Development of long-term budget planning in the Russian Federation. Long-term budget planning has been introduced in the Russian Federation Long-term budget planning consists in


The article discusses the problems of development and implementation in Russian Federation long-term budget planning. Despite the advantages of long-term plans and forecasts, the calculations of the main indices and indicators of the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation are carried out under conditions of uncertainty in the dynamics of energy prices and aggravation of external risks. The innovations in the development of the budget strategy until 2030, the factors limiting the growth of budget revenues are considered. The need to transform the system is substantiated government controlled and introducing monitoring of the fulfillment of the budget strategy obligations The process of developing a long-term budgetary strategy is considered, which goes as follows: first, the analytical activity of the current state of the economy and the dynamics of socio-economic development over the past few years is carried out, then work begins with indicators of budget execution (consolidated budgets) over the past few years, then certain trends and priorities of budgetary policy, the main factors of discrepancy between the projected indicators and real indicators for the analyzed period are determined. After the operations carried out, a draft long-term budgetary strategy of the state is being developed, which is based on the socio-economic state of the economy and is focused on achieving the set strategic goals enshrined in the strategies of socio-economic development.

budget planning


budget strategy


1. State Program of the Russian Federation "Public Finance Management" of 2013.

2. Grudinova IP, Risk management of financial and budgetary development of the region (municipality) / I.P. Grudinova, N.V. Perko. - M.: Vestnik MGTU, 2012. - No. 1. - v. 15. - 170s.

3. Klimov V.V., On the formation of a budgetary strategy at the regional and municipal level / V.V. Klimov, A.A. Mikhailova. - M.: Finance. - 2011. - No. 2. - 56p.

4. Lisin NV, Formation of the budgetary strategy of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. - M.: BelSU - 2012 .-- 49p.

5. Draft Budget Strategy for the period up to 2023.

The main task of long-term budget planning is to coordinate the priorities of the budget policy pursued with the goal of achieving long-term sustainable economic growth, as well as improving the level and quality of life of the population. Long-term budget planning helps to reduce the risks of fiscal sustainability in the face of unfavorable long-term trends.

In Russia, the main problem of fiscal sustainability is the demographic situation (population aging) and the "raw material trap" (the economy's dependence on the raw materials sector and external market conditions). Long-term planning allows you to formulate priority tasks, assess necessary resources for their implementation and identify possible sources of these resources. Also, this type of planning helps to justify the need for structural reforms in the budget sector and a balanced approach to their implementation. Long-term planning helps to curb unreasonable growth, increase the effectiveness and efficiency of budget spending.

The State Program of the Russian Federation "Public Finance Management", the goals of which are to ensure the long-term stability of the budget system and the balance of budgets, improve the quality of public finance management, consists of 9 subprograms, one of which is long-term financial planning. The main results of the named subprogram are: 1) development of a long-term budgetary strategy of the Russian Federation; 2) monitoring the implementation and application of the "budget rule". The first result is expressed in the development of a methodology for the formation of the principles of long-term budget planning. The combination of adaptability of budget policy instruments and an increase in the efficiency of budget expenditures will lead to the fulfillment of long-term obligations and ensure a balanced budget.

Monitoring consists in tracking the level of real oil prices and the "base" oil price. When a situation arises when the “base” price is lower than the real one, the excess income from the oil and gas sector is directed to the Reserve Fund.

The risks of external influence are most typical for this subprogram. These include fluctuations in oil prices, falling demand for oil and gas products, etc. For example, the decline in the price of Urals oil by 10 percentage points. entails a decrease in income federal budget in the amount of more than 1% of GDP. With oil prices up to $ 60 per barrel, the volume Reserve fund can finance lack of income for 2 years.

The calculation of the main indices and indicators of the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation, used in drawing up the strategy for budgetary development until 2023, was carried out based on the goals of economic policy defined by the Concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation.

The forecast of revenues of the budget system in the budget strategy was built for the duration of the budget strategy and in more than one version. For example, in one of the first editions of the Budget Strategy for the period up to 2030, three scenarios were developed for different levels of Urals oil prices. One of the innovations in the 2030 Fiscal Strategy is the application of a new fiscal rule. This rule came into effect in 2013. By itself, the term “budget rule” means that budget expenditures should be formed depending on oil prices over the past years (not relying on forecasts).

One of the current obstacles to the immediate implementation of the Long-term budget strategy until 2030 is the annexation of Crimea to the Russian Federation, which led to an increase in the territory and population. Disagreements arose between the Ministry of Economic Development (opinion on easing the budget rule) and the Ministry of Finance (opinion on finding resources without changing the budget rule).

The development of the economy in the forecast period will be associated with a negative demographic situation and a decrease in the share of the working-age population from 62.9% (2009) to 53% (2023). In connection with a decrease in this indicator, the unemployment rate will also decrease, which is forecast at less than 3%. In conditions of scarcity work force share of real wages in GDP will grow from 25% (2008) to 29% (2023).

Urals oil prices are forecast to rise to $ 106 / bbl by 2023. Average annual indicators growth in hydrocarbon production will increase by 0.5% for oil and 1.9% for gas. It is planned that the export of oil will not change, while the export of natural gas will increase by about 3% per year.

For the transition to a new system of long-term budget planning, measures are needed to transform the system of public administration: 1) inventory of budgetary obligations - refusal to finance those measures that hinder sustainable economic growth; 2) development and implementation of a system for the distribution of budgetary funds according to subordinate programs that solve especially important social and economic problems; 3) improving the system of state and municipal procurement; 4) the transition to the division into budgetary institutions of a new type, autonomous and state institutions. As a result, reduction public sector and improving the efficiency of its activities.

The process of developing a long-term budgetary strategy is as follows: first, the analytical activity of the current state of the economy and the dynamics of socio-economic development over the past few years is carried out. Further, work begins with indicators of budget execution (consolidated budgets) over the past few years, identifies certain trends and priorities of budget policy, identifies the main factors of discrepancy between projected indicators and real indicators for the analyzed period. After the operations carried out, a draft long-term budgetary strategy of the state is being developed, which is based on the socio-economic state of the economy and is focused on achieving the set strategic goals enshrined in the strategies of socio-economic development.

Any project accepted both at the federal level and at any other level must have certain results. To assess them, it is necessary to monitor the implementation of the budgetary strategy of the country and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. A budgetary strategy is effective only when all its obligations are fulfilled and financed.

Bibliographic reference

Bondarenko D.S. PROBLEMS OF LONG-TERM BUDGET PLANNING UNDER UNCERTAINTY // International student scientific bulletin. - 2016. - No. 2 .;
URL:\u003d15138 (date accessed: 03/25/2020). We bring to your attention the journals published by the "Academy of Natural Sciences"

Long-term budget planning is carried out by forming a budget forecast of the Russian Federation for a long-term period, a budget forecast of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation for a long-term period, as well as a budget forecast of a municipal formation in a long-term period if the representative body of a municipal formation has decided on its formation in accordance with the requirements of the budget code. A budget forecast for a long-term period is understood as a document containing a forecast of the main characteristics of the corresponding budgets (consolidated budgets) of the budgetary system of the Russian Federation, indicators financial security state and municipal programs for the period of their operation, other indicators characterizing budgets (consolidated budgets of the budgetary system), as well as containing the main approaches to the formation of budgetary policy for the long term.

The budget forecast of the Russian Federation, a subject of the Russian Federation for the long term, is developed every 6 years for 12 years or more based on the forecast of socio-economic development.

The long-term budget forecast of the municipality is developed every 3 years for 6 years based on the forecast of the socio-economic development of the municipality.

The budget forecast can be changed taking into account changes in the forecast of social and economic development. The procedure for development and approval, the period of validity, as well as the requirements for the composition and content, are established by the government of the Russian Federation for federal level, the highest executive body state authorities of the subject of the Russian Federation, local administration at the local level.

State and municipal programs are also plans, state. municipal programs, approved by the government of the Russian Federation, the highest executive body of the state. authorities, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local administrations of the municipal formation.

The timing of these programs will be determined by them. The procedure for making decisions on the development of state. and municipal programs, the formation and implementation of these programs, are established in accordance with the regulatory legal acts, the government of the Russian Federation, the highest executive body of the state. authorities, the subject of the Russian Federation and the local administration of the municipal formation.

State municipal programs must be brought into conformity with the law (decision) on the budget no later than 3 months from the date of its entry into force. For each state. municipal program, the effectiveness of its implementation is assessed annually. Based on the results of the assessment, a decision may be made on the need to terminate or to change, starting from the next financial year, previously approved by the state. municipal program, including the need to change the volume of budget allocations for financial support for the implementation of state. municipal program.

Financial resources of the corporation: Own and borrowed.

Equity - Depreciation, equity, profit.

Attracted financial resources - loans, subsidies. loans.

The financial instruments of the organization are divided into 3 groups:

1. Financing instruments - where to get the money

2. Investment instruments - where to invest temporarily free money (stocks, bonds, precious metals, deposits, etc.)

3. and others. - insurance and leasing.

Corporations can enter into financial relationships with:

1. The state (taxes, subsidies)

2. Other corporations, organizations

3. With physical. by persons (for example, payment of dividends)

Key changes include envisaged by the document, - the introduction in Russia of long-term budget planning. Such planning is supposed to be carried out by forming a budget forecast for the Russian Federation, the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities for the long term. Thus, the budget forecast of the Russian Federation and the regions will be developed every six years for 12 years or more. In turn, the municipal authorities will form a budget forecast every three years for six years or more. In this case, budget forecasts must be approved authorized bodies authorities within two months from the date of the official publication of the law (decision) on the corresponding budget.

The budget forecast for the long term will include a forecast of the main characteristics of the respective budgets (consolidated budgets), indicators of financial support for state (municipal) programs, other indicators characterizing budgets, as well as basic approaches to the formation of budgetary policy for the long term.

In addition, in order to revitalize road construction in 2015 and 2016, the base volume of budgetary allocations from the Federal Road Fund was increased. So, in 2015 it will amount to 546.2 billion rubles, in 2016 - 561.7 billion rubles. Of these, the regional budgets will receive 91.2 and 69.3 billion rubles. respectively. Subsequently, the basic volume of budgetary allocations of the Federal Road Fund will be determined in the amount of 345 billion rubles, annually indexed to the inflation rate, and budgetary allocations equal to the projected volume of revenues from excise taxes on automobile and straight-run gasoline, diesel fuel and motor oils that go to the regional budgets , increased by 1.1 times.

In turn, excise taxes on motor gasoline, straight-run gasoline, diesel fuel, motor oils for diesel and carburetor (injection) engines produced in Russia are excluded from federal tax revenues and are included in full (100%) in the list of tax sources. revenues of the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Previously, they were distributed between the federal and regional budgets at 28% and 72%, respectively.

In addition, the law provides:

  • improvement of the rules concerning the use of the resources of the Reserve Fund. Thus, when calculating additional oil and gas revenues of the federal budget, it is allowed to use data on oil and gas revenues, not only based on the projected oil price, but also data on oil and gas revenues actually received by the federal budget for the reporting financial year;
  • the possibility of using additional oil and gas revenues, and in case of their shortage, the resources of the Reserve Fund, to replace the federal budget revenues that are not received during the execution of the federal budget and replace the sources of financing the federal budget deficit;
  • the possibility of making inter-budgetary transfers from the budgets of state extra-budgetary funds to the budget of the budgetary system of the Russian Federation, in particular, inter-budgetary transfers from the budget of the Federal Mandatory Health Insurance Fund to the federal budget in the form of subsidies;
  • establishment of a mechanism for the undisputed collection of taxes from taxpayers (tax agents) - organizations that have opened personal accounts in accordance with the budget legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • an exception to the rules establishing the procedure for sending an annual budget message to the Federal Assembly by the President of the Russian Federation. However, it is stipulated that the preparation of draft budgets is based, inter alia, on the provisions of the message of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly, which determine the budgetary policy (requirements for it) in Russia;
  • abolition of provisions on the consolidated financial balance of the Russian Federation (a document characterizing the volume and use of financial resources of Russia and sectors of the economy).

Federal Law of October 4, 2014 No. 283-FZ "" entered into force on the day of its official publication - October 6, 2014, with the exception of certain norms for which a different entry into force is established.

Consider the features and feasibility long-term budget planning .

The need for long-term budget planning has been actively discussed in Russia over the past few years.

The first steps in this direction were taken in 2008, when the Draft budgetary strategy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2023and also adopted methodological guidelines for long-term planning of budget expenditures, which determined the general approach to compiling long-term budget forecasts.

Key features of a budget strategy were formulated back in the Budget Address of the President of the Russian Federation "On budgetary policy in 2008-2010": "... Budget strategy should be focused on promoting the social and economic development of the Russian Federation, taking into account the criteria of efficiency and effectiveness of budget expenditures. " The budget message outlined the tasks to focus on when formulating and implementing a budget strategy.

In 2008, by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 17, 2008 No. 1662-r, it was approved The concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020... However, this document did not contain a section devoted to the issues of financial support for achieving the outlined strategic goals and solving the tasks.

A similar situation has developed with approved by the Government RF Strategies for the socio-economic development of federal districts until 2020

World financial crisis 2009-2010 postponed the decision on the formation long-term budget strategy... Wherein, the task of transition to long-term budget planning has not lost its relevance. This is evidenced by the Budget Address of the President of the Russian Federation " On budgetary policy for the period 2013-2015».

In this message it was noted that, along with the introduction program budget, it is necessary to pay attention to the validity of implementation mechanisms and resource provision government programs, their correlation with long-term goals of the state's socio-economic policy.

The tool for such a correlation should be Budget strategy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030, which determines the main features of budgetary policy under various options for the development of the Russian and world economies.

Moreover, according to The main directions of budgetary policy for 2013 and the planning period of 2014 and 2015, the main objectives of the budgetary policy for 2013 also included the development of long-term budget strategy for the period up to 2030

At the end of 2013, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation developed Draft Budget Strategy of the Russian Federation for the Period up to 2030

Budget planning is carried out in accordance with the social and economic policy of the state. The budget planning process determines financial policy, volume financial resourcesaccumulated in budget, sources of income, volume and directions of expenditures, value budget deficit, volumes and sources of external and internal borrowing to cover it, the value public debt and its maintenance costs.
Budget planning affects distribution processes in the economy... It, in particular, determines the scale and proportions of the redistribution of income of enterprises of various forms. property, sectors and industries of the economy, the size of their savings, the value income tax, coming from the income of the population, the share of receipts from enterprises and the population in budget revenues. One of the acute problems of financial policy and budget planning is the determination of the proportions of the federal budget and the budgets of the subjects of the federation in the total volume of revenues and expenses of the consolidated budget.
The system of financial plans for their duration includes annual financial plans, long-term (medium-term) financial plans and long-term financial plans (budget projections).
Annual financial plans are financial plans for the coming year. The main indicators of the draft budget are the total income, overall volume expenses and the budget deficit. Along with the total volume of revenues, the draft budget should contain budget revenues by groups, subgroups and income classification items. The total volume of budget expenditures should be distributed among the main recipients of budget funds in accordance with the departmental classification, as well as by sections and subsections of the functional and economic classifications. In expenditures, funds from targeted budget funds and amounts of financial assistance to budgets of other levels of government are also allocated. In relation to the federal budget deficit, in addition to its overall size, the project identifies sources of financing through internal borrowing, upper limit government debt as of January 1 of the year following the planned year, the limit of government external borrowing, the volume and list of external borrowing, the upper limit of government external debt. The draft budget also defines the volumes creditsprovided to foreign states, international organizations and foreign legal entities .
Long-term (medium-term) financial plan. IN developed countries in recent decades, there has been a transition to multi-year planning. In the framework of multi-year planning, the budget cycle begins with a consideration of the main parameters of the medium-term, previously approved in the previous budget cycle. financial plan for the corresponding year, analysis of changes in external factors and conditions, substantiation of changes made to the main budget indicators of the planned year, as well as adjustments or development of budget projections for subsequent years of the forecast period. At the same time, the mid-term financial plan is a forecast and analytical document of the executive authorities or is approved by law, receiving the status of a multi-year (consolidated) budget. Thus, the budget for the next financial year is an integral part of a multi-year (usually three-year) financial document. This, on the one hand, ensures the continuity of state policy and the predictability of the distribution of budget allocations, on the other hand, it allows making annual adjustments to them according to a clear and transparent procedure in accordance with the goals of state policy and the conditions for achieving them. In Russia, in accordance with the Concept of Reforming the Budgetary Process in the Russian Federation in 2004-2006, adopted by the RF Government Decree No. 2491 of May 22, 2004, a long-term financial plan is also being drawn up. It is formed according to aggregated indicators budget classification simultaneously with the draft budget for the next financial year based on a mid-term forecast of the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation, a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or a municipal formation. It contains data on the forecast capabilities of the budget to mobilize revenues, attract state or municipal borrowings and finance the main budget expenditures. The prospective financial plan of the Russian Federation is developed for three years (including the next financial year) and is annually adjusted taking into account the updated medium-term forecast of socio-economic development, while the planning period is shifted one year ahead. It allows you to link the annual financial planning with the medium term.
The purpose of developing a promising financial plan is:
? determination of the expected medium-term trends in economic development and social sphere;
? complex forecasting of the financial consequences of the developed reforms, programs, laws;
? identification of the necessity and possibility of implementing measures in the field of financial policy in the future;
? tracking long-term negative trends for timely adoption of appropriate measures.
Medium-term financial planning in Russia is not without its drawbacks.
When developing a medium-term (three-year) financial plan, only the annual budget is approved for each year separately. The data for three years are for reference only and are each developed anew when drawing up annual budgets. The result is a loss of predictability in budget allocations over a three-year period and undermines the three-year planning framework for budget recipients. Obviously, in the future, the medium-term financial plan should acquire the status of a legally approved document. For this, the procedure and methodology for the annual adjustment of previously adopted designs should be developed, the priorities of the medium-term state policy should be determined and the medium-term financial plan should be linked to them.
The allocated budgetary funds are formed on the basis of adjusting the amount of budgetary allocations of previous years with extremely weak consideration of the leading directions of development in accordance with the priorities of state and regional economic policy.
The mechanism for allocating funds based on the definition of goals, the results of using the allocated resources and assessment is practically not used financial activities federal, regional and local governments. As a result, the activities of the authorities are focused mainly on the development of allocated budgetary appropriations, while it should be focused on achieving significant socio-economic results in priority areas.
In this regard, the Concept of reforming the budgetary process in the Russian Federation in 2004-2006 provides for a "shift in the emphasis of the budgetary process" from the management of budgetary resources (costs) "to the management of results by increasing responsibility and expanding the independence of participants in the budgetary process and the main administrators and recipients. (administrators) of budgetary funds within the framework of clear medium-term targets ”. It is planned to establish long-term carryover limits for appropriations with their annual adjustment within the framework of the medium-term financial plan, the formation of the total amount of appropriations (global budget) for the implementation of certain functions and programs. Thus, the predictability of the volumes disposed of by the administrators of budget funds is increased. The essence financingresults-oriented is the allocation of budgetary resources between budget administrators and budget programs, taking into account or directly depending on the achievement of specific results in accordance with medium-term priorities.
A long-term financial plan (budget forecast) is prepared with the aim of determining fiscal policy for a longer period. Budget forecasting is a calculation carried out on the basis of a forecast of socio-economic development and analysis of the possible state budget in the long term, an assessment of trends and patterns of changes, existing alternatives. On the basis of socio-economic and budgetary forecasts, the choice of the most favorable option for the development of a country or region is made. In the course of forecasting budget revenues, the volume of financial resources and the possibilities of attracting them to the budget are calculated as a whole for the territory, the forms of mobilization of monetary resources are identified and assessed, the impact of the tax burden and proposed methods is assessed. taxation on the development of production, the proportions of distribution of income between the budgets of different levels of management are determined. Budget forecasting also allows you to assess the possible volume and directions of spending budget funds, budget deficit and determine the possible sources of its coverage.
Basic documents used to draw up financial plans. Drafting the budget is based on the Budget Message of the President of the Russian Federation, the forecast of socio-economic development for the next financial year, the main directions budget and tax policy for the next financial year, the forecast of the consolidated financial balance and the development plan of the state or municipal sector of the respective territory.
The President's Budget Address contains the country's projected fiscal policy for the fiscal year. It is sent to the Federal Assembly no later than March of the year preceding the planned one.
The forecast of socio-economic development is drawn up before the start of work on the draft budget based on the results of socio-economic development over the past period and trends for the projected financial year. The results of state forecasting are used when legislative and executive authorities make specific decisions in the field of social and economic policy of the state. State forecasts of socio-economic development are developed for the year, medium and long term, based on a comprehensive analysis of the demographic situation, scientific and technical potential, accumulated national wealth, social structure, the external situation of the Russian Federation, the state of natural resources and the prospects for changing these factors. Development of forecasts is carried out as a whole for the Russian Federation, for national economic complexes and industries the economy, by region. The forecast for the development of the state sector of the economy is singled out separately. Forecasts of socio-economic development are based on a system of demographic, environmental, scientific and technical, foreign economic, social, as well as sectoral, regional and other forecasts of certain socially significant spheres of activity. When developing forecasts, several of their options are envisaged, taking into account the probabilistic impact of internal and external political, economic and other factors. Forecasts of socio-economic development include quantitative indicators and qualitative characteristics of the development of the macroeconomic situation, economic structure, scientific and technological development, foreign economic activity, dynamics of production and consumption, level and quality of life, ecological situation, social structure, as well as education, health care and social security systems.
The main initial indicators of socio-economic development forecasts used to develop the draft budget are the volume gross domestic product, its growth rate and expected level inflation... These indicators largely determine the amount of income public finance and above all the volume of tax revenues. At the same time, the forecast of socio-economic development should take into account the projected changes in tax legislation and their impact on economic development and tax revenues.
The forecast of socio-economic development for the medium term in the Russian Federation in accordance with the Law "On state forecasting and programs of socio-economic development" is developed for a period of three to five years and is annually adjusted. The mid-term forecast of socio-economic development expands the horizon and allows you to form an appropriate forecast of budget revenues and expenditures and take into account the impact of changes in tax legislation for this period. The forecast of socio-economic development for the medium term is subject to publication. The first Address after taking office of the President of the Russian Federation, with which he addresses the Federal Assembly, contains a special section devoted to the concept of socio-economic development of the Russian Federation in the medium term. It characterizes the state of the economy of the Russian Federation, formulates and substantiates the strategic goals and priorities of the socio-economic policy of the state, directions for the implementation of these goals, the most important tasks to be solved at the federal level, provides the most important target macroeconomic indicators characterizing the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation in the medium term. perspective. The Government of the Russian Federation is developing a program of socio-economic development for the medium term based on the provisions contained in the Address of the President of the Russian Federation. This program should reflect:
? assessment of the results of socio-economic development for the previous period and characteristics of the state of the economy;
? the concept of the program of socio-economic development for the medium term;
? macro economic policy;
? institutional transformation;
? investment and structural policy;
? agrarian policy;
? environmental policy;
? social politics;
? regional economic policy;
? foreign economic policy.
This program is officially presented by the Government of the Russian Federation to the Federation Council and the State Duma.
The forecast of socio-economic development for the long term in the Russian Federation in accordance with the Law "On state forecasting and programs of socio-economic development" is formed every five years for a ten-year period. Based on the forecast of socio-economic development for the long term, the Government of the Russian Federation organizes the development of a concept for the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation in the long term. In this concept, the options for socio-economic development are concretized, possible goals of socio-economic development, ways and means of achieving them are determined. Forecasts of socio-economic development in the long term create the preconditions for the formation of a budget planning strategy. In order to ensure the continuity of socio-economic policy, the data of the forecast of socio-economic development and the concept of socio-economic development for the long term are used in the development of forecasts and programs for the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the medium term.
In accordance with the forecast of the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation, the forecast of the socio-economic development of the corresponding territory and the priorities determined on the basis of these forecasts, long-term target programs are formed.
Long-term targeted programs financed from budget funds or funds state off-budget funds, are developed and implemented by executive bodies or local self-government bodies and are approved, respectively, by legislative (representative) bodies and representative bodies of local self-government.
In the process of budgeting, a balance is formed financial resources... The balance of financial resources is the balance of all income and expenses of the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Federation, municipalities and economic entities in a certain territory. The planned balance of financial resources of the Russian Federation, a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, a municipal formation and economic entities in a certain territory (forecast of the consolidated financial plan) is compiled on the basis of the reporting balance for the previous year in accordance with the forecast of socio-economic development of the corresponding territory and is the basis for drawing up a project budget... Budgetary resources and resources outside the budgetary funds are reflected in the consolidated financial balance sheet as its constituent parts.
The main form of budget planning is the budget process, which is the activity of drawing up a draft budget, reviewing it, approving it, executing it, drawing up a performance report and approving it. The budgetary process in the Russian Federation is regulated by fromThe Budget Code, which defines the participants in the budget process and their powers, the procedure for drawing up the draft budget, its consideration and approval, the procedure for its implementation, the preparation and approval of the execution report and financial control... The preparation of draft budgets is preceded by the development of forecasts for the socio-economic development of the country, regions, municipalities, sectors of the economy, as well as the preparation of summary financial balances, on the basis of which the executive authorities carry out the development of draft budgets. Drafting and submission of draft budgets to legislative (representative) bodies is the prerogative of the Government of the Russian Federation, executive bodies of regions and municipalities. The direct budget makers are the financial authorities at the respective levels of government.