Customs statistics of foreign economic activity. Custom WED Customs Statistics VED

Customs Service Not the first year publishes in the database format in the database format information on export and import of goods with a monthly update. Not all marketers and analysts are familiar with this service, so we publish a detailed instruction on the use of this authoritative source of customs statistics. We use this information to verify various purchased customs statistics databases.

So, first of all, we will define the structure and format of the received statistics.

Information on importing and exporting goods is available as to reflect on the screen and, most importantly, for exporting to MS Excel. The tables reflect the following parameters:

  • Code according to the commodity nomenclature of the VED
  • Country Importer (or country export direction)
  • Import recipient region (or region in which exporter is located)
  • Month and Year of delivery
  • Delivery volume (kilograms or tons and an additional unit of measurement, for example, pieces, for those products for which it is mandatory for filling in the declaration)
  • Cost in dollars (statistical cost)

Consider unloading from the customs database on specific example: Which products are imported into the Crimea, which countries are key suppliers for enterprises of the republic.

On this page\u003d201:129202036071261 ::::: Select the parameters on the Data Analysis tab:

Travel direction -Import ,

Period -Year, Choice, 2015

Country -Everything,

Then we indicate the degree of detail of the goods we want to see. The 2-digit TNTED groups usually mean very large sections in which a whole range of different products are being taken. For example, section 70 is "glass and products from it", section 07 - "Vegetables and height edible roots and tuberplods". Optimal for general analysis in the region are 4 digit groups that give general concept On the form of imported products.

TNVED level- 4 sign

Federal District -choice, 09-Crimean Federal District

Subject of the Russian Federation in the Federal District -everything

Value presentation form -million dollars

Weight representation form -tons

By simple transformations, we build a consolidated table and get the most popular goods Among imported in the summary value of imports in 2015:

TNTD 2309 products used for animal feeding

TNVED 2204-L-wines grape natural, including fasteners; Waslo grape, except in the commodity position 2009

TNTED 0407-eggs of birds, in shell, fresh, canned or boiled

TNTED 7010-pcs-bottles, bottles, bottles, jugs, pots, cans, ampoules and other glass containers for storage, transportation or packaging of goods; canning jars glass; Safety tubes made of glass, plugs, covers and other similar glass products

TNTED 0702-Tomatoes Fresh or Chilled

Despite the cooling of relations - Ukraine remains the largest partner in the volume of importation of products in the Crimea. The most sought-after goods are - products used for animal feeding (TNTD 2309), grape wines (TNTD 2204), bottles and glass jars (TNTD 7010).

The second popular trading partner with Crimea is also the nearest neighbor - Turkey (this is 2015, in 2016 the situation will certainly change). Leaders for imports among Turkish goods steel Tomatoes (TNTD 0702), citrus (TNTF 0805) and, oddly enough, eggs (0407).

Other key suppliers of products in Crimea are China with tissues and bicycles, Germany with bread and confectionery, Italy with yachts and furniture.

A more detailed cut can be obtained by any ten-digit TNTD code, a region or country depending on the objectives of the study.

If necessary, learn suppliers / buyers, contract prices, delivery terms and other details of import transactions, including data for the last month, needed on foreign trade.

Other materials

History of customs statisticians

Customs statistics foreign trade Russia has a rather long way of becoming. It is impossible to definitely determine the date of its origin, however, in 1693-1694. The first customs books were created, which give a complete and unfolded picture of external and domestic trading at the end of the XVII century.

Modern customs statistics are part of the customs business in Russian Federation (RF), studies and analyzes the quantitative side of phenomena and processes that occur in foreign trade.

One of the main directions of customs statistics are: Operational accounting of customs payments, fighting smuggling, currency control, non-trade turnover and tracking of violations in the field of customs rules.

Note 1.

Customs statistics of the WED is an important component of Russia's overall statistics.

Tasks and goals of customs statistics

Note 2.

The main task of customs statistics is to provide information on how the foreign economic activity of the country is developing. Its accounting objects are the goods and services that make up exports and import countries.

The statistics of foreign economic relations include:

  • customs statistics
  • service statistics.

In turn, customs statistics are divided into:

  1. customs statistics of foreign economic relations,
  2. special customs statistics.

The subject of study of customs statistics is the statistics of foreign trade, foreign trade turnover in the country, the quantitative ratio of exports and imports in the country in value terms, including the study of export and import geography. In other words, customs statistics studies export and import countries, including potential countries. Studying the economic component of other countries, helps to help determine the potential opportunity for further cooperation and interaction.

On the basis of customs statistics, countries are revealed, connections with which adversely affect the economic condition of the country. Therefore, in the future, on the basis of the analysis of customs statistics, there is a breaking of such connections or the introduction of sanctions.

Customs control bodies collect and process information about the goods moved across the customs border, and publishing data of customs statistics to ensure the highest authorities with the necessary information on the state of foreign trade in Russia of its trade and payment balance.

For customs statistics, their goals corresponding to the tasks are characteristic. The goals of customs statistics are:

  1. control of revenues to the federal budget of customs duties and taxes,
  2. providing higher authorities and other state bodies necessary statistical information on the state of foreign trade of the Russian Federation,
  3. formation of the report and analysis of the state of the Russian Federation of its balance of payments and the economy as a whole.

Analysis in customs statistics is subject to observation objects. Under the objects of observation in customs statistics, export and imported goods that importer or exporter indicates in the commodity nomenclature of foreign economic activity used in the declaration of goods in one or another customs regime.

The main activity of customs statistics is the analysis of incoming data from customs authorities. In addition to the main activity in the scope of customs statistics, secondary activities are included. Customs statistic specialists keep records of the following data:

  • information about import and exported non-monetary gold, silver and other precious metalswho do not spend the payment tool
  • information about import and export valuable papers, banknotes that are not in circulation,
  • accounting for goods that are provided in the funds technical support UN or in gratuitous form as gifts or other assistance,
  • accounting for sold and purchased bunker fuel, and other food materials for domestic ships, aircraft and freight transport,
  • accounting for a product that is rented for a period of more than one year with a full cost, if the calculation goes at full value at the time of import or export of goods.

Objects for observation defines the State Customs Committee. The facilities of customs statistics are the goods subject to statistical observation and accounting. Besides, this committee Defines the procedure and methods of accounting for partner countries, with which interaction on import and export issues. The Committee's specialists determine the threshold in statistical observation and prescribe a list of mandatory indicators that are taken into account in customs statistics.

Customs Statistical Accounting Methods

The most accurate method in customs statistics is quantitative methodwhich most fully reflects the volume of international turnover. Quantitative accounting is conducted by weight net.

Definition 1.

Net weight is the net weight of the product, which is taken into account without external and inner packaging.

In addition, the statistical assessment is influenced by the valuation. Statistical observations are based on imported and exported goods from the territory of the state, the customs declaration is subject to analysis, which indicates detailed information about the product.

The uniqueness of the collection of statistical data is that when filling out the declaration, digital codes are used that allow you to automate data accounting. Accounting for goods occurs in the country from which he was delivered. If in the process of export or imports, the country failed to find out the country, then exports reflect the country of sale, imports on the country of purchase, respectively.

Definition 2.

Under the country of sale or shopping understand the territory where the organization or a firm that has made the sale or purchase of the goods is, regardless of its nationality.

Custom statistics is a very important component for any country. The correct work of this state body makes it possible to further analyze the foreign economic activity of the country.


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Development of a business plan implies among other tasks to study the market and competitive environment, analysis of the selected niche, collecting statistical data. The basic requirements that are presented to the static are accuracy and relevance. What sources can a beginner entrepreneur for analytics? In this article we will tell you in detail what customs statistics are and how to use it.

What is the customs statistics of the WED

Statistics of customs authorities are quite often used in the work of marketers, development directors and other top management representatives. Customs statistics gives a fairly complete, objective and reliable idea of \u200b\u200bexport-import operations and other strategically important aspects of the foreign economic activity of our country.

Any accurate science begins with the development methodological foundations accounting. The methodology of customs statistics and the principles of calculating the main indicators were approved in the last century - in 1994 (the order of the SCC of Russia of 28.04.94 N 180). The fundamental document is called - "On the methodology of customs statistics of foreign trade of the Russian Federation". It is based on its basis the norms of international statistics in the field of trade relations, which are determined by the UN Statistical Commission.

Methodology defines statistics, accounting rules, calculation of indicators, as well as general principles for the formation of customs statistics, due to the adopted export and import accounting system in the country.

The activities of customs authorities are not limited to the control of exports and imports, therefore, in the statistics of customs, two main blocks are distinguished: statistics of foreign economic relations and special customs statistics. To the second direction relate to information that are not related to trading operations, namely:

    Information and statistics on passenger traffic - quantity individualswhich crossed the border of Russia for reporting period (the number of entering and leaving people);

    O. Information international transport goods and goods;

    Operational and Law Enforcement Information - the number of criminal cases initiated by employees of customs authorities, the volume of contradictions of smuggling products, the amount of drugs seized from the illegal trafficking, etc.;

    Currency Operations Information (currency control statistics), import and export of currency values;

    Statistics on customs payments by type.

As well as special customs statistics keeps accounting goods that have become state property and ensures control over their transfer to the relevant federal bodies.

In general, it should be recognized that statistics in customs business In Russia, organized on a fairly decent level. Confirms this fact a release on a regular basis of official directories on foreign trade statistics. However, similar materials are produced in all economically developed countrieswho pay special attention to statistics of foreign economic relations.

It is characteristic that today the release of reference books on foreign trade statistics do not only state bodies. At the same time, publications commissioned by private companies are characterized by more detailed and deployed information. The study of such materials allows you to fully objectively assess the depth and geographical orientation of foreign economic relations, the structure of exports and imports, the degree of integration into the global market.

Customs authorities of the Russian Federation have a full and constantly updated database of GTDwhich contains detailed information on each cargo customs declaration (date of registration, product information, including the number and cost, consignee and sender data and other information). This base is the basis for the formation of customs statistics.

Customs statistics of the Russian Federation gives a reliable representation of all product positions in accordance with the TN VED, which have passed across the border. Analysis of this data allows you to assess export and import volumes, identify the emerging trends, identify the short-term and medium-term prospects for the development of domestic and external markets.

Thus, the study of WED statistics is important for adoption management solutions, selection of business strategies, assessing the competitiveness of the environment for enterprises that plan to work or already lead their activities in the foreign market.

To whom and why need customs statistics of foreign trade

If you argue from the business positions, customs statistics allows you to analyze the structure of foreign trade in value and quantitative terms, the price level in dynamics, outline the main ways of exports and importing countries.

An experienced analyst in the study of WED statistics can determine sustainable market trends in specific commodity positions, to identify seasonal fluctuations and make a preliminary forecast for the further perspective of the external market.

Customs statistics Along with marketing research and other analytical instruments, it allows you to objectively assess the level of competition in the industry and in a specific region, which means efficiently manage risks, conduct business diversification, find new sales markets.

In what cases is it advisable to study the Customs statistics of the WED?

Firstly, when creating new manufacturing enterprise planning to market products on the foreign market.

Secondly , in the process of planning an extension of the organization According to the product range and when entering new sales markets (internal and foreign).

Thirdly, on development stage marketing strategies To search for new geographical streams for the production of the enterprise.

Fourthly during the analysis and assessing the activities of the company in the foreign market.

Fifth in the process of preparing for activitiesassociated with contacting customs authorities. For example, when providing intermediary services for the organization of exports or imports or within international investment cooperation.

Thus, the customs statistics of Russia, Customs Union and the European Union - effective tool, giving a comprehensive and objective idea of \u200b\u200ba market situation, as well as allowing to identify the main players of the market, find partners and suppliers, determine the prospects of the industry as a whole.

Key tasks of customs statistics before state and business

The maintenance of customs statistics primarily implies a number of tasks of state importance:

    Obtaining topical data on the structure of export and import, geography of supplies;

    Currency control;

    Tracking the timely receipt of customs payments to the budget;

    Providing data for the calculation of the trade and payment balance of Russia;

    Calculation of index indicators (medium price indices, "conditional trade", etc.);

    Development of a system of indicators used to calculate static, as well as accounting methodology and determination of sources of formation of source data;

    Timely provision of statistical data and the necessary information to the relevant state authorities for objective and qualitative analysis international trade relations and the economic situation in world markets, the preparation of forecasts for foreign economic development, as well as to make decisions on external issues commercial Policy and other aspects of foreign economic activity. Based on the submitted data, state bodies also evaluate the effectiveness of the external economic policy, the effectiveness of the measures taken to tariff customs services, conduct an assessment of economic security;

    Timely provision of data and reporting in international organizations (World Customs Organization, United Nations Statistical Commission, Council of CIS Customs Managers) within the framework of concluded agreements on the exchange of statistics;

    Following the principle of comparability of statistics of Russia and its international partners.

Where do customs statistic data come from

The fundamental source of customs statistics are freight customs declarations, all information on which is sent to the federal customs service (FCS). Thus, it turns out a single base of GTD. Of course, in the initial form, the collected information is unstructured and "raw" and not all information in this database is commercially interesting. But it is worth separating the grains from the spoiled, and it is possible to carry out a full analysis of the activities of competitors, for example. As a rule, for marketers, managers of foreign trade and managers of commercial enterprises, interest are of interest to the following types of data in the total volume of customs statistics:

    Data of consignees and shippers (name and address), as well as actual manufacturers;

    The cost of a batch of goods. The textured value should be distinguished (in the currency of the contract) and statistical (in US dollars);

    The amount, weight or volume of goods, expressed in the corresponding units of measurement;

    The code commodity nomenclature goods - in accordance with the Directory of TN VED;

    Description of the goods party - can be quite brief (literally in a few words), in some GTD there is a detailed description indicating technical characteristics, chemical properties, configuration, etc. Especially this is important for goods that are complex in composition;

    Date of cargo registration at the customs post.

We also note that statistics take into account this data for each foreign trade transaction.

Customs statistics of the FCS allows us to calculate the average price per unit of product and decide on its contract price. For this, the statistical cost of cargo is necessary to divide into the number of homogeneous goods in the party (fruits, cheeses, coffee, building mixtures). Quite often declared groups that, although they can have the same code of TN EDAD, but differ in price (for example, shoes, bags, dishes, toys, etc.). But nevertheless, among numerous GTDs, it is quite possible to find a batch with the same type of goods.

Where official customs statistics are published free

Despite the fact that customs statistics are clear commercial interest, information about the structure of exports and imports can be found freely available on the official website of the FCS. Of particular interest, this service will be submitted for marketers and managers engaged in the formation of statistics and analytics of foreign economic activity.

You can find statistics in the "Data Analysis" section, you need to select the necessary filters and click on the "Show Result" button. The screen will appear a tabular form in which the following information is reflected by the individual columns:

    Code of TN VED;

    Importer country or exporter;

    The period for which static is selected;

    Statistical value in dollars (in thousands or millions of dollars - depending on the selected filter);

    Volume in kilograms or tons (for certain goods the number of things may be indicated);

    The subject of the Russian Federation is a region in which the consignee is located or a shipper.

The service on the official website of customs statistics also allows you to upload data to MS Excel.

On the site of customs statistics there are detailed instructions For users S. step by step description System works.

Of course, processing, structuring, grouping and bringing statistical data to the "readable" species will take a lot of time. Interested persons sometimes easier to order a ready-made report on specific requests than to personally understand in all manipulations with tabular shapes.

How to analyze customs statistics and choose the necessary information

Anyone who has any attitude towards customs and foreign economic activity or at least once watched reports on customs statistics, familiar with the international classifier of the commodity nomenclature (TN VED). it unified reference For all customs posts, which contains about 11 thousand codes for various product categories and subgroups.

It would seem to get the necessary statistics, it is only worth finding the desired code in the classifier. For a moderate fee, dozens of analytical companies are ready to provide you with a ready-made report on the selected code for any time interval. But not everything is so simple. There are nuances about which it is worth talking.

The fact is that the nomenclature code does not always exactly coincide with a specific product. In some cases, several close to one code may be commodity groups, And then the data sample on the code will be wider than required. With a different scenario, the goods can be attributed to different codes, And then the sample is only one by one will not give full information.

It is not always possible to immediately determine how code includes the company's products.

For example, the company imports quilted blankets, the VED manager when filling out the GTD, it is quite naturally indicated by the code 9404. But competitors can specify both the code and the other - "blankets and road plaids", code 6301. And the other options are faithful And no mistake from the point of view of customs workers will not be here. But when analyzing customs statistics, such clarifications can play a big role. If you evaluate the selected market niche of quilted blankets only by code 9404, the data sample will show some numbers, and if you use two code (9404 and 6301) in the formation of customs statistics, the report information will differ significantly.

And such "traps" on the classifier can be found quite a lot. In addition, no one canceled the human factor. First, the company, issuing the customs declaration, may allow an error in choosing a code, and customs officer simply not to notice. Secondly, representatives of the company sending goods and the customs inspector may have different ideas about choosing the code. For example, the company declares the supplied goods in code 1901 "Ready-made foods that do not contain cocoa", while the customs officer can attribute them to the category 1704 " Confectionery Sugar, not containing cocoa.

Similarly, things are concluded according to some other nomenclature codes. For example:

    Synthetic fabrics made of polyester can be declared by code 5512 or 5407;

    Food for cats and dogs - 230910 and 230990;

    Copy machines and devices - 8443 and 8472;

If the rate customs duty The same in controversial codes, an employee at a customs post may not at all bother himself with a choice.

But if we make a sample in such a situation only by one code, statistical data will be far from real numbers very significantly. When it comes to scattering several million dollars, it is no longer considered a minor error.

But not all goods are directly and literally listed in the directory. For example, you will not find there a thermal imager if you simply enter this word in the search form.

Analytics of customs statistics - the case is responsible and it is necessary to approach him with the mind. How to take into account all the above "features" and make the most objective sample of data? To do this, we offer a two-step principle of finding information:

    We define a keyword or a list of several words, which, in our assumption, should be in the description of the parties of goods;

    Starting words on statistics. If the search is carried out by its own, mark all the supplies with the selected keywords. When ordering a report on customs statistics from a third-party organization, it is desirable to determine the keyword list independently and provide the Contractor. Of course, an experienced analyst can estimate the situation and determine in what cases the "end-to-end" search for keywordsAnd when enough sample is only one nomenclature code. But we still advise you to take active participation In the preliminary discussion and coordination of the task with the Contractor, after all, who is better than a representative of the company disassembled in products?

Of course, you need to be prepared for the fact that real exports or imports of customs statistics will be far from your ideas. For example, you thought that the main players in the four market, and according to the report they turned out more than twice. Or you assessed the volume of the market in 5-7 million dollars, and statistics say that import delivery in the selected niche exceed 20 million.

To be confident that the ordered report will be informative and useful, request an express report on the main indicators of customs statistics from the Contractor. Thus, you will protect yourself from Halurbo performed work and in vain money spent. Express report on customs statistics should contain:

    Total trade turnover in all delivery;

    The total number of supplies for the requested period;

    Number of suppliers and buyers.

Completeness of data descriptions in cargo customs declarations also directly affects the selection of statistical data.

Allocation in the statistics report of the product characteristics or breakdown by product of products allows you to determine the most popular and popular products in a market niche.

The need for a detailed description also depends on the industry to which the production and implementation of a specific product belong. So, in the automotive area, the list of characteristics is very extensive. For example, a description of a car in GTD includes a brand of machine, model, chassis number, year of manufacture, color, type and volume of the engine, power and other characteristics.

No wonder that reports on statistics of imported or exported cars are the most detailed and time-consuming. After all, any characteristic for each delivery must be applied to a separate table form column. In analyst languages, this is called "squeezing" description. The tables themselves are also impressive in volume and have a large number of columns.

Not in all sectors Description of goods is so detailed. We give examples of some products that may have a wide range of characteristics:

    In medical equipmentcommercial interest is a division on features. For example, X-ray equipment can be different in its intended: apparatus for computer radiography, mammographs, radiotherapy machines, etc. Or, for example, inhalers are steam, ultrasound, compressor;

    In mechanical engineeringin the statistics reports are divided into destination: turning, milling, drilling. As well as with CNC (numeric software control) and without CNC;

    In the glass spaceduring analytics, the product use of products is of particular importance: bottles for food products and for alcoholic beverages, glass containers for drugs and medical purposes;

    In the construction regionyou can find a lot of interesting things. So, for customs customs statisticians, it is interesting to divide the construction mixture for the purpose: putty, plaster, mounting and tile adhesives, decorative plaster, waterproofing compositions, soundproofing dry mixtures, etc.;

    In veterinary medicineinterest causes the separation of vitamin supplements (premix) by type of animals: for chickens, rabbits, pigs, calves, etc.;

    In the fish industrycustomers reports on statistics It is important to know not only the types of products supplied (salmon, mackerel, herring, seafood), but in what form the product is delivered: frozen or frosthed, whole carcasses or fish fillets, etc.

From the point of view of statistics and analytics, worst when in the column "Description" in the customs declaration is written one word, for example, "equipment". And to understand what kind of equipment is for what purpose is intended - problematic.

It happens that part of the supply is declared with a detailed description, and part - without specifying characteristic signs. In the report on customs statistics, delivery with the lack of characteristics should be prescribed separately. This moment is desirable to discuss with the performer at the initial stage of work. For example, in the analytical part of the report, indicate: 9 percent of the supply of sheet glass go without specifying its thickness.

Quite often, when completing the customs declaration, the situation arises when the product description does not fit in the design column. In this case, the continuation is transferred to the reverse side of the document. Customs statistics takes into account all data of GTD, including with current sheets. But such "additional" information (and sometimes it contains the most valuable and significant information) is already formed in separate base data and obtaining such statistics will require additional costs from the Customer.

If you can make up for your products detailed description, Customs statistics should be ordered with the inclusion of information from current sheets.

How statistics in customs will help to determine the promising market niche

Of great importance, customs statistics of import or export has for multidisciplinary trade Organizations and holdings whose range consists of several hundred, or even thousands of positions. The study of customs statistics allows you to understand which product categories should be emphasized in the near future, which directions are actively developing, sustained demand for goods is formed. For example, a firm selling equipment for agricultural enterprises before issuing an order from a foreign supplier, should roughly understand what imported equipment is most in demand from buyers: cultivators, plows, mowers, motoblocks?

Companies engaged in foreign economic activity, useful to study industry bulletins that produce information agencies. Such analytical directories are issued, as a rule, with periodicity once a quarter. The statistics presented in them makes it possible to assess the sectoral market as a whole, to identify structural shifts, to catch the main trends.

Thus, the Machine-Engineering Newsletter, released on February 17, 2014, allows us to "read" the following information:

1) For 2013, the export of Russian agricultural machinery increased by 14.2% compared with the previous year. The main direction of exports: Kazakhstan and Belarus;

2) Deliveries significantly increased:

    centrifuges (44.54%);

    jet engines (32,68 %);

    mining equipment (26.05%);

    nuclear reactors (20.19%);

3) At the same time, a decrease in export deliveries to the following types of products is noticeable:

    spare parts (-15.81%);

    special equipment (-7.58%);

    internal combustion engines (-7.29%);

4) With regard to the statistics of the import of machine-building products:

Each entrepreneur expects to find a market niche with the smallest level of competition, but at the same time with the concealed trend towards increasing demand. Determine such "golden custody" will help a thoughtful and detailed study of customs statistics of exports and imports.

It is quite logical to assume that the "signal" of growing demand can also be an increase in supply volumes from abroad and increasing production rates. Track, of course, you need all changes in the dynamics, excluding seasonal fluctuations in demand.

However, the control of each nomenclature position in the TN WED directory is a fairly time-consuming. We advise to start the sectoral direction. Next is formed by a simple tabular form (most convenient in MS Excel), into which all promising commodity categories are fitted as a list of TN Codes and indicate the volume of imports by blocking through quarters. The increase (or pace of fall) can be calculated as percentage terms. You can find promising directions in almost any industry.

Follow the changes in the market is helpful not only by novice, just watching the industry, but also the old players actively growing market. To succeed, the company should grow not only about its own indicators, but also regarding competitors, for this you need to understand what kind of market is occupied by each player. It is not necessary to think that it is possible to lose part of the market only with the fall in demand throughout the industry. Quite often happens like this - the market is growing accelerated pace, and the company, on the contrary, does not show sales growth. For example, the turnover of your company for the years 2015 and 2016 amounted to approximately 1.5 million rubles annually. At the same time, the market volume for 2016 according to official statistics - 46 million rubles, which is 40% higher than the 2015 indicators (33 million rubles). Obviously, with such a scenario, you have already lost almost half of your lobes.

The use of data of customs statistics in the organization requires the study of a large amount of information that the company often does not have. Therefore, it is worth contacting professionals. The information and analytical company "VVS" is one of those stood at the origins of the processing and adaptation of market statistics collected by federal departments. The company has 19 years of experience in the provision of goods market statistics as information for strategic decisionsrevealing market demand. Main client Categories: Exporters, Importers, Manufacturers, Commodity Markets and Business B2B Business Services.

  • Commercial transport and special equipment;
  • Database "Customs Statistics of Foreign Trade of the Russian Federation" Compiled on the basis of official reference books of customs statistics of the Russian Federation of the FCS of Russia. The processing of statistical foreign economic data was carried out by "a single methodology for conducting customs statistics of foreign trade and the statistics of mutual trade of the Member States of the Customs Union." The database contains data on the trade of the Russian Federation with foreign countries. The base was prepared on the basis of processing about 3.0 million annual freight customs declarations submitted to the customs authorities by participants in foreign economic activity. The search is possible in the context of the counterparties of the Russian Federation, the Codes of TN VED and the regimes of foreign trade operations. The data is formed indicating the quantitative and cost indicators of the WED. It is possible to obtain data separately by regions of the Russian Federation. The database contains information from 2005 to 2019.

    Customs Statistics of Foreign Trade of the Russian Federation

    All countries Abkhazia Australia Austria Azerbaijan Albania Algeria American Samoa Anguilla Angola Andorra Antarctica Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Aruba Afghanistan Bahamas Bangladesh Barbados Bahrain BelRUS Belarus Belgium Benin Bermuda Bulgaria Bolivia Bardia and Herzegovina Botswana British Territory in Ind. Ocean Brazil Virgin Islands British Brunei Daroussalas Buve Burkina Faso Burundi Bhutan Vanuatu Vatican, Papal See UK, United Kingdom Hungary Venezuela Vietnam Gabon Haiti Guyana Gambia Ghana Guadeloupe Guatemala Guinea Guinea-Bissau Germany Guernsey Grattar Honduras Hong Kong Grenca Greenland Greece Georgia Denmark Jersey Dzhibuti Dominica Dominican Republic of Egypt Zair Zambia Western Sugar Zimbabwe Israel India Indonesia Jordan Iraq Iran, Islamic Republic of Ireland Iceland Spain ITALY Yemen Cape Verde Kazakhstan Caimanov Islands Cambodia Cameroon Canada Catar Kenya Cyprus Kiribati China Coconut (Keeling) Congo Congo Islands Democratic Republic Korea (DPRK) Korea, Republic of Costa Rica Côte d'Ivoire Cuba Kuwait Cook Islands Kyrgyzstan Laos Latvia Liberia Libay Libya Lithuania Liechtenstein Luxembourg Mauritius MAV Ritania Madagascar Macao Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic. Malawi Malaysia Mali Small Pacific Islands (USA) Maldives Malta Marian Islands Morocco Martic Martinique Marshallovy Islands Mexico Micronesia, Federated States Mozambique Moldova, Republic of Monaco Mongolia Montserrat Myanmar Naibia Nauru Naugu Niger Nigeria Noteland Netherlands NiCaragua Niue New Zealand New Caledonia Norway Norfolk United Arabic Emirates Oman Island Man Island Pakistan Palau Palestinian Territory. Occupied Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Pitcairn Poland Portugal Puerto Rico Reunion Christmas Island Rwanda Romania Salvador, El Samo San Marino San Tome and Principe Saudi Arabia Saint Elena Swaziland Saint-Pierre and Miquelon Saint Vincent and Grenadines Seychelles Serbia Serbia and Montenegro Senegal Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Singapore Syrian Arab Republic Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Somalia Sudan Sudan Suriname USA, Virgin Islands USA, United States Sierra Leone Tajikistan Thailand Taiwan (China) Tanzania, United Republic of Timor - Leste Terks and Caicos, Islands Togo Tonga Tong Trinidad and Tobago Tuvalu Tunisia Turkmenny Turkey Uganda Uzbekistan Ukraine Wallis and Futuna Uruguay Foroene Fiji Fiji Philippines Finland Falkland Islands (Malvinskiy) French Guiana French Polynesia French Southern Territories France Hurd and MacDonald Islands Croatia Central Afr Jikan Republic of Chad Montenegro Che