Social structure of society. Criteria for the selection of social groups. What social group is identified on a political basis? What social group is identified by ideological basis?

Tasks 11. Social structure of society; family as a small group; variety of social roles in adolescence

1. The totality of large social groups that make up society is called

1) social relations

2) social structure

3) social norm

4) social mobility


Any society always has a social structure, which is understood as the entire set of classes, strata, social groups, etc.

Correct answer: 2.

2. Dmitry is 17 years old, he is finishing high school. His family is parents, sister and brother. These characteristics show

2) the ethnicity of the person

3) family prestige

4) the social status of the individual


Social status is a social position occupied by a social individual or social group in society or a separate social subsystem of society.

Correct answer: 4.


1) employees

2) youth

3) physics teachers

4) Petersburgers


Demography is interpreted as statistics of the population and studies the size of the population, its division into age and sex groups, as well as the direction of change in this composition due to fertility, mortality, change in life expectancy.

Correct answer: 2.

4. What social group allocated on a territorial basis?

1) clergy

2) women

3) Muslims

4) Europeans


The clergy is a professional sign; women are a demographic sign; Muslims are a religious sign. Only the Europeans are distinguished on a territorial basis.

Correct answer: 4.

5. The family, unlike other small groups, is characterized by

1) general hobbies

2) direct personal contacts

3) own social norms

4) joint farming


The family, unlike other small groups, is characterized by joint household management.

The rest of the traits can appear in other small groups. for example in class.

Correct answer: 4.

6. Which of the named social groups is distinguished according to a professional basis?

1) military personnel

2) youth

3) conservatives

4) Muscovites


Military personnel - professional; youth - demographic; conservatives - political; Muscovites are territorial.

Correct answer: 1.

7. What terms refer to the concept of "social norms"?

1) thinking, speech

2) warning, ban

3) upbringing, education

4) class, estate


Social norms - generally accepted rules, patterns of behavior, standards of activity, designed to ensure orderliness, stability and stability of social interaction of individuals and social groups. The set of norms operating in a particular community constitutes an integral system, the various elements of which are interdependent. Social norms can issue warnings and prohibitions on human behavior.

Correct answer: 2.

8. What social group is demographically distinguished?

1) economics teachers

2) employers

3) Petersburgers

4) men


Economics teachers are a professional attribute; employers are an economic attribute; Petersburgers - territorial; men are demographic.

Correct answer: 4.

9. The set of interrelated social groups that make up the internal structure of society is called

1) social inequality

2) social structure

3) social mobility

4) social institution


Social structure is a set of interrelated elements that make up the internal structure of society.

Social inequality is a form of social differentiation, in which individual individuals, social groups, strata, classes are at different levels of the vertical social hierarchy and have unequal life chances and opportunities to satisfy needs.

Social Institute (lat. institutum establishment, establishment) - a historically developed form of organizing the joint life of people, arising from the need to meet the social needs of society.

Social mobility, change by an individual or group of social position, place in the social structure.

Correct answer: 2.

10. The socially significant signs that determine the position of a person in society include

1) educational level

2) worldview

3) physical data

4) features of temperament


A person's position in society depends on:

1) the level of education;

2) personal qualities (abilities, talents, degree of personality development);

3) social roles performed by a person;

4) belonging to any social and social organizations;

5) the economic situation of a person.

Correct answer: 1.

11. Siberians, Urals are

1) national communities

2) territorial communities

3) ethnic groups

4) professional-regional groups


People of various nationalities and professions can live in Siberia and the Urals.

Correct answer: 2.

12. In our country, more than 80% of women between the ages of 30 and 50 are employed. This indicator reflects

1) age and sex structure

2) the structure of employment

3) professional structure

4) the continuity of generations


Attitude towards work is a sign of the structure of employment.

Correct answer: 2.

13. Tribal community, in contrast to the nationality

1) is characterized by a common language

2) appears with the emergence of the state

3) based on consanguinity

4) unites families of the patriarchal type


Pre-class society is represented by such forms of community of people as clan and tribe.

Rod-group of blood relatives, leading their origin along the same line.

A tribe is the union of several clans.

A nationality is a historically formed community of people united by a common territory, language, culture, follows the tribe and precedes the nation.

Correct answer: 3.


1) innate status

2) social role

3) the achieved status

4) public prestige


Types of statuses:

3. Mixed (disabled).

Correct answer: 1.


1) mastering new technologies


Family functions:

2. social status;

3. household;

4. emotional;;

6. socialization of children;

7. recreational - leisure activities.

Correct answer: 4.


1) multigenerational

2) small (nuclear)

3) patriarchal

4) incomplete


Correct answer: 2.

17. A distinctive feature of a nation as an ethnic community is

) common language and spiritual culture

2) sovereignty in foreign policy

3) the presence of public authority

4) the variety of property relations


Correct answer: 1.

18. That is characteristic feature nation?

1) common historical memory

2) the presence of a political system

3) competitiveness

4) the presence of a management apparatus


A nation is a historically established community characterized by developed economic ties, common territory, language, culture, psychological makeup, and self-awareness.

Correct answer: 1.

19. Officers, teachers, miners make up groups

1) estate

2) ethnic

3) regional

4) professional


The main difference is professional affiliation, they can live in the same region and be of the same nationality.

Correct answer: 4.

20. Both class and nation

1) have sovereignty

2) are an element of the social structure

3) are characterized by a certain place in the production system

4) exercise public authority


A class is a community allocated in relation to property and the social division of labor.

Nations emerge during the development of capitalist relations.

A nation is a historically established community characterized by developed economic ties, common territory, language, culture, psychological makeup, and self-awareness.

Correct answer: 2.


1) social status

2) social stratification

3) socialization

4) social status


Each person occupies a certain position in society, which is determined by:

1. Income - the amount of money received by an individual or a family for a certain period of time (salary, allowance, pension, stipend, alimony). Wealth is accumulated income.

2. Education

3. Power

4. Prestige - the respect that a particular profession enjoys in public opinion.

Correct answer: 2.

22. The Nikolaev family consists of a mother, daughter and son school age... What type can this family be classified as?

1) patriarchal

2) traditional

3) nuclear

4) multigenerational


The family - according to traditional views, the basic unit of society, characterized, in particular, by the following inherent stable features.

The main types of family (nuclear, complex, complete, incomplete).

Nuclear families are families consisting of one married couple with children.

Complex family - other relatives are added to the family core, both along the ascending line (grandparents, great-grandparents) and along the lateral lines (different relatives of each spouse). It can also include several married couples whose members are related by family ties and joint households.

Correct answer: 3.



Correct answer: 4.

24. A distinctive feature of an ethnic group is

1) a single economic space

2) having a single language

3) a unified political system

4) general legislation


Ethnicity is a set of people who have a common culture, realizing this community as an expression of the common historical destinies. It is a generalizing concept for a tribe, nationality, nation.

Correct answer: 2.

25. N. is a member of this social group from birth. During his lifetime, he cannot transfer to another group. For this he needs to be born again. Its social position is fixed in the religious beliefs of the given people. What social group does N. belong to?

1 class

2) stratum

3) caste

4) estate


Each person occupies a certain position in society, which is determined.

A stratum is a social stratum of people with similar characteristics in terms of income, power, education, and prestige.

Social stratification-division of society into strata in a hierarchical order.

Correct answer: 3.

26. The division of society into groups is called

1) social status

2) social stratification

3) socialization

4) social status


Social stratification-division of society into strata in a hierarchical order.

Historical types of stratification:

1. Slavery. Patriarchal (treating the owner as a father) and classical (slave-tool of labor).

2. Caste - social. a group whose membership a person owes his birth to.

3. Estate - social. a group whose members differ in the rights and obligations enshrined in law and inherited.

4. Class - a large group of people, differing in their place in social production, in relation to the means of production, the role in public organization labor.

Correct answer: 2.

27. TO social sphere society refers to the relationship between

1) governments of states

2) entrepreneurs of one state

3) the state and the entrepreneur

4) state and pensioner


Traditionally, there are four main spheres of public life:

1) social (peoples, nations, classes, age and gender groups, etc.);

2) economic (productive forces, production relations);

3) political (state, parties, social and political movements);

4) spiritual (religion, morality, science, art, education).

Correct answer: 4.

28. What are the main functions of the family?

1) mastering new technologies

2) maintaining political stability

3) raising the cultural level

4) education of children and adolescents


Family functions:

1. reproductive - biological reproduction of the population;

2. social status;

3. household;

4. emotional;;

6. socialization and education of children;

7. recreational leisure activities.

Correct answer: 4.

29. The nationality of a person is a characteristic of his

1) innate status

2) social role

3) the achieved status

4) public prestige


Types of statuses:

1. Prescribed - the status in which a person is born or which is assigned to him over time (age, gender, race, nationality, royal family, relatives in law).

2. Achievable - the status that a person has received through their efforts, desire or luck (profession, husband, millionaire, world champion).

3. Mixed (disabled).

Correct answer: 1.

30. In modern western countries the most common family

1) many generations

2) small (nuclear)

3) patriarchal

4) incomplete


The family - according to traditional views, the basic unit of society, characterized, in particular, by the following inherent stable features.

The main types of family (nuclear, complex, complete, incomplete).

Nuclear families are families consisting of one married couple with children.

Complex family - other relatives are added to the family core, both along the ascending line (grandparents, great-grandparents) and along the lateral lines (different relatives of each spouse). It can also include several married couples whose members are related by family ties and joint households.

Correct answer: 2.

31. The structure of society is represented by a set of social communities and groups. What social group is allocated on a territorial basis?

1) peasants 2) Ryazan 3) Russians 4) passengers

Explanation. On a territorial basis, Ryazan residents have been identified, they live in Ryazan.

Correct answer: 2.

32. What social group is identified on a political basis?

1) catholics

2) conservatives

3) intelligentsia

4) peasants

Explanation On a political basis, the conservatives are singled out, the political direction, acting in the framework of the preservation of the old order.

Correct answer: 2.

33. A social stratum (group), membership in which a person owes exclusively his birth, is called

1) class 2) estate 3) stratum 4) caste

Explanation A social stratum (group), membership in which a person owes exclusively to his birth, is called a caste.

Correct answer: 4

34. Small social groups include

1) teachers working in the same city

2) members of the national association of ecologists

3) small peoples of the Far North

4) soccer team

Explanation. A small group is understood as a small group, whose members

united by a common social activities and are in immediate personal

communication, which is the basis for the emergence of emotional relationships, group

norms and group processes. Based on this definition, the only correct answer is 4

35. What attribute determines a person's belonging to the social group of Siberians?

1) ethnic

2) territorial

3) confessional

4) demographic


Siberians are distinguished on a territorial basis.

Correct answer: 2

36. Which of the following statuses is prescribed?

1) man

2) professor

3) mother

4) car owner


The prescribed status is the one that is required. Only the first one meets this definition, everything else may or may not be. This means that these are the achieved statuses.

Correct answer: 1

37. The method of resolving the conflict through mutual concessions of the parties is called

1) confrontation

2) mediation

3) compromise

4) suppression


Conflict is a clash of different interests; a natural process that should not be feared. The way to resolve a conflict through mutual concessions of the parties is called a compromise.

Correct answer: 3

38. Social mobility is

2) an individual's change of his social status


Correct answer: 2

39. Clan, tribe, nationality are examples

1) demographic groups

2) ethnic communities

3) social strata

4) historically established types of society


It is customary to distinguish four main types of ethnic groups - clan, tribe, nationality and nation, differing from each other in terms of the level of development of culture, economy, knowledge, etc.

Correct answer: 2

40. Social mobility is

1) clash of social interests

2) the ability to change your social status

3) the presence of interaction between different social groups

4) the basis for social stratification


Social mobility is an opportunity to change the social stratum. Concept social mobility close in meaning to the concept of a social lift or career.

Correct answer: 2

41. What attribute determines the belonging of miners to a social group?

1) the amount of income

2) educational level

3) age

4) profession


A miner is a profession.

Correct answer: 4

42. The ethnic social group includes

1) youth

2) Siberians

3) estate

4) Buryats

Explanation. Ethnic division is based on national and tribal characteristics.

Correct answer: 4

43. The demographic social group includes

) middle class

2) Russians

3) youth

4) Siberians


The demographic feature of the selection is gender and age characteristics.

Correct answer: 3

44. The structure of society is represented by a set of social communities and groups. What social group is allocated on a territorial basis?

1) peasants

2) Ryazan people

3) Russians

4) passengers


Ryazan - a person living in Ryazan

Correct answer: 2


1) uniform clothing preferences

2) direct personal contacts

3) organization of shared life


A common life is typical only for a family. Everything else is possible for other social groups, for example. class.

Correct answer: 3

46. There are different typologies of families. Which of the following types of family is allocated depending on the size of the family?

1) democratic

2) liberal

3) nuclear

4) patriarchal


1) democratic 2) liberal - the nature of the relationship

3) nuclear - no more than two generations

4) patriarchal - the nature of the relationship.

Correct answer: 3

47. Social scientists use the term "social conflict" to refer to

1) society's reactions to human behavior

2) collision of opposing interests

3) the significance of the social status of the individual

4) socially dangerous offense


Conflict (lat. Conflictus - collided) is the most acute way of resolving contradictions in interests, goals, views arising in the process of social interaction.

Correct answer: 2

48. Which of the following is a significant feature for determining the social structure of society?

1) people's cognitive interests

2) features of the character of people

3) mental abilities of people

4) the level of education of people


The division of society into strata is carried out on the basis of 4 criteria: income, education, power and prestige.

Correct answer: 4

49. What social role is typical for both the adult and the teenager?

1) family member

2) director of the company

3) guardian

4) basic school student


Both are family members. 2,3 - only an adult, 4 - a teenager.

Correct answer: 1

50. The structure of society is represented by a set of social communities and groups in the variety of their connections. What social group is identified on a political basis?

1) Voronezh residents

2) democrats

3) officers

4) women


1) Voronezh - territorial

2) Democrats political

3) officers are professional

4) women demographic

Correct answer: 2

51. What makes the family different from other small groups?

1) joint leisure activities

2) joint farming

3) common interests

4) the presence of group rules and norms


Correct answer: 2

52. What makes the family different from other small groups?

1) implementation of joint activities

2) organization of common life, household

3) the presence of uniform preferences in clothing

4) joint leisure activities


1.3. 4 - may be typical for other social groups, for example, a class at school.

Correct answer: 2

A person in the process of his life constantly enters into social groups.

Exist different kinds such associations.


Social group - a set of people who share common characteristics, views or interests.

All human life is being in groups.

In each, he performs a specific role.

Signs and structure

Signs of a similar community:

  • internal organization;
  • common goal;
  • control system;
  • behavior patterns;
  • intensive interaction between representatives;
  • a sense of belonging, involvement in community activities;
  • consideration of each other's interests;
  • participants have certain expectations.

A social group, like any other set of people, has a certain structure.

A stable organizational system of the community allows maintaining its effective functioning, ensuring the satisfaction of the interests of all participants.

Main structural elements: core and periphery. Core- this is the central part, which consists of key representatives.

It is they who determine the direction of activity, development paths and existing orders within the association.

The nucleus has stability and constancy, its organizers rarely leave their leading positions and move to the level of the periphery.

It is due to this stability of the nucleus and the stability of the community is maintained.

The representatives of the core have the integrity of views and interests, they have common convictions.

The emergence of disagreements between them and the destruction of the nucleus leads to automatic group destructionif from among the representatives of the periphery there are no persons capable of forming a new stable nucleus.

Periphery- this is a less significant part of the structure, which consists of individuals, to varying degrees, indirectly involved in the process. The further away from the core, the less the degree of human involvement.

During the existence of a community, people from the periphery constantly migrate from one position to another, or completely leave the community.

Migrationoccurs due to changes in the initial characteristics (, education, profession, achievements, etc.) or due to social mobility.


There are various theories for the classification of social groups.

The basic principle of their separation is based on an estimate of the value of the community and assumes the existence of two main types:

  • large;
  • small.

By level of internal interactionthe following division applies:

  • primary (contact);
  • secondary (remote).

Primarygroups - associations of people who enter into direct, are in close relationships. These are associations of friends, relatives, colleagues.

Secondary imply a more formal communication - this is a relationship based on legal, contractual obligations. Here, the participants never interact with each other on an emotional level, but communicate exclusively in a business direction.


This is a small community of people entering into communication. There are emotional connections, and their interaction is governed by general norms and principles.



  • by the way of education: spontaneous, organized;
  • by the presence of connections: real, conditional;
  • public: official, unofficial;
  • by the level of development: with a low level, with a high level;
  • by personal significance: reference, membership groups;
  • by social significance: positive, asocial, antisocial.

Examples of

The classic example is a family... This is not only a family consisting of parents and children, but also the entire totality of relatives united by ties of blood relationship, marriage and emotional attachments.

The criterion for a person's belonging to a family is his participation in the relationship with other relatives.

The core of such a community is made up of relatives, who have the main authority among the majority and make key decisions. Such people in the family communicate with all its representatives, are always aware of events and can influence their further development.

IN peripheryincludes people who are less involved in interpersonal relationships between members of a given community and have a lower degree of awareness.

The family can be classified according to the above criteria.

For example, spouses who are legally married public status are official group.

If a man and a woman consider themselves a family, but are not married, their union is unofficial.

The family, in which everyone is successfully socialized in society, is of social importance positive... If there is destructive behavior (parental alcoholism, unlawful behavior of children, etc.), then the family becomes asocial.

Another classic example is. Under friendshipthe close interpersonal interaction of individuals interested in each other is understood.

A small group can consist of two friends, or it can be represented by a group of friends. The core of the community will be formed by individuals who have the greatest authority among all participants.

During the existence of friendly relations due to changes in the social and personal characteristics of friends, their role may change. Also, the loss by some of the participants of the desire to continue communication can lead to their departure.


This is a collection of people that is part of a society. These include: classes, nations, ethnic groups, meetings, meetings, etc. The general classification makes it possible to distinguish the following types:

Two similar communities occupy a special historical place - they are ethnic groups and classes... Ethnic groups have a common culture, common language, behavioral characteristics, awareness of their differences from other ethnic groups.

Classes are collections of people who hold a special place in society and have an appropriate level of social benefits.


The vital activity of such associations is based on common goals, traditions, views. A large set of people has a unified psychology, which determines the system of ideals and emotional preferences.

Similar psychology leaves an imprint for each specific person. Therefore, the concepts of a typical representative of a class, ethnic group, etc. arise. All people become bearers of those views and that are accepted in their association.

Public opinion consists precisely of those attitudes and principles that are transmitted by representatives of various large groups.


Many scientists in different times noted the importance of large social groups, their able to influence the stability of society and change the course of events.

Among all species, the crowd is especially powerful.

It lies in the fact that with absolute randomness and disorganization, it can become a driving force that changes the social structure of society.

The crowd usually means spontaneous gathering of people, which has the following features:

  • multiplicity(in small groups, the phenomenon of social impact on public life cannot arise);
  • contact(people in the crowd stand in close proximity to each other);
  • agitation(people from the crowd are in an emotionally agitated state, do not fully control their behavior, under the influence of universal unity, they are prone to impulsive and irresponsible actions);
  • disorganization(the spontaneous nature of the emergence of the association and the emotional excitement of its participants prevent the development of a clear strategy of action);
  • aimlessness(despite the common reason that prompts people to act, each of them pursues their own individual goals).

Another phenomenon is reference group (can be not only large, but also small). It does not have, like a crowd, a large-scale impact on the social order, but it can have a significant impact on the life of a particular individual.

This is a real or imaginary collection of individuals, which is benchmark... He dreams of becoming a part of this community, if he is not already in it. As a result, the existence of such a standard motivates a person to achieve the necessary results, to work on himself.

If he is already a member of the reference group, then its members for him become authoritiesthat he is guided by in life.

For a child, his family acquires such importance, for adolescents - a company of peers, for an adult - a colleague who has achieved professional success, etc.

Socio-psychological climate

The concept of the socio-psychological climatein the group includes the assessment of the following criteria:

  • a set of socio-psychological characteristics;
  • emotional mood prevailing in the community;
  • the nature of the relationship.

When favorable climateall participants feel a positive attitude, experience feelings of security, joy, trust, sympathy. All communications are based on the principles of mutual respect, openness and involvement in a common cause.

Everyone gets opportunities for personal or professional growth (depending on the type of group), has the right to show initiative and make decisions. Potential mistakes do not entail fear of punishment or judgment.

IN unfavorable climatein the first place are such feelings as pessimism, tension, uncertainty, suspicion. Community members do not feel trust or sympathy for each other.

The lack of a positive attitude leads to a reluctance to make joint efforts to achieve goals, and this, in turn, leads to general dissatisfaction.

Exploring problems

The problem of groups takes key place in social psychology, since social psychology studies the characteristics of people's behavior precisely when they are involved in social groups, as well as the study of the key characteristics of the groups themselves.

In social psychology, the following questions are subject to study:

  • understanding between people;
  • building relationships;
  • social attitudes;
  • obedience to social norms;
  • large group phenomena;
  • psychological phenomena, processes (public opinion, mass consciousness, rumors, religion, etc.);
  • the degree of mutual influence of the individual and the group;
  • intergroup relationships;
  • leadership.

Group response to behavior

To preserve the unity of the community, representatives of its core adhere to certain management principles... These principles must be respected by all participants.

In a situation where one person violates the rules established for all, the majority has the right to apply to him measures of influence... Such measures are called social sanctions.

An individual who has committed an inappropriate act, under the influence of sanctions, must correct his behavior. Otherwise, it may be excluded from the group.

Thus, social groups - an integral part of individual life... Each person consists of many small and large associations that have a certain influence on him.

Concept and types of social groups:

Social science. Grade 9. Training “Social structure of society. Manifold
social groups "

“The social structure of society. Variety of social
groups "
Training tasks

ideological basis?
1) conservatives
2) migrants

3) retirees
4) Muslims


The structure of society is represented by a set of social communities and
groups. What social group is identified according to professional criteria?
1) passengers
2) doctors

3) retirees
4) townspeople


A set of interconnected social communities and groups of scientists
1) social structure
2) social inequality

3) social mobility
4) social policy


The structure of society is represented by a set of social communities and
groups in the variety of their connections. What social group is allocated by
1) landowners
2) conservatives

3) Udmurts
4) Muslims


What social group is identified on a political basis?
1) catholics

2) conservatives 3) intelligentsia 4) peasants


consent StatGrad is prohibited

social groups "

Small social groups include

Teachers working in the same city
members of the national association of ecologists
small peoples of the Far North
football team


Clan, tribe, nationality are examples

Demographic groups
ethnic communities
social strata
historically formed types of society


Social layer (group), membership in which a person is obliged exclusively
its birth is called
1) class

2) estate

3) stratum

4) caste


What sign determines a person's belonging to a social group
1) ethnic
2) territorial

3) confessional
4) demographic


What attribute determines the belonging of miners to a social group?
1) the amount of income
2) educational level

3) age
4) profession

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Social science. Grade 9. Training “Social structure of society. Manifold
social groups "

In country Z, a public opinion poll was conducted in 2010, during
which the respondents were asked to answer the question “What professions
do you consider the most prestigious and profitable? " Poll results
(as a percentage of the number of respondents) are presented in the table.

civil servant




Find in the list below the conclusions that can be drawn from
tables, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.
1) Almost a third of the inhabitants of country Z consider the legal profession a prestigious and
bringing good income.
2) One fifth of the inhabitants of country Z believe that the profession of a financier
is the most prestigious.
3) The least profitable residents of country Z consider the civil service.
4) The profitability of the military profession is positively assessed by a third
residents of country Z.
5) Every tenth respondent believes that high income can
bring the profession of a manager.

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consent StatGrad is prohibited

Social science. Grade 9. Training “Social structure of society. Manifold
social groups "

The results of the survey, reflected in the table, were published and commented on in the media. Which of the following conclusions directly
follow from the information obtained during the survey? Write down the numbers under
by which they are indicated.
1) Professions associated primarily with work in the budget
institutions are the most prestigious from the point of view of residents
country Z.
2) According to the majority of the surveyed residents of country Z, the most
prestigious and profitable professions require legal
3) The idea of \u200b\u200bthe prestige of the profession always coincides with the expectations of its profitability.
4) Half the number of inhabitants of country Z considers a profession
hired manager the most prestigious and profitable than owning and
managing your own business.
5) High level physical activity is the defining indicator that people in country Z look at when they call
prestigious professions.

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consent StatGrad is prohibited

1. What is a social group ? Social group and social community.
Some sociologists consider a social community as a large mass social group; others define a social group as a small social community.
Possible meanings of the concept of social group:
1) in the broadest sense, the concept of a social group covers any social association - from a family and a group of peers to the society of a given country and even all of humanity;
2) in a narrower sense, it means a large association of people;
3) a relatively small set of people interacting with each other on the basis of shared expectations of each member of the group in relation to others.
Social groups are distinguished by great stability, a high degree of homogeneity and cohesion, and also by the fact that they can be included in broader social formations as elements.
Mass social communities are usually characterized by structurelessness and vagueness of composition, organizational amorphousness, and insufficient definition of boundaries.
Social group (social community?) - one of the main forms of uniting people, the purpose of which is to satisfy the needs of individuals in the implementation of joint, solidarity and coordinated actions.
2 . Classification of social groups.
2.1. by number: large and small;
2.2. by the nature of interaction: primary and secondary;
3.3. by the way of organizing and regulating interaction: formal and informal;
3.4. by the number of values \u200b\u200baround which they are united: unilateral and multilateral;
3.5. Conditional, nominal (unite people who do not have direct relationships and contacts with each other) and real (really existing unions of people connected by certain relationships and realizing their belonging to it).
Reference group (from english... refer - refer) is a social group in relation to which the individual feels his belonging, with which he identifies himself. At the same time, he can really belong to a completely different group; the leading feature of the reference group can be economic, political, cultural or professional attributes.
Each social group is characterized by certain connections and common socially significant characteristics: nationality, income, power, education, profession, place of residence, religious affiliation, lifestyle and lifestyle, etc.
IN small groups, social relations are carried out through direct contacts of their members. Such groups are more cohesive and effective. IN large groups, relations between members are formed around certain social values \u200b\u200b(norms, traditions, dogmas and postulates), while members may not even know about the existence of each other.
Primary Groups (family, group of friends) affect many aspects of our life and lead us to personal and intimate connections with others. Secondary a group is a number of people who meet regularly, but whose relationship is mostly impersonal.
Groups whose activities are officially recognized by the relevant institutions of society and are duly formalized in them are called formal... Groups whose activities and norms of behavior are not formally regulated are considered informal.
Public class, being a more stable community, united by a number of signs of a fundamental order, it is a socio-historical, transitory category. The groups and strata generated by the natural - historical differentiation of spheres and types of human activity - are constant and are elements of any society as a system.
Two groups of the population fall out of a stable social structure: lumpen and marginal. TO lumpenam (from it... Lumpen - "rags") refers to people who have sunk to the bottom of public life - vagrants, beggars, homeless people. The increase in the size of this group (lumpenization of the population) is dangerous for society, since it serves as a breeding ground for various kinds of extremist organizations.
A different position and a different social role for marginal layers (from lat... marginalis - "on the edge"). These include groups that occupy an intermediate position between stable communities. One of the main channels of marginalization is mass migration from village to city. Former villagers, having lost contact with the rural way of life, become people with broken social ties, destroyed spiritual values. Such strata of the population strive for a firm, state-established order, for a "strong hand". Often, people from marginalized groups are the most entrepreneurial and successful in their professional activities.
Often, along with social groups, groups of people are distinguished, united by natural characteristics: race, gender, age. They are sometimes called biosocial groups.
3 . Small group. Man in a group.
Small group - a small social group, whose members are united by common activities and are in direct, stable personal communication with each other, on the basis of which both emotional relationships and special group values \u200b\u200band norms of behavior arise.
The generic sign of a small group is belonging to social groups, species - direct, stable personal contact (communication, interaction). Minimum size small group - two people, maximum - several dozen people. According to socio-psychological research, the most effective is a small group of 5-7 people.
The position of a person in a small group is called status. In different groups (family, work collective), the same person has a different status, a different position - it depends on the content of the group's activities and is characterized by authority and prestige.
In a group, a person always plays a role - the role of a family member, the role of an employee, the role of a student, etc. The most important is the role of the leader.
Through group norms, values, certain rules, the foundations of joint activities are formed. These norms are necessarily accepted and recognized by all members of the group.
The group puts some pressure on the individual.
How a person responds to group pressure:
1) suggestibility - unconscious acceptance of the line of behavior, the opinion of the group;
2) conformism or opportunism (a person's change of their behavior in order to outwardly meet the requirements of other people with internal disagreement);
3) active consent (consciously defending the interests of the group), nonconformism (disagreeing with the majority, defending one's own interests);
4) non-conformism (disagreement with the majority, defending one's own interests).
Classical studies of conformism:
1) experiments Sheriffa (1937).
You are sitting in a dark room, and a luminous point appears 4.5 meters away from you. At first, absolutely nothing happens. Then she moves for a few seconds, after which she disappears. And you need to answer the question how far it has moved. The room is dark and you don't have any "reference point" to help you define it. And you start wondering: "Maybe 15 centimeters." The experimenter repeats the procedure, and this time you answer the same question differently: "25 centimeters". All your subsequent answers fluctuate around the number "20".
The next day, returning to the laboratory, you find yourself in the company of two more subjects, who the day before, just like you observed the luminous point one by one. When the first procedure ends, your comrades offer their answers, based on the experience they already have. "2.5 centimeters" - says the first. “5 centimeters,” says the second. Somewhat confused, you nevertheless say: "15 centimeters."

If the procedure is repeated in the same composition both during this day and during the next two days, will your answer change? The responses of Columbia University students in Sheriff's experiment changed dramatically. Usually there was a certain group norm. It was not true. Why? Because the point of light didn't move at all! Sheriff's experiments were based on an illusion of perception known as the "autokinetic movement."
2) experiments Asha (1955).
In the early 80s. British researchers S. Perrin and C. Spencer decided to double-check Asch's data, repeating his experiment to the smallest detail. Modern British students, mostly from the middle class, have shown a complete lack of conformity. They proved to be immune to group pressure. Two other groups of test subjects, British students registered with the police and young unemployed Hispanics living in England, showed an old level of conformity, the same as in Asch's original experiments.
Authors' main conclusion: conformism is not at all a universal trait of all people, but rather a reflection of the state of American society in the early 1950s.


1. The internal structure of society is traditionally called:

1. Social institution;

2. Social structure;

Social mobility;

Social inequality.

2. Are the following judgments about the structure of society correct?

A. The structure of society is a set of connections and relationships between large social groups;

B. The social division of labor determines the structure of society.

1. Only A is true;

2. Only B is true;

3. Both A and B are true;

4. Both judgments are wrong.

3. Correlate:


1. Citizen;

2. Teenager;

3. Moskvich;

4. Locksmith;

5. Belozerets;

6. Pensioner;

7. Villager;

8. Mexican;

9. Manager;

10. Teacher.

4. The social groups identified by settlement (territorial) include (are)

1. nationality;

3. townspeople;

5. What attribute determines a person's belonging to the social group of doctors?

2. level of education;

3. profession;

4. position in society.

6. The structure of society is represented by a set of social groups and communities in the variety of their connections. What social group is identified by ethnicity?

1.Tyumen people;

2. military;

3. women;

7. What social group is distinguished according to professional criteria?

  1. applicants
  2. economists
  3. townspeople
  4. graduates

8. What social group is allocated on a territorial basis?

  1. clerics
  2. europeans
  3. muslims
  4. women

9. The structure of society is represented by a set of social communities and groups in the variety of their connections. What social group is identified on a political basis?

  1. voronezh residents
  2. democrats
  3. officers
  4. women

10. The structure of society is represented by social groups and communities in the variety of their connections. What social group is allocated according to the territorial (settlement) basis?

  1. women
  2. teenagers
  3. programmers
  4. petersburgers

11. Which of the following terms characterize the demographic structure of society?

  1. women, men
  2. parents, children
  3. belarusians, Tatars
  4. muslims, Christians

12. Which of the above social groups is distinguished according to professional criteria?

  1. muscovites
  2. the youth
  3. conservatives
  4. military personnel

13. Which of the following terms characterize the demographic structure of society?

  1. elderly people, youth
  2. russians, Ukrainians
  3. marginalized, middle strata
  4. orthodox, Buddhists

14. Correlate:


  1. Negroid;
  2. Chinese;
  3. Mongoloid;
  4. Resident of the village;
  5. Protestant;
  6. American;
  7. Caucasian;
  8. Resident of the city of Moscow;
  9. Catholic;
  10. Italian.

15. Small groups include (are) ...

  1. scientific and technical intelligentsia of the megalopolis;
  2. graduates of history departments of the country's universities;
  3. state delegation at an international congress;
  4. teachers of higher educational institutions of the country.

16. Are the following judgments about social groups correct?

A. The size of the group determines whether it is formal or informal;

B. Formal groups have a well-defined structure.

  1. Only A is true;
  2. Only B is true;
  3. Both A and B are true;
  4. Both judgments are wrong.

17. The above list indicates the features of similarity of small social groups with large ones and the features of their difference from each other. Select and write down the numbers of similarities in the first column of the table, and the ordinal numbers of the differences in the second.

  1. uniting people;
  2. direct direct interaction;
  3. number;
  4. the participants are united by a common activity.

18. Correlate:

Examples of groups:

  1. A family;
  2. Student group;
  3. Russian national football team;
  4. School teachers team;
  5. The youth;
  6. Hockey team;
  7. Women;
  8. Friends at the entrance.

19. Both the family and the classroom are

1. ethnic communities

2.small groups strata

4.informal groups

20. Correlate:

21. The expected behavior of an individual, associated with his position in society and typical for a given social group, is called ... prestige;

2. social status;

3. social structure;

4. social role.

22. The common social role for the child and the adult is the role ...

1. voter;

2. a serviceman under a contract;

3. the borrower of the bank;

4. a family member.

23. After the divorce, Citizen C continued to walk with his sons in the park on weekends. This example illustrates the features ...

1. implementation of a social role;

2. fulfillment of social norms;

3. implementation of social policy;

4. manifestations of social mobility.

24. Are the following judgments about the social role correct?

A. Under the social role of a person is understood his position in society.

B. Role demands of a person are made by society.

1. Only A is true;

2. Only B is true;

3. Both A and B are true;

4. Both judgments are wrong.

25. Are the following judgments about the social role correct?

A. The social role is assimilated by the individual in the process of socialization.

B. All social roles of a person must be standardized.

1. Only A is true;

2. Only B is true;

3. Both A and B are true;

4. Both judgments are wrong.

26. Establish a correspondence between situations and social roles that these situations illustrate: for each item given in the first column, select the corresponding item from the second column.

Enter the answers in the table:

27. What is the social role of both adolescents and adults?

1. guardian;

2. Voter;

3. Consumer;

4. Schoolboy.

28. Are the following judgments about social roles true?

A. One of the possible social roles of a teenager is a shopper in a store.

B. Adolescents may not fill all of the social roles that adults can play.

1. Only A is true;

2. Only B is true;

3. Both A and B are true;

4. Both judgments are wrong.

29. What social role can a teenager play?

1.contracted serviceman

2.the younger brother's guardian

3.bus driver

4.the website visitor

30. What social role is typical for a high school student?

1.the conscript

2.the voter


4. consumer

31. What social fact illustrates the political role of a citizen?

1. Yuri Petrovich bought a domestic car.

2. Elena Sergeevna won a medal at the Olympic Games.

3. Anna Ivanovna has worked at the school for 30 years.

32. The position of a person in society, associated with certain rights and obligations, is traditionally denoted by the concept ...

1. social status;

2. social role;

3. social norm;

4. social community.

33. What social fact illustrates the role of the consumer?

1. Masha plays the piano.

2. Marina dances beautifully.

3. Sergei is studying in German courses.

4. Artyom plays in the yard football team.

34. What social role can both a child and an adult play?


3.the voter


35. What social role do adolescents and adults play? student


4.the trustee

36. Correlate:

37. Correlate:

Examples of statuses:

  1. Russian;
  2. Ukrainian;
  3. Grandmother;
  4. Caucasian;
  5. Engineer;
  6. Man;
  7. Choreographer;
  8. Teenager;
  9. Female;

38. What position of status does a person acquire at birth?

1. profession;

2.level of income;

3. education;

4. nationality.

39. What is the achievable status?;


40. Are the following judgments about social status correct?

A. Social status characterizes the place of the individual in the system of social relations;

B. One person can have several social statuses.

1. Only A is true;

2. Only B is true;

3. Both A and B are true;

4. Both judgments are wrong.

41. The above list indicates the similarities between acquired and prescribed status and the features of their difference from each other. Select and write down the numbers of similarities in the first column of the table, and the ordinal numbers of the differences in the second.

1. the position of a person in society;

2. a set of rights and obligations;

3. the status belongs from birth;

4. status is achieved during life.

42. Correlate:


  1. Transfer of a manager from a store in Moscow to St. Petersburg;
  2. Transition from Islam to Orthodoxy;
  3. I.I. Ivanov to US citizenship;
  4. Entrepreneur S.S. Sidorov went bankrupt and became a worker in a steel workshop;
  5. Teacher K.K. Kozlov was appointed director of the school;
  6. Surgeon Z.Z. Zaikin was transferred from hospital no. 15 to polyclinic no. 17;
  7. Worker P.P. Petrov was appointed head of the brigade for special success in his work;
  8. The owner of the car dealership went bankrupt and began selling fresh baked goods on the market.