What is a business plan sample. How to write a business plan: sample, instruction, errors, examples. Typical errors in drawing up a business plan

What is a business plan for? Most will probably answer - to get a bank loan. This statement is true, but only partly. First of all, the plan is needed by the Entrepreneur itself to understand the size of the initial investment for the start, how much time will need to go to self-sufficiency and projected revenue indicators, assess the level of profitability, the payback period of investments and many other parameters.

Very often a novice businessman (and not only beginner) all planning and calculations makes "on the eye" on a napkin or in the head (and sometimes does not do at all), forgetting about many costly articles, which is poured into many mistakes and leads to bankruptcy.

Typical errors: In determining attachments, the costs of financing activities before entering self-sufficiency are incorrectly determined by the value commodity reserves (The size of the TMC is laid for one month, and on the basis of the turnover period, stocks are required for 3 months), in the calculation of the wage fund, taxes and insurance deductions are not taken into account, the need for personnel is incorrectly calculated.

A properly compiled business plan with detailed calculations is the key to a successful start in any business activities That will allow you to cut off the unprofitable options at the forecast stage and, as a result, protect yourself from losing your own investments or investor funds (creditor).

Suppose you plan to install, the calculation is shown that the full payback will be 5 years old, it is obvious that it will not be a very correct investment, it is unlikely that the machine will work without breaking such a period of time. (Reference: Optimal payback for this type of activity - 12-18 months.)

And what is better to buy ready business plan Or make it yourself? If we are talking about a small business, you definitely need to do it yourself. This will allow you to deeply immerse yourself in the project, understand its essence, decompose for myself on the shelves the economy of future activities. Well, if you want to organize production, requiring multi-billion dollar investments, then without the help of specialists cannot do.

On the site you will find samples ready business- Models with all the calculations that you can use as a basis for drawing up a feasibility study under your specific project.

Algorithm of action

  1. Acquaintance with the sample of TEO.
  2. Collection of statistical data on a specific region, where entrepreneurial activities will be carried out.
  3. Marketing research:, identification of strong and weak places of the project ().
  4. Actualization of information on the economic part: search for potential and raw materials, request commercial offers, recalculation of the cost and determination of the final price based on the existing market realities, as well as determining the level of profitability.
  5. Conducting a stress test reflected in the calculation of the figures (which will be a payback, if the revenue is less than a percent less than scheduled). Based on the data obtained, the preparation of several Event Development options: conservative, realistic and optimal.
  6. Economic activities.
  7. The choice of the most profitable (learning legitimate tax burden reduction schemes).

Based on the analysis and generalization of the information received, make up your own economic justification project with the help you can determine the feasibility of investment money.

We draw your attention that you can download free Any favorite business plan. If somewhere there is no form for download, you can ask a question through a special form, and for a short time we will add this opportunity. Through this form You can also clarify any time regarding the described model, and we will try to find a specialist for the presentation of competent advice on the moment you are interested in.

Welcome readers "Site"! Today we will talk in detail about what is a business plan and why it is needed How to make a business plan as clear as possible, competently and exchanger (we give a sample with the calculations), as well as provide links so that you can download ready-made examples is free .

This material will be useful to all novice entrepreneurs and businessmen who plan to attract money banks (investors).

How to make a business plan for small business, what rules and procedure for compiling exist, as well as where to download a ready business plan - read further in the release

With the concept of a business plan, every businesswoman faces sooner or later.

Business plan (from English. business Plan) - This is a project of your business in which the goals and tasks of its creation are clearly defined. In it, the entrepreneur should describe his actions for a specific time interval for profit.

Business Plan Structure, Tasks and Strategy

2. Rules of drawing up (writing) of a business plan ๐Ÿ“

Rule 1.In advance, examine the situation in the market

Before starting a business plan, it is necessary to analyze the situation in the market as a whole. Collect maximum information about the upcoming enterprise or successful implementation.

Rule 2. Create a clear business strategy and follow it

In business plan must be spelled out specific steps throughout A certain period of time.

You must paint your actions on month, 3 month 6 months, year and 3 of the year.

Rule 3. Consider both the pros and cons of the selected business.

In business plan, it is necessary to describe not only your strengths, but also possible losses, so to speak, weaknesses.

For example , To the strengths can be attributed highly qualified specialists, recognition in the market, bright brand etc. You can attribute possible losses or threats to: great competition, high cost of goods or services.

3. How to make a business plan yourself - the procedure for writing and the structure of the business plan ๐Ÿ“‘

Regardless of the genus of your activity, the main components of the business plan will be the same.

How to Write a Business Plan - Step-by-step instructions with an example

1. Introduction

The introductory part should not be too voluminous, but it should be described the most important thing.:

  • direction of activity of the enterprise;
  • project payback period;
  • specific indicators.

Your potential investor should know the deadline for the return of its investments and possible losses.


In this section, describe in detail the direction of your activity. Decide for yourself, with which segment in the market you will work.

Important! Rate your competitors and your advantages over.

Decide what you plan to make the main focus of your activities: at low cost with large sales volumes, on high service or maybe something else.

To completeof thissection You need to complete the following work:

  • Give a description and characteristics of the company's main and secondary products;
  • Carry out photos of goods and services;
  • Shape a portrait of your alleged consumer;
  • Explore and check your target market for the availability of similar products or services;
  • Organize a service;
  • Create a pricing model. Estimate the competitiveness of your project on the market.

After this analysis, you will accurately understand and you can allocate the differences of your products in the market. And also clearly formulate what you produce and who needs it.

3) Marketing Plan

Marketing plan - Perhaps the most important stage of the formation of your business. From competently composed marketing will be very much dependent. It is necessary to allocate for themselves the main competitors, understand what they are promoting their project, and do better.

Business promotion methods can be different:

  • Place advertisement on the radio, in magazines, on sites. It is only important to determine which advertising project format is suitable for you;
  • Be sure to work direct sales. Starting with cold calls to its potential buyers, ending with the implementation of goods and services with the help of representatives;
  • Stimulate the staff at high results. Come up with promotions, bonuses for employees;
  • Find out a more favorable season for your business;

The main thing, really appreciate the situation, do not exaggerate your capabilities. Conduct a brainstorming regularly, invent new routes. Read more about Tom, read here.

4) organizational plan

Specifically register all the steps of activities, assign persons responsible for the implementation of certain actions. Limit the task execution time.

5) financial plan

When drawing up a financial plan, it is necessary to take into account all the little things, the costs to share for permanent and one-time.

  • Permanent expenses - this is a monthly office, rental rental, utilities, Internet, phone, etc.
  • One-time costs - this is the purchase of equipment for work, eg, computers, scanners, phones, etc.

After the cost is to determine the minimum sales volume, which will cover current costs. Everything that will be sold on top will be your profit .

Having calculated this, you define for yourself Point of break-even. It can be said that this is the purpose of the business plan.

6) Conclusion

Conclusion is intended to attract investors. The optimal volume of the partition from 2 before 4 pages on which you must specify:

  • The main vector activity of your company;
  • Project profitability;
  • Analysis of the company's place in the market of sales;
  • Company staff, responsible persons;
  • Expected qualitative and quantitative indicators of each period.

The "Summary" section should give answers to 2 main questions:

  1. What is the result to calculate investors with a favorable business development?
  2. What should investors expect in the worst developments?

Of course, writing a conclusion is better when the business plan is almost drawn up.

4. Sample business plan with calculations on the example of anticafe

Consider in detail Ready Sample Business Plan on the example of anticafe .

Business Plan Structure - an example "Antikafe"

1) review section

In the table we will see all general information about the project:

โ„– Names Descriptions
1. Name "GLOSS"
2. Organizational form Individual entrepreneur
3. There are services
  • Various programs;
  • Events (trainings, seminars);
  • Birthdays;
4. Organization and market implementation stavropol
5. Operating mode From 11.00 to the last client.
6. Personnel of the institution Head - 1 person.

Administrator - 1 person.

Service staff - 3 person.

Director - 1 person.

protection - 1 person.

7. Required starting capital 500 000 rubles
8. Costs 167 000 rubles
9. Deadline for investment 10-11 months
10. Competition Small
11. Income Organizations 216 000 rubles
12. Loss of organization 167 000 rubles
13. Profit organization 49 000 rubles

2) goods and services

During the time spent in Antikafe, the amount will be charged 2 rub. / Min . For this money, the cafe will provide such services as:

  • Mini-library, you can retire and read books;
  • Many games for large companies (mafia, board games);
  • Game console;
  • Karaoke, projector, tablets;
  • You can arrange various courses, eg, by english language, by spanish language, in psychology, trainings on the visa;
  • You can also order banquets, children's birthdays;
  • There is Wi-Fi, any visitor can use it;
  • Tea, coffee and various sweets.

Ideal customers: People aged 17 -45 years who live an active life; they have an average income; without harmful habits; These people love to spend time with benefit for themselves; They would like to get good knowledge And excellent emotions.

The client must be held in a cafe near 22 hours a month. From this calculates profit from one person around 3600 rubles per month.

3) Marketing Strategy

In the city at the moment there is one cafe in such a segment. It represents a potential threat, as they already have an accommodated customer base.

  • Social networks (Instagram, Telegram and others);
  • SMS mailing;
  • Discounts, coupons;
  • Radio ads.

Strategy for promoting a new anticafe:

  1. Direct attraction. Search for customers or organizations that will come to us big company. Conducting children's matinees. Discount regular customers. Advertising in institutions.
  2. Advertising in classmates, agent and many different networks. Coverage of a group of people who are at home. Advertising B. in social networks Allows you to get a lot of information from customers and very quickly answer all the questions you are interested in, while it requires very few financial costs.
  3. Building partnerships with firms that specialize in various holidays, show programs, corporate evenings and other things.
  4. Club card. This card gives the right to spend at an anticafe as much time. Cost 4 800 rubles, validity 1 month.
  5. Advertising on the radio. After a month of work, a story about events in Antikafe.

This business has seasonality . In Anticafe, the biggest attendance in autumn and winter season. And in the summer and spring customers becomes less โ†“.

Therefore, the plan must be compiled so that in the cold season to increase profit several times in order not to go into lesion .

โ„– Name Timing Responsible Results and notes
1 Study 01.01.14 โ€“ 01.02.14 Manager We have proven all your data
2 Selection of employees 01.02.14 โ€“ 01.03.14 Manager Found employees
3 Search for premises 01.03.14 โ€“ 01.04.14 Manager Found a room on criteria
4 Repairs 01.04.14 โ€“ 01.05.14 Manager For all requirements made repairs
5 We buy equipment 01.05.14 โ€“ 01.06.14 Manager Delivery in place
6 Approval of the plan of events 01.06.14 โ€“ 03.06.14 Director Contract concluded
7 We are registered 01.06.14 โ€“ 03.06.14 Manager Acquired cash machine and documents
8 Advertising 03.06.14 โ€“ 10.06.14 Hire a specialist Spent advertising on all items
9 Opening 12.06.13 Manager Everything went fine, many contests and gifts were journalists, everyone learned about us

4) financial plan

โ„– Costs Quantity (pcs.) Cost, rub.) Amount (rub.)
1 Acquisition of equipment 50 5 000 250 000
2 Acquisition of inventory 100 1 000 100 000
3 Finishing work 1 150 000 150 000
TOTAL: 500 000

5) Conclusions

โ„– Name amount Cost, rub.) Amount (rub.)
1 Rent a building (150 square meters. M.) 1 month. 40 000 40 000
2 Payment of wages 6 people 15 000 90 000
3 Utilities 1 month. 5 000 5 000
4 Products 700 sets 10 7 000
5 Taxes 1 month. 15 000 15 000
6 Depreciation on depreciation 1 month. 10 000 10 000
TOTAL: 167 000

After analyzing all the costs for the reporting month, you can say - if the profit of the institution is more 167 000 rubles, it will be point of break-even .


Simultaneous costs = 500 000 rubles
Consumption in 1 month = 167 000 rubles

To find: Payback period -?

Decision :

Payback period \u003d one-time costs / PE per month

1) Find PE per month

PE per month \u003d income per month - consumption per month

Profit for the month \u003d (profit per day) * 30 days \u003d ( 30 human * 2 hour * 120 rubles / hour) * 30 days \u003d. 216 000 rubles
PE per month \u003d 216 000 rubles - 167 000 rubles \u003d 49 000 rubles

2) We find the payback period

Payback period \u003d 500 000 rubles (primary fee) / 49 000 rubles (PE per month) \u003d 10 months

* Of course, all calculations produced above approximate and may differ from the region to the region.

5. Ready examples of a business plan for free + template ๐Ÿ“Ž

We present a ready-made template for writing your plan, which can easily enter your data for counting and review analytics.


Business plan for small businesses: 4 basic section of the document + 2 specific example of business plans.

Small Business Business Plan - A document that is the basis of any business.

It performs several important functions:

  • helps structure information;
  • allows you to see "punctures" in planning and determine the risks;
  • serves as a presentation for banks or potential investors;
  • it becomes a step-by-step instruction for the entrepreneur.

You have a desire to create own businessBut it is impossible to plan and make an idea properly?

In the article you will see an overview of the main sections of the standard business plan for small businesses. Use the reduced structure as a template.

For a better understanding of the material, the following are 2 ready-made business plan for the implementation of various ideas for small businesses.

Do not delay the implementation of the idea to the mythical "sweat": in 90% of cases "a good moment" and does not occur.

Take a leaf and handle, and start doing outline plan right now.

What is a small business?

Small business is one of the varieties of entrepreneurship.

Such a format provides that the number of employees will not exceed 100 people, and the annual revenue will not exceed 800 million rubles.

For a novice entrepreneur without a serious material (financial) base and experience, the opening of a small business is the only way to "become on his feet."

A feature of such a format is the fast payback + comparative simplicity in the embodiment of the organizational plan.

The implementation of any idea requires creating a clear plan with accurate calculations.

Business plan is a "guide" for an entrepreneur, in which it is necessary to write every stage of the process of incarnation of his idea into reality.

Business Plan Structure for Small Business

So it is important to comply with generally accepted standards in compiling this document.

The point is not at all that there are strict legislative standards of software, without complying with which it will be considered invalid.

But why do you invent a bicycle if you can take into account the many years of experience of others in the small business industry and bring the general form of the document?

Section 1: Small Business Summary

SUMMARY The business plan is a brief, but informative description of the products manufactured + the deadlines for the implementation of the small business project and the definition of its financial feasibility.

The main objective of the summary is to demonstrate the concept of goods (services).

  • The height of the ceilings from 3 meters + special moisture resistant coating.
  • The floor is concrete or covered with moisture-resistant sturdy tiles. If the conditions do not correspond to the specified, it is necessary to use rubber plates (especially in the warehouse zone).
  • Provide a permanent circuit of air, since fermentation processes are accompanied by the release of malicious substances.
  • Wiring must support three phases - 380 V.
  • The sewer system is provided by sufficiently voluminous exhaust channels - to drain a large amount of fluid.
  • Water supply is required. If the means and placement of brewery can be supplied with water production from their own well.

List of essential equipment for private brewery


Starting investment

Monthly investment

Payback period

With a stable production of 100 liters of beer per day, you can count on the earnings of 200,000 rubles per month (80,000 net profit per month).

Payback will be from 19 months.

Only that entrepreneur who invests the whole soul in the production of beer will be able to achieve high Quality Products.

The return on the enterprise directly depends on the quality of the products sold, since the cost of beer is high enough + this drink is very popular in Russia.

For a beginner entrepreneur who wants to open its own business, beer production is one of the current options.

To achieve top positions on the market will have to do a considerable path, because there is no such activity - which would bring income without any effort.

Business Plan of Small Business: "Exit Auto Service"

Do not pay attention to the increasing number of cars on russian roads hard.

If you doubt the profitability and feasibility of opening a project, appreciate the following fact: the number of cars is growing on a par with an average of the age of transport.

Just pay attention to the percentage of cars that are more than 7 years old!

Car park Russian Federation ("Age section of a fleet"):

With this state of affairs, the situation when the car broke on the road - not uncommon.

In this case, a qualified assistance of a car mechanic is necessary.

Where there is a need for people, there is an opportunity to benefit for the entrepreneur.

The goal of such a small business, the idea of \u200b\u200bwhich is considered in our business plan, is the provision of repair services not in a concrete service station, but "on the road".

Scheme of work Such: The secretary accepts the client of the client, transmits information about the type of failure to mechanics. Those, in turn, go to the scene.

The cost of services in the field is significantly higher.

This factor affects the profitability of the enterprise.

Room for field car service

To open such a car service, you will need 2 rooms:

  1. Office (about 30 square meters. M).
  2. Garage (50 square meters. M) for storing the tools and repair of the car in emergency situations, as well as the accommodation of a personal fleet of the enterprise.

Requirements to office room Standard:

  • electricity;
  • stable water supply;
  • telecommunications;
  • office furniture;
  • ventilation system;
  • fire safety at the proper level;
  • stable heating.

Requirements for the garage:

  • electricity: 3 phases 380 V;
  • water supply;
  • concrete floor (or tile coating);
  • ventilation system;
  • stable heating;
  • high fire safety level;
  • heating;
  • wide entrance gates.

Rent of the two premises will cost, approximately, at 75,000 rubles. monthly.

Equipment for field car service

EquipmentNumber ofCost per pc. (rub.)total amount
TOTAL:26 1 278 200 rubles.
Jack (at 2.5 tons)2 1 500 3 000
Jack (8 tons)2 4 500 9 000
Compressor (tire swap)2 7 000 14 000
Compressor (oil suction)2 5 000 10 000
Set of keys (reverse, horn, end, cape)2 12 000 24 000
Lantern (lamp power 100 watts)2 300 600
Lantern (300 Watt Power)2 500 1 000
Gaikovert.2 5 000 10 000
Maslenka4 150 600
Autourch2 2 000 4 000
A set of high-quality cleaning facilities for the car2 1 000 2 000
Passenger car for leaving mechanics2 600 000 1 200 000


Initial investment in the project

Article attachmentsAmount (rub.)
TOTAL:1 463 200 rubles.
Proceed by an enterprise10 000
Rental premises75 000
Employees80 000
Marketing20 000
Equipment1 278 200

Monthly investment

Depending on the services provided, this type of small businesses can bring 150,000-300,000 rubles. per month.

Net profit - about 75,000 rubles. per month.

The return on the enterprise will be from 19 months.

There is one weighty nuance: if you can easily find mechanics who have personal vehicles, from buying passenger cars You can refuse.

In this case, the payback is reduced to 6 months.

Once again about why a business plan is needed for organizing small businesses, in video:

The main thing in business is the desire to think and develop.

Are you ready to strive to become successful person Already today?

Or will you wait for the mythical "tomorrow"?

Create your own small Business Business Plan And begin to act.

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Represents a document in which all the characteristics of the future organization are illuminated, analysis is carried out. possible problems and risks, their prediction and methods that will be able to avoid them.

Simply put, a business plan for and an investor is the answer to the question "Do I need to finance the project or send it to the trashkin?".

Important! The business plan is drawn up on paper, given some orders and rules. Such a presentation of the project to some extent materializes your idea, shows your desire and readiness to work. Also, paperwork simplifies the perception of ideas from the investor.

Self-drawing of a business plan

Make a business plan myself is not so difficult, you only need to thoroughly think about the idea. Before grabbed for the calculator and calculate the income, you need to take several actions.

  1. To identify the "pros" and "minuses" of the idea. If the number of "minuses" rolls up - do not rush to give up. Some aspects can be rotated in the opposite direction, think about the methods of solving such "minuses".
  2. Important characteristics are competitiveness and market stability.
  3. Market sales need to be thought out to the smallest detail.
  4. The payback of goods (services) and the time of receipt of the first profit will allow you to determine (approximately) the required amount for investments.

If after such a superficial analysis you did not break the brainchild, then it's time to take a blank sheet and start creating a business plan.

It's important to know! Unified Structure I. step by step instructions how to calculate a business plan, no. Therefore, the presence and order of items included in the plan is determined independently. However, experts established the most optimal option Plan structure. If there is no experience in making such documents, it is necessary to take advantage of these recommendations to competently compile work.

Structure and procedure for compiling a business plan

The structure of a good business plan, as economists consider, should include 12 points. Each of them is described below.

Title page

Here are indicated the following parameters:

  • name of the project;
  • the name of the organization, where the project is planned, with the indication of phones, addresses and other contact data;
  • head of the above organization;
  • developer (team or leader) business plan;
  • document preparation date;
  • it is allowed on the first sheet of the most significant indicators of financial calculations on the project.

This document is necessary to protect copyright to the idea and business plan. Here reflected awareness of the reading that he is not entitled to distribute information contained in the document without permission of the author. There may also be an indication of the prohibition of copying, duplication of the document, the transfer to another, the requirement to return the read business plan to the author if the investor does not accept the Agreement.

An example of a confidentiality memorandum can be observed below.

The following 2 sections of the Plan - "Brief Summary" and "Home Project Idea" - entrance. They can be used as a preliminary offer (for familiarization) to partners and investors until negotiations have been appointed.

Brief summary

Although a brief summary of such a document is at the beginning, it is written at the final stage, as a result. Summary is a shortened description of the project idea and a list of the most significant characteristics of the financial component.

The following questions will be helped here, responding to which you can get an excellent resume:

  1. What product does the company plan to implement?
  2. Who wants to buy this product?
  3. What is planned to be sales (production) for the first year of the company's functioning? What is the revenue?
  4. How many in the amount are the project costs?
  5. How will an enterprise for organizational and legal form?
  6. What number of workers plan to attract?
  7. What is needed volume capital investments For the implementation of the project?
  8. What sources of financing this project?
  9. How much will be the total profit (yield) for a specific period, payback period, the amount of funds at the end of the first year of functioning of the enterprise, profitability. Clean discounted income.

It's important to know! Summary is read by the investor first. Therefore, the further fate of the project depends on this section: the investor is either becoming interesting or boring. This part should not exceed the volume in 1 page.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe project

  1. What is the main project goal?
  2. What are the tasks of the enterprise to achieve main Goal?
  3. Are there obstacles before the goal and how to get around them?
  4. What exact actions the author suggests to fulfill the result as soon as possible and achieve the goal? What are these deadlines?

Important! It is necessary to bring clear, real and obvious arguments that will confirm confidence in the profitability and success of the project. The volume of this part is optimal within 1-2 pages.

In the same section, it is customary to use a conducted SWOT analysis โ€“ assessment of strong, weak characteristics of the enterprise, opportunities (prospects), as well as possible threats. Make a business plan correctly and most fully without such an analysis is unlikely to succeed.

The SWOT-analysis reflects 2 parties affecting the course of the organization's life: internal, concerning the enterprise itself, and external (all that outside the company, that it cannot be changed).

Do not forget: You describe the company, not a product! A frequent error of the authors is that they start in the column "forces" to write product characteristics.

Here are the parameters for the description of forces or weakness, you can use:

  • high-tech production;
  • service and service after sales;
  • product Multifunctionality (without affecting specific properties);
  • level of qualification and professionalism of employees;
  • the level of technical equipment of the enterprise.

To external factors ("possibilities" and "threats") include:

  • pace of market growth;
  • competition level;
  • political situation in the region, country;
  • features of legislation;
  • features of consumer solvency.


Industrial characteristics on the market

  • dynamics of sales of similar products in the industry for last years;
  • growth rate of the market industry;
  • trends and features of pricing;
  • comprehensive assessment of competitors;
  • searching and indicating new and young enterprises in the industry, as well as the characteristics of their activities;
  • description of the consumer market, their desires, intentions, requirements, opportunities;
  • assessment of the possible impact of scientific, public, economic aspects;
  • prospects in development in the market.

Essence of the project

This section discloses the idea, the subject of the business plan. It also reflects the level of the company's preparedness to the exit "to the light", the presence of all the funds required for this.

The most important sites in this section:

  • paramount goals;
  • description target consumer segment;
  • key productive factors of market success;
  • detailed representation of the product, the characteristics of which are required to be within the framework of the above segment of the market;
  • the product development phase (if production is running), patent and author's purity;
  • characteristic of the organization;
  • the total cost of the project, with the indication of the financing schedule for periods and the amounts of investments;
  • the required costs of the initial period on the marketing campaign and the formation of a coherent organ structure.

Marketing plan

There are tasks, marketing policies and methods for their solution and achievement. It is important to specify which task for which personnel is intended for which time it takes its execution and with what tools. Means needed for the latter also need to be indicated.

Marketing plan - This is a strategy, a set of consecutive and / or simultaneous steps, created to attract consumers and effective returns on their part.

The investor will be attentive to such items as:

  • developed system of comprehensive research and analysis of the market;
  • the planned sales volume of the goods (services) and its range, painted in time periods until the company's exit to full capacity;
  • methods of improving products;
  • description of product packaging and pricing policy;
  • procurement and sales system;
  • advertising strategy - clearly formulated and understandable;
  • planning service;
  • monitoring the implementation of the marketing strategy.

Production plan

Everything concerns directly creating products is reflected in this part. Therefore, this section is advisable to compile only those companies that plan not only the distribution, but also the production of products.

Moments, mandatory to instructions:

  • required production capacity;
  • detailed interpretation technological process;
  • detailed description operations assigned to subcontractors;
  • the necessary equipment, its characteristics, cost and method of procurement or lease;
  • subcontractors;
  • the necessary area under production;
  • raw materials, resources.

It is important to indicate the cost of everything that requires costs.

Organizational plan

At this stage, the principles of organizational strategic management of the company are being developed. If the enterprise already exists, then this item is still required: it is determined here the compliance of the existing structure of the intended goals. The organizational part must certainly comprise such data:

  • name of the Organizational and Legal Form (IP, OJSC, Association and others);
  • system of orgiculture reflecting the structure in the form of a schema, provisions and instructions, links and dependence of units;
  • founders, their description and data;
  • governing composition;
  • interaction with staff;
  • supply of the management system necessary material and technical resources;
  • company location.

Financial plan

This head of the business plan gives a cumulative economic assessment The written project is accompanied by the calculations of the level of profitability, the cost of payback, the financial stability of the enterprise.

Financial plan Investor is very important, here it determines whether this project is attractive for him.

Here it is necessary to make some calculations and summarize on them:

Risk analysis

In risk analysis, the author must explore the project and detect potential threats that can lead to revenue reduction. It is necessary to consider financial, industry, natural, social, etc. risks. At the same time, it is necessary to develop a detailed and effective plan for their prevention or minimization of influence on the company. Therefore, in the business plan you need to specify:

  • a list of all potential problems;
  • a complex of methods and tools warning, liquidating or minimizing risks;
  • models of behavior of the company in the event of events that do not contribute to its development;
  • justification of the low probability of manifestation of such problems.


This is the last link in the business plan structure. It includes documents, quotes, sources, copies of contracts, agreements, certificates, consumer letters, partners, statistical data, calculation tables used in compiling this document. Applications in the text of the business plan requires insert links and footnotes.

General requirements for the document

  • write a business plan is necessary clear, clear language, without long and complex wording;
  • the desired volume is 20-25 villages;
  • the business plan should be covered with all the information required by the Investor in full;
  • the document must be built on real facts, informed rational proposals;
  • the plan is obliged to have a strategic foundation: strict, outlined and completed, with clear target installations;
  • interconnectivity, complexity and systematicism - important features drawing up a plan;
  • the investor should see the future, the prospects for the development of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe project;
  • the flexibility of the business plan is significant plus. If you can make adjustments, amendments to a written project is a pleasant investor bonus;
  • conditions and regimens of controlling the functioning of the enterprise should be part of the business plan.

Make a business plan from scratch without the help of a specialist is not easy, but perhaps. It is important to adhere to the above rules, structure of construction and avoid errors.

The most common mistakes

  • Illiterate syllable

The rules of the language cannot be neglected. It often happens that the incredible and promising idea is flying to the basket along with a bunch of plans of mediocre hypers. And all because mistakes in spelling, vocabulary, punctuation and poor flow of text completely beat off the desire of any investor.

  • Careless decoration

The design must be the same throughout the document: markers, headlines, lists, font, kettle, numbering, interval, etc. Content, headlines, numbering, drawings and table names, data designation on graphs are required!

  • Incomplete plan

To properly compile a business plan, you need an exhaustive amount of information. The above sections of the document are a minimum that must be unconditionally included in the project.

  • Blurry plan

The work should be "like a pharmacy on the scales." Clear, defined, specific formulations of goals and (important!) Ideas.

  • All more details

An abundance of technical, financial, marketing terms will help only in the exams. For a business plan, you need to choose only the most significant details. If there is a great need for a thorough description of any process, then you can take it into the application.

  • Unrealistic data

Such business offers are built on assumptions. Therefore, the author must be rationally approaching the idea and have a reasonable attack, the real cause supported by the calculations.

  • Little facts

For each assumption - its rationale is real, valid. Facts give the work as meaningfulness and confidence. The fountain of the facts should not be arranged either, and if carried away, then we look at the rule of details.

  • "We have no risks!"

The main rule: there is no case without risk. There is no such business in which "quiet, yes smooth." An investor knows this, the author should know. Therefore, it's time to descend from clouds to Earth and study, explore, analyze.

  • "And we have no competitors!"

Competitor, like risk, is always. It can be direct or indirect. Carefully and meticulously study this topic, and the opponent will definitely be on the horizon that makes you a handle.

  • Disregard

Create a business plan does not mean absolutely doing everything yourself. Moreover, obtaining a qualitative result is possible by joint efforts of several specialists. Do not be afraid assistants!

Business plan has many definitions, but if you say short, then this is a step-by-step instruction for incarnation of any business idea.. Planning a future case or the improvement of an existing enterprise is not only the main requirement for investors, creditors and partners, but also a need for a businessman.
Drawing up business plan implies a deep and accurate analysis of all sides of the future enterprise, and this allows you to turn the idea in specific goals and numbers. And also, a business plan is always an unfinished book, since in the process of changes in economic conditions, competitive environment, the investment market can always make adjustments for successful business promotion.

Any business idea can be a successful thing if the future entrepreneur will clearly understand that he is needed to introduce its plans to. It is a business plan that is the starting point for the start of business, which makes it possible to assess the real state of affairs, study the market and competitors, give an adequate assessment with its capabilities, and reflect on how to make your business unique, and then in demand.

Basic principles of business plan

So what should be sure to be in a business plan .

1) Project Summary. This is a concise description of business ideas, a vision of development and tools to achieve results. Also, the summary should display data on what advantage you see in your business in comparison with the other market players. In a word, this section should give brief description Your business idea.

2) Company information. Here it is necessary to designate the name of the enterprise, the form of ownership, the legal and actual address of the company, to describe the structure of the enterprise.

It is also necessary to give a description of goods or services, with the production or sale of which you are going to enter the market.

Specify the main objectives of the enterprise.

3) Market Analysis.
This part involves consideration of the conditions in which you are going to enter the market - competitive environment, Demand, what price you are going to appoint, and what profit to get in the next three years. It is also necessary to indicate which advantages of your goods or services will be able to become particularly attractive to consumers.

4) product. This part must contain detailed description future goods or services that you offer the consumer. It is also necessary to designate what the target audience will be oriented your activity, to indicate future suppliers, partners, contractors and other counterparties, with which cooperation is planned.

5) development strategy. This section involves a description of the development tools for the future enterprise - growth rates, advertising, possible expansion.

6) tools for the work of the enterprise. In this chapter, you need to reflect information about what equipment you are going to use, how to pack goods, deliver, and if these are services, then where you will provide them with and with what funds.

Also in this section it is worth enabling information about your team - ranging from the governing lineup and ending with the utility workers.

7) Financial analysis. This section is key in a business plan who should be the rationale for your idea in numbers. Here it is necessary to analyze and calculate all costs associated with the organization of the enterprise, its placement, maintenance costs, payment of employees, settlements with suppliers, etc. You need to consider everything, right up to buy a pack of paper.

Also in this section, include information about your actions in case of debt from partners, buyers or suppliers. What debt refund schemes are you going to apply, and as you can protect yourself from such situations.

8) accompanying documents. This is certainly not a section, but an important component of the business plan. Need to attach all documents relating to the enterprise directly legal entity, lease agreements, resumes, official instructions etc.

Frequent bugs in business plans

Examples of business plans
You can view infinitely, but the newcomer can not always be the main drawbacks of the business plan. Often, the business idea does not get into life because in the business plan it is absolutely impossible to see the basic essence and advantages of the future enterprise.

So consider basic mistakes who admit inexperienced businessmen while working on the business plan:

  • Unnecessary information. Often, business plans write in such a way that the description of the professional skills of employees is lost information about the business itself, or the story about competitors turns into an essay "Who today offers the same goods like me and what I am well done, what can I do better (or cheaper ) ". In fact, there is enough list of competitors, a couple of words about the pros and cons in their work, price Policy and instructions of your advantages compared to them.
  • Unreasonable numbers . As mentioned earlier, financial analysis is defining for a business plan, so all calculations must be produced on the basis of real numbers. Of course, it's easier and faster to estimate "on the eye", but if you have seriously decided to do your business, then remember that any business loves accuracy.

In order for the investor to be interested in, bother to work hard the figures in the business plan were reasonable. Consider the fact that investors and lenders go to negotiations prepared as it is about their money. And, in the event of even small uncertainty in the reality of your calculations, you can forget about investments in your business.

  • Blurry information about the goals and tools of their achievement . This problem arises, as a rule, when there is an idea, but there is no vision of its implementation, or, this vision has a not finished shape. Roughly speaking, if the future businessman did not understand everything to the end.

The business plan is obliged to disclose a list of specific goals and ways to implement them, work with target audience, Evaluation of its solvency, clear definition of place in the market, which you plan to occupy, and who will be your main competitor. Specify what is the basis for such conclusions (analysis, marketing research, survey, etc.).

  • Hundred expected result . Often, counting the potential profitability of the future business, the dreams of entrepreneurs take the top over the real numbers. It is not necessary to get involved in the desired, but it is better to honestly look at reality. If in financial Analysis I will be taken into account adequate numbers, then the expected financial result will also have a real view.

Do not attempt to impress lenders, partners and investors are 500% profit. Believe me, they will calculate your result much faster and more accurate in your head, because their experience and knowledge will be more yours. And if the presented idea is standing, even if not profitable from the first day, but promising in the future, she will not be attentive.

Example Business Plan

So consider example Business Plan for Cafe " Goodtime. ยป.

  1. Summary .

Name - Cafe "Goodtime".

Organizational and legal form - Limited Liability Company.

Location - Kiev

Services provided - cafes, bar, karaoke, holiday events, conducting trainings, seminars.

Mode of operation - 8.00-23.00 without interruption and weekends.

The staff is 1 head, 2 administrators, 1 bartender, 4 waiters, 2 cooks, 1 art director, 1 cleaner, 2 dishwashers.

Required starting capital - 500,000.00 UAH.

Costs per month - 197,000.00 UAH.

Planned investment return time - 18 months.

Competition - High

Demand - High

Planned income per month - 180 000.00 UAH.

Planned consumption - 120,000.00 UAH.

Planned net profit - 60 000.00 UAH.

  1. Services and goods cafe .

Cafe "Goodtime" will provide the following services:

1) Cafe Services, Bar.

2) Conducting trainings, seminars.

3) thematic parties.

4) Karaoke services.

5) Providing Wi-Fi for visitors.

6) separate playroom for children.

Products that will be sold cafe "Goodtime":

1) Confectionery own production.

2) Semi-finished products of their own production.

3) Lunch / Dinner with delivery to the house or "with you".

4) Sale of coffee and tea by weight.

  1. The target audience .

The work of the cafe is focused on people aged 18-55 years with an average wealth and above average. They should be interested in holding time in a cozy atmosphere, with the possibility of participating in interesting programs, performing songs in karaoke. Each client must generate an income of 50-250 UAH.

Also planned consumers of services are small firms that are interested in conducting events for small groups of people 10-30 people.

  1. Methods of market promotion .

1) Distribution of invitations to the opening.

  1. Customer Hold Tools .

1) An interesting menu, the ability to prepare dishes under the order of customers.

2) Shares, discounts for regular customers.

3) carrying out interesting thematic parties.

4) Gifts to regular customers in the form of desserts, beverages.

5) Summit service.

  1. Competitors .

Cafe "Goodtime" will be open at the center of the sleeping area, where 4 cafes of this level also operate. But, our cafe will have the following advantages:

1) the presence of karaoke;

2) the presence of children's game;

3) the possibility of ordering food at home;

4) Thematic evenings.

5) The location of the cafe has a convenient entrance and parking space.

  1. Plan of events for the opening of a cafe .

1) Market Analysis.

2) Selection of the team.

3) Repair of the room.

4) Purchase necessary equipment and inventory for work.

5) Studying the menu and the plan of the nearest events.

6) Registration of activities and receiving all necessary permits.

8) Check cafe for performance.

9) Opening.

  1. The financial analysis .

One-time costs:

  1. Purchase of equipment and inventory - 350,000.00 UAH.
  2. Repair of the room - 150,000.00 UAH.

Total: 500,000.00 UAH.

Periodic costs:

  1. Rent - 50 000.00 UAH.
  2. Salary - 48,000.00 UAH.
  3. Communal payments, Internet - 8,000.00 UAH.
  4. Purchase of products - 70 000.00 UAH.
  5. Taxes and fees - 21,000.00 UAH.

TOTAL: 197 000.00 UAH.

Payback period:

Provided that the cafe will visit 50 people per day and income from everyone will be 150 UAH., Payback will come in 18 months.

50 people * 150 UAH. * 30 days \u003d 225 000.00 UAH.

225 000.00 UAH. - 197 000.00 UAH. \u003d 28 000.00 UAH.

500 000.00 UAH / 28 000.00 UAH. \u003d 17.86 โ‰ˆ18 months.


Subject to the competent implementation of the idea and efficient work advertising company, Cafe and art director administration, you can count on profits after the first month of work. Given that the cafe is opened in the fall, then attendance is expected to high in the next 6-9 months. To hold customers in the summer, in the future it is possible to open the summer platform.

So, make a business plan possible and yourself. Here is a simplified version, due to the fact that it concerns production issues. In addition, consider that this is just an example, so the specified numbers are very approximate. If you decide to take it as a basis, spend a thorough analysis financial Party Question yourself.

And yet, if there is no confidence in the issue of business planning, you can always use the services of professionals who will work well with your idea and turn into high-quality business plan.

But, most importantly, it is insistently moved towards your goal and not despair, because mistakes are always possible. The most important thing in business is not that it is impossible to make mistakes, and the ability to quickly navigate in the situation and choose the right direction of solving problems.