How to make money on financial services. Financial services. How to open a business according to the law

This business idea can be unusual for anyone, just not for residents of Great Britain - for more than a hundred years they have been using gas, dropping a coin into the mouth of an individual home "ATM", which, however, only works to "accept bills" ... How many coins I threw , so much gas and received.

However, the home ATM, which we are talking about now, is not an analogue of an English gas meter, but rather a "bedside table" of a new generation. Yes, yes, the same legendary "Bedside table" about which infantile family members think that it is from there that the money is taken.

And in our review of financial business ideas, we continue the idea of \u200b\u200bATMs.

They say that in Catholic Italy, the so-called "Church circles", that is, boxes for collecting donations from parishioners, have long been replaced by ATMs. Yes, the next article will focus on aTM for charity.

Only such an ATM was invented and installed not in Italy, but in New York, and its user can choose which organization and for what purpose he will donate his several dollars.

Let's return now to the financial idea of \u200b\u200bcontrolling your spending.

Believe it or not, we have created a bank card that helps you not to squander your own and borrowed money, but, on the contrary, to control their leakage!

Have you ever heard of the vegetarian wolf? Me neither. But about a financial business idea, which boils down to bank card, which is designed to help you not to spend, I have heard and I am telling you now. If you are interested in what is the point of this business idea, then read it and be surprised!

We can only think and guess - what is the benefit of financiers who invented a similar hara-kiri for themselves? ..

We continue the theme of those who like to make debts and live on credit. But if the previous services dragged away loan lovers from loans, then this one works in the usual way - helps to take other people's money.

We present to your attention the recently invented financial business - social network. This social network helps to find ... loan guarantors.

True, here they help to take out a loan not to those who are going to waste money stupidly, but only to “micro-entrepreneurs” who are going to start a business. It turns out that even in the civilized world there is a problem - banks are not greedy for microcrediting, they are in no hurry to lend to small entrepreneurs. The site (social network) is organized within the framework of "Fighting World Poverty", and in the photo you can see a typical Asian female face. The fashionable trend in the West is to help women in Asia and Africa “fight for women's rights”. Common measures include birth control, preventing early marriages and "slavery" in the husband's family, helping to organize their own microbusiness, simply organizing jobs for women who have never worked, eliminating their illiteracy and promoting education ...

This project grew out of the same place. Of course, this is not so much a "pure business" as a "financial business carrying out government orders", but the idea of \u200b\u200ba business is interesting.

So can you honestly make money on this, you ask? Or is it a job for a government official? The answer is near.


Here it is! It turns out that on this (as well as on everything, on anything!) You can also earn money!

Unlike the previous financial idea, this one is implemented not through the Internet, but through mobile communication, via phones.

But that's not all!

In America in particular and in the West in general - microbusiness assistance - this is not the business of the state (which only "declares" but does not engage in this), but for some reason it is a common business for any citizens who want to earn money by selling their knowledge and skills. A financial business that helps microentrepreneurs start their own business? And at the same time he does not work closely under the government wing and at the same time makes money ... Can you imagine this with us? You can make money on charity. You just need to know how! You will read about this in our collection of business ideas.

And we continue the theme of charity ideas in the field of finance.

Here is another original example of financial business, this is a site that deals with the world's oldest occupation - simply asks for money (though not for himself, for himself he earns it). He asks for money from those who have them, for those who do not.

More specifically, it gives the opportunity to artists, writers, screenwriters, musicians, designers and other creative intelligentsia, as well as - just to everyone else - entrepreneurs, to look for and.

In the words of Pelevin's heroes, this is the place where business meets money (or does not, if unlucky). How do the owners of the site make money on this, bringing together the "idea" and "wallet"? Read about it in the material, look further on the Internet, armed with a tip on the foreign name of the resource, and then - tell us.

But we're not done with the ideas of charity in finance yet.

The next financial business idea from our Business Ideas Review reminds me of an anecdote: "Announcement: Looking for a giggle girl to study together ahahahahahahahaha."

The idea described here is so frank in its claims and so transparent in its goals and objectives that one wants to cry and laugh while covering his face with an apron. (figuratively speaking, since I never wear aprons).

The financial business described in this "financial" business idea is called "Talent incubator"... And what he does - read by clicking on the link.

Enough about charity in the field of financial business ideas!

Although - where can you get to from her? Here's the next financial idea - again about her, but at least in a slightly different direction ...

Tell me, do receipts, bills and statements scare you? Do you hate dealing with paperwork? Imagine this picture: you take a shoebox and throw all your financial papers into it for a month. And then a courier comes and takes this "garbage" from you. And then, the bank (in which this courier works) neatly arranges your papers into piles, pays for everything, repays everything, etc. etc. And so every month. And your task is only to throw documents into the box ... Do you think this is a fantasy? No, this is a business service, a real financial business idea brought to life! Don't believe me? !

Here's another great financial business idea to create an original service. Like the previous one, this idea of \u200b\u200ba business in the field of finance was born due to the fact that the needs and moans real people were heard.

it financial service that helps keep track of joint expenses between friends... Great financial business idea!

The question "who paid for whom", when all of you are relaxing together, frolic and at the same time, are in time trouble (for example, rushing from airport to airport), then rises upside down. As the saying goes, "but the sediment remained." In order not to destroy good relations, this financial service was invented. It is unlikely that only he will take root with us, who live according to the saying "Break the dishes, I'm crying."

And finally, we have prepared a dessert for you.

This business idea is very remotely related to finance, it seems to us the most reckless and promising.

We promise you this financial idea you will not forget very soon. Moreover, you even want to try it yourself - to bring it to life ... Well, at least - once!


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Is it realistic to open a business in the field of finance with minimal investment? Or do you need investments and more? Many entrepreneurs associate the financial business with banks or audit companies, large investments and difficulties in promoting in the market. But even in finance, you can get by with a small investment, depending on what kind of business you decide to start.

You can open a bookmaker's office, which will require some investment and time. And you can organize a pawnshop with minimal expenses. the population often uses buying services. So-called litigation crowdfunding can become quite profitable. Financial companies invest in lawsuits to get a share of the profits if the process is successful.

Trading in the financial markets is a very profitable activity. Take your place among the participants of the currency or stock exchange and you will have stable, high profits for years to come.

It is possible that there are not so many business ideas as in the field catering or tourism. But many of them will be able to bring really high income. Understand the intricacies of conducting different types this business, you can choose an idea you like here.

Also in school yearswhen my friend and I were organizing and conducting school discos, I got this idea. A friend of mine had a set of audio equipment (I talked about this in the article) and when it was idle, it could be rented out. But then, during the downtime, I was offered to voice one of the city holidays, but I did not have time to work. My friend said that he would work, but for the fact that I found an order for him, he would give me some money. And I thought, why not find orders for someone who provides various services and take a small reward for it. And since then I began to pay attention to those services where there is a decent markup and offer orders.

The essence of the idea

It is clear from the introduction that the point is to provide clients to a business that provides any services. Why services? Because there is no prime cost, and if there is, then the client pays the main fee in any case for the service itself, which consists only of time or physical costs. Thus, the client gets what he wanted, I get a reward, and the client's business. Everyone is happy! At the same time, the business does not spend money on attracting clients, it gives only for the already received client.

Where to look for clients?

Don't look for them! These clients are your acquaintances. I like this type of earnings because we always hear the phrase “Do you have friends, who can ...? etc.". It is so? You are also asked about this, and you yourself ask your friends?) I noticed this long ago and realized that you can make good money on this. This is eternal earnings, because people will never learn to do absolutely EVERYTHING. It is not possible to learn everything and it is impossible to have acquaintances in absolutely all areas. This is all the juice;)

What services to offer

I have a lot of suggestions. I started, as I already said, with the rental of sound equipment and orders for the holidays. But there is more. Then he invited people to parties in clubs and received money from every ticket sold. Soon my uncle's acquaintances began to deal with cabinet furniture and moving, so I began to offer orders to them. When I needed not to join the army, a company of lawyers helped me in this direction and now I bring clients to them. My friend works as an accountant in one of the driving schools, so I agreed with him. I also sell advertisements in public places where I am not an administrator. My friend is very good at repairing phones, computers and other electronics, as well as setting alarms, sound in the car and converting the car to gas, so I agreed with him. There are still little things, but these are little things. There is also a large one, like cargo transportation in Russia, but these are rare orders, but they are well paid.


i speak a lot and little specifics. I will shorten some of the names and speak easier. I get 2,000 rubles from the army. per person, an average of 1-3 acquaintances apply per month, and sometimes 5-6. On the repair of electronics, on average, 100 rubles from a phone and 200 from a laptop. From alarms and sound for a car 500 rubles. From a driving school 1000 rubles. From furniture, when, from a small wardrobe, 1000 on average. It seems a little, but when it was dull with basic earnings, I kept afloat. In a month came out and 7000 rubles. and 27,000 rubles each .. And another moment! My web studio for developing budget websites has a counter offer in the form affiliate program... For each person who comes from you and ordered the site, you get 500, 1000 and more rubles.


As you can already see, there is nothing complicated. There is no need to look for clients. You live in peace, an acquaintance turned with help, helped, called, received money. You will probably think that this is nonsense, it is unrealistic or long. Try it! If it were not for this partner, I call it, earnings, then I would become a fish myself without fish. I would like to say thank you for this idea.

Try it! Search! Earn money! Thanks for your attention and good luck to everyone! And also be sure to read the article.
There will be questions, comments under the text at your service;)

A loan broker assists individuals and legal entities in obtaining a bank loan. For this, he receives a reward in the form of a percentage of the transaction. To start doing such a business in Russia legally, you need to register a company or individual entrepreneur, study the legal framework, the situation in the financial market, decide on a niche, and attract clients. You can also use experience operating companies and open a franchise business.

A credit broker is a financial market participant - an intermediary between the bank and the borrower. In simple words - a loan broker provides assistance in obtaining loans to individuals and legal entities.

But this should not be confused with “black brokers”, when an intermediary negotiates with a friend who works at a bank, and a loan is issued bypassing established regulations, or with fraudulent schemes, when money is taken from a client for a service, but he does not receive a loan in the end. This article tells about legal business.

The main formats of credit brokerage:

Why and who needs such a service?

To make it clear, an example with a consumer loan.

Initial data: Vasily urgently needs to take a consumer loan in the amount of 300 thousand rubles.

Case scenario number 1. There are 12 different banks in the city. He starts calling banks and jotting down interest rates and conditions in order to choose the best option.

Vasily finds out that the interest rate depends on many parameters: credit history, place of work, loan term, availability of insurance, etc. He is offered to visit a bank office and apply for a loan. Vasily goes to bank offices to submit applications and choose the most profitable proposition... He spends the whole day on this.

As a result, he submits applications to three banks: one is refused, the other is asked for additional documents, and the third is approved for the amount of 200 thousand rubles. But this amount does not suit him. Time and nerves were wasted, money was not taken.

Case scenario number 2: Vasily turns to a loan broker. Here, their solvency is assessed, their credit history is checked, they are consulted, they help to choose a bank and a profitable lending program. If there are errors in the credit history (for example, the balance of the current loan or non-existent delays are incorrectly reflected), the credit broker provides a service to correct them.

They help to collect and fill out documents, conduct negotiations with bank employees. Vasily only has to come to the bank, sign an agreement and collect the required amount.

Outcome: Vasily receives the necessary amount under optimal conditions, saves his time and nerves. For this, he pays a certain percentage to the credit broker - as a rule, from 2% to 10% of the amount of the loan received.

The client pays the loan broker for:

  • legal support of a lending transaction;
  • checking the solvency;
  • assistance in paperwork, consulting on banking services;
  • help with choosing the best option and with registration;
  • saving money and time.

Important! Clients will go to a credit broker if the benefit on the loan received exceeds the amount of the fee for the intermediary's services.

Is the business of providing financial intermediation services relevant?

According to the rating agency Fitch, about 40 million people in Russia (which is 26% of all residents of the country, or every fourth) have loans from banks. At the same time, the number of banks in Russia has been rapidly declining over the past few years. For example, in 2010, 1058 banks operated in the Russian Federation, and at the beginning of 2017 - 623.

Despite this situation in the banking sector, and to some extent even thanks to it, the services of credit brokers are becoming more and more in demand. This is due to the fact that a lot of microfinance organizations have appeared on the market, offering "easy money" at high interest rates. To take out a loan from such companies, it is enough to show only a passport. The money will be given at a rate of 1% per day and above (and this is from 365% per annum).

However, the financial literacy of the population and the desire to save their own money are growing. People are looking for ways to save money and time. Monthly (data as of September 2017) search system Yandex records more than 69 thousand requests for the phrase "assistance in obtaining a loan" and more than 34 thousand - for the phrase "credit broker".

As for small businesses, in order to obtain a loan from a bank at an acceptable credit rate, you have to collect a considerable package of documents: charter, certificates of registration and amendments, management and official reporting data, documents for real estate, etc. vehicles other. It is good if the company has a competent accountant who will quickly cope with the task. If this is not the case, then collecting documents turns into a "painful journey." Contacting a credit broker greatly simplifies the process and saves time.

How to open a business according to the law

There is no special separate law regulating the work of credit brokers in Russia. However, there is a very useful document - Professional Standard "Credit Brokerage Specialist" No. 449, it was approved by order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 175n of 03.19.2015.

It describes in detail what a credit broker should know and be able to do, conditions and requirements, a list of services and labor actions.

Also, entrepreneurs wishing to open such a business must adhere to and not violate the norms established by specialized and related laws. These include:

  • The Constitution of the Russian Federation;
  • Civil Code;
  • the federal law "On credit histories";
  • The Law on Banks and Banking Activities;
  • Federal Law "On Personal Data";
  • Tax code;
  • Law "On Advertising";
  • and a number of others, including local, regulations.

Legal subtleties: the activity of providing the services of a credit broker is not subject to licensing. You can work in this area both in the status of an individual entrepreneur and an LLC. Experts advise choosing the STS 6% as the optimal taxation system.

Scheme of work and a step-by-step plan for starting a business

Before starting a business providing credit broker services, you need to study the situation on the financial services market in the region where you plan to open a business.

  1. Visit bank branches, get acquainted with their offers on loans, requirements for borrowers, possible loan amounts. Negotiate financial intermediation. Some banks officially work with credit brokers by concluding agency agreements with them. In such cases, in addition to remuneration for his services from clients, the intermediary also receives an agency fee from the bank. However, this is not an end in itself for a loan broker. The goal of a loan broker is to select a banking product with optimal conditions: term, rate, amount, so that the client does not overpay extra money and save his time.
  2. Visit the companies of operating credit intermediaries and see how the business is arranged “from the inside”. Decide on a niche (mortgage, consumer loans or loans for business). This is necessary to understand the portrait of the target client and the range of services provided.
  3. Study the legal framework, features and conditions for working with services for checking credit history, such as the NBCH (National Bureau of Credit Histories), Equifax. The presence of debts under orders of execution is checked on the FSSP website ( Federal Service bailiffs).
  4. Register a company or individual entrepreneurship, come up with a name, conduct advertising campaign, place ads for clients.
  5. Rent an office, equip it with office equipment and furniture, connect the Internet and telephone, hire employees.

As for the fifth step, you can start without an office, just have it at hand mobile phone and the ability to access the Internet. You can also start working remotely: create a website or a landing page on the Internet through which to offer your services.

Customer acquisition channels are standard: contextual advertising, social networks, ads on paid and free online sites (Avito, My Advertising, From hand to hand) and others.

Experts also recommend that you notify all your friends and acquaintances about the business associated with assistance in obtaining loans. After all, the more people know about the possibility of getting a loan faster and cheaper by contacting a credit broker, the greater the flow of clients. Of course, you still need to prove yourself: to provide quality services.

Review of Credit Broker Franchises

It is possible to simplify the process of creating and starting work of a company providing credit broker services if you open such a business on a franchise. Let's move on to an overview of two franchises that are represented on the franchise market in Russia.

The company positions itself as a center for attracting funding for people and businesses. Partners are offered three tariff plan to choose from: "Start", "Standard" and "Exclusive". You can find out the cost of a franchise on the company's website:

"Banking Advisor" offers not just assistance in starting a credit broker company, but a ready-made business model, which includes:

  • site development;
  • office design project;
  • CRM-system with a module for checking credit histories;
  • online learning;
  • drawing up a business plan;
  • templates for all types of contracts;
  • plus row additional options (depending on the package).

Watch a video about the "Banking Advisor" franchise

Franchise "Financial Partners"

The company "Financial Partners" acts as an intermediary in the provision of services in the processing of consumer loans, mortgages, loans for business, car loans, leasing. Link to the website:

Franchise packages are described in table 1.

Table 1. Offers for partners of the company "Financial Partners"

Package composition and cost

Light package

Package "Standard"

All at once package

Who suits

For cities with a population of less than 300 thousand people or for already operating companies

For cities with a population of 300 thousand.

For cities with a population of more than 300 thousand people

Time to start

What's included

Office launch;

Proprietary CRM system;

Launching a client stream;

Online course for employees;

Contracts for work;

Business cards and form style;

Marketing kit;

Online consultation

The whole package "Light" plus:

Opening and furnishing an office;

Staff recruitment;

Course of Study;

50 customer applications for loans and mortgages;

At least five channels for working with banks;

At least five certificates of partner banks

The whole package "Standard" plus:

At least ten channels for working with banks;

At least ten certificates of partner banks;

Selection of employees;

100 customer applications for loans and mortgages;

Departure of a specialist to launch an office and


Credit history correction services;

For 5000 rubles. balance on checks has been replenished

Franchise cost

390,000 rubles

590,000 rubles

890,000 rubles

Business in the field of finance can be called the most profitable, but at the same time the most risky. The reason for this is that you are investing money, but you risk not returning it. However, in this situation, there are methods of insurance and guarantees of capital return. The main advantage of this type of business is that you do not need to have any special skills and specialties. The principle is to invest money and receive interest.

You can organize this business houses ... Given the specifics of the activity, it is more suitable, although women can handle it. What are the ways of investing money? Most profitable options associated with microcredit, for example, a pawnshop, an insurance company. But if financial reserves are limited, then trading or trading in the financial markets would be ideal. First, you can do it in the Internet and secondly, it is even suitable, because the initial investment can be limited to several tens of dollars, and the profit can be up to 100%.

If you have no start-up capital at all, but still you dream of devoting yourself to a business in the world of finance, then you just need to gain experience in this area, especially since there is plenty of information on the network.

You will find more business ideas in this section.