Etiquette diplomacy. Diplomatic etiquette: types and rules. Angela Merkel and international etiquette

in the course "Public Law"

on the topic: "Diplomacy and diplomatic etiquette"


Some fields of etiquette, mainly service, is customary to refer to the Protocol. Especially stand out diplomatic Protocol, or the protocol of international meetings and conferences, facilitating international communication. Many of the norms and rules of diplomatic protocols gradually moved into practice business etiquette. The norms of the diplomatic etiquette and the protocol are based on the principle according to which the state represented by him is at each diplomat. All states are sovereign and enjoy in the practice of international communication with equal rights and privileges.

1. Establishment of diplomatic relations

On February 11, 1964, the USSR ratified (with some reservations) The Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relationships is the main international legal document that determines the status and functions of a diplomatic representation under the heads of state. She was adopted on April 18, 1961 in Vienna at the UN Conference on Diplomatic Development and Immunities. The Convention defines the procedure for establishing diplomatic relations, the accreditation of the head of the diplomatic representation and termination of its functions, notifications of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the State of the appointment, the arrival and economic level of representative office and their family members, establishes the classes of representative offices. It contains the rules associated with the announcement of the head of the representative office or any of the members of the diplomatic personnel of representation by a person Non Grata (undesirable person). The establishment of diplomatic relations entails the exchange of diplomatic missions. In turn, this is possible only in relevant political and legal conditions, first of all, subject to the recognition of De Yura. There may be a reverse phenomenon when the consequence of the establishment of diplomatic relations is so-called. "Silent recognition." A diplomatic mission (widely understood) begins after reaching agreement between states on the exchange of diplomatic missions in accordance with the established procedure. Usually, the procedure for the entry into the position of head of the diplomatic representation takes place in several stages: the selection of nominal candidates; Request Agremman; edition of an act of domestic right issuing a purpose; issuing credentials; Preliminary, upon arrival in the country of stay, an audience of the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the transfer of copies of credentials; The presentation during the official ceremony of credentials to the head of the state of stay as the completion of the accreditation process and the beginning of the diplomatic mission of this representative - his "personal mission" as a Polarm of the Ambassador or the Messenger; The official message in the press about the handling of credentials. International law provides for the following cases of termination of diplomatic missions as a whole: a) when diplomatic relations between these states are broken or temporarily interrupted; b) when the state of war arose between them; c) when the accrediting state or the residence state occurs, the unconstitutional change of power occurs and confirmation of the willingness to maintain diplomatic relations with the new government; d) When one of the two supporting diplomatic relations of states ceases to exist and, merging with the other, forms a new subject of international law.

2. Diplomatic missions

The 1961 Convention operates the term "representation", without discovering it. Modern practice knows the following types of diplomatic and equivalent representative offices:

1. Embassies - the representative offices of the first, top class, at the head of which is a diplomatic representative who has a class ambassador accredited when the state chapter. Representative offices of the Vatican - Nunzitature, as well as representative offices, which are exchanged by the British Commonwealth states, headed by high commissars engaged in the diplomatic corps as ambassadors (for example, high (Supreme) Commissioner of the United Kingdom in India).

2. Missions headed by the Messenger accredited at the head of the state - the representative office of the second class. They correspond to the papal international.

3. Missions headed by attorney in cases accredited under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

4. Diplomatic and equivalent officials with these reasons other than the embassy and mission, name and some features of the legal status. Currently, embassies became the predominant type of diplomatic missions. Permanent diplomatic missions have the following departments: office, political, military attachehat, consular, economic, printing and cultural ties, administrative and economic. In some departments there are subsets and sections. In general, all employees of diplomatic missions are divided into three categories: diplomatic, administrative and technical staff. According to Art. 1 of the 1961 Vienna Convention, members of diplomatic personnel are persons who have a diplomatic rank. Diplomatic rank is a personal rank of a diplomat, which is assigned to him in accordance with the laws and rules existing in this State and the rules regarding the passage of the diplomatic service. Ranks are entered by the domestic right of each state and are envisaged for all its officials leading in the framework of the Foreign Affairs work on the implementation of official relations with foreign countries. This rank is maintained independently of the post office, as well as after resigning. The rank and official position may coincide or not to coincide. There are the following common diplomatic ranks: ambassador, envoy, adviser, secretary (first, second, third), diplomatic attache (specialist addressed to diplomatic representation). In the Russian Federation these ranks are classified in more detail: emergency and plenipotentiary ambassador, emergency and authorized envoy of the 1st (2nd) class, Advisor of the 1st (2nd) class, first secretary of the 1st (2nd) class, Second Secretary of the 1st (2nd) Class, Third Secretary, diplomatic attache. Request Agremman is a request for the consent of the state of the alleged stay to appoint a given person as ambassador, envoy or permanent attorney in affairs. In paragraph 1 of Article 4 of the Vienna Convention of 1961, it is said: "The accredient state should make sure that the State of the stay gave Agreman to the person that it implies to accredit as the head of the representative office in this state." And further, paragraph 2 of this article states: "The departure state is not obliged to inform the accrediting state the motive of refusal to agreman." After receiving Agremman, the ambassador or the messenger, next to the place of service, receives a special document, a special document - credentials of the Minister of Foreign Affairs. They are character general powers Diplomatic representative, operating during the entire period of his stay in office and on all issues included in the management of the representative office. Credentials - legal basis of the head of the head of diplomatic representation. Since the presentation of the credentials, as a rule, the diplomatic mission of the head of this representation begins, it is considered officially launched to fulfill his duties.

3. Diplomatic conversation and correspondence

Diplomatic conversation - negotiations diplomats among themselves.

There are the following basic principles of diplomatic conversations: attracting attention, awakening of interest, a detailed justification, identification of interests and elimination of doubts, transformation of the interests of the interlocutor and the final decision.

In the process of a diplomatic conversation, it is important to use greetings, compliments, calling by name.

Diplomatic correspondence - state correspondence, government, department of foreign affairs with relevant foreign states, diplomatic missions of these states, international organizations, as well as correspondence of diplomatic missions among themselves. All documents of diplomatic correspondence are official.

Notota - document diplomatic correspondence. In international practice, the personal note and verbal note are distinguished.
The exchange of notes is the usual form of diplomatic correspondence of the external interchange authorities of states and international organizations.
Sometimes the exchange of notes is used as a simplified method of imprisonment of international treaties.
Personal note - a document of diplomatic correspondence, having a letter form. Personal note:
is drawn up on behalf of the signing person;
it begins with appeal to the person who is addressed;
ends in formula of courtesy;
printed on a bowl forms.
In the upper right corner of the personal notch, the place and date of dispatch are affixed. In the lower left corner of the first page, the address consisting of the initials, the last name and the full official position of the person is intended.
Verbal note - in international practice - a document of diplomatic correspondence, which presents current issues of various nature. When writing a verbal note is guided by tradition and existing practice. Verbal note:
compiled on behalf of the embassy or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
it begins and ends with respect for respect;
compiled in the third person;
printed on a light form;
it has a number, date of sending and printing the mastic printing of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or Embassy;
available in person or sent with a courier;
it is not signed, but, usually, it is visited by the initials of the person who made a note.
In the upper left corner of the verbal notch makes the outgoing number. In the lower left corner of the first page the address is affixed. Under the text of the verbal note, the place and date of its dispatch are indicated.
4. Diplomatic techniques and their organization

Diplomatic techniques are one of the generally accepted and common forms of foreign policy activities of governments, departments of foreign affairs, diplomatic missions and diplomats. Receptions are conducted as in commemoration of important events (national holidays, anniversary dates, anniversary of the signing of contracts, as well as on the occasion of a high guest or delegation in the country) and in the order of daily activities of the ministries of foreign affairs and embassies.

The Diplomatic Protocol is the system of rules of the etiquette of interstate relations, which are based on the principle of international courtesy. Violation of these rules may damage the authority and the prestige of the state.

Officially, the diplomatic protocol officially begins in the XIX century - 1814-1815 established the system of rules, conventions and traditions of international communication, which were to be respected by heads of states, governments, diplomatic persons, official representatives. The basis of diplomatic relations is the respect of the state to foreign guests and, accordingly, to all of the people, whose representative they are. Respect and mutual understanding allows you to regulate almost all areas of external political, economic and international relations.

Basic principles of the system of the diplomatic protocol:

1. Diplomatic etiquette. It is the main component of the protocol and regulates the relations of officials and public figures of different states. Diplomatic etiquette complements and improves the rules of civilian etiquette. Communication in business, public and government circles passes through strict rules that regulate:

2. Sovereaches of states - different states have various privileges and enjoy different rights.

3. Relationship - or, in other words, the rule of responsibility. On the letter, the visit of politeness, the invitation or business card must be officially replied. Moreover, the answer should contain an introductory (at the beginning of the letter) and the final (at the end of the letter) compliment. The absence of a compliment is regarded as disrespect or even hostility, which will serve as a reason for international conflict.

4. The diplomatic protocol strictly monitors the principle of seniority, which depends on the rank of the representative of the state and on the date of its accreditation, and not from the significance of the country.

Diplomatic etiquette and protocol necessarily include:

The diplomatic protocol and etiquette is necessary not only to the first persons of the state and diplomats, but also to any civil servant, which is engaged in issues of international economic cooperation, and businessmen if their activities are related to cooperation with foreign parmers. The ownership of the standards of business etiquette significantly increases the prestige not only a separate representative of the state, but also the whole country as a whole.

The word "protocol" has a long history. Roots it goes deep in the time of ancient Greece. In Byzantine diplomacy, it meant the first part of the document compiled in the solemn colors, which listed the composition of the negotiation participants. In the period of the Middle Ages, this word meant the rules for registration different documents and leading archives. Soon the word "protocol" began to relate to diplomacy and diplomatic service. The very significance of this word was expanded - except for the rules for registration of diplomatic documents to the diplomatic protocol, the issues of etiquette and ceremonial began to attribute.

The norms of the diplomatic protocol are not an invention of only one country or a certain group of diplomats. This is the result of communication between people different countries and nationalities over the centuries. Therefore, the concept of the protocol is a historical category. Since ancient times, human experience accumulated, chose and adapted those rules of behavior, conventions and customs, which corresponded to the interests of maintaining and developing communication between nations. Thus, the relationship between them was formed in the measure of state education - certain norms Communication between countries, along with which protocol norms began to be formed. In the process of its development, these norms have undergone many changes. Centuries-old experience in the development of international relations allowed to work out the most important rules Communication between representatives of different countries. In the concentrated form, these rules are presented in the diplomatic protocol and etiquette.

Diplomatic Protocol

Normal communication between states and their representatives would be impossible if they did not adhere to the general fundamental principles of relationships: respect for sovereignty, recognition of territorial integrity, equality; Non-interference in each other's internal affairs.

Diplomatic Protocol Determine as a combination of generally accepted rules, traditions and conventions, observed by the heads of states and governments, foreign affairs agencies, diplomatic missions, officials in international communication.

Under government agencies and ministries, there are special services for the Protocol, which entrusted to the organization of business meetings and trips of officials in accordance with all the rules adopted in international diplomatic practice.

The diplomatic protocol itself is a form in which the foreign policy action of the state, his representation or representative is checked. Diplomatic Protocol - International Category. Its main rules must be respected more or less equally by all states. However, the diplomatic protocol of each country may have some national characteristics.

rulesthe diplomatic report is based on the observance of the generally accepted international legal principle of the equality of sovereign states, regardless of the system, the size of the territory and population of the country, political influence or economic power. Respect for the sovereignty of the state is expressed in the provision of honors to the state flag, the execution of the hymn, etc. The principle of equality of states is manifested in the order of submission of diplomats to a high person in the host country, in the delegation of the delegation at international conferences, diplomats in diplomatic receptions.

Norma The diplomatic protocol is relying on the principle of international politeness - the set of generally accepted rules of etiquette, respect for the international practice, respecting in interstate relations. Violation of international politeness, especially intentioned, is considered as damage to the prestige and state authority.

At the same time, the diplomatic protocol is very flexible. As part of the norms generally accepted in international practice, quite significant deviations are possible. Depending on the state of relations between countries, political tasks, there is always the opportunity to give various shades to the protocol rules (large or smaller solemnation; increase or decrease in the number of participants in official ceremonies; increase or decrease in the level of representation on them, etc.). However, it must be remembered that any retreat from the established traditions and norms will inevitably be observed and interpreted accordingly.

The diplomatic protocol has a rich history, its own characteristics and traditions. But its base is stable and unchanged: this is an expression of deep respect for a high foreign guest, and in his face - to the country and the people they represent. The rules and norms of the diplomatic protocol currently regulate almost all forms of foreign policy and international economic cooperation.

The diplomatic report has absorbed the rules and norms of not only interstate, but also interethnic and inter-ethnic communication. Therefore, one of its terms is the accounting of national features, traditions, customs and conventions. One of the fundamental principles of the diplomatic protocol - equal attitude And mutual respect for their partner and the state that is present. That is why it is impossible to underestimate the role of generally accepted rules and norms of the diplomatic protocol in the field of foreign policy and international economic cooperation.

Recognizing and observing the generally accepted norms of international courtesy, the diplomatic protocol does not distinguish between representatives of large and small states, does not allow any discrimination on the national, religious and other sign.

One of the organic components of the diplomatic protocol is diplomatic etiquette. Communication of diplomats with their colleagues with government, public and business circles of the host country is carried out in compliance with the long-established rules of the retreat from which unwanted complications in relationships between diplomatic representation and these circles.

If the diplomatic protocol is "expression good manners In relations between states, "the diplomatic etiquette is a manifestation of good manners in relations between officials, political and public figures representing their state.

Rules of diplomatic etiquette Contain certain forms of circulation, correspondence, as well as a strict procedure for applying visits, meetings and conversations of diplomatic techniques and the like. They prevent pretty strict requirements for appearance diplomat, civil servant, businessman, their clothes, manners, behavior, and so on.

Any visit begins with a service note from the initiator of the meeting. After that, the protocol services of both parties are engaged in harmonizing conditions. It is discussed where and when a meeting will be held, the composition of delegations, the circle of the issues discussed, the stay and the mass of other points. At this stage, the interaction of protocol services is not only with each other, but also with security services, information, technical, transport and others.

The receiving party must meet guests, place them and take care that their stay is as comfortable as possible. Usually, high-quality questions are solved on diplomatic meetings, and from quality work Protesters to some extent depends on the outcome of the negotiations.

Negotiations are the central part of almost any visit, which perhaps it is worth considering more details. Preparation begins long before the negotiations themselves. The hall is preparing, the plan is drawn up, technical issues are being decided, all the smallest nuances are being decided, according to the protocol, an employee of the protocol service meets guests at the entrance to the hall and dissolves according to the principle of seniority: at the head of the table - the place of the senior, to the right of him - Nearest status, and further rank. If these are negotiations of two persons, then they sit down opposite each other, on the left side of each there is a translator. At some events, the translator sits a little behind.

The receiving side always sits back to the window and face to the entrance. Before each in advance is a dipper card with his name, sometimes and the post. As a rule, on the front side of the signboard the inscription in the host country or in English (sometimes transcriptions are given in brackets), on the back - in the native language of the guests. On the tables before each participant - the required minimum stationery (notepad, handle), a bottle of mineral water, a glass.

By the way, in world practice it is not customary to put water with gas. Also periodically arise disputes among the protocolists, whether it is necessary to put a napkin for a glass. The general opinion has not yet been found, so at various events you can meet both options, and sometimes the third - the napkin covers a glass. In addition, flags of representatives of representatives may be present at the tables, and the backs of the heads of delegations are large flags. Usually, a temporary limit of negotiations is negotiated in advance, time to sign documents and for communication with journalists, if such is provided.

Development to negotiations is gross violation Business etiquette, and the status of a visit may decrease. The British and can abolish the meeting from a few minutes of late. Although the Spaniards, for example, perceive such snags quite calmly. Before the start of negotiations, the heads of delegations must submit their participants. Next, everything goes according to the agenda.

During the negotiations, it is also accepted to exchange business cards. Here there are a number of rules that you need to follow. For example, the first gives a visit to a superior office. In some cases, only partners on the status can be exchanged by business cards. If on the card, in addition to the address of the company and the working phone, is also specified and mobile number The owner, it means that the call will be appropriate almost at any time. But if there is no further communication on the business card at all, it means that further communication is not foreseen. However, business Cards and the exchange procedure is the subject of permanent disagreements of specialists in the protocol. For example, some believe that at the table of negotiations should not exchange business cards at all, and more appropriate to do it at the subsequent reception.

When organizing a visit, it is extremely important to take into account the national and cultural features of the parties. Members of delegations may receive brief instructions regarding the traditions of partners. For example, when communicating with the Chinese is extremely not recommended to affect the demographic question, which in China is very acute. In some countries, Moveton is considered to be the question of the health of the spouse, although in Russia it is in the order of things. One of the principles of the business protocol states that discrimination on the national, religious and other sign is unacceptable, and this principle is strictly complied with.

An important place in representative work is given to the protocol receivers. Often on how successful commission will be heldIn many ways the result of the visit, the outlined negotiations, a particular meeting. The atmosphere in which the reception was held, often contributes to the further move of negotiations and the achievement of the goals. However, in order for the executive event - be it lunch, dinner, breakfast or cocktail - has passed successfully, the receiving side needs to be done in order to carefully prepare it.

Perennial international practice has established types of techniques, methods for their preparation and the rules of etiquette, which must adhere to all its participants. The variants of them are diverse and the form of each depends on the set of factors. Takes, as a rule, are inferior in importance to negotiations, but this does not diminish the responsibility of the organizers.

At the end of the visit, it is customary to exchange gifts. This procedure is also strictly regulated and includes so many rules and details, which is the subject of a separate conversation.

The protocol constantly changes under the influence of the trends of time and modern tendenciesIn which the desire to simplify some complex procedures and make them more comfortable. But the basic principles that have developed historically will remain unchanged for a long time.

Thus, strict compliance with the norms and rules of the diplomatic protocol, as well as etiquette, plays an important role in maintaining normal relations between states and their representatives; It is a model of international communication.

diplomatic business Protocol event

M. Klochakova

It is known that the basis of the rules of the diplomatic protocol is the principle of international courtesy, which includes a set of generally accepted rules of etiquette, respect and respect. These rules are carefully respected in interstate relations. Violation of these rules is perceived as damage to the authority and the prestige of the state.

There is a point of view that calls the diplomatic protocol with an indicator of good manners in relations between countries, and diplomatic etiquette, respectively, the expression of good manners and characteristic of relations between policies and diplomats of these countries.

The founders of the diplomatic protocol and etiquette developed rules for the behavior of diplomats and politicians during negotiations. For a long time, leaders of states and diplomatic services were clearly adhered to these rules, but recently policies began to simplify protocol requirements.

The initiators of such a free interpretation of the protocol are called Americans. The title of the most eccentric of them is rightfully belongs to J. Bush. For example, US President George Bush at the negotiations, does not consider it necessary to limit himself with any conventions, sitting in a chair, spreads his legs wide, standing next to the interlocutor, condescendingly patting him on the shoulder, etc. Psychologists interpret such behavior as a symbol of powerful-patron negligent relationship to communications. It can be added to such an assessment only guesses about the true attitude of J. Bush to the country that his interlocutor represents at that moment.

J. Bush at the level of high meetings and negotiations does not constrain himself in words or actions. So, during the G8 meeting in St. Petersburg, J. Bush, coming to the table, allowed himself a playful gesture or to acquire, whether to massage the shoulders of the Angels Merkel. Such an unexpected familiarity was not just surprised by A. Merkel, but led her to a state of light shock, the truth rather quickly A. Merkel translated all the action to the level of joke.

In August 2008, attending the G8 countries in Astana, J. Bush allowed himself behavior, absolutely unacceptable or on the protocol nor etiquette. On August 8, as soon as it became clear that Georgia leads a massive shelling of South Ossetia, the Russian Prime Minister V. Putin tried to talk about it with J. Bush. When V. Putin caught up D. Bush and began to say to him: "The war began, this is a war ...", etc., D. Bush, in a cold, without turning completely to his interlocutor, without looking into his eyes, threw himself: " We do not need war, "and immediately went on. Even watching these television frames was hurt and hurt. Not only is such behavior is a gross violation of international etiquette, it was a frank demonstration of neglect and to our prime minister, and to our country, whose opinions Bush simply did not want to know.

At the end of September 2008, the President of the United States with President V. Yushchenko was held in Washington. Externally, J. Bush took V. Yushchenko benevolently, as if trying to remind his fellow citizens about such her merit to the American society as "democratization" of Ukraine. On the true attitude of J. Bush to V. Yushchenko and Ukraine speak only some details of the reception. First, going to the press to summarize the content of the conversation with V. Yushchenko, J. Bush, first of all, spoke about the results of voting in the US Congress, thereby demonstrating that this is a more important event for him.

Associated, he and V.Kuchno stood against the background of the state flags of both countries, the USA and Ukraine. With the flag of the United States, everything was in order. And the flag of Ukraine was posted on top. Probustly, V. Machina drew attention to this detail unpleasant for him, or a conversation with J. Bush did not bring the desired results, but his face expressed extreme irritation.

Perhaps, in part, thanks to this reception, Ukraine, without bargaining, without a single objection, extended a treaty on friendship, cooperation and partnership with Russia for the next ten years. On the skill of J. Bush to speak Kalambura, or speak in the spirit of illiterate shepherd, legends go. Saying this kind as: "I have the honor to shake the Herbrom Iraqi citizen, which Saddam cut off ..." Enter the classics of anti-ostel art. At the same time, he, often puffy, accepts the position of proud Roman Patricia.

Viktor Yushchenko, President of Ukraine, most likely, imitating behavior to his American and European colleagues, has a habit during the conversation to throw his leg foot. Such a manner of sitting is not welcomed by the European Protocol; As for the diplomats of the eastern countries, for example, it can lead to diplomatic misunderstandings.

In Arab countries, such a pose is regarded as a demonstration of complete disrespect for the interlocutor. Moreover, it can be perceived as an insult to the interlocutor and can lead to the termination of the negotiation process. Psychologists characterize the use of such poses, as a desire to protect themselves from the interlocutor, as the desire to defend themselves or as discontent with what is happening at the moment.

In the counterweight V. Yushchenko, Yulia Tymoshenko well studied the requirements of the protocol and adheres to him. She sits correctly, keeps smoothly back, emphasizing attention to the partner with all his appearance. Experts regard it to the manner to hold on to the readiness for decisive actions, the collaboration, lack of relaxation, the presence of self-discipline and purposefulness. Yu Tymoshenko is called a master of negotiations, which owns, besides oratory, which allows it to successfully, with the benefit for himself, to conduct international negotiations.

Viktor Yanukovych, the former Prime Minister of Ukraine and the leader of the "Party of Regions", allow the same errors as some other politicians: sitting, slightly exposes one leg forward. But most often, it complies with the norms of the protocol, the legs do not spread widespread, unrestrays the jacket when necessary. The conversation demonstrates attention and sufficient degree of respect for the interlocutor.

The behavior of the President of France Nicolas Sarkozy in the official meetings or negotiations is characterized by specialists of the protocol, as a fairly free, since the manner of Sarkozy, sitting in the chair, throw a leg to foot, is considered invalid, just like a black suit, black tie and white shirt, which, Often, only in mourning events are used.

Psychologists interpret pose "lay leg legs with the formation of angle" as a demonstration of the presence of rivalry and contradictions. The German Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel does not allow himself gross mistakes, although her manner, sit during negotiations, throwing his leg to the leg, is also a gross violation of the protocol. If you first sit in the chair, thumping my leg, it was absolutely unacceptable in diplomatic and political negotiations, today there are already attempts to analyze and even justify such behavior, explaining it with European mentality.

Psychologists believe that such a pose reflects A. Merkel's character, which is distinguished by authoritarianism, rigidity and concreteness. In October 2008, a message appeared in the Spanish press that A. Merkel asks the German Embassy in Paris to remind the decency by the President of France N. Sarkozy. It was about superfluous kisses in the public, patting on the shoulder, i.e. about excessive familiarity. Moreover, during the journalistic investigation, it turned out that in official circles of Germany very calmly reacted to this publication, because they consider everything that was said in it, just invention. The fact is that knowledgeable people know that Angela Merkel and Nicolas Sarkozy is a long-standing friend, they are familiar yet in joint work in the European Parliament. Angela Merkel is considered the most influential woman of the world, it is called a typical German. The Germans call it a primary leader. She never puts his personal life to the public, does not appear in humans in the society of her husband. If you interview journalists, always discusses the number of presses questions and personally monitors so that no one has broken the established order.

A. Merkel tightly defends its position in the negotiations. The last example of this meeting on October 2, 2008 in St. Petersburg with Russian President D. Medvedev at the next round of traditional Russian-German interstate consultations. In contrast to the meeting with D. Medvedev in September, this time externally A. Merkel was cheerful, friendly, friendly, but did not fail once again to note that Russia reacted to the situation around Y. Ossetia "disproportionately".

A visit to Russia on October 27, 2008, President of Vietnam Nguyen Mil Detept was very fruitful. There were many treaties between the governments of our countries, a great agreement was signed by the results of the visit. further development cooperation between Russia and Vietnam in the field of economics. I spoiled the impression of the meeting only a trifle: Nguyen Mil deplex, entering the negotiation room, was completely disoriented and could not understand where he was initially headed. As a result, he, absolutely confused, stretched out his hand as a sign of greetings, not seeing the president of Russia. After some confusion, he was helped by finally, to turn face to D. Medvedev. The handshake of the presidents took place, but some tension and awkwardness felt in the behavior of President Vietnam. Such a mistake is not the fault of the president. It is unforgivable, first of all, for the protocol service of the President of Vietnam, since it was this service or officials who represent it, they were obliged to notify their president about the sequence of each of his step in the official setting.

October 28, 2008 Prime Minister of the State Council of China Wen Jiabao arrived in Moscow. He was met by V.V. Putin. The meeting was held without excesses, and it was seen that the friendly partners met the friendly partners, sincerely rejoice in the upcoming communication with each other.

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, in the recent past, which was the president of our country, looks worthy in the process of meetings and negotiations. The specialists of the protocol are called the lack of landing of the Russian ex-president, the legs are too wide. They recognize that it is difficult to sit, leaning on the back of the chair, with the legs folded together quite difficult, but also to arrange them unacceptable.

Other protocol standards and regulations Vladimir Vladimirovich observes very accurately: he is unbuttoned with a jacket, which is a mandatory rule of the protocol when landing; It holds free and with dignity, leaning on the back of the chair, looks at the interlocutor.

Psychologists characterize the behavior of Putin V.V. At the time of negotiations as the behavior of a person confident, ready for actions, and the posture with widespread legs is interpreted by them as a desire to fully control the situation. However, V.V. Putin is the habit of diversifying the official speech by the spaciousness and jargonisms in the spirit of Kozma Prutkov. At a press conference, arranged for foreign journalists in September 2008 on the events in Y. Ossetia, analyzing the term "disproportionate" actions of Russia, he answered: "Is it proportionally that? From the slingshot shoot? ".

In the ability to use all the nuances of the mighty Russian language is not inferior to V. Putin and Russian President D. Medvedev. For the six months of his work as a president, he had a lot of his public, monduring a business speech by such jargones, as a call for officials "dive into problems", "not a nightmare" modern business, etc. Attempt to M. Saakashvili, Military way to subordinate to himself Yu. Ossetia, he publicly called the "idiotic" output. At that moment, when he pronounced this phrase, diplomats probably had nervous shock.

D. Medvedev is a young and very energetic president. In the first six months of his presidency, he has already spent more than fifty meetings with foreign delegations and heads of countries. He keeps well at meetings, being a lawyer, perfectly oriented in the laws Russian FederationOpen for contacts and negotiations.

On November 2, 2008, three presidents were held in Moscow: President of the Russian Federation D. Medvedev, President of Azerbaijan I. Alieva and the President of Armenia S. Sarksyan on the issue of the situation in Nagorno-Karabakh. All three demonstrated a complete disregard for the indispensable requirement of the protocol: "Sitting holding his knees together, the feet, if possible, have one near the other." Probably, modern politicians prefer to behave at the table of negotiations as "democratic", as president of the US President J. Bush. Traditional postulates of the diplomatic protocol, unfortunately, are increasingly crowded with a free interpretation of good manners.

An explanation of the neglect of modern politicians to the norms of diplomatic etiquette is their desire to show society that they are the same people as everyone else, and they are characterized by all those emotions that are inherent in ordinary people. In any case, it must be recognized that the use of jargon and neologisms in official performances does a speech of politicians more emotional and memorable.

The article is provided by the magazine "Secretarial"

Takes are form business communication At various levels. During the reception, representatives of states, business partners, business colleagues can meet, just friends and acquaintances. In the course of such events, the most important role is played by the observance of ethical norms of behavior. Before visiting the reception, you must familiarize yourself with the provisions of the diplomatic etiquette.


Diplomatic etiquette is a set of rules and rules of behavior on official events. Since official techniques can be held in the presence of representatives of the most high level, Ignoring business behaviors can serve as a serious insult.

The diplomatic protocol is the centuries-old historical experience of international business communication. Its formation occurred gradually. The author of the diplomatic protocol is not a specific person or country.

The difference between the diplomatic etiquette and the protocol is that the etiquette implies a manifestation of respect and good manners to the participants of the official event: officialspoliticians. The diplomatic protocol is a more generalized and widespread concept, which dictates the principles of respect for countries and states.


Diplomatic techniques can be arranged at various levels and in various reasons. Most often these are national holidays, significant dates and events. Any honored person or honorary representative of another state may be honored at the reception. Also, the reception can be arranged on the occasion of a large family celebration, professional holiday, art exhibition or theatrical premiere.

Such an event involves a certain preparation for it. Receptions is a fairly responsible event. The numerous event, the earlier preparation should be started. Invitations for guests must be sent at least 10 days.

The organizer and the owner of the event should be properly prepared for its formal part.

Invited, for their part, must also take care that the appropriate clothing is selected. It should be appropriate at this event, match the atmosphere and time.Excessively luxurious and coupling outfits will look ridiculous and cause only negative emotions from those surrounding.

At the reception it is necessary to appear in the time specified by the organizer - try not to be late.

Guests should take care in advance how to get to the venue to the venue.


Depending on the occasion, the contingent of invited guests receptions is made to divide on official and unofficial.

Official diplomatic techniques

At such events, participants are usually associated professional activities. This can be colleagues for work, business partners, representatives of various organizations or enterprises. Very often, diplomats and other representatives of various states are found at official techniques of the high level.

Official techniques require particularly thorough preparation and organization.

Informal techniques

Such techniques are less formal. They can invite family members, friends, service colleagues. Once for these events, various celebrations, family events and festivities are usually served. Of course, during such holidays, the International Diplomatic Protocol is not entirely appropriate, but even they require compliance with the relevant ethical norms.

Depending on the time of the receptions come day and evening. On daily events of this type, it is customary to dress less officially. For women, a short dress is allowed. Evening techniques are usually more solemn, they require a careful selection of the wardrobe. For men, this is a strict business suit or fracture. Women at evening official event It is worth picking a long dress.

  • In the evening official receptions, the jacket must be fastened. It is allowed to unbutton it only during the table.
  • Do not abuse spirits or deodorant. The fragrance should be light and unobtrusive for others.
  • For business techniques and negotiations, monophonic costumes of discreet and strict colors are suitable: gray, black, blue, dark blue.
  • An acceptable tie length - to the belt trousers. It is necessary to take care that the node on the tie was neat.

  • In the summer, dresses or suits of light tones are allowed for daytime techniques. Shoes are selected similar color.
  • Often the organizers in the invitation indicate the desired form of clothing. In this case, the owner's request should be observed and choose the corresponding suit.
  • It is worth refrain from the choice of a monochrome tie of black. Such a matter of wardrobe, as a rule, dresses on mourning events and memories.
  • Do not put items in the pockets of the jacket or jacket.
  • You should also refrain from keeping hands in external clothes pockets.
  • For diplomatic events, women are not recommended to wear a large number of jewelry.