International bus companies. Bus routes to Poland. Bus service in Russia

When traveling internationally, clients ask different questions. Therefore, we have prepared a list of FAQs especially for you.

1. How much does it cost?

Renting a bus abroad costs in euros depending on the number of travel days: from 300 to 400 euros / day.

2. What documents are needed to rent a bus abroad and who must provide them?

    international admission

    card for international admission to the bus

    permits obtained in ASMAP (either transit or basic)

    drivers with foreign passports

    aETR tachograph and driver cards

    international passenger insurance and green card insurance

    passenger list

    charter contract.

    All documents for your order will be prepared by LLC "Traveler", but the customer must pay for them, for example:

    a green card for 14 days costs 150 euros

    permits in ASMAP cost 1000 rubles each. Specify the amount.

3. What is the mode of work and rest of drivers?

The work and rest hours of drivers are strictly regulated - no more than 8 hours of work for each driver and every 4 hours it sucks for 30 minutes and a driver change. The fines are gigantic, and we will not break these rules, so the logistics of the trip provide for the so-called. "Sucks" after 16 hours of travel. You can put the 3rd driver, and then you will spend +8 hours on the road, but then it will suck for at least 8 hours.

4. What else does the client pay?

The client pays for fuel - the bus rental includes 300 liters of fuel, and the client fills up the rest. Usually the price is from 1 to 1.6 euros per 1 liter. The bus spends 35-40 liters per 100 kilometers.

The toll roads are paid by the client. In Belarus, all roads are toll, you need to buy a transponder. In Poland and Germany, roads are free, you have to pay an environmental fee; toll roads in France, but no need for a tarnsporder.

5. Do drivers need a visa?

If a driver needs a visa, it is done by the client.

6. Who feeds and provides accommodation for the drivers?

The client provides accommodation and meals for the drivers; if there is no food, then an additional 25 euros must be paid for each driver per day.

7. How long before an international trip should you book a bus?

Since there are a lot of documents, you need to order a bus at least 3 months before the start of the trip.

P.S. In some European cities, buses with the environmental standard EURO-5 can enter (for example, London, Helsinki). We have such buses, these are all MANs from Euro 5, but it will cost more. Check by phone indicated on the website.

The carrier is obliged to provide high quality services in the required volume that meet the demand of the population for movement and guarantee the safety of passengers. And also effectively use vehicles and reduce transportation costs. The rules for organizing passenger transportation, enshrined in regulatory documents, are designed to ensure a clear organization of the fastest delivery of passengers with the amenities they need.

General rules

The organization of passenger traffic is based on a systematic analysis of the direction and density of passenger traffic using special techniques.

Based on the data received:

Carry out passenger transportation individual entrepreneur or a company that has received a special permit (license) for this type of activity.

The carrier for the payment received from the passenger undertakes, having provided a seat in the transport, to deliver the passenger to the destination. The right to travel is secured by contracts of carriage - a ticket, electronic or in paper form, and a baggage receipt. With reduced travel, as well as by rail and air, the ticket is issued according to documents proving the identity of the passenger and his right to the benefit. Resale or transfer of tickets to other persons is not allowed.

ON A NOTE!Travel without a ticket, on a counterfeit ticket or a ticket issued to another person, or on a reduced ticket without presenting a document certifying the right to a benefit, entails a penalty for travel without a ticket and paying for travel from the point of embarkation to the destination or the point at which the free-rider leaves the vehicle. If it is impossible to determine the place of boarding a free-rider, the fare is calculated from the starting point of departure of the transport.

The general rules for the carriage of passengers determine the conditions:

  • seat reservations;
  • ticketing;
  • passenger service;
  • transportation of pets, luggage, hand luggage;
  • permission conflict situations between passengers and employees of the carrier.

The carrier has the right to establish its own rules that do not contradict general rules passenger transportation and do not degrade the quality of passenger service.

A passenger can be removed from transport if he:

  • drunk and violating public order, worried (landed by police officers);
  • in a painful condition, the manifestations of which disturb the peace of others, and there is no possibility of its separate placement (it is landed by doctors at the station where there are specialized medical institutions).

Registered and scheduled transportation

Passenger transportation can be subdivided according to the degree of passenger participation in determining the transportation parameters.

Highlighted transportation:

1. Customized... The route, departure time, stopping places are determined by the passenger. Transport is provided on the basis of a charter agreement, with conditions determined by the agreement of the parties. When providing passenger taxi services, the freight contract is concluded by the passenger directly with the driver. The light taxi has an orange light on the roof and a color scheme on the body. In the cabin there is information about the charterer, driver, body that controls the quality of transportation and the terms of payment for passenger taxi services.

2. Regular. They are carried out according to a predetermined schedule.

2.1. Stopping points are equipped with:

  • information signs;
  • protection from atmospheric precipitation (when departing more than 100 passengers per day);
  • or located on the territory of railway stations, bus stations (when departing from 250 people per day and the maximum interval of transport departures on routes more than 2 hours).

2.2. The transport is equipped with route number indicators, with the initial and final stops. The cabin must indicate the address, telephone number and name of the carrier, the controlling authority, the fare, the location of fire extinguishers and stop buttons, etc.

Types of passenger transportation and regulations

Current editions of laws Russian Federation (RF) determine the conditions and bases for the interaction of transport structures with each other, with users of transport services (passengers), taking into account the specifics of the types of transport used for transportation. The main regulations for each mode of transport are presented in Table 1.

Table 1.

Type of transportation by type of transport used Regulatory documents of a sectoral and departmental nature that determine the rules for organizing the carriage of passengers Note
Rail transportation "Charter of Railway Transport of the Russian Federation" dated 10.01.2003 N 18-FZ

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 02.03.2005 N 111 "On approval".

The organization of rail passenger transportation provides for the provision of information bureau, ticket offices, waiting rooms and rest rooms, luggage storage rooms at the station. As well as restaurants and canteens, sanitary and hygienic premises.
To issue a ticket and upon boarding, the carrier requires a document proving the passenger's identity. commuter trains smoking is prohibited (including in vestibules). On trains long distance smoking is allowed only in the vestibules on the non-boiler side. Passengers along the route can use:
  • a set of bed linen;
  • hot tea at a set price;
  • boiled drinking water (for long-distance trains).
Air transportation "Air Code of the Russian Federation" dated 03.19.1997 N 60-FZ.

Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia of June 28, 2007 N 82 "On the approval of Federal aviation regulations "General rules for the air carriage of passengers, baggage, cargo and requirements for servicing passengers, consignors, consignees".

Organization of passenger road transport in terms of the activities of passenger taxis, Art. 9 of the Law "On Amendments ..." dated April 21, 2011 N 69-FZ.
Sea and river transportation. "Convention on the carriage of passengers and their baggage by sea" (Athens, 13.12.1974)

Organization of passenger transportation requires serious support:

  • analytical (research of passenger traffic, development of routes, etc.);
  • administrative (organization of work of drivers, control over the level of their professional training, etc.);
  • technical (preparation and equipment of transport; arrangement of stops, etc.).

Therefore, passenger transportation as a type of activity is subject to mandatory state licensing.

Today, renting a bus for a trip abroad is an opportunity to visit several countries at once in a short period of time. But it is important to understand that bus tours are very specific: during the trip, you will need to cross many borders, therefore exact time arrival at the hotel is not known. The situation on the roads, the time spent going through passport control, and even the weather - all this affects the duration of the tour. Therefore, the main advice for those who need to rent a bus for a trip abroad is to be patient. An interesting book or magazine, disc, player - all these little things will help diversify your trip and will not let you get bored on the road.

Tourist buses for all occasions

In the company "Allegro" you can rent buses for tourist trips to the countries of near and far abroad. The transport is equipped with everything necessary for long-distance travel, it is in an ideal technical condition, reliable and comfortable. Drivers, whose services are included in the rental price, regularly make such trips along proven and proven routes. All of them have valid visas and are experienced and qualified professionals.

Bus service between Russia and European countries. The cost of tickets for passenger transportation. Websites of bus companies, where you can get acquainted with the current timetable and timetable for the most popular directions. All this in our new material on international bus passenger transport.

Bus service between Italy and Rome

Today, traveling by bus is much cheaper when compared to other high-speed transport, and this feature has not bypassed a country like Italy. It is very profitable to travel between the main cities of Italy by bus, because, for example, the road from Rimini to Rome is only 30 euros one way.

The cost of international transport in Italy and the estimated travel time:

  • Rome-Rimini - such a trip will cost you between 50-70 euros, and will take no more than 6 hours
  • Rome Venice is a very popular destination, ticket prices are up to 100 euros, and the time will take up to 10 hours
  • Rome-Naples - ticket price 60 euros, and the travel time is 6 hours.

We present to your attention the websites of the largest bus carriers in Italy:

  • COTRAL - specializes in transportation between cities in the Lazio region. On the company's website you can find out the current route schedule
  • Autostradale (Milan) - main specialization - north of the country
  • Lazzi (localization - Florence) - runs in the center of Italy
  • For transportation from Florence, it is recommended to use the services of this company -

In Rome, buses run from 5:30 to 24:00, after which night buses leave for the tracks. General tickets can be bought in special machines, tobacco kiosks, in the metro. Some buses have vending machines that do not give change.

To travel outside the city, you need to contact Cotral. They can be caught anywhere, but it is best to stop near the terminal stations. The bus to Tivoli goes directly from the Ponte Mammolo station. Regarding the course to the airport - here you need to check with the company.

Bus service in Spain

In Spain, bus transport is also a low-cost way to travel at high speeds. The transport infrastructure is very developed in this country, and you can take a bus from almost every resort town in your direction. In some cases, the bus is perhaps the only way to get around, and the magnificent Costa Dorada is a prime example of this.

To find out the latest bus schedule information, just visit one of the sites below. Also, the schedule is located on kiosks, cafes and not far from stations at special stands. Naturally, at each station you can inquire about your nearest bus. The fare directly depends on the time of the current year, week and day.

Spain Bus Sites

If you have any difficulties with obtaining information about the movement of buses in Spain, you can ask personal questions on the site directly in the comments.

  • - Daibus with advantageous offers transportation in Spain
  • - ALSA company and its English version of the site. Find information about tickets, prices and special offers here
  • - buses running from Madrid to different cities in Spain
  • - various international bus travel from Spain
  • - the international transport buses of Gran Canaria are presented to your attention.
  • - Mallorca buses
  • - International transportation from Spain

Bus transportation in Germany

In Germany, bus transportation began its active development since 1934, since today there are a large number of companies that offer their services. The most popular are A-Express, Postbus and Adnan Reisen. Not so long ago, many bus carriers operated only on-demand flights, but today on their official websites they post offers for upcoming trips, which is very convenient and profitable. For example, a ticket for a night flight from Hamburg to Frankfurt on the website will cost only 54 euros, and if you do not use the function possible return and exchanging the ticket, the price will drop to 25 euros. At the same time, a train ticket with the same travel time will cost 96 euros.

  • On the website you can find out about the current bus routes throughout Germany and buy tickets.
  • The link presents all cities with routes and maps for more detailed information on prices
  • If you have additional questions about specific buses, the purchase of tickets, the rights and obligations of passengers, then you should go to this link, where you will receive comprehensive answers to your questions.

Bus service in France

Despite the fact that it is not very convenient to travel by bus in France in terms of the duration of the trip, this type of transport remains in the TOP, due to its cheapness. In order not to get into awkward situations when there are not enough tickets for the required dates, it is worth worrying about early booking.

The main carriers today are Eurolines and iDBUS. To get the necessary information in the city of interest, you need to go to the official website of the company. You can buy a single ticket, or get a travel pass.

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Bus service in Russia

If you are in Russia and you need to find a bus to your destination, then this site will come in handy, where there is all the necessary information about the country's international and intercity routes. It does not provide the opportunity to purchase tickets online (as well as view their cost), but there is a convenient search by city, according to the alphabet. The system opens for the user all kinds of routes between cities.

Bus service in Greece

Greece can boast of its bus routes, their quality and quantity, because there are no optimal relief conditions for rail transport. Thus, the construction railroad in many regions it is practically impossible.

Very advantageous and convenient international bus service in Greece. All shipments are subject to the KTEL syndicate (association joint stock companies). Each area has a private owner, but all areas are controlled state authorities... KTEL of a particular region performs the following types of routes:

  • To Athens and Thessaloniki
  • Within their region
  • To the centers of neighboring areas (occasionally)

All this has led to the fact that buying a ticket has become a little more difficult, because you have to look for the KTEL ticket office in the area where you are going. The same rules apply to finding your platform. Buses run between cities all the time, almost continuously.

When traveling outside the city, remember that there are no bus stations, so you have to buy tickets directly from the driver (which is more expensive). Buses rarely run on local routes, and you should first check the availability of this or that bus.

Cyprus bus service

In Cyprus, buses run regularly, but not often. On weekends, the number of routes is very reduced, so your trip should be planned in advance. In order not to get confused in this transport system, you need to go to the website, enter the desired route and see the map, interval and other useful information... From Larnaca Airport directly to the city of Larnaca can be easily reached using public transport... The bus is completely blue, and can have one of the following numbers: 408, 440 and others. Immediately after arriving at the airport, you need to go up to the second floor, after which you will only get to bus stop... The exit to the city is via a suspended bridge. There is a bus stop and all current bus schedules under the canopy.

Cyprus Bus Sites:

  • - Cyprus Intercity Buses
  • - Buses in Limassol
  • - Buses in Paphos