We open our own hostel and earn money. How to open your own hostel from scratch in russia. Let's highlight the general rules for managing a hostel

How to open a hostel - step by step plan: required documents, advertising methods promotions, equipment, detailed calculations and payback periods.

Capital investments into business: from 500,000 rubles
Payback period of the hostel: 1-2 years

Not so long ago, few knew about this type of budget hotel as a hostel.

The practice, which is so widespread in Europe, has begun to gain popularity in Russia for the last 5-7 years.

The opportunity to live in a comfortable environment with everything you need for little money has caused great demand among the population.

Therefore, many entrepreneurs began to wonder how to open a hostel.

Some of them have used this budget overnight method and appreciated the benefits.

They have determined for themselves what they want the hostel to be, they know a lot of secrets and "tricks", but they absolutely do not understand the organizational side of the issue.

While others are experienced entrepreneurs who know how to profitably invest in real estate.

But organizing a hostel requires a more soulful approach than knowing how to calculate the costs.

What documents are needed to open a hostel?

The paperwork to open a hostel is what scares aspiring owners.

In fact, you shouldn't worry.

Yes, business registration is a long and stressful process.

However, you can delegate the collection of papers to specialists for a fee.

The only thing you definitely shouldn't do is open a hostel without permission.

Such a move is fraught with fines, problems and a complete failure of the hostel idea.

To legally open a hostel, you will need the following documents:

  • or LLC;
  • certificate of tax registration;
  • a document confirming the ownership of the premises;
  • work permits of the hostel based on the results of the inspection of the fire inspection and SES;
  • a garbage collection agreement with the relevant organization.

The above list is the basis, which may "grow" with additional securities, depending on the current legal requirements for the business.

Before registering a hostel, it is worth carefully checking the relevance of the data.

Better to play it safe at the start than to have problems with regulatory authorities in the future.

We analyze the market before opening a hostel

The fact that a hostel as a business should be in demand is not enough to organize a business.

It is important to analyze the niche in which you are going to open a hostel.

To do this, pay attention to competitors in the region and the general trend of hostel development.

Now the country has more than 5,000 hostels and establishments of a similar format.

Their number has doubled over the past 2 years, which indicates the accelerated pace of niche development and high customer demand.

It is noteworthy that half of the hostels are concentrated in two cities - St. Petersburg and Moscow.

Thus, in order to open your own hostel in one of them, you will have to “fight” with competitors.

At the same time, the prospects for business development in big cities are much better.

If we analyze the formats of the hostel organization, the leader is rooms with an average capacity (30-50 guests).

This business option is beneficial for entrepreneurs due to its relatively modest capital investment and quick payback.

What are the risks of starting a hostel?

An idea of \u200b\u200bhow to open a hostel in Moscow or St. Petersburg has risks not only due to high competition ...

Any mini-hotel can face circumstances that can ruin the business.

Entrepreneurs necessarily analyze potential risks before opening a hostel and think over ways to minimize them.

RiskWhy is it dangerous for business?How to avoid?
All kinds of emergency in the hostelEmergencies can harm the property of the hostel or its residents. As a last resort, lead to suspension of work.The property of the hostel must be insured. Employees should be instructed on behavior in emergency situations... It is important to equip the room with fire extinguishing systems.
Seasonal fluctuations in demandIncome and business profitability are falling.It is important to be able to interest the hostel client during the recession. Think over advertising campaign, enter special offers.
Poor hostel locationAudience coverage is falling. Together with it - the hostel's profitability.The problem needs to be “cut in the bud” even before the hostel opens. Pay attention to preliminary location analysis. Estimate its prospects.
Low qualification of employeesLoss of customers, the emergence of conflict situations.You need to hire people personally. You shouldn't skimp on training hostel employees.

How to open your hostel and promote it: advertising methods

It is important to understand not only how to open your hostel according to all the rules of the law, but also how you will promote it to the masses.

And the service sector is those areas that cannot do without a marketing strategy.

You should immediately tune in that high-quality cheap advertising does not exist.

There are rare exceptions, but you shouldn't rely on them.

Consider the 3 main channels for promoting hostel services:

    Website and promotion of the hostel on the Internet.

    Modern business cannot do without its own website.

    Do not skimp and order its creation from specialists.

    After all, the electronic page will be the face of the hostel.

    The site itself does not attract customers so actively, but rather is an important image attribute.

    Use SEO optimization, contextual and banner ads to be found by guests.

    This pleasure is not cheap, but the effect is noticeable.

    Another important element of the marketing policy of modern business.

    Most of the hostel visitors are students, youth, budget tourists.

    They are attracted not only by the opportunity to spend the night, but by the spirit that reigns in hostels.

    It is worth opening the hostel's pages on Facebook and Vkontakte.

    This will allow you to share news, hold promotions, collect reviews from guests and create your own special atmosphere that you want to plunge into.

    Sites for booking hotels and hostels.

    Few people do not know about the existence of resources for online booking accommodation.

    Hostels that are not there lose up to 90% of their potential target audience.

    Just listen to this figure!

    But the registration process is simple and, as a rule, free.

How to choose a building to open a hostel?

To choose a location and decide how to open a hostel in non-residential premises or apartment, first select the format.

There are three main types:

    Large hostel that is ready to receive over 100 guests.

    In Russia, this format is not in demand due to the lack of demand and the high financial threshold for entry.

    If you are still interested in this hostel option, you will need to rent a large non-residential premises.

    To ensure fullness, you need to work on entering into agreements with firms that can conduct seminars or conferences.

    Hostel with medium capacity (30-50 guests).

    The most demanded. For their organization, 2-3 apartments located on the floor are usually bought out and combined.

    This is enough to equip a kitchen, two bathrooms, a hall and 5-6 bedrooms in the hostel.

    In an ordinary apartment, you can arrange a hostel for 10-15 guests.

    The mini-format of the hostel is chosen by those who like to relax in a cozy home environment.

    This option requires the least investment, but also pays off over a long period.

    The peculiarity of such hostels is that the price of a bed can be 10-15% higher than that of competitors.

    And this will be justified, because the level of comfort in mini-hostels is much higher.

  • advantage - close location of the hostel to the city center;
  • it is good if there are interesting sights nearby the hostel;
  • it is important for guests that there is a good transport interchange near the hostel;
  • it should be easy for visitors to find a hostel, therefore a noticeable signboard, signs are needed.

Hostel as a business: the necessary equipment

Those who have stayed in hostels more than once know perfectly well what to equip them with.

If knowledge is limited to your own apartment and expensive hotels, we provide an indicative list of the necessary equipment:

EquipmentDescriptionThe cost
(in rub.)
FurnitureHostels usually buy wooden furniture... From the basic one, you will need: a wardrobe in the hallway, a large shelf for shoes, beds and bedside tables for bedrooms, a table and chairs for the kitchen, sofas and armchairs for the rest room.100 000
Technics in the hostelList necessary equipment depends on what services will be provided in the hostel. The minimum set includes: Wi-Fi router, washing machine, iron, refrigerator and microwave oven, plasma TV, storage rooms for valuables.90 000
Other things for the hostelDo not forget that you have to provide guests with textile accessories. Experience shows that for each bed in the hostel, 3 sets of bed linen are useful. You will quickly see that this stock is worth it. A sign of good form is the provision of towels and disposable slippers to clients.80 000
Coziness creationAs already mentioned, a hostel is not just a "dosshouse". This is an entourage place, which for many is associated with a special setting. A good hostel has its own distinctive style, which is created by the interior details. It can be interesting pillows, panels, a book rack, special lamps.30 000

Schedule of how to open a hostel from scratch

To plan how to start a hostel from scratch, it is worth compiling calendar plan.

It will allow you to track whether all stages of the organization are going according to the planned schedule.

Hostel opening stages1 month2 months3 months
Registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC
Marketing research
Conclusion of a lease agreement
Repair and redevelopment of premises
Staff search for the hostel
Obtaining permits from SES and fire inspection
Planning an advertising campaign
Purchase of equipment and furniture
Internet connection
Installation of equipment in the hostel
Interior decoration
Hostel opening

It is worth noting that in the hostel's business plan, the schedule should be supplied not only with deadlines, but also with an indication of performers and responsible persons.

Staff recruitment for the hostel

In order to open a hostel in an apartment or non-residential premises, you will need to assemble a team of professionals who will work there.

Family members are often involved.

It is important to take outside people only with work experience.

A big plus is knowledge of foreign languages.

The size of the staff depends on the size of the hostel.

Cleanliness is often the weak point of hostels.

To avoid problems, conclude a contract with a periodic spring cleaning.

Also, do not forget about washing, and conclude an agreement with a dry cleaner to provide this service.

How much does it cost to open a hostel?

"The most serious risk in business worldwide is the risk of being ineffective."
Mikhail Prokhorov

So, from organizational issues, we came to the question of how much does it cost to open a hostel?

Regular investments in the hostel

We must not forget that a business needs not only start-up investments.

To operate the hostel, you will need to invest a certain amount on a monthly basis.

Payback periods and profitability of the hostel as a business

Due to the advantage in price over expensive hotels, the hostel pays off faster and requires less investment.

Dry calculations show that 100% occupancy of the hostel will bring about 115,000 rubles a month.

However, at the beginning of the hostel's work and the low season, this figure cannot be reached.

It is possible to achieve 75-85% of the hostel's profitability with the active use of advertising methods.

With such an indicator, it is possible to recoup the investment in 1-2 years.

How to make good money by opening your own hostel, you will learn from the video:

    The hostel is a place for a budget holiday, but not a poor one.

    Guests should not see ragged doors, broken locks, mold, or a broken electric kettle.

    Follow the details at the hostel.

    Many people stay at the hostel for the experience.

    Develop a distinct style for your hostel.

    It could be a subject Soviet Union or psychedelic creative space.

    Many of the guests are tourists.

    Enter additional services in the hostel: guided tours, the ability to call an inexpensive taxi, free city maps.

Thinking through how to open a hostel,it is worth managing only personal funds, not credit.

But when things go uphill, you can contact a bank or investors to get money to develop the business.

In this case, the risks are lower, and it is easier to obtain consent from sponsors.

After you have promoted one point, you should think about opening new hostels.

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The hostel is an ideal vacation spot for students, business travelers and tourists who do not want to pay extra for expensive hotels. Despite the offered cheap accommodation and services, in total, such an establishment brings excellent profits, and for many, opening a hostel means choosing the most promising and profitable business direction.

Why are hostels profitable?

It's very simple: they are popular. Many tourists and guests of the city are happy to be accommodated in "hotels", which do not rent out individual rooms, but places. Of course, there is a possibility that you will have to spend the night in the same room with strangers, but as compensation, the guest receives low prices, acceptable service, cleanliness and the ability to communicate.

What do you need to know to open a hostel? In fact, a businessman should only have experience of recreation in such institutions, and there will be a minimum of difficulties accompanying the creation of a business. The owner of such a "hotel" will need:

  1. To register an enterprise (an individual entrepreneur or LLC with a simplified taxation system would be an excellent way out)
  2. Open a bank account, which will receive payments for guests (it is advisable to immediately open the possibility of transferring funds from abroad)
  3. Obtain permission to open a hostel in the selected premises - it is issued by the municipal authorities
  4. Obtain permission from the sanitary station, which will check the living conditions at the "hotel"

You do not need to apply for any business license. Moreover, you may not even have your own cash register - it will be replaced by strict reporting forms.

Particular attention should be paid to the premises, on which the answer to the question of whether it is profitable to open a hostel directly depends. It is best to locate such a “hotel” in convenient, but not central areas, where the rental price is not too high. There must be major stops nearby public transportand if not, the "hotel" should offer a transfer for guests.

You can save on the area of \u200b\u200bthe rooms by placing bunk beds in the rooms: the number of places will thus double, but they will take up minimum space. It is also important to take care of the hygiene of the guests: in hostels there should be 1 sink for 6 people, 1 toilet for 12 people, and 1 shower for 15 people. All this will be in great demand: for many visitors such accommodation is the height of dreams!

What should be taken care of when opening a hostel?

There are a number of important nuances that need to be taken into account, and on which the answer to the question of how much it costs to open a hostel in each specific case will depend. The enterprise needs:

  1. An interesting idea - hostels designed according to a particular theme are always in higher demand
  2. Qualified staff - for a start, one administrator is enough (he may also be a porter), 1-2 maids: all employees must be young, because most often it is young people who stay in hostels, and it is much easier for peers to find a common language with her
  3. Well thought out range of services: the hostel should, if possible, offer free Internet, household items and basic equipment, guide services (simple tourist information will be enough)
  4. Well-thought-out rules - any guests can check in, but they should not interfere with neighbors, make noise, provoke conflicts

How to start a hostel?

The building for the "hotel" can be rented or purchased. In the latter case, it will cost a lot - 4-5 million rubles (the construction of a new building will cost 9-10 million at all, but this step should be decided upon, having firmly understood whether it is profitable to open a hostel in a particular settlement). The rental cost can be equal to the cost of an ordinary apartment or office space in a particular city.

Having decided on the room, you need:

  1. To make repairs in it - it will take up to 100 thousand rubles
  2. Buy room furniture - 200-300 thous.
  3. Purchase various household items (bed linen, towels, hygiene items, curtains, etc.) - 50-80 thousand rubles

As for the profit, the cost of placement can vary from 800 to 2000 rubles (depending on the locality). A 20-bed "hotel", fully filled, will thus bring in 16-40 thousand at a time. The total amount of profit per month can reach 100 thousand and more. Half will be spent on remuneration of employees, rent of premises, as well as payment utilities, and about 50 thousand will remain net profit.

Regardless of how much it costs to open a hostel in a given city, the payback of the project, even if it does not develop at all, will come in 10 months. If the building was purchased or built from scratch, this period will last for several years, but with the proper development of the "hotel" it can be significantly reduced specified timebuilding up a solid customer base and never idle without guests.

Quite a lot of people are wondering how to open a hostel in an apartment legally, but not everyone knows the answer to it. All because they did not study the information. To know the answer for sure, you just need to carefully read this article.

Disadvantages of the hostel

Before opening a hostel in an apartment legally or not, you need to know all the disadvantages of this business.

The first thing I would like to note is the presence of strangers in the same room. Not all hostels offer a room. Usually tourists are given a bed in a large room. Not everyone will be comfortable with strangers in the same room.

Also, before opening a hostel in an apartment legally, you need to take care of a place to store valuable things. For guests very a big problem - where to leave valuable things, because there are many strangers in the room.

In addition, the shared bathroom also scares off visitors to some extent.

  • Firstly, it is impossible to visit it, because there is always someone there.
  • Secondly, even with very good cleaning, it is unhygienic.

Hostels do not offer additional services because this is a cheap overnight place, not a five star hotel. And this upsets numerous visitors.

There is also a minus from the business side - it is quite difficult to find a room for a hostel. After all, special requirements are imposed on it.

The downside is that marketing alliances are very poorly developed in our country, although this practice is widespread in Europe. This is just an agreement between the hostel owner, for example, with the owner of a nearby café, to provide guests with free breakfasts or discounted breakfasts.

Another point to think about before opening a hostel in an apartment legally is the compliance of the room with European standards. Of course, there are no such standards in our country, but such compliance, although it will cost a lot, will quickly pay off with grateful guests.

Most entrepreneurs, after they open a hostel in an apartment legally, decide that it is better to work without the help of intermediaries. At first, of course, yes, but over time this can lead to a narrower target audience and low hotel occupancy.

Hostel advantages

The disadvantages are clear, but what are the advantages of this business? What do you need to know before opening a hostel in an apartment?

The main reason hostels are popular is the inexpensive cost of living.

You can rent not only a room, but also a bed. This is a great solution for single travelers.

Main the target audience Are youth. This means that it will be interesting for them to communicate and meet new people. This means that they will not be confused by life in the manner of a hostel.

Most often, hostels are located near the center, which even more attracts tourists.

What you need to open

Of course, every novice businessman thinks about how to open a hostel in an apartment. You need to start by understanding the purpose of the hostel. It belongs to the tourism sector, and therefore does not require a lot of documents to open it.

The first step is to visit the tax office and register as individual entrepreneur or as a society with limited liability... After registration, you need to open a checking bank account, to which all transfers will be made.

It turns out that before you open a hostel from scratch in an apartment, you do not need to run around all sorts of authorities and collect documents. However, there are several prerequisites.

  1. A minimum of five square meters of living space should be provided for each person in the hostel.
  2. One sink should be installed for six people.
  3. The toilet is designed for twelve people.
  4. One shower cabin can be used by no more than fourteen people.

All the same applies to questions of how to open a hostel from scratch in an apartment. But there are also some nuances:

  • it is forbidden to use basements and basements for the hostel;
  • the premises must comply with the standards fire safety;
  • hostel owners must keep migration records of foreigners.

That is, to open a business, you also need to obtain permission from the fire service and SES.

How to draw up documents

If the registration cannot be done at the tax office, then you can turn to online services for help. Experts will help you to collect a package of papers required for registration, this saves a lot of time.

When the organization is already registered, the issue of business support arises. With this, you can also contact accounting services. They will help you collect documents, save time and money. They are interested in customers, so there are practically no mistakes.

How to choose a room

Before thinking about how to legally open a hostel in your apartment, you need to analyze the territory. Naturally, it is best to open a hotel of this kind in the center. Especially if it is not the capital. The size of the room is chosen based on the number of beds. So, you cannot make less than ten beds in a hotel. An ordinary residential apartment is perfect, provided that the footage is observed. Assuming that the price for one square meter will be in the region of fifteen thousand, then a three-room apartment for ten beds will be enough.

How to open a hostel in your apartment is more or less clear. But how can you do the same in a separate room? It's also a good option. In this case, the possibilities increase, for example, you can rent several floors. The price per square meter is about the same as for an apartment, but you can find premises where they ask for ten thousand or more. Redevelopment together with repairs will cost eight thousand per square meter.

Against the background of all these calculations, the construction of a separate building, which will cost no more than six million, no longer seems such a crazy idea.

It is important that opening a hotel in non-residential premises complicates everything. For such a business, registration of an LLC, the presence of partners and an additional package of documents are required.

Algorithm of actions for opening a hostel in


Everything is not so difficult, you just need to follow a certain order. How to legally open a hostel in an apartment in Russia?

Before renting an apartment for a hostel or using your own, you need to conduct a number of studies. For example, find out what kind of people live around, their social status, transport interchange of the area, the location of the house itself, the presence of shops and other necessary institutions around it.

To correctly assess the competitiveness of a future hostel, you need to find similar establishments nearby.

A lot in the hotel business depends on the neighbors. So that in the future the district police officer does not go to the entrepreneur often because of the huge number of complaints, you need to find a common language with neighbors.

It would be nice to write a business plan: "How to open a hostel in an apartment." If it is correctly drawn up, then the payback will take no more than six months.

When the place is chosen, they begin to deal with the arrangement. The first thing to do if a business is done in your own apartment is to remove it from the housing stock. If this is not done, then each guest will be required to sign a rental agreement. According to the rules of arrangement for hostels, there are no single rooms. For this reason, redevelopment must be done. In connection with such problems, you need to think ten times whether it is possible to open a hostel in an apartment and whether it is necessary.

Nuances of redevelopment

As a rule, in such hotels it is customary to have a certain number of double rooms, and the rest of the rooms are occupied by bunk beds. The repairs should be of the middle class, therefore it is easier to purchase the necessary furniture and materials from a domestic manufacturer. With such a repair, you can keep within six hundred thousand. The rooms do not need to do some unthinkable decor; clean and bright rooms will be enough. But you need to choose very high quality beds, because for many tourists healthy sleep is important.

The distance between the latter should not be less than seventy-five centimeters. The color scheme is preferably bright, because mostly young people will live there. This once again suggests that before opening a hostel in an apartment for illegal immigrants or foreign tourists, you need to think over the design very well.

Staff recruitment

It is the individual approach that distinguishes a small hostel from a huge hotel. The quality of service can make a hotel very popular or close soon. Therefore, you need to very carefully select personnel.

In order for the hostel to function normally, it is enough:

  • hotel manager;
  • administrator;
  • a pair of maids;
  • cooks;
  • assistant cook.

It has long been known that it is the administrator who judges a hotel or hostel. Therefore, to the question of what is needed to open a hostel in an apartment and it brought in income, you can answer - a good administrator. Indeed, the more pleasant and helpful the person at the reception, the more good reviews remains about the hostel. An important role is also played by his ability to speak english language... Ideally, the administrator should be fluent in colloquial speech.

How to advertise correctly

Nowadays, most people are looking for refuge on the World Wide Web. This means that advertising on the Internet should be the main focus.

  1. Work great social networks such as "Facebook", "Twitter", "VKontakte", "Odnoklassniki". Recently, Instagram has gained immense popularity and attendance.
  2. Word of mouth continues to work. If a person liked the service, then he will recommend the hostel to all his friends and acquaintances.
  3. Contextual or banner advertising (when a photo is added to the text) also perform well. The cost of such a service is rather big, but it will also bear good results. So this kind of marketing will cost up to sixty thousand.
  4. Good old business cards are doing pretty well too. They need to be laid out in crowded places (cafes, bars, train stations, educational institutions). This also includes ads in free newspapers... This is not a very expensive ad, because a text ad can be published in it for two thousand, and a modular one - in the region of five thousand.
  5. For travel agencies and corporate clients you can develop special discount programs. But don't forget about sports clubs, schools or other establishments that are often on the road.

Only constant work can make a business successful. You cannot first find out how to open a hostel in an apartment in Moscow or a provincial city, and then just sit and wait for the profit to go into your own hands. Only constant updating of services, improving the quality of service and new advertisement can ensure prosperity.

Secrets of a profitable business

The main function of the hostel around the world was considered to provide accommodation. But over time, everything changes. Now the hostel also needs at least a minimum package of services. Tourists need Internet access, as well as toilet supplies and cosmetics, for which they are willing to pay.

In addition, you can put a hairdryer, coffee maker, microwave oven, refrigerator and other appliances in common areas.

With regard to nutrition, you can solve the issue in different ways. One of them is to give the guest the right to cook their own food. The second option is to have a cook on staff, which means you need to make a menu. The third option may be an agreement with the owner of the nearest cafe for the delivery of food or a discount for guests. It is important not to stand still and constantly evolve and add variety.

Some nuances

Today travel business very popular both in our country and in the world. This means that the competition even among hostels is huge. Therefore, the services provided must correspond to a given level. The modern tourist is accustomed to comfort, for this reason, he is unlikely to return to a hostel that does not correspond to walking one star. And it is not the consumer who is to blame for this, but the entrepreneur. Due to competition, it was businessmen who raised the level of comfort for the same money. This trend has led to the fact that now a lot of money is needed to open a hostel.

A modest interior and a list of services will be in demand only if there is no competition.

Among other things, it is very important to build correct algorithm registration of guests. Everything must happen on time and in accordance with all the rules.

Concerning household appliances, then there are also nuances here. For example, it is better to refuse ordinary teapots. It will be much more convenient to use thermal pots. They are much larger and boiling water is always at hand.

You can also try to create a hostel website. First, it sets tourists up to trust. Secondly, where, if not on your own website, you can post complete information about your business.

Summing up, we can say that it is not enough to figure out how to organize a hostel in an apartment. It is important to learn how to lead and develop it correctly. Because time passes very quickly, and the level of development of mini-hotels is high. And consumer demands are constantly growing. But it is very interesting to create something from scratch and bring it to some grandiose level. It is possible that one hostel will lead to a whole chain of prestigious hotels around the world. To do this, you just need to work hard and not give up.

But not everything depends on the leader. Many points are related to the hotel staff. It should be made up of professionals who not only do their job well, but also love it. It is the person who plunges into business with his head who will be able to make it better, not because the boss requires it, but at his own request. The collective mood is no less important. Recipe for success - friendly teamwho knows how to solve all the problems inside. Only when people are ready to help each other and listen will the matter be argued. If the team is quarrelsome, then they will simply drown the business with their squabbles. Therefore, the manager should be as responsible as possible when choosing employees. After all, he does not take servants for himself, but chooses a family for himself, on which the success of his brainchild depends.

To live fast, travel light, not pay where you can save - the philosophy of millions. Why spend money on excessive comfort if you don't have time to enjoy it? Tourism is an experience. More and more travelers around the world think so, preferring cheaper accommodation options to expensive hotels - hostels.


A hostel is an inexpensive hotel in which not individual rooms are rented, but a bed. Most often, a converted apartment, preferably on the ground floor, becomes a room for it. A stop in such a place will cost 4-5 times cheaper than in a hotel. For their money, the client will receive a bed in a room with 4-8 neighbors, clean linen and a towel, shower, Wi-Fi, hairdryer, iron, the ability to use a shared kitchen and living room. Some hostels have an art room reserved for creative activities (drawing, etc.)

Is it really popular?

Why, you ask, sleep in the same room with a small crowd of strangers when you can stay in an ordinary hotel? It's cheaper at times. It is the affordability that allowed the hostels to gain total popularity, and the fact that the lion's share of their visitors are students brings the final clarity. Today there are about 4.5 - 5,000 hostels in the world, which every year receive more than 30 million tourists.

Go Russia!

Everything western sooner or later comes to us: the system of values, words, hostels. Such a promising and profitable segment hospitalityhow hosting has been actively used for many years in the USA, Canada, countries Western Europe and others. In Russia, it is, if not in its infancy, then at the next stage after it, with very bright prospects for development. In Moscow, for example, at the end of 2014, according to official data, 136 hostels were operating, in St. Petersburg - 152. In Western European capitals, for comparison, the number of hostels ranges from 270 to 450.

It is known that in Moscow today there are 50,000 fewer hotel rooms than needed. The demand for affordable housing is 3 times higher than the supply, thanks to which the owners of "inexpensive" hotels have a unique opportunity to increase prices. The result is that the hero-city of Moscow is ranked third after Sydney and New York in terms of high prices for rental housing in the world. Under these conditions, the hosting industry is predicting a growth rate of about 15-20% per year and a profitability of 30-45%.

If you open a hostel for 20-30 people in the capital, at a cost of living of 700 rubles / day, a season can bring 450-600 thousand rubles / month. In others russian cities indicators are an order of magnitude lower, but the trend continues. If we add to all this such pleasant events as the 2018 FIFA World Cup, it becomes obvious that the number of hostels will soon reasonably increase, not only in the capital, but also in other cities.

How do they reproduce?

Despite the fact that the hosting segment in Russia is just emerging, its main representatives have already emerged. The most notable ones are Like Hostel, NICE hostel, Dostoevsky hostel and BM-hostel. All of them are developing according to the franchising system on similar conditions, with, however, some differences.

BM-hostel offers to invest not less than 800,000 rubles in itself. This is much more than what competitors are asking for, while the rest of the terms of the franchise do not have obvious differences: full support of the franchisee, quick payback and an average monthly profit of 150,000 rubles.

An important point is a business management system, its absence and presence, as well as the degree of automation. Well-developed software for a specific area can significantly save costs for maintaining a business and increase its profitability. This pleasure is very expensive, so many do not hesitate to pass off wishful thinking, selling a completely mediocre system under the guise of a unique product. Domestic companies (Like Hostel), as a rule, work with accounting programs based on 1c, while European (NICE hostel) have long since switched to specialized software with the possibility of online testing.

The Dostoevsky hostel network (aka hdhostel) behaves most cautiously with regard to future franchisees: payback period is 6-12 months, initial payment is 100-200 thousand rubles. Home comfort, which is what Dostoevsky offers to its clients, is sold by the company with a surcharge of 850 rubles per bed, while the average price of an overnight stay is 700 rubles.

One of the main tasks when opening a hostel is certainly attracting customers. For this purpose, domestic companies usually use social networks and online booking sites in the ru zone. Foreign working for russian markethave access to a wider audience. , for example, due international status and recognition provides an influx of not only domestic but also foreign tourists.

As one famous character said: “You know, Kisa, I like the performance. No, not everything is equally good, not everything is even, but the main thing is that the chairs are intact. " The hostel, of course, still has a long development in Russia, but I am glad that the process has begun. Now it remains to wait for the flights to fall in price, tourism should be affordable!

Inexpensive short-term accommodation without the "star" aplomb is gaining momentum around the world, bringing home owners a good income. Consider the approval procedure and all the documentation that will be required to open a hostel in an ordinary apartment, in a non-residential premises, as well as the risks and nuances of each option.

Hostel as a business: are there any prospects?

In the official russian documents hostels are not mentioned. Nevertheless, in fact, in our country, as in the rest of the world, they operate quite legally, and their number is growing every year. In the tourism industry, this is a well-defined concept: an inexpensive room for short-term accommodation of guests with the provision of the minimum necessary service (bed).

A hostel is not just a low-budget hotel. This is a certain philosophy and lifestyle. Many travelers cannot afford to stay in luxury hotels. Affordable alternative accommodation options are popular with young people and those who prefer to spend money on sightseeing and entertainment rather than luxury apartments. In addition, it is fashionable, fun, expands the circle of acquaintances and new experiences.