Western Europe presentation. Presentation "Western Europe: characteristics" in geography - project, report. Western European countries

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Geographical position

Western Europe occupies the western part of the Eurasian continent, washed by the Atlantic and Arctic oceans and their seas. The average height of Europe is about 300 m, the maximum is 5642 m (Mount Elbrus), the minimum is -28 meters (the Caspian Sea). Plains prevail (large - East European, Central European, Middle and Lower Danube, Parisian basin), mountains occupy about 17% of the territory (the main ones are the Alps, Carpathians, Pyrenees, Apennines, Ural Mountains, Scandinavian mountains, mountains of the Balkan Peninsula). There are active volcanoes in Iceland and the Mediterranean.

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Region composition

Western Europe includes: Austria, Belgium, Great Britain, Germany, Ireland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Monaco, the Netherlands, Portugal, France, Switzerland.

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On the territory of Western Europe there are large deposits of oil and gas, bituminous and brown coals, ores, iron, manganese, chromium, bauxite, copper, zinc, tin and some other minerals. Among other continents, Western Europe ranks 1st in the world in terms of reserves of mercury ores, 2nd in reserves of coal, zinc ores, and 3rd in reserves of chrome, lead and apatite ores, and fluorite.

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The structure of the earth's crust within Western Europe is complex. Ancient platforms coexist with younger parts of the earth's crust. In the north of the region are the ancient, heavily destroyed Scandinavian mountains. From the east, they are adjoined by plateaus, turning into hilly elevated and low-lying plains. To the south, the relief is dominated by hilly moraine and outwash plains, formed as a result of the activity of the glacier and its melt water.

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The climate of Western Europe is temperate, transitional to continental, highly dependent on altitude. The winter is mild with frequent snowfalls, the coldest winter month is January, the temperature in the valleys drops to -2C, in the mountainous regions - to -14C. Summers are warm and sunny, the hottest months are July and August, the temperature is about + 20C.

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Inland waters

The main waterways of Europe are the Volga, Don, Dnieper, Danube, North. Dvina, Pechora, Elba, Rhone, Loire, Vistula, Rhine, Odra, Tahoe. Ladoga, Chudskoe, Onega, Zhenevskoe, Balaton are considered to be among the largest European lakes.

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Vegetable world

The territory of Western Europe is covered with deciduous forests, where oak, beech, birch, willow, mountain ash, alder, and aspen grow.

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    Slide captions:

    Western Europe Presentation to the final lesson on the topic “Western Europe” for 11th graders Geography teacher GBOU Secondary School №489 Lifshits I.O.

    What country in Western Europe can we say that this is a country - of geysers and fishing

    Which country in Western Europe can we say that this is a country of gambling houses and an aquarium

    Which country in Western Europe can we say that this is a country - banks and watches

    What country in Western Europe can we say that this is a country - bullfighting and oranges

    What country in Western Europe can we say that this is a country - tulips and household appliances

    What country in Western Europe can we say that this is a country - perfumery and high fashion

    What country in Western Europe can we say that this is a country - skiing and waltz

    What country in Western Europe can we say that this is a country of dairy products and Andersen's tales?

    What country in Western Europe can we say that this is a country of paper and Joulupukki (which means Christmas goat ) Happy New Year!

    Geographical location Mark on a contour map of Western Europe the westernmost point of Eurasia and sign its name

    Mark the coastline of Western Europe on a contour map

    Name the countries of Western Europe that are members of the European Union.


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    18th century art in western Europe

    Ireland Livestock plays a leading role in Ireland's agriculture. The main products of this industry: milk and dairy products, beef, wool, pork. Intensive fishing is conducted in the coastal waters of Ireland. The main commercial species: herring, anchovy, haddock, cod, mackerel. The Irish successfully breed trout, mussels, salmon, lobsters. The main crops are wheat, oats, potatoes, barley and sugar beets.

    Belgium Dairy and beef cattle leading industry agriculture Belgium, gives over 70% of the cost of agricultural products. The country produces about 600 different brands of beer, some of which are years old. In Belgium, about a hundred different brands are produced, they make up about 3/4 of the total production volume, the most famous of them are Stella Artois and Jupiler. Vegetable growing and horticulture account for 20% of the value of agricultural products. Extensive plum and cherry orchards. Flowers and ornamental plants are grown. Big greenhouse in the vicinity of Brussels, where grapes, strawberries, mushrooms are grown for export.

    Netherlands Floriculture prevails in some parts of the country. Fifth place in Europe for butter and fourth for cheese. The most common is grazing, with over 4.5 million heads of large cattle (about 3.5% of EU cattle). Potatoes, sugar beets and cereals are also grown. An important export item is high quality greenhouse and canned vegetables.

    Luxembourg The total area of \u200b\u200bcultivated land in the duchy is 135 thousand hectares. Residents of Luxembourg annually harvest more than 140 thousand tons of grain, 35 thousand tons of potatoes, produce 250 thousand tons of milk, 15 thousand tons of beef and 9 thousand tons of pork. Meat and dairy farming predominates. Mainly cattle are bred. Luxembourg strives to intensify its livestock production, which is why more and more attention is paid to the housing of livestock and the development of industries such as the breeding of pigs, birds, rabbits and bees. Horticulture is well developed. Various fruit trees are cultivated, mainly apple, plum, pear, cherry. Viticulture is one of the most important industries.

    Great Britain Animal husbandry prevails in the structure of agricultural production. Dairy and meat and dairy cattle breeding, pig breeding (bacon fattening), meat sheep breeding and poultry breeding are also developed. England is one of the world's largest suppliers of sheep's wool. Traditionally, animal husbandry is concentrated in river basins. In crop production, almost 60% of arable land is occupied perennial herbs, over 28% for grain crops (including 15% for wheat, 11% for barley); 12% under industrial (rapeseed, sugar beet, flax) and forage crops (including potatoes. The main agricultural regions are East England and the South-East. The country has orchards.

    France France is one of the largest producers of agricultural products in Europe, occupies one of the leading places in the world in terms of the number of cattle, pigs, poultry and the production of milk, eggs and meat. Grain farming prevails in crop production; the main crops are wheat, barley, and corn. Winemaking is well developed (the world's leading wine producer).

    Wine history in France Wine production in France began around the sixth century BC during the colonization of southern Gaul by Greek settlers. The monasteries had the resources, a sufficient level of protection and the motivation to produce consistent volumes of wine, both for their own use and for sale. At this time, the best vineyards belonged to the monasteries, and it was their wine that was considered the best. France is traditionally the largest consumer of its own wine,

    Beneficial features Wine Wine contains some iron, and more importantly, it helps the body absorb iron from food if it is drunk with food. There are slightly more nutrients in red wines than in white ones. They contain vitamins B1, B2, C (in small amounts), vitamin P, which strengthens the walls of blood vessels and normalizes the metabolism of vitamin C, tannins, which have an astringent effect. Natural grape sugars - glucose and fructose - are almost completely fermented during the production of dry wines. Dry table wines contain scanty doses of sugar (no more than 1-1.2 g per liter).

    • Great Britain
    • Austria
    • Netherlands
    • Belgium
    • Germany
    • Switzerland
    • France
    • Ireland
    • And several small states
    • Currently, the countries of Western Europe are the most developed countries in the world. Which produce airplanes, cars - "Mercedes", "Audi", "Renault", "Peugeot".
    • Complex electronic equipment - computers, computing technology - which are exported to many countries of the world.
    • Banks in Western Europe store cash and gold in many countries of the world. Switzerland is the safest bank in the world.
    • The countries of Western Europe are annually visited by millions of tourists and vacationers to get acquainted with cultural and historical sights, admire nature, as well as for recreation and treatment.
    • Great Britain
    • The British have a number of features that distinguish them from other peoples. They are a people of many traditions. The famous proverb "My home is my castle" reflects the personal independence of the British. According to the British, “the ability to control oneself” is the main dignity of a person. From childhood, an Englishman is taught to endure cold and hunger, to overcome pain and fear. Equanimity is also characteristic of them. The ideal of an Englishman is education, independence, dignity, honesty, politeness, perseverance in achieving this goal.
    • Great Britain is considered the birthplace of football.
    • Big Ben is not the name of the tower, but the 13-ton bell that rings inside.
    • Tower height
    • 61 meters (excluding the spire);
    • the clock is located 55 m above the ground. With a dial diameter of
    • 7 meters, hands 2.7 and 4.2 meters long, each digit is only 61 centimeters high.
    • The capital of Great Britain - London is located on the River Thames.
    • France
    • largest state in Western Europe with a variety of natural conditions. The French are also not the same. In the Mediterranean south, where the sky is blue, there is a lot of sun, bright colors of nature, people match them. They stand out for their liveliness, love to talk loudly. The north of France is not like the sunny south. The sky is often covered with low clouds full of moisture. Cool wind blows from the Atlantic, morning fogs are frequent. The French northerner is less sociable and talkative than the southerner.
    • In the north, tall, thin, blue-eyed blondes prevail, while in the south there are often short, stocky, dark-skinned brunettes.
    • In France, the Château Grignon near Versailles houses the world's first "gastronomic" library. Here you can find almost all cooking recipes - from Ancient Greece to the cuisine of modern European monarchs.
    • The Eiffel Tower
    • The visiting card of Paris. The height of the tower is 300 m, weight is 9000 tons. Today this grandiose structure is used as an observation and radio-television tower.
    • Among the Gothic temples of France
    • notre dame cathedral
    • The towers are equipped with the famous statues of chimeras, described in V. Hugo's novel Notre Dame Cathedral. These are fantastic and eerie figures with bat wings, goat's horns or snake heads, swan necks or eagle's claws - allegorical embodiment of all kinds of human sins.
    • Germany
    • A few words about the Germans. They are characterized by honesty and discipline. They are patient and conscientious at work, accurate both at the beginning of the case and at the end. Neatness is one of the most prominent features of the German people. For the Germans, order is paramount. A German will never cross a red light. The family's monetary income and expenses are carefully recorded in a special notebook.
    • Berlin becomes the capital of the International Culinary Olympiad every four years. This grand show has been held in Germany for about a hundred years. During the Olympics, the huge exhibition complex of Berlin turns into an endless restaurant. On the day of the competition, each participating country is required to serve a minimum of 360 dishes, which are evaluated by the jury.
    • Brandenburg Gate
    • Built in 1791 by order of the King of Prussia Friedrich Wilhelm II. Over the two centuries of their existence, they have witnessed many historical events.
    • There are monuments in the world erected to people and even to dolls that never existed in reality. These are monuments literary heroes, to the fruits of the writer's fantasies.
    • The Brothers Grimm fairy tale about these artists made Bremen - the largest industrial center in northern Germany - known to the whole world.
    • Installed in 1951, the monument has become a symbol of the city. The sculpture depicts a donkey, a dog, a cat and a rooster standing in a pyramid on top of each other, as the tale describes them: “The donkey quietly put its front legs on the windowsill, the dog climbed onto the donkey's back, the cat jumped on the dog's back, and the rooster flew up on the cat’s head.” This figure flaunts in the very center of the city on the west side of the city hall building, and was created by the sculptor Gerhard Marks.
    • This dish was invented by the Swiss. When you eat cheese fondue, it's hard not to get dirty. Cheese threads stretch across the table, because everyone tries to dip a piece of bread into the pot more often To prepare this dish is very simple: grate the walls of the pot with a clove of garlic, heat the water in it, put the grated “Emmental” cheese and “Gouda” cheese. Heat, stirring all the time, until the cheese melts and turns into a homogeneous thick mass. Add pepper and nutmeg. Cut the bread into cubes and dip into a dish.
    • Switzerland
    • Cheese fondue
    • Anchoring
    • studied material
    • Thanks for attention!

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    Europe is the most densely populated part of the world. There are currently 45 countries in Europe, excluding Russia. European countries are the most developed. The "big seven (eight - if we take Russia)" includes four European countries: Great Britain, Germany, France and Italy.

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    Austria Austria is located in central Europe. In the north, it borders on Germany and the Czech Republic. In the west - with Liechtenstein and Switzerland. In the south - with Italy and Slovenia. In the east - with Hungary and Slovakia. Population - 8.2 million. Area - 83 858 km². Capital - Vienna (1.54 million). The administrative-federal structure is a federal republic. The official language is German. Major religions: Catholicism, Protestantism. Currency - Euro.

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    The largest cities in Austria: Vienna - 1 540 thousand Graz - 223 thousand Linz - 186 thousand Salzburg - 145 thousand Innsbruck - 115 thousand The largest cities in Austria: Vienna - 1 540 thousand Graz - 223 thousand Linz - 186 thousand Salzburg - 145 thousand. Innsbruck - 115 thousand. Vienna is the capital of Austria and the largest city in the country. Vienna was the capital of Music in the 18th and 19th centuries. Mozart, Haydn, Beethoven, Schubert, Strauss - they all lived and worked in Vienna.

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    Germany Germany ranks 13th in the world and first in Europe in terms of population. Germany is one of the most economically developed countries not only Europe, but also the world. Several automotive giants are located in Germany. These are DaimlerChrysler (Mercedes, Chrysler cars), Volkswagen (Volkswagen, Audi), BMW (BMW, Rolls-Royse).

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    Berlin is the capital of Germany. The second city in Europe in terms of population (after London). After the Second World War Berlin was divided into 2 parts: Berlin (the capital of the GDR) and West Berlin, which was a city-state. In 1961, the Berlin Wall was erected, destroyed in 1989.

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    Denmark Denmark is one of the four Scandinavian countries. Most of Denmark is located on the Jutland Peninsula. Denmark also includes the Faroe Islands and Greenland, which enjoy internal autonomy. The largest Danish islands: Zealand (11th among all European islands), Funen. Denmark has land borders only with Germany (in the south), sea borders with Norway and Sweden.

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    Copenhagen is the capital of Denmark and the largest city in the country, one of the oldest cities in Europe. Copenhagen is located on the island of Zealand. In 1996 Copenhagen received the honorary title of "European Capital of Culture-96". Copenhagen is the capital of Denmark and the largest city in the country, one of the oldest cities in Europe. Copenhagen is located on the island of Zealand. In 1996 Copenhagen received the honorary title of "European Capital of Culture-96". Population - 5.4 million. Area - 43,094 km². The capital is Copenhagen (1,750 thousand). The administrative-federal structure is a constitutional monarchy. The official language is Danish. Major religions: Lutheranism. Currency - Danish krone.

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    France France is located in western Europe. In the south it borders with Spain and Andorra, in the southeast - with Monaco and Italy, in the northeast - with Belgium and Luxembourg, in the east - with Switzerland and Germany. France is separated from the UK by the English Channel. In the south, France is washed by the Mediterranean Sea, in the west - by the waters of the Bay of Biscay, in the northwest - by the English Channel and Pas-de-Calais. The island of Corsica is the ninth largest island in Europe. France owns: Martinique, Guadeloupe, Reunion, French Guiana, French Polynesia, New Caledonia, Saint Pierre and Miquelon. The western and northern parts of France are located mainly on flat terrain. The mountains are located in the southwest (Pyrenees), southeast (Alps with Mont Blanc - 4807 m). In the central and eastern parts of France, the mountains are significantly inferior in height to the Pyrenees and Alps.

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    Sweden Sweden is one of the four Scandinavian countries located in the north of Europe. Its shores are washed by the waters of the Baltic Sea and the Gulf of Bothnia. Sweden has land borders with Finland and Norway. Sweden has two large islands: Öland (1344 km²) and Gotland (3001 km²). In terms of area, Gotland ranks 17th among all the islands of Europe, and Öland is 20th. Do not forget that Europe has such large islands as Great Britain, Iceland and Ireland. The climate in Sweden is similar to that of the northern part of Russia. Modern Sweden - tourist country... New Year's tours and ski tours are especially popular.

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    Stockholm is the capital of Sweden, the most big City countries. Founded in 1252, it has been the capital of Sweden since the 14th century. Population - 8.9 million. Area - 449,964 km². The capital is Stockholm (1 200 thousand). The administrative-federal structure is a constitutional monarchy. The official language is Swedish. Major religions: Lutheranism. The currency is the Swedish krona.