CRM system should be the main tool of work. Sale and registration of services

The 1C firm and the 1C-Rarus Development Center offer partners a new edition of the book published in support of the 1C: CRM program line - “CRM: The Practice of Effective Business”.

The purpose of the book is to acquaint the reader with one of the most popular business technologies today - customer relationship management (CRM) - and with the possibilities of building CRM systems based on the products of the 1C: CRM line (joint development of 1C "And the Development Center" 1C-Rarus "). Based on Russian and world experience in the implementation and use of CRM technologies, the author tried to answer a number of key questions about building a customer-oriented company.

The first edition of the book, released in 2008, aroused significant interest and received good responses from both readers-users and partners-implementors of the 1C: CRM product line.

The book is addressed to a wide range of readers: business owners, executives and managers of companies who are thinking about introducing CRM technologies or are already implementing a CRM system in their enterprise, consultants on the implementation of CRM systems. The material allows in a short time and in a concise form to master the theory and practice of using customer-oriented technologies in business.


Why is this book, and how will it really benefit you?

How does this book work?

Chapter 1. What is CRM?

About CRM in a simple way

  • What is CRM?
  • Client base: do we have one?
  • Customer Relationship History
  • Exchange of information between employees
  • The work of the company in a single rhythm (business processes)
  • Looking to the future (sales forecasting)
  • Measure seven times, cut one (reports to the manager)
  • Feedback (monitoring the quality of work with clients)
  • Advertising efficiency (analysis of marketing effectiveness)
  • Complaint book (quality management)
  • "Company memory" (knowledge base)

Is CRM always needed?

  • When does a company not need CRM?
  • When does a company need CRM?
  • Making a decision on implementation
  • Summing up

Chapter 2. About CRM seriously

Why does a business need CRM?

History of CRM solutions

Place of CRM in russian business

Modern business attitude to CRM

Chapter 3. CRM functionality

Contact management

Sales management

Sales by phone

Time management

Customer support and service

Marketing management

Reporting to senior management

Integration with other systems

Data sync

Electronic Commerce Management

Mobile Sales Management

Chapter 4. What the market offers

World CRM market

1. Volume and dynamics of growth

2. Regional aspect

3. Prospects

4. Expectations

5. Forecasts

Russian CRM market

  • Analytics questions
  • Market size
  • Growth dynamics
  • Expectations
  • Manufacturers (vendors)
  • Regional aspect
  • Industry aspect

1C: CRM - facts and analytics

  • Number of implementation projects
  • Growth dynamics
  • Regional aspect
  • Industry aspect
  • Expectations

Chapter 5. Basic selection criteria

CRM systems

CRM system type

The ability to work together CRM and accounting system

Compliance with the peculiarities of domestic business practice

Ability to develop additional modules

Availability of implementation and maintenance services in your region

Total cost of ownership

Possibilities of integration with telecommunications, web applications and other software products

The possibility of organizing a remote workplace

Summing up

Chapter 6. Examples of CRM implementation in enterprises

"1C: CRM" for a large mass media company

"1C: CRM" in a company with a 24-hour order fulfillment cycle

Integration of CRM-system and office telephony

"1C: CRM" - a single information space of the company

Operational work of CallCenter employees and sales department

"1C: CRM" \u003d transparency of the company's business processes

"1C: CRM" for a telecommunications integrator

New level wholesale trade together with "1C: CRM"

CRM system for an IT company

Planning and coordination of work in conditions of growth using "1C: CRM"

Increase in speed trading company by 35% using a CRM system

Setting up a call center

Start "from scratch" ... and up to 70% of the market using "1C: CRM"

Sale of petroleum products using 1C: CRM

1C: CRM for a network of car dealerships

1C: CRM for consulting services

1C: CRM for a leasing company

Dry residue

Chapter 7. Practical application of 1C: CRM functionality

General list of tasks solved using "1C: CRM"

  • In the field of contact management
  • In the field of managing tasks, orders
  • In the field of sales management
  • In marketing
  • In the field of complaints management, customer complaints, quality management
  • In the field of management service
  • In the field of personnel control
  • In the field of customer base management
  • Solving problems in the field of contact management
  • Solving tasks in the field of task management, assignments
  • Solving problems in the field of sales management
  • Solving problems in the field of marketing
  • Solving problems in the field of claims management, customer complaints, quality management
  • Solving problems in the field of service management
  • Solving tasks in the field of personnel control
  • Solving problems in the field of data exchange
  • Examples of practical tasks

Chapter 8. Technology implementation of CRM-system

Preparing for implementation

  • Consulting seminar

Implementation stages

  • First stage: pre-project survey
  • Second stage: design
  • Stage three: development
  • Stage four: implementation
  • Fifth stage: project audit

Project organizational issues and customer expectations

  • "Project territory"
  • "Divide and rule!"
  • "Who should I ask?"
  • "Project Charter"
  • "In one language"
  • "Who is your boss?"
  • "I have a schedule, and the rest ..."
  • "Trust but check!"
  • "From your bell tower ..."
  • "Disappointment is the result of excessive expectations"
  • "Money in the morning, chairs in the evening"

Work with customer personnel

  • "Why do we need this?"
  • "Opinion Leaders"
  • "Partisans"

Customer employee training

  • "What is CRM?"
  • "Better to see once ..."
  • "We fill our hand ..."
  • "To each his own"
  • "We look into the book, we see ..."

Putting the system into operation

  • "3, 2, 1 ... Start!"
  • "What is written with a pen cannot be cut down with an ax!"
  • "Correction"
  • "What's next?! Escort! "

Technical limitations of the project

  • "No brakes!"
  • "For growth"

Chapter 10. Family of software products "1C: CRM"

  • The company's readiness to implement CRM technologies
  • Sufficiency of functionality
  • The cost
  • Term of implementation of a CRM system

Software products of the 1C: CRM line and industry versions

  • Personal "1C: CRM"
  • "1C: CRM" for small business
  • "1C: CRM" for medium business
  • "1C: CRM" for big business
  • Integrated "1C: CRM" for small business
  • Complex "1C: CRM" for medium business
  • Trading "1C: CRM"
  • Production "1C: CRM"
  • Industry versions of "1C: CRM"
  • Communication solutions for "1C: CRM"


CRM effect

Action plan


Appendix 1. Glossary of terms

Appendix 2. Frequently asked questions and answers (FAQ)

Questions before buying "1C: CRM"

  • Products "1C: CRM"
  • Functional "1C: CRM" (configuration options, settings and access rights)
  • Licensing and configuration protection system "1C: CRM"
  • Data exchange and integration with standard solutions "1C"
  • Performance and scalability "1C: CRM"
  • Where to buy 1C: CRM

Questions after purchasing "1C: CRM"

  • Technical issues of installing "1C: CRM"
  • Implementation of "1C: CRM"
  • Functionality of "1C: CRM"
  • 1C: CRM support and updates

"Last question"

Appendix 3. Comparison of the functionality of the products of the line "1C: CRM"

Appendix 4. List of recommended literature and other sources on the subject of CRM

Appendix 5. Template of an action plan for the implementation of "1C: CRM"

Appendix 6. Partners involved in the implementation of "1C: CRM"


Today the term CRM does not leave the pages of the business press and Internet portals. In almost any bookstore, you can find a dozen books, one way or another, touching upon the issues of customer relationship management. A plethora of tutorials ranging from CRM for Dummies to hefty tomes of Western business gurus stuffed with advanced English terminology promise immediate sales growth and increased customer loyalty. It seems that you just have to buy a "magic" CRM system, and your business will immediately become transparent, understandable and customer-oriented.

Other publications and articles, on the contrary, talk about the insolvency of the next artificially promoted "three-letter" technology. On the Internet, you can find many publications that CRM is another beautiful "enticement" of business consultants, covered with fashionable Western terminology, but in fact a CRM system is nothing more than a simple electronic notebook with customer contacts. No less well-known Western authors in their publications argue that CRM systems actually simply do not work ...

What is CRM? And, most importantly, is there any real business benefit from it? In this book, we have tried to answer these two main questions. We describe various aspects of CRM technology in simple and understandable language. Specific, detailed examples from russian practice using CRM.

The book is addressed to a wide range of readers: business owners, executives and managers of companies who are thinking about the implementation of CRM technologies or have already chosen and are implementing a CRM system at their enterprise, consultants on the implementation of CRM systems. The book allows in a short time and in a concise form to master the theory and practice of applying customer-oriented technologies in business.

The book can be roughly divided into two parts and consists of ten chapters. In the first part of the book, we tried to answer the main question - "What is CRM?" You will learn about the principles and techniques of a customer-centered approach in business, thanks to which leading companies achieve impressive results. We will reveal the main "secret" of CRM - what does it consist of positive result the use of CRM in business? Let's take a look at specific Russian examples of the “building blocks” of which the success of customer-oriented companies is built. Here is the analytical data from the field of CRM.

The first part of the book concludes with tips on choosing the right CRM system for your company. The first part of the book consists of six chapters. In the first chapter "What is CRM?" the definition of a client-oriented strategy is given. The main mechanisms of CRM are described. The main tasks of companies that are effectively solved by CRM systems are considered.

In subsequent chapters, short story development of the CRM concept, global and russian statistics market of CRM-solutions, examples of real implementations of CRM-systems in Russian business. Also given short description functionality of CRM software products, recommendations for choosing software CRM depending on the tasks facing the company and on its readiness to implement CRM technologies.
The second part of the book is intended for those who are already starting or leading a project for implementing a CRM system in their company. Here are specific recommendations for effective implementation and use of CRM systems. In this part of the book, you will find the answer to the question "How to properly implement and use CRM in your company?" The description and examples of the practical application of the functionality of the CRM-system in the work of the company are given. Also in the second part of the book, a description of the technology for implementing CRM systems is given; examples are given typical mistakes and the problems of CRM implementation projects and ways to solve them. An implementation methodology is described that allows users to correctly implement a CRM system on their own or organize implementation with the involvement of consultants.

It is very important that the data import is fast, simple and transparent. Without a convenient automatic transfer of all contacts and other important information for work, the launch of the system will most likely end in failure. Of course, you can enter all the data manually, but this is very long and inconvenient. And if you enter this data in parts, then the risk of duplication of customer cards increases, as a result, confusion and overlays await you.

Personally, I really like the option of transferring data from an Excel spreadsheet, this option is universal, quite visual and convenient. Excel can be downloaded from almost any system, including 1C. And uploading data in this format to the system is also quite fast and convenient.

Localization availability
This parameter is not the most relevant today, since most of the powerful widely known CRM systems have long been Russian localizations. But, nevertheless, when choosing software, you should always pay special attention to this parameter, since without Russian localization, you and your employees may have difficulties in their work. In addition, I believe that there is no point in depriving yourself of your comfort at work if you can avoid it.
Licensing: Open Source or Proprietary Architecture?
The difference between Open Source and proprietary architecture is that in the first case, you get an open source system, and in the second, you get a closed one. It is clear that here we are talking about licensing options for Stand-Alone software products, since any Saas system is closed source by default.

The proprietary (closed) architecture is mostly sold by large developers. In this case, you get a powerful system in which you can make changes within the limits indicated by the developer. I personally do not see anything wrong with this, because, as I wrote above, for medium and small businesses it is extremely rare that some atypical solutions are required at all.

The Open Source license (open source) distinguishes developments created mainly on the basis of some kind of CMS. In this case, you get extremely wide opportunities for integration and work with the site or other system. On the other hand, such CRM modules are in many ways inferior to large CRM systems, specially designed for accounting for customer relationships.

Contacts and contractors
When choosing a CRM system, pay special attention to how the directories are implemented, what is their structure. So if you only work with individuals, then one level will be enough for you - this is a contact (client). In this case, in principle, any variant of the structure of the contacts directory will suit you.

It's different if you work with legal entities... In this case, your contact is the organization. But different people can call on behalf of this contact, for example, an accountant, a supplier, a storekeeper, a manager, etc. It is very important that the CRM system provides for the ability to create a card for each contact person (counterparty) separately, as well as combine them into one common contact, organization. This is very important, because otherwise it will not be possible to organize a sufficient level of automation of control over work with clients.

System cost

Any businessman, before introducing a particular software solution, asks the question, how much will it cost? When determining the price of CRM, you need to understand that the numbers that you see on sites in the "product cost" or "license cost" section are only a part of total costs... Therefore, it is worth figuring out what the total cost of implementing a CRM system consists of.

The total cost of a product consists of several parts:

  1. License (acquisition) cost. It can be a payment for access for "cloud solutions" or the cost of 1 copy.
  2. Transferring data to the system. You will definitely need to transfer contacts and other data in some way. Therefore, the presence or absence of a ready-made module, as well as the complexity of the preparatory preparation of data for import, will also affect the final cost.
  3. The cost of revision. Even if you bought a "boxed solution" or access to the saas version, some improvements are still required. You will need to configure access rights, reports, tasks, etc.
  4. Escort cost.
In addition, many are missing another important, but not so obvious point. These are financial losses during the transition period. You need to understand in advance that during the transition to a CRM system some problems may arise, due to which you may lose some leads, untimely work them out, etc.

When implementing any software, there are some difficulties. Even if the seller software product tells you that it is enough to make a payment and you can start working right away, anyway, in practice, problems, malfunctions, overlaps arise due to the human factor (employees still do not know how to use the new system or are not good enough, etc.)

There are also indirect costs during implementation. So, your employees, instead of performing their direct duties, will devote part of their time to training and checking the operation of the system. Also, the manager will have to devote part of his working time to solving issues related to the implementation of CRM, as well as to control the work on solving this problem.

If you understand in advance that the costs at the implementation stage will certainly be there, if you are ready for the need to allocate time and effort to implement a CRM system, if you prepare for possible overlays, then all these costs can be minimized, and the process itself can be made as simple as possible and painless.

License cost
Depending on the type of CRM system you have chosen, there are various options for purchasing a license. You can:
  1. Buy a perpetual license.
  2. Buy a license (subscription) for a specific period (month, year, etc.)
  3. Buy a copy of the program for installation on your own server.
  4. A perpetual license is purchased once and is valid on a permanent basis. This is convenient, but the amount to be paid immediately is usually quite significant.
Subscription implies the purchase of access to the system for a specified period. The subscription cost is usually low, but you will have to make regular payments to renew your access to the CRM system.

When comparing the cost of licenses, one should also take into account the marketing moves that sellers often resort to. So, very often sellers of CRM systems on the site advertise the minimum price for a package of services, which will be valid only under certain conditions. In reality, you will have to pay more for this system.

For example: on the page describing the service package, the price is $ 40 per user per month. But if you carefully read the entire text, including the callouts and notes, it turns out that this price is valid only if you purchase at least 10 licenses at the same time for a period of 1 year. And if you only need 9 licenses, the price will be different.

Such marketing tricks are very common in the IT market. But I plan to talk in detail about the tricks of licensing in a separate article. And now it is enough just to remember that you need to be attentive to the conditions of price formation in order not to be deceived in your calculations.

If you purchase the program, you pay once for an unlimited number of licenses. You will not need to pay for access to the program either periodically or in the event of an expansion of the staff. But any updates for your program will be paid.

Improvements and launch of the system as part of its cost
The work on setting up, revising and launching the software should also be taken into account when calculating the total cost of a CRM system.

You will need:

  1. Install software (when purchasing a program, you will need a large amount of work, setting up a server and much more; in the case of Saas solutions, you may need to install client programs on computers, tablets, mobile phones)
  2. Set up user groups, set access rights for all groups of employees who will work with the CRM system.
  3. Integrate the CRM system with other services and programs (configure the exchange of information with the website, 1C databases, telephony, etc.)
  4. Transfer data from other systems and programs.
Very often, when calculating costs, users forget to take into account the data transfer, which is a serious mistake. Data transfer is one of the biggest startup costs. The data needs to be extracted from the existing system, processed, standardized, errors corrected, and only then this data can be loaded into the CRM system.

For example, I usually offer my clients a service like phone fixing. This is a very common problem: in 1C counterparties cards, in Excel tables and in many other programs, customer phone numbers can be written in an arbitrary way. As a result, some of the entries are in the "+ 7 ..." format, some start with an eight, some - city numbers without any area code at all, etc. In order for these phones to be correctly entered into the CRM system, they must be standardized, given in a certain form (most often in an international format).

It is also important to understand that you will need improvements in any case. Even if you purchase a completely ready-made box solution, you will most likely need to modify something. It is better to be guided in advance by the fact that you will also need to pay for the services of a specialist in this matter.

What should be modified if a Saas solution is chosen?

On the one hand, when using a Saas solution, you do not have access to the code, and therefore there is nothing to modify by the programmer. On the other hand, Saas platforms provide ample opportunities for customizing various forms and reports, business processes, user rights, appearance your working system, etc. This work should also be entrusted to a specialist.

In addition, you will need to integrate your CRM system with a website, 1C programs, telephony, etc. This work is also performed by a specialist, and therefore its cost must be taken into account.

Standalone solutions require additional investments: buying or renting a server, configuring it, purchasing additional software, etc. It is important to understand that when you buy a Standalone solution, you just buy a copy of the program. And all further costs associated with its installation, configuration, use, you assume.

You need to understand that failures occur in any system, and first of all it concerns Standalone solutions. And support is the work of a specialist, and it should also be paid for.

When choosing Saas solutions, you may not need support or it will cost the minimum amount. More often than not, a once configured solution works great, unless, of course, you try to experiment with the settings yourself.

Why Saas systems don't require ongoing support:

  1. Such systems are usually very well debugged, and specialists constantly monitor the performance of the software.
  2. The functionality of such systems is quite limited, since it is designed to solve a certain range of tasks and nothing more.
  3. The interface is usually intuitive and does not require specialist assistance for most operations.
Let me remind you that for small and medium businesses, I usually recommend Saas solutions for the implementation of CRM systems. And saving on implementation and maintenance is by no means the last factor.


In this article, I did not set myself the task of describing CRM systems in full and in detail. I wanted to clarify the following questions: what is it, who needs it and why, and on the basis of what parameters it is best to choose a CRM system for small and medium-sized businesses. I hope that I was able to help you understand these issues. A lot has already been written about the variety and features of various CRM systems, perhaps I will also return to this issue more than once. And here and now I have tried to explain the basic things with which acquaintance with any CRM system begins.

At the same time, the process of implementing a CRM system itself is practically no different from the implementation of software. I wrote in detail about how this happens in the article.


  • choice of CRM system
  • CRM
  • cRM overview
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What is CRM?

Perception of CRM as the next stage of evolution notebook is a thing of the past. These famous "letters" mean different things in different industries. But in all cases, CRM is a movement forward to a new model of work, supported by serious technological solution.
In Russia, there are more than 100 implementations of various CRM systems. At the same time, CRM can be called almost any system that automates customer interaction processes and covers functions not covered in previously implemented systems, such as ERM, ABS, etc. Thus, one implemented CRM system may be completely different from another. And this is natural, since it is designed to improve interaction with the customer, which is different in each specific company (and even more so in the industry).

The practice of implementing Oracle Siebel at Jet Infosystems was formed in 2006. The team is made up of highly professional employees, the experience of leading specialists is more than 5 years of work on Oracle Siebel CRM implementation projects. This article will focus on the practice of implementing this particular system.

The largest and most interesting projects in Russia were implemented using the Oracle Siebel CRM system (until 2006, Siebel CRM), because this system is the leader in the CRM systems market. This is confirmed by the opinion of experts and numerous studies and ratings (according to the independent CRM portal CRMONLINE.RU, which has been rating the most interesting projects and the best CRM systems since 2006, in 2007 in the nomination “ The best CRM systems of the year: CRM for large business of foreign development ”won Oracle / Siebel CRM (Oracle). In 2006 Oracle / Siebel CRM was in the lead in the category "Best CRM Product of the Year" 1).

Combine CRM implementation projects with common goals. They usually boil down to one or more of 5 points:

  • increase sales;
  • increase the level of satisfaction of existing customers;
  • attract new customers;
  • reduce operating costs and improve operating efficiency;
  • optimize advertising and marketing costs.

How these goals can be achieved will be discussed in this article.

A few words from the history of CRM in Russia

CRM letters appeared in Russia in the late 90s of the last century. It all started with local self-introduction or our own developments. After 2000, ready-made CRM systems, such as Siebel, SalesLogix, Oracle, SAP, etc., began to spread.

Figure: 6. Sibel solution map

Of course, the first projects were carried out largely with violations of the implementation methodology. Striving to do it as quickly as possible for the minimum money, not everyone thought about the operational cost of solutions. Many deployments ended after the configuration phase, and some didn't even get there. Over time, the size of CRM projects has become more and more last years the largest of them can already compete in complexity and cost with projects for the implementation of accounting systems, such as ERP. The experience gained on such large CRM projects will be discussed in this article.

What is happening now (or the main problems)

As the projects were consolidated, more and more new problems and risks began to emerge. The external simplicity of the system hides a large number of integration processes, complex algorithms and the need for organizational changes in the company.
Thus, CRM turns from a project of implementing a separate system into a project to modernize the technology of working with clients.

The question of how to modernize the technology of working with clients is answered by a CRM strategy prepared by the company's specialists or external consultants. After its development, the next question arises, how to implement this strategy? And it turns out that even from a technical point of view, the CRM system itself is just the tip of the iceberg, and therefore complex projects for the implementation of the CRM strategy appear on the market. Although they are still called projects for the implementation of CRM systems, in fact, they include projects to modernize related areas. Related areas in this case are: integration projects, projects for the creation of infrastructure, the implementation of computing systems, the introduction of contact centers, etc.

The understanding that a CRM system cannot live on its own came a long time ago, but there are still projects whose participants believe that they can solve all their problems only by purchasing and setting up a CRM system.

Another danger that lies in wait for companies that have decided to implement CRM is the ill-considered ways of its development. Many organizations focus on the implementation process, forgetting about maintenance and further development systems. CRM affects the processes that most often change in the company. If you start a complex project, then, very likely, by the time it ends, the system requirements have already changed. Even if the project is successfully completed, the system requires "constant" modernization, because the company is developing, and the strategy of working with clients is also moving forward.

It follows that a CRM implementation project, firstly, must be ready for changes at almost any moment of time, and, secondly, be ready to continue.
Today, system implementations are characterized, as a rule, by the fact that a CRM project is often a complex project for modernizing IS as a whole, and by the fact that support and development of CRM is becoming no less important aspect than the initial implementation.
As for the experience of our company, thanks to the synergy of competencies and established business processes of joint work of various departments, our company offers customers the implementation of complex projects for the implementation of CRM systems: from designing a data center to implementing and maintaining business applications.

Main areas of application of the system

In order to achieve the set goals, taking into account the known problems and risks, the CRM project must be clearly structured according to the functional areas of the implemented system. Each functional area has its own priority and its own development path. Let us briefly describe the main functional areas that can be selected as elements of the project structure.

Unified Client Base

A single customer base, customer card or customer file is the basis of a CRM system. Each company, as it develops, realizes the need for centralized management of customer information.
The most interesting situation is in companies where information Systems have been used for a long time and were built according to the product principle. This situation is observed, in particular, in banks and telecommunications companies. In this case, after some time of its existence, the company accumulates a large amount of scattered information on clients. Those. the data is there, but it is impossible to use it effectively. To solve this problem, a single customer base is being introduced.

Figure: 7. Unified customer base

In our opinion, the main goals of implementing a unified customer base can be: reducing the cost of working with customers by making it easier to access all sections of customer information; as well as improving the quality and efficiency of work with the client due to the ability to make operational decisions based on complete information.

Sale and registration of services

The sales process is not the same in every specific industry and even in a single company. The traditional sales process implemented in most CRM systems can be successfully applied in companies selling these systems, but may not be suitable for many other industries. In addition to the standard, Oracle Siebel CRM supports industry solutions for the sale and registration of services.

From the point of view of a CRM system, it is also worth separating the functionality of corporate and retail sales. In the retail sector, first of all, it is worth paying attention to the industry solution. An example is the service registration process
at a retail bank. Services mean all bank products purchased by a client (loans, deposits, plastic cards, etc.).

One of the implementations of the Siebel CRM system by Jet Infosystems is a project in a bank, which was originally conceived as building a unified front-office system for financial institutioncovering all branches and geography of service. As a result, based on the experience of our specialists, in terms of functionality, we received one of the largest Siebel CRM implementation projects.

In the course of the work, the sales and service process was automated for all the bank's product lines. This system It is used both for servicing in bank branches and in the contact center. Siebel CRM is fully integrated with all back office systems bank.

In this case, the CRM system acts as a front office system (for example, a credit front office). The functionality is based on the system for processing customer requests. In the CRM system, the primary information on the client is entered, the parameters of services are selected, the application is processed, the necessary documents are printed.

The application processing process consists of a number of steps and may vary depending on the parameters of the selected service. In the course of processing, the CRM system either requests certain user actions, or communicates with other systems to obtain the necessary information (for example, a scoring system). The use of such a tool allows you to automate the registration processes, minimizing user errors and increasing the speed of work due to application routing and built-in integration.
For registration of applications for services in a retail bank, the CRM system can be implemented if: it is necessary to increase the efficiency of the registration process by automating the processing of the application; or ensure the rapid deployment of new processes (new services) by using unified system automation of registration.

Practical experience of implementing a CRM system in a bank

The standard sales management functionality is designed for so-called "long" sales (sales with a cycle of several weeks or months) and is used in corporate sales. The functionality is based on the process of conducting a potential deal with a client and the ability to periodically generate sales forecasts for management. Using this functionality allows you to increase management control over the activities of salespeople and increase the predictability of sales volumes. In addition to the guidance, the system makes life easier for simple sales managers, allowing you to use the methodology that is customizable in the system.

Figure: 8. Cross-selling

Thus, the main goals of CRM when implemented in corporate sales are: increasing control and predictability of the sales process, as well as standardizing and improving the quality of salespeople
through the use of a unified methodology.

Promotion and cross-selling of services

The task of automating the process of promoting services and products arises in two cases. First, when there is a need to promote a new product on new market... And secondly, when it is necessary to promote a product (new or not) to existing customers - the so-called cross-selling. Oracle Siebel CRM system can be applied both in the first and in the second case. But the system gives the greatest advantages precisely when working with existing clients.

When automating the target marketing activities with the help of a CRM system, two main tasks are solved: determining the target group of customers; planning and implementation of activities.
The target group is determined by segmenting the customer base. The system in this case offers effective tool to build dynamic segments according to any available criteria. The advantage of Oracle Siebel CRM is that it allows you to create segments at the level of terms available to business users. And the modification of the created segments does not require the intervention of IT departments.

Figure: 9. Analytics

Once the target group has been identified, planning is carried out to work with it. For this, the built-in graphical scheduling and autostart tools can be used.
Thus, two main goals of automation of this area can be distinguished: segmentation of the client base based on all available criteria, through the use of a single analytical tool; as well as targeted promotion of services using an automated tool.

Contact center

Contact center automation is becoming more and more relevant every year. Despite the fact that this topic has been around for a long time, more and more functions that require additional automation are being assigned to contact centers.
Typically, automation begins with the implementation of a call management system. Nowadays, these systems are able not only to route calls, but also provide jobs for operators, a set of software tools for working with contacts and companies to call customers. Those. these systems can cover a significant part of the operator's function. A natural question arises: why in a contact center CRM, if workplace operator can be implemented by other programs?

The practice of building a contact - center (CC) at JSC Mosenergosbyt

CC is a single point of service for about 6 million individual clients and about 200 thousand - legal entities. More than 2000 subscribers contact the contact center every day, so it is especially important to ensure the stability of the services provided. Now the processing of requests in the CC is carried out on 120 incoming lines. On weekdays, the center operators are ready to answer any questions regarding the power supply. The average time of calls served per month is over 1500 hours.

By calling multichannel free phone, the client enters the menu of the interactive answering machine (IVR system) system, where he can select and listen to the information of interest to him or connect with the contact center operator.

CC provides classification and routing of customer requests. Subscribers can apply for services using, in accordance with their preferences, telephone communication, the Internet site or email.
Before the implementation of the CRM system, the complexity of working with incoming questions from subscribers was that the requested information related to various areas of the company's activities. And in order to provide the information of interest to the subscriber, it was required to fill out a large number of various forms and documents. This significantly increased the processing time of the request. To optimize the work of the CC, our company has created a single workstation for the operator, the functionality of which includes all the necessary information to answer the questions received, including the registration of applications from clients.

The information in this case includes both a general reference and the entire history of relationships with a client (meter readings, last payments, as well as adjusting accounts, etc.).
The interface of the operator's workplace is designed so that the CC employee does not waste time switching between different windows while processing a request. When entering data, the system independently redirects the contact center operator to the desired screen, where all the necessary information is collected.

We have also automated the process of working with a separate species requests processed directly in the contact center. Before the introduction of the system, they were recorded on paper, stacked and moved to a special room, where they were kept further, waiting for their turn. CRM allows you to create an application in in electronic format and send it for processing, which significantly improves performance and reduces the number of possible errors when working with a request.

The workstation is a single operating environment for all users of the system, has a single graphical user interface and a database.

It is also worth noting that Oracle Siebel CRM Energy is integrated with the outbound dial-up system for debtors, which allows you to control the dialing process (track how it is being performed, whether the CC operators have reached everyone).

The answer is simple enough. The main disadvantage of the call management system and related programs is that they are used only within the contact center. Interaction with a client through other channels is carried out using other systems. It turns out that for full work with a client without using CRM, the operator needs to simultaneously work in several systems. In addition to the fact that the operator spends time switching between windows and re-searching the client in various systems, he may not have a complete picture of the client during the entire conversation.
When building a contact center, implementation cRM systems is mainly aimed at increasing the efficiency of operators through the use of a more convenient and simple workplace for operators. The goal may also be to improve the quality of customer service by providing the operator with all necessary tools in one application. And, of course, one cannot fail to take into account the desire for targeted promotion of the company's products and services in the process of an incoming customer call due to the full use of the marketing functionality at the operator's workplace.

Of course, we have not listed all the areas of application of the CRM system. In addition, Oracle Siebel CRM is also successfully used in:

  • on-site customer service;
  • loyalty programs;
  • relationships with partners;
  • customer self-service via the Internet and online store.

Besides common areas applications for each specific industry there are specific areas of CRM, for example: debt collection for banks, claims settlement for insurance companies, management of complex services for telecommunications companies and many others.

Based on the foregoing, the goals of implementing a CRM system can be divided into two main groups:

  • reducing costs by automating typical operations;
  • improving the quality of service by providing users with new tools for working.

The first goal probably unites all information systems. But the second one is typical for CRM. The fact is that CRM often automates processes that were previously completely and completely at the mercy of company employees. Prior to the emergence of the system, the quality of customer service was regulated exclusively by the company's regulations and other regulations... CRM allows you to dynamically adjust service processes, i.e. promptly improve service depending on the situation and the specific client.

Of course, the key role in communicating with the client still remains with the employee (user). However, the system will be able to help him in this and control the correctness of the tasks assigned.

Having started the conversation with the methods of achieving the set goals, in conclusion I would like to note that the CRM strategies of each company may be different. And the task of the CRM system is to provide as much as possible ready-made solutions, be able to adapt to the specific requirements of the company. And the task of the implementation team is not only to satisfy all the customer's requests, but also to apply the accumulated experience to optimize the solution being created.