Analysis of the trading point: how to find "fishing. Typical errors when renting premises for the store where it is better to locate a shopping center

Shopping centers VS. Street-retale continues a joint project with the portal of an open base of commercial real estate Krasnoyarsk - on our site you can learn information about available in the city of office, shopping and storage spaces, get acquainted with the latest trends in this area and receive professional advice on issues Shopping and rental of commercial premises. In today's article, we will talk about choosing the format of the commercial premises.

The location, attractiveness for the consumer and the convenience of the internal device directly affect the efficient operation of the trading point. And this, you see, it is very important for any owner of the trading business. We have allocated two equivalent alternatives to accommodate your store - rental premises in the shopping center (shopping center) and Street-retale. What are their advantages and disadvantages?

Dry terminology

TC, TRC, TRK or shopping center (It. Einkaufszentrum - "Gallery", "Passage", "Trade and Entertainment Complex", "Mall") - a group of trade enterprises managed as a whole and located in the same building or complex of buildings.

Street-retale (Street-Retail - "Street Trade") - a type of trade real estate, which is commercial premises located on the first floors of buildings that have a separate entrance and their own showcases.

Street-retale exists on Earth with deep antiquity. With the advent of cities, trade appeared, and with the advent of trade began to open shopping shops. As a rule, they were located in the city center, which, in turn, was prestigious, but influenced the price of land rental. Horregious and prestige and to this day remained the properties that are inherent in Street-Retail. But today it has a serious alternative - commercial and commercial and entertainment centers.

Street retail. Good and bad

Brands, who followed their image and not want to change the format, usually try to stand out and do not want to fit into someone's concept. Therefore, their desire to occupy individual and autonomous retail space is quite explained.

Individual stores in the center - this is awareness and unique style.

Street-retale allows you to fully follow this principle. Binding the store to a specific place gives the brand the opportunity to uniquely comprise your style. Thus, the store, open in Street-retale format, will be in itself advertising for the entire brand. And it doesn't matter, the consumer went into the open store or not, because in this case, even the usual passerby, paying attention to the sign, captures information about the brand in its memory, which is a certain plus for the owner.

In addition, the format of Street-Retail is almost unqualified by the crisis. In this segment, demand always exceeds the offer, and, opening his store on the street with a high human permeability, the owner is extremely difficult to remain "without pants."

As for the minuses of Street-retale format, then they, of course, are also available. First of all, it is a strong dependence on street passability. Open such shops should only be in a bobbin place somewhere in the city center or find a way to increase attendance in other ways, for example, a strong advertising campaign, which, in turn, requires considerable costs.

Also Street-retale is a fairly expensive format. Prices for truly good places are high and, I must say, most of them are already busy, and their owners are unlikely to want to lose their assets so easy.

In addition, the opening of a separate store is associated with some other difficulties. These are constant accomplishments on improvement, and SES visits and other public surveillance services. It is also worth saying that the owner of the store is less insured from acts of vandalism.

But even taking into account all the shortcomings of the format of Street-retale of its merit with competent use, they are blocked.

In Krasnoyarsk, the most interesting places for "street trade" are the Program of Peace and Lenin Street on the left bank and Avenue them. The newspapers "Krasnoyarsk work" - on the right.

Of course, there are nuances here. So traffic (car and traveler) on the Ave. Mira from the street. Robespierz to ul. Trade unions are sharply reduced. The same "disease" - at the beginning of Lenin Street (from the street. Karatanova to st. Paris commune (and it is possible, to ul. Surikova). Such questions should always be considered. It is best to spend the day near the room where you are going to post a store , Calculate passersby and understand whether you are targeted traffic from the point of view of purchasing power and other characteristics.

TPS or shopping center All for and against

Shopping centers are convenient for both the buyer and the owner of the trading business. Deciding to rent an area in the shopping center, the owner will relieve itself from many concomitant troubles and costs.

It should be started with the fact that renting a room in the shopping center comes out to many cheaper than renting premises in Street-Retail format. In addition, all responsibility for protection, an internal device, appearance, administrative problems and so on will lie on the shoulders of the shopping center, and not a tenant.

Rental in the shopping center - this is the passability and lack of facilities

In addition, it is not necessary to forget that the shopping center is a brand leading his own advertising campaign not only for its tenants, but also for consumers, which, in turn, increases the attendance of the shopping center, and, accordingly, tenants. And every day the consumer is increasingly fixing to the campaign not in separate stores, but in shopping centers that provide a huge selection of trademarks for every taste.

In a word, a shopping center can be compared with the Almighty Atlanta, who keeps on its mighty shoulders a whole planet of different-wool brands and trademarks.

This titan takes care of his tenants and tries to make their lives with all their ways more comfortable and more profitable - the life of each of them.

And here it lies one, but a very serious problem - competition is literally next door. After all, having gathered on one floor of 10 stores selling sportswear, the shopping center literally provokes his tenants to a cruel competitive struggle, which is far from all capable of adequate. And if you still take into account that for the shopping center there is such a concept as anchor tenants, then the issue of competition becomes even more relevant and less decide for many.

We clarify that the anchor tenant is already a well-known brand, that is, a large company that has long existing on the market and has developed its customers. The anchor tenants occupy about 50-60% of all retail space in the shopping center. Often, major federal players, going to the mall, require that the intersections of their commodity groups with other tenants are not. That is why in many shopping center you will not meet two large stores of household appliances, etc. Although there are large shopping and shoppers that can afford not to accept such conditions of tenants.

One of the latest trends in the market is the specialization of shopping centers in the directions - children's ("Emerald City", "Right"), furniture ("Seven Elephants", "Continent", "Republic"), household goods ("atmosphere of the house", "Commander"), sports ("Babylon", "Extreme"). The development of these shopping center is at a slower pace - objectively it is more difficult to find tenants complementary to each other in one segment. Moreover, each new shopping center in this format lures part of the traffic in already existing market players.

In the case of specialization in the shopping center, the most interesting target traffic is built. But here lies and minus - when starting, the owners are difficult to abandon the tempting supply of a good tenant who is not included in the concept. That is why the concept of the shopping center may vary with time.

When choosing a shopping center, you must familiarize yourself with the anchor tenants - see their commercial series. If you intersect with them and at the same time, your goods are in one price category, you have almost no chance of winning and a long existence in this shopping center. Anchor tenant has much greater traffic - visitors come primarily to him. And if they see such a product there - then they will buy it there. So distinguish either the price category and quality of the goods, or the commodity itself - change the direction of activity.

So, welcome to the arena. TRC VS Street-Retail

Let us summarize everything for and against, adding some other points.

What to choose: TC or Street-retale depends on the goals and capabilities of the owner of the trading business

Street retail. Per:

  • Maintaining the uniqueness of your brand.
  • Investing in commercial premises when purchasing it, not rent.
  • The work of the "own" consumer.
  • Good yield at a competent approach.
  • Great attendance with the right choice of space.
  • Before the crisis.

Street retail. Vs:

  • Dear rental rates and high prices when buying real estate.
  • Strong dependence on the professionalism of the business owner.
  • Strong dependence on the place.
  • "Set" of accompanying troubles, such as SES, XPE, harvesting, guarding, and other (even when renting a room).

Shop. Per:

  • All the accuracy of improvement, cleaning, security and other small nuances of the shopping center takes on themselves.
  • The shopping center itself is brand, and his tenants are advertised with him.
  • Quite acceptable rental rates.
  • Big attendance, quite understandable traffic.

Shop. Vs:

  • Very serious competition.
  • About 50% of the anchor tenants who are out of competition.
  • The lack of room redemption.
  • The actions of the management company (maintaining the declared concept or its change) can not always benefit you.

On this, perhaps, everything. So who won? Shop or Street-Retail? Here, like polo-female, it all depends on the objectives of the owner of the trading business. If it is not possible to invest big money in Street-retale, then the choice is on the side of the shopping center. If the owner of the trading business is important to allocate its brand in a series of others and develop a "his" consumer, then it is worth choosing Street-retale.

In general, for each "if", there is a certain "that", and the choice depends on the possibilities and objectives of the owner.

How often I hear this old expression. And by the way, completely agrees with him. Recently, during the webinar, one of the listeners also wrote to me in the chat: "If the store is in a good place - success will be necessary. "

It is difficult to argue, it means, we are looking for a good place.

But if you think about, few people lease the room under the store, spends money to open, and at the same time he believes that the place he chose is bad. So why am I so often hear from entrepreneurs a sacramental phrase

« We were mistaken with a place. "

The fact is that the word "good" is an abstraction. Specific qualitative criteria should be taken to assess the suitability of the commercial premises, and for each concept of the store will be inherent in their criteria, with their hierarchy of their importance for the success of the store. If there is no such set of criteria for the entrepreneur, then high risk of making a mistake, and open a store that will not be enough for enough, in order to become profitable.

What errors that may be called "typical" are most often committed? Especially if the future owner of the store, believes that this place is "good", simply because, for example, in this shopping center there are many people, or commercial premises is on a very busy street. Here you can tell a lot, but if such mistakes are generalized, the following is:

  • Probably the most common and most dangerous error - the concept of the store does not match the flow characteristics . That is, the number of people passing by the store is large, but the share of your potential buyers is low among them. You pay a high rent for this quantity, but in reality, these are not your people. For example, you have youth clubwear, and your store is located on a very busy business street with offices. Among the clerks and managers are not so many regular buyers of clothing of this kind.
  • The store is in the "right" place, but for some reason it is difficult to get into it. It can be an entrance to the side of the building, in the case of a separately located store. Or the third floor of the shopping center, or some other "barriers" between visitors and the entrance to the store. Frequently often entrepreneurs cannot assess the seriousness of the influence of such a "barrier" to the future attendance of the store.
  • The quality of the room itself does not allow for sufficient comfort to buyers. No ventilation, there is no air conditioning in a room overlooking the south. Often, when making a leased solution, entrepreneurs do not pay attention to this, thinking that his positive parties (that is, a big stream), its location, outweigh these "small" flaws. But for a successful business, buyers should not only go to the store, but also to buy in it. In a stuffy, hot trading room, if there is no oxygen in the air, the conversion is seriously falling. Yes, and sellers cannot work fine normally. And no motivation, and pursuer will not help. Hygienic factors are very important.
  • Lack of shop windows. I myself perfectly remember how we removed the room in a very good Moscow shopping center, with high attendance, but the entrance to the store was through a short corridor. It was not even a corridor, but a wide and short entrance hall, but there was no showcases at the store. And although we carefully issued this "entrance hall", and the rental was very lower than in neighboring normal premises, and we agreed to place the free advertising of the store in the shopping center, to send enough visitors to the store did not succeed. After some time, the store had to close. Also strong influence on the return of the trading area is provided by the form of the trading hall.

  • Your buyers ride by car, and you have nowhere to park. Sometimes it is more difficult. Your product suggests that it is necessary to come by car. For example, you sell flowers in pots. Few who will buy flowers to drag them in their hands. And you are inconvenient to drive . For example, there is no congress from the route.

What is the resume?

Well, firstly, before signing the lease agreement, it is necessary to carry out its examination for the availability of all sorts of "traps and ambushes". In order for you able to do it yourself, I did

Secondly, first develop a set of criteria for proper estimation of the room. This kit is developed based on the characteristics of your target audience, situations of consumption of your goods, baskets of consumption and other essential elements of the concept of your future store. I tell about it in detail at the seminar

If you are going to engage in the development of the chain of stores, then to successfully solve this task, you will need to develop and implement the premises search system. Let's consider such a system on the example of the development of the pharmacy network.

The first step is to purchase a fairly detailed map of the city on paper or electronic media, on which individual homes, stopping transport, etc. are highlighted.

Then you need to receive information on all pharmacies of the city in the pharmaceutical (or on any other channels) and their accessories to this or that network.

When we apply to the map, divided into areas, pharmacies, we divide them in categories according to the degree of competitiveness.

  • Municipal pharmacies are weak market players, you can almost not pay attention to them, but in the future they will buy them, and then they will be successful. It is necessary to evaluate who is more profitable located in relation to the main buying flow.
  • Separate commercial pharmacies or minor networks, medium competitors.
  • Commercial networks with developed technologies and management, the strongest competitors.

It is interesting to see the indicator - the "density" pharmacies for 1000 inhabitants, compare it by regions. From these numbers, you can make an assumption of the saturation of the local market, to evaluate its development potential.

If today in the city of 300 pharmacies, it will open for another 100 for a year. They will open in various places, and will be successful in varying degrees. Of the existing, some will close, because they will be uncompetitive, working on outdated technologies. So in those places in which the newly opened pharmacies will remain, you should be. It comes from year to year, and still can be said for sure - not all good places in cities are busy with strong competitors. This situation will last another year - another. And then the competition will be mainly due to marketing activities to attract flow, more stringent price competition.

Features of finding premises for different formats

We work with a card on sleeping areas.

We are looking for where there are options - the entrance to the sleeping area - and there is no competitors. Usually at the entrance to the residential array, it is a very clear location - literally ten - fifteen meters from the end stops, etc. This situation is promising for you and is a priority to study the opportunity to put your pharmacy there. We celebrate the color on the map! This is the highest priority of localization. Next - where there are competitors, but weak. This is a second priority, other color.

We work with a card through the streets with high traffic.

We highlight the central streets of districts, transplants, places near major trading complexes. Localizing interesting traffic and quality of the flow of place, there are certainly a pharmacy. We estimate the degree of competition and we assign the highest priority to the places where competitors are weak or not.

Similarly, we work with a map of shopping complexes.

It is necessary to immediately begin to establish contacts with the owners who manage the companies operating and undergoing shopping centers and designate their interest. They, as a rule, are asked the application describing the characteristics - the requirements for power, ventilation, the presence of a bathroom, finishing, etc. It is necessary to constantly maintain these contacts, as well as gradually improve them with developers, large trading product retailers.

We start to go to seats in locations with the highest priority and evaluate our capabilities to put pharmacies. Three options may arise - rent, purchase, construction. First of all, you are probably interested in renting, although other options can be considered in principle.

For one to two weeks, it is quite realistic to establish contacts with owners and managers, shopping centers, in place to evaluate the possibilities for the priority application for evaluating efforts and choosing a place to open your pharmacies, to see the most promising options.

After the initial personal assessment, we begin to actively work with real estate agencies. Initially, it is necessary to conclude contracts and set tasks 7 - 8 agencies to then select 3 - 5 of them most effective. We put them tasks by:

  • place request - Patency, Area, Rent range, etc.
  • specific places - we want here here, here are the requirements, look for options.
  • possible objects - this is the specific room we want, lead negotiations

Criteria of the proposals of interests must be formulated as detailed as possible - places, the state of documents, lease, etc. In each agency, with which work is underway, it is necessary to be at least once a month, otherwise work with it is gradually coming down.

Within a few weeks there is an input flow of proposals from the agencies with which work is underway. One day one can appear one - two suggestions with which you need to work on their assessment up to the decision on the opening.

Evaluation of the characteristics of the proposed objects,decisions on the opening

It is appropriate to emphasize that the main part is more than 80% of the proposals - is chipped at the preliminary stage of the assessment, when we expect a possible turnover, check the property documents and translation into the non-residential Foundation of the former apartments, find out the rental conditions and use the coefficient of two-time excess of the settlement turnover over the output turnover For break-even.

Opening of pharmacies and conclusion for breathability

Planning, coordination and monitoring of action on the opening and conclusion on the break-even pharmacy. Activities are large as follows.

  • Repairs
  • Planning (trade equipment and office equipment)
  • Hiring
  • Preparation of all documents and licensing
  • Ensuring the technical task to open a pharmacy
  • Marketing events for promotion
  • Control and high attention before break-even

This stage occupies a significant temporary resource. Therefore, the earlier the head of the pharmacy is accepted and the more she (to him) can delegate coordination and control of the execution of the opening plan and break-evenness, the better.

Ideally, the candidacy must be taken at the stage of consideration of the premises so that in the event of a decision on the opening, immediately adopt the head.

In this option, you have time to fulfill your other functions.

The store's profits by 60% depends on the location of its location. Therefore, when opening a traffic point, examine the features of the area, inspect the room, and if you are going to rent an area in the shopping center, rate the setting in the commercial complex. Read more on how to choose a place for the store, in our article.

Features of the area

Before you choose the room under the store, explore the area. The success of business is influenced by 4 factors:

  • Proper social orientation. Recall the financial status of people living nearby. The goods must comply with their solvency. So, in the elite area it is better to sell exclusive expensive products (German shoes, luxury cosmetics): Cheap Chinese products are unlikely to be in demand.
  • District potential. High construction density, developed infrastructure - all this gives opportunities for successful trading. But should be taken into account: the premises for a beer shop or a tobacco kiosk should not be located next to schools, hospitals, stadiums. This is prohibited by law. On the portal Shopandmall A huge number of suggestions for leasing / sell retail space in all cities of Russia. You can find a room on the street with a separate entrance or choose a place in the mall. But before this, look at the location of the objects on the map of the city, so you can evaluate the potential of the area.
  • Traffic. The more people take place near the store, the higher the probability of sales. Do not rent a room in a deserted place.
  • Lack of competitors. Nearby there should be no many shops with a similar product. But sometimes you can benefit from such a neighborhood. For example, open a store of products next to the supermarket where the target flow of buyers has already been formed. Only in this case suggest a better product: farming meat, environmentally friendly vegetables and fruits.

To analyze all these details, make a table, write down the pros and cons. So it will be easier to make a decision.

Requirements for the room

  • Engineering systems. The presence of electricity, water, ventilation, air conditioning, fire alarm.
  • Layout. It will be convenient if there will be showcases, whether there is a separate entrance to load a product, whether the placement for the warehouse is provided - the ease of activity depends on these nuances.
  • Repairs. The design of the room must correspond to the specificity of the goods sold. You can make repairs yourself, but this moment you need to discuss in advance with the owner.

Also pay attention to the presence of parking and driveways. Especially if the products are focused on secured people or you sell a large product for the purchase of which you come by car.

Where is it better to open a department in the mall

If you are going to rent an area in the shopping center, visit the complex. Rate the number of people, ask other sales sellers, it will allow you to learn about traffic and purchasing activity. The best places in the shopping center - points located at the entrance and exit. They are surreated at a higher price, but rental costs pay off. The purchasing flow here is the most dense.

Take the range of neighboring departments, you can benefit from this. For example, draft perfume is beneficial to sell next to the female lover. The ladies who came for a beautiful peignoir can show interest in perfume. In addition, and linen, and perfumes often buy as a gift.

Now you know how to find a place for the store, and you can choose the best option. Work over the assortment, spend marketing activities, find the competent sellers, and your business will be successful.