicate a specific title or range of desired positions (for example, "The purpose of the resume is to find a lawyer position").
  3. Information block "Information about education", including the listing of graduated institutions of the main vocational education and ways of obtaining additional education (courses, schools, trainings, seminars, master classes).
  4. Section "Work experience" - a description of the professional activity of the applicant in the format of listing landmark jobs with an indication of the job duties performed, labor achievements.
  5. Section "Professional Skills" - the applicant's description of his own knowledge and skills in the field of the applied specialty.
  6. Information about personal qualities - character traits that contribute to the successful and high-quality performance of duties for the desired position.
  7. Additional information - information about skills, abilities, hobbies that are indirectly related to the functions of the job sought.
  8. Recommendations - characteristics of the personality and professional level of the applicant, given by the previous employers (as a separately attached document). Instead of recommendations, you can provide contact information of former employers for direct contact if necessary.

Do I need a photo

The expediency of the position of the photograph to the resume is a question that does not have an unambiguous answer, even among personnel recruiting specialists:

  • much depends on the functionality of the desired position - if it involves representing the company to clients, contractors, government agencies, the applicant's appearance matters, and a well-chosen photograph will certainly become an advantage;
  • on the contrary, the absence of a photo, provided that the content of the resume is highly attractive for the employer, will induce him to schedule a personal meeting (interview);
  • a low-quality photo that does not correspond to the basic rules of self-presentation is much worse than no photo at all in the resume.

For a lawyer - a specialist who will communicate with counterparties regarding the conclusion, amendment, termination of contracts, appear in court and others government agencies on behalf of the company legal issues - photo application is desirable.

The principles of a "correct" photo in a lawyer's resume are not too different from similar rules for other professionals.

  1. The photo must be of high quality - it is better to entrust its production to a professional.
  2. The picture must be of one person.
  3. It is not necessary to select an emphatically business photo (as for documents), the employers are more comfortable with a free posture, a slight smile of the applicant shown in the picture.
  4. Before taking a photo for a resume, you need to think over your image and environment to the smallest detail. It is recommended to collect your hair in a neat, business-like hairstyle, do light daytime makeup, wear a business suit or a suit close to that.

Key rules for formatting resume text

A competently, neatly drawn up resume is a mandatory requirement for a lawyer.After all, this specialist is an expert in the field of documentation.

The general principles of resume design are as follows:

  • the absence of any kind of errors and typos in the text (it is imperative to read it several times before sending it);
  • consistent formatting - the same headings, indents, font style and size, line spacing;
  • brevity - including only the most important information in the resume. The total volume of the document should not exceed 2 pages.

The main quality of a professional lawyer is the ability to highlight important information and “weed out” secondary information.

Transmittal letter

A lawyer in his resume must demonstrate the highest level of knowledge in the field of business document management. Therefore, it is for him to write to the resume transmittal letter highly desirable.

Accompanying a resume with a separate letter is a Western trend that is gradually entering the national traditions of personnel recruiting. Some of its semblance is drawn up when sending a resume through email (attached document).

A cover letter usually consists of the following elements:

  • name and address of the company - potential employer;
  • Full name and return address applicant;
  • a greeting in business style (for example, "Hello, dear Ivan Ivanovich!");
  • message about sending a resume with the name of a specific position;
  • an indication of the source of one's own awareness of the vacancy;
  • a brief description of your strengths as a candidate for the position;
  • a request to send information about the decision made by the employer on the summary.

Features of drawing up a lawyer's resume + samples

Corporate lawyer (in house lawyer) is a specialist who is responsible for legal issues in a company of any form of ownership, of any organizational and legal form. As a rule, this is a so-called business lawyer with a specialization in the area of \u200b\u200bproduction or services in which the company operates (construction, trade, provision of consumer services).

Contrary to popular belief, a lawyer cannot know “everything about everything” - this is physically impossible. Good lawyer is a narrow specialist. That is why the resume should focus on your specialization.

Duties of a lawyer

The functions of a specialist working in a company are varied.

  1. Advising management and employees on legal issues, if necessary - with the preparation of written substantiated opinions.
  2. Claims work - filing claims for non-fulfillment of obligations to counterparties, clients, representing the company's interests in court.
  3. Contractual work - verification and approval of all agreements concluded by the organization, drawing up protocols of disagreements.
  4. Representing the interests of the company in government bodies on all legal issues (registration of a change in the composition of founders, amendments to the charter, obtaining licenses, acquiring or alienating property rights to real estate, registering a pledge).

Depending on the field of activity and the size of the company legal work can deal with both a single employee and a whole legal department. In the latter, work among lawyers is usually distributed in accordance with the listed functional areas. There is also such a position as legal assistant (or trainee), the functions of which are:

  • documentary and technical support department work (lawyer);
  • execution of orders in all areas of activity.

Information about education in the CV of a lawyer

A lawyer is a specialist with a specialized education. At the same time, the requirements for the level of this education are usually high:

  • a small private company may well accept a lawyer with a secondary specialized education;
  • most medium and large organizations have higher education requirements;
  • large serious organizations sometimes set additional conditions, for example, on the availability of an academic degree or on the candidate's state education.

Information about completed by the applicant educational institutions are given in the summary in chronological order, with an indication of each:

  • the name of the educational institution;
  • period of study or year of graduation;
  • received specialty.

High school should not be listed in the list of graduated educational institutions.

For a lawyer of any specialization, additional education is extremely important - narrow-profile courses, trainings, seminars, conferences.

All of this should be mentioned in the education section. However, one should not list absolutely all the implemented methods of obtaining additional knowledge; it is better to dwell on the most recent (for a period of up to 5 years) and relevant.

Work experience, achievements

Having a lot of experience in a similar position in a job seeker's career is a great advantage. However, the result of reviewing the resume is no less dependent on the chosen method of presenting information.

  1. A lawyer is not advised to declare broad profile own knowledge and skills - it will look incredible. Emphasis should be placed on only one branch of law or field of activity, that which is more close to the functions of the desired position.
  2. Responsibilities at former jobs should not be thoughtlessly copied from job description - it is better to give more specifics, to adapt the functions to those required for the position sought.
  3. Start listing stages labor activity follows from the last place of work.
  4. You should not list all the jobs if there are more than five. You should dwell on the most basic of them.

When writing a resume, you should not forget about your own labor achievements... Among them, it is recommended to indicate not only official incentives for former employers (certificates, awarded titles, gratitude, one-time bonuses), but also specific labor indicators, for example:

  • an indication of a successful high-profile court case;
  • reduction of indicators successful work with problem debts;
  • an indication of the successful registration of complex legal action (mortgage, mortgage, change of founders, increase in authorized capital).

Professional skills and abilities

A lawyer should reduce the list of professional skills and knowledge to one or several specializations. So, if a resume is submitted for the position of a lawyer engaged in litigation, the following should prevail:

  • knowledge in the field of procedural legislation;
  • skills in calculating debts, the amount of fines and penalties;
  • the ability to legally competently draw up a claim;
  • skills in preparing documents for filing in court;
  • the ability to draw up a statement of claim;
  • the ability to represent the interests of the company in court - to act as a plaintiff, defendant, claimant, debtor, third party;
  • skills of interaction with bailiffs, preparation of requests, assistance in legal proceedings (arrest, sale of the debtor's property, etc.).

If the position involves contractual work, the resume should be dominated by:

  • knowledge in the field of civil and commercial legislation;
  • skills of drafting contracts, protocols of disagreements, additional agreements.

If a lawyer in charge of compliance is required corporate law, his skills are somewhat different:

  • knowledge of legislation on legal entitiesah of the corresponding organizational and legal form (LLC, ODO, CJSC, LLC, partnerships, cooperatives, enterprises);
  • business document management skills;
  • skills of drawing up powers of attorney;
  • skills of representing the interests of the company in the notary, tax inspection, bank, statistics authorities and other organizations.

A lawyer who advises the team and management in the field of a specific area of \u200b\u200bproduction and services, in his resume, should focus on deep knowledge of the legislation that regulates this area.

Personal information

Among the personal qualities of the ideal lawyer, employers welcome:

  • analytic mind;
  • responsibility;
  • organization;
  • obligation;
  • punctuality;
  • stress tolerance;
  • sociability;
  • purposefulness;
  • attentiveness;
  • hard work;
  • creativity.

Creativity is, oddly enough, a positive and highly expected quality of a lawyer's personality. After all legal work - not only dry adherence to the law, but often the search for new solutions. Non-standard application of the law is aerobatics in jurisprudence.

If there is no experience at all or the applicant is a yesterday's student

When looking for a first job, a non-professional lawyer should focus on the following points:

  • the level and quality of one's own education (if it is higher, obtained at a state capital university, this is very good);
  • passing practice in an organization of a similar profile;
  • personal qualities - easy assimilation of information, quick learning, attentiveness, purposefulness;
  • willingness to work as an intern.

As a rule, lawyers begin their labor activity with the position of an intern or legal assistant - this point should also be reflected in the resume

The resume of a lawyer includes several thematic blocks.

First, fill in all the fields in the "Personal information" section (name, date of birth, city of residence, etc.). The next step is to describe your work experience - employers study the corresponding block of resume with the greatest interest. Include start and end dates, job title, background information about the employing company, and list key responsibilities and accomplishments.

The duties of a lawyer can be described, for example, in such formulations.
- Represented the interests of the company in arbitration courts, courts of general jurisdiction and magistrates' courts in civil and administrative cases. Over the course of her activity, she has conducted more than 100 cases - in 80% of cases the decision was made in favor of the company.
- Conducted claim work: prepared and sent to the court more than 20 statements of claim per month. More than 60% of all conflicts were settled out of court.
- Performed the coordination and examination of contracts: lease, contract, purchase and sale, insurance and others (more than 20 contracts per month).
- Coordinated local regulations: orders, orders (more than 10 per month).
- Conducted consulting seminars and webinars for employees of various divisions of the company on the topic “A carelessly completed document today - risk and responsibility tomorrow” (once a month).

If you have many years of experience in legal practice, then you should not fully describe it in your resume. It is enough to tell about 3-4 previous jobs (in separate blocks) or about work experience over the past 10 years.

The “Key Skills” block is needed so that you list your core competencies and thereby once again emphasize your professionalism. For a lawyer, the following are especially important:
- experience in representing interests in an arbitration court and a court of general jurisdiction;
- the ability to competently draw up legal, procedural documents;
- knowledge of economic, contractual, corporate, labor law;
- practical skills in transaction support;
- knowledge of arbitration and civil procedure;
- experience in the preparation of constituent documents;
- experience with the programs "Consultant Plus", "1C";
- the skill of using the services "Electronic Guard", "Card File of Arbitration Cases" and "My Arbitrator".

In the Achievements section, please describe your professional success as accurately and as concretely as possible. For clarity, use the numbers, for example: “In 2015, represented the interests of the company in the arbitration court 10 times - all 10 judgments were passed in favor of the company. "

Separately, it is necessary to say about the "Additional information" field. Here you can specify information that is important for the desired position, but did not fall into the previous sections. Good decision - give an example of how personal qualities help you in your work: "He is sociable and always focused on results, therefore, I represent the interests of the company in the most efficient way at negotiations and in various instances." For a lawyer, such qualities as responsibility, attentiveness, resistance to stress, analytical thinking, diligence, dedication, persistence are important. Include on your resume those that you possess.




Total work experience - 13 years and 8 months

Production company "Antares", Moscow, full time.

6 years 10 months (09.2012 - present)
- Represented the interests of the company in arbitration courts, courts of general jurisdiction and magistrates' courts in civil and administrative cases. Over the course of his activity, he has carried out more than 100 cases - in 80% the decision was made in favor of the company.
- Conducted claims work: prepared and sent to the court more than 20 claims per month. More than 60% of all conflicts were settled out of court.
- Performed the coordination and examination of contracts: lease, contract, purchase and sale, insurance and others (more than 20 contracts per month).
- Coordinated local regulations: orders, orders (more than 10 per month).
- Conducted consulting seminars and webinars for employees of various divisions of the company on the topic "A carelessly completed document today - risk and responsibility tomorrow" (once a month).

Real estate agency "AVS-Realty", Moscow, full time.

5 years 8 months (09.2006-04.2012)
- was engaged in support and registration of real estate transactions;
- advised realtors and agency clients on legal issues;
- carried out the analysis of title documents, verification of the title rights of the owner, risk assessment.

- During my work, I identified more than 50 objects with signs of fraudulent schemes and prevented transactions with them.

Dear friends! By Denis Povaga. I decided to prepare a post for job seekers offline. Although I advise - and build a career on this. But there are readers who choose a profession according to their specialty and are looking for a resume to get a job.

I often got a job and quit my job. And I was always puzzled how to competently present myself in order to choose me. I think your situation is similar ...

Gradually, I began to understand that I could not earn a lot of money in any job. And one fine day, he completely devoted himself to the Internet business. I work from home for myself, publishing articles on this blog.

First, let's get acquainted. My name is Denis Povaga. And you are on my blog site

And below there is full list, and resume examples. And you can download any, and all you have to do is enter your Name, Surname, fill in the required fields, and send it to the employer. But first, I recommend watching a comic video clip on how to behave correctly in an interview:

12 ways to get a job right?

Of course, this is a joke video from YouTube.

And below you can download real resume for work.

For convenience, I will analyze each profession. And I will give a recommendation as to how it is possible. And you already take the information that is more needed)) And if you have any questions, ask in the comments below. Hope this review helps you!

So. We begin.

Why do you need a resume when applying for a job?

Not everywhere, the employer provides such an opportunity to select a resume. But self-respecting companies choose this method. And first, the preliminary interview is among those who filled out the forms. This can be a direct appeal to the company, or you can send a questionnaire by email. In some cases, the resume follows the company's template. That is, there are those questions that interest the employer, and from how competently you fill out the questionnaire, the more likely it is that you will work with them. In theory, 70% of success can depend on a well-filled resume.

Imagine that a company is looking for an accountant, but the competition is too big. There are so many applicants that more than 100 people apply per day. But the employer does not need everything, but only the accountant who is best able to cope with the tasks. They choose the best. And your resume serves to help you in choosing.

How to write and write the right resume?

And here it is more interesting. If you are given the opportunity to fill it out by email, then do not be afraid that it will not remain unread. Another thing is when you send it, you can additionally call the company and clarify or report that I am such and such and sent you my questionnaire on the chosen profession.

That is, on the one hand call, can you raise you higher than others this time. And second, they sent it via email, and additionally confirmed that you exist))

It turns out that you can stand out among other candidates.

Do not be afraid to tell more in the questionnaire if there are additional fields. But about the salary, where they ask the desired one, you can not write a big one. Choose medium. Let this amount not seem so great to you, but the chances that you will be chosen are increasing. After all, the first thing you do is get a job, and already along the way - both salary and social services are provided. package. Of course, if there is one))

With regard to education... Write the ones that are actually available. But again, you can lie about the fact that there is an unfinished second higher education on such and such a topic. And plus additional courses - indicate those that can distinguish you in the eyes of the leader.

Write honestly, but where there is an opportunity to embellish - do not be afraid to write more. Since the main selection will follow the questionnaire. That is, the examiner may not see you beautiful in person, but how beautifully write your resume, and success will depend.

Therefore, in detail, point by point, fill in the fields. Below are examples, as well as ready-made templates for different professions.

note that before the main resume, you can send an accompanying... Moreover, if you do it via email. There is an option to make a resume in physical form. That is, print. And when applying for a job, do not hesitate to tell more about yourself, providing everything in a couple of sheets. At a personal meeting, if you approach the question correctly, you may not only like it, but after the interview, leave your personal resume on the manager's desk with contact information. 90% - that they will choose you!

The main thing is to take the compilation seriously.

A cover letter for a resume - what is it and why do you need it?

And this thing will help provide a basic resume. It wouldn't be right to send your profile to email right away. It is much more effective to write a cover letter in which you write in a couple of lines who you are and how you responded to the vacancy (where you came from, where you learned from).

Just information, kind - I am such and such, and found out about your vacancy from an advertisement in the newspaper "Work" or from the site "Avito". After all, a company can give several sources of advertising, and by doing so, by informing from where you learned about the profession, you help to determine their working channels.

This is one of the perks of an accompanying resume. Most importantly, the role of the letter is to introduce the reader on the other side to your main resume.

In general, it is compulsory to draw up if you send a sample by email, and not necessarily if you give your resume in person. Just by meeting in person or by phone - you can verbally explain who you are, what vacancy you are interested in and from where you learned about it ...

Example of an accompanying resume:


My name is Anna Ivanova. Let me attach your resume to the vacancy - "Accountant". I learned about the profession by advertising from the site " Avito". Ready to provide any additional informationrequired to consider my candidacy.

Best wishes,
Ivanova Anna, tel. 8-977-777-77-77

Thank you in advance!

p.s. I attach my resume in a separate file

Universal resume sample (for any profession) + example

In case you need a standard form, download it for free. It consists of 2 pages. The first sheet is the necessary information about you, and the second additional skills. Convenient and simple template. Nothing extra. And can be attributed to any profession. But still, if a certain specialty is chosen, then look at the templates below. Perhaps choose the best option.

As for downloading. That is pdf format in in electronic format... I write all mine in this format. Opens on all devices. But you cannot edit the text in it. Therefore, it is only for printing, and then you fill it in with a pen. Suitable if you need to quickly print and fill out on site.

And the second option, an already completed example. It can be edited with the word text editor. Use this option for quick editing. And by the way, after that you can save the correct version in pdf format, and then send this version by mail to the employer.

Empty - (pdf format)

Filled in - (in doc format)

Samples for work by profession in .doc (word) format

So we come to the section where all resumes are divided by profession. Also, I will give you some recommendations for each specialty. How can you use your knowledge and skills on the Internet to work not for an employer, but for yourself.

Everything in order!

Accountant resume sample

(in doc format | 2 pages)

- To begin with, since you want such a job, then you are a specialist in it. It is much more effective, and more profitable in the long term, to start blogging on accounting. And after people begin to visit the blog, place advertising banners - either of their services or those of partners. For example, by filling out declarations.

This is a very profitable business on the Internet. And if you are not in the know, ask me and download my book for free!

Sample resume for a lawyer or economist

(in doc format | 2 pages)

- Choose those keywords in search enginesah that are related to your topic. And during your main work or in the evening, devoting 1-2 hours, write 1 useful article a day. In 3-6 months, your blog will be generating more than your main job! It is better to sell yourself and your knowledge to other people via the Internet than to do it offline. Trust me if you understand the topic legal services and the economy - you will quickly achieve success!

Sample resume of director, manager

(in doc format | 2 pages)

- Teach other people about personal growth and how to succeed in their careers. How to manage personnel, lead, etc. Write about your knowledge in your blog for 1-2 articles in one, three days. As time passes, the blog will bring in more than you earn as a director working for someone else!

Pack knowledge and sell.

Sample executive resume

(in doc format | 2 pages)

- Same as in a leadership position, read the recommendations above. Start by blogging on a free WordPress site. This is the blog management system on which my blog is maintained. Firstly, it is simple, and secondly, profitable! Moreover, you can choose the theme that you like. Be it your hobby. What is it like?

Sales Manager Resume Sample

(in doc format | 2 pages)

- My God, if you have sales skills)). It's time to use them in online commerce. Start blogging, and create your products by selling them. What if you don't have your own? Everything is easier than it sounds - recommend partnerships. If you are a really cool manager, then you will succeed.

Take the first step today!

Secretary resume sample

(in doc format | 2 pages)

- Oh, if you like working with papers, and fiddling with documents ... It's time to disclose all your knowledge and skills on the blog. That is, in fact, you will also work on a computer, only for yourself. Start a personal blog and just publish articles with keywords from search engines. Only make articles for humans, not robots! And everything will work out. And if not, ask me ... After all, I blog myself))

Sample resume for bank employee

(in doc format | 2 pages)

Cool profession on the one hand, being a bank employee. But in reality, everything only seems beautiful. One way or another, you will have a boss, and you will have to get up early and go to work. What are you, I am not discouraging - a good vacancy. Especially when people are selling loans, and additional services... Perhaps this is great - To deceive the same people, and get paid for it?

Wouldn't it be easier to start a blog on the topic of banks and give people advice on how not to be deceived, how to get rid of loans, how to pay off a mortgage. That is, to really help people in banking matters, only through a blog. You can combine both text guidance and video format. Believe me, this is a profitable and promising direction.

Sample Administrator Resume

(in doc format | 2 pages)

- The administrator, in my opinion, has time to devote himself to more creative pursuits. Yes, again about the site)). After all, believe me - it is more interesting and profitable... You can choose any theme. And according to publications, literally 3-5 articles per week. After 3 months, you will be able to forget about the work of an administrator and become a director for yourself!

Cashier resume sample

(in doc format | 2 pages)

- Do you know how to manage cash and money accounts? Then you can become a blogger on a financial topic, and just write articles for queries from the search. Don't like this topic? Choose any, to which the soul lies. Read this blog, I write a lot about how to get a job from home ...

Sales Consultant Resume Sample

(in doc format | 2 pages)

- Depending on what you are selling, you can make reviews on products via the Internet. For example, the last time in 2016 and will gain momentum in 2017 - product reviews and reviews. You can make them in video or text format. And besides this comparison of one and the other product. And the profit will come from advertising. Start blogging today!

Designer resume sample

(in doc format | 2 pages)

- Designer? And do you even own graphics programs? Yes, you have no price. There are not enough specialists on the Internet who will competently teach all the secrets of design. Using a program like Photoshop and being able to manipulate images ... and drawing are all great, believe me! Not only can you become a leader in this topic, but you can also recommend courses to others and earn money. All this is done through your personal blog.

Sample cv operator pc

(in doc format | 2 pages)

- I remember how I kept a newspaper and chose vacancies for a pc operator. I called different numbers, looking for better conditions. But you know, I confess, this is not a serious profession. It is better to publish your knowledge in a blog, about how to quickly type texts, or how to work in the program Word, Excel, etc. I'll tell you a secret that Word and Excel courses are very popular. Guess that you can take money for them and make money on it?))

Waiter resume sample

(in doc format | 2 pages)

- Waiter, good job for the students. It's time when there is a desire to devote oneself to the profession and build a career. But there are no promising areas in it, and even more so, big profits. And if after a working day or on weekends, you have a couple of hours of free time, then start doing more serious business. You need a computer and internet. Publish your diary online. And you will not go unnoticed. Use texts and photos. Optionally and video. Share what you know and just match your search queries. In order not to just name the articles as they come up with, but exactly as people are looking for. You can do it!

Nanny Resume Sample

(in doc format | 2 pages)

- And it is simply a "sin" for nannies to be without a website)) She can find a few hours a day. This is not about the fact that you have to work constantly on the blog in the sweat of your brow. Not! The main thing is to start. And at the first stage, yes, you will need to pay more attention to your brainchild. But you yourself will not notice how you create additional income over the Internet. For example, a topic about children, or cooking ... or what is your hobby?

Sample Programmer Resume

(in doc format | 2 pages)

- It's hard to say at the expense of the programmer, because usually these people are with their heads, and either already working on their project on the network, or working with a team, or in extreme cases - for a lot of money in a good company. I mean a salary of 500,000 rubles or more. But in any case, it is more correct to become your own boss and develop your own project in the topic of infomarketing. Just do not need to teach programming, since the market segment in this topic is narrow. But take a more general topic in which you understand better than others ... Why not ?!

Driver resume sample

(in doc format | 2 pages)

-What, he says ... I work as a taxi driver and like it)) But I've heard about a taxi driver who created a website in 3 months with an income of 80,000 thousand rubles. And this, with average salary There are 12,000 driver in his city. Do you think he still works as a driver? You, too, think about it at your leisure. Or ask below ...

Engineer Resume Sample

(in doc format | 2 pages)

- read below ...

Builder Resume Sample

(in doc format | 2 pages)

- Construction is a separate topic. There are so many specialists that a dime a dozen. Some are tilers, others are electricians, others are welders, finishers. And everyone in their field is better than others. Well, look, in his book he described how he created a blog for dad, and he just published articles on electrics?)) Today, the attendance of his project is 2400 visitors per day. Do you still doubt that your knowledge can be useful to someone? Then take a look at Yandex Wordstat keyword statistics ... What people are looking for on your topic. And how many, for example, per day, people are looking for this or that request. To qualify, use quotation marks and an exclamation mark in front of the keyword. Like this: «! here is the key word » . Further, divide the received number of impressions per month (upper) by 30 days and find out the average number of demand per day.

Sample resume of teacher, teacher

(in doc format | 2 pages)

- And for teachers I want to say that it has come new era learning. That is, if in a class you teach 20 people at the same time, then on the Internet you can collect 1000 people at the same time and teach them. As a teacher at a university or school, you are paid, for example, and in the Internet sphere, you are paid from each student. It can be either 1 thousand rubles for a training course or 30,000 rubles. for training. How many is it possible to recruit a class of 100 applicants?)) Start with a blog, today!

Kindergarten teacher resume sample

(in doc format | 2 pages)

- You can run a project about children by publishing several entries a week. Using search suggestions - start working on attracting visitors. After a while, the resume is no longer required))

Doctor's resume sample

(in doc format | 2 pages)

- I can't say anything about the doctors. After all, everything here depends on the person himself and the specialty of the doctor. It's one thing when you know from A to Z about the spine, and you can start a project on the topic of spine treatment or how to get rid of back pain ... And it is quite another matter when you are a surgeon. Here, before downloading the resume, you can ask in the comments below, and I will give a recommendation for your situation.

Chef resume sample

(in doc format | 2 pages)

- It is difficult for those who do not like to cook to run a culinary website. But chefs, with the desire and passion for the profession, just need to start publishing their recipes. There are already many video bloggers on YouTube, and there are many sites on this topic. But everyone can stand out among competitors. Depends on desire and love for this business. Good cooks ... you can count them on one hand). And to make the project more profitable, try to choose a niche in the culinary arts. That is, write not about all the dishes, but those that are for healthy eating and losing weight. Or look for yourself, on blogs and about all the dishes, you can collect a lot of traffic and it is not bad to spin ads ...

(in doc format | 2 pages)

- Honestly, I don't know how this case can be transferred to the Internet. If only more general, write about trade, product layout. Or take a more general topic. You need to look at the statistics and build on them. After all, you may like a different direction, and already based on it, choose a topic ... Ask below, I will tell you!

Supervisor Resume Sample

(in doc format | 2 pages)

-It's the same as above ...

Sample translator's resume

(in doc format | 2 pages)

- And modern translators do this - they blog and publish entries like - how to learn English in 3 months, how to understand english language etc. That is, they cover keywords from their niche, and then write a blog. The blog attracts visitors who get into subscription lists and the sale goes information products... Build an info business through their project. I recommend!

Download all resume forms for free. Updated 2018

Well, in the end, I decided to pack all the forms in one zip archive so that you could choose a suitable template and change it for the vacancy you are looking for.

I wish you a good job in life, and most importantly - have a high salary.

(zip archive | 419 kb.)

Denis Povaga

Looking for a job or planning to look for one?

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