And realize your most interesting ones. How to bring a business idea to life. Daily plan and overall strategy

Coming up with an idea and implementing it are two different things.

And, despite the fact that for each of us from time to time he finds insight on how to improve his life, only a few really change it. Why do you think? Luck? Perseverance? Talent? Is not a fact!

German business consultant Bodo Schaefer believes that only 72 hours separate a person from the implementation of any idea.

It is during such a period of time from the moment the idea appeared that he recommends taking at least the first step towards achieving a long-term goal.

According to Schaefer, if you have postponed the implementation of your plan for more than 72 hours (or 3 days), most likely you will never do it again.

If you take action within 72 hours, you have 99% out of 100 to succeed and only 1% to fail. All that is needed for this is only to make a conscious decision to implement your idea.

How it works

Moving immediately from thoughts to actions, we automatically program ourselves for success, sending signals to the brain that this goal is important to us. It is not at all necessary for these 3 days to fully realize what you have come up with. It is only important to take the first step, for example, starting to gather information, general market analysis, discussing an idea with a person whose opinion is important to you, etc.

If you have an idea for a new project, get started immediately. You can even start by simply writing it down on paper and fleshing it out by answering a few questions:

  • What is my goal (what do I want to achieve)?
  • In what time period do I want to do this?
  • Who can help me with this?
  • Are there any obstacles that might prevent me from doing this? And what?
  • What alternative paths are available in case of difficulties?

So you not only concretize what you came up with, but also outline your own plan of action, getting the big picture and ready-made ways to implement it.

Major obstacles

Hasty conclusions and value judgment

In other words, negative. Is it realistic to do it? How good is my idea? I've never done that before. I have too little time or no money ... These kinds of negative thoughts are quite normal when we are faced with something new, unusual and ambiguous. However, it is they who often ruin our ability to change our lives for the better. We are afraid and prefer to leave things as they are.

What to do: instead, state 3 reasons for yourself why it will work and put the negativity aside. You haven't even done anything yet, so don't be afraid of hypothetical difficulties. Even if you start with a raw idea, having a positive attitude will help you refine it to a better version.

What if it doesn't work?

Another stumbling block for most of us is the fear of making mistakes and making the wrong decision. At this point, it will be more useful to hold the opinion that there are no wrong decisions. And remember some good example.

I was not wrong. I've only found 10,000 ways that don't work.

Thomas Edison

Even if later it turns out that you were mistaken or the idea was not as brilliant as you wanted, you just draw conclusions, and with the experience gained, you will improve it as needed. In fact, such a story can repeat itself more than once, but only thanks to your efforts and faith in yourself, you will get the result you dreamed of.

There is a big difference between failure and temporary defeat.

Napoleon Hill

Personally, I really like the idea of \u200b\u200bBodo Schaefer. And I believe there is value in his method. Regardless of whether some setting is created in our brain or not, the inspiration and energy that we have with the idea is enough for the first step. The main thing is to have time to use them. And 72 hours is enough.

So if you have an idea, put all your fears and negative thoughts away, grab a pen and notebook, and get to work.

Tell us, what techniques and techniques do you use to implement your ideas and plans? And have you noticed how procrastination affects the likelihood of success?



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These examples may contain rude language based on your request.

These examples may contain colloquial vocabulary based on your request.

Translate "to make the idea come true" in spanish

Other translations

Internal attempts to bring the idea to life The cohesion of all members of Haitian society should be encouraged.

Make the idea of \u200b\u200bbringing together a representative cross-section of Haitian society a reality must be encouraged. "\u003e

In response, D. Bush said: We can to bring the idea to life lasting peace and achieve reliable cooperation in relations between East and West.

In reply, President Bush said: We can realise a lasting peace and transform the East-West relationship to one of enduring co-operation.

Realize a lasting peace and transform the East-West relationship to one of enduring co-operation. "\u003e

As for Chad, he is taking independent action to to bring the idea to life African solidarity, providing assistance to the fraternal country subjected to aggression.

As to Chad, it is taking sovereign action in exercise of African solidarity to assist a fraternal country which has suffered aggression.

Action in exercise of African solidarity to assist a fraternal country which has suffered aggression. "\u003e

It claims that Albania is increasing the number of incidents on the Albanian-Yugoslav border, forcing its citizens to cross this border illegally, in order to increase tensions in interstate relations and to bring the idea to life "Great Albania".

It alleges that Albania is increasing incidents on the Albanian-Yugoslav border by urging its own citizens to cross the border illegally in order to raise tension in inter-State relations and to achieve the idea of Greater Albania.

To achieve the idea of \u200b\u200bGreater Albania. "\u003e

Mr Skonsberg (Norway) said that only a global group of motivated and highly competent staff can to bring the idea to life Secretary General about an effective Secretariat capable of delivering the results that Member States are interested in.

Mr. Skjnsberg (Norway) said that only a global team of motivated and highly competent staff could make a reality of the Secretary-General "s vision of an efficient Secretariat capable of achieving the results sought by Member States.

Make a reality of the Secretary-General "s vision of an efficient Secretariat capable of achieving the results sought by Member States. "\u003e

According to foreign press reports, there were 20,000 Greek soldiers on the island during the coup d'état, ready to to bring the idea to life union of the island with Greece.

To realize the union of the island with Greece. "\u003e

We are determined to work together to fully to bring the idea to life communities of comprehensive, co-operative and indivisible security in the entire space of the OSCE region common to us.

We are determined to work together to fully realize the vision of a comprehensive, cooperative and indivisible security community throughout our shared OSCE area.

Realize the vision of a comprehensive, cooperative and indivisible security community throughout our shared OSCE area. "\u003e

OINFSA calls on all Afghans in Afghanistan and beyond to respond positively to this call in order to to bring the idea to life national unity in Afghanistan.

UINFSA calls upon all Afghans in Afghanistan and abroad to respond positively to this appeal, with the intention of making the cause of national unity in Afghanistan a reality.

Making the cause of national unity in Afghanistan a reality. "\u003e

Paragraph 39 of the report refers to the Court of Nelum (White Lotus), a mass movement for peace, friendship and harmony between various ethnic, religious and political groupscalled upon to bring the idea to life national identity.

Paragraph 39 of the report mentioned the Sudu Nelum (White Lotus) movement, a mass movement to promote peace, cordiality and harmony among the diverse ethnic, religious and political groups in pursuit of the idea of one national identity.

The idea of \u200b\u200bone national identity. "\u003e

For its part, Bangladesh is ready to provide military and civilian personnel for this headquarters and approves the establishment of a trust fund in order to to bring the idea to life the creation of this headquarters.

Make the establishment of those headquarters a reality.">

An association is a local organization that seeks to formulate and to bring the idea to life social development together with the inhabitants of the city of Castellane (France) and for their common good.

The Association is a community-based organization that focuses on the day-to-day development and implementation of social development projects with and for the population of the Castellane low-income housing project in France.

Implementation of social development projects with and for the population of the Castellane low-income housing project in France. "\u003e

They were meant to help to bring the idea to life, inherent in the concept of bank rebranding - not just to provide high-quality, convenient and profitable financial services, but also to help grow and develop their clients' business, delve into their daily questions and problems.

They serve to implement the idea contained in the rebranding concept - not only to provide high-quality services that are convenient and profitable, but contribute to our clients "business development, and pay attention to their everyday issues and problems.

Implement the idea contained in the rebranding concept - not only to provide high-quality services that are convenient and profitable, but contribute to our clients "business development, and pay attention to their everyday issues and problems."\u003e

In 1848, during the "Spring of Nations", the Slovenes put forward a proposal to include Lower Styria in the Illyrian Kingdom in order to unite most of the Slovenian lands into a single administrative unit and to bring the idea to life united Slovenia.

In the Spring of Nations in 1848, Slovenes advanced a proposal to include Lower Styria in the Kingdom of Illyria, so most of the Slovene Lands would be united in a single administrative entity and the idea of a United Slovenia would thus be achieved.

The idea of \u200b\u200ba United Slovenia would thus be achieved. "\u003e

We must make continuous efforts to ensure the full implementation of the Nairobi Action Plan, which will ultimately enable us to bring the idea to life about a world completely free of mines.

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Coming up with an idea and implementing it are two different things.

And, despite the fact that for each of us from time to time he finds insight on how to improve his life, only a few really change it. Why do you think? Luck? Perseverance? Talent? Is not a fact!

German business consultant Bodo Schaefer believes that only 72 hours separate a person from the implementation of any idea.

It is during such a period of time from the moment the idea appeared that he recommends taking at least the first step towards achieving a long-term goal.

According to Schaefer, if you have postponed the implementation of your plan for more than 72 hours (or 3 days), most likely you will never do it again.

If you take action within 72 hours, you have 99% out of 100 to succeed and only 1% to fail. All that is needed for this is only to make a conscious decision to implement your idea.

How it works

Moving immediately from thoughts to actions, we automatically program ourselves for success, sending signals to the brain that this goal is important to us. It is not at all necessary for these 3 days to fully realize what you have come up with. It is only important to take the first step, for example, starting to gather information, general market analysis, discussing an idea with a person whose opinion is important to you, etc.

If you have an idea for a new project, get started immediately. You can even start by simply writing it down on paper and fleshing it out by answering a few questions:

  • What is my goal (what do I want to achieve)?
  • In what time period do I want to do this?
  • Who can help me with this?
  • Are there any obstacles that might prevent me from doing this? And what?
  • What alternative paths are available in case of difficulties?

So you not only concretize what you came up with, but also outline your own plan of action, getting the big picture and ready-made ways to implement it.

Major obstacles

Hasty conclusions and value judgment

In other words, negative. Is it realistic to do it? How good is my idea? I've never done that before. I have too little time or no money ... These kinds of negative thoughts are quite normal when we are faced with something new, unusual and ambiguous. However, it is they who often ruin our ability to change our lives for the better. We are afraid and prefer to leave things as they are.

What to do: instead, state 3 reasons for yourself why it will work and put the negativity aside. You haven't even done anything yet, so don't be afraid of hypothetical difficulties. Even if you start with a raw idea, having a positive attitude will help you refine it to a better version.

What if it doesn't work?

Another stumbling block for most of us is the fear of making mistakes and making the wrong decision. At this point, it will be more useful to hold the opinion that there are no wrong decisions. And remember some good example.

I was not wrong. I've only found 10,000 ways that don't work.

Thomas Edison

Even if later it turns out that you were mistaken or the idea was not as brilliant as you wanted, you just draw conclusions, and with the experience gained, you will improve it as needed. In fact, such a story can repeat itself more than once, but only thanks to your efforts and faith in yourself, you will get the result you dreamed of.

There is a big difference between failure and temporary defeat.

Napoleon Hill

Personally, I really like the idea of \u200b\u200bBodo Schaefer. And I believe there is value in his method. Regardless of whether some setting is created in our brain or not, the inspiration and energy that we have with the idea is enough for the first step. The main thing is to have time to use them. And 72 hours is enough.

So if you have an idea, put all your fears and negative thoughts away, grab a pen and notebook, and get to work.

Tell us, what techniques and techniques do you use to implement your ideas and plans? And have you noticed how procrastination affects the likelihood of success?

How often does it happen that a person comes up with an amazing idea, just when he makes purchases in a store, or goes to work, or takes a bath ... A person lights up, inspired by a new idea, but ... Days and months go by, but the idea is still not finds its embodiment in life, everything goes on as always, nothing in life changes.

Probably, everyone has experienced this, and it is very offensive from this state of affairs, especially when you see how someone brings such ideas to life and achieves success. To avoid such a situation, the following are very simple principles that you can follow to make your ideas come true.

Write your idea down on paper

It often happens that a person simply forgets about his idea corny. A lot of thoughts and ideas are constantly born in the head, because a person has to solve a lot every day life tasks... And that very brilliant idea is simply eroded from the head. As a conclusion - the idea should be immediately written down on paper, well, or in mobile phone, it's more convenient for someone. The main thing is that the device for recording successful thoughts is always at hand. After all, a brilliant idea can appear in the most unexpected place.

Start small

A person can be so fired up by his idea that he wants to immediately implement it. For example, deciding to go in for sports, you will not only start doing morning exercises, or jogging, but also want to attend classes in yoga, swimming and hand-to-hand combat. This is, of course, a commendable zeal, but there is a high probability that you will not be able to afford such a volume. These activities can squeeze you so much that you just feel disgusted with playing sports in general. Much better, embodying new idea into your life, start small, and gradually build momentum.

Start the mechanism

In order for the idea to work and a person to approach his goal, it is necessary to act, and act again, no matter how corny it sounds. Dreams and philosophizing will not help, all that is necessary is to start with something small, and take constant actions in this direction, and very soon you will notice that you have become much closer to your dream than you were before. Start now, start now.

Do everything as well as possible

Naturally, you need to try to do everything well, but you shouldn't overdo it either. Carried away by the implementation of the idea, it is worth remembering that you can ruin everything by going too far. It can be very useful to show your project to friends. An outsider's perspective and constructive criticism can help a lot. And remember that knowing you've done it is great. This is great motivation and inspiration for new projects.

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