About brief classification of real estate. How does the classification of office spaces in classes apply? Classification of office centers

In the field of office real estate, as in other areas of activity, there are basic laws and principles. They contribute to more productive cooperation between realtors and brokers with their customers. This is especially important when making transactions for purchase and sale, delivery or a meal of premises. The entered classes of offices significantly simplify the interaction of brokers and realtors.

general information

In order to avoid the emergence of a variety of confusion and eliminating the need for additional clarifications that occupy a lot of time, there is a generally accepted separation. Classes of offices (all of them 4) have their own characteristics. The system on which the categories of commercial premises, came to Russia from foreign countries. Nevertheless, the office market has its subtleties. Therefore, buildings are divided into certain categories. Inside each group, there is a more specific division into the classes of offices. Further in the article, consider them in more detail.

Office class A.

This type of premises, which has the highest reputation among the others. Cumulative qualities, as a rule, meet the highest requirements. Below will be the main characteristics that such premises possess.

General provisions

Often the offices of this category are in central administrative areas or in close proximity to them. A significant addition to this type of premises is the most convenient entrance and accessibility for the transport message. The buildings themselves are mainly business centers. This class includes facilities that have just built either age less than three years from the date of commissioning. It is also possible to use thoroughly reconstructed buildings that have been erected not so long ago.

Regulatory requirements

It is necessary to comply with the full and proper registration of a legal package of documents confirming the right of owners to the property and the right to use the building. The placement of the room or group of structures should be maintained at a professional level and fully comply with the international standard.

Overlapping architecture

Most often the monolithic frame is used or metallic, while the height of the individual floor should be at least 3.6 meters. The maximum allowable load on inter-storey floors is 450 kg per 1 kV. m.

Design and finishing

The advantage is the openness of the planning. It allows you to change the view of the room according to the requirements declared by the tenant. So, the office layout allows you to:

Imagine the individual preferences of the tenant using the most qualitative materials.

In addition, modern windows are installed in such offices supporting the high degree of natural light illumination. It is also important that the class A buildings are allowed to install only the latest equipment, as well as there is a ventilation system and climate control adjustment.

Additional features

Optical fiber materials are used to provide telecommunication messages and services of a reliable provider are connected. For uninterrupted power supply, two independent sources are applied or uninterrupted power systems are present. The prerequisite for office premises of this class is the presence of a guarded parking for cars. For buildings such a level, the presence of two types of parking is desirable: underground and ground. Class A offices provide round-the-clock observation perimeter. Must be installed high-quality security systems and strictly follow the passage rules in the building. To improve the convenience of the staff and the comfort of visitors, complexes of service units are formed.

Second category

The premises of this species are mainly the business centers that were in operation for more than 5 years. Also in this type includes renovated and fully re-equipped mansions. It is much less likely to be reconstructed industrial or administrative buildings, erected during the USSR, and the construction of the last 10 years. Classroom offices are greater popularity, since they are in demand in the market due to the lack of radical differences from the category described above. At the same time, their value is an order of magnitude lower, respectively, they are most beneficial for customers. The cumulative qualities of such buildings must comply with certain requirements.

General provisions

A great importance is located where the office of the class B is located. There is a special need for the availability of the transport message. It is important to the landscape outside the window. Legal documentation should be as correct and complete. This is especially true for ownership of the construction and rights of its use. Building management must be kept at a high security level. It can be carried out by the service of the building, mainly domestic companies, or the independent forces of the owners of the object.


The building has a representative appearance, however, there are small differences with a group A. Such buildings cannot boast of exquisite architecture, but the study of entrance premises is at a high level, although without excesses.


Free layout with a large number of corridors is ideal for this type. Finishing is carried out as standard with high-quality materials. Modern ventilation equipment is installed, it is possible to use split air conditioning systems. Optical fiber communication is laid for the telecommunications communication, the services of a reliable provider are connected. Compliance with the procedure is supported by the efforts of round-the-clock security and automatic security system. In stock Ground parking for cars.

Third category

This group includes premises built in the Soviet period and reconstructed for use in the commercial direction. As a rule, plants, research institutes and objects similar to them are falling. If the above classes of offices differ in a convenient location, then for the described species characterized by different locations. Often the office class with is in a residential area and removed from the metro station for a short distance. Often the appearance of buildings is unattractive, at best, only cosmetic repairs are exposed. Documentation must be issued correctly and in full, but some exceptions are allowed. The layout is standard, with a high number of corridors and bearing walls. All interior decoration is carried out only on the initiative of the owners themselves. Venting is absent, possibly the presence of a split system. For telecommunication messages, commercial providers with different reputation are connected, there is a telephone and Internet access. It is not excluded the complete absence of a territory for automotive parking. The building is fully carried out by tenants. Service structures may not be at all.

Economy Class Office

Objects of this type most of them have a negative reputation. Most often are the structures of the Soviet buildings, erected more than 15 years ago. We need complete republishing and overhaul. Such buildings have different locations, can be very removed from the transport link system.

general characteristics

Dispense appearance, often needing repair work.

Complete lack of air conditioning system.

Outdated communication connections.

Unsuitable layout for office activities.

Lack of security unit and service personnel.


This term has other meanings, see office (values). The building of the main office (office) "Gazprom" in Moscow. Inside the office (office).

Office (eng. office.) or office (it. Kontor) - room, building, complex of buildings in which employees of enterprises (firms) work. In the office (office) accept customers, stored and process documents, archives and the like.

Main office (main office) - Office (office), in which the management of enterprises (firms), the place of stay of the central office of the company or enterprises, where the top management of the company or enterprise, the Directorate, the Secretariat and other important administrative units are placed. The location of the main office is indicated when registering a company. Some to give importance call their main office (office) headquarters, which is the incorrect application of this term.

Under the office (office), it is also also implied by the working office of the head or an employee of any public organization, the state body, enterprises, firms, corporations, and so on.


For the convenience of business turnover, offices are customary to these or another category. The most common is the letter classification, in accordance with which the main categories of office rooms A, B, C, D (A is the highest, D is the lowest class), which are additionally clarified by additions by the characters "+" and "-" (A + , A, a-, etc.) or digital indexes (A1, A2, etc.). The class assignment to a certain extent is subjectively and is made taking into account the following features of the premises:

  • Location
  • Building type
  • Year of Construction
  • Rights
  • Building management
  • Constructive decisions
  • Inter-storey overlap
  • Planning and finishing
  • Engineering systems
  • Air conditioning and ventilation systems
  • Telecommunications
  • Parkovka
  • Lifts
  • Security
  • Infrastructure

Class AP offices

One of the types of premises intended for the work of employees, commercial activities, customer reception. Such offices are located in the central part of the city, in the prestigious buildings of the new building, business centers, which makes the class and office offices in terms of the rental size. Usually rented to post up senior management, often executive functions.

Tenants of Class A Offices are large companies, branches of foreign firms.

For Class A Offices, it is characteristic: the purpose for the management of the international management company, the individual decoration of the premises or the author's design, the latest equipment, the presence of a hall for communication with VIP clients, reception, the height of the floor height is at least 3.6 m, optical-fiber telecommunications.

Features of buildings in which class A Offices are located: Availability of air conditioning, its own security service, high-speed elevators, conference rooms, ground and underground parking lots, cafes, automated life support systems, access control systems in the business center building.

Allocate the offices of class A +, A, A- or A1, A2 and A3.

Class B Class Offices

Class B's offices are one of the types of premises designed to work for employees, the implementation of commercial activities. Severally inferior at the level of class A offices belong to the offices of economy-class, characterized by a lower rental rate. Designed to accommodate the company's main staff. Class B offices refer to the category of workers, not representative premises. Usually, they choose solid banks, representative offices of foreign companies, the media.

Class B Offices are located in the reconstructed mansions, buildings of modern buildings, modernized administrative, industrial buildings of the 60-80 years of the XX century. Some Class B offices are located in the former Category A Business Centers, which have passed a period of 5 years of exploitation.

For class B buildings, the same parameters are characterized as for class A objects, but the range of services can be narrower. So, for Class B offices, the presence of terrestrial parking is characterized, there is often no automated building management system. The buildings with the class B offices are subject to less strict requirements for the quality of the premises, the level of engineering, ventilation systems.

Class S. offices

Category C in Moscow, 2015

View of premises that are rented from enterprises, administrative institutions or research activities for office activities, but initially not intended for it. In addition to this type, there is often a modern air conditioning system, as well as a number of other components of the infrastructure. Many of them are morally obsolete and require repairs, but they have basic communications, since the buildings recharged under office, for a long period are already in operation.

Tenants of offices are small companies and organizations. Buildings are located in sleeping or not too prestigious areas. Often it is a building with an outdated facade and interior, so tenants produce cosmetic or complete repair. It is characterized by an uncomfortable entrance, there is no centralized parking.

The limited set of services of class C offices includes: central heating, communication, including the Internet, toilet on the floor or in the corridor, a regular ventilation system, protection, the presence of a dining room or cafe.

Offices of class D.

Offices of class D - premises at the institute building of Soviet times in a state of "without repair". The buildings of this type have more negative details than positive. In many cases, overhaul is required. Characteristic features of class D: non-sufficient view, inconvenient layout and outdated communications, no air conditioning.

Business center class "A". This, and what is different from class "b" ???


Class Class A
Category A business centers include buildings that meet the following requirements:
1. Location
Category A business centers are usually located in the historic center of the city (prestigious part of the Central, Admiralty, Petrograd-Skogo, Vasileostrovsky districts). These business centers have convenient driveways, excellent species characteristics and developed infrastructure.
2. Building
Category A Business Center occupies built later than 1990 or fully reconstructed on international quality standards separately worth the specialized building. The following requirements are presented to such a building: a high level of repair and finishing work, an effective layout of floors in the form of office units, the presence of a conference room, a cafe / restaurant, a protected terrestrial parking or an underground garage.
3. Communications
For business centers Category A characterized by high power of power communications, providing maximum comfort and convenience. For business centers of this level, the presence is considered.
* Sources of backup power supply
* centralized air conditioning system
* centralized heating system (including a backup autonomous system)
* Fiber optic communication channels of high capacity
* High-speed elevators
* Unlimited number of telephone lines
* Modern fire alarm system and fire extinguishing system.
4. Security
Category A business centers are guarded around the clock, highly professional security uses video surveillance and access control systems, be sure to resamply.
The Category A Managing Company is a professional company with a famous brand (experience in the office real estate market - more than three years, has at the control of at least three objects).
Of the more than one and a half hundreds of existing business centers of St. Petersburg to the category A, only some can be attributed ("Atrium at Nevsky, 25", "The Sweden House", "Northern Capital House", "White Nights"). The first business center in the city that fully meets the highest requirements of this class is "Atrium at Nevsky, 25". In these business centers, the highest rental rates (at the level of $ 480 - $ 800 per square meters per year and above).
Tenants of office premises such business centers are most often large corporations, financial and banking groups, successful legal, audit and consulting firms.
Category-class in
The business centers category in include buildings that meet the following requirements:
1. Location
The business centers of category B are located, as a rule, in the prestigious commercial and financial areas of the city: parts of the Central, Admiralty, Petrogradsky, Vasileostrovsky districts, not falling into category A, and zones adjacent to the historical center of St. Petersburg, part of the Vyborg, Krasnogvardeysky, Moscow , Primorsky, Kalininsky districts, distinguished by a good location (on embankments, near highways, metro stations).
2. Building
The Category B Business Center occupies a separately worthy specialized building after selective overhaul or cosmetic repairs with a high level of finishing and using imported materials. The following requirements are imposed on such a building: effective floor layout, conference room, cafe / restaurant, presence of protected ground parking.
3. Communications
For business centers, category B is characterized by a good condition of internal communications. For business centers of this level, the presence is considered.
* Air conditioning systems (split-system, individual)
* centralized heating system
* fiber optic communication channels
Also for business centers category B is characterized by the provision of a wide range of additional services.
4. Security

What classes of business centers exist and what they mean?

Korland Karlovich

There are three main class of business centers: "A", "B" and "C", there are also intermediate "B +" and "C +", but they are usually conditional.

Business centers class "C" are usually located on the outskirts of the city, for example, on the territory of some industrial. Such centers are protected weakly, do not always have equipped car parking. It is not necessary at all in such centers of the cafe, they can also be far from the subway and the main transport hubs, as if in an uncomfortable place.

Business centers class "B" - a good option for medium-sized firms - this is a convenient location, and a parking lot, most often outdoor, guarded. Developed infrastructure next to the BC - there are shops, and cafes. Most likely, within walking distance there is a metro station, which is convenient for his workers without cars and visitors.

Finally, the BC class "A" is modern, with the repair of international level, equipped with the latest technology, expensive buildings in the city center. It is always equipped with a convenient entrance, in stock most often underground parking. Inside is always clean, and they protect their best experts 6 categories with which the owner of the Center has a contract. Here are the "cream of society" - offices of leading banks, funds, the largest Internet projects, trade organizations, other billionaire companies.


Business centers and office centers are made to divide into classes A, B +, B, C +, C. In fact, most often the management of the business center itself decides which class to deliver well to be determined to some buildings of the building, but only some are attesting in the qualification commission, where I actually assign a class for two years.

What is the difference between the business center class and from class B

Mosin rifle

usually only by the ambitions of the owners
in a twist finish and public premises
Definitely all this is a complete date, no class A office, which I saw it was not
either the elevators shit or finishing - blatant cheap


Plus, this is even more modern systems of noise insulation, ventilation and providing a certain number of the machine to a certain amount of square meters of office space. Conditionally speaking, 100 sq. M of the office 2 parking lot. In a class of these places more than in V.
I agree with the first answer. I did not see the class A business centers (truly "a" class) even in the center of Moscow ...

Currently, the need to classify, streamline or division of real estate into individual groups is performed very sharply as analytics of the real estate market and realtors and appraisers.

Appraisers are confronted every day with the need to prove one of the stakeholders, between which it is, - and this is the customer of the assessment and the consumer of the report, which expectations at the cost of the object of one of them are overestimated or too optimistic, and the other is somewhat pessimistic. Sometimes, when evaluating an office space of a class with a customer, the assessment leads as similar objects to the newly sold premises next door, located in the business center of class B, and sincerely surprises, why its object is underestimated.

Currently, market analysts did not come to a single opinion, which classification is most acceptable and convenient. Available classifications often repeat each other and tend to expand the signs and factors by which the property should be attributed to a particular class. At the same time, having considered the real estate market of even large cities of Russia, it can be noted that a number of factors that need to be taken into account within the framework of the available classifications are either absent or participates in the formation of the market value of the object slightly.

Thus, in the professional community, both logists and developers, analysts, appraisers, gradually appears to understand that all proposed classifications have a number of shortcomings, the main of which are redundancy and bulky, which are due to the lack of priorities of the parameters listed. http: // planer72.rf/01_pages/06_demo.php? ANS \u003d 1 & NUM \u003d 17

With a small number of factors that significantly affect the market value of the object, in the existing classifications there is a large number of minor characteristics that give a slight change in the cost, which is obvious to the professional appraiser.

Classification of office buildings

Class A Office Building: Must meet or exceed the following standard criteria set to 16 out of 20:

1. High-quality standard finish, modern building engineering systems, including BMS (building management system);

2. Professional building management;

3. Good location of the building within the borders of the office district, convenient entrance and transport links;

4. Air conditioning system: not lower than 2 pipes, or analog corresponding to it;

5. Suspended ceilings;

6. Height from floor to suspended ceiling an average of 3.30 m;

7. Effective open layout of the floor (construction with supporting columns);

8. Three-piece box for electrical, telephone and computer cables, or a raised floor (or the possibility of its installation);

9. Modern, high-quality windows, their rational location;

10. Modern high-speed elevators with a period of waiting for no more than 30 seconds;

11. Underground parking;

12. Qualitative materials used in the finishing of public premises;

13. The ratio of parking spaces (ground and underground) at least 1 place per 100 sq.m. leased area of \u200b\u200bthe building;

14. Loss factor (the ratio of the area used and leased) is not more than 12%;

15. Qualitative telecommunication service provider in the building;

16. Two independent sources of power supply or the presence of a source uninterrupted power; (power supply power for the tenant low-voltage networks should be at least 50 W per 1 sq. M. Useful area 20 W, additionally allocated for lighting);

17. Permissible load on inter-storey floors: 400-450 kg per 1 sq. M.;

18. Modern security and access control systems in the building;

19. Cafeteria / dining room for employees and other amenities;

20. The depth of the floor from the window to the window is not more than 18-20 meters.

An office building class in: must correspond to no less than 10 of the 20 given criteria.

An office building class C: corresponds to less than 8 of the 20 given criteria. http://www.bluestone.ru/main/page/id/112.phtml

To date, there are several attempts to develop classification of real estate sectors of real estate in Russia. One of the most famous classifications of office real estate can be called Classification of the Moscow Research Forum 2003. (Appendix A, Table 1). appraiser.ru. Each type of real estate is divided into 4 classes: A, B, C, D.

Office real estate in the West is classified into three classes - a, b, s. In Russia, in the CIS, two more classes can be added to these three classes - D, E. The process of assigning a building of one or another class requires a thorough analysis of all its parameters and characteristics. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that the boundaries between classes in most cases may not be clear. In this case, after an alphabetic designation, additionally signs + and -. Next, consider the main differences between these classes.

Class "A" offices

Offices of class "A" - the most prestigious office space are located in new office complexes and business centers in the city center. These office premises have the highest level of service: "reasonable" buildings providing for full optimization and automation of all life support systems, a deployed infrastructure of centralized provision of tenants of office equipment, optical fiber communications, reception, conference rooms, domestic service and recreation facilities. All this is contained in impeccable state.

Such offices are provided with their own security, management and maintenance services and protected underground parking. This class of office premises suggests a modern free planning of offices, an expensive finishing of offices, suspended ceilings and much more. A classic version of the class A office is considered to be a business park, built on the outskirts or outside the city, close to convenient transportation junctions, airport or train station and is characterized by low-rise buildings, which allows you to do without elevators (this moment has the cost of construction and service). Remoteness is compensated proximity to nature.

Additional bonuses of such offices are organized delivery of employees from the city or from the nearest metro station to the complex, as well as a large number of parking spaces. Abroad, where business parks have long ceased to be exotic, preference is given to options for offices with original modern architecture, landscape design and additional preferences for tenants. The norm for this format of offices is the presence of large recreational areas with parks, walking alarms, artificial lakes and water bodies.

Class "B" offices

Class "B" offices are office space with almost the same characteristics as the Class A Offices. Class B's offices can be in new or in just reconstructed buildings with the necessary engineering communications, often located not in the very center of the city, but not by the outskirts. Class B's offices have the practical the same characteristics as Class A Offices, but are not so prestigious, in addition, they have a narrower range of services offered. Therefore, they are sometimes called "budget offices" or "economy-class offices". There may be no central air conditioning system in such offices. These offices are not so prestigious and the range of services offered is not as wide - parking, for example, is most often located outdoors.

At this class of offices also include the Class A Offices after 5-7 years of operation, reconstructed and re-equipped old mansions, located in the city center. offment.ru.review / Type /

Class "C"

Class "C" offices are office space, built or renovated buildings, located usually outside the city center, usually rented in research institutes or manufacturing enterprise. Sometimes they are called "Soviet". The last repair in such office premises can be made more than 10 years ago using materials that have had at the time, or made using cheap materials, the facade of the building is often not repaired and looks unprepacently.

In such an office room, there is usually no modern communication, central air conditioning, the ventilation system is the usual, and the toilet room in the corridor. Such buildings are characterized by all the "charms" of the Office of the Organization of Labor Organization - a corridor system, air-conditioning difficulties (the complete absence of central air conditioning), an inconvenient entrance and the absence of civilized parking. Basically, these are recently emerged office buildings that are not in the city center, but at the intersection of transport routes, near the metro stations and the main radial highways. The office class "C" assumes a sufficiently modest set of services: telephone, it is possible to enter the Internet.

Also in this category includes high-quality office space in administrative, institute and industrial buildings, offices, according to the characteristics of the building corresponding to the class B, but with disadvantages. Such buildings are quite impressive, have some business service, a common car park.

Class "D" offices

Offices of class "D" - office space in buildings with outdated engineering communications, wooden floors, lack of specialized livelihood services. As a rule, such office premises need overhaul.

Class "E" offices

Offices of class "E" - office premises in buildings not adapted to place offices and requiring reconstruction. It can be re-equipped under the office basements and semi-breeding rooms, apartments in residential buildings, sometimes with a separate entrance and a parking lot on 2-4 cars. Under the condition of successful location, repair of the European class, equipping high-quality furniture and office equipment such offices may well compete with high-end offices. http://officeproduct.ru/2010/03/31/klassifikacija-ofisov.html

In world practice, today there are several different classifications, but the most popular system created by Boma International (The Building Owners and Managers Association) is founded in 1907. In accordance with the system developed by the system, office buildings are divided into categories A, B and C.

Real estate A class is recognized as the most prestigious and high-quality, and the Class C buildings are less adapted for doing business and unsuitable for the requirements of time.

The main characteristics for which the belonging of buildings are:

  • His location (including remoteness from the city center).
  • Type of construction.
  • Year of building a building.
  • Management and maintenance systems at home.
  • Planning premises, modern finishing and building construction.
  • Functionality and efficiency of engineering and telecommunication systems.
  • The presence and convenience of parking spaces.
  • The presence and modernity of elevators.
  • Infrastructure.

In the context of the Russian classification market, adopted abroad are not acceptableSince they describe only commercial real estate suitable for international standards, while more than 80% of Moscow buildings in which business centers are located include categories not covered by the global classification.

In addition, an important criterion in the international classification is the location of the object depending on its remoteness from the center, while most of the modern buildings in Moscow are built outside the Garden Ring. That is why the building's location criterion is considered primarily in the Russian classification in terms of walking distance and the development of the transport link.

In the Russian Federation, the Unified Classification of Commercial Office Real Estate is approved. At the same time, several types of systems based on extremely similar principles are successfully used on the market.

The most common are:

  1. Classification G.M. Stretter, professors of the Department of Project Management and Rea Programs. G.V. Plekhanova, the main analytics of the NPRG.
  2. Classification of the Moscow Research Forum, developed in 2003.
  3. Classification of the St. Petersburg Research Forum, developed in 2008.

In accordance with the Moscow classification, office buildings were divided into 4 categories: A, B +, V- and C. In 2013, the item "Certification" was also introduced, that is, the compliance of offices by the world energy efficiency parameters.

According to another common classification The class of office real estate A is additionally divided into categories A1, A2 and A3 or +, A and A-What makes it more detailed. This system is used by the largest NOBLE GIBBONS company owned by CB Richard Ellis Group.

Description of the requirements and distinctive features of buildings in classes


Real estate A class is the most appropriate solution for renting office space.. Such buildings are located in areas with thoughtful layout, differ in high quality supporting structures and finishes, most often equipped with automated life support systems, security, ventilation and air conditioning. Business centers of this class are located in the center or other prestigious areas with a developed transport system.

The demand for such offices is formed by large companies and branches of foreign firms discovering in the territory of the Russian Federation.

In recent years standards and requirements that are presented to class A buildings are constantly growing. This is caused by the emergence of smart offices in which all major systems and the overall level of comfort are at a new qualitative level, and business centers rebuilt at the end of the 20th century do not maintain competition and fall into another category.

The main evaluation criteria are:

  • The presence of a single central building management system.
  • Modern fire system.
  • Ceilings not lower than 2.7 meters.
  • High quality finishing materials used.
  • Modernity of elevators and the total time of their expectations (not more than 30 seconds).
  • The presence of spacious conference rooms, table zones, well-thought-out zone.
  • Modern design.
  • The presence of its own terrestrial or underground parking adjacent to the building.


For this subclass characteristic of the following signs:

  1. The age of the building is not higher than 3 years.
  2. The ability to adjust the microclimate in separate rooms.
  3. The presence of a single temperature regulation system and humidity in the building.
  4. Thoughtful ergonomic layout.
  5. The height of the floors is at least 3.6 m., The height of the ceilings is at least 2.7 m.
  6. The presence of table zones, restaurants and cafes.
  7. A large number of windows, and at least 80% of them should go outside.
  8. The presence of duplicate life-supporting systems.
  9. Transport and wicked accessibility, location in the center or other prestigious area of \u200b\u200bthe city.
  10. Professional management of the building and service services.


Characteristics of this subclass as close as possible to the subclass A1But inferior to him in some secondary parameters (there may be no restaurants or backup livelihood systems). The main characteristics are:

  • Reconstructed building, built no more than 10 years ago.
  • Less strict requirements for the location of the property.
  • The layout of indoor rooms may not be very effective.
  • A large number of office space may not have windows.
  • Less efficient management of service services and the building itself.


This subclass is assigned to buildings that have passed the reconstruction.whose age does not exceed 30 years. The deterioration of the characteristics relative to the subclass A2 is allowed, for example - remoteness from the center, the availability of ineffective layouts and less well-thought-free livelihood systems.


Class B's office premises are often referred to the economy class, but at the same time they do not have fundamental differences from class A. Most often, the objects of commercial real estate of this class belong to the work premises, and large companies rented them, have all the personnel To the category of top management.

The premises are characterized by the following criteria:

  1. Distance from the center.
  2. The age of the building is more than 10 years.
  3. The height of the ceilings is at least 3 meters.
  4. The presence of high-quality finishes.
  5. The presence and good equipping of public areas.
  6. The presence of protected parking.
  7. Developed infrastructure.
  8. Qualitative management of the building and service services serving.


Commercial real estate from class most often is the buildings of the Soviet construction, the age of which exceeds 40 years. Often these are redeveloped RII, institutes, plants, etc.

For real estate of this class, the lack of central air conditioning systems, convenient parking and inefficient layout.

  • Location on the outskirts of the city.
  • Lack of convenient transportation.
  • Standard repair and use of outdated finishing materials.
  • Corridian system.
  • Frequent energy supply problems.


Commercial real estate D class does not meet modern requirementsFollowing office buildings and is unsuitable for doing business. Today in Russia the share of such premises is rapidly reduced.

Such objects are characterized by the presence of obsolete engineering systems, wooden floors and, as a rule, are located outside urban areas in industrial premises or residential buildings.

The main characteristics are:

  1. The poor condition of the building is often required overhaul.
  2. Inefficient planning of the corridor type, location in the basement.
  3. The absence of organized protected parking.
  4. Bad infrastructure.

Range prices for commercial real estate of different classes

The cost of renting commercial real estate depends on many diverse factors, the main ones are its location and belonging to one category or another. The average rental price of office premises in Moscow in 2019 according to Cyan amounted to:

  • For class "A +" - 45,000 rubles per square meter per year.
  • For class "A" - 33,000 rubles per square meter per year.
  • For class "in +" - 25,000 rubles per square meter per year.
  • For class "B" - 17,000 rubles per square meter per year.
  • For class "V-" - 12,000 rubles per square meter per year.
  • For class "C"- 8000 rubles per square meter per year.

The correct assessment of commercial real estate objects is extremely important for efficient use and timely actualization of the classification system. Clearly designated criteria help the tenant to understand as accurately as possible, what conditions must be the rented office premises and what options the landlord can offer.

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In Moscow and regions of Russia, office premises are used in great demand, located in business centers. But today, despite the abundance of proposals in the commercial real estate market, really high-quality business centers are a deficit. Convenience, prestige and customer confidence in a large extent depend on the class of the room. There is a list of requirements for business centers, depending on the presence of which one or another class is assigned.

All office premises are customary to classify by category. The most common classification of office space is the class "A", class "B" and class "C". The class assignment depends on the location, the year of construction of the building, its design features, planning. Engineering systems (air conditioning, ventilation, telecommunications, availability of elevators), parking and protection. If you are planning to remove the office, then you need to know this classification.

Business Center Class A.
Offices of category "A" - the best offer on the commercial real estate market, but also the price of such offices is the highest.
Such business centers are located in new buildings or in buildings after capital rumont and reconstruction in the city center, which makes them the most expensive. Class A Offices have the author's design of the premises, modern equipment, VIP-hall, optical-fiber telecommunications. The security service and access control system and video surveillance are required. Be sure to close proximity to the metro station, public transport stop, car parking, cafe. Nearby, as a rule, large trade and administrative centers are located.

Facades and interior decoration are made of high-quality modern materials, often according to individual projects and using interesting architectural solutions. Internal layout, as a rule, easily changes at the request of the tenant or the owner. Such centers also have an uninterrupted power supply system, are equipped with the most modern engineering systems, central air conditioning or climate control.

Business Class A Business Centers necessarily have their own underground parking and ground parking lot. Also certainly there are cafes and dining rooms for employees, conference rooms and sports clubs.

Large firms, international companies become tenants of office premises of this class.

Business center class V.
The rooms of the class "B" are somewhat inferior to Category A. These are economy-class rooms, and the cost of their lease is much lower. They are located in modern or re-equipped administrative buildings. Sometimes located in business centers with 5 years of operation. The parameters of the buildings are identical to the real estate segment A, but the service set is narrower. So, ground parking is envisaged, but there is no underground. Offices of the class "B" are not highlighted at the highest level, ventilation systems and engineering class below.

Business Center Class S.
The "C" segment is interesting to enterprises, administrative organizations for office activities. Initially, such premises were not calculated for such use. Infrastructure, as a rule, meets the minimum requirements. Often there is no air conditioning system. Most buildings need to be repaired and are considered outdated, but the availability of the main communications allows working activities. Among the services - telephone communication, Internet, ventilation system, toilet, located in the corridor, heating system and dining room, parking is not provided. There are often in bedroom areas. Office rooms of the class "C" are rented by small organizations.

In addition to class A, class B and class C, there is another class Dwhich is characteristic mainly for the regions. Tenants in such a business center do not get anything, except for the actual premises, often in need of repair. The lack of infrastructure and old-fashioned cabinet and corridor layout create significant inconveniences as owners of offices, so their visitors.

This classification will help to adequately assess the room, if you need to sell the office, buy an office or remove the office space.