Why can't I live happily. Love and gratitude or how to learn to live happily. Correct relationships with people

There is one surefire way to be happier! A friend of mine used to often sin by going for advice from a fortuneteller... In difficult life situations, it was difficult for her to make a choice on her own, and the instructions of an outsider miraculously supported and rescued her. A strange character trait, but we are all different ...

During one session, the clairvoyant fortuneteller asked Dasha (this is the name of her friend): “When was the last time you performed a gratitude ritual? When was the last time you thanked for everything you have? The more you complain, the more of your life energy goes away. Stop doing this and you will see the happy times. "

Dasha hesitated. Then the witch said: “Allocate 1 hour next Sunday for thanks. Write down anything you can sincerely say “thank you” for on a piece of paper. This is a very powerful magical experience! From gratitude is born new life, a new destiny. If you perform the ritual every week, you can become a happy person and reach your cherished goal very quickly. "

Starting with practice of gratitudeyou can change your life in the better side very fast! The magical power of thanksgiving will help you appreciate every minute you spend.

We asked the author of two best-selling 100 Ways to Change Your Life Larisa Parfentieva choose for us 10 ways from your book. We suggest that you familiarize yourself and immediately apply in practice! Every living being deserves happiness.

How to live happily

10 ways to change your life

  1. Get creative
    Our brain always strives for two modes at the same time - rest and creativity. Most often, peace wins, which is why we feel unhappy. The best way to change your life is to start doing creative things!

    Start drawing, write to the hokku about how you met best friend, learn scrapbooking, make an ikebana, buy an antistress coloring book and dream up how to decorate it.

    It seems to me that creativity is the basic need of the body. The art of living happily implies constant art! Sure way to catch bluebird.

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  2. Arrange ancestor day
    Man is like a tree. As beautiful as the crown is, it will not grow for long if the roots of the tree are rotten. It is not enough for a person to build the future - it is also important to know his past.

    Find at least 2 people among your ancestors that you could be proud of. Once you begin to understand what wonderful people are behind you, you will feel more confident.

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  3. Find out growth zones
    You can do a bold experiment that will reveal your growth area. This method was used by my friend, who could not get married until 35 years old.

    The relationship did not work out - that's all. He called all the girls he was romantically involved with to find out what "was wrong." I honestly looked into my eyes and learned a lot of new things for myself.

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  4. Face your fear
    They say that the best way getting rid of fear is to step towards it. My friend suggested an extreme way to get rid of the fear of losing your wallet. She threw her wallet off the bridge into the river. She says that it helped her a lot. Despite the fact that later she had to restore bank cards, she got rid of the fear of losing her wallet forever.

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  5. Do the opposite
    You can arrange a “reverse day” for yourself: go out into the street in atypical clothes for yourself, go to work in a new way, you can even use your left hand as a leader if you are right-handed. The “Reverse Day” helps to form new neural connections in the head and to take a fresh look at your life.

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  6. Challenge yourself
    To shake oneself, sometimes you need a push, an impulse. They can be anything - go on a solo trip, run a marathon, meet 50 new people in a day, learn to play the drums, buy a motorcycle. In general, it should be some kind of thing that will pull you out of your routine, make you forget about current difficulties and help you focus on the goal.

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  7. Get yourself an informational detox
    On average, an adult spends 1.5 to 4 hours a day on social media! Imagine what could have been done during this time? An average book of 120 pages can take 120 hours to write (1 hour per page). If, say, you spend 2 hours a day on social networks, then you could write one book in 2 months. And in a year you could write (or read) 6 books. Think about it at your leisure.

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  8. Clear the area
    One of my projects has a task - to clear the territory. This means talking delicately with the person with whom you have some kind of reticence in the relationship. For this there is a special technique, the meaning of which is reduced to a simple action: honestly tell the person what you feel. "Tension" takes up a huge amount of energy and does not allow you to move forward.

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  9. Deal with a toxic environment
    There are toxic people who literally suck all our vitality out of us. How do you recognize a toxic person? He constantly whines, complains about life and for a long time only chatters, but does not move in any way towards changing. So, you need to run away from such people! And the faster the better.

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  10. Dance!
    All children love to dance in childhood. But growing up, we forget about it, we are fettered by fears and complexes. To regain the taste of life, start dancing. You can even at home in front of a mirror or in the darkest park in the evenings. The main thing is to move! It doesn't matter how.

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The listed ways to live happilywill definitely work. Remember also that thoughts determine the quality of your life. In order to give thanks for every moment, it is useful to have a thing with you that will remind you of all the joys that have befallen you.

For example, you can wear a special gratitude bracelet or a ring. Stopping your gaze on the jewelry, sincerely thank for everything that you have.

I assure you, you will feel much happier very quickly! Just don't forget to follow our recommendations. By the way, you can say thank you not only to the Universe and others, but also to yourself. This will help you realize that you already have everything you need to be happy!

They say that you have to fight for love. And also for a place in the sun.

How to catch your bird of happiness

And for the truth. But how to live happily and enjoy life if there are so many difficulties in this life? And also to fight for justice and against the system. Everything must be earned, received as a reward for hard efforts. For overcoming yourself. For stepping over your character.

Anyone can enjoy life

It is believed that earned by sweat, blood and nerves is more valuable. That it takes on some additional, special meaning. It's no secret that every person wants from life what we call "happiness". But everyone has their own concept of "happiness", since a person himself determines for himself what factors his happiness depends on.

Factors of a happy life

  1. Health
  2. A family
  3. Love

Which of these factors do you prefer to put first for yourself? Do you feel happy with your family or with a tightly packed wallet?

What is the secret of happiness

What is the secret of happiness? How to learn to live happily and enjoy the world. Is it really necessary to go against your will to seek this happiness, as many advise? Is it right that a person is obliged to do something and obey someone. You've probably read quite a few articles about how to become happy.

And in these articles there were many similarities, that a person must change himself, respect all people, exercise, love himself.

But heck, if everything was that easy, no one would ask - how? what to do? who to contact? where to go?. And as a result, I came to the conclusion that everyone can give advice, but as they say, the one who does not know how teaches. And he himself does not want to become such. Think for a moment about Nick Vuychech and his advice. This person gives you a lot to think about.

Believe that you are happier than others

Remembering the words of Dale Carnegie: the more you feel more cheerful, the more you will be cheerful, and the more you feel happy, the more often you will be happy. So everything is simple, on what wave you are, you will get this one. This is the secret of happiness, because the most important thing in our human life is love, and love is a feeling, love is like the wind - we do not see it, but we feel it, as well as happiness - we feel it, we feel it. Happiness is a state of mind. But this is the first secret, or rather the principle. Improve yours.

Find a hobby in your life

The second is different, if the first principle is every instant feeling of happiness, to feel happy and to believe in it. Then the second principle, perhaps more difficult, or maybe easier, and Steve Jobs himself advised him - this is to find your calling, your favorite work, the work of your whole life. But it starts with a search, but what is the point - happiness and a favorite thing? And here is what - as one book hero said: find out what you really like to do, and give all your strength to this occupation. And I completely agree with him, but there is one catch, in order to find his calling, a person must become courageous and free from their fears.

Get rid of bad habits

Since in order for a person to do what he wants, he must get rid of his usual life. It's hard to accept, but it is. After all, as soon as you completely focus your strength and energy on what you love, abundance will fill your life and everything you desire will be fulfilled with ease and bliss. People who have found their vocation live by this vocation itself, their time, strength and energy go only to their cause, and there is no fuss in their world. and when you are doing what you love, sooner or later your business will enrich you not only spiritually, but also materially.

This is a fact, there are enough examples: J.K. Rowling, Bill Geitz, Steven Spielberg, Steve Jobs, Paul Macartney, etc.

You do not consider yourself weak-willed or weak-willed. You can use every opportunity and try to achieve what you want until you hit your forehead against an already impenetrable wall. Your obsession knows no boundaries and no limits. You, without hesitation, bend the sticks until they either take the desired shape, or do not break. That is, you may well fit into this stereotype of fighting to the end, mostly victorious.

But you do not get more pleasure from what you got the hard way. Sometimes even the opposite. When an intermediate and minor goal begins to resemble climbing Everest, it loses its appeal for you. Because it means that you are on the wrong path. When you stumble at every step, you need not get up, rubbing your bruised knees, and trudge on. You need to understand that you turned off at the wrong intersection.

Fight and seek your Happiness

No matter how beautiful the goal may be, achieving it should not poison life. Because there will inevitably be more and more behind it. And as soon as the point that just seemed to be the final one approaches, it instantly turns out to be a staging one. And again you need to climb, endure the bad weather and wait for a bright future. So the whole life turns into a notorious struggle. Because the movement cannot be stopped. Learn.

But you can make this movement a pleasant walk, and not short dashes from trench to trench under heavy fire. It is not necessary to endure hardships in order to later receive manna from heaven. When the process itself is a joy, it already becomes a goal, not a means. And there will be no excruciating disappointment if the result is not the same as he saw in a feverish delirium after the next throw with an anguish. Because already now you are doing what brings joy.

To live and work at the limit of possibilities - it looks beautiful and impressive. A sort of symbol of the century. A man who does not spare himself, cutting his way through the jungle. But his success is no better than the victory of those who walked to the same summit with joy, I enjoy what I have already received.

Proving to the whole world that you can go through any jungle is probably important. But it is even more important to learn to find your niche, and not to bite your teeth into the first one that comes across in order to demonstrate the strength of the mind to the universe.

That's all, these are the secrets of happiness, now you also know how to live happily and enjoy life:

  • Always be happy, keep this feeling in yourself always, and the like will be attracted to you. Even if you suffer from.
  • Overcome any difficulty.

Find your calling (it may take years, or maybe a couple of minutes, just defeat your fear) and surrender to it and you will become so happy that people around you will become as happy as you are.

Without overestimating your capabilities, you can find a happy life. Many people wonder how to learn to live happily, but as it turns out, everything is extremely simple. The secret of comfort and stability lies in the life that is given to you, that is, you need to live at your own level by your standards. But how to learn to enjoy life every day and master the art of living happily? Read on for more details.

There is probably not a single person who would not like to live happily. At the same time, life circumstances can often prevent a person from being happy - failures in work or personal life, some situations that do not suit you, and daily minor troubles can seriously affect a person's mood. But the good news is that you can change your life and learn ways to live happily in order to feel happy. There are two main ways to do this:

  • change the situation,
  • change the attitude towards her.

The first way is to change the situation that does not suit you and brings negative emotions that prevent you from being happy. For example, how can you live happily if you have difficulty finding a job? If you are worried that you cannot find a higher-paying job, then you need to change this situation - that is, start looking more actively for a new job.

Update your resume, go through additional professional coursesthat will help you become a more valuable specialist, constantly review vacancies on job search sites. If you do all of this regularly, then finding a good job is just a matter of time. There are different ways to live happily, but they all share a positive attitude and belief in the best.

Second way - a change in attitude, and it should be applied only if you have already tried to change a situation, but you failed to do so. For example, for a year you have not found a job, although you have done everything possible for this. What can be done here to apply the art of living happily? If you already have a job, then you should start treating it more positively, because although you don't like it too much, it still brings you some experience and remuneration.

If you do not have a job at all, then it is worth answering a job offer, even if it is associated with a lower salary or qualification. At the same time, you should understand that this is a temporary job, which now will help you a lot to gain the necessary experience and the same salary (and after all, many do not have this either). Live happy life you can, the main thing is to be satisfied with what you have, but at the same time to constantly develop and strive for more.

If you want to learn how to live happily, then one of the main tips is to look for positive aspects in any life situation, and exercise to constantly feel positive emotions from your life. Remember that any problem is first of all an opportunity, and it depends only on you how to use it for your growth and development.

Ways and art of living happily

Those with a quiet life can pay attention to developing other aspects, achieving new goals and normal communication with people. It is a good relationship that makes life happy, and no material things can replace that. And it doesn't matter whether it is about official or, friendly or business relationship- it is important to maintain a balance of relationships in all spheres of life.

If your earnings are completely enough for everything you need, then the need for additional work no, which means that your life can be considered happy, because you can give all your free time to communicate with your loved ones and have a good time. And for someone, on the contrary, it is important precisely - and for them a happy life is inconceivable without raising the career ladder and success in work.

How to live a happy life

Each person can answer the question of how to live a happy life in their own way. For one, happiness is a family, for another - a career, for a third - self-development. But still, for most people, the art of a happy life is inseparable from harmonious relationships and having a family. Even career success, which women and men so often talk about, cannot be significant without a feeling of support from a loved one. But when this support is there, then you can "move mountains" and make a career.

The art of living happily includes good family relationships. It is worth remembering that no amount of money and material things can replace sincere and warm relations, the care of relatives. They also require your attention, which is worth remembering when faced with a choice. To live a happy life, pay enough attention to your family, children, parents, and your significant other.

Don't make excuses for being busy at work, because the job won't take care of you if you suddenly catch a cold or your career declines. You will find such support only in your family, so it is worth spending more time on your own needs, and of course, the needs of loved ones. This is one of the answers to the question of how to live happily and be content with your life.

On the path of life, everyone wants to do something good, but some make mistakes. A happy person is one whose good deeds outweigh the bad ones.

How to learn to enjoy life every day

People with whom some minor nuisance happens should be aware that they are actually lucky, because everything could have happened differently. At this moment it seems to them that they are unhappy, but this is not at all the case. One has only to think about a situation, disassemble it in detail, and you can immediately understand that everything is not so bad, and life is filled with happiness. Sometimes happiness surrounds us in little things, and negative situations over time can turn into new interesting opportunities. The main thing is to correctly treat temporary failures, considering them not as a defeat, but as a stepping stone to success.

There are many ways to live happily ever after. Continuous development also brings joy to our lives. Training courses, a diverse social circle, trips along interesting routes - all this brings variety to life.

Once again asking ourselves the question of how to live happily and learn to enjoy life every day, it is necessary to remember that happiness is curled only from us and from how we feel. The art of living happily is available to every person, and this can be learned - there would be a desire. If a person feels lucky, then he can achieve a lot and live a happy life, because nothing will oppress him. And remember that a positive attitude will solve any problem!

The ability to enjoy life is not given to everyone by nature. Often, many of us fall into a pessimistic mood, at the moments when we should pay closer attention to situations that we can quite enjoy. How not to focus on the negative, and learn to notice the joys that life gives us? It is important to learn to live in the here and nowOften, we are upset by thoughts about what happened a long time ago or about what has not happened yet (and we are not sure what will happen). We think over possible options for the development of certain events, fantasize how we could have done to prevent any unpleasant consequences and the like. Thus, we are not present in the present moment, wandering through the margins of the past and the ghostly future. Thus, we deprive ourselves of our present. That is why it is very important to drive such thoughts away. Of course, sometimes it is nice to plan a vacation, or think about what interesting gifts can be made to loved ones, for example, on New Year... Thinking like that won't hurt your todayhowever, don't let the negativity take over your thoughts. Cheer up no matter whatIn order to live happily, it is important to learn to be optimistic. Surely you have noticed that there is a category of people who try not to lose heart, no matter what. And they do it wonderfully! At first, many of us are perplexed looking at such people, but over time we realize that it is much easier to live this way. Sometimes, it is very difficult to find positive aspects in certain situations, but it is always worth trying to do it. If this task seems unbearable to you, adjust yourself to the fact that even if everything is not very rosy now, one day it will pass. Unfortunately, life cannot be filled with only joyful events, but they certainly follow after sorrows. Maybe that's why we learn to appreciate them for real over time.

Enjoy life to the fullestDon't put your life on hold. If possible, then enjoy your present to the fullest. Perhaps you have a dream that is quite realistic to come true in a short period of time, but you leave it to come true "until better times"? You can bring those “better times” closer right now if you do what you really want to do! Psychologist's advice: how to find joy in lifeYour life will be joyful if the people closest to you have reasons for joy. It would seem that there is no connection, but this is obvious! It is very difficult to live happily when your loved ones are not doing well, however, if you find a way to improve the lives of others with pleasant surprises, support, help, then you yourself will find it easier to live - at least from the realization that you bring positive emotions to your family, the second half or friends. Undoubtedly, close people will try to answer you in kind. It's important to live your lifeWe often become depressed due to the fact that we take on other people's burdens or live the way we are told, and not how we ourselves want. Unsurprisingly, under such circumstances, it is quite difficult to get real pleasure from life. Meanwhile, if you learn to distinguish between what you want yourself from what you are being pushed to, then you will undoubtedly be able to find inner harmony... There is nothing wrong with helping another person, but you sincerely owe it yourself! When a person takes on a load outside the reach, he often “breaks down” under its weight. Do not condemn yourself to this! Remember that only by filling your life will you be able to help someone else; if this is not the case, then you yourself need help. Soberly assess your capabilities. Learn to smile every dayIn every day, you can find a reason to smile if you really want to. A person who has decided to become an optimist is undoubtedly able to enjoy the warm weather outside the window, well-prepared coffee, delicious cake, purring cat, flowering trees, soft snow-white snow and so on. Learn to notice the beauty around you, and you will have many reasons to smile. Learn to score on all the bad and let go of the pastUnfortunately, many of us are trapped in the past. Even if everything is fine now, we remember the moments that once hurt us, and we cannot fully enjoy the joys that life gives us today. Subsequently, more often than not, they understood how stupid they were, not appreciating true happiness, swarming through events for a long time days gone by... Don't let this insight come years later! Let go of the burdens of the past right now and start paying attention to what is happening in your life at the moment. What methods can you use for this? Thank you for the lessonNo matter how difficult your past turns out to be, if you still cannot part with it, then most likely it taught you some lesson. Realize that this was precisely his task - to give you wisdom that one day in the future you can use. Nothing happens by accident, so the only thing you can do, letting go of a situation, is to thank her for teaching you something, which, of course, it was. Learn to be happy for other peopleWhen we start to truly rejoice for other people, good luck comes to nm. It is not known how this "boomerang" works, but it really is! A person living in envy and disapproval is so immersed in these emotions that he simply misses those moments of joy that fate is trying to give him.

It is very important to learn to notice and appreciate what we have today, and not to concentrate on something completely foreign - someone else's or the past. So, how to learn to notice all the amenities that surrounds us in life. Many have heard more than once how useful it is, at times, to "disconnect" from problems and direct their consciousness in a completely different direction. Often we just smile when we hear such advice, parrying the fact that there is simply no time for the implementation of all these techniques. Of course, this is our main mistake - there is always time, we just misplace priorities. Learn to "switch"Each person, if desired, can "switch" one event to another. As already emphasized, this will happen only when there is really a desire! To make your own life easier, first of all, you should think about how you build your "internal dialogue". Do not allow pessimism in your thoughts, consciously set yourself up in an optimistic mood, cheer yourself up when necessary and calm yourself down. Don't beat yourself up if something doesn't work out! Learn to be gratefulOften, we really begin to appreciate what we had only when we lose it. Don't let this happen to you! Sometimes, we ignore close people, not thinking that one day they will stop communicating with us and they simply will not be there. However, if this still happens, we reconsider our attitude towards them, and we begin to regret some of our deeds. It is in your power to avoid these regrets. Learn to thank dear people in word and deed for being present in your life.

Develop, do not stand still

If it seems to you that life does not make you happy at all with truly pleasant and happy moments, then take this task upon yourself! Be the master of your destiny, and do not wait for gifts from the outside - achieve what you want. When you begin to develop in one direction or another, there will undoubtedly be changes in your life, and it is in your power to make these changes positive. So, in what directions can you develop so that in the end it turned out to be positive results for you? SportTake time to exercise. Even if some of its types are contraindicated for you, this does not mean that absolutely everything is prohibited. Surely there are disciplines in which you could develop. What will you get in the end? If you are really serious about building your bodies, then pretty soon you will at least see an improvement in your appearance. Agree that this cannot but be a reason to cheer up. You can also make new acquaintances or simply improve your level of knowledge in a direction in which you were not strong before. Also, do not forget that not only external transformations await you, but also “internal” ones. Simply put, if you do everything correctly, as the experts advise, then, for sure, this will add to your health, which is never superfluous. HobbyOf course, a hobby can be not only sports - you can find many other activities that will have a positive effect on your development, and therefore - will bring you new pods for joy. Think about what you would really like to do, and do not put off these plans until last. If you already show interest in what you like, then it is possible that in a year, in parallel with your main occupation, you will be a skillful photographer, talented programmer, extraordinary artist, active snowboarder, experienced traveler or someone else! Many people think that the question is: "Who do I want to be?" actually ask yourself in school years, and in adolescence to bring these ideas to life. This is often not the case at all! Ask yourself this question now, and make a determined attempt to get closer to your goal. Don't deprive yourself of the chance to live the way you want.

Correct life ... What is it, who will say? How often we hear this concept, however, in spite of everything, no one will be able to answer for sure the question of how to live correctly. Nevertheless, this does not mean that you need to abandon yourself and your life and let everything go by itself, not at all.

Below are the most common examples of "correctness" in our life. They concern everything: work, study, rest, entertainment and even health. They are considered the most acceptable, and therefore correct. However, in spite of everything, everything in the world is relative, including our topic, therefore you should not rely entirely on the written "rules" and forget about the most important thing: life belongs to you, which means that only one has the right to dispose of it person. You. Nobody else: not the author, whose advice you read, not the TV presenter, whose recommendations you watch, not the parents, whom you have to listen to and enroll in an unloved specialty, for example. Your existence and how it will be tomorrow and in 10 years depends only on you.

Self-improvement and self-development

In childhood, a person learns something new every day. A sea of \u200b\u200bnew questions is spinning in my head, I want to find out everything as soon as possible and at once, starting with the name of a bird flying by and ending with the principles of the universe and the laws of physics. If a person from childhood is fed only with food, without including any information in the diet of growing up, then a mentally retarded creature will grow out of such a child, not formed as a person and completely unable to live in society.

With age, the craving for knowledge dies out. The school begins to force them to learn, and, unfortunately, people are designed in such a way that the more they are forced, the more they resist. Not to mention the time after graduation. All information has been received, and the person does not want to develop anymore, not realizing how important it is. In the absence of spiritual and physical development and without self-improvement of a person, thoughts in the style of "how to live correctly" are increasingly beginning to visit.

Correct thoughts

Thoughts are no less important than self-development. The way a person thinks directly depends on his life. And if he is wondering how to live correctly and happily, then there is more negativity in his head, because otherwise, if everything suits him, he will not think about this topic.

First, you need to filter your thoughts. As soon as you think of something bad, immediately try to switch to something much more positive. Over time, you will learn to see the positive even in the negative. This will affect your life in a good way. Yes, at first you will not notice the change, but one day you will definitely realize that you feel better than before.

Secondly, to think less about how to live correctly. You can get hung up on this, become paranoid in search of “that very” existence and in the end you will not notice how you missed life behind all these actions.

Third, dream. This will help you get a couple of large-scale ones and just develop your imagination.

Correct lifestyle

How to learn to live properly without taking care of yourself and your body? No way. A person is obliged to take care of himself. This means not only elementary ones like brushing your teeth and regularly changing your underwear.

Exercise, jogging, light exercise or something else like that - the body needs all this no less water or food, it's just not so pronounced. At least at a young age. In old age, the lack of physical activity still affects. That is why it is recommended not to forget about your body, not only in terms of cleanliness, but also in other parameters. or jogging, getting up and going at a certain time, wholesome food, as little as possible of the pleasant "dangers" of life like cigarettes, alcohol ... The list can be continued for a very long time, but in general everyone has an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat a "correct" lifestyle should be.

Proper nutrition

A healthy diet can also provide guidance on how to live right. True, not from a psychological point of view. Rather, it relates to the previous point. It's just that food is so important that I had to take it out separately for better memorization.

Everyone understands how many goodies are prepared for purchase in the store. Every time at the sight of another harmful product, the brain shouts: “Buy it! Buy it! " And people buy as if hypnotized, after which they regret what they did.

You need to eat right. At least for those who believe they are worthy of good health and a happy long life.

Correct relationships with people

Some are interested in how to live properly with a husband, relatives, etc., since sometimes there are situations when it is completely incomprehensible how one can coexist in the same room in peace and harmony with other people. Others want to know how to properly communicate with an unfamiliar person when there are no common topics for conversation, and it is awkward to be silent. Still others are interested in how to learn to meet people and how to behave on the first date. The fourth is concerned with how to find the right approach to all people.

4. Take care of yourself, your health, body and nutrition.

5. Communicate more.

6. Treat people the way you want them to treat you.

7. Show less aggression towards others.

8. Learn to show positive qualities of your character and get rid of negative traits.

9. Love the people around you.

10. Be yourself.

Now you can imagine how to live correctly and happily. Take action! Good luck to you!