Sample resume for the job of a realtor. Professional skills of a realtor: basic and important. Knowledge of foreign languages

Today we will analyze the key skills of a professional realtor, without which he is doomed to eternal lack of money. Audio recording of the article in the player just above - click on the red triangle.

Apprentice Salesman to Chef:
- The client bought shoes, but he will bring the money tomorrow.
- What? He will never appear here again!
- No matter how! I put two left shoes in his box.

The professional skills of a realtor are accumulated over the years, and not because it is something supernatural, but because learning to sell only one thing (yourself, a service or an object) is not enough for a realtor.

Find out (universities, courses, trainings)

A positive result is given only by the totality of the realtor's skills, and today we will talk about one of them - the skills and abilities of a realtor, which he must possess if he wants to succeed.

I am always surprised by the fact how easy and carefree people from the outside decide how easy it is to do this or that business, how easy everything is to achieve, although they are in no hurry to say something like that about themselves.

I often talk with people who look at the results of others superficially, not realizing that only the tip of the iceberg is available to their eyes.

The joke with which I began the article. It perfectly reflects the skills of a realtor, one of which is the ability to help the client keep his promises. This is especially true for a realtor in particular.

When it comes to remuneration for the work done, when the result has already been achieved, i.e. the object is sold. We will talk about this in the following articles. Just subscribe to the newsletter and stay tuned for new articles.

Let's answer the main question: what skills should a successful salesperson have? What should he do to make a potential client want to buy anything from him?

What are the professional skills of a real estate agent to successfully close any deal?

Let's make a reservation right away that by the word "seller" we will not mean those sellers who are behind the counter. No, they are not in the business of selling, they are simply dispensing the product that we ourselves have chosen.

There are even shops for this occasion in the West. In which even the cash register is automated and from the staff trading floor only a cleaning lady and a security guard are present. This proves once again that there is no smell of sellers here.

The realtor has a lot to learn from successful sales consultants or sales managers.

Of course, I do not mean mischief-makers, namely those who work with a client so that he leaves in joy that he left his money in a store where he did not even plan to take something. This is what a real estate agent should be able to do!

1. Clear and intelligible speech

Lord, what have I not listened to during the time I worked "in the fields" and continue to hear to this day, every time I have to talk to realtors or real estate agents. Sometimes it’s just unpleasant, sometimes the hair stands on end.

What not to do:

Fight for the purity of your speech! As you wish, but no jargon words and expressions, no intonation like "you hear cho", no sleepy mumbling and fatigue in your voice. Yes, and this is found everywhere!

With such communication, the potential client gets the impression that he went into some gangster lane and was clearly not expected here and they are doing a favor, communicating, making it clear with every look that something like "has come in large numbers here."

And then these same guys and girls write and speak, complaining that clients run away from them in their gardens, forgetting "what their mother's name is" ... And no wonder.

How to:

It is vitally important for a real estate agent to be able to make a positive impression on a potential client on the phone! Speech should be clear, intelligible, concise, to the point.

Quite often the professional skill of a realtor in a conversation is the ability to quickly and correctly convey information about an object or service to a person. And the better and easier it is to do it, the more successful your activity will be.

Intonation is ALWAYS business-like and friendly, but not ingratiating... You still have nothing to stroke a person for until he bought something from you or took a step towards buying, but at the same time, you must establish a friendly contact with him.

The client does not owe you anything, and neither do you to him, but he should have the feeling that he was expected, that it is humanly for him. And even if he is a boor, then let it remain on his conscience.

What to do for this:

Decide to yourself once and for all how you will talk to people, better with everyone, so as not to share them. Or equally businesslike or ... Read books aloud, listen to your voice, its sound.

Speaking is the most important professional skill of a real estate agent! Trust me, customers feel you by your intonation, vocabulary and your mood.

Like any other realtor, you often talk on the phone and opinion about you is formed long before you meet with the client... And, if you don't even meet, then with this impression of the heard voice, your failed client will live his whole life and, possibly, will tell his friends about you. After all, it's not a secret for anyone that the Earth is round.

You do not need to devote the lion's share of your time to setting up the ability to speak, just listen to yourself at some point in time, you can analyze the conversations of the day for 5-10 minutes in the evening, and in the morning again give yourself an installation for business communication.

You won't be able to change your habits right away, but gradually you will begin to notice positive changes.

The professional skill of a realtor is the ability to lead business conversation under any circumstances and with any type of customer.

2. Ability to listen and hear

Not surprisingly, many people require communication, because we are social beings. Therefore, the key skill of the seller in this case will be the ability to listen and, most importantly, to hear what the client wants to tell you.

What not to do:

Interrupt, try to say something smart, such as showing yourself as an experienced or knowledgeable expert when you least need it. Remember, you are already being addressed as an expert and now your role is to listen to what the client wants.

Perhaps you will hurry to conclusions, accepting his request, refer to the standard (template situation) and answer the same way. But those who have been working in the real estate business for several years know that all situations are individual.

Do not be the one who overestimates your capabilities and believes that better client knows what he needs - this is a harmful skill of a non-professional realtor.

How to:

Listen to the client, anytime, anywhere. Let him speak more, you just ask leading questions in the tone of the conversation. Do not argue or impose a point of view.

If you assert something, then learn to argue correctly. It is the intelligible arguments that you give in the conversation that will show what an experienced and professional realtor you are.

The second thing to do is to hear the client. He came to tell about his problem, perhaps he already has a solution and you do not need to puzzle over it, just let him express it, make your work easier with a little wait.

There are situations, and most of them, when the client himself does not understand exactly what he needs. He came to you to decide.

At the same time, remember that you do not need to decide for him. You just need to give him a choice and explain what consequences this choice will pull with him. But what to choose is the client's decision.

What to do for this:

To develop a habit of not interrupting, you just need to hold yourself back for a few seconds. After. How the client will say something. This pause is necessary because a person can add something else and this “more” sometimes becomes the key point.

If the client has objections - work with them, use objection prevention tactics, but use them very carefully. Because this technique requires training and may not work outright and irritate the client.

3. Ability to ask

Most of the information and information that a realtor needs to solve a client's problem is with the client himself. More often than not, he also has a solution, only it is not obvious to a layman.

How not to do:

It is not necessary to arrange the client's interrogation with prejudice at the first meeting. It is enough to find out the standard and key information about the object.

If you press too much or only ask, then such a game with one goal will cause the client to feel a sense of tension and he will "close".

What to do:

To provoke a client to contact and provide information is what a real estate agent should be able to do. First of all, to establish trusting relationships, to arouse sympathy for yourself, as a professional and a person.

First of all, ask something about the client's personality, his mood, how he got to the office. Find common ground, some kind of community, and only then start asking questions.

At the same time, do not forget about observing the previous rule - the ability to listen.

What to do:

You can write down a number of questions on your sheet that relate to the above technique.

For example: How did you get there? Were there traffic jams? How is the weather outside? Are you wet? Probably, in traffic jams in your car there is a strong excessive consumption of gasoline? No? And in mine it happens ... Do you want some tea? Etc.

The longer the list, the better. There is no need to use them all at once, just 1-3 questions will suit each client and that's enough. When receiving answers, do not forget to take part in the conversation: agree, empathize, give your example.

The professional skills of a real estate agent are developed only in daily practice and you should be ready for this!

You should not dryly ask and listen to answers - be more human and more natural, as when talking with a friend, but do not go too far :)

You already understood the goal - points of contact, preliminary establishment of a dialogue. Here, your hobbyhorse will be sincerity, both in words and in intonation and gestures.

4. Solve customer problems

The professional skills of a realtor are ability to solve a client's problem... Actually, that's why he came to you. But at the same time, you should not forget that you are not an arbiter and not God, but a mediator who knows exactly how to do it: where to go, whom to find and how to do it quickly.

You are not selling loaves to satiate, but solutions that help you buy a loaf! Too common and funny comparison turned out, probably for tea :)

How not to:

No need to decide your own financial difficulties at the expense of customers. Many times I saw the greedy glances of my colleagues who could not give up a part of their fee to solve the client's problem, but I also saw those who were inferior and won twice, because received a deal and a satisfied customer with subsequent recommendations ..

In such cases, it is important for the real estate agent to understand that he receives his remuneration only after he has solved the client's problem. But there are those who put their interests above and do not help the client and do not get anything themselves.

What to do:

Even if your reward will suffer a little in size, solve the client's problem, try to make him happy and this client will bring you more clients.

Even if you could not help a person (not your competence or the prevailing circumstances), still give advice, participate in solving his issue, offer one or several possible options, even without your participation, and it will work for you.

Subsequently, this failed client will advise you as a conscientious and responsive person. The realtor's ability to be involved in resolving the issue of even a failed client can only play a plus.

What to do to develop the skill:

Don't work as if you are alone in the desert! There are a lot of people around you with professions related to real estate: developers, appraisers, lawyers, tax specialists, etc.

If you cannot help yourself, connect them and this will help not only to have your own circle of acquaintances, but also to receive partner rewards. Moreover, these partners in related professions can recommend you as a skilled real estate agent to their clients.

5. Get organized

The daily whirlwind of views and displays on objects, at a time when the bulk of people are resting at home or going to have fun, and at this time you knock off the next threshold of the next residential building - such a schedule will exhaust anyone and even all the skills of a realtor will not save you from routine work.

Here, the key professional skill of a realtor will be the ability to plan your day for hours, bring all plans and affairs to the end... If you're not used to it, develop a much-needed skill.

How not to do:

Again, from practice I met a lot of irresponsible realtors who "forgot" not only to call back and inform. That viewing is canceled, but generally come. And as for what they just promise and do not do, it is not at all uncommon.

Don't be like that - it's deadly to your business and will leave you hungry, to say the least.

What to do:

  • The first is to be able to plan
  • The second is to keep your word and promises
  • The third is to motivate yourself on your own
  • Fourth - once again remember that the professional skills of a realtor are hardened in practice

How to do it:

Be sure to have a diary. All successful realtors have a diary, in any form - paper or electronic. I remember old school realtors who had their diaries like a book Old Testamentthey were so thick and disheveled.

They contained such a storehouse of information on the city's real estate, which cannot be found in any analytical center.

By the way, one of the professional skills of a realtor is to keep a diary for a whole year, and then keep it for another 5 yearssince information about objects and clients can be useful many times.

In addition, if you are an advanced real estate agent, you can take several time management trainings.

You will learn to self-discipline yourself when completing tasks. For example, if you fail to do something, you can punish yourself with a fine by putting 250-500 rubles in a “penalty” box.

After some time, you can send everything that has accumulated to us and we will give you some kind of training or a souvenir :)

6. Rules of etiquette with clients

Wherever you are and wherever you work, your business style should be on top. It concerns how appearance, and demeanor, and speech and communication style.

Remember that you are selling yourself first, and from how successfully the first sale is made, the more likely it is to sell your service or object.

Respect yourself and respect your customers, then most of the doors will be open for you.

What not to do:

I've seen enough agents to figure out who they are, what kind of experience they have, and what gets in the way of success from the first minutes of communication. Many sinned with an unkempt appearance.

I don't advocate wearing dark blazers with red ties. You don't have to be a parrot to make contact with people. It is enough to have a neat appearance.

What to do:

One of the important skills of a realtor is change things in your wardrobe on time and look presentable... Dress the way your client dresses or a little more presentable.

In this case, you will be like “your own”, which will help you to establish contact faster. Of course, one can argue here that a jacket and patent leather boots will evoke a sense of formality and, in their own way, also contribute to the establishment of relations with the client.

Here I have to agree - it is necessary to test both methods, they work well, but for different types of clients.

We have already talked about the purity of speech. Here I will just mention the words that must be forgotten like a bad dream and excluded from your vocabulary while you are in the real estate business.

These are the following words: apartment, as it were, cho, rings, agreement, garbage, damn it, and so on. Use less diminutive expressions for words such as apartment and contract. Believe me, practice has shown that people are unpleasant.

Those who are not yet practicing will have to take my word for it. Forget the jargons too. Even if you are doing "customization" over the phone, you should not do it as a carbon copy.

How to do it:

Keep track of your wardrobe, worn-out things on the realtor turn him into a market money changer or huckster. Too businesslike or too familiar an appeal to people makes them dislike.

An ingratiating tone will not work at all, this is rarely liked by anyone and greatly lowers the respect from the client. The professional skills of a real estate agent start with a manner and appearance, like a theater from a coat rack.

7. Conscientiousness or honesty

How many scary stories about "black" demobilization, oh, excuse me, a realtor can be found on the Internet? Yes, mass.

But they all fall into several categories. The first ones arise from the fact that the realtor and the client did not understand each other, the second because of the revenge of the dissatisfied client, and the third because of the dishonesty of the real estate agent himself.

What not to do:

You cannot work with clients as if there is only him and you and there are no witnesses or other people. The earth is round by definition, and by doing dishonest with one client, each time you reduce the flow of clients to yourself.

The key skill of a realtor is to be able to retain a client.

What to do:

The professional skill of a realtor is to grow your reputation based on integrity and honest name. Work for the future.

Do not work around the agency unless you are a private realtor. Don't lie when you sell an item. Outright lies are quickly revealed and also spoil your reputation.

Study at trainings on real estate business, Yesterday's realtor is today's less successful realtor. The market in Russia is developing and in order to stay in trend, you need to work on yourself.

Now you don't have to go anywhere, you just need to buy courses and study while sitting at the computer, and then the next day to apply what you have learned in your practice - this is what a real estate agent should be able to do at the initial stage.

How to do it:

Train yourself to deal with people the way you want them to treat you. No matter how clogged this advice sounds, but it works for you first of all.

If a client comes to you and you figured out with an experienced eye that his situation is not solvable (for example, sell a 1-room apartment and buy a 2-room one with a small surcharge), it is better to tell about it right away than you will not do it.

Understand that there will be various situations when the temptation will be great, for example, you will be offered to work bypassing the agency.

Believe me, if you agree to this, then the clients will already firmly believe that you can betray them too. Don't fall into these traps.

Hold on even when buyers go behind your back to the owner, and then looking in your eyes will say that this is normal for them. You must always remain a professional.

While you were reading the article, probably already identified. What are the professional skills of a realtor do you have?and which ones need to be developed. I can only wish you success in this endeavor.

The most important thing is that now you already know what to work on.

What should be a realtor: qualities of a good realtor

Has mentioned a lot about the ambition of a real estate specialist and little about personal qualitiesthat must be possessed for the agent to be chosen by the client, entrusted the sale of real estate, good work on a deal and found it perfect (but that's in places).

Knowing the regulatory framework, responsibilities and how to find a client is not enough! To start this is half the battle, the essence is the desire to continue, so that there is enough fuse for the first 3-5 years of the profession.

The desire allows you to start from scratch, undergo training and learn on the go, practicing from the first days.

Trust is very important. If you are a member of the older generation, then your clients are most likely people of your formation. If young, then the same advanced in using the Internet and more independent.

It turned out to be a rather long article. I have already had time to rest and drink some tea :)

In the future, I will prepare "dry" manuals, where there will be less reasoning and only specific guidelines on how to develop certain professional skills of a real estate agent.

The realtor's specialty is very popular in the real estate industry, a person of this specialty can work in companies selling and renting real estate. The duties of a realtor include: mediation between a buyer and a seller of real estate, developing a personal customer base, searching for potential and supporting current clients, familiarizing with the state of the real estate market, demonstrating residential and non-residential premises to potential buyers and tenants, consulting on the preparation of the necessary documentation, and its verification.

The realtor has the opportunity to work in the primary and secondary housing market. As a rule, in the resume there are no strict and specific requirements for the level of education of the applicant; all the nuances of the specialty are taught directly during work. The main skills necessary for a realtor in his work are the culture of communication with clients, the ability to listen to them, convince and have them to their point of view. The presence of these skills should be reflected in the realtor's resume. For a realtor, such characteristics as resistance to stress, responsibility, attentiveness, diligence, sociability, honesty, activity, energy and even increased importunity are very important.

The realtor's earnings depend on the number of concluded transactions for the sale and purchase of real estate; a large share of it is made up of percentages from sales. This specialty is very promising in terms of career growth, you can grow up to the director of a real estate agency or organize your own business in the field of real estate services.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with an example of a realtor's resume.

A real estate agent is a person who is able to get the maximum benefit from the transaction and leave the client satisfied with the purchase of real estate. When writing a real estate agent's resume, approach responsibly. Write correctly, write truthful and accurate information. After all, get the coveted job and good earnings is possible only with extensive experience. But as everyone knows the beginning professional career starts with writing a quality resume.

Requirements for a real estate agent

Good agencies have a lot of requirements for applicants. Here are the most popular and relevant ones:

  • Work experience. For many agencies, this is the main condition.
  • Learnability. You will need to learn some rules and regulations... In this profession, you need to grasp everything on the fly and you cannot be blunt.
  • Negotiation skills.
  • Expressive appearance.
  • Grammatically correct speech.
  • Readiness for irregular working hours.
  • Instant solution to problems and other unpredictable situations.

Responsibilities of a real estate agent

  • Conversation with potential buyers;
  • Transactions;
  • Phone calls;
  • Service presentation;
  • Consulting clients on real estate issues;
  • Showing real estate objects to clients;
  • Preparation of documents for signing a deal.

What do you think: What should be included in the resume or attached to it?

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A real estate agent must have a sixth sense, to some extent, in order to get the most out of the transaction and leave the client happy with his purchase.

Good agents develop in themselves for such long years, but it is fully rewarded to them in the form of money that they earn from their experiences and feelings.

Good, large agencies have a lot of requirements for applicants, but if you break through, you will get a return! Various factors are taken into account and may differ from agency to agency.

  • - sometimes it is a prerequisite.
  • Learnability - You need to grasp on the fly, in this profession you cannot be blunt!
  • Negotiation skills - there are a large number of books to help develop this ability.
  • Expressive appearance - do you have a suit? You will need it!
  • Competent Russian speech - you will have to talk a lot, improve your speech and diction.
  • Preparedness for irregular working hours - uncertainty sometimes pays well.

Responsibilities of a real estate agent

different agencies - different responsibilitiesbut the main activity will consist of talking to people, traveling and making deals.

  • Incoming and outgoing calls to clients
  • Real estate agency services presentation
  • Real estate consultations for clients
  • Display of real estate objects by agreement with clients
  • Preparation of relevant documents
  • Selection of advertising materials for clients

Personal qualities

  • Initiative - professionals always show themselves first;
  • Sociability - communication with people should be your advantage;
  • A sense of humor is a great way to start a relationship;
  • Diligence, desire to earn decent money - the work of an agent will help in this;
  • Purposefulness - you must always achieve your goal!
  • Responsibility - for good work, quality number one;
  • Diligence - complete orders and you will get a bonus;
  • Leadership qualities - you may have to lead the team;
  • Resistance to stress - know how to control yourself, and do not show weakness;
  • Self-confidence is visible to people, they are more willing to make contact.

The list can be expanded indefinitely, but the main, fundamental qualities are indicated. If you have them, then you are a welcome employee in any enterprise!

Additional skills and abilities

  • You need to be able to work with a computer! At least at the beginner level
  • Knowledge of foreign languages \u200b\u200bwill show you in the best light
  • Ability to use office equipment (printer, scanner, fax ...)
  • License or car is a good indicator of your past work.

Write as much as possible, perhaps your next hobby can be a weighty argument when getting a job.

Resume sample

For the position of real estate agent

Full Name

  • Date of Birth:
  • Family status:
  • Home address:
  • Contact number:
  • Email Mail:

Goals and achievements:

The most important part of your resume should be as informative as possible and reflect your life and career achievements. Show how experienced you are in your field and how much you like the profession of a real estate agent. You must get the employer as interested in this part as possible!


Additional education:

Work experience:

Achievements in previous jobs:

The section in which you must describe your experience and prove that you are the right candidate for the position of real estate agent.

Knowledge of foreign languages:

In the section indicate the degree of proficiency in foreign languages

Computer and office equipment skills:

Here, indicate the degree of computer, office equipment and software skills related to your position

Driving license (Optional):

Provide information on the presence of a driver's license and personal car, if any.

Additional Information:

In this section, specify additional information, which may influence the decision of the management regarding your candidacy. It is worth describing the achievements, examples of successful transactions, and anything that may be relevant to the proposed position.

Resume examples:

Looking for a job or planning to look for one?

Our sample of filling out a resume for the position of a realtor (an experienced specialist or a beginner with no work experience) will help you. Competent resume will greatly increase your chances of finding a job.

There are two types of realtor resume template

  • For experienced professionals.
  • For those who have no experience yet.

Template benefits

1) Frequent invitations to interviews. We have already helped many people create a “selling”, strong resume and understood what works and what doesn't. This realtor resume template is a proven practice.

2) Standard format. Every hr manager and director will instantly find the information they need in their resume. It's simple.

3) Compactness. If you think that someone needs 4 sheets of your work experience, you are deeply mistaken. HR managers love it when everything is clear, convenient and simple. Our sample is an example of the correct resume writing for a job as a realtor.

4) Important things at the top. What is important to the employer will be located at the very top and will immediately catch the eye of those who are engaged in recruiting. This will give you an edge over other candidates.

5) The resume can simply be changed depending on the vacancy. To quickly find a good job, it is most effective to slightly change the resume for each vacancy. It's simple - download and use our sample of how to write a realtor resume. It allows you to make changes instantly.

To download a sample resume of a realtor, click on the link below.