Professional career planning. How to build a career. Career Strategies Needed for Building a Career Life

Building a career is considered by many to be the most important and defining goal in life.

  • The need for professional growth and self-realization
  • Stable and high-quality increase in wages
  • Respect for colleagues and superiors, high status
  • Reaching significant career peaks in the process of work

This and much more drives us all.

Those who are worried about today and think about tomorrow, who are used to achieving their goals, who will not resist new challenges, believing that the meaning of life lies only in constant movement, overthrowing obstacles and reaching the heights.

Contact us for, and we will select for you the job that will provide you with a good income and a bright future.

In the process of self-development and professional growth, you need to be able to make decisions that will inevitably have a further impact on your career, your role in society, your financial situation, in the end, will turn out to be an important link in the endless chain of achieving happiness and well-being.

Often in childhood, adolescence, we dream about who we will be, how we will manage a large, large company, become famous and respected people.

This desired building of a successful career can only be realized thanks to your personal aspirations, without regard to external factors. Although they are sometimes of no small importance.

Career consultants of the TOP-10 Western business schools of Harvard, Stanford, London and others argue that a person, like a corporation, should take into account both factors in his development internal environment (abilities, opportunities, desires) and the external environment (trends in the development of the labor market and world development in general).

But still, most of the success depends only and exclusively on you and your desire, as a valuable employee, as a motivated specialist.

Career building strategy

The strategy consists of the correct and consistent implementation of steps to achieve the desired result.

Let's highlight the following, in our opinion, important stages of building a career

1. Conscious choice of professional education

Choosing a place to study is a fundamental step towards a successful career.

Whether you are a schoolboy, student, specialist or leader, you must clearly understand why you are going to study, what kind of education and specialty you want to get, with whom you want to be at the same desk, what professional community you want to belong to after training.

In a selected educational institution (university, college, business school), you should not just get a crust about education and spend several years on it, but really feel comfortable, enjoy the learning process itself, show an active desire to acquire new knowledge, absorb the information received, make useful contacts with teachers, employers and classmates. In other words, your start should provide the necessary acceleration for the future. To do this, you need to analyze the education market in Russia and abroad, communicate with students and graduates of educational institutions you are interested in, visit more than one Job Fair or Career Day. And it is best to talk to an education expert within the educational consulting service and get all the comprehensive information you need in one day.

Only by making an informed choice and having a great desire to learn can you instill in yourself the lifestyle that will inevitably lead you to building a successful career.

2. Consolidation of the acquired knowledge in practice

Many public and private universities, institutes, academies arrange summer internships, which provide you with a chance to get the first work experience and practical use of the previously acquired knowledge.

It is here that you will receive an answer to your question whether you are doing what you like, what fuels your interest in professional development, what can become the goal of your future life.

Companies themselves are looking for an opportunity to hire young workers for a while, train them and create all the conditions for them. further development... This is the most valuable investment in both business and academia. On numerous job sites, at job fairs in universities and business schools, on the websites of the companies themselves, you can find information about upcoming internships and temporary vacancies for young professionals, which in the future may even if it does not become your main place of work, then definitely to give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe work of any organization as a whole and your ideal place within this organization.

For mature professionals, special narrow-profile internships are organized in leading Russian and foreign companies in order to familiarize themselves with advanced experience and build up their narrow professional competencies.

Thus, after choosing a place of study, it becomes important to apply the obtained theoretical knowledge in practice - this is the second main stage in building a professional career.

3. Choosing a place of work

After receiving basic and special knowledge in an educational institution, a deeper acquaintance with your specialty in practice, you inevitably come to the next important decision - this is the choice of a place of work.

Not all universities and companies provide internship opportunities. Therefore, already in senior years, you must find a suitable job for you, which will subsequently become for you, if not permanent, then long.

When choosing a suitable place to work, you need to look a little into the distance, into the future. Don't change your beliefs just for the sake of an instant pay gap. Analyze the dynamics of industry development, career development scenarios in different companies and organizations, talk with specialists, experts and career consultants. In this important issue, the choice should be no less deliberate than when choosing an education, because further career growth will depend on the start in work.

So, a good perspective for young people is offered foreign companies... This includes additional training on the job, and the progressive increase in wages, and business trips abroad, and friendly team, and a democratic corporate culture. But mostly it is trading companies, routine actions, a minimum of self-realization and a quick career ceiling. IN russian businesson the contrary, everything is quite dynamic, chaotic and unpredictable, but self-realization and opportunities abound.

And what you shouldn't do for sure is getting the first job you come across or changing jobs every year, researching the labor market by trial and error. You can spend your whole life on this, and in the end stay at a broken trough.

4. Continuous, continuous learning

Dynamics of changes in modern world will build momentum exponentially. This means that the approaches and technologies of doing business and communications will change just as rapidly. Knowledge will become outdated even before you leave the educational institution. Therefore, continuous training and professional development throughout life will become integral part the competitiveness of the employee in the labor market and the employee within the organization as a human resource.

Many companies have their own personnel training departments or corporate universities, taking care of employee development. But don't rely only on the company. It is necessary to show an active life position yourself. Only then will the company appreciate you as a potentially promising person.

To be a valuable and promising employee today means:

  • self-study and study of relevant sources - video, specialized literature, the Internet
  • attending trainings, master classes, seminars, professional courses
  • communication with colleagues and the correct formulation of questions
  • successful passing of certifications and professional inspections regularly arranged at work

All of the above will certainly affect your career. With valuable knowledge and great desire, you will be able to participate in promising projects, and soon even lead your own.

5. Desire and initiative

You must show your management that you are ready to tackle the highest and most difficult tasks, that you are capable of performing a larger scope of functions and responsibilities, and that you are determined to take a high position and increase your material wealth.

Be proactive, don't be afraid to experiment, defend your point of view, take initiative to the level of decision-makers. And success will not be long in coming.
After all, the word "success" is akin to the word "be in time". And this means - have time to become successful!

There are many methods and ways of building a career, but only by observing all of the above, you will achieve an amazing result.

If you have realized all of the above and want to have a good, decent job, but are not sure that you can find it on your own, contact us to help you find the right way to develop yourself as a professional and personality.

Elizaveta Babanova


For those who are concerned about the question "How to make a career", such information will be interesting. Legendary Jack Welch, based on his 30-year experience of managing the international corporation General Electric, has deduced the following formula: out of 100% of employees of any organization, 20% are stars / honors, 70% are good employees who will never become high-level leaders and managers. , and 10% - C and L, who should get rid of.

You can work with good people if they are carefully monitored, but they are not expected to grow rapidly. Only the stars become leaders! The remaining 80% of employees, even when they advance in the service and go through different stages of career growth, will never take leadership positions.

Who are you - a leader, a business owner or an employee who dreams of becoming a manager himself or starting a business one day?

Whichever position you occupy today, this article can help you answer the question “How to make a career” at 3 levels:

  1. If you consider yourself a star / excellent student, you can check whether you are doing everything in order to achieve a fast career growth or start your own successful business.
  2. If you do not consider yourself a star yet, but you have a great desire to grow professionally, then the recommendations will be the most useful for you: how from an ordinary good guy to become an irreplaceable excellent student who is not afraid of layoffs and layoffs? Even if your company files for bankruptcy, the skills you gain from these tips and your career plan will give you a huge head start on your next job.
  3. If you are a manager or leader, you can use these criteria when evaluating your team.

So what does it take to become a superstar? Have I put together a list of helpful tips on “How to make a career?”?


Nothing distinguishes a star from a mediocre employee as initiative in work and ability to work. As a rule, it is these qualities that contribute tofast career growth.

Dale Rogers, President of Rogers Capital, where I had an internship in the last 2 years of study at an American university, once told me that in his company there are people who work with dedication and soul, and there are office rats who come to work at 8:00 and leave at exactly 17:00.

"They can neverget a raise on duty, ”Dale told me. Comparison with rats, of course, is rude, but this is how the president of a successful company evaluated his people. As a trainee, I devoted more and more time to work and carried out additional projects assigned to me, while my colleagues, who work from call to call,career growth , to put it mildly, did not shine. In two years, as a trainee, I have overtaken many of my colleagues.

People who work harder than others in their team are the first to get promoted, and vice versa - those who work from"Call to bell".

Another advantage of working full-time rather than on a fixed schedule is your increased value to the manager. Only exceptional employees, after receiving the credit of trust from their superiors, subsequently have the opportunity to have a flexible schedule and choose which projects they take on.


Despite the fact that forprofessional and career growth you need to work a lot - this does not mean to work smartly. In my practice, there were cases when my subordinate worked from morning to night, hoping forfast career growth , but at the same time I performed as many tasks as I could complete in a couple of hours.

Learn to make the most of your time and strive to always exceed the expectations of your manager or client. Learning to regularly raise the bar for yourself will be the first signal for your manager to raise.

While still a trainee at Rogers Capital and developing marketing material for an investment project, without even thinking aboutwhat is needed for career growth , proposed and implemented several innovations: additional charts, interesting statistics and new handouts. This has earned me the right to participate in the negotiations, which have resulted in several millions of additional investment capital for our firm.


If your manager considers such an impulse to be a threat to his position, then it's time for you to look for another job. If changing jobs at the moment is not practical, then find yourself a professional mentor who occupies a high position in another company and is ready to help you withdevelopment and career growth.

I was very lucky - even at the university, my mentors were the dean of an American business school, part-time consultant in an investment company, a hedge fund manager, who made a multimillion-dollar fortune in two years. Then cFO a multi-billion dollar investment firm, the president of Frost Bank, and other mentors from whom I learned a lot, and some of them later became my friends.

Every time I met an interesting person, I asked to give me an hour of my time to talk about their careers and learn from them. In 100% of cases, I received a positive answer. I studied their companies, biographies, and I always had a huge number of questions for them. Meetings were made either in their offices or in a restaurant over a cup of tea, and they were delighted to share their principles of building a successful career.

Very rarely, our communication ended in one meeting. Feeling my enthusiasm and desire for development, they invited me to interesting business events, and sometimes to visit. Communication with such people is a truly invaluable experience.


How does a mediocre employee respond if his job does not satisfy the manager?

"I am very sorry that I could not do it."

How does the “star” answer?

"What do I need to do to make you happy with my work?"

Every leader on his way of working with career growth made a lot of mistakes and knows that without them the path is impossible professional development... But if he became a leader, then he worked on his mistakes and tried to correct them.

If your manager is unhappy with your work, do your best to fix it. Do not give up and do not let him finish what you were unable to do. For him, correcting your mistakes will be a signal that he needs to look for another, more capable employee. And for you a serious obstacle on the way to career growth.

If you make a mistake and you have a choice - notify your boss or hide, always do the first. The truth will come to light sooner or later, but if you jeopardize the reputation of your company or your boss, you will permanently lose his trust. Accordingly, you can forget about fast career growth.

The loss of trust of the leader in the subordinate most often leads to the replacement of the subordinate, unless he is instantly rehabilitated and then proves his honesty and diligence over a long period of time.

Your leader needs people on whom he can count, otherwise he will have chronic stress from the need to constantly monitor you, double-check.

If you find an error, report it to your boss immediately. Most the best way to voice a problem is to tell right away how you are solving it. If you cannot solve it on your own, then tell your boss how you have already tried to solve it, what steps you took, and only then ask him for help.


This is the best way to build a career. Your manager wants you to do your job and delegate additional projects to you. The more he can convey to you, the more irreplaceable you will become for him.

Continually improve all processes and help your colleagues improve. Also, remember to be delicate in taking initiative. It is very important that your leader does not feel that you are aiming for his place. An underdeveloped person will start to put spokes in your wheels and interfere with your development and professional growth. Take the initiative delicately, with the intention of making life easier for your boss, and not "cheating" him.


One of the biggest irritants for a manager is when an employee does not bring the assigned task to completion. Often, the manager does not explain all the details of the project, but he expects the employee to ask him questions to clarify the task.

If you need to get an answer from a boss who is not responding to your question, grab his attention until you get your way. This is exactly what all people who have managed to achieve professional and career growth do. Very often, an employee comes to a dead end, asks a question, but without receiving an answer, shifts the responsibility to the manager. The responsibility, however, is not relieved of the employee, it is still on him.

Your manager often has 3 times more daily tasks than you. Therefore, he can postpone the answer to your question, switch to a more significant matter.

Remind him that you are waiting for an answer from him to complete the assigned task.

Bothersome but executive officerwho brings everything to the end is much more valuable than the one who gives up.

One more recommendation. Before contacting your boss, ask your colleagues if they can help you. Always think about how to make life easier for your leader: if the answer can be found in your organization (your team) - find it!


Only those who know how to obey a leader will be able to learn to lead in the future. If you want to build your own career plan, you must understand this.

Sometimes a leader wants you to innovate, but often he wants you to just get the project done right.

The manager may be in time trouble and not be able to explain to you why the task should be done in a certain way.

You will become an invaluable player if your manager is confident that you can be assigned the task and forget about it, knowing that you will do it the way it should.


This is a big secret that most employees, even those seeking career growth, do not know about.

Assuming that by working less than a leader (not by the number of hours, but by the number of most efficiently completed projects), they will be able to rise to the next level. There are no miracles.


If you do not respect a higher-level leader, find yourself another job and another boss who will be your authority and leader, under whose leadership you will not be a burden to make a career. Only then can you learn and grow from him.

There is a law of hierarchy: if you do not respect the one who stands above, your subordinates will not respect you.

Show respect and never allow yourself to be familiar.


Never say such words: "Why can't I make mistakes, can you?" The leader is, first of all, your teacher and coach. He has his own teachers and coaches who help him work on his mistakes throughout all stages of his career. The primary school teacher also makes mistakes, but the first grader has no right to point them out to him.


Gossip at work always leads to a loss of trust and sincerity. Your boss will surely know if you said something negative about him. As a result, this will slow down your career growth, because he will be much less enthusiastic about promoting you in the service, and even more so he will not stand up for you when you are downsized.


To succeed in the professional world and have a stunning career, you need to be strong physically and energetically. Replenish your energy reserves daily by exercising and following basic dietary guidelines. Of course, a huge number successful people leads the wrong lifestyle. But how much pleasure will you get from success if you are constantly ill or have chronic fatigue syndrome?

In the United States, almost all successful people devote time to their health. When I was last employed in America, I was asked what kind of sport I do. And as a reward for the year successful work I was handed an unlimited subscription to the best fitness club in the city with daily individual lessons with a trainer.


It is not the organization that decides how much you get paid, when you can be promoted, and when you go on vacation. This is decided by the person to whom you report. Think more about him: how to make his life calmer and more efficient. Everyone's dream competent leader - to have people in your team you can rely on. Become one, and your rapid professional growth will not be far off.


The more you take responsibility and love what you do, the more you will develop the habit of working as an owner.

This is, in my opinion, the most important skill in developing the leadership qualities of a superstar.

While regular employees are constantly looking for ways to shift the responsibility onto someone else on their team, potential stars take on any job and treat it like their business.

It is these invaluable employees who become partners in the future, and also develop the skills necessary to manage their own business.

Think of the successful people around you. Are they doing everything listed here? What else are they doing to be successful? What are you doing (or not doing)?

Career occupies an important place in the structure of the needs of a modern person, thereby influencing his satisfaction with work and life in general. A successful career provides a person with material well-being, the satisfaction of his highest psychological needs, such as the need for self-realization, respect and self-respect, success and power, the need to develop and expand the space of fate.

Career (from the French "carriere" - running, profession, field) - fast and successful advancement in official or other activities; achieving fame, fame or material gain. Career in a broad sense is a sequence of professional roles, statuses, activities in a person's life. This is an active comprehensive achievement by a person of previously designated posts and positions in professional activity; successful promotion or career development; a set of types of conscious productive activities that a person is engaged in throughout his life (including study, work, leisure). Career in the narrow sense is the actual sequence of positions held, jobs or positions in the team by a specific employee.

Career is an individually conscious position and behavior associated with work experience and activities throughout a person's working life. Emphasis should be placed on the fact that understanding a particular career is always subjective, that a career does not mean any other success or failure, except in the individual's own judgment. That is, only the individual who makes it can judge his career. It can be successful for him, even if from the outside it looks like a chain of failures and life collisions. In order to realize your life career consciously, it is necessary to master the ways of building a career strategy, that is, to master modern methods and self-marketing techniques.

Career strategy is a way to build a career in such a way that the very method of promoting and organizing activities ensures the optimal use of driving mechanisms and weakens the effect of any factors of deterrence and resistance. With this understanding of career strategy, the strategic goal is to ensure the sustainability of the career process. Career strategy includes the goals that a person pursues in his career, their combination with life values \u200b\u200band the basic principles and rules for realizing career goals.

Career strategy principles:

  1. The principle of continuity. None of the achieved career goals can be final or serve as a reason for stopping. Progress may be slowed down or interrupted due to emerging difficulties. In this case, it is necessary to create a resource reserve (additional knowledge, strengthening social connections, health, etc.).
  2. The principle of meaningfulness... Any career action must be appropriate. Knowledge of the general goals and characteristics of the movement ensures the optimal choice of the route. The activities carried out should be socially productive, only then the promotion will be supported by the environment.
  3. The principle of proportionality. The speed of individual advancement should be commensurate with the general movement in the group of leaders. Team promotion is usually safer.
  4. The principle of agility. Straight-line movement is possible only on a polygon or "clean" track. There are no such conditions in a career. Attempts to move at “high speed” and “straight ahead” are always fraught with destructive collisions. Strategically, a career maneuver involves: mitigating a collision through compromise; "Skipping ahead" in a dangerous area of \u200b\u200ba risk-averse opponent and expectant follow-up; Obstacle avoidance without significant route change.
  5. The principle of economy. On a particular field, the method of activity always wins, which gives the greatest result with the least expenditure of resources. Productivity is enhanced by elevation in skill, by joining forces, by increasing motivation. The career path is long. For many, this is practically the whole life. To build a successful career, it is important to skillfully distribute forces along the way. Match career aspirations with real opportunities.
  6. Visibility principle... It is better if the person making a career is noticed earlier. Often, talented people are unsuccessful in their careers due to being invisible. If the result can be proud, it must be presented and used for this at any convenient opportunity.

Career strategy rules:

  1. Set yourself only realistic goals.
  2. Believe in your capabilities.
  3. Do not waste time working with an unpromising boss, but make yourself necessary for an initiative leader.
  4. Prepare for a higher-paying job that will soon become vacant.
  5. Get to know and appreciate others who can contribute to their careers.
  6. Expand your knowledge, acquire new skills.
  7. Make a plan for the day and for the whole week, in which to reserve a place for your favorite activities.
  8. Remember that everything in life changes: we, our knowledge, skills, market, organization, environment and so on. We must be able to assess these changes.
  9. You cannot live by the past.
  10. You must quit as soon as you are convinced that it is necessary.
  11. Looking for new job you must rely primarily on yourself.
  12. The organization should declare itself.

Building a professional career is inextricably linked with career goals, the image of the desired result, which at different periods of life can change each other at different rates, have different levels and priorities, or be absent altogether.

As an immediate motive, the goal directs and regulates conscious human activity, giving it consistency and consistency. In a self-marketing system, a goal is a specially revised dream prepared for fulfillment. Like a dream, a quality goal should be attractive, inspiring, but unlike a dream, it is more specific, detailed, somehow measurable, defined in time, and obligatory to achieve.

The career goal setting process includes three main phases:

Phase number 1 - finding goals: "what do I want?" (goals should be clear).

Phase 2 - Situational Analysis: What Can I Do? (registration of personal resources).

Phase 3 - formulating goals: "what am I getting started with?" (specific practical goals with clear results and timelines).

Exists certain principles setting a career goal, which almost every employee or job seeker human and the level and significance of which can be completely different. We invite the reader to choose one of his personal or professional goals, correlate it with the following principles of setting a career goal and answer the proposed questions:

1. Attractiveness. The choice of a career goal is often associated with the prestige of a certain position in public opinion. This condition must be taken into account, but it is important that this position is attractive to the individual. In this respect, it should correspond to personal interests, values, ideas. This choice of goal helps to get carried away with it and therefore it is easier to overcome the difficulties of "rough" work when moving towards it.

Security Question: Do you really like what you have chosen as your career goal?

2. Reality. A novice worker does not aim at the position of industry minister or department head (although a soldier who does not dream of becoming a general is bad). More realistic is the goal of professional advancement and development of the ability to perform the closest position in the organizational hierarchy.

Security question: do you know what position you can take as a young specialist, having received a professional education? Do you like her? See what the next professional step might be?

3. Consistent closeness. The range of targets disperses aspirations. Breaking down the movement into stages concentrates efforts. Sequential goal setting brings the final goal closer.

Security question: do you see the milestones in achieving your professional goal? Do you know what needs to be done today to advance along the chosen path to build a career?

4. Progressiveness and consistency. Each of the subsequent subgoals should involve building up abilities and capabilities. If the goal is achieved in a jerk, without ensuring the readiness to master a new position, the career process loses its stability.

Security question: do you understand what knowledge, experience and abilities will be required from you in obtaining professional education?

5. Possibility of target adjustment. In the process of promotion, his motives may change. Move towards the goal, strictly focusing on the initial motives - violence against oneself and inhibition of the career process.

Security question: is it easy enough for you to abandon what you have planned when, halfway to achieving the goal, you are disappointed with the result? If so, how to build a career in this case?

6. Possibility of performance evaluation. The goal should be formalized and include criteria for assessing its achievement. Correlation of the results obtained with the previously set goal is the basis for assessing the effectiveness and further planning of career movement.

Security question: do your professional goals in building a career have qualitative and quantitative indicators? Can they be measured?

  1. If all questions are answered positively, it is worth considering whether you really objectively assess the current situation. Is it too perfect?
  2. If all the questions are answered in the negative, think - do you really want to achieve the stated goal. How will you build your career? Maybe this is not your goal?
  3. If positive and negative answers alternate, you can rejoice: you are a living person and nothing human is alien to you, there is something to scold and praise yourself for. You have some career strategies, and then everything depends on you. There is a chance to get even better. Good luck on the way to setting goals!
P.G. Break. The art of self-marketing. Employment without problems. - H. 2009.See also:

Details Updated: 10/28/2019 5:26 PM

You have just received your highly anticipated higher education degree. Your father is proud of you, your mother is crying with excitement, your grandmother handed you a commemorative fountain pen. Now everyone expects that your path up the career ladder will be fast, and in a few years you will become a very important person in your profession.

How to do it? Where to begin?

It doesn't matter if you are just starting to work or you already have it, but you want to start over. The first and foremost thing to start with is having a sincere conversation with yourself. Self-awareness is the foundation.

Also read: 4 tips for building a career that reflects your inclination

Knowing your strengths and weaknesses, being aware of your strengths and development areas will enable you to accept correct decisions when planning the next steps. If you are having difficulty creating an objective image, you can use SWOT analysis for this purpose.

A career path is impossible without planning your itinerary. The most important element is the appointment of short and long term plans. They have to be ambitious and realistic at the same time. Think about what makes you happy and satisfied and (based on a SWOT analysis) what you should do about this predisposition. Certainly the direction of career development or career choice is the hardest part. But, as Confucius said: "Choose a job that you love and you won't have to work a single day in your life." Therefore, it is worth thinking about ways to design your path. This will help you be sure of your actions and help you make the right decisions.

It is important to create professional image in their field. How to do it? First of all, you must open up to the world. Meet people, talk to them, use industry conferences, lectures. It's important not to pretend to be someone you are not. If you don't have experience yet, don't tell them you are an expert. It will come with time. This, however, does not prevent, for example, in social networks to show the world what interests you.

Once you've identified yourself and set the direction for your journey, try to find yourself a mentor.

See also: Women's mistakes that hinder a career

Look among your friends in a similar industry, they might know great people. Use specialized conferences or trainings. There you have the opportunity to meet many people with different experiences. Getting to know them will help you grow professionally and also give you the opportunity to make friends with new ones. interesting people... Useful acquaintances always help in career growth. And also finding a mentor in your field will open many doors. There is only one condition, you must constantly develop and be a professional.

Earning a master's degree does not end your education. The career path created by the development and expansion of competencies is a long and complex process. Use free sources of information such as lectures, already mentioned conferences, meetings. Get interested in industry news, famous people in your profession, and their approach to specific professional issues. At the same time, do not be afraid to voice your opinion, even if it differs from that of the majority. This will have a positive impact on building your image and credibility.

Read: 4 min.

The only profession that starts right from the top is digging holes.
Unknown author

Thousands of career books have been written in the world - popular science, motivational and fiction. And how many films have been made about the success stories of great people! Our article will not overshadow all this world heritage, but it will tell you about the proven rules of career growth that successful people adhere to.

In the minds of post-Soviet people, the word "career" has a negative and sometimes even ironic connotation. A careerist is a person who, moving up the career ladder, stops at nothing. He builds a career for the sake of a career. But we all know that behind the word "career" there can be more than just status in society or financial gain. Leading position together with a new level of responsibility, it gives more interesting creative tasks, an opportunity to influence the future of the company and develop it, a new quality of life for oneself and one's loved ones.

Therefore, building a career is great! Where to start?

1. Choose a suitable profession
To start, of course, you need to choose the direction in which you want to move. All paths are open to a teenager, he can choose almost any direction for self-realization. But after he chooses education and graduates from college or university, the options for self-realization will be 100 times less. Having received his education, he has already climbed one step up the career ladder, and in order to go in a different direction, he will have to start over.

4. Communicate and Collaborate
Choose the right people for communication. It's not about simple benefits, but about the fact that your social circle influences your actions and thoughts. A wise mentor in one company is worth a high salary in another.

A word known to every Western businessman networking - building a network of business contacts - can be translated into Russian by a proverb "Don't have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends"... 1960s American psychologist Stanley Milgram proposed a theory of 6 handshakes... The psychologist claimed that each of the inhabitants of the planet is familiar with any person through a chain of 6 acquaintances. This theory was confirmed by Microsoft employees in the early 2000s, conducting a statistical study. This means that our world is really small and it is quite possible to meet the current development director at Facebook, you just need to choose the right 6 acquaintances.

The concept of networking includes not only business acquaintance with a person, but more difficult, maintaining a long-term relationship with him. Timely congratulations on your birthday, on your promotion, or on the fact that your child has gone to first grade. Maintaining friendships can be difficult. This will help you social network , a modern tool for career growth.

5. Follow business ethics
In order to grow up the career ladder, it is important that everyone around you, and not only your bosses, sees you as a reliable and active person. Renowned writer and business consultant Richard Templar, in his book "Career Rules", described the personal qualities of a person who moves in the service. No, no, you don't have to go over your head, just work on your own image.

What should be a "careerist" (psychology of communication at work)

Be active - never "sit out" working time, work for the result.
Always tell the truth - you will form an attitude towards yourself as an absolutely honest person.
Always smile - it annoys everyone, it charges everyone with energy and good mood.
Dress well - don't let yourself look unattractive.
Be considerate of people - sincere compliments are pleasant to them.
Don't gossip - you can listen to gossip, but you shouldn't spread it further.
Don't whine - it attracts other whiners.
Be a diplomat - always be calm and settle the conflicts of colleagues.
be careful - if you feel that something illegal is happening, leave the company.
Ask the right questions - it helps to understand the essence of the problem and show you a thinking person.

6. Learn constantly
Training and continuous development is your competitive advantage. A rare top manager in Russia has only one higher education diploma, usually 2-3 degrees in different scientific fields. The fact is that it is very important for a manager to understand the professional sphere, and in economics, and in law, and in the psychology of personnel management, so they go to study whenever possible.

Where can you study to apply this in your work:
Self-study (at home, in libraries, with online courses and apps on your phone).
University studies (first, second higher education, refresher courses, "free listeners" at university courses). We have
Communication in professional groups (Internet communities, coworking spaces).
Trainings (social, volitional, intellectual competences; individually and in groups).
Physical development and sports.

Warren Buffett, American billionaire, Igor Mann, famous Russian marketer, Oleg Tinkov, Russian banker and many other businessmen speak with one voice about the benefits of books, and especially business books, for career growth.

7. Promise Less, Do More
You know that it will take you 3 days to complete the task, tell your boss that it takes 5. First, you foresee possible difficulties. Secondly, doing it later than the deadline is much worse than before. Even if someone reproaches you for delaying deadlines, honestly say that you always reserve for contingencies.

Use the resulting margin of time to do better and better than expected of you. Did you promise to design a company logo for the next meeting? Draw the layout corporate identity with examples of documents and site pages. Need to submit a monthly financial report? Make a complete presentation. Let it be a pleasant surprise for your bosses and a plus for your career.

How to make a career for a man

Our tips are suitable for "careerists" of any age and any gender. But all over the world, the word "career" refers more to men. It is easier for a man to get a top manager's position than for a woman. In no country do women lead in leadership positions. This has a flip side of the coin.

The fact is that from childhood society expects from a young man that he will build a career and get up the career ladder to the very top. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov put it very aptly: "A real man consists of a husband and a rank"... When choosing a profession, the stereotype of career success prevents young people from choosing specialties with a horizontal career. Unfortunately, many parents still send young men to military, technical, economic or management specialties with the words: "You first get a normal profession, and then you will strum on your guitar".

In what area can a man build a career, read the article The best male professions \u003e\u003e

How to make a career for a woman

What features are there in a woman's career? It is more difficult for a woman to climb the career ladder in our country than it is for a man. Although not as difficult as, for example, in the Arab countries. Let's take the State Duma of Russia as an example. In the last convocation among officials, only 1/6 of the seats are occupied by women, although 49% of 100% of the working population in Russia are women.
The gender stereotypes about the excessive emotionality of women as leaders and the focus of women on the family prevent women from rising above the mid-level specialist. Therefore, in order for a woman to climb the career ladder to the top manager of a corporation, she needs to make more efforts than a man. Arthur Bloch, in his book Murphy's Law, described the law of careers for women: " 1) think like a man; 2) act like a lady; 3) work like a horse".

How to be in demand in the labor market

What qualities do you need to develop in yourself, regardless of the industry in which you work? To move up the career ladder, you need not so much professional skills as personal soft skills that employers value. Soft skills - These are competencies, established from birth or acquired with experience, but not amenable to quantitative calculation. For example, self-confidence, sociability, leadership skills, attention to detail, perseverance, time management and others.