How to open a bar from scratch - step-by-step instructions, business plan. What is a bar in the language of law? Types and relevance

Good afternoon, colleagues. My name is Roman Kutsev, I am from the Tyumen region. Five years ago we managed to open a beer bar from scratch. The institution had a sports orientation and was designed for 30 visitors. Over time, we managed to expand. Today I am the owner of a very large bar-restaurant in the city center.

I use a two-story building with a total area of \u200b\u200b300 square meters with a summer area of \u200b\u200b50 square meters. The bar itself is located on the first floor, and on the second there is a lounge. The total capacity of the bar is 80 people at a time.

Staff - 9 people (including two cooks, three waiters, a security guard, two bartenders, a cleaning lady and an administrator). Initial costs - from 900 thousand rubles. With all this, the monthly income at the moment is from 600 thousand rubles per month.

How do I open a bar?

Starting a business in this service sector is one of the most promising. There is a lot of room for maneuver here.

For example, you can organize a sports beer bar with the ability to watch football, hockey or other sports events, make karaoke, organize a real paradise for sushi lovers, and so on.

It all depends on the competition in your city and your preferences and wishes of future customers.

At the same time, many do not even imagine what it takes to open a bar, what documents to collect, where to start, and so on. Fear is the main problem for beginners.

In order to systematically go towards the goal, you must order (or draw up personally) a clear business plan, where all further actions, potential costs, risks and expenses will be described step by step.

You should be aware of how much it costs to open a cafe bar, what unforeseen situations are possible, what to look for when choosing a room, organizing advertising, and so on.

At the same time, the algorithm of actions almost always remains unchanged:

1. Decide on the concept of the future institution. Already before choosing a room and starting repairs, you should know for whom you are opening your bar - for the middle class (students, workers) or for elite visitors.

The costs, approaches to the selection of premises and equipment will differ in different situations. To open a simple bar for 30-40 people, an amount of 700,000 rubles or more may be enough. If you open an elite bar, then the initial infusion can be measured in millions.

2. Walk around the area and find a business premises.If you liked a building, look at the houses around, their condition, the appearance of people, the type of cars.

You need to understand who will be your main visitors - people with money or ordinary workers. The more accurately you determine the class of people, their preferences and interests, the more likely it is to choose the right business concept, room design and pricing policy.

You can open an expensive beer bar in a "poor" area, but never get visitors.

3. Make a lease.At the initial stage, buying a building is pointless. You must get to know the features of the area, understand its prospects in practice. When drawing up the contract, immediately stipulate the possible purchase of real estate in the future.

The ideal area for a beer bar is from 300 square meters.

Of these, 200 square meters will go to utility rooms, a room for employees, showers, a toilet, and so on.

The rest (from 100 square meters) is directly the area of \u200b\u200bthe hall itself.

Please note that all the necessary communications are suitable for the room (building) - gas, electricity, water, sewage, and so on.

Otherwise, a number of additional costs will fall on your shoulders.

The average rent for a normal bar space will be from 70 thousand rubles per month.

But here it is very difficult to name the final price - much depends on the area of \u200b\u200bthe city, area, future planning and so on.

4. Pay attention to repairs.Before you open a cafe bar, you must plan the interior of the new establishment, come up with a name, develop symbols and form style.

If you plan to develop and expand your business, then these little things are very important.

During the renovation process, focus primarily on the convenience and comfort for visitors. If you are opening a beer bar, then it is advisable to make the room semi-dark, without access to natural light.

It is better to use only natural materials inside - brick, stone, wood and others. Tables should be large to accommodate 6-8 people. This is not surprising since people do not drink beer alone. The more people there are, the more fun.

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Musical accompaniment is of great importance. The best way - live music. If there is no way to endure additional costs, then you can install a jukebox.

The main thing is that you just want to listen to the music, and not dance to it. The average cost of renovation and decoration of the premises is from 200 thousand rubles.

5. A special item of expenditure is equipment.The bar should have a refrigerator, bar counter, cupboards, furniture for the hall, grill, stoves, sinks, cooking cabinets, production tables.

In addition, you will need a coffee machine, a module for beer taps, a showcase, a cash register, dishes, shakers, and so on. Average costs for the purchase of equipment - from 250-300 thousand rubles.

6. Personnel.To begin with, you can take two waiters, 1-2 bartenders, a cleaning lady and an administrator. It is advisable to find people with experience. Total costs for wages - from 80-100 thousand rubles.

What papers do you need to open a bar?

An important stage is business registration. If you are planning to open a serious cafe (and this is exactly what you need to count on), then it is better to register an LLC.

Of course, the costs are higher here, and it will take more time to collect documents. But other options simply won't work. The reason is the sale of alcoholic beverages (when organizing an individual entrepreneur, this will be prohibited).

Now you can think about what documents are needed to open a bar.

As a rule, the list is as follows:

  • lease agreements for premises or buildings;
  • the conclusions of the fire inspector;
  • sES conclusions on the possibility of drinking alcohol in the bar;
  • a license allowing the sale of alcoholic beverages;
  • contract for the removal of waste (industrial and food);
  • document confirming registration cash register (this work is done in the tax office);
  • an agreement with companies involved in cleaning and disinfection of ventilation systems;
  • permission of Rospotrebnadzor (gives the right to the enterprise to open and work);
  • a program for sanitary and industrial control by the relevant services.

The total costs for the "paper" part and obtaining permits - from 35-40 thousand rubles.

How much does it cost to open a bar?

The average cost of opening your own bar is from 700 thousand rubles:

  • paperwork - from 35 thousand rubles;
  • repair of premises and purchase of equipment - from 500 thousand rubles;
  • advertising company - from 25-30 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of the first batch of products - from 100 thousand rubles.

Added to this are the costs:

  • for taxes - from 1.5 thousand rubles;
  • for wages - from 80-100 thousand rubles;
  • for rent - from 70 thousand rubles;
  • to maintain the site (if you choose to do it) - from 20 thousand rubles;
  • for the purchase of products - from 100 thousand rubles;
  • for other expenses (repair work, purchase of dishes, etc.) - from 25 thousand rubles.

Table # 1. Structure of beer sales to the population in Russia

How to open a sushi bar?

When opening a sushi bar, the algorithm remains unchanged, but there are some peculiarities. You can save on space, because 50-70 square meters of space will be enough for a sushi bar (we are talking about the area for visitors).

You don't need a lot of equipment here. In particular, you can save on expensive stoves. On the other hand, you will have to buy powerful refrigeration units, special sushi cases, high-quality rice cookers, cutting boards, dishes and good knives.

The chef must be a real master. In order not to poison people on the very first day, it is important to hire a real master who will have work experience and appropriate recommendations on hand.

The interior design should have Japanese motives, including the clothing of the staff. All products used in the kitchen must be of the highest quality and have the first freshness. Still, do not forget that we are talking about eating raw fish.

Table 2. Potential consumption of beer bars services in Russia

How to open a sports bar?

If you have chosen the sports direction of the future institution, then consider the following points:

It is best to open such a bar in a densely populated area. Choose a room with a large area - from 200 square meters with a calculation of 100 seats or more.

Remember that the purchase of two large TVs on the walls (this is a minimum) in size from 50 inches will also add to all costs. In all other respects, the design of such an establishment does not differ much from a bar for beer lovers.

How much does it cost to open a beer bar?

Before starting a beer bar, sushi or sports establishment, you should be clear about the potential costs of the business. Above, I have already described the potential costs.

But depending on the chosen direction, the costs may differ:

  • opening of an ordinary beer bar - from 600 thousand rubles;
  • opening of a sports beer bar - from 700 thousand rubles;
  • opening of a sushi bar - from 500 thousand rubles.

Of course, all amounts are averaged, because a lot depends on the size of the future business, the location of the business, the city, the clientele and other issues. But in any case, the success of the business and potential income are solely in your hands.

Opening a bar is one of the most profitable businesses. Entering it takes a minimum of investment, and the payback comes in six months or a year. But when opening it is important not only to choose the right place and decide on the concept, but also to draw up the documents correctly. And the most important thing is to find personnel who would work for you, not for themselves.

Business registration

One of the peculiarities of running this type of business is that the owner of the bar needs to obtain a license to sell alcohol. Based on this, the most acceptable registration option becomes, not. Despite the fact that it is much easier to register as an individual entrepreneur, and the reporting itself is much less in the future, nevertheless the LLC significantly expands the capabilities of the bar owner.

Choosing a place and premises

It is necessary to choose a place for the future bar based on its concept. So, a bar with elite drinks must be opened in the city center or business districts, and a regular beer bar will feel great in a residential area.

However, please note that you should not place bars near schools and kindergartens.

For a bar, it is advisable to find a non-residential premises in which the first floor is rented. It will be perfect option, because if you open an establishment on the first floor of a high-rise building, you will have to constantly listen to the indignation of the elderly residents of the building, and opening a bar in the basement will negatively affect the number of customers.

When choosing, also pay attention to the size of the room. It must be at least 180-200 sq. M. You also need to pay attention to the availability of communication services and their quality, the availability of a convenient driveway to the entrance to the future bar.

When concluding a lease, be sure to pay attention to the term. It is desirable that he be from 5 to 10 years old. In this case, you can not only return the money spent on opening, but also earn.

Bar opening papers

What papers are required to open a bar, except for the registration certificate? legal entity?

  • Premises lease agreement.
  • License - required when selling beverages with an alcohol content exceeding 5%. It is issued for 5 years and must be renewed 3 months before its expiration. The annual cost of the license is about 65,000 rubles.
  • Sanitary and epidemiological permit for alcohol consumption at the point of sale.
  • Fire department permission.
  • Garbage collection agreement.
  • in the tax office.
  • Contract with a special service for periodic cleaning of ventilation systems.
  • Your program for production and sanitary control.
  • Permission from Rospotrebnadzor.
  • The concluded contract with a security company.

Today, in almost every country there is a great variety of such establishments. As a rule, institutions of interest (for example, sports projects) are considered especially popular. In this article, you can find the answer to such an interesting question: how to open a bar from scratch. Step-by-step instruction, useful tips and practical situations - the reader will be able to learn about these and other, no less interesting nuances while reading the material.

Bar theme

Of course, to begin with, it will be advisable to define directly such an obsession "I want to open a bar!" - this is not so bad, but when it comes to practice, there are some difficulties and pitfalls. However, with a great desire and a corresponding aspiration in this life, everything is possible.

So, initially you need to choose one of three mutually exclusive paths:

  • An institution of a democratic nature with a small number of dishes in the range (about a dozen) and affordable prices.
  • Large assortment of food and drinks at reasonable prices. It is important to add that the cost of dishes in this case is much higher than in the previous version.
  • Elite bar, distinctive features which will serve as a great variety of dishes in the range and, of course, high prices.

After the issue with the concept of the establishment has been resolved, you need to think about what you need to open a bar? Where do you start? Answer to this question can be found in the next chapter.

Registration type

Opening a bar from scratch is not an easy task. Therefore, in the case of a firm intention to realize this idea you need to stock up on strength and patience. After the concept has been defined, it is necessary to decide what type of organizational and legal registration would be appropriate in this case. How do I open a bar? Today there are the following registration types that are suitable for such establishments:

Immediately after this decision, on which, one way or another, the tax system will depend (simplified or general), you can further think about the question of how to open a bar in small town or a big metropolis.

By the way, experts advise choosing individual entrepreneurship in terms of the organizational and legal type of registration. Why? The fact is that this option allows you to make taxation simpler several times, and therefore, to conduct the actual business in an independent way.

In the case of choosing a limited liability company, personal property complexes will not be included directly in the debt account. How do you open a bar under this kind of circumstance? It is important to note that the considered organizational and legal type of registration significantly complicates the work with the tax service. In addition, the recruiting procedure for accounting is becoming more difficult.

Required documentation

How do I open a bar? After the issues of the concept and type of registration of the institution are resolved, it will be advisable to collect all the necessary documentation, which includes the following papers:

  • A special permission document for the opening of the bar. It can be obtained from the Russian Consumer Supervision Authority. To do this, you must provide an opinion related to the supply of raw materials and finished product; certificate of completion of the stage state registration institutions; an agreement on the purchase of premises or a document indicating its registration for rent, as well as the results of a medical examination from the relevant specialists.
  • bar? Of course, this requires a license to sell alcoholic beverages.
  • License for the sale of tobacco products.
  • Free retail license.
  • How do I open a bar? The last obligatory for submission to the relevant government bodies the document is a patent for maintenance business activities... As a rule, this kind of paper is issued by the local administration.

Important comments

Opening a beer bar from scratch or an establishment of a different concept is possible only if all of the above documents are available. It is important to add that this list full, but it happens that government agencies additionally require an official confirmation of the presence of a safe in the institution.

If the entrepreneur is sure in advance that he will not be able to overcome the procedure for completing the entire package of documentation, then it is advisable to contact the specialists of the relevant field. They, one way or another, know about all the nuances of the required procedure. It is important to add that the cost of such a service is approximately equal to five hundred dollars. But you will be able to save a significant amount of time for going around the authorities and your own nerves.

Financial question

How many money needed to open a bar? It should be noted that absolutely all costs can be classified in accordance with three main categories: key, fixed and variable. Of course, an entrepreneur in any case will need funds to buy or rent premises, repair and fit out, supply all communications that are not enough or necessary, purchase furniture products, equipment and utensils, organize advertising activities (which has also cost a lot) , and also for registration of the necessary documentation.

The first stage is finding a room

Having considered all the theoretical questions, it will be advisable to move on to practice. The procedure for finding a room is determined by a number of important nuances. One of the most optimal options - this is the first floor of a non-residential building. The once popular basement bars are now frightening customers, and they pose many additional problems, such as sewerage or air conditioning. In order to make sure that it is advisable to choose a particular room, you need to check the following nuances:

  • Convenience and safety in terms of access or approach.
  • Quality utilities.
  • The possibility of concluding a long term lease for profit.
  • The existence of some residual rights of the new owner.
  • The presence of additional space directly to bring new ideas to life.

Second stage - recruiting

It is important to note that a bar with 20-25 seats for seating guests needs the following:

  • Hall administrator.
  • Accountant.
  • IT specialist.
  • Manager.
  • Cashier.
  • Several waiters.
  • Security guard.
  • Two bartenders exercising labor activityusually in shifts.
  • Cleaner.

If there are hot dishes in the restaurant's menu, this list must be supplemented by the chef and several of his assistants. It is important to note that the recruitment procedure should be carried out as thoroughly as possible in order to avoid staff dishonesty and theft. It should be expected that it will be necessary to periodically conduct training and certification of employees. So, being literate, they will be able to improve the reputation of the institution, and therefore, attract new customers.

Third step - equipment

To open a bar, you will need different categories of equipment, namely:

  • Refrigeration equipment (refrigerators, wine display cases,
  • Heating equipment (pancake makers, ovens, stoves, hot showcases, shashlik makers, and so on).
  • Bar equipment (blenders, coffee grinders, mixers, toasters, juicers, and so on).
  • Electromechanical equipment (vegetable cutters, bread slicers and so on).

Moreover, do not forget about sinks, trash cans, cabinets, umbrellas for ventilation, scales, distribution lines, shelves and so on. IN general plan for the purchase of the listed equipment for a small-scale bar, you need to spend about 200,000 rubles.

By the way, this list did not include air conditioners, organizational equipment, and dishes. To purchase these items, you will need about 300,000 rubles. In the case of renting premises, the amount is 60,000. It is worth remembering that absolutely all the nuances depend on the region in which the establishment is planned to be opened. In annual terms, this is approximately 720,000 rubles.

Also, do not forget about wages bar staff, as well as the purchase of alcohol and products. It is important to note that the first month after the opening will serve as a serious reason to spend about 600,000 on these events. At the next stages of the institution's life, about 200,000 rubles will be spent on this.

What risks should be considered when opening a bar?

Like any business, the case in question has its own pitfalls, including:

  • A significant level of theft, which often reduces absolutely all efforts of the owner of the establishment to zero. To avoid this, it is necessary to put in order the system of control over the waiters and baristas.
  • The presence of high competition, which is growing every year. It is necessary to determine your own advantages and form a creative concept in order for many guests to come to the bar.
  • Entertainment or business? The point is that the bar is good entertainment for the clients, but not for the owner. So, you need to take business seriously to ensure big profits.
  • Even in the process of renovation, design services should be used so that guests want to visit the bar again and again. It is important to note that the furniture must be consistent with the concept. Plus, no one would argue that people don't like cold walls and poor lighting.

Would you like to know how to open a bar in your city from scratch? Then you've come to the right place! We know where to start and how to make the business as profitable as possible. Are you ready to be successful?

What documents and permissions are needed?

First, you need to decide on the concept of the bar. It can be a democratic establishment with a dozen dishes (no more) and reasonable prices. The second option is higher prices and a variety of drinks and food for the middle class. And, of course, an elite bar with high prices and a real variety of dishes.

As soon as you decide on the concept, you need to decide for yourself which type of organizational and legal registration is right for you - IP, LLC, ZAO, JSC. It is on your decision, by and large, that the tax payment system will also depend - simplified or general. We advise you to simplify taxation for yourself several times and run your business yourself.

If you choose an LLC, your personal property does not count towards debt. But, this is the option when you have to work quite hard with the tax service and the selection of employees for an equally difficult accounting business.

The package of required documents includes:

  • Special permission to open the bar. To get this in Rospotrebnadzor, you must submit an opinion on the supply of raw materials and finished products, a certificate of state registration of the institution, an agreement for the acquisition of premises or for its lease, as well as the results of a survey from medical professionals;
  • a license to sell alcoholic beverages;
  • a license to sell tobacco products;
  • free retail license;
  • a patent for trade activities from local governments.

This list of required documents is all that is needed in most cases. But, you may also be additionally required to know about the presence of a safe at the enterprise, for example.

If you know in advance that you will not be able to cope with the design of the entire package, it is better to contact the specialists who know firsthand how to open a bar from scratch. This service will cost from $ 500.

How much money does it take to open a bar?

In principle, all costs can be roughly divided into three main categories:

  1. Basic;
  2. permanent;
  3. variables.

You will need money to buy or rent premises, repair and fit out, supply all necessary and missing communications, purchase furniture, dishes and equipment, and prepare all the necessary documents.

Step 1 - finding a room

One of the best options is the first floor of a non-residential building. The once popular establishments in the basement today scare most customers, and also create a lot of additional problems with air conditioning and sewerage.

To immediately make sure that the room is right for you, check:

  • Safety and convenience of approach / entrance;
  • availability of quality utilities;
  • is it possible to conclude a long lease in order to make a profit;
  • whether the new owner has any residual rights;
  • is there any additional space that will be needed to implement new ideas.

Step 2 - staff

On average, an institution with 20-25 seats needs such service personnel: an administrator, an accountant, a manager, an IT specialist, a cashier, a security guard, two or three waiters for the hall, two bartenders working in shifts and a cleaner.

If your menu includes hot dishes, then you can additionally add the chef and several of his assistants to this list. The selection of personnel should be made as carefully as possible so that later you do not have to face dishonest staff and theft.

Expect staff to be appraised and trained from time to time so that the right people can improve the bar's reputation and attract new customers.

Step 3 - equipment

So, you will need several different categories of equipment:

  • Refrigeration (refrigerated cabinets, chambers, wine display cases and bar refrigerators);
  • thermal (stoves, ovens, shashlik makers, pancake makers, deep fat fryers, thermal display cases);
  • bar (coffee grinders, blenders, combines, toasters, ice makers, mixers and juicers);
  • electromechanical (bread slicers, mixers, slicers, vegetable cutters, etc.).

In addition, do not forget about trash cans, sinks and carts, shelves and tables, cabinets, ventilation hoods and distribution lines, scales, filters, etc. In general, you will spend about 200,000 rubles to purchase such equipment for a small cafe. And this list does not yet include air conditioning, dishes and office equipment.

For the purchase of equipment and utensils for one point, you will need about 300,000 rubles. If you rent a room, the amount is from 60,000 rubles per month, but it all depends on the region and city in which you are opening. This is from 720,000 rubles per year.

The salary of employees will take from 500,000 a year, on alcohol and food you will spend from 50,000 a month. Add to that utility bills, taxes and unforeseen situations, and you have a hefty sum.

For the first month it is around 600,000 rubles. Here's how much it costs to open a bar. In a month, expenses will be reduced by about 200,000 rubles. The better you work and the better your contacts with suppliers, the lower your costs will be.

Potential risks

This business always has its pitfalls.

  • First of them - enough high level theft. This often negates the owner's efforts. You need to take care of organizing control over the waiters and bartenders. Sometimes a bar burns out just because the staff takes up to 50% of all revenue.
  • Second - competition. You need to immediately identify your competitive edge and create a creative concept for visitors to choose you.
  • The third- business or entertainment? Your establishment is entertainment for customers, but not for you. Take it seriously, then it will make a profit.
  • Fourth - even at the stage of repair, use the services of a designer. Buy good furniture and create a cozy atmosphere, then you will want to return. Nobody likes cold walls and poor lighting.

How much can you earn?

For the recoupment of the bar, the trade markup must be at least 300%. Then the average check will be equal to 600-700 rubles. If this is a fresh bar, then the average revenue will be equal to 450,000 rubles per month or more. Coffee, tea - from 600,000 rubles a month. But alcoholic drinks will bring the amount at least twice as much. Then the payback will come faster.

Choose the right concept and organize your business wisely, then your profit will be worthy.

Video - how to open a bar from scratch.

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The main goal of any drinking establishment is to extract commercial benefits through the sale of alcoholic beverages. Opening a bar requires certain organizational skills, as well as knowledge of the specifics of this business. Experience in catering establishments will be a big plus. The main nuances of organizing the work of the institution contains a sample ready-made business plan bar with calculations.



The main service of the bar is the production and sale of drinks, as well as the creation of conditions for their consumption at the bar or in the hall. Some bars organize hot meals along with drinks. Visitors are served by the bartender, who is located at the bar.

Leisure services include:

  • organization of music services;
  • organization of concerts, variety programs;
  • broadcasting sports matches;
  • showing video programs;
  • provision of press, board games;
  • slot machines;
  • billiards;
  • karaoke;
  • hookah.

Other services include:

  • provision of a free phone;
  • guaranteed storage of personal belongings (outerwear) of the client;
  • taxi call by order of the client.

Types and relevance

Classification of bars by type of drinks:

  • non-alcoholic - the institution serves light snacks and drinks that do not contain alcohol;
  • wine - the main drink is different types of wine;
  • cocktail bar - the institution specializes in cocktails both containing alcohol and non-alcoholic;
  • coffee bar - mainly hot drinks (tea, coffee) and dessert dishes (cakes, ice cream, etc.) are served here;
  • dairy bar - the menu is based on dairy dishes;
  • brasserie or pub - the main drink is beer.

Classification of bars by type of visitors:

  • biker bar - an institution for bikers;
  • a sports bar with obligatory broadcasting of matches, the main clients are sports fans;
  • gay bar - an institution focused on the LGBT community;
  • vega bar - vegetarian dishes, no alcoholic drinks.

Classification of bars by type of service:

  • a bikini bar with female waitresses in matching uniforms;
  • lobby bar is located in the hotel lobby;
  • mobile bar - a mobile establishment;
  • office bar at the office, the main clients are the company's employees;
  • the server bar serves prepaid banquets;
  • the express bar is characterized by fast service.

Classification of bars by type of music and dance:

  • club bar with modern music, usually open at night;
  • music hall - an entertainment genre with music;
  • disco bar with 20th century dance music;
  • juke Joint - a roadside eatery with jukeboxes;
  • lounge bar - a luxury establishment with background music;
  • dancehall is a dance bar.

Classification of bars by type of entertainment:

  • cinema bar with showing films, presentations;
  • pool bar with a swimming pool;
  • strip bar - a bar with performances by strippers.

Classification of bars by assortment:

  • snack bar - a snack bar with light meals for a "snack";
  • tab-bar - an institution with a standard assortment of products without making cocktails with a tote;
  • phytobar - department for the sale and consumption of teas and herbal teas.

In Russia, according to the level of service and the range of services provided, bars are divided into the following classes:

  • "Deluxe" - an institution of superior comfort with a wide range of services provided;
  • "Superior" - a variety of drinks and cocktails;
  • “First” - a wide or specialized assortment of drinks and cocktails, including customized and branded ones.

Today, bars are not only drinking establishments, but also entire clubs of interest. Their popularity remains high - people are attracted by the speed of service and affordable, in comparison with restaurants, prices. The relevance of the choice of the type of bar for the implementation of the project is determined in the business plan based on market analysis and financial calculations.

Market description and analysis

The characteristic of the bar business in Russia looks like this:

  1. The survey showed that maximum amount visits to bars take place in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Half of the respondents in these cities visit bars.
  2. The number of establishments has increased by 24% over the past 6 years.
  3. Fresh bars are becoming a growing segment of catering.
  4. The average bill for most bars is 500–1500 rubles.
  5. Bars that broadcast sports matches are most often networked establishments.
  6. The economic situation in the country with the forced economy of the population on the services of drinking establishments has led to increased competition in the market of public catering establishments.
  7. The share of franchise projects in the total number of chain establishments increased by 4.2% over the past year. This was preceded by a significant decline in the previous three years.
  8. Changes in legislation and the development of the sphere of public catering enterprises make their own adjustments to the requirements for employees - specialized education is required for work.
  9. Market analysis over the past two years has shown an increase in the number of wine bars across Russia.
  10. Breweries are actively developing, which produce craft beer and promote it to bars.
  11. By some estimates, 3 out of 4 bars go bust in the first year.

The target audience

The target audience depends on the proposed location of the future establishment. The potential circle of clients of an average non-thematic bar is young people aged 18 to 35 (30% of the total population). Of these, 85% are men.

To identify potential customers, you need to analyze:

  • residential buildings in the area;
  • cars in parking lots in front of buildings;
  • the number of offices in the area and their level.

Competitive advantages

The competitive advantages of catering enterprises include the following points:

  • a decent level of services provided at an affordable price;
  • decent level of service;
  • additional services provided;
  • targeting a specific target audience.

Let's define the competitive advantages of the bar:

  1. Convenient location of the establishment. The presence of a parking lot, a well-visible signboard are advantages.
  2. Interactive bar counter. With its help, the interest of visitors is significantly increased - each contact with such a counter is accompanied by beautiful animation. In addition, such bar counters can be used as information platforms about company promotions and discounts.
  3. Having your own corporate identity. It could be original interior, targeting a specific segment of customers.
  4. Enough working capital to cover the costs for the year ahead.
  5. Live music, corresponding to the concept of the institution.
  6. An intriguing title that appeals to target audience... The name serves as an advertisement for the bar.
  7. Coin machines - billiard tables, slot machines.

Advertising campaign

The marketing campaign is carried out with the following goals:

  • achieve brand recognition;
  • encouraging trial purchases;
  • encouraging repeat purchases;
  • forming a circle of bar guests.
  1. Branding. Recognition of the establishment in order to form a circle of guests. To do this, it is worth using the services of the media and online advertising. An elegant mini-booklet about the establishment, announcements in the bar area are also part of the company's first step.
  2. Performance. IN large cities bars can expect to attract additional customers through online advertising. A beautifully designed entrance lobby and an attractive signboard increase the attractiveness of the establishment and are advertising in themselves.

Step-by-step opening instructions

It should be borne in mind that the basis for organizing a successful business is careful planning and costing.

The step-by-step instruction consists of the following points:

  1. Drafting financial plan project.
  2. Registration of documents for the institution.
  3. Rent (purchase) and repair of premises.
  4. Purchase of equipment and inventory that are required for the functioning of the bar.
  5. Hiring qualified employees or training.


List of documents for opening:

  1. Certificate of registration of a legal entity and the choice of OKVED codes (55.40 for a bar). If the bar plans non-alcoholic or low-alcohol drinks, then you can register an individual entrepreneur.
  2. Title papers for the premises (lease agreement or documents confirming ownership).
  3. Project documentation regulating the characteristics of the premises and the requirements for the communication system.
  4. Permission from Rospotrebnadzor to operate the institution.
  5. Technical documentation, on the basis of which it will be possible to repair the premises and make redevelopment.
  6. Production control program.
  7. Alcohol retail license.

Premises and design

It would be a good idea to rent a room for a bar in a youth area with good traffic. It should be noted that the presence of nearby bars and clubs creates high competition.

Basic rules for choosing a place for a bar:

  • the area of \u200b\u200bthe room is not less than 70 sq. m;
  • separate entrance;
  • the ability to equip a sanitary unit;
  • free access to the highway;
  • availability of parking;
  • the sign must be visible from the street;
  • proximity to clients' workplaces rather than their homes.

Bar decoration should not be too aggressive or inconspicuous. The design must match the concept of the establishment.

The development of a design project for a bar includes the following stages:

  1. Formulation of technical specifications.
  2. Definition of the concept of the bar.
  3. Creation of a project for the interior of the institution and the entrance group.
  4. Technical and construction design.
  5. Project implementation.

The video shows the difficulties entrepreneurs face when choosing a room for a bar. Filmed by the Unfiltered Bazaar channel.

Photo gallery

Fresh bar Coffee bar Lounge bar Pincho bar Beer bar Sport bar Sushi bar Wine bar

Equipment and inventory

Calculation of the need for equipment and inventory:

NameEstimated prices in rubles
Bar counter200 000
Musical equipment100 000
Induction cooker20 000
rice cooker2 000
Juicer10 000
Pizza oven20 000
Jellied type boiler8 000
Bar mixer35 000
Vegetable cutter35 000
Combi steamer190 000
Deep fryer15 000
Fries warmer25 000
Burger Showcase25 000
Refrigerated bar cabinet25 000
Ice maker95 000
Juicer100 000
Ice crusher2 000
Coffee maker28 000
Hot Chocolate Maker24 000
Tables and racks50 000
Bar inventory1 000
Furniture60 000
Crockery and cutlery80 000
Total1 150 000


Bar employees must be honest and responsible. One of essential qualities is the ability to communicate with people - to maintain a conversation or just listen. It depends on whether or not a casual guest becomes a regular customer. The main categories of bar workers are: bartender, waiters, barista, barback.

Etiquette for employees:

  • do not have distracted conversations with colleagues;
  • keep your distance when communicating with clients;
  • maintain confidentiality;
  • be able to send a drunk visitor home without offending him;
  • show initiative in controversial situations.

Workers need uniforms that they must keep clean. The hands of the staff should be clean with neat nails, no jewelry. The face must be clean-shaven.

Before starting work, it is necessary to check and prepare the bar for service. The bartender should take care of the supply of drinks.

Bar staff requirements:

  • serve customers at the bar, adhering to the bar concept;
  • take into account the needs of customers and increase the profitability of the bar.
GOST 50935-96 " Catering... Requirements for service personnel "defines the requirements for the bartender:
  • know the nuances of customer service and the basic rules of etiquette;
  • be able to prepare various drinks according to the recipe;
  • arrange and serve cocktails according to the rules;
  • have the skills to serve snacks and dishes;
  • for bars of the category superior and luxury to own the rules international etiquette and the specifics of serving foreign visitors;
  • be fluent in English;
  • know the rules of the CCP;
  • navigate the dishes and cutlery.
  • come to work according to the schedule;
  • work under the guidance of a bartender;
  • wear a uniform and maintain a neat appearance;
  • serve customers by following the rules;
  • greet visitors with a smile and place them at tables;
  • offer menus, bar cards;
  • provide a price list for additional services;
  • fulfill the order as quickly as possible;
  • recommend to clients specialties and drinks;
  • cook workplace and tables;
  • monitor the condition of tables during the shift;
  • do not allow serving dishes with defects.
  • know and organize customer service;
  • carry out table setting;
  • politeness and courtesy;
  • know the availability of dishes, drinks in the cards and their prices;
  • navigate the order of serving dishes and the basics of their cooking technology;
  • know foreign language at the spoken level.
  • preparation and serving of coffee;
  • regulation of the level of coffee grinding depending on the prepared beverage;
  • determination of an acceptable temperature for preparing a drink;
  • whipping foam to the required degree;
  • the correct selection of dishes in which the drink is served;
  • drawing up a coffee card, including both classic and barista recipes in it, which creates the corporate style of the bar;
  • creating images on milk foam (latte art);
  • possessing artistic qualities, acting out a show that attracts clients.
  • feel the mood of the visitor;
  • sociability;
  • knowledge of the history of coffee, its composition;
  • own the rules for using the coffee grinder;
  • know the recipes and be able to prepare different types of coffee;
  • be able to set tables for serving drinks.
Barback (bartender assistant)
  • clean the showcase and bar counter;
  • collect used and deliver clean dishes;
  • replace the ashtrays on the bar;
  • prepare equipment and inventory before opening the bar and monitor their condition during the work shift.
  • politeness;
  • diligence;
  • responsibility;
  • cleanliness.
  • drawing up a menu;
  • quality control of products and dishes;
  • cooking.
  • high level of cooking skills;
  • calculation of the cost of the dish according to the recipe.

Financial plan

Features of the financial plan:

  • the population of the city is more than 1 million people;
  • the population of the area where the bar is located, 50 thousand people;
  • bar location: first floor of the building entertainment center with a separate entrance;
  • room area 54m2;
  • bar capacity - 60 people;
  • the bar is open from 15:00 to 03:00;
  • the staff of the institution is 5 people.

How much does it cost to open a bar?

An example of a financial plan with calculations contains the average prices for cities in Russia. A business plan will help determine how much it costs to open your bar from scratch. The one-time fees required to open the bar consist of the cost of the equipment, the preliminary advertising campaign and the required organizational fees.

Estimated cost estimate for opening a bar:

Regular costs

Monthly expenses are calculated every month and, if necessary, regulated by:


The maximum visits to the institution are planned for weekends and sports events (approximately 12 days a month). The number of visitors will be approximately 90 * 12 \u003d 1080 people. On other days, about 30 people are expected per day or 18 days * 30 people. \u003d 540 people. Thus, 1620 people will visit the bar per month.

With an average check of a visitor of 300 rubles, the profit will be 300 rubles * 1620 people \u003d 486,000 rubles. You can reach this figure of revenue after about 3 months of work.

Calendar plan

Timetable for the implementation of a business idea for opening a bar:

Stage1 month2 months3 months4 months5 months6 months7 months
Market analysis+
Preparation of a bar business plan +
Registration of a package of documents + + +
Obtaining additional permissions + +
Construction / rental of premises + +
Renovation work + +
Purchase and inventory + +
Staff recruitment +
Opening +

Risks and payback

Among the main risks of the project are:

  1. Construction risk includes difficulties that arise during the construction or renovation of an establishment. The risk is low due to the large number of firms that are able to do their job well and meet the deadline.
  2. Technical risk implies difficulties arising during the delivery and commissioning of equipment. This risk can be minimized by careful selection of equipment supply companies.
  3. The human risk lies in the low qualifications of personnel. To minimize it, you need to work on the popularity of the institution. The demand for the bar will serve as a factor of attractiveness for the staff.
  4. Organizational risk includes force majeure situations during the operation of the institution. To minimize this risk, management should only contact highly qualified specialists.
  5. Financial risk is the lack of sufficient funds. To eliminate this risk, you need to look for reliable investors.
  6. Commercial risk - low sales of products at stated prices. The decision factor is to increase the potential audience of the bar and take measures to increase the competitive advantages of the establishment.