What kind of person is considered successful. What does the concept of “successful person. You may also be interested in ...

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Success: What Does It Mean?

Option number 1

You can consider yourself a successful person if you can learn from your failures, becoming only stronger. Not a single person has yet managed to build his own life without mistakes, because they are part of an amazing journey to a more perfect self. Realizing this is already a great achievement.

Option number 2

Successful man - this is the one who refuses everything that does not make him happy, does not help to achieve the goal and drags him down. This behavior can be confused with the manifestation of self-centeredness, but in fact it is a sign of moral maturity. The emergence of selectivity should only rejoice and develop it in every possible way. By getting on the right track, you can consider yourself successful.

Option number 3

A successful person is always given a "positive" speech. This is understood to mean the absence of complaints and the OHSS syndrome (“resentment towards an unfair life”). Many people express their dissatisfaction with poor work, rising prices, not such a president, etc. Saying such phrases, they attract negativity into their lives and aggravate their own situation. Successful people say much more words with a plus sign: “I will achieve”, “I will succeed”, etc.

Option number 4

One of the main signs of a successful person is harmonious relationships that he builds with the people around him - colleagues, friends, parents. But constant conflicts and scandals speak of emotional immaturity.

From the point of view of psychology

What does it mean to be successful from a psychological point of view? This applies to outlooks on life and on relationships between people. The latter can be divided into friendly and business.

There are signs of a successful person:

  • A responsibility. The person realizes that the results are achieved only with an appropriate attitude towards their implementation. Such a person tries to effectively solve the task for which he undertakes. To others, he appears reliable, aware of the value of words and deeds.
  • Discipline and self-control. A rare person is able to achieve anything without the proper level of self-organization. The end result depends on how much the individual can discipline himself.
  • Ability to learn and think effectively. An effective person never thinks that he knows and can do everything. Therefore, at any time, if necessary, she is ready to master a new amount of knowledge and skills for an optimal way out of this situation. Such a person not only accumulates knowledge, she analyzes it, leaving well-proven methods of resource management.
  • Desire to set goals. The individual must want to achieve something in life. The desire and ability to set goals for himself is a determining factor in how successful his further actions will be in the future.
  • Ability to plan and achieve results. Any idea requires competent planning and implementation. This step is a natural extension of the desire to set goals. The most important thing is to come up with good idea, make a plan that takes into account possible risksand follow it despite varying difficulties. This means that a successful person will not back down and give up.

  • Hard work. Labor as a process in skillful hands brings pleasure. And for those who do not understand why it is needed, it is a heavy burden. An accomplished person gets pleasure from work, because he realizes why it is being done and what specific result the work will lead to.
  • Energy and healthy image life. Health is the same resource as any other. Therefore, in order to productively translate goals into reality, it is worth paying attention to the preservation of this asset. An energetic lifestyle directly affects the perception of the world around us, therefore it leads to growth in the implementation of plans.
  • A sober view of things and self-confidence. An intelligent person understands that nothing in life falls from the sky and is not given for free. He understands that everything needs to be achieved by hard, productive work. The accomplished individual must himself be the master of his own circumstances. A self-confident person understands that most of the obstacles that appear on the way are surmountable, and some exist only in imagination.
  • Circle of friends. A person who values \u200b\u200btime will not waste it on people who are unable to give him anything in any respect. This can be expressed in the fact that he will exclude from the circle of communication persons who do not know how to keep their word. He is guided by the principle “the people who take the most of your time are more important to you”. Therefore, people who want to be successful try to exclude from their circle those who represent a certain kind of ballast.
  • Effective time management. The ability to organize your time efficiently is worth a lot in itself. Time is far from an endless resource that can be scattered around at will. An organized person will always be able to answer where he will be at any given moment.

The first sign of a successful person. Obsession with competition.

First, successful people are simply obsessed with competition. It doesn't matter where they should be faster, better, bigger or stronger. They have only one desire - I will do it better than you. And in a capitalist environment, everything rests on competition. Capitalism itself is based on competition.

Sport is about competition. All politicians who convince us that they are the best candidates in the elections and achieve the highest positions are usually the strongest opponents. They strive to be the first.

Imagine there is a work environment and a better worker. Like any office or sports team, there is a better player. And suddenly a new player appears and joins the work collective or sports team. He immediately sees the best worker as a rival. Everything the first does is repeated by the second. Diet, discipline, schedule, everything, because he wants to be better. And if the second will compete better than the first, he will overtake him. This is how life works.

The second sign of a successful person. They see it through to the end.

If successful people solve puzzles, they don't stop until they finish. If they play a game, then they have to pass this game. If they read a book, they should finish reading it, and this is an indicator. There are people who read only two chapters of a book and this is a sign that they do not like to go all the way. They are looking for an easy way. And the one who goes to the end, does it in everything and looks for a way to complete what he started.

The third sign of a successful person. Your environment earns more than you.

Your environment should earn more than you. They should be better than you in life, finances, profits. If your environment is richer and more successful, then sooner or later you will catch up with them. This is a formula, not a simple coincidence.

That is why many unsuccessful people often like to surround themselves with people of a lower level in order to appear better against their background. Successful people always surround themselves with more successful people as they try to reach the same level.

The fourth sign of a successful person. The brain works non-stop.

The brain of a successful person always works non-stop. These people regularly think: what if it happens ?, what if I can do the same ?, what if I talk to him ?, what if I go to a meeting ?, we have to do it, remember we discussed this this morning, if we let's do this, we get this. Their brains do not stand still, they constantly think about something.

The fifth sign of a successful person. How competent people evaluate you.

How competent people see your progress. Suppose I met Ivan. Ivan knows the director, the football coach, his uncle and the other person he works for. And they all say that Ivan will succeed, he is successful. These four people can confirm this with the facts that he will be successful.

Why does this four constantly meet with Ivan? Because they know all his weaknesses, all his habits. They know if he knows how to follow through. Whether he prefers to surround himself with more successful people. They know that he has the characteristics of a successful person and treat him with authority. Competent people believe in you. These people believe in your success.

The sixth sign of a successful person. Learn new things.

Successful people are always improving. They don't know otherwise. They want to learn about this, improve their skills in this area and in another. They always try to learn more and learn more.

1. You say "Yes" to things that are not important to you and for which you do not have time.

Respect your time and energy by focusing only on the people and things that really matter. Even scheduling time will not help you. Because you will spend it to recover from unnecessary things done.

2. You think of yourself as if you are incapable of success.

We all once felt the need to improve our appearance in order to impress someone. We also know that we don’t have to do something specific, but we do it. This is the main sign of self-disrespect. It is not enough to understand, it is important to do the right thing. And if we are not good enough for someone or something, this is not a reason for sadness and disrespect for ourselves. The truth is, these things are not good enough for you.

3. You often agree with what they say, just so as not to offend the interlocutor.

Our opinion matters, and when we don't express it, it says that it doesn't really matter. And those around you see it. If someone is offended by our honest and thoughtful opinion, then they did not need the truth and they did not want to hear anything. They were just looking for someone who could always agree with their opinion. Show respect to others by only saying what you think. Moreover, it will show that you can respect yourself.

4. You put the needs of others before your own.

You will never help yourself if you prioritize the needs of others. Ignoring what you need in terms of rest, relaxation, and general well-being is harmful. We perform better, are more productive, and are emotionally stable when we take care of ourselves.

5. You feel guilty if you do what you need to do. Especially if someone told you to do something differently.

Seeking advice has a place in our lives, but it is important to remember that this is only advice. It doesn't matter if you gave it or received it from someone else, you shouldn't feel guilty just because you did something differently. It simply means that it was not entirely correct at the time. Do not feel guilty for the fact that you acted contradictory in relation to the advice received and were able to make your own decision that you really need.

6. You are not defending your position.

No one succeeds in conflict, and sometimes it's easier to just step aside. You must balance yourself and your position to protect yourself. To show respect for yourself, it is important that people know the truth about you and the role you play in certain situations. Sometimes, you need to make a decision to correct the wrong course of events. And sometimes, to improve the already positive course of things. Either way, creating a clear and clear picture is the ultimate sign of self-respect.

7. You often hide your feelings.

Man is a combination of feelings and emotions. But society has taught us to keep them secret so as not to make everything around us uncomfortable and so that other people do not look at you with a sidelong glance. You don't respect yourself every time you say that everything is okay, but in fact, it is not. Be truthful with yourself. It defines you as a person and shows others that you are capable of being real.

8. You often seek the attention of others.

The only attention that really matters is the attention we give ourselves. When we pay attention to others, we are simply looking for external confirmation of what we probably already know. If you find yourself looking for someone else's approval, take a look at yourself and understand what you really lack.

9. You often try to bring joy to others by turning into a weak person.

Each of us has the ability to influence our own happiness, and when we are happy we want others to experience the same. The problem is, trying to make others happy leads you to lose those emotions yourself. You become devastated by unsuccessful attempts or fatigued by achieving the end result. We can instigate the biggest changes by focusing exclusively on ourselves. As Mahatma Gandhi said: "Become the change that we want to see in the world."

Galochkina Elena Borisovna

Psychologist Toronto
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In my opinion, a person's success can be assessed by two criteria: external and internal. External are signs of success that are socially approved in a given culture (status, condition, social position, etc.). Internal - these are the individual criteria of each individual person, according to which he classifies (or does not classify) himself as a successful person. And they can either coincide with the external ones (in whole or in part) or be completely different. If a person relies in his life only on external criteria, then he gradually becomes strongly neurotized (since the competition is high) and can completely lose himself, his needs and values \u200b\u200bin this race for external attributes of success. This is fraught with disappointment in adulthood, dissatisfaction with life and the inability to effectively resolve existential crises. But the second option (relying only on internal criteria) is also not ideal, it can lead to a complete detachment from reality, a decrease in social adaptation and even social rejection.

Therefore, it seems to me that the mixed version is optimal, when a person relies on both external and internal criteria, compiling them in an individual and acceptable proportion. At the same time, it is important not to forget every time in the process of moving towards success to check your state of health (both physical and psychological), to be able to hear your basic needs and not to ignore them.

If we talk about strategies for achieving success, then it seems to me that the following things will be important elements of any of them:

  • perseverance. Success comes as a result of many efforts, usually does not come to those who make only one effort on the way to it.
  • the ability to survive failure. This must be done, allowing all the feelings that arise as a result of failure to manifest and live in your body, to be able to express these feelings, then after anger, despair and emptiness, new impulses, new energy and new resources will come to you.
  • attitude to success. If you do not put success at the forefront, but main goal after all, determine their own personal development (and consider success as a side effect of development), then (as practice shows) success becomes much more achievable.
  • support. It is important on the path of your own development (it is also the path to success) to be able to find support for yourself wherever you can get it. For this, it is important for a person to have communication skills, be open to the world and experience, and respect himself and others.

If I briefly try to express my basic idea of \u200b\u200bsuccess and success, then perhaps it can be done as follows: If you develop and follow the path intended for you by nature, you will always be successful. Success can be determined according to different criteria, but the main one is still your own attitude towards yourself and your success.


  • https://obzor.westsib.com/article/382684
  • http://vsezdorovo.com/2018/04/chto-oznachaet-byt-uspeshnym/
  • https://urazuma.ru/uspekh-i-dengi/uspeshnyj-chelovek-eto-1.html
  • https://7sof.ru/tips_and_motivation/priznaki-uspeshnogo-cheloveka.html
  • https://novostiifakty.mediasole.ru/10_priznakov_togo_chto_vy_neuvazhitelno_otnosites_k_sebe
  • https://www.all-psy.com/ks/ya-uspeshnyi-chelovek.html

And achieving this is one of the popular topics of modern psychology. Let's try to find the answer to a number of questions.

  • How does successful differ from unsuccessful?
  • How do you achieve this?
  • What are the criteria and standards for success in society?

In modern Russia, the well-being of a citizen is usually judged by the presence of a prestigious car, expensive and well-known from famous and fashionable designers, the opportunity to have a rest abroad. But, these are only external signs, since a successful person has special features that distinguish him from others. Let's talk about this in more detail.

First. A successful person will look for opportunities, and an unsuccessful person will look for excuses and obstacles. For example, in a difficult situation of lack of money, the first will find a way to make money, and the second will voice the reasons why it is difficult to make money during

Second. A successful person will act despite reluctance, ignorance, and fear. Unsuccessful - will postpone "for later". The second category usually waits passively for the problem to be resolved "by itself."

Third. A successful person is a person who will always strive for more than he currently is. Otherwise, a special philosophy of life begins to operate: "Why? It will do as it is."

Fourth. A successful person will not be afraid to fall, because he knows that he will do everything to rise again. He has no fear or apprehension. The unsuccessful one is always afraid that he will make a mistake, because he will not even try to get back on his feet.

Fifth. A successful person will not need external stimulation, since he is self-motivated, driven by passion and the need to prove strength, interest and ability to achieve his goal. Otherwise, it will be required maximum amount efforts to make the subject finally realize what he is striving for.

Sixth. A successful person is not afraid to take risks, because he understands that life is not predictable. That is why negative circumstances can interfere with the most thoughtful plan. But from this thought, the unsuccessful one will refuse to act. Therefore, only the attitude towards this will become the main one.

Seventh. A successful person can be patient, ready to go long towards their goal. Moreover, he realizes that it will take a lot of work to solve problems.

Eighth. The successful one will not be afraid to be rejected, and the unsuccessful one will be able to "knock out of the saddle" the situation. Moreover, if you try to achieve something in life, then you cannot do without difficult moments.

Ninth. A successful person believes only in himself, and an unsuccessful person believes in the words and opinions of others about himself and the world around him. Moreover, the second category of citizens usually obeys the opinions of the collective, agreeing sooner or later with the generally accepted point of view.

Tenth. A successful person is "helped" by a big dream, a worthy one, and an unsuccessful one - will pursue small and narrow goals. There are a large number of examples in history when success came when an unattainable goal was chosen. But if done right, even a very daring strategy will be implemented.

Therefore, if we talk about how to be a successful person, then the unequivocal answer may be as follows. It is recommended to develop the qualities necessary for this. This is available to everyone, if there is a desire.

If we talk about how to try to develop these qualities, then you need to keep in mind. Only if there is a constant development and adjustment of their thoughts and actions in the indicated direction, then it will be possible to become successful very quickly.

IN last years only the inhabitants of the remote taiga do not hear anything about success. The generation of the beginning of the 21st century has already grown up, for whom this concept is absolutely natural. Personal achievements become incredibly important as they move us and society towards a better life.

Today you rarely meet a person who blames the state for his failures or Uncle Vasya from the next doorway. People are fixated on their goals and their actions. Accordingly, they have no time for other people's decisions.

What is human success?

In the 1990s, it seemed like it was enough to be on TV. Beautiful and bright artists and businessmen looked at us. And we believed that everything was cool with them.

YouTube has become a trend over the past decade. However, I noticed amazing things. For popularity, it is not at all necessary to have a photogenic appearance and speak like Ekaterina Andreeva. Fame and the right to bring unique ideas to the world are achieved by ordinary boys and girls, as well as their parents and grandparents.

Not everyone needs to shine on screens. By the way, I myself do not particularly strive to be in sight. In filming, I am more interested in offscreen work: script and direction. It means that success is something different for me.

I have big plans. But to achieve a great result, you have to take small steps. For example, to work as a blogger, I used to read drunkenly, spent a lot of time preparing for the Russian language and literature and school Olympiads, wrote articles in district newspaper, went to the School of Journalism for adolescents, graduated from the Faculty of Philology, took courses in texts, worked as a copywriter and internet marketer.

I think blogging is not final goal... And what I am now collecting bit by bit will result in something more ambitious.

Qualities of a successful person

  1. Ability to make instant decisions.
  2. Constant action.
  3. Sequence.
  4. Risk.
  5. Belief in an idea.
  6. Lack of fear.
  7. Love and negative experiences.
  8. Desire to develop.
  9. Independence.
  10. High learning ability.
  11. Perseverance.
  12. Activity.
  13. Ability to lose.
  14. Establishment of partnerships.
  15. Good and psychological health.
  16. Organizational skills.
  17. Self-confidence.
  18. Moral principles.
  19. Maturity.
  20. Slight dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs.
  21. Ability and restore strength.

Success in daily affairs

For some reason, we believe that people have achieved serious results when they are famous or are in a leadership position. In reality, this is not the case.

Any person is able to make a feasible contribution to personal development and the evolution of society with small deeds. allows us to do good things on a regular basis. To do this, it is enough to carry out high-quality work, to be neat in everyday life and friendly with family, friends, colleagues and strangers.

What do our fellow citizens mean by the concept of "success" and what does it mean to be "successful"? To find out, the Research Center of the recruiting portal Superjob.ru conducted a series of surveys among economically active respondents from all districts of the country.

As it turned out, being successful is, first of all, making good money, being rich and wealthy (15% of Russians think so). Interestingly, this opinion is more common among women than among men (18% versus 12%).

"To be successful is when the salary time comes, and you haven't spent the previous one yet!"

"Million dollars in personal account"

According to 12% of Russians, being successful means achieving your goals. Another 11% of the respondents are convinced that a successful person is the one who does what they love. This position is more common among women than among men (13% versus 8%).

In addition, the fair sex is more likely to believe that being successful means being loved and married (9% versus 5% among the stronger sex). “A successful woman is when she has a beloved and strong family, a beloved and loving husband, happy and healthy children, a well-established life and a job that she takes pleasure in ...” they comment.

Also, according to Russians, being successful means being in demand and useful (this is what 5% of respondents think), climbing the career ladder and being satisfied with the results (4% each), enjoying authority and realizing one's abilities (3% each).

2% of respondents are sure that being successful means feeling free and independent, living in harmony with oneself and others, developing, learning, being a professional, lucky and self-confident. "Success is success!" - consider another 2% of respondents. Another 15% of Russians named other signs of a successful person:

"When they follow you, and not you follow someone"

"To be in time for everything"

"Page about you on Wikipedia"

"Be spiritually rich"

At the same time, the majority of Russians (63%) do not agree with the statement that a person's success is associated exclusively with career achievements. According to the respondents, it is impossible to be successful without personal happiness. “If a person does not have good relations in the family, or there is none at all, or he has not raised his children properly, then success in his career does not mean his success as a whole,” the respondents comment.

On the contrary, every fourth Russian (25%) is convinced that professional growth is the main criterion for success: “Any person is judged by where he works and how much he earns”; "If a person is happy at work, he is happy in everything." Those who share this point of view are more among young people under 24 (28%).

"Do you consider yourself a successful person?" 61% of Russians answered positively to this question, and 21% of the respondents consider themselves to be unequivocally successful, another 40% - rather successful. "Much has come true"; "I have everything!" - the respondents comment.

And the younger a person is, the more likely they are to consider themselves successful. Thus, among respondents under 24 years old, 27% feel unequivocally successful, and among those over 45 - only 17%. Respondents who earn more than 45 thousand rubles a month feel more often at the crest of success (22% of them consider themselves to be unequivocally successful, another 47% - rather successful). In addition, men are more likely to consider themselves to be unambiguously successful (22% versus 18% among women), but rather successful - women (44% versus 37% among men). There are more successful people among those who are married (65% versus 55% among singles and unmarried).

But 21% of our fellow citizens still do not consider themselves successful (5% - unequivocally, and 16% - rather do not consider themselves). And the reasons for this are very different: “The circumstances were such that I had to close my business”; "There are problems at work, nobody gets married." More often than others, respondents over 45 consider themselves unambiguously unsuccessful (7% compared to 3% among young people under 24), those surveyed with an income of less than 25 thousand rubles a month, who do not have children (6%) and are not married (7% ).

And what is success in the minds of Russians and does the idea of \u200b\u200bsuccess change over time? First of all, our fellow citizens put into this concept the achievement of the desired result (19%, in 2006 - 30%) and income, welfare (17%, in 2006 - 19%). Favorite work is seen less and less as an obligatory component of success: if in 2006 15% of respondents considered it as such, today it is only 7%.

Fewer and fewer respondents consider the main thing in success to be a career (6% versus 8% in 2006), family and happiness in personal life (6%, seven years ago - 9%), satisfaction with what has been done (5% versus 11% in 2006), respect, authority (5% versus 9% in 2006), luck, luck (4% versus 7%), efficiency (4% versus 5%), as well as self-realization (3%), professionalism (2%), striving forward ( 2%), being in demand (1%) and fulfilling desires (1%).

16% of those surveyed indicated other components of success:

« High level spiritual, intellectual, physical, moral and material development! "

"When you bring goodness to people - this is success!"

Location of the survey: Russia, all districts
Customer: "Vedomosti"
Settlements: 134
Time: January 15, 2013
Study population: economically active population of Russia over 18 years old
Sample size: 1000 respondents

Question: "What do you think it means to be successful (oh)?"

More detailed information about the study, as well as comments of respondents - on the portal

A couple of years ago I conducted a survey among friends - who is a successful person? A businessman in a business suit sitting in a glass office with a huge panoramic window and a secretary ... A freelance photographer who shoots weddings of couples in love somewhere on a tropical island and lives for 6 months on the ocean shore ... Or just a person - any person who can call himself happy?

This is what my friends answered (literally) ...

A successful person is ...

A respectable man of 30+ years old with an apartment, wife and min. one child \u003d)in general, the word "stability" here in the subject.

Successful is when you are satisfied with yourself. And when everyone around you is still happy with you, then you finally can be successful.

A person who has reached the desired heights in his life, in terms of financial and social. Well, and, so to speak, family. And having a certain weight in society, influence.

A person whose opportunities keep pace with desires)

Probably the one who has found his place in life and is in harmony with himself. The one in whom the spirit does not disappear, no matter what happens, and he always has the willpower to go further.

A successful person is the person who knows what he wants!)))

A successful person is financially secure, able to earn money with his mind and deed. First of all, he is a businesslike and responsible person, who knows how to overcome laziness and fatigue, brave and strong.

Probably happy with his life, calm and confident.

A successful person is a person who happily does what he loves, grows as a professional, constantly develops and receives a decent reward for this in monetary terms 🙂

He who achieves everything he wants on his own, not counting on others.

And here is my favorite answer, the most capacious one:

It is impossible to answer unequivocally: for example, if a person has realized himself in his personal life, that is, he was able to build full-fledged relationships, create a wonderful family, he is already successful, because this path is fundamental for him.

Someone was able to realize himself in a certain area, achieved the set task, and having coped with it, he goes further in this direction, developing himself, he is also a successful person.

Success - we can say a synonym for some kind of action, this is work. And work is work on oneself, work on one's personal life, future family, etc. And in general, each person will be able to determine for himself whether he is successful.

Success is implementation. And it doesn't matter what exactly. But by realization, I mean that a successful person does not stand still, he is.