Mackener what does. There is such a profession - a wide profile machine server. The history of the occurrence of profession


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The machine tool is a worker manufacturing on special machines details for various mechanisms. Working material for parts can serve metal or wood. This profession received the greatest distribution in our country in 1930-41, during the industrial revolution, when many machine-building enterprises were built. During the Great Patriotic War Most factories have been renewed on the production of products for the front (cartridges, shells, guns, tanks, etc.), and worked by staples mostly girls and women.

Restability profession

Very in demand

Currently, profession Machnik It is considered very popular in the labor market. Many firms and many enterprises need qualified specialists in this area, because the industry is developing quickly, and experts are still educated.

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Description of activity

The profession of the machine tag unites the activity of Tokary, the milling machine, the grinding, the borler, the tearber and many other specialists. Therefore, the machine can perform actions on the appropriate machines (turning, milling, etc.) and apply a variety of cutting tools in its work: drills, cutters, sweeps, cutters and others.

On the modern enterprises Today, machine tools with software control are increasingly used. This means that the machine must be also the operator. He must understand computer technician And if necessary, be able to eliminate problems.

Due to the existence of the profession of the machine, it is possible to quickly produce details of various difficulties for many types of industry.

Work on various machines requires strict compliance with security rules. At the workplace, Machnikovs wear uniforms, special hats and safety glasses.


middle in Moscow:middle in St. Petersburg:

Uniqueness of the profession

Very common

According to the results of the survey, the profession Machnik Currently, it is very common, since a sufficiently long period in specialists in this area was high demand among employers. This sphere needed and continues to need specialists.

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What kind of education is needed

Secondary vocational education (college, technical school)

In order to work by profession MachnikIt is not necessary to have a higher professional education in the relevant specialty. For this profession, it is enough to have a diploma of average professional educationobtained in college or technical school, or, for example, it suffices to complete special courses.

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Labor duties

Before proceeding to the manufacture of the part, the machine token studies its drawing, produces required calculations And builds a sequence of work. At the same time, it determines which types of machines and tools will be needed for the manufacture of the part. At the preparatory stage of the work, the machine and the directories sometimes have to use.

Based on the material used, the machine tool configures the machine. Having made the item, the employee still has its processing: grinding and finishing the exterior and internal surfaces. After that, the member checks the size of the part and the quality of processing using optical devices.

Type of labor

Mainly physical work

As show the results of the survey, the profession Machnik It implies mainly physical labor. Mackener Must have good physical training, high power stamina and good health.

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Features of career growth

Without machiners, no enterprise is not associated with metalworking. In addition to the plants, they can work in repair shops.

Possibilities of career growth

Minimum career opportunities

According to the results of the survey, Mackeners Have minimal career capabilities. It does not depend on the person himself at all, just a profession Machnik Does not have career growth schemes.

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We use the work of the machine room every day every day, but, as a rule, do not notice them. Imagine, in the morning you have included your computer, at work conveniently settled on a rotating chair behind your table and took the drawing tools or handle. It would seem that there is no connection with the profession of the machine toilet in such a regular day. In fact, there is a connection, and it lies in those details from which a computer or handle is made. And who does all these details? That's right, the machine tool!

AT real life We use the work of the machine room every day every day, but, as a rule, do not notice them. Imagine, in the morning you included your computer, coming out of the house, got into the car or trolleybus, at work conveniently settled on a rotating chair at your desk and took the drawing tools or handle. It would seem no connection with profession of Machnik In such an ordinary day, there is no man. But it only seems at first glance. In fact, there is a connection, and it lies in those details that are both a computer and a trolleybus, and a table, and a handle. And who does all these details? That's right, the machine tool!

So we can safely say that the work of the machine man is not just needed, but literally irreplaceable. At the same time, the work of such a specialist is hidden by the curtain of secrecy, since the details, both miniature and gigantic sizes, is pulling into the workshop where only a narrow circle of people have access. Yes, and B. periodicals, books or films The specificity of the machine operator is practically uncalled. Therefore, most of us only approximately know what machines are engaged in, and what are the features of this profession. We decided to correct the "state of affairs", and introduce you to this mysterious, but such an important profession for the development of society.

Who is the machine tool?

A specialist who, with the help of special machines, manufactures parts for various mechanisms from a variety of materials (most often, wood or metal). Since the work of this specialist combines the activity of other working professions (for example, a milling machine, turner, grinding, the tebozer, etc.), it can work on a variety of machines (milling, grinding, turning, etc.).

The name of the profession goes back to the Indo-European Word "Stan", which means "what is worth". Thus, it directly reflects the main activity of the machine room: work with stationary devices of different levels of complexity. In the usual form, this profession appeared relatively recently - in the XIX century, when Europe experienced the times of the industrial revolution, and production became mechanized. However, the first machines can be considered primitive people who were pulled out of wood or bone tools of labor and protection. And only in the twentieth century automated machines appeared, and the profession of the machine operator received the official status of a working specialty. At the same time, it was divided into several narrow specializations, which depend on the material with which a specialist works:

  • mackener woodworking machines - mainly engaged in the fact that drilling holes for fastening furniture parts, processes on turning machine Details, makes blanks for a veneer and sews a plank to shields on woodworking machines. All that accompanies these processes is also a professional duty of the woodworking machine tool: the choice of material, its chosen, development and reading of drawings, laying billets and finished products;
  • metalworking Machine Machine Machines - includes four specialization: turner, milling machine, burglar and grinding. Such a separation is connected not only with differences in production activities, but also with the possibilities of machine tools. For example, if the turner pulls out parts, then the milling machine - processes the blanks (including the cavity cuts, the size of microns up to several meters). In turn, the burglarker makes through holes different size and cuts the thread, and the grinder conducts the final processing of the metal, operating on the grinding machine with abrasive materials. In addition to the main professional duties At work with the metal, all metalworking machines must develop and read drawings, choose the material and determine its quality, remove after work workplace;
  • maker wide profile - Knows the technological chain of the manufacture of parts and can work almost on all machines and other equipment. Respectively, professional activity Such a specialist includes duties and masters on woodworking, and metalworking masters.

With the advent of large and complex machines with software control, a machine room appeared and another specialization - CNC machine operator. Official duties Such a specialist includes: keeping the processing process of material from the control panel, maintenance of multipurpose machines and manipulators for mechanical feeding of blanks, laying mechanisms during operation.

What personal qualities should the machine holder?

The profession of the machineman cannot be called easy - the specialist is almost constantly on his legs, while always in tension, as processing and wood, and metal physically hard work. Moreover, work of the Machnik It implists the exact compliance and the correspondence of the drawings manufactured by them. Therefore, a specialist must have such personal qualities as:

Note that the machine tool is also an intellectual profession. Therefore, a specialist should be able to read the drawings, know mathematics and physics, the basics of chemistry and materials science, in particular - the properties of wood or metals to determine the time, method of processing, and also make the ejection of poor quality material.

The advantages of the profession of the machine lawn

AT modern world The production of various parts and machines is constantly increasing and becoming complicated, so specialists in their manufacture are not simply claimed, but vital. And it is the main the advantage of the profession of the machine lawn. By the way, in our country, the situation with machine cars took a catastrophic position: the old generation, with extensive experience, retires, and a new one that has not yet has sufficient practical skills, is still small.

The result of the current situation was the fact that in the struggle for highly qualified specialists, employers are ready to offer them a worthy level of payment. If there are still 5-10 years ago, Mackeners received a small salary to an inapplicable salary, today, if there are appropriate qualifications, they can count on pay for their labor within 40-60 thousand rubles.

Well, the most important thing. The profession of the machine man is a bright pronounced male profession, which imposes an indelible imprint on a person. That is why experienced machines are convinced that this work will turn any shy young man in a strong and confident man.

Disadvantages of the profession of the machine lawn

Disadvantages of the profession of the machine lawn Mostly associated with the need to constantly maintain a good physical form. At the same time, the ability to maintain a high degree of concentration and an accurate eyemeter is especially important. If a specialist is not able to withstand the physical activity associated with work, then from the profession it is better to go, since fatigue in the workplace can lead to an increased risk of injuries, and possibly to chronic depression.

In addition, the workplace of the machine operator is very difficult to name comfortable and, since the manufacture of parts implies a large amount of production waste (chips, dust, lubrication, etc.). Safety rules require constant wearing staple on workwear and protective funds. And it does not matter, it's hot in the workshop or not.

Finally, this profession is categorically not suitable for those who do not want or cannot be constantly improving. After all, technical progress does not stand still, and to go with him "in the leg" by the machine tore to grow professionally, regularly tracking and studying the latest achievements of science and technology in the field of machine-tooling.

Where can I get the profession of the machine plan?

Get the profession of machine plan It is possible in any profile college or technical school that prepare on specialty such as "woodworking technology" or "metalworking technology". Well, if we take into account the high need for similar specialists, you can confidently declare that such educational institutions are available in each russian city. At the same time, the choice of technical school or college does not matter, since the level of training of workers in Russia has always been, and, we hope, will be quite high.

Nevertheless, there are also educational institutions that can be called the best technical schools and colleges of Russiaspecializing in the preparation of Machnikov. To those can be attributed:

  • Vologda industrial and technological technical school;
  • Krasnoyarsk tools and metallurgical technical school;
  • Numbin industrial and economic technical school;
  • Moscow Polytechnic College №13 them. P.A. Ovchinnikova;
  • Sterlitamak Polytechnic Technical School.

Russian Federation.

  • A wide profile Machine is responsible for causing material damage - within the limits defined by the current labor and civil law of the Russian Federation.
  • The wide profile machine servker is responsible for complying with the existing instructions, orders and orders for the preservation of commercial secrets and confidential information.
  • A wide profile machine server is responsible for performing the rules of the internal regulation, TB and fire safety rules.

This Property Registry was developed in accordance with (name, number and document date) Head structural unit: 00.00.00G (signature) Surname, initials Agreed: Head of the Legal Department: 00.00.00. (Signature) Surname, initials with the instructions are familiar with: 00.00.00.

Official manual of the 5th category wide profile

Requirements for qualifications:

  • Must know:
  • constructive features and rules for checking for the accuracy of served machines of various designs, universal and special devices
  • methods for installing and reconciling parts
  • geometry, sharpening rules, bringing all kinds of cutting tools
  • constructive features and rules for applying various universal and special devices
  • principle of operation and rules of operation of control and measuring instruments and instruments
  • fundamentals of the theory of cutting metals within the work performed
  • basic principles of calibration of complex profiles
  • rules for determining the optimal grinding mode depending on the material, the shape of the product and the brand of grinding machines.



Engine connecting rods - Milling of oil slots. 22. Gears - drilling and deployment of holes. 23. Stamps - drilling holes for guide columns.

§ 100. Motor of a wide profile of the 4th discharge characteristic of work. The processing of parts on turning and milling machines of 7 to 10 qualitates, on the drilling machines of 6 to 9 qualitates and on grinding machines with the use of coolant of 7 to 8 qualitates, using various cutting tools and universal fixtures.

Cutting a thread with a diameter of over 42 mm on drilling machines; Cutting a two-way outer and inner thread, a thread of a triangular, rectangular, semicircular profile, a stubborn and trapezoidal threads on lathes. Millingness of open and semi-open surfaces of various configurations and pairs, threads, spirals, teeth, gear wheels and rails.

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  • Making devices for mechanical processing of ceramic parts.
  • Setting various machines, including software control, for processing ceramic products with setting complex devices and a special cutting tool.
  • Drilling, deployment, reassurance of holes in parts of alloyed steels, special and solid alloys.
  • Cutting all sorts of threads and spirals on universal and optical divisory heads with all the necessary calculations.
  • Milling of complex bulky parts and components on unique equipment.
  • Grinding and adjustment of external and internal shaped surfaces and conjugate with curved cylindrical surfaces with hard-to-reach for processing and measurement by places.
  • Grinding electrocorundum.
  • III.

Mackener of a wide profile job duties

Antennas UKVAntennye usiliteliAudio and videonablyudenieAudiotehnikaBloki pitaniyaBytovaya electronicsConsumer elektropriboryVideotehnikaVCh amplifiers moschnostiGalogennye lampyGeneratory, geterodinyGirlyandyGrazhdanskaya radiosvyazDetektory tension polyaDozimetryDom, garden land, hobbiZazhiganie avtomobilyaZazemlenie and zanulenieZaryadnye devices, batteries, batareykiZaschita elektroapparaturyZvonki and audio imitatoryIzmereniya, adjustment, alignment antennIzmeritelnaya tehnikaIndikatory, sensors, detektoryInstrument elektrikaInfrakrasnaya tehnikaKvartsevye filtryKompyuternye interfeysyKompyuternye ustroystvaKompyuterny modingKompyuteryLichnaya SafetyLimensional LampMedicinameTramponThechonicCurrocontrollerCrophones, Radiomic Emploomobile Communication Communication Radio-Radio SystemsForce Congratulating Signal Radruptees, Compressor Education.

  • request and receive necessary materials and documents relating to the issues of their activities and the activities of the staff subordinates;
  • interact with other enterprise services for manufacturing and other issues included in its functional duties;
  • get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management of the enterprise relating to the activities of the division;
  • offer a proposal for the head of improving work related to the provided Job description responsibilities;
  • to make a proposal for the head of the proposal to encourage distinguished employees, imposing the impositions of violators of industrial and labor discipline;
  • report to the head of all identified disorders and disadvantages due to the work performed.
  • IV.

Mackener of a wide profile


Eccentrics with complex lectal curves - milling on the contour on the markup. 24. Standards of the tail of steam turbine blades - grinding the tail and slopes.

§ 102.

Motor of a wide profile of the 6th category characteristic of work. Processing of parts on turning and milling machines of complex, experimental and expensive parts and tools of 6 to 7 qualitates and on grinding machines with the use of coolant 1 to 5 qualitates.

Cutting multisope threads of a complex profile of any module and step. Milling of complex large-sized parts, nodes, thin-walled long details, prone control and deformation, on unique milling machines.

Grinding and finishing of outdoor and internal conjugated surfaces of a complex configuration with hard-to-reach for processing and measurements by places requiring several permutations and accurate reciprocations using optical instruments.

Official instructions

Cutting the outer, internal triangular thread by a toll or a radiator on the lathes. Milling of flat surfaces, grooves, rosters of spikes, cylindrical surfaces with cutters.


Installation and reconciliation of parts on the table of the machine and in fixtures. Must know: the principle of operation of the same type of drilling, turning, milling and grinding machines; appointment and conditions for applying the most common devices, instrumentation, special cutting tools; labeling and mains mechanical properties processed materials; Rules of sharpening and installation of incisors and drills; types of cutters, cutters and their main corners; types of grinding circles and segments; Methods of editing grinding circles and conditions for their use; Purpose and properties of cooling liquids and oils; a system of tolerances and landings; Counters and roughness parameters.

Examples of work 1.

Duties of a wide profile machine

Responsibilities 2.1. To perform the assigned functions, a wide profile of the 4th discharge is obliged: 2.1.1. Processing parts on drilling, turning and milling machines and sponge machines for 7-14 qualitates, on grinding machines using coolant 7-11 qualitates using various cutting tools and universal fixtures and compliance with the sequence of processing and cutting modes in accordance with technological card or instructions of the wizard, on boring machines 6-9 qualitates.
2.1.2. Drill, reassure, cencing through and smooth holes in details located in the same plane, according to conductors, templates, restraint and markup on drilling machines. 2.1.3.
Unified Tariff Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Workers (ETKS), 2017.QU №2 of issue No. 2 of the ETKS issue approved by Decree of the Ministry of Nations of the Russian Federation of 15.11.1999 N 45 (as amended by the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of November 13, 2008 N 645) section of the ETKS "Mechanical processing of metals and Other Materials "§ 98. Motor of a wide profile of the 2nd category Characteristic of work. The processing of parts on the drilling, turning and milling machines of 12 to 14 to the collar, on grinding machines with the use of coolant for 11 qualifications using cutting tools and universal fixtures and compliance with the processing and cutting mode and cutting modes in accordance with the technological card or instructions of the wizard. Drilling, drilling, cencing through and smooth holes in details located in one plane, according to conductors, templates, stops and markup on drilling machines.

Job Instructions Muscase Wonderful Physician Engineering Technologies at home - Simple recipesTrans and mechanisms for agricultureThe art of audio joint video source of equipment, technologies, objects around Nasi Here there has been inventive aspects of lectures, Squareliking transport: land, water, air-leavers Travel - Tips Touristumobile telephones on physiophipes for chemical uniform documentation for labor protection of safe life (lies) Fundamentals of the first medical care (OPP) Protection of laborparameters, analogs, labeling of radio component - start-ups Repairmen of the radio amplifier, homemade master reports of labor protection (TOI) The functional composition of imported tweetical composition, consoles, chassis, equivalents of imported televisions of nature.

A wide profile Machine operates on metalworking production, in repair shops, repair shops of various industries. This specialty arose due to the need for the operational manufacturer of small batches of details of various complexity for repairing machine tools and mechanisms. It processes parts from metal and other materials on turning, milling, drilling and grinding machines. Guided by the drawing of the part, determines the sequence of its manufacture. Picks the necessary tools for this. Uses directories and makes the necessary calculations. Selects cutting mode, adjusts the machine, installs the tool and the workpiece, performs the processing of the part. Using optical devices, the size of the part and the quality of its processing. During the operation, the machine tool uses manual tools, mechanical equipment (turning, drilling, milling, grinding machines) and measuring instruments. Works in the room. The main working posture is the "standing" position.

Harmful factors are high level Noise and dusting air. Microtraums of hand brushes are possible.

Must know: the basics of materials science, the theory of resistance of materials, electrical engineering, technical mechanics, technical measurements; device, setting of machine tools and checking them for accuracy, device and rules for using measuring instruments, heat treatment technology, sharpening, tool finishing; Principles for calibrating parts profiles, accuracy classes and processing cleanliness.

Should be able to: "Read" drawings; Calculate the processing modes of parts from various materials using reference materials; make uploading and detaching machine tools; perform the processing of parts from different materials on different machines; Unwind the dimensions with measuring instruments.

Profession has 2-6 discharges. For the successful development of the profession of the machine needed: Physical strength, sufficient visual acuity and hearing, accurate color disinth, fine tactile and kinesthetic sensitivity, accurate linear and bulk eyes, accurate visual motor coordination (at the level of movements of both hands), spatial imagination and visual-shaped thinking.

Job not recommended People suffering from diseases: respiratory organs with frequent exacerbations, cardiovascular system of unfavorable flow; nervous system, manifested by attacks of dizziness and loss of consciousness; Skin with predominantly damage to hands, as well as persons having reduced indicators of view and hearing.

Related professions: Sharpener, drillshipers, instrumental mechanic, lecturer, planer, turner, station wagon, milling machine, grinder.


On woodworking and other enterprises, the joiner performs work on the manufacture of parts, nodes, products, furniture of various difficulties in drawings and sketches. The uniqueness of the joinery is that one person must own all the tools with his workshop and various types of woodworking machines in order to make a thing from zero to its full availability, which is especially important in the manufacture of furniture. The volume of operations with which the joiner must have is quite large. It plasters manually bars details, in various fixtures for assembling products gluits the spikes, white and vested frames, heating plates heating currents. It prepares the surfaces of the products to the veneer, read out and grinds the veneer parts and nodes, causing and fastened with glue and screws parts to nodes and products. In addition, the joiner picks up, cares and hangs the doors, performs work on the cutting of locks, installation and fastening of facial accessories, mirrors, glass doors and shelves. Sticks upholstery materials on products. Repair parts and nodes designed for finishing. Repair and restoration of cabinet, lattice and bent furniture with a replacement of individual nodes and parts.

Perhaps the most difficult, but the most interesting of all kinds of carpentry work is the manufacturer and restoration of furniture.

Indeed, in recent times there are more and more furniture performed by "under ancient" and artistic furniture of modern forms, and although the complexity of the execution of such products above, their good quality And high consumer value with more than compensate for high labor costs. To fulfill this work, the joiner should know the whole technological process Production of furniture and its parts, main breeds, properties and vices of wood, as well as other materials used, varnishes, adhesives.

The profession of the joiner promotes Development of aesthetic taste, imagination and thinking. Working with a tree, material, always melting unexpected finds, forms special forms of perception: observation, the ability to allocate interesting decorative features of the material. Mainly performed in a natural pace, requiring calm, work involves the stability of the emotional sphere, contributes to the development of patience and self-control. In the process of mastering the profession, a variety of motor skills and skills are formed, the accuracy and coordination of movements, an eye appearance improves.

When choosing this profession need to know What is very important for the joiner to have good eyesight, adversely chronic lung diseases with inclination to frequent exacerbations (for example, bronchial asthma) and diseases accompanied by attacks of dizziness and loss of consciousness.


Tokar is one of the most widespread specialties of metalworking, as turning machines are the largest group of machine tools in mechanical workshops. Tokar is the profession necessary in all sectors of the national economy, so a constantly high level of need for specialists in this profession remains.

Turning work is the processing of metals and non-metallic material cutting. Cutting is called sequential removal from the workpiece of metal layers (chips) with the help of a cutting tool. This way reaches the defined form, size and quality of parts.

Tokar-Universal - highly skilled worker. Work is diverse. It produces an outer turning of the workpiece, giving it a cylindrical, conical or shape;

inner boring of the product, cutting internal and exterior grooves and threads different profiles; Drilling of various holes, finishing of the product. At the same time, the turner according to the equipment according to the drawings, producing the necessary calculations, manufactures the item fully or makes partial turning, transmitting the part to other machines (milling, grinding, slump and others). The dimensions of the parts are different: from the tenths of a millimeter to tens of meters. Therefore, small desktop machines are used to process the smallest parts, and the giants machines, processing parts with a diameter of up to z m, up to 30 m long and weight up to 1700 tons. And on small and large machines, high accuracy and purity of processing are required.

Tokary work requires not only special knowledge, but also development of certain qualities: Technical thinking, spatial representations, memory in numbers and forms, developed attention, the ability to think logically. When setting up the machine, an important role is played by the eye, helping the accuracy of installing fixtures, coordinating the movements of both hands when controlling the machine (the peculiarity of the Tokary work is that there are different movements at the same time, and this requires a significant training) and a certain physical force. It is important that the workers have developed along with the already listed qualities of the subtlety of hearing perceptions when monitoring the rhythm of the machine work. A significant part of the working time of Tokary-Universal is allocated to measuring operations. High demands for accuracy cause the need for careful measurements. Therefore, it is very important to have acute vision, which makes it possible to notice small differences in the form. An important role has a color perception, since the color of the turret chips establishes whether the cutting mode is defined correctly (the shavings color changes with different sharpening speeds).

Must know: Rules for adjustment and checks for the accuracy of turning machines different types; Methods for installing fasteners and removing parts; Methods of determination technological sequence processing and selecting optimal cutting modes; Terms of heat treatment, sharpening, finishing and installation of the cutting tool; principles of profile calibration; The installation scheme of plasma heating and measures to ensure it safe work; Plasma torus setting rules; properties of cooling and lubricating liquids; System of tolerances and landings, qualifications (accuracy classes) and roughness classes (processing cleanliness).

When choosing this profession need to know What is existed production factors, negatively affecting Tokary health: elevated level Noise, metal dust, emulsion and oil pairs. Therefore, persons suffering from hypertensive disease, chronic lung diseases with inclinations to frequent exacerbations (for example, bronchial asthma) and undergoing tuberculosis, having diseases of ears with a resistant decrease in hearing and disease, accompanied by bumps and loss of consciousness, are not allowed.

Machine (milling machine, machine tools of woodworking machines, etc.) and plumbing professions.


The sower of reasonable, good, eternal - talk about the teacher. Pedagogical activity Requires a special calling, which is based on the love of children. No wonder all the great teachers, dreaming about the school of joy, creating her, immensely loved children. The teacher exercises training and education of students, taking into account the specifics of the subject matter, contributes to the formation of the general culture of the personality. Uses a variety of forms, methods, techniques and means of learning, including according to individual plans, accelerated courses within state standards. Provides the execution of the curriculum, achievement and confirmation of educational levels of education. Supports academic discipline, the mode of visiting classes. Participate in the development educational programsis responsible for their implementation in full, in accordance with the curriculum and schedule of the educational process, the quality of education of their graduates. Participate in activities methodical associations and other forms methodical work. Systematically increases their professional qualifications. Communicates with parents or persons replacing them. Responsible for the life and health of students during the educational process.

Pedagogical activity requires From a person of certain qualities: excerpts, patience, sequences, perseverance, composure. He must control his behavior, manage it. Teacher's speech should differ expressiveness, emotionality, persuasive.

Must know: "Law on Education", the foundations of general theoretical disciplines in the amount necessary to solve pedagogical problems, the theory of techniques, psychology, age physiology, School hygiene, methodology of the subject, educational work, the requirements for the equipment and equipment of educational sites, learning tools and their didactic capabilities, modern areas of education. Preparing teachers for secondary school Pedagogical schools, pedagogical institutions, universities. Most specialists who received pedagogical education work in secondary school teachers primary classes, teachers of individual disciplines. Teacher's labor is also used in boarding schools, colleges, technical schools, preschool institutions, additional education institutions.

Job not recommended people who have mental disorders, diseases of cardiovascular and respiratory systems of severe flow, stable violations of vision and hearing, chronic infectious and skin-venereal diseases that are bacterio and virosters, as well as having bad habits (smoking, drug addiction, alcoholism).

Must know: your subject and his pedagogical specificity, be able to combine studying with the work of educational, know class, group, level of its knowledge; Every student should know, the conditions in which he lives, its weak and strengths should be able to individualize depending on this approach to it; should use the guys with authority, to enjoy their confidence and respect, own training methods; be able to prepare a lesson, methodically thinking of it; To be able to convey other knowledge, help the student absorb reportable material, apply the knowledge gained in practice; know age peculiarities Perceptions and thinking of the child, the conditions for the development of it at each age.

Professional training requirements. The teacher works with the whole class and he needs to keep in sight of many students, notice all changes in their behavior. Thus, the observation, the allocation of attention, its switching, are professionally important qualities Teacher. Pedagogical activity requires human and certain volitional qualities: excerpts, patience, sequences, perseverance, composure. He must control his behavior, manage it. Very important in the profession of teacher, the correct speech, which should be expressive, emotionality, persuasive. The teacher should be able to express his thoughts competently, clearly, simply, understandable for the guys.

Related specialties: educator in the preschool institution, teacher of the extended day group, tutor, governer, head of a private school.


In urban and district medical and preventive institutions, Feldscher is a doctor's assistant and works directly under his supervision. AT countryside Independently implements stationary, outpatient care, home assistance, often performing the functions of the doctor.

Profession has a specialty:

1) the "ambulance" paraschecher - works primarily in service institutions " Ambulance", Goes on a call to first aid patient. According to the inspection, it makes a preliminary diagnosis. If necessary, causes a doctor or team of specialists. Carries out the transportation of patients with hospitalization. Performs medical manipulations: intravenous injections, injections, dressings, etc.;

2) Feldsher-laboratory - produces a fence of materials (blood, gastric juice, etc.), prepares drugs for microscopy;

3) Feldsher Military - leads and medical checkup, as well as treatment in military units, on ships in the absence of a doctor or under its observation;

4) Feldscher of psychoneurological institutions - in places where a psychiatrist is missing, directs identified or applied to the help of mental patients to the hospital and observes them after discharge;

5) Feldsher-Okusher - takes birth, conducts patronage of pregnant women and infants, measures to prevent women and child mortality;

6) Sanitary Feldsher - carries out a sanitary survey of food enterprises, baths, shower, all types of disinfection on their plot is acts of sanitary inspection, etc.

Feldscher works in constant contact with people (except for the paramedics), in one-two-chaired mode, there are 24-hour duty, work on holidays and weekends. Often is in the running. Labor is associated with significant physical exertion, nervous stress (the need to provide emergency care, the correct diagnosis, work with people in various mental state), the danger of infectious diseases.

For effective work, Feldeshru needed: physical endurance, resistance to the effects of stressful factors, good long-term and rAM, ability to quickly evaluate and adopt operational solutions, observation, responsibility, accuracy, discipline.

Wanted good knowledge in the field of chemistry, anatomy and human physiology. Knowledge of the main symptoms of the diseases of adults and children, instructions for the use of medicines, compliance with the rules of their accounting and storage, the possession of the methodology and technique of care for patients, the intensive care skills of the victim, as well as the knowledge and adherence to the principles of medical ethics and deontology.

Feldscher work is not recommended People having heavy disorders of the cardiovascular system, mental diseases, allergic drugs, violations of violation (mainly for the paramedic laboratory), which are bacterio and virosters. In the specialty of the paramedic laboratory technician can successfully work with disabilities in connection with the lesion of the musculoskeletal system, a hearing impairment suffering from diabetes.

Medical sister, teacher in medical school, pharmacist.


The farmer provides the production of commodity agricultural products on a leased or private ownership of land and agricultural machinery.

Organizes and performs wide spectrum labor operations. Performs different household works: Plumbing, welding, construction, manages machine and tractor units. Engaged in breeding, collection, processing, storage and sale of manufactured products. It takes care of the increase in the yield, the preservation of the livestock, the harvesting of feed, struggling with pests of crops, provides veterinary care.

Farm farms They can specialize in certain sectors of agriculture (crop, animal husbandry, beekeeping, fishing, etc.) or be complex (diversified). The work on crop farms wears seasonal character, running during the daytime, allows us to use the technique wider. The farmer animal breeder is busy all year with approximately equal load and full-time working day with small breaks, and sometimes at night for regular provision of feeds, cleaning of premises, the care of young people.

The work of the farmer is associated with the risk caused by the "whimsions" of weather, competition, fluctuations in equipment prices and products. The farmer must follow the state of the market, exhibit flexibility and efficiency in reproduction of production. In the measure of necessity, he enjoys the services of financial, trade, equipped, repair, legal and other auxiliary and intermediary structures.

The work of the farmer is physical and mental at the same time, tense, non-normalized, with a high proportion of manual labor. His needless Interest in nature, hard work, self-discipline, enterprise, practical seaming and skill.

Must know: the bases of crop production, animal husbandry, economy, legal legislation and norms, land use, credit and monetary relations, tax and customs Policy; Device, operation, managing machine-tractor units.

Farmer's work requires sufficient physical strength, endurance, good health, good vision and hearing. When choosing this profession, contraindicated: diseases of the joints and spine (pronounced polyarthritis, osteochondrosis), diseases of the vessels (severe endarterite, varicose veins of the lower extremities, thrombophlebitis), bronchial asthma and other chronic diseases of the heavy flow. However, with some deviations in the functions of the respiratory and nervous system, moderate physical labor in air contributes to health promotion.

Close professions (specialty): Livestock, vegetable breeding, tractor driver.


The milling machine works at mechanical engineering and metalworking enterprises. On milling machines (horizontal, vertical, copy, multi-spindle, universal and specialized), processes details of various complexity and destination, leads their plasma-mechanical processing. According to the drawings, the part and the technological map determines the sequence of processing the part. Performs the necessary calculations, determines the sequence of processing and cutting modes, adjusts the maintenance of the equipment. Using the measuring tools, checks the processing correspondence to the specified parameters. Sets the details and sends them in different planes.

For the successful development of the profession, it is necessary: Speed-motor coordination at the level of movements, the exact linear and bulk eye, the ability to concentrate attention, good visual memory, developed visual-shaped thinking, spatial imagination.

It works individually indoors. Working pose - standing fixed. Harmful factor is a high noise level.

Must know: Rules for adjustment and checks for the accuracy of served machines; Features of the operation of the plasma heating installation, measures to ensure its safe operation; Methods for adjusting plasma torch; Mechanical properties of the materials being processed; Methods of installation, fastening, reconciliation of processed parts; rules for determining optimal cutting regimens; Terms of heat treatment, sharpening and finishes; System of tolerances and landings, qualifications (accuracy classes) and roughness classes (processing cleanliness).

The profession has 2-6th discharges.

When choosing this profession need to know What exists production factors that adversely affect health: an elevated noise level, metal dust, emulsion and oil pairs. Therefore, this specialty not recommended Persons suffering from hypertension, chronic lung diseases with inclination to frequent exacerbations (for example, bronchial asthma) and undergoing tuberculosis, having diseases of ears with a resistant decrease in hearing and disease, accompanied by attacks of dizziness and loss of consciousness.

Related professions: Sharpening, instrumentar, a widespread profile machine, turner-universal.


Works in watches repair workshops, repair shops of time plants. The highly qualified watchmaker independently performs all types of repair operations: disassembly of the mechanism, detecting a defect, washing of nodes and parts, replacement of defective parts, making simple parts, assembly and clock adjustment.

At the receiving station, the watchmaker on the results of the clockwork inspection determines the fault and draws up the order. Upon returning repaired clocks from the workshop before issuing the Customer, it turns them out and regulates the accuracy of the stroke. If there is no need for repair, the watchmaker in the presence of the Customer himself corrects small problems and regulates the mechanism.

In the repair shop, the watchmaker performs the following operations: disassembles the clock and detects defects; The details and nodes of the mechanism; selects parts and components requiring replacement, and makes missing; Collects time mechanisms and checks their work. In the process of work, use manual tools (screwdrivers, tweezers, magnifier), washers, electronic stroke accuracy meter and others.

Works watchmaker. Characterized forced working posture - the "sitting" position. Vision: work with small parts, uneven load on both eyes (due to the use of the magnifying glass).

Profession has 2-6 discharges.

For successful development of the profession needed: Good tactile and kinesthetic sensitivity, visual-motor coordination at the level of movement of hands, the ability to sustainable concentration of attention for a long time, spatial imagination, visual-shaped thinking.

Must know: appliance device; technology manufacturing various types of hours; sequence of clock-disassembly operations; Main types of faults, ways to identify and eliminate them; rules for processing manufactured parts; Reception of washers.

Should be able to: carry out operations for repairing hours in accordance with their qualifications; enjoy manual tools and devices, conduct their debugging and contain in working condition.

Related professions: Master of repair of radio electronic equipment and appliances, a collector chip.


The seamstations profession is one of the most common in light industry. In the sewing enterprises, tailoring products of household and technical purposes are carried out on sewing machines of a variety of design by the flow method; Details are moving using the conveyor from one machine to another in a specific sequence. The seamstress in accordance with the technology of sewing and adopted at the enterprise division of labor performs various in complexity and types of work: from the workpiece of soft containers and the contamination of the factory brand before the sleeves in the armor, the mannel, collar and other operations. Each seamstress performs several operations or even one, but should be able to perform any.

The main thing in the seamstress is speed and accuracy. It visually controls the quality of the seam, the length of the stitch, the frequency of the line, the parallelism of the seams, it must be developed by the eye meter, the right color, as it has to distinguish not only the main colors, but also shades of the same color. Of great importance is the ability to work stably for a certain time under production noise. The best results are seeking seamstresses that have prerequisites, accuracy, focused attention, high degree of coherence of hands movements.

Must know: device serviced machines, methods for adjusting the tension of the thread and frequency of the line; sewing properties of tissues, knitwear, fur; assortment of sewing products, methods for their processing; technical conditions on operations performed; Sequence of processing parts of the product with a flow method.

Profession has a discharge: in sewing production 1-5th; in the fur - 1-4th; In knitted, textile haberdashery and other industries textile industry - 1-3rd.

Profession seamstream does not fit People with poor vision, violation of the color-point, chronic diseases of the unfavorable flow (for example, glaucoma), as well as persons suffering from hypertensive disease.

Close professions (specialty); Embroidery, Cutter, tailor, teacher in school, school at cutters and sewing courses.


Plasterer-painter works in construction organizations. His role in construction is very large, because he fulfills finishing work and the beauty of the building depends on their quality, its appearance, comfort and comfort of interior. The volume of working operations performed by the plaster-raw is very large. It plasters the surfaces of the structures and parts of buildings and structures - walls, ceilings, pilasters, columns, beams, facades, dome, arches of various outlines. Prepares the surface under the stucco (levels, flows the surface with a mechanized tool, navigates dranched seats). Prepares solutions for different species Plasters, places the surface under shuttering, mechanized tool or manually causes plaster, finishes the surface after plastering. Coloring parts, as well as metal surfaces and other materials (after cleaning, stripping cracks) with the help of mechanized spatulas, painting units and other tools and fixtures. Surfaces, with the performance of varnishing, polishing, art painting, as well as under the tree, marble and stone. Restores artistic inscriptions, painting and drawings.

The work of the malarier plaster is associated with the performance of a large number of frequently repetitive movements and requires a fairly significant static and dynamic hand voltage, such a load is particularly large with plastered walls and ceilings. To be able to select shades that were harmonized between themselves and would correspond to the designation of the painted surfaces, the master must have the right color, have an artistic taste and good memory for color shades. Especially important for the painter accuracy, since his work completes the work of the entire team of builders.

Must know: Types and properties of materials and solutions used in plastering; physicochemical properties painting materials; methods of marking and breaking the exterior and internal surfaces of buildings; technology and methods of decorative, artistic plastering and performing special-purpose plasters; Ways to perform paint coatings of parts and surfaces from various materials, their drying modes; Rules for adjustment of the maintenance of equipment; Recipes for making paints, varnishes, putty; Requirements for the quality of the work performed.

Profession has the 1 -6th discharge.

Malar Stuccue Profession requires Good health, endurance when choosing this profession is contraindicated: diseases of the joints and spine (pronounced polyarthritis, osteochondrosis), diseases of the vessels (severe endarterite, varicose veins of the lower limbs, thrombophlebitis), bronchial asthma and other chronic lung diseases, some types of skin diseases.

Close professions (specialty); Mason, painter for metal, master of production training, designer artist.

Ecologist organizes the protection of the life and health of people, animal and vegetable world From the consequences of the irrational and uncontrolled use of achievements of science and technology. It ensures that equilibrium is maintained between environmental protection and scientific and technical needs and economic Development Countries, emphasizes to the observance and improvement of technological regimes, culture of production, the rules for transporting hazardous substances, the techniques of self-defense of citizens.

By observing, surveys, with the help of devices and other methods, the ecologist analyzes the state of water, land, air, plants, animals, as well as the effects of natural environment and food for health and well-being of people, their genetic apparatus. Resets and classifies the current and potential sources of environmental hazards, determines its origin, nature, degree, extent, real and projected consequences. Given the current and promising environmental standards and regulations, the complex of environmental protection measures is developing their implementation, controls the results in accordance with legislative acts.

He advises employers on the prevention of environmental risks, reducing the costs of penalties. Coordinates its actions with sanitary and hygienic supervision authorities, the chemical and biological weapons committee, federal supervisory authorities on nuclear and radiation safety. Through the media clarifies and promotes the goals and importance of environmental activities.

Ecologist's work is complex and tense; Work with documents is combined with roads, organizing practical events. His needless Stable social and moral motivation, observation, emotional-volitional stability, principle, high physical endurance.

This activity contraindicated People suffering from diseases of cardiovascular and nervous systems, mental illness.

Professional training requirements: Needless good preparation In archeology, biology, medicine, sociology, history, literature, general orientation in matters of technology and technology, labor economics, market relations, legal entities. Practical experience in one or more specified areas is desirable. Close professions (specialty): Work in institutions of sanitary and hygienic, meteorological profile, scientific and educational institutions.


A wide profile machine is a worker that manufactures various parts from metal and other materials to create various nodes and mechanisms. For this purpose, turning, milling, drilling, grinding and other machines are used. Guided by the drawing of the detail, the Master Maker determines the sequence of its manufacture. Picks the necessary tools for this. Uses directories and makes the necessary calculations. Selects cutting mode, adjusts the machine, installs the tool and the workpiece, performs the processing of the part. Using optical devices, the size of the part and the quality of its processing. Works in metalworking production, in repair shops, repair shops of various industries. Meeting the names of the profession / specialty: Machine equipment (main used types of equipment and technologies): - Metal cutting machines (drilling, milling, turning and grinding); - Special and universal devices and cutting tools; - Technology processing parts and blanks on them. Working conditions work in production shops enterprises of various industries. Works in the room. Harmful factors are high noise and dusting air. Microtraums of hand brushes are possible. For activities are characterized by a few contacts with colleagues in work, technologists, engineers. Full time work.


The composition of the work that the wide profile machine must perform depends on the level of its qualifications. Profession has 2-6 discharges. At the experimental production of highly qualified machines, 7 and 8 categories can be assigned.
A higher qualification worker should be able to perform the work provided for for working lower qualifications, as well as lead the workshop lower discharges of the same profession.
2nd category
- processing of parts on drilling, turning and milling machines 12-14 qualitates, on grinding machines using a coolant of 11 qualifications using cutting tools and universal fixtures and compliance with the sequence of processing and cutting modes in accordance with the technological card or instructions of the wizard;
- drilling, drilling, cencing through and smooth holes in details located in the same plane, according to conductors, templates, restraint and markup on drilling machines;
- cutting the thread with a diameter of more than 2 mm and up to 24 mm on the passage and focus on drilling machines;
- cutting the outer, internal triangular thread by a toll or a radiator on the lathes;
- milling of flat surfaces, grooves, rosters of spikes, cylindrical surfaces with mills;
- Installation and reconciliation of parts on the machine table and in fixtures.
3rd discharge
- processing of parts on drilling, turning, milling, copier, and sponge machines for 8-11 qualitates and on grinding machines with the use of coolant 8-10 qualitates;
- cutting a thread with a diameter of up to 2 mm and over 24 to 42 mm on the passage and focus on drilling machines;
- cutting the outer and internal one-income triangular, rectangular and trapezoidal threads with a cutter, multiser head;
- milling of rectangular and radius outer and internal surfaces, ledges, grooves, grooves, single-handed threads, spirals, gear teeth and gears;
- Installation of complex parts on coal, prism, jacks, gaskets, visits of various designs, on round swivel tables, universal dividing heads with an alignment of the indicator;
- submachine of drilling, turning, milling and grinding machines;
- control of lifting and transport equipment from the floor;
- Tripping and cargo linkage for lifting, movement, installation and storage.
4th category
- processing of parts on turning and milling machines for 7-10 qualitates, on drilling machines 6-9 qualitates and grinding machines using coolant 7-8 qualitates, using various cutting tools and universal fixtures;
- cutting the thread with a diameter of more than 42 mm on drilling machines;
- cutting the two-day outer and internal threads, a thread of a triangular, rectangular, semicircular profile, stubborn and trapezoidal threads on lathes;
- milling of open and semi-open surfaces of various configurations and pairs, threads, spirals, teeth, gears and rails;
- grinding and cutting of rifles on the surface of the rolls of rolls on grinding and corrugated machines;
- setting large parts of a complex configuration requiring combined mounting and accurate reconciliation in different planes;
- adjustment of served machines.
5th category
- processing of parts on turning and milling machines 6-7 in qualitates, on boring machines for 6 clarifications and on grinding machines using coolant 6 qualifies using various devices and accurate reconciliations in several planes;
- drilling, deployment, reassurance of holes in parts from alloyed steels, special and solid alloys;
- cutting all sorts of threads and spirals on universal and optical divisory heads with the implementation of all necessary calculations;
- milling of complex bulk parts and nodes on unique equipment;
- grinding and adjustment of external and internal shaped surfaces and conjugate with curvilinear cylindrical surfaces with hard-to-reach for processing and measurement by places;
- Grinding electrocorundum.
6th category
- processing of parts on turning and milling machines of complex, experimental and expensive parts and tools of 6-7 qualitates and on grinding machines with the use of coolant 1-5 qualitates;
- cutting multisope threads of a complex profile of any module and step;
- milling of complex large parts, nodes, thin-walled long details, prone control and deformation, on unique milling machines;
- Grinding and adjustment of external and internal conjugated surfaces of a complex configuration with hard-to-reach for processing and measurements by places requiring several permutations and accurate reconciliation using optical instruments.


Necessary knowledge
A wide profile machine must know:
- rules and norms on labor protection, industrial sanitation and fire safety;
- Rules for the use of personal protective equipment;
- Requirements for the quality of the work performed (services);
- types of marriage and ways to prevent and eliminate;
- Requirements for rational organization Labor workplace.
Taking into account the level of qualifications should know:
2nd category
- principle of operation of the same type of drilling, turning, milling and grinding machines;
- Purpose and conditions for applying the most common devices, instrumentation tools, a special cutting tool;
- labeling and main mechanical properties of the materials being processed; Rules of sharpening and installation of incisors and drills;
- types of cutters, cutters and their main corners;
- types of grinding circles and segments; Methods of editing grinding circles and conditions for their use; Purpose and properties of cooling liquids and oils;
- a system of tolerances and landings;

3rd discharge
- device, detachment and verification rules for the accuracy of drilling, turning, milling, copy-sponch and milling and grinding machines of various types;
- device and rules for applying universal and special devices; geometry, sharpening rules and installation of a special cutting tool;
- elements and types of threads;
- characteristics of grinding circles and segments;
- The effect of temperature dimensions; form and location of surfaces; a system of tolerances and landings, qualifications and roughness parameters;
- The main properties of the materials being processed.
4th category
- device, kinematic schemes, rules for checking accuracy and adjustment of served machines; Constructive features and rules for applying universal and special devices;
- device of control and measuring instruments and appliances; geometry, heat treatment rules, sharpening, finishing, installations;
- labeling and basic properties of materials of a special cutting tool;
- types of abrasive tools;
- Electrical and Electrical Requirements;
- rules for checking grinding circles for strength;
- Squattes and roughness parameters.
5th category
- Design features and rules for checking for the accuracy of the machines of various designs, universal and special devices;
- Methods for installing and reconciling parts;
- geometry, sharpening rules, bringing all kinds of cutting tools;
- design features and rules for applying various universal and special devices;
- device of control and measuring instruments and appliances;
- the foundations of the theory of cutting metals within the work performed;
- the basic principles of calibration of complex profiles;
- Rules for determining the highest grinding regime depending on the material, the forms of the product and the brand of grinding machines.
6th category
- Design and rules for checking the accuracy of served machines;
- Methods of installation, fastening and removing complex parts and tools and methods for determining the processing sequence;
- device, geometry and heat treatment rules, sharpening and finishing all types of cutting tools;
- rules for determining the highest regimes of cutting on reference books and the passport of the machine;
- the basic principles of calibration of complex profiles;
- Rules and methods of editing grinding circles for processing complex profiles;
- Ways to achieve established qualifications and roughness parameters.
Required skills and skills
- perform work on the processing of parts on drilling, turning, milling, grinding machines with the use of coolant, using cutting tools and universal fixtures and compliance with the sequence of processing and cutting modes in accordance with the technological card or instructions of the wizard;
- perform drilling, drilling, cencing through and smooth holes in details located in the same plane, according to conductors, templates, restraints and markup on drilling machines;
- cut the thread with a diameter of more than 2 mm and up to 24 mm on the passage and focus on drilling machines;
- cut the outdoor and inner one-income triangular, rectangular and trapezoidal thread with a cutter, multi-contest heads;
- cut out the outer, inner triangular thread by a tide or a radiator on the lathes;
- cut the thread with a diameter of up to 42 mm on the passage and focus on drilling machines;
- perform the processing of parts on copiers and keyproof machines and on grinding machines with the use of coolant;
- milling flat surfaces, grooves, slits, spikes, cylindrical surfaces with cutters;
- perform installation and adjustment of parts on the machine table and in devices;
- milling rectangular and radius outer and internal surfaces of the ledges, grooves, grooves, one-handed threads, spirals, gears and gears; carry out the installation of complex parts on the coal, prisms, jacks, gaskets, visits of various designs, on round rotary tables, universal split heads with an alignment of the indicator;
- to install large parts of a complex configuration requiring combined mount and accurate reconciliation in different planes;
- perform adjustment of served machines;
- to carry out the detachment of drilling, turning, milling and grinding machines;
- control lifting and transport equipment from the floor;
- perform the lines and linkage of goods for lifting, movement, installation and storage;
- milling outdoor and semi-open surfaces of various configurations and pairs, threads, spirals, teeth, gear wheels and rails;
- grind and cut the ripples on the surface of the barrel of rolls on grinding and corrugated machines; perform drilling, deployment, reassurance of holes in parts from alloyed steels, special and solid alloys;
- cut all sorts of threads and spirals on universal and optical divisory heads with the implementation of all necessary calculations;
- milling complex bulk parts and nodes on unique equipment;
- perform grinding and adjustment of external and internal shaped surfaces and conjugate with curvilinear cylindrical surfaces with hard-to-reach for processing and measurement by places;
- Perform the grinding of the electrocorundum.
Required education level: primary vocational education
Experience: on the 2nd category without work experience. Experience gained during training.
Special conditions tolerance to work
Availability of qualification documents (diploma, certificates, record in labor bookconfirming specialization and assigned discharge).
Mandatory safety instructions and safety testing.