Logistic communications in transport operations. Transport logistics: tasks, problems, essence. Changes and current trends

For consumers of services, only the final result is always important. To achieve this goal, the following tasks are solved: research of methods and systems of logistics management at the enterprise; research of the activity of a transport enterprise IE Osin M. The essence of logistics at a transport enterprise For transport enterprises, the main goal of the activity is to provide high-quality services to cargo owners and consumers of transport products. Amid declining traffic and increased competition from other modes of transport ...

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Transport logistics acts as a necessary component of the entire theory and practice of commerce logistics, since logistics as a science deals with the management of all streaming movements, and material flow management is impossible without its transportation.

Logistic operations on the path of movement of the material flow occur using various vehicles.

The costs of these operations are approximately half of the total logistics costs.

Taking into account this approach to transport as part of the logistics chain, the logistics of commerce is considered in different aspects:

1) from the standpoint of work efficiency certain types transport;

2) from the point of view of the organization of transportation from the manufacturer to the consignee;

3) taking into account the interests of the client, not only basic transportation is important, but also processing and storage.

The quality of transportation is more reflected in the total costs than their cost, therefore, taking into account the above aspects contributes to the optimal choice of transportation services.

Transport, being an important link logistics system, should be flexible enough to ensure the transportation process meets changing demand.

The transport itself is divided into:

1) public transport (covers the needs of the national economy in the transportation of goods and passengers);

2) non-public transport (transport of the enterprise itself and transport owned by non-transport companies).

The tasks of transport logistics are to provide the participants in the transport process with technical compliance - this is the consistency of the parameters of vehicles, which makes it possible to work with both containers and packages; technological compliance, where technological compliance is the use of a single technology for transportation and direct transshipment; coordination of economic interests and the use of unified planning systems.

The creation of transport corridors, the choice of the mode of transport, the choice of the route and the type of vehicle - all these tasks also relate to transport logistics.

2. Basic concepts of transportation and freight forwarding

The main function of transport logistics is to create a system for optimizing the transportation process, as well as in transport and forwarding support.

The basic concepts of transportation and freight forwarding include:

1) activities for forecasting, organizing and delivering products from the place of manufacture to the final destination and additional services for transportation;

2) preparation of the necessary documents;

3) legal support (conclusion of contracts) for transportation;

4) calculation for the carriage of goods;

5) carrying out and organizing loading and unloading operations;

6) packaging, packaging, warehousing;

7) an increase in the volume of small shipments and a decrease in the volume of large shipments;

8) information Support;

9) insurance services, financial and customs services.

Transportation support is a work associated with movement, movement of goods and passengers, provision of loading and unloading services and storage services.

Transportation technology consists in the sequence of technological operations during the transport process.

Forwarding support is a part of the process of movement of goods from the manufacturer to the consumer and includes a number of additional works, without which the transportation route cannot be started and ended.

3. Types of transportation of goods

Information on characteristic features different types of transport is the basis for choosing the type of transport that is optimal for a particular transportation.

According to the number of types of transport involved in transportation, delivery systems are divided into single and multi-type.

One-type transportation includes unimodal, multi-species multimodal and intermodal transportation.

Unimodal transportation, in contrast to intermodal and multimodal, is carried out by transport of the same type. Multimodal transportation is carried out, as a rule, within the country, intermodal transportation is a system of delivery of goods in international traffic.

4. Advantages and disadvantages of certain types of transport

All of the above types of transportation have their own differences, but along with this they have similarities, they have a common technological basis in the form of specific technological schemes.

Let's consider the main advantages and disadvantages of various types of transport.

Automobile transport is involved in the transportation of goods over a relatively short distance (within 200-300 km), the main advantage of this type of transport is good maneuverability, which makes it possible to deliver goods "from door to door."

This type of transport allows you to ensure the regularity of delivery, as well as to carry out deliveries in small batches. Here, less stringent packaging requirements are imposed.

It should also be noted the speed of delivery of goods and passengers, in terms of its speed characteristics it is second only to air.

The main disadvantages are:

1) high cost of transportation;

2) the likelihood of theft of cargo and theft of the vehicle itself;

3) low carrying capacity;

4) poor condition of roads and their insignificant length;

5) expensive maintenance, high cost of material and technical base;

6) vehicles are environmentally unfavorable, which reduces the possibility of their use.

But, despite the listed disadvantages, road transport actively provides freight transportation for all services of the national economy.

Road transport carries out most of the passenger movements over short distances, in suburban traffic, as well as in intercity transportation at a distance of up to 500 km.

Rail transport is well suited for the transportation of various consignments in any weather. The organization of transportation by this type of transport is regular and carried out over long distances.

The key advantage is the relatively low cost and discounts.

Also, a positive aspect is the possibility of laying railway lines in almost any territory of the country and high carrying and carrying capacity. railways.

Rail transport is characterized by relatively high economic indicators and a fairly advanced transportation technology.

For the objectivity of the assessment, it is necessary to list the shortcomings, they include: a limited number of carriers, the impossibility of delivery in the absence of railways.

The use of rail transport is beneficial when transporting goods (coal, mineral fertilizers, metals, etc.) over long and medium distances, between enterprises that have railways. In some cases, the use of rail transport is beneficial even with an insignificant cargo turnover.

Maritime transport plays an important role in the development and strengthening of economic ties with foreign countries, it is the largest carrier in international transport.

In comparison with other types of transport, sea transport has a number of positive differences in providing massive intercontinental transport.

Sea routes do not require additional costs, so this transport does not need additional capital investments.

This transport is characterized by: low cost of transportation, unlimited bandwidth.

The disadvantages of maritime transport include:

1) dependence on natural and navigational conditions;

2) the need to build a complex port facility;

3) low speed and strict packaging requirements.

Sea transport is associated with overseas transportation and delivery of goods for import and export to countries with trade links.

Inland waterway transport is characterized by low freight rates and is an important link in the overall transport system in areas where there are rivers.

River transport is distinguished by a large carrying capacity, low cost of transportation, small capital investments.

The disadvantages are the limitation of the use of rolling stock, associated with the seasonality of work, lengthening of the routes of cargo, low speed of transportation. River transport is effective in areas where there are no other modes of transport.

Air Transport. The main advantage is speed. Also, air transport is distinguished by the ability to reach remote areas, high safety of goods.

Air transport is mainly engaged in passenger transportation, the cargo transportation carried out by it, in comparison with the volume of transportation carried out by other modes of transport, is lightweight.

Air transport is engaged in the delivery of goods to industrial centers and the delivery of vegetables, fruits and other perishable products to the northern regions, as well as mail and other valuable goods.

The high cost of transportation is the main disadvantage of this type of transport. The disadvantages include dependence on weather conditions.

Pipeline transport. Pipelines are divided into oil pipelines, product pipelines and gas pipelines. This type of transport provides a low cost price with a high throughput and a high degree of cargo safety. The disadvantage of pipeline transport is the small amount of cargo to be transported. Pipeline transport is engaged in pumping oil and gas from fields, moving products of oil distillation.

5. Transport documentation

The main documents governing the rules of transportation are the Charter of the Railways of the Russian Federation, inland waterways, road transport, Merchant Shipping Code.

The Statutes and the Code define duties and rights as well as responsibilities transport organizations and citizens using transport. They regulate the relationship of transport organizations between themselves and with consumers of products.

When transporting goods, a contract is concluded in the form of an agreement, according to which the carrier assumes the obligation to deliver the goods by his own means from the place of destination to the final point within the specified time frame, and the sender undertakes to pay the established fee for the transportation.

For different types transportation there are different contracts.

The contract for the carriage of goods by rail is a consignment note, which is drawn up by the consignor. Road bill - a document that accompanies the cargo along the route.

Wagon sheet - a document drawn up for each loaded wagon.

In liner shipping, a contract is a bill of lading, which at the same time serves as a receipt from the carrier of receipt of the cargo.

Bills of lading are registered (drawn up for a specific recipient), order, present (valid upon presentation).

In overseas navigation, with a non-linear form of shipping, the contract is drawn up by a charter.

When transporting by sea, the primary document is the loading order.

In direct, water or mixed traffic, an invoice is used instead of a loading slip.

Waybills are issued for towing rafts and other floating objects, air transportation.

For road transport organizations set model contract... The driver of a freight transport when the car leaves the flight is issued waybill, which is the main document for accounting work, it is issued, as a rule, for one day and returned at the end of the work.

The consignment note is the basis for settlements between the customer and the trucking company.

List of documents required for the carriage of goods: consignment note, waybills, power of attorney for carriage, specification, supplier invoice, power of attorney for carriage, summary sheets.

6. Transport management

At the federal level, the central link state system transport management is the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation.

The creation of governing structures and the distribution of functions and powers between them presupposes the organization of a system of state regulation of transport activities.

The Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation has its own central office and departments for modes of transport and road facilities. The transport departments carry out a thorough analysis of the state and development trends of the sub-industry, in accordance with a single state policy, they develop a policy for the development of transport in the region.

The central apparatus deals with strategic problems, the development, preparation, approval of draft laws and regulations, their implementation on the spot is handled by independent centers of power in the form of local administrations. The emerging system of territorial management of transport operations consists of transport administration bodies, non-administrative economic and financial divisions and coordination structures.

7. Routing of freight flows

An important logistics method in determining the optimal route is full cost analysis.

The freight forwarder of the cargo owner is engaged in the development of the optimal route when receiving an order for the provision of transport services for the transportation of a new cargo for him or a familiar cargo in a new direction.

At the end of the preliminary assessment, several competitive options are identified, each of which is further analyzed to select the final optimal option.

It takes into account not only the cost of transportation, but also the time of transportation, the possibility of unforeseen expenses, delays in transit and the likelihood of damage to the goods.

After determining the optimal route option, the forwarder selects the participants in the transportation and concludes the necessary contracts.

8. Transport and logical chains, information support

The principles of logistics are most easily applied to the transport of bulk cargo (coal, iron ore, oil products).

Transport and logistics chains are most effectively implemented in the field of cargo transportation. The development of competition between market participants for quality service at minimal costs, the development of merger processes between enterprises of various industries, the use of the latest information technologies that have great potential for positive management - all this contributes to the formation of new organizational forms of interaction between supply chains and networks.

Until recently, market orientation was considered a major success factor, but profitability requires the right choice and combination of resources.

It is the resource orientation that was formed in economically developed countries, which inevitably led to an understanding of the need for unified (integrated) logistics.

The characteristics of integrated logistics have a direct impact on the efficiency and productivity of the transport system, as well as on the quality of its functioning.

Features are in the accounting and use of resources that competitors do not have, in the ability of customers, paying for additional services, to derive additional benefits for themselves, maintaining stability in the long term.

Summarizing all of the above, we can conclude: using the "value chain", the logistics approach is focused on all participants in the commodity and logistics process. The value chain consists of four links: links with suppliers, consumers, technological processes within the enterprise; logistics processes within the enterprise between its divisions; united communication between the enterprises of the transport and logistics chain.

The enterprises of the transport and logistics chain strive to reduce costs due to the rapid turnover of resources, shortening the lead time, coordinating transport work with a network of shippers and consignees.

An important strategic resource for transport logistics is logistics information.

Information support allows the most effective implementation of business goals, it is aimed at the timely delivery and prevention of irrational loss of resources.

The use of electronics leads to lower transportation costs due to the positive management of information flows, an increase in their speed and coordination.

Depending on the source of obtaining information within the information support of transport logistics, external and internal information is distinguished.

Internal logistics information includes information on transport services, costs, tariffs, methods of transportation and delivery.

External - information about markets, competitors, customer needs, changes in transport legislation.

The transport and logistics companies united in the chain are interested in obtaining correct and timely data at all levels of management.

The information obtained in this case is taken into account as a resource and an independent factor in transport and transportation activities.

From completeness and accuracy information resources in transport logistics depends on the degree of customer satisfaction for transportation.

Dissatisfaction with information support indicates a lack of complete information about goods, conditions of transportation and transport processes, untimely receipt of information for requests, differences in the training levels of the working staff processing logistic information and using it, absence or underdevelopment of the communication network, lack of technologies for monitoring the properties of information resources.

Transport and logistics processes include the search, processing and distribution of information.

Time and quality are key factors in the transport logistics system.

Transport operations are subject to the requirement of logistics, delivery of safe cargo just in time.

A logistics approach is essential for businesses that provide transport services; the service sector must function in such a way as to fully meet the needs of the client.

For the delivery of goods on time with the least expenditure of resources, a single technological process is developed and implemented, which takes into account the integration of production, transport and consumption. A single technological process allows the smooth operation of all parts of the logistics system.

9. Delivery and distribution systems

Modern approach to transport as an integral part of a large system implies consideration of the entire transportation process from the initial to the final point (from the consignor to the consignee), including the processes of cargo handling, packaging and unpacking, storage and information support of cargo delivery.

The complexity of this process has led to the creation of special logistics centers.

These centers carry out data analysis and develop proposals for improving freight traffic, distributing traffic across all modes of transport, completing shipments, and the procedure for concluding contracts.

In the supply chain, during the delivery of goods, technological processes, which have their own characteristics, depending on the characteristics of the cargo.

Delivery of goods is a set of measures carried out after the receipt of products for transportation and before receiving them by the consumer. They include the delivery of materials, their warehousing and storage, as well as packaging and transportation by any means of transport.

This also includes such operations as developing a timetable and choosing a route. The purpose of these measures is to ensure reliable delivery of goods and eliminate the gap between production and the consumer. Freight forwarding services are the main part of the process of movement of goods from manufacturer to consumer.

The main participants in the delivery system are forwarders, carriers, warehouses, etc.

When fulfilling an order from a cargo manufacturer, the company acts as an organizer of the delivery process, selecting and coordinating the work of participants in the process, and at the same time bears responsibility to the cargo manufacturer and participants in the system. Product distribution includes the work of moving goods from producers to final or intermediate consumers.

The distribution system is based on:

1) the consistency of individual industries and firms involved in the process of movement of products from manufacturer to consumer;

2) the totality of enterprises and organizations through which the goods pass from the moment of their manufacture to the moment of their consumption;

3) the coherence of legal and individuals in the promotion of products as logistics providers between the manufacturer and the consumer of the product.

The set of distribution channels constitutes the distribution network.

With the development of the economy, the volume of foreign trade increases, and at the same time the volume of transportation of foreign trade cargo, the number of passenger traffic increases.

In modern conditions, transport occupies a key position in the integration processes. With the globalization of the economy and foreign trade exchange, new approaches to the development of transport and the search for cost-effective ways to develop the transportation of people and goods are required.

10. International road transport

International transportation of goods by road ensures economic ties of our country with the countries of Europe, the Middle East and Asia.

The structure of transportation is very diverse. They are divided into two main groups: the carriage of foreign trade goods (machinery, machine tools, equipment, raw materials and resources) and the carriage of non-trade goods (diplomatic goods, movable property during relocation, exhibits, etc.).

International transportation, depending on the frequency of performance, can be regular and one-time.

International transportation is governed by agreements on international road traffic between the governments of our country and the contracting country.

Transportation of goods is carried out on the basis of permits issued for each flight and giving the right to carry out transportation there and back.

If the total weight of goods and vehicles or their overall dimensions are not included in the norms established and in force in the territory of another country, and if it is necessary to transport dangerous goods, then, in addition to the usual permits, special permits are also required.

All cars vehicles and their drivers are exposed to customs control... Rolling stock carrying out international transport must have national registration numbers and decals.

In international transport, heavy vehicles and vans are used. The movement is carried out on a through system. The car's crew consists of two drivers.

The efficiency of international carriage by road is to ensure door-to-door delivery of cargo.

A detailed answer to the question of what transport logistics is, as well as complete information about its tasks, features, types, functions and advantages and disadvantages of individual modes of transport that are used in this type of logistics.

What is transport logistics in simple words

Transport logistics is one of the most popular types, the task of which is to organize the delivery (transportation) of goods or products. We are talking about the movement of goods, for example, from the manufacturer's warehouse to the warehouse of a store or another company. This includes internal movements.

All major operations are carried out using land, air or water transport.

Transport logistics should be considered from several perspectives:

  • Organization of the processes of cargo transportation and transportation of goods or products.
  • The efficiency of the transport used.
  • From the point of view of clients (customers).

This type of logistics is based on 6 main stages:

  • Choosing the right vehicle.
  • Calculations of transportation costs.
  • Preparation of documents.
  • Transportation.
  • Unloading.

With the help of transport logistics, you can move goods within the enterprise, deliver them to the warehouses of customer companies located in different regions of the country or abroad.

“I have heard a lot of definitions of transport logistics, but the most appropriate one that reflects this field of activity, I believe, is the organization of cargo delivery from the moment the car is loaded to the moment it is unloaded. It is also loading the required quantity and quality, in specified time, terms, and its delivery at the specified time and time at the best price, since the minimum price is not always a high-quality service. "

Svetlana Koschy - Director of the Ibis transport and forwarding company

The main and important tasks of transport logistics

As it has already become clear, transport logistics is responsible for organizing the timely delivery of goods with minimal financial and time costs. That is, these are the main tasks that this type of logistics solves.

However, in order to achieve the desired results, expressed in the same cost minimization, you need to perform several mandatory actions:

  • Analyze the reliability of delivery points.
  • Analyze the cargo (its properties, features, transportation requirements, etc.).
  • Determine the most suitable mode of transport (land, air, water).
  • Select a carrier ( transport company).
  • Determine a less time-consuming transportation route.
  • Ensure control of the cargo during its transportation.
  • Optimize all processes on which the quality and speed of transportation depends.

It is worth clarifying some points.

An analysis of the delivery point must be carried out in order to determine how much and what types of transport will have to be used to transport the goods and whether there is a need for intermediate points.

A cargo analysis is also needed to determine the appropriate transport. It is necessary to take into account its weight, dimensions, fragility, storage requirements, safety and other parameters.

The choice of transport should be based on the data obtained from previous analyzes. You also need to pay attention to the delivery speed and its cost, since different types of transport have different technical capabilities, on which the quality and time of transportation depends.

If the company does not have its own vehicle fleet, then it is advisable to contact a transport company. In this case, several options must be considered at once, from which to choose the most suitable in terms of quality and price.

Logisticians, in turn, determine point A, point B, and then think over the optimal route for transport.

Basics of transport logistics and its functions

Now it is worth listing the basics and main functions of the described type of logistics in order to consolidate the information obtained above.

Transport logistics includes several activities at once:

  1. Forecasting and organization of cargo transportation.
  2. Execution of contracts and other documents for the movement of goods or products to the end customer.
  3. Legal service, which includes support for all cargo transportation operations.
  4. Calculation of financial costs for transportation.
  5. Planning of optimal transport routes.
  6. Cargo packing.
  7. Loading and unloading works.
  8. Warehousing of cargo ().
  9. Information support all processes.
  10. Customs and insurance services.

Types of transport logistics and cargo transportation

There are only two types of transport logistics:

  1. Internal - movement of goods between branches of the same company or enterprise.
  2. External - delivery of goods (for example, products) from the manufacturer to the consumer.

And transport cargo transportation can be divided into:

  • Unimodal - transportation is carried out by one transport.
  • Multimodal - several types of vehicles are used at once (in the case of international cargo transportation) of one company.
  • Intermodal - delivery is carried out using several types of transport, which are organized by one operator and several carriers.
  • Mixed - delivery of cargo by one transport to the place of its loading into another transport.
  • Combined - almost the same as mixed, only here more than two types of transport are involved.

Advantages and disadvantages of different types of transport in logistics

Kind of transport



Ground (cars)

Optimal price


High speed

Affordable for most businesses

Possibility of transportation of small consignments

Large selection of transport companies

Minimum packaging requirements

Low lifting capacity

Dependence on weather and road conditions

Expensive maintenance

High risk of cargo theft

Extremely expensive overseas transportation

A high speed of loading and unloading is required

Ground (trains, trains)

High lifting capacity

Frequent transport stability

No dependence on weather conditions

High delivery speed

Low cost

Minimum mobility

Water (intercontinental transportation)

Virtually unlimited carrying capacity

Minimum financial costs

Reliability, safety and security of cargo

Slow transportation

Geographic transportation restrictions

Low regularity of shipments

Severe packaging requirements


High delivery speed

High lifting capacity


Short routes

High price

Depends on weather conditions

What documents are used in transport logistics

The most important document is, of course, the contract between the carrier and the shipper. The conditions of this document are practically the same in all cases: one party undertakes to deliver the cargo to the final destination in a timely manner and in safety, the second - to pay for services according to the tariff.

For the transportation of cargo itself you will need:

  • Consignment note
  • Power of attorney for transportation
  • Supplier invoice
  • Summary statements

Problems and prospects for the development of transport logistics in the Russian Federation

Difficulties in the development of transport logistics in Russia are associated with the lack of carefully designed projects in this area. That is, there are no clear rules that would regulate individual divisions of a particular enterprise or company.

Since responsibilities are not distributed correctly, one specialist can perform several logistics jobs at once, not being a professional in the industry and not having the proper knowledge. This is due to the reluctance of managers to "inflate" the company's staff.

However, it cannot be said that transport logistics in Russia is not developing. There is development, but it lags significantly behind the rest of the world. That is, the pace is very slow. This is caused by the following factors:

  • Regular instability of the economic situation within the country and in the world market.
  • The minimum number of companies specialized in the production of packaging.
  • Unsatisfactory road condition.
  • Poor production and technical base.

With the normalization of all these factors, the pace of development of logistics in Russia will be able to increase and approach the world level.

In modern conditions, the provision of logistics operations in most cases is carried out not so much by the supplying company itself as by enterprises and organizations specializing in this kind of operations. Specialized companies can perform part of the logistics operations or completely all operations, performing actions on behalf and on behalf of the principal - the supplier company (cargo owner).

Moreover, most often the execution of logistics operations is carried out as if in a combined version. Some of them are performed by the supplier company. This is the storage and management of stocks at the supplier's premises, registration of all commodity and shipping documentation, often it is customs clearance and insurance, information support of the delivery. In addition, it is the sender who enters into a contractual relationship with all enterprises participating in the delivery of goods and pays for their services directly or through intermediary organizations.

Enterprises that facilitate the fulfillment of contracts for the sale and supply of goods to recipients by the supplier company were named logistics providers.

Logistics providers include enterprises that facilitate the organization and implementation of the delivery of goods in international and domestic transport. These can be transport companies, forwarding companies, brokerage (providing chartering of sea tonnage for a client), warehouse, agency (servicing shipping companies), companies that carry out customs operations. In other words, these are all those enterprises and firms that facilitate the organization and implementation of the delivery of goods, their promotion to domestic and international markets.

The main content of transport logistics operations

The delivery of goods from the place of its production to the place of consumption can be subdivided into two types of operations: actual transportationcarried out by transport companies, and additional operationscovering a complex of various, sometimes complex and time-consuming works associated with the carriage of goods, but beyond the usual functions of carriers.

The most important for cargo owners are freight forwarding operations, since it is transport and forwarding services of goods that are of greatest interest to organizations and enterprises. In accordance with international practice, forwarding organizations, firms, companies are called upon to represent and protect the interests of cargo owners. A freight forwarding company, by its status, is obliged to act on behalf of and on behalf of the client (cargo owner), organizing the service of the cargo in the process of its delivery and performing a number of operations that the client entrusts to it. The term "freight forwarder" appears in the Middle Ages. The word "forwarder" of Latin origin from expedire accelerate.

At present, in accordance with the terminology of modern management, the term "freight forwarding company" is increasingly being replaced by the terms logistics provider, logistics, logistics partner. It doesn't matter what the name of this kind of company is. The bottom line is whose interests it represents and protects, on whose behalf it works and whose orders it carries out.

Currently, they are conventionally divided into four categories.

First level logistics provider - 1PL (logistics provider), a logistics provider company that limits its services to only a narrow part of its operations.

For example, a company works only in one region, deals only with warehousing, works only for road transport.

Second tier service provider - 2PL a logistics provider that provides a wide range of services at home and abroad.

But he works only as an intermediary, as an agent organizing the chain of delivery of goods. Responsibility for the delivery of the goods is borne directly by the logistics company that made the loss, loss, theft, etc.

Third level logistics provider - 3PL is able to solve the problems of full and complex logistics services, uses any type of transport, has its own rolling stock, owns terminal complexes in ports or at railway stations, owns its own warehouses etc.

This logistics provider assumes general functions for the delivery of the goods and is responsible to the cargo owner for their actions and the actions of all those subcontractors who were involved in the delivery. In modern law, this is called the "presumption of guilt".

Level 4 logistics provider 4PL a logistics company capable of doing everything that characterizes a third-tier logistics provider plus "management logistics".

That is, a provider of this level is able to optimize the product delivery process, based on the wishes of the clientele. These optimization criteria, as a rule, are the speed of delivery, safety or the amount of logistics costs.

The most common freight forwarding operations for cargo handling:

  • advising the clientele when choosing the type and means of transport in terms of its convenience, speed, cost and safety of cargo delivery;
  • advising on the route of transportation, type of communication, transport conditions of the contract and the basis for the delivery of goods;
  • organization of cargo delivery from the sender's warehouse to a railway station, port, airport (i.e. to mainline transport) or from a station, port, airport to the consignee's warehouse;
  • packaging and repackaging, marking and relabelling;
  • complete set of consignments, i.e. consolidation of small consignments into a consolidated large consignment (shipment) in order to make the most rational use of the carrying capacity of vehicles and obtain more favorable rates for cargo owners (in the overwhelming majority of cases, tariffing for small shipments is unprofitable for the clientele);
  • mediation in the conclusion of contracts by the cargo owner with carriers, warehouse companies, ports, insurance companies and, in general, any enterprises involved in the delivery of goods;
  • rendering assistance to cargo owners or performing customs, sanitary, quarantine, veterinary and other operations related to the delivery of goods on behalf of cargo owners;
  • transfer of cargo to the carrier or its cargo agent (port, pier, station) with the registration of acceptance, transportation and other necessary documentation;
  • organization of cargo storage in warehouses (possibly in our own warehouse);
  • organization or performance by own means of loading and unloading operations during loading, unloading or transshipment of cargo;
  • assistance in payments for the goods and for the performance of operations related to the delivery of goods;
  • acceptance of cargo at the point of destination from the carrier or his cargo agent, checking the number of pieces, weight, condition of containers and packaging, and sometimes the quality of the cargo itself, with the involvement of experts (surveyors);
  • preparation of claims documentation (commercial acts on deficiencies, surpluses, damage to cargo and containers, re-grading, etc.) together with carriers or their freight agents;
  • settlement of accounts for transportation and loading and unloading operations at the points of departure and destination of cargo;
  • sorting of large consignments of cargo by lot, grade and size;
  • organization of personal escort of cargo during delivery.

Large forwarding companies are not limited only to intermediary operations and the organization of delivery of goods, but are also being introduced into the transportation process. Basically, freight forwarding companies purchase and operate vehicles, and they use it both for domestic and international transport. At the same time, the cargo owner is offered not only freight forwarding services, but also its transportation. Less commonly, forwarding firms own river boats, railway platforms or sea vessels. However, this also happens, however, not so often.

11 Aug

Hello! Today we'll talk about what transport logistics is and share tips on how to choose a transport logistics company. It is difficult to imagine a business that can exist, let alone develop, without transporting various goods. Raw materials need to be delivered to production, finished goods to the intermediary, and from the intermediary to the consumer. Organizing all movements, keeping costs to a minimum - this is the main task of transport logistics.

Transport logistics as part of logistics science

Imagine a person who is engaged in the manufacture and sale of wooden souvenirs. At first, he will have enough of his own car to bring materials to the workshop, and the finished product to the store. But over time, its production will begin to grow, and besides the thought, it will be necessary to think about finding new suppliers, opening a second workshop and branches in other cities.

How can he now manage to carry out all the necessary transportation himself while driving a single car? This is where logistics and transport companies come to the rescue of business.

It studies the management of all streaming movements, its subsection - transport logistics is responsible for the transportation of material goods by means of various vehicles.

Transport costs account for about 50% of all logistics costs. The quality of transportation affects costs no less than their direct cost. In this regard, it is very important to consider transport logistics:

  1. From the standpoint of the efficiency of the selected type of transport;
  2. From the standpoint of organizing the transportation process;
  3. From the point of view of the client, the conditions of storage and handling of cargo are no less important.

The history of the industry

For the first time the phrase "transport logistics" was officially sounded in 1974 in Berlin at the European Congress. At the same time, its main tasks and spheres of influence were formulated.

Transport logistics can be defined as the organization of delivery of goods to an agreed point, with an optimized route in the required time with minimal costs.

In the West, the logistics services market was formed back in the 1990s, and every year, according to experts, its capacity is growing by an average of 20%. In Russia, they started talking about transport logistics only with the transition to a market economy.

Today at Russian Federation the development of transport logistics is not progressing as fast as in the West. This is primarily due to the lack of clearly delineating the responsibilities of the participants in the process. One employee is assigned various functions, in which he is absolutely not a specialist.

Among other factors that negatively affect the development of transport logistics in Russia, one can single out:

  1. The instability of the economic situation;
  2. Slow pace of production development;
  3. Unsatisfactory condition of transport routes;
  4. Low level of production and technical base.

But there are also positive trends, thanks to which the logistics of transport in Russia will develop rapidly in the coming years. In this regard, two groups of prerequisites can be named:

  1. Scientific and technical (training of specialists);
  2. Technical (construction of new facilities for sales and supply systems).

Fundamentals of transport logistics, transport logistics functions

Let's see what transport logistics consists of and what types of activities it includes:

  1. Forecast and organization of cargo delivery;
  2. Registration of related documents;
  3. Legal support of transportation;
  4. Payment for transportation services;
  5. Loading and unloading;
  6. Packing and warehousing;
  7. Process optimization;
  8. Information support;
  9. Additional services (customs services, insurance).

Types of transport logistics

Transport logistics is divided into internal (movement of goods within the company and between its branches) and external (for example, delivery of a product from a manufacturer to a consumer).

The types of transportation are divided into:

  1. Unimodal (single species)... Carried out by one transport;
  2. Multimodal (multi-species)... Transportation is carried out using several types of transport, with one responsible organizer. Officially, one transport acts as a carrier, the rest have the status of customers;
  3. Intermodal... Delivery of goods by several types of transport, when one operator organizes the entire process of moving from the first point, through intermediate points, and to the recipient. Responsibility is divided between all carriers who are equal in their status, uniform tariffs are determined;
  4. Mixed... Two types of transport are used, when the first one delivers to the place of loading on the second (without intermediate points and warehousing). For example: rail and road delivery;
  5. Combined... Unlike mixed ones, more than two types of vehicles are used in the chain.

Two approaches to organizing the transport process

The transport logistics process is organized according to one of two principles:

  1. Logistic;
  2. Traditional.

The traditional approach lacks the operator multimodal transportation, managing the entire process of moving the load. Participants interact sequentially. Information and financial flows in the traditional flow are transmitted exclusively between adjacent links in the chain. It is not surprising that there are no uniform tariffs in such a chain.

In the logistic approach, everything is led by a single transport operator, due to which the communication scheme is transformed into a consistently central one. In this case, general transportation rates appear.

Transport logistics tasks

The essence of transport logistics is the organization of timely transportation of goods with minimal costs. To achieve this goal, a number of tasks must be completed:

  1. Analyze delivery points;
  2. Analyze the properties of the cargo;
  3. Choose a suitable transport;
  4. Select a carrier and, if necessary, other logistics partners;
  5. Build a route;
  6. Monitor the cargo during transportation;
  7. Provide technological unity of the transport and warehouse process;
  8. Optimize parameters (increase the speed of transportation, reduce the amount of fuel consumed).

End point analysis

At the first stage, the transport logistics manager lays out an approximate route, taking into account the geography of the area and the type of cargo. Sometimes, already when solving this problem, it becomes clear that several types of transport will have to be used or intermediate points need to be worked out.

Analysis of cargo properties

The peculiarities of the cargo largely influence the further choice of transport and the development of the route. For example, how bulky, heavy or fragile a product is will greatly affect the choice of vehicle. And poisonous and chemically hazardous substances are recommended to be transported away from settlements. Only after determining the properties of the cargo is it worth starting the choice of transport.

Choice of transport

Cargo transportation is impossible without transport. To a large extent, logistics costs depend on the type of transportation chosen.

The most important criteria for transport logistics are the speed of delivery, its cost and time. In addition, the vehicle is chosen based on:

  1. The nature and value of the cargo;
  2. The number of batches and the frequency of shipments;
  3. Distances and features of the location of the destination.

According to the destination, transport is:

  1. Public transport (public);
  2. Special use (owned by the organization);
  3. Personal transport.

Energy use:

  1. On the power of the engine (electric cars, cars with a thermal or hybrid engine);
  2. On the strength of the wind (for example, sailing ships);
  3. On muscle strength (driven by an animal or human).

The most important classification for us is according to the medium of movement.

Ground transportation. Cars


  • Low rates;
  • Mobility;
  • Availability;
  • Speed;
  • Possibility of sending small consignments;
  • High regularity of shipments;
  • Large selection of carriers;
  • There are no strict requirements for packaging.


  • Very low lifting capacity;
  • Dependence on meteorological and road conditions;
  • High cost of delivery over distances over 300 km;
  • Expensive service;
  • Fast unloading required;
  • Low level of reliability (risk of theft).

Ground transportation. Railway


  • High lifting capacity;
  • High regularity of transportation;
  • Does not depend on weather and season;
  • Fast long distance delivery;
  • Low cost.


  • Low mobility;
  • Monopoly of carriers.

Ground transportation. Pipeline

The pipeline is used to move liquid and gaseous substances through special structures. Here, the load is usually liquids or gases, but solid objects such as capsules can also be moved.


  • Low cost;
  • Doesn't require a lot of staff;
  • Reliability of cargo safety.


  • Narrow list of transported goods;
  • Transportation of small volumes is not possible.

Water transport. Sea vessels

Acts as the main carrier on intercontinental routes.


  • Low cost;
  • Reliability of cargo safety.


  • Low speed;
  • Limited geography of transportation;
  • Rare shipments;
  • Strict requirements for fastening and packaging.

Water transport. River vessels

It is especially often used in areas where there are no airports and railways.


  • Very high lifting capacity;
  • High carrying capacity.


  • Limited geography of transportation;
  • Depends on weather and season;
  • Low delivery speed.

Air Transport

The main ships used are airplanes and helicopters.


  • Reliability of cargo safety;
  • High speed;
  • High mobility;
  • Large carrying capacity;
  • The shortest routes.


  • Highest rates;
  • Dependence on the weather;
  • Limited number of airports.

Other, less popular, modes of transport include space or underwater, as well as funiculars and elevators.

What are tariffs

The costs in transport logistics are made up of the cost of transportation of goods, which is formed from the tariff (or freight rate) - that is, from the price for transportation set by the carrier for a certain period of time. Freight- an alternative to the tariff used in sea transport. The tariff provides the carrier with reimbursement of operating costs and forms its profit. He can divide his tariff rates into groups:

  1. By consumers;
  2. By type of cargo;
  3. By vehicle class.

Each type of transport has its own special tariff systems. IN road transport use the following rates:

  1. Piecework;
  2. Ton / hour rates;
  3. By the time of using transport;
  4. By kilometers of the way;
  5. For departure;
  6. Negotiated rates.

On the railways:

  1. General rates;
  2. Exceptional rates;
  3. Local rates.

By sea transport:

  1. On regular lines - at a fixed rate;
  2. On irregular lines - at freight rates.

In river transport, rates are set by the shipping company.

After agreeing with the customer the terms, analyzing the geography of the destination points and choosing the type of transport, the logistician proceeds to build possible routes. Several options are calculated in detail using the full cost analysis method. In this case, not only the cost of transportation is taken into account, but also possible risks, costs, delays and the chances of damage to the cargo. The final preference is given to the route with the lowest cost.

Often, after the final plan has been adopted, climatic, political and other conditions make adjustments to the route.

Control of cargo during transportation

To avoid force majeure and make timely adjustments to the route, modern logistics companies use all possible navigation devices. It is also very important to keep the customer informed about where and at what stage of delivery his goods are. Modern transport logistics is impossible without high-quality cellular communication and the Internet.

How to choose a transport company

The logistics company does not always carry out transportation with its own transport. Very often, for these purposes, logisticians turn to third-party organizations: carriers or forwarders.

Carriers carry out only physical transportation of cargo. Forwarders provide a number of additional services for paperwork, loading and unloading, storage, control and cargo insurance.

It is very important to choose a reliable shipping company. What to look for?

  1. Experience... The long history of the company speaks of well-functioning delivery mechanisms and the ability to solve various problems that arise. A significant indicator of sustainability is the age of the company over five years;
  2. Technology... The more experience the company has, the better its technologies of interaction with the customer are developed, which greatly simplifies cooperation;
  3. Staff... Professional employees are the key to the success of any company. You shouldn't have any doubts about the qualifications of your employees;
  4. Specialization... A young small company may turn out to be only an intermediary adding its own wrap to the cost of transportation, but a large company confidently delivering groupage cargo is already worthy of attention;
  5. Features of the transportation of your products... Choose a carrier that is already familiar with your type of cargo. Almost every industry has its own nuances.

The technological unity of the process is understood as the compliance of all parameters of vehicles and warehouses. The technology for working with each type of cargo - from a package to a container - must be clearly spelled out and worked out. Do you need a spacious warehouse, special loading systems, packaging machines, etc. - all this needs to be planned and brought to a holistic model.

Coordination of the commercial interests of the parties and the installation of uniform planning algorithms can also be attributed to this task.

Optimization and management of transport logistics

We have already discussed the main goals of transport logistics above, but let's repeat it again. Transport logistics strives to deliver the right cargo to the right place, at the right time, in the required quantity, the required quality, and at the same time with minimal costs.

Time and money are spent on the transportation of goods, which means that transport logistics must be configured to receive profitable in financial plan... The greatest profit can be achieved if:

  1. Reduce inventory in warehouses and on the way (they "tie up capital");
  2. Minimize the cost of commodity and material resources;
  3. Increase the range and volume of cargo transportation. Delivery of one batch for 300 km will cost less than transportation of three batches for 100 km. A larger volume of cargo reduces the cost of transporting a unit, and for large volumes, other vehicles will be required - rail or water - and their operation is cheaper than road or air;
  4. Timely prevent damage and loss of cargo.

Transport logistics automation

For a quick and convenient solution to transport logistics problems, special logistics programs are used (Transport Management System, TMS - transport logistics management system).

Such a system calculates routes taking into account the model of the transport network, transport access to certain urban areas, the volume and weight of products. The solution allows you to get a visual comparison of the planned and actual routes on an electronic map. As a result, it is possible to determine the deviation of the route from the plan, eliminate the misuse of transport, unreasonable downtime, and also solve a number of other analytical problems.

Transport logistics documentation

The rules of transportation in the Russian Federation regulate: the Charter of the railways of the Russian Federation, inland waterways, road transport, the Merchant Shipping Code.

A contract is necessarily concluded between the carrier and the sender, according to which the first undertakes to deliver the goods to the specified point within the specified time frame, and the second undertakes to pay for the carriage at the established tariff.

To transport goods, you must have the following documents:

  1. Power of attorney for transportation;
  2. Waybills;
  3. Consolidated statements;
  4. Supplier invoice;

Document flow varies depending on the transport used.

Automobile transport:

  1. Standard contract;
  2. Consignment note;
  3. Waybill - issued to the driver at the beginning of the trip, and usually returned at the end of the day.

Railway transport:

  1. Invoice;
  2. Road bill (issued for each shipment, the spine remains at the departure station, the rest follows to the destination station);
  3. Wagon sheet (for each wagon).
  1. Bill of lading (for liner shipping) or a charter agreement (for non-linear, international navigation);
  2. Loading order;
  3. Invoice.


Now you know what transport logistics is, what functions and tasks it performs and how to choose a transport company for your business.

Good luck to you and your business!