1c retail withdrawal of money from the cash register. External processing removal of ds from the cash register. Taking money out of the cash register

Just as one single brick in the wall does not greatly affect the strength of the entire building, so keeping a store checkout in itself does not give you any clear global advantages. If the brick is pulled out, the wall will not collapse.

The cashier is such a small brick. One of many. By itself, insignificant and completely uninteresting. But together with others, he creates an integral, working system.

It is not possible to build a building without bricks.

For example, the main condition for maintaining stock balances in 1C is that all real movements of goods are accurately reflected in the program.

One such movement is daily sales. If the cashier did everything correctly, then the "Retail Sales Report" document should contain a list of all goods sold per shift. But how can you be sure that everything is entered correctly?

One of the options is to require the cashier to check the amount of sales on the computer with the revenue actually received for the shift. How does the cashier fulfill this requirement? At best, it looks at the total amount of the document that appears on the screen when you close the shift.

Work without keeping a cash register is possible, but complete and complete accounting will not be.

The amount of this document must be reconciled with the amount of cash on hand. But in addition to receiving cash, it also reflects payment by bank cards, bonuses or gift certificates... The balance in the cash desk also rarely coincides with the proceeds received per day - there are balances from the previous day, and the receipt of change money, and cash withdrawals to the central office. Those. to fulfill your request, the cashier needs to make an effort. Considering that everything happens at the end of the shift, when you already so want to quickly run home, the cashier in the end does not check anything at all.

This leads to the fact that sales are not verified at all and different reasons differ from the real ones. Which brings its own small share of deviations in the inventory results.

Keeping a cash register is just the lever that can make a cashier check documents in the program normally. You only demand from the cashier that the amount of cash on hand coincide with the amount of the balance in the report on the cash desk.

Sample report

Abbreviations and terms

Before proceeding to the description of working with the program, familiarize yourself with the terms that are used there:

  • DS - cash
  • DDS article - item of cash flows.
    • Used for reports: "Cash flows", "Cashier's daily report"
  • Cost item
    • Used for grouping in cost reports: "Costs", "Structure of working capital"
    • The differences between the cost item and the VAT item are described below.
  • RSC - account cash warrant
  • PKO - cash receipt order

The difference between the cost item and the DDS item

  • Not all DS movements are costs
    • For example, "Moving a DS", "Making an exchange", "Delivery of proceeds to the office" are reflected in the report on movements, but are not costs.
  • Not all cost items are CP movements.
    • For example, if we take into account the costs of salary on an accrual basis, then the fact of costs is recorded at the time of accrual (which is made at the end of the month), and not the payment of money (which is made at the beginning of the next). Those. when making an accrual - there are costs, there are no DS movements.
    • Payment to the supplier for the goods is not considered a cost, since this amount will be taken into account when calculating the margin from the sale.
    • Writing off a defect or audit shortfall is a cost, but no cash flows occur.

Reflection of specific operations

Keeping a cash register does not provide clear advantages - it is a small brick in the wall of your house. If the brick is pulled out, the wall will not collapse. But a house cannot be built without bricks. Work without cash register is possible, but complete and complete accounting will not be.

Retail revenue

  • This is the amount of cash received from the retail trade.
  • Cash transactions are generated automatically when the document "Retail Sales Report" is posted. In the report on movements it is reflected under the item of VAT "Retail revenue"

Removal of DS (collection)

  • At the end of the day, the amount is withdrawn from the cash desk and transferred to the central office or bank.
  • Depending on what happens to the money next, you need to do the following:
  • If the money is transferred to the cashier, which is also recorded
    • Make a document "Internal displacement of DC"
    • Sender - "Shop", recipient - "central cash desk"
    • The money will be debited from the cashier of the store, the recipient will be credited to the cashier
  • If the money is not further accounted for (for example, the balances are kept at the store's cash desk, but the entrepreneur's money remains are not kept)
    • It is necessary to make a cash settlement with the type "Other cash flow"
    • Select an article of the movement "Leased to the office" (create it yourself)
  • If money goes to the bank
    • Make RKO
    • Operation type - "Cash deposit to the bank"
    • Select a current account to which money will be credited
    • Select the relevant DDS article

Cash deposit for exchange

  • It is carried out in the same way as for collection, but instead of cash settlement service, it makes a PKO.

Payment to the supplier

  • Make a cash settlement with the type "Payment to the supplier"
  • In the "Comment" field, describe what the money was given for

Acceptance of payment from the buyer

  • It is carried out only if the buyer received the goods according to the document "Sale of goods and services".
  • Make PQS with the type "Payment from the Buyer" (you can enter it based on the implementation)
  • Select a supplier in the "Counterparty" field
  • In the "Comment" field, describe what the money was received for

Reflection of shortage at the checkout

  • The shortage occurs if the amount of cash on hand is less than the balance on the report. Often, for example, there are minor deviations from incorrectly given change.
  • It is necessary to make an RCO document (if there is a shortage) or PKO (if there is a surplus)
    • If this amount is refunded by the seller
      • select the type of operation "Payment to the supplier"
      • choose a seller as a counterparty
      • dDS article - cash shortage
      • the amount of shortages for the month can be seen in the report "Movement of the DS"
    • If the debt is not hung on the seller, but is reflected as other costs
      • select the type of operation "Other expenses"
      • select the article DDS - "cash shortage"
      • select a cost item - "cash shortage"
      • the amount of shortages for the month can be seen in the report "Costs"

Other minor expenses (water, office supplies, etc.)

  • Operation type - other expense of DS
    • Field "Article of movement of the DS" - select the type of movement (water, rent, salary)
      • Field "Cost item" - select the same, only from costs (water, rent, salary)

Cashier reports

To start maintaining the balances in the store, it is necessary to require the sellers to print out the “Daily Cashier Report” daily, which should converge with real cash at their checkout. This will oblige them to be attentive to the checkout and register all movements on it. To do this, they need to enter only two types of documents:

  • Cash settlement service when issuing money from the cash desk
  • PKO - upon receipt of money (exchange or from the buyer)

  • This report is ours, which can be connected to your program. Contact us to get it.
  • The report serves as a replacement for the cash journal, which you may still be maintaining manually.

  • Menu item: "Reports / Cash / Cash Statement"
  • For each cash register, it shows income, expense, initial and final balance of the den. funds.
  • Like any other standard 1C report, it can be displayed in various forms, depending on the settings (the grouping of rows and columns, selection, indicators can be changed)

  • Menu item: "Reports / Cash / Cash flows"
  • Shows the movement of money by item for the selected period.
  • The report can also be brought into any form you need using the settings

Question: 1C: Retail 2.1 Withdrawal of money from cash register

Costs 1C: Retail
At the close of the shift, she swears at the impossibility of withdrawing money from the cash register, but closes the shift.
In another store, this crap was at one of the two checkouts. I started a new user on Windows and made him an RMK and the error went away, but there I messed up myself. In this store, everything seemed to be done correctly, but an error appeared.
Yes, the user has all the rights.
What am I doing wrong?
Thank you.

Answer: () It is logical if the kkm has zeroed the remainder of where to do the notch

Question: Prohibition on removing DS from KKM

After updating from UT to UT on the platform the ban on the removal of DS from KKM to RMK stopped working. That is, despite the fact that the checkboxes in the sale rules are unchecked, the Deposit and withdraw money buttons are active and work. Who knows how to help trouble?


Remove buttons via "Change form"

Question: Retail 2.2. Full automatic removal of DS when closing a shift.

There is retail 2.2. For the selected store, indicated the type of notch when closing the shift - full removal, but when closing the shift, the removal is not performed. Looked at the code, everything suggests that the excavation should be zero.
Maybe there are some other full notch settings?
Thank you in advance.

Answer: If someone has a notch created automatically by standard means, please drop the link to the config.

Question: Return of goods after the closing of the shift (not on the same day) in 1s "Retail 2.2"

Good day! We use Retail (abbreviated as RZ), revision 2.2 ( and Enterprise Accounting (abbreviated as BP), revision 3.0 (
When making a return not day after day in the RZ through the RMK, the return is made, the check is formed, everything seems to be fine. But when synchronizing in BP, when trying to conduct a Retail Sales Report, an error appears: “The list“ Cashless payments ”is filled in incorrectly. The amount of non-cash payments exceeds the amount of proceeds from sales! " Initial payment and refund were in cash, no acquiring went through. In the Retail Sales Report on the Products tab, the following lines are filled:
quantity - 1 price 500 sum -500 total -500,
the accounting and income accounts are complete.
The "Cashless payments" tab is empty. In the header, the cash account is indicated at 50.01.
Why does the error occur and how can I fix it?
Thank you!

P.S: now in test I tried the following:
knocked out a receipt for the sale of any product, so that there would be cash receipts (exceeding the refund amount), then carried out the return of the goods from previous shifts. Everything is in cash. As a result, the PIU is carried out in the accounting department. But if there were no sales, it is impossible to carry out the PIU in the accounting department! In Retail, a complete withdrawal is configured, at the beginning of the shift, money is deposited into the cash register of the cash register. But this does not solve the problem ...

Answer: () I'm talking about UT, but I also think in retail

Question: Zero Z-report in 1C Retail 8.3

Greetings, a zero Z-report is not printed (if there are no punched checks) in 1C Retail 8.3 (
Configuration Retail 8. Optics salon, revision 2.1 (

The bosses require printing anyway.
I crawled all the settings - I could not find anything.
Can this be done in the current version of 1C? Or does it depend on the connected phased array?

I also need to edit the layout of the Z-report, did anyone come across this?

Thanks in advance for your attention.

Answer: The information has changed. Sorry. It turned out that the Z-Report is not printed, because put a daw to close the cash shift without it.
And if you do not put a daw, then the cash register shift cannot be closed, tk. The message appears:
"The cash register shift in the system is not closed:
No retail sales report has been generated.
Exclusion: 0.00 rub.
Cash balance: RUB 0.00
There is no way to display a Z-report. "

I tried to choose a fiscal registrar emulator - I found out that the shift can still be closed and the z-report is printed.

What parameters of the real FR in 1C can block the closing of a shift with zero revenue?

Question: Retail 2.2. There is no accounting for alcoholic beverages in several shops for individual entrepreneurs.

Several times I encountered problems when working with EGAIS. And the reason turned out to be simple - Retail can only work with one trade facility... So, if you plan to automate two IP outlets that will sell alcoholic products (not vodka), then DO NOT TAKE Retail !!!

Answer: () Yes xs, what does 1c support / does not support. This law was adopted in such a way that individual entrepreneurs conduct their business in one heap. And the EGAIS format to the law was approved in such a way that it will not work to divide this flow of goods from individual entrepreneurs in the context of stores.

Those. the paradigm of our state in this particular situation was as follows - an individual entrepreneur is a small business, we will give them the opportunity to buy 1 key and we will not burden every store with a purchase. But to think that a damn small business may not bring its several points later - the mind was not enough or did not want to. Therefore, small businesses paid little money to the state for the Unified State Automated Information System, but they have to pay more to the programmers for the Unified State Automated Information System - such is the circulation of money in nature.

Question: 1c: Retail - choice

Purpose: automation of the trading "grid".
Central store + a couple of side ones, 3-5 users in total.
Which version of "Retail" to choose?
Franchi I offer a base and prof.
Is it possible to somehow implement multi-user work in the database? I don't want to pay a lot of money for a professional.

Answer: And everyone who advises you read the original task? Central store plus a couple of outlets. And why do they need UT11? Purchased Retail 8 (13,000), the required number of licenses (1 -6300, 5-21600), I can assume that points in shopping centers where there is no problem with the Internet. The VPN rises and that's it. You may need accounting, most likely the basic one will be enough (with a discount of 1700), if not enough for 13000 ordinary accounting. and everything will be installed in the central store, at the points if it is not possible to raise the VPN it is quite possible to supply basic retail. Setting up an exchange is not a problem.
IMHO of course.

Question: Automatic collection does not withdraw money UT 11.1

Hello, there is such a problem - the Automatic collection checkboxes are ticked in the RMK settings, but when the shift is closed, it is not done automatically anyway! Confa UT 11.1 latest release typical

You don't need to do what has already been done. Save your time! It's simple There is no need to change the configuration for processing to work! No special skills or knowledge is required to install and configure processing! Complete with processing instructions! Fast External processing will be available to you within 1 business day after payment. Safe If the processing does not suit you, then the money will be refunded in 100% of the amount. This warranty does not apply to situations described in the report specifics. Click the "Add to cart" button in order to order the processing of "Change in the withdrawal of DS from the cash register of KKM in 1C: UT 11" for your organization.

Retail 2 change of the document "withdrawal of ds from cash register of kkm"

Checking the balance of the cash register using the report "Cash flow in cash register offices with decryption by the registrar" And if this balance does not correspond to the balance in the cash register office, then you need to edit the Cash register at the cash register office using the document Correction of registers. This processing allows to automate these processes. As a rule, withdrawals from the cash desk are made for the amount of all cash, therefore, the amount of cash in the cash desk according to the KKM registers at the end of the shift should be \u003d 0.

For such cases, this treatment is especially effective. It allows you to: 1) By clicking on the "Fill Table" button, get a list of cuts and sales reports. The list is sorted by date, so you can easily track where the problems with the formation of notches began and see on the basis of which Sales Reports you need to create a Notch.

Create and edit seizure documents. 1c: retail 2

After selecting "Retail Sales Report", the "Create a cut" button generates a cut based on it for the amount of sales (cash) from the selected document. If you fill in the "for amount" field, then the notch will be created for the amount specified. If the “Edit existing” checkbox is checked, then if this Sales Report has a linked cut, a new Cut will not be created, but the old one will be edited.


If there is no checkbox, then nothing is created. 3) Remove the notch. 4) On the "Additional functions" tab, the "Create cut bunches" button will help you self madeif you need to make a lot of grooves. For the selected period, notches will be created. If it is worth "Edit existing, then if there is a cut associated with the Sales Report". it will be edited. If there is no checkbox, then the excavation based on such reports will not be performed.

5) Edit the balance of money at the cash register office.

Changing the withdrawal of ds from the cash register of the kkm in 1s: ut 11

Date of withdrawal documents for DS - the current date - between the beginning of the day on 02.08.2017 00:00:00 and the end of the day on 02.08.2017 23:59:59 Control buttons: Button “Mark” - marks for downloading only those documents that have not yet been downloaded ; Button “Uncheck” - unchecks the rows of the processing tabular section; "Add" button - adds a grandchild document of the seizure, but it is important to take into account that the dates correspond to the date of the added document, otherwise it will not be added. If you specify the date as dates between several days, then documents for these days will be uploaded automatically; “Select All” and “Delete” buttons - no comments; "Get Documents" button - downloads required documents according to your chosen settings; The button “Create document“ PKO from KassaKKM ”” - creates documents marked with checkboxes for uploading and marks those uploaded in the field “Created document”.

Withdrawal of funds from the cash desk of kkm 1s: retail

The balance in the "Cash in POS printer" register is shown in the Corrections Amount field when selecting the cash register of the POS printer. Also, the field “Movement type” is automatically selected. (That is, with a minus amount, “Income” is selected, otherwise “Expense”) Thus, the settings are automatically adjusted to zero the cash in the register. And it remains only to press the button "Create register correction".

Developed and tested: 1C: Enterprise 8.3 ( Retail, revision 2.0 ( - ( UPDATE: The balance in the "Cash in KKM" register in the Amount field is now shown without taking into account the amount of checks of the last shift so that the sales of the current shift do not affect the calculation of the amount by which the register needs to be edited, so we can edit without closing the shift.

Developments for 1c

External processing, to automate the creation of the PKO document "Receipt cash order" from the document "Withdrawal of funds" from the Cash Register. This processing was created specifically for 1C: Retail 2.2 (tested on version, as external processing). By default, Safe mode is disabled in processing, if you need, then in the object module, you can switch.


Open source processing, done for myself. When opening processing, it is automatically substituted current organization and cash register of KKM in accordance with the workplace. If necessary, then upon opening you can also easily add the receipt of documents and by adding a couple of lines of code you can automate the process of creating documents when you close the cash register shift.

Quick guide: When you open, as described above, the organization and the Cashier KKM are filled in automatically in accordance with the settings of your base.

Sales in the Automated point of sale in 1C: Trade Management 8th edition 11.2

Sale of goods in ATT are issued using KKM, which is connected in the mode fiscal registrar.

To register sales in the program, we use workplace cashier (RMK), in section Sales.

Selling in ATT can be divided into several tasks:

Issuance of DS to cash register office;
... Opening the cash register shift and entering the DS into the cash register of the cash register;
... Registration of sales in ATT;
... Return of goods by check during the cash register shift;
... Closing the cash register shift. Removal of DS from cash register office. Transfer of proceeds to the cashier;
... Making a return to a retail customer after a shift is closed.

Disbursement of funds to the cashier of a retail store

This operation is documented Account cash warrant (Section Treasury Department). When creating, select the type of operation Issuance of cash register to the cashier... (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1

In the document, select Cash register of the enterprise and cash register of KKMand also indicate the sum, which we transfer according to the document.

Opening a shift and accepting funds at the cash register office

Cashier at the beginning of the working day opens shift (Open shift button). (Fig. 2).

In the magazine, we see that the shift is open and what is the remainder of the DS in this cash register. (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3

For reception of DS the button is used from the cash register of the enterprise Depositing money... When you click on which, it will be reflected Order for entering DS with the completed amount to be admitted (From the cash register). The employee reflects deposit amount and presses Take to the cashier... (Fig. 4).

Fig. 4

You can then start registering retail sales.
A cash register shift can be opened and closed at any time, but the duration of a cash register shift should not exceed 24 hours.

Registration of implementation in ATT

Sale in ATT is documented KKM check.

Filling in the Check with goods can be performed using a scanner, or manually.

If we register an item using a scanner, then the scanner must be registered with Connected equipment... And for goods in the database you need to register barcode.

If the registration of goods occurs manually, then we can press Insert and enter the position, or use the assistant Selection of goodsby pressing the button Search (Ctrl + Shift + F2). (Fig. 5).

Fig. 5

It displays information about price and availability of goods... Select the product you need for sale and transfer it to the document. The price is filled in automatically, in accordance with the set value. (Fig. 6).

Fig. 6

We previously registered an automatic discount in the database. We would like to remind that when selling goods for more than 1000 rubles in this store, a discount for the client is 10%.
We can push Calculate discounts (Ctrl + Shift + F4). On the left side of the screen, we see discounts for each position, and on the right, the total amount of the discount and the amount to pay, taking into account the discount. (Fig. 7).

Fig. 7

Fig. 8

The program provides the opportunity postpone a check with reservation and without reservation of goods. (Fig. 9). If we need to reserve a product, then we indicate the date and time.

The cashier can return to the pending check. Find it in the list and continue with the checkout. (Fig. 10).

Fig. 10

If the company provides manual discounts, then the cashier can reflect them in the check.

For this in the form KKM check used button Manual discounts (Ctrl + Alt + F11). On the form Assigning a manual discount (markup) the amount without a discount is reflected, the cashier sets % or the sum manual discount, after which the amount including the discount is displayed and clicks OK... (Fig. 11).

Fig. 11

As a result, a manual discount is reflected in the Check. (Fig. 12).

Fig. 12

Payment for retail goods you can take cash, payment card, and also possible mixed pay... For the mixed payment option, use the keyboard shortcut (Ctrl + Shift + F10) or the Mixed payment button. We reflect the amount of payments for cash and bank transfer. (Fig. 13).

Fig. 13

After making payments, the status is Paid up, employee breaks the check (Alt + F2). (Fig. 14).

Fig. 14

Return of goods by check during a cash register shift

In this case, we register the return with a document Return receipt (Same day).
This document is entered on the basis of the previously created POS printer check. (Fig. 15).

Fig. 15

Partial return of goods by check is possible only on condition of cash payment.

When issuing a Refund Check, it is possible to cancel all types of check payments. (Fig. 16). If the payment by credit card could not be canceled, then the refund check will not be broken. The cashier can manually cancel the payment by pressing Cancel card payment (Ctrl + Shift + F8).

Fig. 16

IN check magazine KKM cashier can find Return receipt by document type. (Fig. 17).

Fig. 17

Closing the cash register shift. Removal of DS from the cash register of cash register and transfer of proceeds to the cash desk of the enterprise

If there is a need to print on the fiscal registrar Report without cancellation, go to the section Treasury → Service → Fiscal registrar management → Print report without cancellation... Here, the employee can form Z-report on FR without closing the cash register shift. (Fig. 18).

Fig. 18

Closing a cash register shift can be done from RMK and directly to KKM check by button Operations with cash register... (Fig. 19).

Fig. 19

As a result, it will be formed and printed Z-reportand also formed Retail Sales Report... The Retail Sales Report reflects a summary of all goods punched by receipts during a checkout shift. (Fig. 20).

Fig. 20

On a bookmark Payment by payment cards, the list of terminals, card numbers and the amount of payments or refunds for payments by bank cards is displayed. (Fig. 21).

Fig. 21

When the cash register shift is closed, Checks can Archiveor Get away... This is determined by an option in the section NSI and administration → Sales → Retail sales ... We archive checks, in this case we will have the opportunity to select them when making a return from a client. (Fig. 22).

Fig. 22

To transfer the DS from the cash register of the cash register to the cashier of the enterprise in check magazine KKM or in check form, employee uses the button Seizure of money and enters the amount. (Fig. 23).

Fig. 23

When transfer of DS to the cashier of the enterprise document is created Receipt cash order with the type of operation Receipt from cash register cash register... It is also possible to enter PKO based on document Removal of DS... (Fig. 24).

Fig. 24

All data will be filled in automatically, the employee checks them and holds document... (Fig. 25).

Fig. 25

Making a return to a retail customer after a shift is closed.

The return of goods from the client after the closing of the shift is registered with a document Returning goods from a customer... We create this document on the basis of a previously issued Check... (Fig. 26).

Fig. 26

In document Return from customer data on Check, Retail Sales Reportand goods are filled in automatically. If necessary, the number of products can be changed. The default customer is Retail Customer. (Fig. 27).

Fig. 27

Based Return can enter Account cash warrantor Write-off of non-cash DS. (Fig. 28).

We have reflected all the main operations for implementation in ATT in the program.

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How to transfer funds (hereinafter referred to as DS) in 1C Retail 2.2 from the cash register, into which they are received when retail, and posting to the operating cashier of the company? If you are interested in this question, then this article is for you.

The withdrawal of money in 1C can be performed both when working directly in the RMK without completing a cash register shift, and when completing work and closing the current work shift.

In the first case, when you press the Withdraw money button, you must manually specify the amount taken from the cash register office. A form for entering the amount of withdrawn money will appear on the screen. Enter the amount and press Enter.

Please note that withdrawal of money in 1C is possible only if there is a connection to a fiscal registrar or other device for printing checks. Otherwise, the system will generate an error.

In the second case, the withdrawal is performed by pressing the Close shift key.

Please leave in the comments the topics you are interested in so that our experts will disassemble them in instruction articles and video instructions.

Depending on the system settings, the following options are possible: either the entire amount stored in the cash register office will be automatically withdrawn, or you will be prompted to manually specify the withdrawal amount, or the withdrawal will not be made at all.

Let's digress here for the system settings. The rules for carrying out the withdrawal of the DS are set in the information register Cash discipline of the withdrawal when closing the shift. You can open it from the store or organization card by clicking the Go icon.

The following options are configured here:

Carry out a complete cut. Then, when you press the Close shift button, the entire current balance of funds will be automatically considered withdrawn from the cash register.

Allow incomplete stripping with a maximum remaining balance. When the cash desk is closed, the system will prompt you to indicate the amount of cash withdrawal, the remaining cash will be stored at the cash desk. If the amount of the balance exceeds the maximum value, then when performing the operation of closing a shift, the system will issue a warning with the ability to correct the previously specified amount of withdrawal or to make a withdrawal later. The same control is also established for manual withdrawal of money during the work of a cashier in the RMK.

Do not excavate.

If there is no setting for the organization and the store, then when the shift is closed, the machine will automatically reflect the complete withdrawal of money from the cash register.

As a result, the system will create a cash withdrawal document, which reflects the transfer of money to the cashier of the store.

So the cash is no longer in the cash register, but it has not yet arrived at the operating cash desk. We can check this information using the Cash funds report (section Finance - Financial statements).

In order for the DS to enter the operating cash desk, the company will need to take them there. This can be done in the special work center Receipt cash orders (section Finance). First, open the second tab, there are reflected orders for receiving the DS and, accordingly, seizure documents fall into this list. When you click the Accept payment command, an Incoming cash order is generated and the money is credited to the cashier.

On the first tab of this workstation, there are already generated documents for posting the DS.