Print 1C check. Online cashiers and trading operations in "1C. Change shift can be performed from

Not provided printed form commodity check. This is due to the fact that the program developer 1C believes that this form is not needed by most users. But I think someone is just necessary (for example, small retail storesworking on charging). In this article, I will show you how easy it can be added to the program.

Let me remind you. Federal Law N 162-FZ dated July 17, 2009 made changes to Law No. 54-FZ "On the use of cash registers in cash settlements and settlements using payment cards" that organizations and individual entrepreneurs who are taxpayers ENVD for separate species Activities can carry out cash payments and calculations using payment cards without the use of the CCT, subject to the issuance of a commercial check, receipt or other document confirming the receipt of money for the relevant goods, work or service.

Thus, the campaign is issued at the time of payment and must contain the following fields:

  • title of the document;
  • the sequence number of the document, the date of its issuance;
  • name for organization (surname, name, patronymic - for individual entrepreneur);
  • the identification number of the taxpayer, assigned to the organization (individual entrepreneur), issued (issued) a document;
  • the name and number of paid purchased goods (work performed, services rendered);
  • amount of payment made by cash and (or) using a payment card in rubles;
  • position, surname and initials of the person who issued the document and his personal signature.

Now consider how to add the form of a commercial check in the list of printed forms of the document "Report on retail sales»1C Accounting 8 (Ed. 2.0).

We will need a file with an external printed form (chek-otchet-roznica.epf), you can buy it. Download and unpack somewhere on your computer.

In the window that opens, click the yellow button "Replace External Processing File":

and select the path to the "chek-otchet-roznica.epf" file, which you saved yourself to your computer before that:

In the list that opens, select the document "Report on Retail Sales":

Press the bottom "OK". All, the print form of the commercial check we added. Check. We will open any document "Retail Sale Report", on the "Print" button we see that a new bin form appeared.

We tell about the features of working with online CCT in the program 1C: Accounting 8 * and give useful recommendations from the choice of equipment, connecting it and program settings, and before the reflection of individual retail operations with the application of online cash desks - work with certificates, return of goods from Buyer.

How to make sure that the equipment is compatible with "1C: Accounting 8"

In "1C: Accounting 8" edition 3.0, the reflection of operations of wholesale and retail sales is maintained with cash and payment cards in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of 05/22/2003 No. 54-FZ. The program allows you to connect cash equipment Different types.

To the online ticket office worked correctly, it is recommended to use certified cash registers. To learn about the models of certified equipment supported in 1C solutions. All listed equipment is verified by the company "1C", so the performance of the complex " Applied solution - Driver - equipment "is guaranteed.

The delivery of certified drivers includes the necessary utilities, etc. for correct configuration and operation of the equipment. There is also an additional list of hardware models supported by drivers.

Connected equipment

Connect the CCT in the program in the form Connecting and configuring equipment From section Administration - Connected Equipment(Fig. 1) . For each cash register for specific organizationneed to create your copy Connected equipment.

Sequentially, you should fill in all fields of the reference form. Note the field Organizationyou need to fill correctly in accordance with the data specified when registering the fiscal device.

If the organization in the information base is one, then the field of the same name Organization not displayed in the form Connected equipment.

Equipment in the program can also be tied to a warehouse.

The warehouse in the same field must be chosen to choose, if it is necessary to pierce the check in relation to a specific tax system. For example, when applying is based on both UTII, in the program, you can adjust the printing of checks on the equipment only for the basis, since according to Law No. 54-ФЗ for UTII, the obligation to use online CASS is introduced from 01.07.2018. In other cases, the warehouse does not need.

Fig. 1. Connected equipment

Settings before starting work

Cashier data

Before you start, you must specify an individual - cashier for the current user program in the section AdministrationUser Right Settings and perform the opening of the shift (section Bank and Cashier - Management of the fiscal device)

According to the law No. 54-FZ, the position and surname of the person who made the calculation with the buyer (client) and the cash receipt (paragraph 1 of Article 4.7) include the obligatory details of the cash register.

In accordance with the order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia of 21.03.2017 No. MMB-7-20 / [Email Protected] "On approval of additional details of fiscal documents and formats of fiscal documents obligatory for use", among additional details that should be in the check - the identification number (INN) of the cashier.

Read more about what should be indicated in cash check, See the article.

This data will be displayed in the check if the physical face card is correctly filled. Individuals ) (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. Fislitsa card

Please note that for users who will form checks, the necessary information has been filled in the individuality card, the program should make a reception of the cashier to work with the position, TIN, etc.

1C: ITS.
As in "1C: Enterprise 8", make a reception of an employee to work, see the directory"Personnel records and calculations with personnel in" 1C "programs" In the "Frames and Payments" section.

Order No. [Email Protected] Approved three versions of fiscal documents - 1.0, 1.05 and 1.1. Format 1.0 loses strength from 01/01/2019.

Inn must be transmitted to the FTS via the fiscal data operator (OFD) in the case of applying the fiscal data format (FDD) starting from version 1.05 and only if it is presented. If the cashier has no TIN or it is unknown, then you can not specify.

Accounting accounts Nomenclature

The tax system for reflection in the check is determined by Account accounts Nomenclature (Fig. 3). Accounting accounts can be set as Organizations, Warehouse, group or type Nomenclature in general so And for each individual position Nomenclature.

Fig. 3. Setting "Range Accounting Accounting"

In one check, you can include goods implemented only under one taxation system (for example, based on or UNVD).

In case you need to sell the goods, which is taken into account by different tax systems, this is issued by different checks, while different subaccounts of account 90 "Sales" are used.

In the program, starting with the FDD version 1.05, the reflection of operations with goods (services) of the Committees is supported. In order for the program correctly determined the commissioning commissions, it is also necessary to configure account account accounts for such goods by hyperlink. Accounting accounts Nomenclature. As an account of accounting in this case, the account should be held 004. The goods at the time of the seal of the check should be adopted on the commission and reflects the accounting account.

Document "Retail Sales (Check)"

For retail sales in "1C: Accounting 8" Edition 3.0 Used Document Retail Sales (Check) From section Sales. It is possible to form a check in accordance with the requirements of the Law No. 54-FZ, including to reflect the product range and all types of payment, as well as print a comma check, specify a number for informing the buyer on SMS or by E-mail tools for fiscal data operator (such The ability to be provided in the contract with the OFD).

If a warehouse was specified in the settings of the connected equipment, then it must be specified in the corresponding document field (see above). After adding goods and specify prices, click the button Accept payment (Cash or Card), then - Print check.

Agency services

Implemented agency services in the check must be specified on the Agent Services tab. In case the organization acts as a payment agent, it must be selected in the contract card.

If in the contract With committee (principal) for sale It is indicated that the organization acts as a payment agent, a list of details will be proposed.

Note that in FDD format 1.05 in the check it is impossible to combine the services of the payment agent with other goods. In format 1.1 there is no such restriction. Information on the payment agent, as well as the owner of goods for format 1.1, can be specified in each line of the check.

If the goods (services) are commission, then information about the committee will be transferred to the fiscal data operator. For the format of fiscal documents 1.05 - on check as a whole, for FFD 1.1 - for each position separately.

Work with gift certificates

To register sales certificate, use the document Retail sales, check On the tab Sale certificates (Fig. 4).

The certificate for the transfer of information about the sales of the ICD in the version of the format of fiscal documents 1.0 is reflected as selling goods, and in FDD 1.05 and higher - as an advances.

Receiving a certificate for payment is reflected in the same document on the tab. Non-cash payment.

Payment by certificate for:

  • FDD 1.0 - e-payment;
  • FDD 1.05 and higher - an advance advances.

Fig. 4. Sale of goods using a gift certificate

Closing shift

You can close the shift in two ways:

  • from the list form Retail sales(if they were) with the formation of the check (document Retail sales report by button Close) - See Fig. five;
  • from the management of a fiscal registrar (if retail sales are not carried out).

If the organization for shift was retail sales, then the first option is recommended, since everything will be automatically made in the program. required documents and wiring . Please note that the change is to close that user-cashier of which will be transferred to the ICD.

Fig. 5. Closing shift

If the change is closed from the menu item Managing a fiscal registrarThe report on retail sales (ORP) is not formed. In this case, you can fill the ORP manually.

Sales wholesale

In order for the check to be printed with the commodity composition, it is necessary, first of all to create Account buyer (Fig. 6). The account can be created on the basis of the document Sales.

Fig. 6. Document "Account Buyer"

Based on formed Bills Created document Cash receipt(Fig. 7). After the document on the "Print Check" command, you can print a check.

If several fiscal devices are registered in the system, then pressing the button Print checkthe program will propose to select the device on which the check will be printed.

The device must be registered with the organization for which the document is printed.

Fig. 7. Window "Check"

Window Print check It will look different depending on the version of the format of fiscal documents. If 1.0 format is applied, there will be no columns Sign of method of calculation and Sign of the subject of the calculation. These columns will be if format 1.05 is applied (see Fig. 7).
Sign of method of calculation Depends on the ratio of the amount of payment, shipping and amount of the account, full prepayment or partial. If the payment to the account was not tied earlier, then the amount of the prepayment can be administered manually in the field Paid earlier.

If the Name of the cashier and its INN were not previously indicated, they can be entered for a particular operation directly in the form (Fig. 8). This can be done for any versions of FDD.

In contrast to the document Receipt in the window Print check It is possible to select a tax system that will be displayed in the check (field Taxation check).

Fig. 8. Enter the cashier details for a specific operation

In the shape of Print check You can specify whether you implement our own goods or act as a payment agent or an intermediary (and specify its details) (Fig. 9).

Fig. 9. Indication of the details of the payment agent

If the payment is made in several stages, then to print a check on a surcharge on the fact of implementation should open Account buyer and create on its basis Implementation. After the implementation, you should make another cash flow at extra charge. Field Cash payment and Paid earlier automatically populated with relevant sums, and will also change Sign of method of calculation on the Payment of creditSince shipment has already been done. Thus, if all documents form BasedYou can see the entire structure of related documents - and shipments, and payment.

In the shape of Print check There are pictograms to specify E-mail and SMS (Fig. 10), which are sent to the buyer by the FEF.

Fig. 10. Enter the phone number and the buyer's e-mail.

Then the check is printed (Fig. 11).

Fig. 11. Entering the buyer's informing data

Fig. 12. Print check from document "Cash receipt"

Return from the buyer

When returning funds to the buyer in the case when the goods return occur, it is also necessary to issue a check.

In order for the program correctly formed a refund, it must be created on the basis of the document Cash receipt or document Return of goods from the buyer.

Just create a document "Cash issuance" (even with an indication as a document of payment of the return document), as the nomenclature in Check will not be filled.

To return an advance must be issued a document "Cash issuance" Based on the document " Cash receipt » And then when the check in the preview form, the entire nomenclature will be reflected in the preview form. "Accounts for payment"specified in the source document.

Fig. 13. Cash issuance when returning goods by the Buyer

To issue cash to the buyer who has completed the return of the goods, should create a document Cash issuance (Fig. 13) based on the document Return of goods to the buyer, specify the amount, conduct a document and print a check (Fig. 14).

Fig. 14. Print Check when returning cash to the buyer

If the refund is carried out on the payment card (cashless payment), then print the check can also be from the document Payment card operations by button Print check. The type of payment in this case will be Electronics (It is also determined by the base document).

Return of money to the buyer is carried out similarly on the basis of the document Payment card operations. Check is printed by button Print check.

Editors:Even more information on the application of online cash registers can be found by reading the video of the lecture "Law No. 54-FZ: recommendations on the transition to online cash registers, comprehensive support from 1C" from 06/22/2017. The video is available for viewing everyone.

Buku.1С Regularly informs readers about all changes regarding the application of online CCT with data transfer to the FTS in a special heading

", May 2017

The transition to online cash offices brought changes to the reflection of trade operations in the new editions of the program "1C: enterprise accounting 8". Special attention should be paid to printing paper checks and sending electronic checks.

In connection with the entry into force of the Federal Law of 05/22/2003 No. 54-FZ, organizations are obliged to switch to cash registers (CCT) with the possibility of online data transmission.

Starting from release 3.0.45 in the program in "1C: Accounting 8" implemented the possibility of connecting trade equipment and sending an electronic check.

First of all, you need to connect the device to the program. To do this, go to the section "Administration - plug-in equipment". We choose the type of equipment "CCT with data transfer" And create a new element of the reference book. Indicate here "Driver Equipment"By selecting it from the list of supported devices. Since the CCT tax inspectorate is assigned to a certain organization, then in 1C, each CCT unit is also attached to the organization. In field "Serial number" We enter the factory number specified on the device housing. If the CCR is used in retailthen you can specify "Stock". In this case, this CCR will be used on this default warehouse.

Next, go to the settings (button "Setup" On the form of a CCT card or in the form of a list). If earlier the driver for this model of the device was not installed, it will be automatically proposed to install it.

Note! To work some CCT models, the driver is divided into two components: the main and integration. In this case, from the program "1C: Accounting 8" is set to an integration component, and the main component must be downloaded and set separately from the supplier site. This should be guided by the driver and / or provider's guidelines. Installing this driver is not directly related to work in the program, but necessary to interact with the CCT.

After installing the driver, set the settings: port, network settings and other settings characteristic of this model. To verify the correctness of the settings and efficiency of the CCT "Test device". If the device is connected correctly, the message will appear, then close the form using the button. "Record and Close".

In accordance with the current editorial board of the Federal Law No. 54-FZ, the key element of the cash register is a fiscal drive - a software and hardware encryption (cryptographic) agent. It is this device along with long-term data storage provides encryption and transfer of secure fiscal data to the fiscal data operator (OFD). The fiscal drive is subject to replacing the expiration date or on the fact that its memory resource exhaustion. The newly acquired CCT with a new fiscal drive is subject to mandatory registration in the FTS.

After the tax accepts an application, it will assign « Registration number CCT "You need to remember. Next, go to registration on the CCT: Open the CCT card, select the menu item "Operation with a fiscal drive - registration".

In the form of registration, indicate "CC registration number"which was obtained in the FTS when applying. Also introduce details "Organizations", "CCT installation address", taxation system (when combined, we indicate several), as well as details "Fiscal data operator". Signs in the group "Setting up CCT" Depend on the specifics of the use of the CCPC. Signs need to be defined and coordinated with the fiscal data operator. After clicking "Continue operation"and the data will be transferred to the CCT, saved in the CCT registration card (group "CCT registration parameters"). A report will be printed on the CCR. To complete registration in the FTS, go to personal Area Website FNS and specify the data from this report: document number, fiscal and accurate date and operation time.

Upon expiration or on the exhaustion of its memory resource, the fiscal drive used must be closed ( "Operations with a fiscal drive to cover"), and then register a new fiscal drive (Menu "Operations with a fiscal drive-changing registration parameters"). In the form, specify the reason for changing the parameters: "Changing a fiscal drive." Also Using an operation "Changing registration parameters" You can change the details of the user, shift the settings of the CCT or the change of the ICD.

Opening and closing cash shift

In accordance with the requirements of the legislation, work with fiscal technology is divided into cash shifts. Before starting work, you need to open a shift, and upon completion - the shift closure. Opening and closing shifts We produce in the section "Bank and cash desk - management of a fiscal device". List of cash shifts is located in the section "Bank and cash desk - cash shifts".

At the time of opening a cash shift is fixed "Organization", « Cashier KKM.» to which the device is connected, the date and time of the start of the shift, the status "Open". After closing the change, the status will change on "Closed".

Change closing can be performed from:

    forms management fiscal registrar (section "Bank and cash desk" - "Management of the fiscal device");

    cash transformation form;

    forms List Checks (section "Sales" / "Retail Sales (Checks)").

Print Checks and sending an electronic check

The current legislation contains a number of requirements, including the printing of the nomenclature composition in the check and sending an electronic check on email or on the phone to the buyer at his request. Depending on the type and organization of trade, the check is possible from the following documents:

    retail sales (checks);

    cash receipt;

    payment by payment card.

Document "Receipt" (Section "Sales" - "Retail Sales (Checks)") We use in the case of automation of small retail to reflect each sales of an impersonal buyer. Check Print with "Accept payment". To send a check to an email address or phone, use the icons with the image of the phone and envelope and specify the phone number and / or address. Sending is carried out by the FEF.

The check automatically displays the nomenclature composition specified on the tab. "Products and service" in the document.

Document "Cash receipt" With view of payment "Arrival from the buyer" Designed to reflect cash settlements with legal entities, individual entrepreneurs. Also, such an order is used to sell individuals who want to personally take into account the counterparties directory, for example, when the moment of the sale of goods (works, services) does not coincide with the moment of payment. To fulfill the requirements of the current legislation in terms of printing of the nomenclature composition, we write off the buyer and specify it in the field "An invoice for payment" In the rows of the document. The amount of the account, taking into account the VAT rate, must fully coincide with the amount by the corresponding line. If the account for payment is not selected, then in the check instead of goods items will be "Payment from: Buyer Name" "Foundation: Foundation Document". Foundation Document Indicate in the Group "Requisites printed form» document "Cash receipt". After clicking "Print Check". The form for entering an email address and phone number will open. Sending is carried out by the FEF. Next by the button "Proceed" Print check.

Document With view of payment "Arrival from the buyer" Designed to reflect the calculations on the map (acquiring) with legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, also for sales issued by individuals. For the printing of the check on the CCP, we carry out the algorithm as from cash receipt. For printing of the nomenclature composition, we write off the buyer account and point it to the field "An invoice for payment" in the rows of the document, and after clicking the button "Print Check" We enter the email address and phone number.

In the event of a return payment to the buyer, print a check for a refund from documents "Cash issuance" or from the document "Operation on payment card" With a view "Return to the Buyer".

Sale with partial prepayment


Under the contract for the sale of goods, the client contributes an advance of 30% of the total amount of sale, then after shipment pays the balance residue.

We carry out the following actions:

    We draw up the document "Arrival on" or "Cash Order" with a type of payment from the buyer's payment, choose the client, the contract and make an advance payment. When conducting a document, wiring will be formed:

Dt 51, 50.01 Kt 62.02 (account of advances with buyers).

VAT payers register an invoice issued to an advance that will form wiring:

DT76Avkt 68.02 - VAT with advances.

    Create a document "Realization of goods and services" for the sale of goods, works and services. In the document, we specify the client, the contract, the list of shipped goods. We carry out a document and check that there are in the wiring:

Dt 90.02.1 Kt, etc.

Dt 62.01 Kt 90.01.1 - register the revenue.

Dt 62.02 Kt 62.01 - an advance advances.

Dt 90.03 KT 68.02 - If the organization works with VAT.

VAT payers register an invoice.

    On the balance of debt, we also register the document "Receipt to the Settlement Account" or "Cartrol Orders". The document forms wiring:

Dt 51, 50.01 CT 62.01 - Repayment of the Customer's Debt.

For verification, we form a reverse balance of the account with a setting on subaccounts, check the correctness of closing the closure and account balance.

Payers on the USN "revenues minus costs" and UNVD should pay special attention to closing accounts, since it is to closure accounts and the system takes amounts to expenditures and distributes UNVD.

Sales through the online store

Sales through the online store are becoming increasingly common in recently in view of its convenience. Most often, buyers purchased in the online store are paid by card or electronic money. For example, the buyer acquires the goods in the retail store and pays for a bank card.

    Register the prepayment of the buyer -"Payment card payment" The document forms wiring:

DT 57.03 CT 62.02 - payment by payment card.

    Next, the bank lists cash to the settlement account of the organization. To do this, create on the basis of the document "Payment card payment" document "Admission to the settlement account" With the type of operation "Receipts from sales on payment cards and bank loans", We indicate the bank-accuard, the amount of translation, the acquiring contract, the calculation account of 57.03.

    The amount of the Bank's Commission reflect on account 91.02 as the costs of bank services.

The document forms wiring:

DT 51 CT 57.03 - the amount of translation.

DT 91.02 CT 57.03 - the Bank's Commission is reflected.

    Next, register the sale of the sale of goods and services, which is located in the section"Sales" . In the document, we change the account of settlements with counterparties by 62r - calculations in retail.

The document forms the following wiring:

Dt62kt 90.01.1 - revenue from the sale.

Dt 62.02 kt62r - an advance advances.

Dt 90.03 Kt 68.02 - for VAT payers.

Note! If the sale is carried out with VAT, then register an invoice. On the deduction of VAT from the received advance register the document "Formation of purchase book records".

Name Cost, rub. Download program
External printed form "Commercial check for the document" Implementation of goods and services " 900 tovar_chek_realizaciya_buh_3_0_demo.epf.
External printed form "Commercial check for a document" Report on retail sales " 900 tovar_chek_roznica_buh_3_0_demo.epf.
External printed form "Torg-12 and a commercial check (prof) to the document" Report on Retail Sales "
Foreign check with the ability to withdraw VAT at different rates
15 00 Torg12_tovchek_buh_3_0_demo.epf.

Prymer work program

The connected program is called by the "Print" button:

Print form:

Pmore more about connecting programs

1. Download the extension file EPF. From the site to your computer (for example, on the desktop):

2. Start 1C: Accounting in working mode. On the section panel, select "Administrative", on the Navigation Panel "Additional reports and processing" and in the list that opens, select "Create".

3. Select the downloaded file and save the program registration.

4. The program will appear in the "Print" menu of the corresponding document.

The print form of the commodity check is not provided in the standard configuration of 1C Accounting 8. The 1C program developer assumes that most users do not turn to this form. However, it may be necessary, for example, small retail stores. If necessary, it can be easily adding to the program.

According to Federal law No. 162-FZ dated July 17, 2009 Individual entrepreneurs or organizations can carry out calculations in cash or through payment cards without the use of CCT, but at the first request of the buyer, they are obliged to give him a commercial check, a receipt or another document that confirms the reception of money for the goods, the service or work. Check is issued at the time of payment.

  • Title of the document
  • Its sequence number and date of issue
  • Name of organization or personal data of an individual entrepreneur
  • Taxpayer Identification Number
  • Name and number of purchased goods or services rendered
  • The amount of payment
  • Position and surname of the person who issued the document and its signature

Consider how the form of a commodity check is added to the list of printed forms in the document "Report on Retail Sales" 1C Accounting 8. To do this, we need a file having an external printed form (check-otchet-roznica.epf)

Then you need to go to the "Service" menu, select "Additional Reports and Develop" - "Additional External Printed Forms" and click on the Add button.

In the window that opens, you must click on the yellow button "Replace External Processing File"

Then select the path to the downloaded file

In the "Print Form" section, click on the Add button

A list will open, you need to choose the "Retail Sale Report"