Prospects for the development of transport in large Russian cities. Prospects for the development of world transport. Placement of the transport complex of Russia

History bears witness to the fact that the change of centuries is, as a rule, a dynamic, complex and largely contradictory time. It is not easy to predict its features. However, there is almost no doubt that the key factors of world development will be the global integration of economies and the further development of scientific and technological progress.

In these conditions, the increase in the volume of passenger and cargo traffic will inevitably exceed the growth in world production. Most of the forecasts agree on this. But there is also a qualitative aspect that is more important than simple quantitative growth. Already today, many inhabitants of the Earth, thanks to global telecommunications, have unlimited opportunities for direct communication, for access to information resources, for business development. This creates a desire for people to travel just as quickly and freely, reinforces the desire of businesses to exchange goods just as quickly and freely.

The greater the role of telecommunications in everyday life, the more acutely society perceives any restrictions associated with the transportation of passengers and the physical distribution of goods. It is this factor, and not the increase in the volume of world trade itself, that will become the main challenge that transport will have to meet at the beginning of the new century. Transport problems must not be allowed to become a brake on world development, an obstacle to global integration, or limit the realization of essential human rights.

The growth of Euro-Asian economic ties is one of the objective trends in world development, despite the problems that a number of Asian countries have encountered today. From the beginning of the 1980s to the mid-1990s, the share of Eurasian trade and economic ties in world trade increased by half and continues to grow. Infrastructure should not hinder the development of this vital link in the global economy and hinder the realization of the right of the population of a giant subcontinent to free movement and exchange of goods.

The territory of the Russian Federation is both a natural border and a natural bridge between Europe and Asia. The shortest communications between European countries and the countries of Central Asia, the Middle East, and the northern part of the Asia-Pacific region pass through it.

The scale of the Russian transport network is also unique. This network has 43 seaports and more than 2 thousand river berths, more than 4 thousand railway stations, 756 airports. It connects with the transport systems of thirteen European and Asian countries and has access to the main world sea routes.

However, geography and transport economics are different disciplines. Freight owners and carriers do not so much count the kilometers measured on the map, but compare the guaranteed delivery speed for different routes and its cost. They also take into account the factor of reliability and stability when using this or that transport corridor.

There are other criteria for the efficiency of the transport system - environmental, socio-economic, cultural, and so on. These issues are constantly discussed at conferences held under the auspices of the UN, EU, at various regional forums.

Taking into account the above, Russia's contribution to the creation of the Eurasian transport system of the 21st century depends on how it will be possible to use the opportunities that nature and labor of many generations of Russians have given, whether we can create an economical, high-tech and environmentally friendly system of transport communications on Russian territory, and effectively integrate it into world transport system.

This is a serious, historically significant task. The development of infrastructure, including transport, is currently one of the priorities of the economic policy of the Russian Federation.

It is necessary to create a qualitatively new system of transport links. And some features of this new system in Eurasia are already being guessed today.

First of all, in this system the role of overland transport corridors will significantly increase. By the end of the 20th century, the possibilities of increasing speed and reducing costs on traditional Eurasian shipping lines were practically exhausted. The reasons have already become and may be the congestion of the ports, the unlimited capacity of the Suez Canal and the high-quality threshold achieved in the improvement of liner-type container ships.

Meanwhile, the possibilities of high-speed rail transport, complemented by a system of highways and inland waterways, multimodal logistics centers and telematics facilities, are just beginning to unfold. Realizing these opportunities will surely become one of the fundamental challenges.

The second distinctive featureintercontinental transport systems of the future - this is the special role of air transport. The growing mobility of Eurasians will undoubtedly sharply increase the demand for passenger air travel. Along with this, the further development of electronic commerce will require from aviation an outstripping growth in cargo transportation, for which the speed of delivery is a critical factor.

In the foreseeable future, aviation will have to master, in terms of cost, up to 7% of cargo transported now by other modes of transport . At the same time, an increase in the market share of express carriers should be expected. But the potential of aviation can be realized only through the use of optimal air corridors and the advanced development of ground infrastructure - airports and air traffic control systems.

And finally third featurethe transport system of the future - concentration of traffic flows, growth of container traffic along intermodal transport corridors.

These corridors should become the backbone of a single global transport network for the 21st century. The creation of this network will obviously become the main task of the Eurasian transport policy. Asia maintains high rates of economic growth. Its transport network is actively developing and restructuring. One of the imperatives of this process is the search for optimal connections with the European transport system.

In Western and Central Europe, where communications are historically more developed, the formation of the basic system of transport corridors has already been largely completed. The challenge is to link the transport systems of the two sub-continents with optimal transport corridors. One of the key topics in this case was the question of the use of national transport communications of certain countries. The geographic location of Russia and the level of development of its transport infrastructure allow it to make a very significant contribution to solving this problem.

When developing a national system of transport corridors, the objective factor of competition cannot be ignored. Naturally, each country strives to attract transit traffic for the sake of generating sustainable income and investment. In October 2000 the Government Russian Federation approved the concept of the State Transport Policy of Russia. It is an integral part of the state policy of structural reforms and economic development.

In developing the foundations of the national transport policy, we proceeded from the assumption that the Russian economy had passed the period of hyperinflation. Stabilization has been outlined, there are some signs of growth. An inevitable increase in demand for transport services is expected, while international transport, including transit, will grow at an accelerated pace.

Considering these factors, the basic priorities of our transport policy can be considered:

    accelerated integration of the transport complex into the global transport system,

    increasing the efficiency of international transport links, ensuring efficient transit through Russian territory,

    harmonization of the legal regime of transport with the norms of international transport law,

    development of multimodal and container transportation.

The indisputable priorities also include the development in Russia of modern information technologies to support transport processes, including the capabilities of the GLONASS and GPS space navigation systems, cable fiber-optic communication lines along the railways and similar information systems, without which an effective transport business becomes impossible.

All these priorities are closely related to the concept of transport corridors.

In today's understanding, transport corridors are, first of all, zones for the development of transport communications, which are planned taking into account both existing and projected cargo flows. The basis of these communications are the basic networks of railways and highways, the associated system of multimodal terminals, information exchange and control facilities.

The legal regime for corridors should be reasonably balanced between different modes of transport, with an emphasis on intermodality and the use of the greenest transport systems of neighboring countries.

There is an idea of \u200b\u200btransport zones, in the development of which sea transport plays a decisive role. Russia possesses unique water communications, the use of which will significantly increase the efficiency of the Eurasian transport corridors.

We base the practical implementation of the concept of international transport corridors on an intellectual and rational approach. This means the priority of maximizing the use of existing transport systems by modernizing them, eliminating bottlenecks and adding missing links.

But the basic principle is that no country today can be a monopolist in receiving transit rent. Based on this principle, such a system of corridors is considered optimal, which will ensure the harmonization of the interests of all participants in the Eurasian transport development. Russia acts on the transit transportation market not so much as an aggressive competitor, but as a partner offering the transport community transit resources that meet the challenges of the new century. In addition, this unique transport system, of course, has to play one of the main roles in ensuring the promising social and economic development of vast Russian territories.

Of course, the practical needs of trade, as well as natural national interests, may in some cases require the creation of new elements of the transport and logistics system.

The concepts outlined within the "Cretan" system of international transport corridors on Russian territory need further natural development. The logic of the historical realities of the transport development of the Eurasian continent, as well as a balanced assessment of the transport potential of Russia, suggested a more accurate solution. Russia's proposals to clarify the "Cretan" corridor system were discussed and approved at the Pan-European Transport Conference in Helsinki. These proposals are aimed, first of all, at maximizing the potential of Russian transport networks both for transit cargo between Europe and Asia, and for ensuring the growing Russian foreign trade. In particular, the development of corridor No. 9 was recognized as promising. which on the territory of Russia passes from the border with Finland through St. Petersburg to Moscow and further to the border with Ukraine and Belarus.

Now the corridor also includes directions to the south from Moscow to Novorossiysk and Astrakhan. Thus, this communication includes railways and the highways of the southern direction, the waterway along the Volga-Don canal, as well as seaports on the Black Sea, Azov and Caspian coasts. Corridor No. 2 is extended to the east fromMoscow to Nizhny Novgorod. In addition to railways and highways, it will include a system of operating and projected terminal complexes in Smolensk, Vyazma, the Moscow region, and Nizhny Novgorod. Access to Nizhny Novgorod means the possibility of a more efficient connection via Astrakhan and the Volga route with the transport systems of the Central Asian CIS countries. The role of these states on the continent is constantly increasing, and the development of the Eurasian transport system should be based on cooperation and coordination with these countries.

If we talk about land corridors, then such a resource is, of course, the Trans-Siberian Container Bridge - a natural continuation of corridor No. 2 to the East. The use of this communication, which is capable of providing 1.5 times less transit time for Eurasian transport than sea routes, is extremely attractive. Its basis is the Trans-Siberian Railway. It is, as it were, the core of the corridor, the use of which makes it possible to provide access to the largest sources of raw materials in Siberia and the Far East and shorten the route between Europe and Asia by 8 thousand kilometers and save 8-10 days of transit time. Today, the transit trans-Siberian transport system is used by no more than one third of its carrying capacity.

For all the importance of the railway, the Transsib is something more. In the future, it is a universal latitudinal corridor, which is significant not only for Eurasia. In principle, he is able to take over even part of the trade between the US and the EU! That is why priority is given to the integrated development of this corridor. The sea terminals in the ports of St. Petersburg and Vostochny are being reconstructed. In the strip of the corridor and on the approaches to it, the road network is developing at a faster pace. The infrastructure of intermodal transport is being improved. Along the entire length of the Transsib, a system of information communications based on fiber-optic communication lines has already been basically created and operates. All steps towards the integrated development of the potential of the Transsib are dictated not by abstract theoretical reasoning, but by the real picture and the internal logic of the development of international economic relations.

Another example of the operation of this logic is the creation of the North-South international transport corridor.

The southern branch of this corridor runs from the Persian Gulf region, India through Iran. Its Russian part begins with ferry lines in the Caspian Sea and continues either by switching to the railway network, or by river-sea shipping via the unified deep-water system of inland waterways of Russia directly to consumers in Europe and Central Asia. Communications in the strip of this corridor are developing, inland waterways are being improved, the number of ferries is increasing and a new port of Olya is being built in the Caspian. This direction is optimal in the sense of the meridional connection of Northern and Central Europe, Central Asia and India. Its use almost threefold shortens the route and saves the operator up to six hundred dollars per container. . Such an opportunity must necessarily be in demand by trade! In the same way, apparently, they reasoned in Iran and Kazakhstan, developing the ports of Anzeli, Amirabad and Aktau. The Indian partners adhere to the same logic. As a result, within a short period of time, a contract was signed on the development of the North-South international transport corridor. The new direction along the Volga-Don Canal is a natural continuation of the "Cretan" corridors of the southern and southeastern regions of Europe, which go to the Black Sea coast. Its use for international transport will mark the beginning of the phased opening of a number of inland waterways of Russia for the passage of ships under a foreign flag.

There is no doubt that the entire infrastructure built around the Caspian will become a natural part of this corridor. It must be said that Europe, represented by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, has taken an important constructive step towards our initiatives. The proposals of Russia for the renewal of the most important lines of international combined transport were approved:

    from Moscow to Yekaterinburg - in the strip of the European corridor number 2 - this is a natural exit to the Trans-Siberian;

    from Moscow to Novorossiysk and Astrakhan in band 9 of the European corridor - this is integration with the North-South corridor.

The logic of the development of economic ties will ultimately determine both a positive solution to the issue of the official extension of the European corridor number 2 from Moscow to Nizhny Novgorod, and a constructive development of negotiations with the EU on the gradual mutual opening of inland waterways. Working on the development of transport corridors, Russia interacts with Belarus, Lithuania, Ukraine, Estonia, Latvia, Kazakhstan, Iran, India, Mongolia, China and other countries. Only such an approach can be considered constructive from the point of view of the priorities of integration and stabilization.

In 2000, the Millennium Summit was held in New York, where world leaders identified equalization of conditions in different regions as one of the main tasks of the world community. This priority should be decisive in the policy of international financial institutions. Transport infrastructure development is one of the best ways to ensure sustainable regional development. It seems to be much more promising than financing the elimination of the consequences of political crises. The funds allocated today by international financial institutions for the development of Eurasian corridors are disproportionately small in comparison with the scale and significance of the tasks being solved. It is impossible to overestimate the role of cooperation with direct users of transport corridors, i.e. operators. It was the merchants, the so-called overseas merchants, who were the discoverers and pioneers of today's transport corridors. After all, Afanasy Nikitin, making his famous journey from Tver through Persia to India, passed the route of the North-South corridor, and the road “from the Varangians to the Greeks” is European corridor number nine! Years of experience and reliable market information allow the transport business to accurately choose the most profitable and reliable routes. Therefore, Russia is highly interested in continuous cooperation with Russian and foreign transport operators.

Speaking about the spheres of cooperation in the development of the Eurasian transport system, one should not forget about the north of Eurasia. A unique communication, the Northern Sea Route, has been identified as an independent Eurasian transport corridor. In the harsh northern latitudes, not only one of the shortest routes between Europe and Asia passes. Here, near the Arctic Circle, there are promising deposits of the cheapest energy resources. A little time will pass - and their development will require complex transport support. Therefore, Russia is doing everything to develop its national transport corridor - the Northern Sea Route. Its potential will undoubtedly be in demand and will become an object of effective multilateral cooperation. For decades, a powerful transport system has been created in the Russian North, which literally provided life for the vast northern territories. Today Russia has an icebreaker fleet there, a specialized transport fleet, and the necessary communication and navigation systems. Of course, all these systems require additional development. The Northern Sea Route is open for international shipping, the volume of Arctic shipping today is about 4 million tons per year. Meanwhile, this corridor is capable of transporting at least twice the volume of cargo over the shortest distance between the ports of Northern Europe to North America and the countries of the Asia-Pacific region.

If we move from land routes to airspace, then here too Russia is able to offer a lot for mutually beneficial cooperation. The airspace of Russia is an independent transit resource. Its use allows the opening of cross-polar air routes, which will provide the shortest distance flights from North America to Asia. Analysis by renowned international experts shows that a flight on the New York-Hong Kong line using a cross-polar route saves 4-5 hours of flight time and up to 20 tons of fuel. This saves the airline in the order of $ 50,000 per flight, and the annual savings on daily flights will exceed $ 17 million.

There is great potential not only in the air, but also on the ground. Russian airports are much less busy than the largest airports in Western Europe. Some of them may become an important addition to the continental network of air hubs and ensure that the future demand for passenger and cargo transportation is met.

The fact that transport communications of Russia can be effectively integrated into the Eurasian transport system is based not only on the facts of transport and economic geography. A number of important positive changes have taken place in the Russian economy recently:

    in the Russian transport system there is an increase in the volume of activity, by almost 7 percent annually;

    more and more provisions appear in the legislation that directly stimulate the development of transport activities, and in particular transit. For example, a new package of tax laws, the leitmotif of which is to reduce the tax burden on the real sector of the economy, provides for a zero rate of value added tax when performing transit traffic through Russia.

    the participation of private capital in infrastructure development projects is growing. Thus, within the framework of the Baltic Pipeline System, a new technological complex for oil export is being created in the port of Primorsk. In the port of St. Petersburg, the construction of a specialized modern environmentally friendly terminal for processing potash fertilizers with a capacity of up to 5 million tons per year has been launched. These and several other projects have a common feature. They are implemented jointly by the state and private companies - manufacturers and exporters.

As a result of privatization in transport and stimulation of the development of the transport market, today about 80% of the fixed assets of Russian transport, except for railway, are in the non-state sector of the economy. However, the largest transport projects on a continental scale cannot be successfully solved without the direct participation of the state. The duty of the state is to stimulate the development of the market transport services, targeted support, reasonable distribution of transport communications and minimization of all negative consequences of transport impact on the environment. All these functions must be implemented, first of all, on the basis of a modern legal transport system. The national transport legislation of Russia is now actually being created anew. Newly adopted legal acts: Law aboutrailway transport, Merchant Shipping Code, Air Code. The law on road safety, as well as a number of by-laws, are as close as possible to international standards and legislation of the European community, in matters of safety, ecology, social requirements and technical regulations. Draft laws of the Charter of Road Transport and the Code of Inland Water Transport are being prepared.

Laws have been adopted on Russia's accession to international conventions on the unification of salvage rules, maritime liens and mortgages, and the arrest of ships. The new legal system should also solve those transport problems that lie in the customs and tax areas. Rational customs regimes are being developed that will actually reduce the time of movement of goods, as well as special customs procedures focused on the development of international intermodal transport.

The successful development of transport infrastructure is critically dependent on the achieved level of partnership between the state and private investors. Therefore, Russia intends to master the relevant economic schemes and fix them in Russian legislation, following the best world experience. These are classic transport concessions. These are various forms of leasing state property. This is the construction and operation of infrastructural facilities according to the "build - use - transfer to the state" scheme.

    successful modernization of transport infrastructure facilities. Their capacity is increasing, the load is growing. The most efficient specialized complexes are developing especially rapidly. But the main thing is that the use of the national transit potential in combination with the tasks of the world transport community for the first time in many years has become one of the programmatic state priorities of Russia. This is the position of the country's leadership.

The most important task is to harmonize the legal system with the provisions of international transport law. Behind last years Russia has joined several international conventions and agreements in the field of transport.

A very important task should be considered the propaganda and explanation of the provisions of the national transport policy of Russia. Unfortunately, in recent years many foreign partners have viewed Russia as a dead end in transport relation country, and its communications as routes intended for the export of minerals and import to russian markets finished products. But today Russia offers the world community, along with oil and metal, a new national product - the export of transit transport services. . Harmonious use of the transport potential of the Russian Federation is possible. It is extremely important that for the first time a list of Euro-Asian land transport corridors has been defined.

The specific features of transport are reflected in the draft of the new tax code of Russia. The new tax system will be much more transparent, simple, predictable and less burdensome for domestic and foreign operators and cargo owners.

Russia has a federal state structure, and many constituent entities of the Russian Federation are not inferior to large European states in area, population and economic potential. Therefore, the problem of the development of transport corridors, including its Eurasian context, has a very important regional aspect for Russia. When planning international corridors, one must not forget aboutpurposeful socio-economic development of Russian territories. Suffice it to say that only in the zone of corridor No. 9 66 live and work million Russians, more than 40% of the population of our country. The leaders of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation understand that reasonable planning of transport corridors will ensure the economic growth of territories, create new jobs, and revive trade. At the same time, they cannot allow the development of transport corridors to damage nature, the historical landscape, so that it comes into conflict with the outlined plans for regional development. The constituent entities of the Russian Federation do not just share the concept of Eurasian transport corridors. They use all their capabilities to create favorable investment conditions, sometimes outstripping the federal center in this matter. They are actively developing and implementing their own transport programs and projects that harmoniously fit into transport corridors. They attract private capital to their implementation, including foreign partners. Such work is being actively pursued in St. Petersburg. Leningrad region, Novgorod, Moscow, Astrakhan, Saratov, Yaroslavl, Kaliningrad and other cities and regions, as well as in regional associations North-West, Big Volga, Siberian agreement. Many of the project proposals were prepared on the initiative and with the participation of the regions. For example, the project to modernize the port of St. Petersburg and the construction of a number of new terminals in the Leningrad Region are an integral part of the program of transport and technological support for transit through the coastal territories of the Gulf of Finland, developed by the city and regional administrations.

In Nizhny Novgorod, a comprehensive project for the development and creation of a water-automobile-railroad logistics terminal with a capacity of up to 1 million tons of cargo per year has been developed.

In the Moscow region, where corridors No. 2 and No. 9 intersect and where at least 40% of all export-import cargoes in Russia originate and are absorbed, a comprehensive regional logistics program "Moscow Terminal" has been developed and is being implemented.

In the Primorsky Territory, in cooperation with individual provinces of China, a project of a transport corridor is being developed to develop traffic between China and Russia.

According to available forecasts, the volume of container traffic will accelerate in the next decade, in particular, an increase in demand for natural resources of the Russian North is inevitable. A number of international projects for the development of relevant fields are already being prepared, including activities under the agreement aboutproduct section. This means that such communications as the Northern Sea Route, as the Trans-Siberian Railway with its branches, will receive an additional stimulus for their development. This means that transcontinental international corridors will pass through regions of active development, through the territory of a growing economy. They will themselves contribute to this growth, will function steadily, thanks to the stable situation in the territories adjacent to them.

One of the main priorities of Russian transport policy is to create conditions for stable and efficient financing of transport projects and programs. In the course of the reforms, the nature of the state's investment activities in transport has fundamentally changed. It has given up its role as a strategic infrastructure investor. Today, federal budget funds account for a total of no more than ten percent of investments in the transport sector. Direct funding is only used when it comes to security. In other cases, the state uses budget funds to create favorable economic conditions for the implementation of projects, while achieving the maximum increase in investment efficiency. The cost of solutions for the implementation of transport infrastructure is extremely high, therefore, the system of criteria for the selection of project proposals and the methodology of project management are being improved. The state encourages both private investors and contractors and other participants in the investment process to act on the basis of the project mindset adopted throughout the world. Having introduced the institution of state guarantees, the government recommended the procedure for their provision. At the same time, emphasis is placed on the use of tender mechanisms, on the creation of an independent examination of project documentation, in other words, on the development of all the attributes of a standard system of project analysis and project management. This allows you to rely on real numbers when predicting the assessment and to get in touch with potential partners, having extremely specific proposals in your portfolio

Perspectives further development transport of Russia are defined by the "Transport strategy of Russia for the period up to 2020"

New approaches to the formation of state transport policy are aimed at:

system development long-term strategic development priorities transport infrastructure;

creature mechanisms for the implementation of infrastructure projects, including with the involvement of resources private capital;

formation clear and transparent "rules of the game" in this market, including the creation of the necessary legal framework and definition long-term investment obligations of the state;

definition list of specific investment projects, capable of ensuring the creation of new "points of growth" in the economy and which could be offered to businesses and regions for joint implementation.

Directions of development of the transport system of Russia:

1) One of the most promising areas for the development of the transport system is implementation of projects based on the principles and mechanisms of public-private partnership .

In Russia, the main area of \u200b\u200bapplication of public-private partnerships in transport should be the construction of toll roads and sea terminal complexes, the reconstruction of airports, the development of high-speed railway systems, railway construction in areas where new mineral deposits are being developed, the creation of complex information systems on traffic management, etc.

2) Another priority area for the development of the Russian transport complex is determined by the Strategy integration of Russia into the world market of transport services.

It is transport that is becoming a powerful tool for the development of integration ties, making serious changes in the traditional way economic activity, organization of technological and production processes... “The factor of speed and mobility, the ability of a manufacturer to quickly and adequately respond to changes in the market environment, is becoming increasingly important in the modern economy. And in this respect, Russia, connecting Europe and Asia by the shortest land routes, should take a special place in the provision of transit traffic, first of all, those goods for which the most important critical factor is the speed of delivery to the consumer. Already today we are able to deliver goods from the Pacific Ocean to the western border of the country in just 10-12 days, while sea transportation usually takes 35-45 days. At the same time, due to the introduction of new efficient technologies organization of the transportation process, the delivery time can be reduced by a few more days. "

In the summer of 2010, a large tanker voyage across Northern Sea Route to the Asia-Pacific region... The transportation took 11 days, during the same time a tanker from the Baltic would have managed to reach only the Suez Canal

3) Raising the technological level of the transport system. This task is highlighted as special priority approved Transport strategy.

3.1) To ensure high rates of economic growth in Russia, it is vital to implement large backbone projects, many of them are concentrated today in the field of transport. Creation of transport infrastructure objects seems to be especially promising . Here we see mutual interest - the state will attract resources for the development of its property - infrastructure, and private capital will open an additional niche for doing business.

The following mechanisms of interaction with a private investor are offered:

Adequate (joint) financing of especially significant transport infrastructure projects (direct financing and issuance of guarantees), including participation in the authorized capital management company;

Issue of government-guaranteed target bonds or loans;

Granting the right to lease land plots adjacent to transport infrastructure facilities to an investor;

Reducing the risks of a private investor for commercially effective, payback projects by guaranteeing debt service for the period of construction of the facility or subsidizing the interest rate (especially socially significant and non-recoupable projects can be compensated to the investor after the construction of the facility in 100% volume);

Investment of the resources of the pension accumulation system in transport infrastructure facilities;

Co-financing of transport infrastructure by shippers or users of transport services;

Extra-budgetary guarantees, i.e. granting the right to increase the tariff or extend the term of the agreement in the absence of sufficient financial flows for the return on investment.

Main volume capital investments It is supposed to be directed to the implementation of high-tech infrastructure projects - modern multimodal logistics complexes, high-speed highways, the creation of a national network of hub airports, the development of the infrastructure of the largest seaports of Russia.

3.2) A special priority is given to the development and implementation of modern transport, logistics and information technologies that can ensure the provision of high-quality and competitive transport services.

It is necessary to change the very principle of the formation of program activities by selecting those projects that are capable of providing the maximum synergistic and systemic effect; abandon the narrow-sectoral principle and go to the cross-sectoral functional principle of planning and infrastructure management.

3.3) The “Big Logistic Ring” is planned to be created around Moscow in conjunction with the reconstruction of the Central Ring Road in the Moscow Region. In addition to creating a network of distribution logistics centers, it also includes the transfer of warehouse, container and customs terminals from the city, the development of recreational and innovative industrial zones. The implementation of the project will help relieve the entrances to Moscow from transit traffic, free up a large number of expensive urban areas, and create about 450,000 new jobs in the Moscow region in the next 20 years.

Similarly, the cross-sectoral functional principle should form the basis for the implementation of projects to create a national network of hub airports.

The largest infrastructure projects of the new federal target program include:

Development of a network of air hubs-hubs (Moscow aviation hub, Krasnoyarsk cargo airport-hub, Koltsovo airport in Yekateringburg);

Creation of a “large logistic ring” around Moscow based on the Central Ring Road in the Moscow Region;

Creation of high-speed highways (including St. Petersburg - Moscow);

Development of a high-speed rail system, including on the routes Moscow-St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg-Buslovskaya, in the summer of 2010 the high-speed route from St. Petersburg to Moscow was extended to Nizhny Novgorod.

Creation of a system of high-speed radial exits from Moscow - the first pilot project here is the construction of a toll bypass road around the town of Odintsovo;

Western High Speed \u200b\u200bDiameter (WHSD) in St. Petersburg;

Integrated development of the Ust-Luga sea trade port;

Creation of the Novorossiysk multimodal transport hub;

Modernization and creation of a new icebreaker fleet and a number of other projects.

Lesson topic: Prospects for the development of world transport The purpose of the lesson: to learn to predict the main directions of the development of land, water and air transport in the world. different types transport in the structure of the world cargo and passenger turnover (for 2009). Mode of transport Land Water Freight turnover,% Passenger turnover,% Railway 14 10 Automobile 10 80 Pipeline 12 - Sea 61 0.01 Inland water 3 1 about 0.01 9 100 100 Air Total Cars of the future Main trends in the automotive industry: Pursuit of efficiency Increase in power Environmentally friendly Safety Aerodynamic qualities Reducing the size of the car It all began in 1772 ... Car engines Electric engine Hybrid engine Hydrogen engine Car design The car of the future through the eyes of BMW engineers Fuel consumption 3.1 l / 100 km Top speed 250 km / h Drag coefficient 0.22 Consumption fuel of modern cars - from 6 to 20 l / 100 km !!! Engines: internal combustion engine 163 hp 1st electric motor hp 51 2nd electric engine hp 80 Buses of the Future England's landmark is a red double-decker bus The "smart" bus Capoco, equipped with the intelligent cruise navigation system, promises to relieve traffic jams. panoramic windshield front hydrogen engine lightweight access for people with disabilities heavy-duty upper and lower decks increased stability interior air conditioning rear diesel engine capacity up to 215 people Future buses Superbus future bus project of Dutch scientists from the University of Technology in Delft Speed \u200b\u200bover 200 km / h, achieved with a safe electric motor. Each of the 30 passengers has a personal door. Buses of the Future Designed by Capoco Systems, the bus of the future will leave hundreds of thousands of drivers unemployed. Connected with the navigation system, equipped with an automatic safety system, an intelligent cruise control system and a host of other high-tech devices, it controls itself. Trucks of the future Trucks of the future will be equipped with a digital driver assistant system that will help people cope with difficult situations. For example, driving in heavy traffic - acceleration and deceleration at low speeds truck takes over the automation. The tram of the future The modular tram car features a low floor level. The doors are located on either side of the salon. The tram is equipped with an electronic passenger information system. There are video surveillance cameras in the cabin; air conditioning in summer and heating in winter. A spurbus or a tram with tires is also possible. Trains of the future Trains of the future with an “individual approach” to each passenger. An individual approach means that each traveler will have a personal space (compartment) where he can travel safely without companions. The main ways to modernize railway transport are: capacity growth, speed, comfort, noise reduction, environmental friendliness. Sapsan train on the Moscow-Petersburg line. Speed \u200b\u200bover 250 km / h Trains of the future A magnetic levitation train that develops a speed of 430,500 km / h, while there is practically no feeling of tremendous speed Maglev hovers above the tracks at a height of 10 mm The train of the future is a train without a driver, equipped with a SkyTran computer navigator - the public transport of the future California-based Unimodal Systems has designed a transportation system that offers private travel, but is also a massively popular type. The key component is Sky pods, which are held onto the rails by a magnetic field. The passenger sits inside, enters the address of the destination, and further work is transferred to the computerized system. A monorail is a type of rail transport, a feature of which is the movement of a train on a single rail, in contrast to traditional transport. The monorail system is divided by the method of suspension of the train into overhead, support and side suspension. As a metro, it does not take up space on congested highways of the city, but, unlike the metro, it is much cheaper to build. The speed of the monorail can significantly exceed the speed of traditional trains. Can handle steep vertical inclines. STRING ROAD At a height of several tens of meters, two parallel steel cables are stretched between the supports. Outwardly, this type of transport resembles funiculars in the mountains. Only on the string road the cables remain motionless, and the cabins move along them with their own traction, like railway trains. The passenger capacity of such trailers has not yet been determined. According to the project, one cabin can fit up to 20 people. Boer - a light boat or platform mounted on special metal skates, designed to slide on ice or water, equipped with a mast with sails. The speed of the buoys can be 4-5 times the wind speed! Prospects for water transport: an increase in carrying capacity, storm resistance and unsinkability, environmental friendliness, an increase in speed, all-weather containerization. The newest Japanese giant catamaran designed for the transportation of goods and laying pipes on the seabed. Withstands any storm, and the excitement in the cockpit is almost not felt. The first steamship "Fulton" 1804 Prototype of the unsinkable military transport ship HSV 2 made in the USA. Hovercraft (hovercraft) are a type of vessel with a dynamic principle of support, which can move at high speed both over water and over a solid surface (amphibious hovercraft), on the so-called air cushion formed by the air injected under the bottom. The aircraft of the future SAX-40 uses fuel 35% more efficiently than the most economical aircraft in existence. British and American experts presented to the world their project of the SAX-40 aircraft, which is able not only to dramatically reduce the impact of civil aviation on climate change, but also to fly almost silently. Prospects for world aviation: growth in speed growth in comfort growth in safety growth in environmental friendliness fuel and energy saving growth in maneuverability The newest passenger aircraft Eclipse 400 jet noise reduction "Letunya" AF Mozhaisky, 1876 The aircraft, the length of which does not exceed 9 m, has one engine and is elegant V-shaped tail. Designed for four people, including one pilot. The first representative of a new generation of aircraft. The maximum flight range will be 1,600 nautical miles at a cruising speed of 408 km / h. The most promising civil aircraft development of our time Boeing 747-8 Tu 204-300 Airbus A-380 An 148 SSJ Convertoplane - a symbiosis of a helicopter and an aircraft Existing tiltrotor Aircraft Ospray V-22, USA Convertoplane, or Combined helicopter - a separate type of aircraft, flying vehicle with a fixed wing capable of vertical takeoff / landing and the ability to physically rotate the motors (usually propellers) 90 degrees to create vertical lift. The tiltrotor of the future, a frame from the film "Avatar" Ekranoplanes Ekranoplan is a dynamic hovercraft, a high-speed vehicle, a vehicle flying within the range of an aerodynamic screen, that is, at a relatively small (up to several meters) height from the surface of water, earth, snow or ice. Ekranoplan "KM", Russia Ekranoplan "Sea Eagle", USA high survivability and speed high efficiency and higher carrying capacity in comparison with aircraft, ekranoplanes surpass SVP in speed, combat and lifting characteristics in terms of speed, combat and lifting characteristics immunity to anti-ship mines can move over any flat solid or liquid surface Airship (from the French dirigeable - controlled) is an aircraft lighter than air, a balloon with an engine, thanks to which the airship can move in a controlled manner regardless of the direction of air flows. Variants for the development of transport of the future In road transport - powerful, environmentally friendly, safe cars, a separate row of overloading machines, comfort and individual approach are maximized ... In railway transport - an increase in speed, comfort, safety, noise reduction, individual approach. Expansion of monorail and string roads. In water transport - the unsinkability and reliability of ships, all-weather, carrying capacity, a high proportion of hovercraft and other universal machines. In aviation - an increase in speed, comfort, safety, maneuverability, environmental friendliness. There are both individual and cheap mass types of air transport. The share of tiltroplanes and ekranoplanes is growing. The share of cargo transportation is increasing. New types of transport are being invented; Superiority in carrying capacity is being improved by water transport; the greatest known ... speed is that of aviation; in terms of passenger transportation, the leaders are motor vehicles and railways; for environmental friendliness - all are almost equally "clean". Transport has become cheaper and more accessible! Reflection: Try to “try on” one of the hats and talk about the lesson! red hat is your emotions, sensations that you have; black - allows you to speak out about what you didn't like and what could be improved; yellow - will help you say what you liked the most and made the best impression; blue - thanks to it, you can look from the side, into the depths, into the base; green is the hat of the inventors, which will help you in the future to use all this in some way. white hat - allows you to characterize the very content of the lesson in essence; The ability to negotiate is a guarantee of human development! Prospects for world transport are associated with a large scientific work and international efforts, taking into account the principles of greening, fuel and energy saving!

Road transport in the foreseeable future will occupy

leading positions. If we talk about the prospects for its development, then the following areas should be highlighted:

Increase and improvement of the car park (the presence of own car production is a reliable level of the country's technical progress);

Improving fuel efficiency (using direct fuel injection and electronic systems ignition, improvement of engine types and reduction of vehicle weight due to layout schemes and the use of new materials);

Reduction of toxicity of emissions (use of gas fuel, electric traction, new types of fuel);

Facilitation of driving a car (amplifiers, automation, microcomputer);

Reducing the labor intensity of maintenance and repair (application of new maintenance technologies, use of high-quality oils and new effective materials);

Rationalization of the structure of the vehicle fleet (to a greater extent, we need cars of small and large carrying capacity, but in our country, mostly medium)

Increasing the specialization of the vehicle fleet (at least 70 ... 75% of special ATS is needed, now 50..60%. In the USA, for example, 86%, in Germany - 92%);

Construction of new and reconstruction of old highways (for 1 km of road you need 850 ... 1550 tons of cement, 250 ... 400 tons of asphalt, 30 ... 40 tons of bitumen).

At the same time, the development of technology is proceeding at an unprecedented pace and already

completely new modes of transport may appear in the coming decades.

So there are projects to create hypersonic and space aircraft, pipeline pneumatic transport, railway trains on an electromagnetic cushion, various options for vehicles on an air cushion, etc.

Topic 11. Passenger traffic.

Question 46. Urban transport system.

Passenger transportation is significantly different from cargo transportation and therefore has a number of features. The most massive transportation of people occurs in cities. All types of urban transport operating along the routes are usually considered as a single urban transport system. At the same time, ordinary taxis are considered only an addition to this system.

The routes on which all public transport operates form the urban transport network.

The most widespread in cities received bus transportation passengers. And this is quite justified, since the bus is currently the only type of public transport that allows you to quickly, with minimal cost organize mass transportation of people. In addition, the bus service can easily change both in the direction and in the number of buses used. In motion, it is the most maneuverable of all types of urban transport. The bus can serve passenger flows up to 7 ... 10 thousand passengers per hour.

The second most common is trolleybus transport. It is more environmentally friendly and quieter transport for the city, but it requires more substantial capital expenditures for implementation. In terms of carrying capacity, it practically corresponds to buses.

In many regional centers, and in some, there is enough large cities Trams are also used in Russia. Such transport has a 1.5 ... 2 times greater carrying capacity due to the capacity and number of wagons. However, the use of trams requires significant capital investments and, in addition, they are low-maneuverable and quite noisy, especially when cornering.

In especially large cities, with a population of several million inhabitants, underground transport (metro) has developed. The metro has one, but a very big drawback - huge capital costs. However, the benefits are also very large. So, the metro has a huge capacity (one line can carry up to 50 ... 60 thousand passengers per hour). At the same time, it is the safest, most regulated and fastest mode of urban transport.

Security of a particular city by public transport it is customary to evaluate by two coefficients:

1) to the route network: K \u003d
, (53)

Currently, according to rough estimates of experts, road freight transport accounts for more than two-thirds of the Russian volume of freight traffic. Passenger motor transport accounts for a not less share of passenger traffic in Russia. Road transport is likely to retain this leading role in the movement of people and goods in the near future.

However, it is no secret for anyone that modern amateur motorists and business organizations, using the achievements of a free market economy, acquiring vehicles, give preference not to domestic new cars, but to supported foreign cars offered at low prices. This applies equally to both freight and passenger vehicles.

In an effort to overcome the systemic crisis that gripped the domestic automotive industry in the 90s. the last century, the government of the Russian Federation in 2002 developed and adopted an important state document for the road transport industry - "Concept for the development of the automotive industry in Russia", calculated for the period up to 2010. The main goal of the concept is to develop the national automotive industry and meet the needs of the country's automotive market competitive domestic products.

It is assumed that the implementation of the concept will allow for a relatively short period of time to modernize the Russian automotive industry and ensure the necessary integration into the global automotive industry, to meet the growing demand for modern automotive technology.

The concept identified the following priority directions development in the road transport sector:

Organization of the production of competitive automotive technology that meets today's and promising (future) international requirements;

Increase in production passenger cars especially small and small class;

· Renewal of the bus fleet public use due to the production of vehicles with improved consumer properties, as well as vehicles adapted for the transportation of disabled people;

· Increasing the investment attractiveness of automotive industries and attracting foreign corporations to the domestic automotive industry to organize new and modernize existing industries;

Creation on the basis of one of the federal state enterprises a powerful industry research and design organization (laboratories);

· Development of the financial leasing system in the field of production and sale of public transport vehicles;

· Creation of an interdepartmental monitoring system of the technical level, safety, resource and other consumer properties of automotive equipment;

· Saturation of the park with motor vehicles that meet international environmental and safety requirements;

· Development of a classification of vehicles depending on their environmental characteristics and its application when charging for negative impact on the environment;

· Designing and mastering the production of a new generation of tires that meet more stringent requirements for noise and ecology;

· Development of a mechanism for recycling out-of-service vehicles;

· Wider involvement of enterprises of the military-industrial complex in the design and production of automotive materials and components. It is supposed to direct their scientific and technical potential to the production of such components that determine the high technical level and quality of automotive technology: engines, transmission units, brake systems, steering, suspension elements, exhaust gas neutralization systems, electronic control systems and electrical equipment, integrated (intelligent ) security systems.

The following trends will be typical for the entire global road transport industry in the near future. In the structure of the vehicle fleet industrial enterprises the proportion of vehicles whose carrying capacity is close to the limit set by traffic rules and road conditions will increase. The share of cargo transportation over long distances in specialized road trains, closed containers and packages will increase. There will be a further growth of branded dealer and service networks for the sale and maintenance of vehicles, the network of points for control over technical condition vehicles.

Simultaneously with the growth of the car park, the repair and improvement of the existing and the construction of new highways, including toll highways, will proceed at a faster pace. Measures will be taken to increase bandwidth city \u200b\u200bstreets, especially in metropolitan cities. A network of comfortable parking lots, parking lots, garages, including underground and multi-storey ones, will grow.

More intensive translation will be carried out road transport for alternative types of fuel, primarily gas (methane, propane). This is due to a sharp increase in recent years in the number of vehicles that have an extremely harmful and destructive impact on the environment. Every year, cars emit millions of tons of toxic substances that “poison” not only car consumers, but also the entire surrounding population, especially in large cities.

To limit and reduce environmental damage in the coming years, it is planned to develop and gradually introduce new state standards for automotive vehicles that meet international environmental standards and establish strict requirements for motor vehicles... Already in 2006, the production of cars that do not meet the Euro-3 standards set by the Inland Transport Committee of the UN Economic Commission for Europe will be banned. In the future, it is planned to switch to the production of new cars that fully comply with even more stringent emission standards for Euro-4 and Euro-5 standards. In the longer term, electronic vehicles are expected to be produced.

Attention will also be paid to strengthening road safety measures. Requirements for obtaining driver's documents will be tightened, the level of the carrier's responsibility will increase. A consumer protection system will be created in the field of road transport. The specialized auto insurance market will develop.

However, despite the indisputable advantages of road transport and the high degree of its usefulness for the needs of the economy and society, one must not forget about the costs that it carries with itself. Suffice it to recall the thousands of people who die in car accidents every year, tens of thousands who are crippled for life. Modern road transport requires not only enthusiastic pathos, but also responsible, professional treatment.

Questions and tasks for repetition and self-control

1. What role does road transport play in the social and economic life of society?

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of road transport in comparison with other modes of transport?

3. Describe the essence and purpose trucking companies different profiles.

4. What are the specific features of road transport services?

5. How should the special properties of motor transport services be taken into account in production activities?

6. What are the main directions of development of the road transport industry in the near future?