Who Needs MIMs and Why? Where to find the check number in the cashier's check Cashier chpm

CHM - Cheko Printing Machine. Also known as ASPD, an automated document printing system. What kind of fruit is this? Everything is very simple - you have taxation according to the UTII system, simply you are on imputation and you do not need to have a full-fledged cash register, you just do not want that. Perhaps you have very, very little sales and it is much easier for you to do without cash register and trips to the Federal Tax Service. Besides, you are also allowed to do this. REMEMBER! Not ALWAYS UTII has the right to do without cash register registered with the Federal Tax Service. If you trade in a certain assortment, if you provide services, if ... however, the FTS will already explain to you more precisely which IFs are present in your region. So, if you have any If you need to use KKM. BUT. If all of a sudden it is not necessary, if you are not lazy and keep records without cash register and it is easier for you, then you can write out BSO (Forms strict accountability), which are numbered and taken by the Federal Tax Service, you can write sales receipts according to certain rules (a list of requirements and conditions and a list of everything that should be on such a "check", if I wish, I will lay out), you can even write out nothing. BUT, even if you do not write out or write out forms, you still MUST keep a ledger of EVERY purchase and write all this manually into it (which, by the way, is not necessary with cash register), regardless of whether the buyer needs a check or not. All this is the lyrics, so to speak, the introduction, now let's remember about the PMP. What is it and on what occasion may this contraption suddenly be needed? Well, let's look at these cases ...
For example, you still need to write out receipts, but there is no time, effort, desire, in the end it is simply lazy. What to do? We are buying a CHM !!!
Another example, it is easy and fun to write out everything in the world, but ... I really want to understand and systematize what we were selling there ..? What to do? How to automate the process inexpensively? We are buying a CHM !!!
You are the owner of the business, your seller sells your goods and you just feel that you are being robbed! What to do, how to calculate the possible damage and not allow the seller to sell the leftist, to conduct everything through a certain cash register, but not expensive? We are buying a CHM !!!

By the way, MHP is not just a printer, which costs several times cheaper, it is a device with a special program and a special passport, as well as all the necessary documents, fiscal memory (in MHP it is called the Master's memory), instructions. So you do not think that you are being "forced" with a toy. No, it's almost a cash register.

Now I descend you from Heaven to Earth, the promised and beautiful Mother.

Firstly, FIM is still not a Cash Register, but just a PRINTER, which prints NOT CHECKS, but COMMERCIAL CHECKS, that is, it MUST be highlighted on it GOODS, perhaps a section, necessarily DATE, TIME, CASHIER'S NAME and HIS SIGNATURE, THE NAME OF THE COMPANY AND THE TIN. This is so offhand.
The check must have a unique number.
That is, all NMPs must be programmed using the commodity base. Manually, this is how you can shoot yourself if the base is large and your hands do not know how. There is a way out - we use a computer and special software. As a rule, it comes for FREE in the kit and often there is also a cable to the PC. Description of the whole process too. So this is not scary, but necessary. There is a PLUS, I would say thisfat plus, because this way we have free automation! True, a simple one, but what do you want for an automated process for such ridiculous money? Turn on your imagination and EXCEL.
Another disadvantage. This is still not a cash register, well, not a cash register, and therefore the cashier-operator's journal is not needed, and even the Federal Tax Service is not needed, BUT ... there is practically no protection from unscrupulous cashiers, because she does not have an EKLZ, and a fiscal memory when desire twists, although you still need to be able to open it, and cashiers are usually far from techies, although cashiers have boyfriends and here there are fears ...
In addition, you should understand that the FMC is NOT AT ALL a POS terminal and there is simply no protection against simple check failure and there is no way to track down lazy, malicious or stupid cashiers. So, don't rely on 100% results.
The truth is there is a way out! There are special POS terminals to which the ASPD are connected and not FR (fiscal registrars). Of course, it is not cheap, but it is still cheaper than a full-fledged POS terminal with a phased array (at least on an EKLZ). Such complexes carry the ENTIRE degree of protection, convenience, accounting and service, with all the ensuing consequences. They also require care and maintenance. However, YOU SHOULD UNDERSTAND THAT THE PLANT-MANUFACTURER OF CHM DOES A WARRANTY ONLY UNDER THE CONDITION OF COMMISSIONING THE CHO AND UNDER THE CONDITION OF AN EMERGENCY FOR THAT IN THE CHO (as well as with a cash register), otherwise the cash register is automatically REMOVED from the Warranty! Is this fair? I do not know. These are the Rules.
Well, something like this. Fluently. In a nutshell.
As a result, many prefer the "good old KKM" and do not worry about dubious economy, many deliberately do not want to have a KKM and acquire and operate the NMP. And someone stupidly insolently violated the law, and continues to do so. I don't like those like that. I'm not on my way with them. and I will never help them. Not for money, not for how.

PS. Any FMC is easily transformed into KKM and often vice versa (often, but not always), so you never know, someday it will be impatient, then we immediately buy a special kit and ... you already have a cash register with all nameplates, memories, stickers and documents.

Starting from 07/15/2016, an individual entrepreneur who works on UTII can issue any type of documentconfirming payment or acceptance money... Prior to that, the entrepreneur was obliged to provide a strict reporting form (SRF) as a confirmation act.

In 2018, the installation of online cash registers will become mandatory.

Need to use

When an entrepreneur who is on UTII often accepts funds in cash or through payment by credit card from legal entities (LLC, OJSC, CJSC or other entrepreneurs), then the installation cash register and its use becomes compulsory... The list of exceptions is regulated in Federal Law No. 54:

  1. Sale of printed products - newspapers, magazines. Along the way, the display of goods sold is carried out in a separate order, and the size of the turnover of newspapers and magazines takes at least more than half.
  2. Transactions with shares. Their sale, exchange and transfer.
  3. Realization of public transport tickets.
  4. Delivery of food products to students of educational institutions and their employees during the period of classes.
  5. Distribution of goods at specially designated places other than tents and points of sale of this type.
  6. Sale of products that are not food products through distribution.
  7. Selling ice cream and non-alcoholic drinks from kiosks.
  8. Sale of goods from a tanker truck.
  9. Purchase of glass containers and secondary raw materials.
  10. Shoe repair.
  11. Key production.
  12. Care and maintenance of children and disabled people in need.
  13. Sale of artisans' goods and handicrafts.
  14. Services for the preparation of firewood and the processing of land.
  15. Providing assistance to luggage carriers.
  16. Lease of real estate owned by individual entrepreneurs.

The cash register has the right not to use individual entrepreneur, who registered in a hard-to-reach area or far removed from the settlement, the list of which is enshrined in the legislation of the Russian Federation.

From July 1, 2019, all legal entities working on UTII, are obliged to purchase and commission online cash registers. All monetary transactions should be carried out only with its application. Otherwise, the company will be subject to penalties.

For an LLC specializing in the sale of goods in a retail manner, which is not engaged in wholesale, the use of cash registers until July 2019 is optional. However, in situations where the client is individual, the presence of a CCP or SRF is required.

In the case of the sale of excisable goods, the use of the cash register becomes compulsory... The concept of excisable goods includes:

  1. Any type of tobacco products.
  2. Alcoholic products of various strengths.
  3. Perfumes and cosmetics.

Service sector and SSO forms

The types of activities of the enterprise located on UTII are divided into two types:

  1. Organizations conducting business in the field of rendering services to the population - they must use strict reporting forms.
  2. Other types business activities on UTII - they can use any supporting document of the primary type.

In principle, the abolition of cash registers in doing business had no impact on service firms.

The thing is that such enterprises keep records using the mandatory procedure established rF legislation, bSO forms... The situation remains unchanged both for companies using UTII and for those who work on the simplified tax system.

Upon receipt of funds in payment for the services provided, the entrepreneur is obliged to hand over a document - a strict accountability form.

You can order BSO at any printing house.

Supporting documents

Despite the absence of the need to install cash registers, an entrepreneur or organization are obliged to provide upon request by the clienta document of the primary type.

Types of supporting primary documents at enterprises operating with UTII:

  1. Cash check - This is a standard check, which is issued using a check-printing machine (CHM) or a used cash register. They do not need to be registered or registered.
  2. Commodity check - when filling out the form, it is necessary to indicate basic information about the company (name of the enterprise, OGRN, TIN, KPP). The date of filling, the serial number of the check, the name of the product, the number of units sold, the price for 1 piece are stamped. and the total amount to be paid, the name of the seller who released the goods, and his signature.
  3. Receipt-cash order - with the help of professional profile programs, you can print a document of this type. He can be presented as a confirmatory. It contains the same data as in the sales receipt.

Responsibility for failure to issue a supporting document

You can check the correctness of the work of the company's employees using mystery shoppers... If during the inspection the fact of non-issuance of the supporting document was revealed, then this is considered gross violation RF legislation.

Punishment for failure to issue a document at the request of the client at the enterprise at UTII:

  1. Preventive action... Punishment may not follow if the violation was first identified and the client was treated with courtesy, competence and attention.
  2. Penalties imposed on the seller who committed the offense... If he did not issue a payment document on demand, then he will be fined in the amount of 1500-2000 rubles.
  3. When prosecution official - the fine will be from 3000 to 4000 rubles.
  4. Sanctions with legal entity - from 30,000-40,000 rubles.

Application of the ChM

A check printing machine (CHM) is cash registerwhich does not use EKLZ and does not require registration with the tax authorities. It is used in cases where the company does not need to have a cash register, but the management considers it appropriate to control the work of employees and the amount of funds received.

Benefits of ChM:

  1. The equipment cost is much cheaper.
  2. There is no need to replace the EKLZ.
  3. Low maintenance cost.
  4. All received information on receipts belongs to the company.

In the case of an IP check, the MTP machine will not be given attention. The receipts printed by the device do not contain the full information. They do not indicate the name of the product and its purchased quantity. The proceeds are displayed in the journal of the cashier-operator. The rules for the application of the NMP are established by order. The sole proprietor retains the obligation to maintain cash book. LLC is obliged to have a CCP.

Maintaining cash registers

The sale of KKT is carried out by organizations that have received accreditation from the State Expert Commission on KKM. Such companies have own sales offices and service centers.

The approximate cost of such equipment is from 8,000 to 25,000 rubles. After purchasing necessary equipment it is necessary put on service of the central heating center.

A contract is concluded in the center, and a special hologram is glued to the device. After that, a second copy of the contract is issued, without which the registration of the device with the tax office will become impossible.

The cost of servicing the CTS is from 300 rubles. per month depending on the device. Every year it is necessary to replace the EKLZ unit. Replacement cost varies from 6000 rub. and higher.

You can buy a used cash register to save money. However, you should pay attention to the following: it must be removed from the register with the IFTS, the EKLZ drum should be replaced with a new one, the service life should not be more than 7 years.

Registration procedure

After the purchase and conclusion of an agreement with the Central Service Center, the device must be registered with the tax service:

  1. Individual entrepreneurs undergo a procedure for residence address.
  2. Legal entities - by location of the company's headquarters... If the KKM is planned to operate not at the location of the central office, then a separate subdivision must be created at the address of its use.

Stage 1. Collection and submission of the required documentation. For registration, you need an application, a passport of the device, a service contract in a service center.

In some cases, the provision of following documents:

  1. Constituent documents (TIN and OGRN).
  2. Identity card (passport).
  3. Documentary confirmation of the rights to the premises indicated as the location of the KKM (lease agreement for the premises or certificate of ownership).
  4. Documents confirming the fact of purchase of a cash register (check, receipt or invoice).
  5. The journal of the cashier-operator, designed in accordance with all legislative norms -.
  6. A logbook drawn up in accordance with all the rules on the accounting of all technical calls and registration of the work performed (form KM-8).
  7. Copies of reporting documents for the last period.

Stage 2. Checking and inspection of the device. The examination is carried out in the presence of an employee of the Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service, the applicant and a specialist of the Central Technical Service. It must take place no later than 5 days after the receipt of the application.

Stage 3. Fiscalization and completion of the registration procedure for cash register.After the completion of the inspection, the specialist of the TEC will seal the device. Then the IFTS employee will perform fiscalization and enter a password that will protect the fiscal memory from hacking.

After checking and printing the first check, if no marriage was detected, the inspector registers the KKM in his book for accounting and registration. Finally, he issues a special card and returns the documentation attached to the received application.

Re-registration carried out in the following cases:

  1. Change of EKLZ storage or fiscal type memory.
  2. Changing the location of the KKM.
  3. Change of the name of an individual entrepreneur or the name of a legal entity.
  4. Transition for any reason from one TEC to another.

To do this, you need an application, a KKT passport, a card, an agreement concluded with the TEC.

Removal from the register

The procedure is carried out no more than 5 days after receiving the application.

What do you need to provide? List required documents is similar to the one needed for re-registration.

  1. Act on the translation of readings and registration of meters (KM-1). Registration takes place at the time of registration or in cases of memory zeroing.
  2. On taking readings (KM-2) - it is subject to registration when transferring to a repair shop or when selling a cash register to another organization.
  3. Refunds (KM-3) - refunds on unused checks or in case of an error.
  4. Operator's Journal (KM-4) - all cashier transactions are displayed.
  5. Magazine (KM-5) - required to record monetary transactions in a company without a cashier.
  6. Help-report (KM-6) is issued daily. The revenue and readings taken from the meter are indicated.
  7. Counter data (KM-7).
  8. Maintenance call log (KM-8).
  9. The act of verification work for the reconciliation of cash. To be issued in the event of a surprise check.

Features of work without cash register

Since UTII payers who provide services to the population and make payments in cash or by card, according to the new rules, may not issue a cash register, it is sufficient to transfer any primary payment document as confirmation of receipt of funds if the client demanded to provide such an act. In connection with these changes in legislation, the application of paragraph 6 of Art. 14.5 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation became almost impossible.

If the entrepreneur refused the KKM, then he can issue any of the documents:

  1. Check - printed on MHP.
  2. Sales receipt - completed in accordance with the rules and filled with all the necessary information.
  3. Incoming cash order - is compiled using professional programs and printed on office equipment.

When can you not use the cash register in your business? Details are in this video.

Cashier's check is integral attribute of any trading operation , it is also issued in the case of the provision of services, performance of work. It displays all information about the product, service, including the amount, date of purchase, name. It is he who is intended to confirm the fact of purchase and sale and allows you to fix the amount that passed through the cashier during a certain period.


A correctly drawn up check includes, which include the name of the organization or individual entrepreneur, TIN, the KKM number assigned to it at the manufacturing plant, the serial number, date and time of the trade operation, the cost of the purchase (service), the sign of the fiscal regime.

In addition to the existing details, on the basis of Law 54-FZ, several new ones have been added:

  • the taxation system used by the organization;
  • sign (, sale) and form (cash or electronic payment) of calculation, VAT for each check item, name and address of the OFD website, QR code, by which you can additionally verify the authenticity of the check;
  • email address or phone number of the organization that issued the document.

Organizations that use the simplified taxation system (simplified taxation system) do not pay value added tax. Therefore, according to the law, they do not indicate VAT when printing settlement documentation, either separately for each item, or throughout the entire document. Depending on the area in which the organization works, additional requirements may apply to its settlement documentation.

What is it needed for

Props such as the check number, necessary for the formation of accounting and tax reporting of organizations and individual entrepreneurs, in addition, he can help ordinary consumers in resolving disputes arising in the process of purchasing goods, receiving services.

In the work of organizations (IP)

Accountant preparing an expense report, without fail reflects a unique check number and date in it. The advance report reflects all the information about the funds spent on business trips, the purchase of inventory for the organization, the purchase of fuel.

All documents attached to the expense report must be readable, correspond to the real expenses of the organization and be properly formalized, otherwise problems with the tax service may arise.

It is necessary check cashier's receipts for authenticity, for this it is enough to know the details of the document, including its unique number. Exist several electronic services:

  • site kpkcheck.ru, tab "Express check";
  • mobile application of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, available on Google Play and the App Store;
  • oFD sites: receipt.taxcom.ru, ofd.sbis.ru - receipt data must be entered manually.

Tax services actively use these services in their work and therefore can withdraw all expenses for fake checks at any time. Therefore, the authenticity of the check should be established in advance, otherwise it will subsequently be necessary to prove the reality of the transaction in court, losing time and money;

  1. , that is, the act is not correctly punched. This document is drawn up in the event that the cashier knocked out an erroneous check. The act indicates: the name of the organization, the model and number of the cash register, the data of the cashier or other employee (full name) filling out the document, the unique number of the wrong check and the amount for it, if there are several of them, then the details of each of them separately All erroneous documents are attached to the act, certified by the signature of the head of the organization (private entrepreneur) and the stamp "EXTENDED".
  2. Taxation... Cashier's checks are required to calculate the tax base for a simplified or general regime... To reduce the calculation base, they must contain a dedicated VAT line and be accompanied by an invoice.

For ordinary buyers, service users

First of all, a check is required in order to prove the fact of a transaction, no matter what it will be: dinner at a restaurant, shopping at the supermarket, paying bills or recharging balance mobile phone in the terminal.

If there is a need to return any product, and the check is lost or unreadable, then its unique number will help to quickly issue new document... To do this, you need to contact the staff point of sale or to the organization that provided the service. You will need a passport, as well as the approximate time of purchase and the name of the purchased item.

All information about the purchases made stored in the memory of the cash registerso there shouldn't be any problems. No organization has the right to refuse a client to issue a new payment document if similar situation nevertheless arose, you can safely contact the relevant regulatory authorities.

Returns, replacement of goods that meet the quality criteria are possible only within two weeks from the date of purchase.

Little it is more difficult to recover the number of the check received in the terminal or ATM, it usually takes longer. If the operation of payment or receipt of money took place in the terminal (ATM), then you can find out all the information about it, including the number, by calling the support service, which are indicated on the device itself.

You will need to inform the support employee all the information about the transaction, including its amount, this will help in the search and speed up the process. If the details of the document are not enough, and it is needed in paper form, then you will have to contact a bank or company branchserving mobile terminals in your city.

When return of purchases made through online stores, commercial sites, one of the proofs of the purchase of this or that product will be the number of the receipt for the deduction of electronic money. Be sure to keep your electronic receipts until you receive your purchase and for the entire warranty period of the product.

Sometimes the check number can be useful when tracking postal items (parcels, parcels, small packages), including from abroad. If the package is lost, it can be found by the individual check number.

Often checks required as evidence in legal proceedings of various kinds to confirm purchases, pay fines, alimony payments or the fact of payment for services. If the documents have not been preserved on hand, but it is known where and when the payment was made, then they can be restored. The main thing is that not too much time has passed, such information is stored for 6 months.

Number on the check - very important propstherefore, when you receive it, please ensure that all information on it is clearly printed and easy to read.

Where to look

The requirements for cash register receipts are as follows: clearly printed information and storage for 6 months... But there is no single generally accepted sample of this document, in each organization or individual entrepreneur it is formed in an arbitrary order. The main condition is that all the mandatory information provided for by law is available.

Much depends on the manufacturer, the year of manufacture of the KKM, and especially on the model of cash registers, because in the trade and service sector all samples are presented from portable machines on batteries to modern cash register systems with a large number of cash registers. In addition to this, additional details, information about discounts, advertising, etc. are often displayed on the check. Moreover, all this can be stated both in detail and using various symbols or abbreviations.

Therefore, the check number sometimes it's hard to find, it can be anywhere in the document. The easiest way is to ask the staff (cashier, seller, administrator) about this, the law obliges them to know their settlement documentation, but if this is not possible, then you can figure it out yourself.

  1. Since the necessary information can be found anywhere in the check, the following inscriptions should be looked for: operation number, check, document, transaction, sale. If they are not there, then symbols like No, # will help, sometimes in rare cases these can be letters of the Latin alphabet.
  2. Often, the number is indicated next to the date of the transaction or on the line above (below), under the cashier's number or next to the cashier's data.
  3. Do not confuse the check number with the cash register code. The code is always preceded by the abbreviation KKM, followed by numbers.
  4. When buying tickets for railway transport, aircraft, no additional payment document is issued. The ticket itself serves as proof of the transaction, i.e. performs the functions of a cashier's check. In this case, the ticket number corresponds to the check number and is used. On it, on the website of the carrier company, you can find out all the information about the trip: the time of departure and arrival, the number of the train (flight), places, etc.
  5. It's a little harder to find the ticket number for electronic document, usually it is located on the itinerary receipt next to the passenger's passport data and the order ID. Do not confuse it with the armor number, which looks like a combination of random numbers and Latin letters, these are different data.

It is thanks to the presence of all the required data that the cashier's check becomes a document confirming the transaction with legal force. The need to include the serial number of the check among the rest of the details is fixed by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 745 of 30.07.1993.

This information, along with others, certifies the authenticity of the check and is needed for correct accounting, control over document circulation.

Details about Federal Law No. 54 can be found in this video.

Chip are designed to automate the entrepreneurial activity of UTII payers.


It stands for "check-printing machine". Chip are designed to automate the entrepreneurial activity of UTII payers.

Attention: All information stored in the NIM is not subject to accounting and control by the tax authorities and is only the property of its owner.

The need for MIM arose after the adoption Federal Law from 17.07.09, N 162-FZ, which exempted entrepreneurs and organizations paying a single tax on imputed income from the use of CCP with EKLZ.

With the adoption of this law, UTII payers got rid of the need to incur expenses for the purchase of cash registers, their annual maintenance and replacement of EKLZ, as well as the registration of cash registers with the IFTS. But the same law determines that when making settlements with the population in cash or payment cards, the "imputed ones" are obliged, at the buyer's request, to issue a receipt or a sales receipt confirming the receipt of cash as payment for goods (works, services).

In addition, the law introduces a mandatory list of information that must contain such a receipt or check.

MCPs are just designed to automate the process of issuing a check. To do this, the details of the payment document required by law are programmed in the MHP, including the full names of cashiers (in some models, up to automatic setting of facsimiles). Also in the ChMO there is a possibility of programming and reprogramming of bases of prices and goods, there is a function "permission / prohibition of changing the price of goods".

They differ from ordinary cash registers in that they do not have EKLZ, do not require registration with the tax authority and are not a means of tax control. CHM ASPD ( automated systems printing documents), in addition, have an analogue of fiscal memory - Block of Incorrect Memory, which is designed to store information and generate reports for the entrepreneur.

NIMs are used exclusively in the interests of the buyer (the issuance of a check confirms the fact of cash payments made) and in the interests of the entrepreneur (they allow automating the issuance of a settlement document and facilitate the internal accounting of the company). PMPs print not only settlement documents, but also tickets, accounting documents, electronic journal.

Most of the FMC are developed on the basis of models of conventional KKM with EKLZ, outwardly they completely repeat them and have all the functional parts of the cash register: a keyboard, a cashier display, a thermal printer. Therefore, retraining of cashiers-operators who previously worked at conventional cash registers is not required.

Almost all models of the Chip can be connected to a plastic card reader, barcode scanner, electronic scales and a computer.

In addition, MHPs are equipped with software and hardware systems that protect information on real earnings from distortion by hired personnel (uncorrected registration), as well as built-in batteries that ensure their mobility. The storage of the summary information in the NIM is non-volatile and long-term. That is, even when the PM is disconnected from the power grid or the battery is depleted, the final information about the monetary calculations made remains in the machine's memory.

As a result, BIPs serve as an inexpensive and effective tool for small business automation.

Remove electronic control tape protected, it will turn into a check printing machine. But how legal is its use on the territory of Russia?

The question of whether an organization can use a check-printing machine (CHM) to generate a document confirming payment for goods (work, services) and issue it to customers upon request was repeatedly asked by both the tax authorities and representatives of the RF Ministry of Finance. An unequivocal answer was given by the management of the Federal Tax Service of Russia in St. Petersburg in its explanations on the department's website.

Payers of UTII according to the law may not apply CCP, and they have the right to carry out cash payments and (or) payments using payment cards with the condition of issuing, at the request of the buyer (client) of the document ( sales receipt, receipt or other document), confirming the receipt of funds for the relevant product (work, service). And it can be released using a check printing machine.

Not surprisingly, starting from the northern capital, the centers maintenance everywhere began to offer the service of removing EKLZ from the cash register. When reprogramming, the KKM turns into a check-printing machine - an apparatus designed for monetary settlements with the population of payers of the single imputed tax.

  • allows you to automate the generation of a check (receipt) issued to customers in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation,
  • has a software and hardware complex for protecting information from distortion by personnel,
  • generates a control tape of executed documents with the ability to print or display the MHP,
  • allows you to load up to a thousand pieces of goods into the database, taking into account the price, name, quantity, etc.

That is, the NIM is a device that will allow you to quickly serve buyers (customers) and provide control and accounting of goods (services) at the enterprise. This is the same KKM, only without EKLZ (which will not need to be changed annually) and a fiscal memory block. And the most important thing is that it is not subject to registration with the tax authority, and all information stored in the non-volatile memory of the NIM is the property of its owner.

The only but. The law prescribes the mandatory details of the document, which must be issued by UTII payers at the request of the buyer, which are not in the check. This is the name of the seller, the name of the goods sold, the seal and signature.

In order not to violate the law (and failure to issue a document is equivalent to non-use of cash registers and is punishable by an administrative fine under Article 14.5 of the RF Code of administrative offenses), there are two options

  • write everything you need by hand on the check,
  • to support the receipt generated by the check printing machine with a sales receipt.