Congenital and acquired behavioral programs - Knowledge Hypermarket. Breeding muscovy ducks - good hens Why chicken bred ducklings

Breeding musk ducks at home is a pleasant and profitable business. Muscovy ducks lay more eggs, their meat is tastier than that of ordinary, Peking, ducks and less fatty. In addition, muscovy ducks can hatch not only their own eggs, but also chicken, goose, turkey eggs.

Description of the breed

Indo-ducks or musky ducks were domesticated by the most ancient Aztecs. The breed was brought to the land of Africa, Europe, warm Australia, distant Asia, and of course to our country.

The bird got its name from the specific property of releasing fat from its own fleshy growths on the head, as if with the smell of real musk. Other versions report that the name was derived from the word "muisk" - the name of the almost forgotten Indians who lived in Colombia.

There is an opinion that these ducks were brought to the territory of Europe by the merchant system of Elizabeth I “Moscow Company”.

This species of ducks was brought to the land of the USSR in 1981 from the GDR, again it was done also in 1988, but from France, there they are also called "Barbarian ducks".

Exterior features

Indo-women are extraordinary big birds with a short neck, broad chest, strong wings and short legs. They are easy to distinguish from other bird species. They have excellent vitality, calm character, unpretentious organism and not susceptibility to any kind of disease.

The muscovy duck is painted in dark, white, black, bronze-chocolate, brown, blue colors, which make it possible to distinguish it among a large number of waterfowl. You can find a drake of specific colors.

Some scientists think that mixed-colored ducks are taken when breeding is done with a fusion of breeds. How many breeds there are, so many potential crosses.

Main parameters

Weight... A musky drake weighs up to 6 kilograms, and a female - no more than 3.5 kilograms.

Meat... Indo-women are famous for a huge amount of dietary red meat, the percentage of fat in it is small. The brisket is the most delicious part. The meat does not have the distinctive taste that many waterfowl have. Most often they are bred for slaughter - breeding for the sake of extracting tasty meat.

Eggs... The eggs are tasty, large in size, large yolk and high quality protein. A duck can be carried almost every day.

Disadvantages and advantages

Ducks are characterized by the following advantages:

  • Modesty to the stern.
  • Endurance.
  • High performance drake.
  • The ability to do without a reservoir for a long time.
  • Not loud or pugnacious birds.
  • Possession of the instinct of incubating eggs - the female sits on the eggs until the chicks hatch.

The disadvantages of the breed include:

  • Impossibility of living in damp conditions.
  • The intolerance of tightness.
  • Duration of growth.

Obtaining offspring Indo-duck

Not all eggs may be suitable for purchasing ducklings from them. It is necessary that they be fertilized and demolished in the first days of laying. This can be checked by means of an ovoscopy.

In addition, they must be:

  • clean;
  • 1st form;
  • free of visible flaws and defects;
  • about the same weight.

Eggs that are considered good are selected within 2 weeks, folded separately and stored at 11 ° C. For all this, the eggs should lie on their side.

Important. Ducklings hatch more likely from earlier muscovy eggs.


For reproduction in the usual way (hen), prepare a separate queen cell, which will contain 3-4 peas and a drake. Then, build a nest by placing dried leaves, sawdust, or hay in it.

Do not touch eggs allocated for incubation with your hands. Indo-ducks are considered excellent brood hens, which is why when ten eggs are collected in the nest, the female sits on the nest.

The building should have water and food so that the hen feeds from time to time. In the process of heating the eggs, she constantly turns the eggs over and moistens them with water.


The duck should be comfortable in the duckhouse during laying and incubation. This means that the temperature should be between 18-20 ° C. The clutch takes some time to form - usually 10 to 15 days. It usually contains 12-15 eggs. It is not typical for musk ducks to incubate other people's clutches, they do not have such an instinct.

Muscovy ducks choose their own nest for nesting.

Among other things, a duck will not incubate eggs in a nest with less than ten eggs. A brooding bird should be chosen, it should be ready to incubate eggs and show it with its own disposition. Such a duck prefers to be in the nest for a long time, its reactions become delayed, it begins to remove the fluff from its chest.

Important. Watch the behavior of the female duck in order to establish the best brood hen.

Having found a similar female, you need to put test eggs on it. If she sat on them and at the end of her meal returns to the nest, and does not go for a walk with the other herd, she can be entrusted with such a principled occupation. There is a practice to cover the bird in the nest, allowing it to leave the brooding site only twice a day - for feeding and watering. Then she herself gets used to such a regime and does not leave the nest when she pleases. Chicks begin to hatch after 32-35 days.

If you want to breed muscovy ducks naturally, you should prepare the so-called mother stock. This is a separate room for three or four ducks and one drake. Ducks should feel comfortable in the duckhouse while incubating and laying.

In the mother liquor, several secluded areas must be prepared, where the coating will stand out covered with sawdust or dry leaves. Eggs should not be touched, washed or turned over - the bird itself knows what to do.

The duck during the brooding period will turn the eggs from time to time, bring water in its beak in order to spray them. Under good conditions, hatchability is approximately 90%.

Incubator hatching

In an incubator preheated to 38 degrees, the largest eggs are laid in a horizontal position, after five hours - medium ones, after the same amount - small ones. Twice a day, the laid material is sprayed with a slightly pink warm composition of potassium permanganate to cool and accelerate metabolism. Wet eggs are wiped with napkins, removing the top layer of thick peel instead of the hen. To cool down, you can simply open the lid for thirty minutes, as if the hen has gone to eat.
??? Eggs are turned automatically or manually. With all this, for averaging the formation temperature, the clutch must be interchanged, shifting the outermost eggs to the center. The air temperature in the chamber is gradually reduced, the coups are done by the specified degree, according to the table. The incubation of duck ducks does not stop for 32-35 days.

Then, the brood is placed in a brooder and nursing is formed. Especially responsible for the first ten days. Little ducklings are taught to feed. No need to be afraid liquid droppings, this is a characteristic feature of Indo-South chicks.

When raising ducklings at home, do not allow fledgling ducklings to come into contact with liquids. They will get wet and drown.

For breeding females from five months, it is necessary, contrary to nature, to lengthen the daytime, little by little preparing them for egg-laying. By spring, the length of the day should be 16 hours. Then the productivity of females and their full fertilization will make it possible to get strong offspring of musk ducks when grown at home.

When feeding young animals for meat, it is necessary to create conditions for rapid growth. It is commercially viable to feed for 13 weeks or until molt begins. When the bird sheds its feather, weight gain stops. 60% of the herd is guaranteed to be drakes, they will accumulate 3 kilograms of weight by 13 weeks. The remaining herd of females can be switched to winter keeping and prepared for spring brood.

Young growth care

Young muscovy ducks should be kept in a brooder with an infrared lamp. In the 1st week, the light is not turned off at all. This makes it possible for the chicks not to freeze and not worry. From the second week, you can start turning off the light for an hour and little by little, with each week the "night" is continued for an hour until the regime is natural. Sawdust is laid on the floor for ducklings, and several feeders and deep (for the entire duration of the beak) drinkers are placed in the brooder.

For the first time the chicks do not know how to eat, and only grab what moves. To feed them, you need to cut a boiled egg and slice it on the backs of the ducklings. Seeing the crumbs rolling down, they will take them. And by 3 days they will learn to distinguish food and eat it from the feeder. By this period, they can already be provided with cottage cheese, porridge with milk, shredded greens and grain. From the fifth day, meat waste and offal are introduced.

And after ten days of life, boiled vegetables can also be provided. From the tenth day, chicks (if warm) can be allowed to walk, but not for long. And from several weeks, males and females are better divided. Since that time, they are kept in the same way as mature individuals.

Conditions of maintenance and care

Below you can find out how to keep muscovy ducks, including: setting up a suitable room, feeding rules, and information about diseases.


Since the domestic muscovy duck emerges from warm tropical climates, it is very important to create the right conditions for it. In summer, birds can be kept in an unheated shed or even outdoors without any problems, but from October to late April, ducks need a warm room. Unlike common ducks, guests from the North American continent simply do not know how to accumulate parenteral fat and are not supplied with the same warm down.

In order for the birds to feel themselves normally, they need a capital duckhouse with good light and a hood. Muscovy does not tolerate unnecessary drafts, dampness and sudden temperature fluctuations. It is also strongly advised to isolate the indo from another poultry and animals.

In summer, ducks need to be able to walk in nature and sunbathe. The ducks themselves fly rather poorly, so there is no particular need for a high fence. It is necessary to cover the outdoor yard with a netting netting only if there is a risk of raid by predators - foxes, hawks, etc.

If there is not enough free space, for example, if you want to breed ducks in the private sector of the city, the bird can be placed in wooden or mesh cages, equipped in a couple of tiers. When keeping duck in 1 large room, auxiliary heating is not required, since the unchanged bedding (straw, sawdust), when reacted with duck droppings, itself provides heat.

As for the equipment in the duckhouse, you will need the following objects:

  • nursery for compound feed;
  • drinkers (Indo-women drink much more than chickens or common ducks);
  • laying nests (make sure the ducks can reach them freely);
  • tree perches slightly raised above the ground (Indo-girls do not like to sit on the ground).


Approximately 160-210 grams of feed is consumed per day for 1 Indoor. This is not considered a large dose, compared to the portion of food that a Peking duck consumes, it eats much more, so raising a healthy bird of a different breed is not so expensive. It also, of course, depends on the appetite of the bird itself and the nutritional value of the compound feed.

Muscovy ducks need to be fed nutritiously, try to change food. Generally, these ducks are not picky in their food, but like any other bird they need variety.

They need to be fed different kinds grains: wheat, crushed barley, sowing, crushed corn. For the winter, be sure to stock up on herbs: nettles, dandelions, woodlice and other herbs, silage. Of course, it will be useful to add vitamins to food, such as A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, Sun, H, C. Which are present in feed, premixes, nutritional supplements. Greens, cereals, grass meal, fish oil, bran, yeast, peas, beans, greens of beets, carrots and other herbs rich in various vitamins.

Diseases of ducks

Muscovy ducks have a fairly strong immunity, so that 95% of the herd survived to slaughter under good conditions. Diseases that affect poultry manifest themselves as a loss of livestock, a decrease in egg production and a lag in the formation of young animals.

Young ducks are quite often prone to hepatitis, aspergillosis, salmonellosis. Likewise, musky ducks can suffer from rectal inflammation, goiter diseases. Poor nutrition and spoiled foods can lead to food poisoning.

Brief description of the Indo-girls

Mexus ducks are capricious about the purity of their content. Compared to Peking ducks, musk birds use significantly less feed, but their meat yield is much higher. This greatly increases the breed's breeding profitability. When home cultivation For poultry, plant food can replace most of the feed.

Young poultry is hatched in two ways: artificial - in incubators and natural - under hens. Hatchery and poultry stations, poultry factories and breeding poultry factories annually sell to collective farmers and workers millions of day old chicks, ducklings, turkeys and goslings.

All duck eggs obtained on farms, with the exception of marriage (cut, notch, two-yolk), should be incubated. By agreement, they are handed over to an incubator at a poultry station or exchanged for ducklings. If this is not possible, then the young are taken out under the hens. The hatching of ducklings under hens (natural incubation) depends on three main conditions: the quality of the eggs laid under the hen, the choice of the hen and the care of her and eggs during the brooding period. Poultry must be properly fed and maintained, only then the eggs will have all the necessary incubation qualities. Eggs intended for hatching are ovoscoped. An ovoscope is a device made of a plywood or cardboard box (case), inside which an electric or kerosene lamp is placed, and an oval hole is cut above them. When an egg is applied to the hole, its contents are visible.

Eggs should not be stored in a warm place or near odorous substances (creosote, kerosene, carbolic acid). It is best to keep them in a cool dry place at a temperature of 5-10 ° C in a basket or box in an upright position. The room should be free of dampness and mold. It is not recommended to lay eggs with cracks, dirty, very small, thin shells, round or too elongated eggs under the hen, as well as eggs with an irregular rough shell with thickenings and belts. Duck eggs laid 2-5 days ago are best suited for incubation.

Choosing a brood hen. After a period of enhanced egg-laying in the spring, the brooding instinct appears in poultry. The best time for brooding is the end of March - April - May. At this time, the belly of the bird is exposed, as feathers and down fall out, the bird itself pulls them out, covering the nest with them. A good brood hen reluctantly leaves the nest. If you drop her out of there, she does not run away, but sits down on the ground and makes special guttural sounds (clucking). The nest with a hen on top is closed with a basket (box), releasing it only 2 times a day for feeding. After 3-4 days, the bird usually begins to cackle, sits.

Excellent brood hens - turkeys, they breed both turkeys and young poultry of other species equally well. You can force both the female and the male turkeys to incubate. For this, several eggs are placed in the nest, the turkey is planted there and the nest is closed so that it cannot stand up. After 2-3 days, eggs are placed under the turkey for incubation.

You can also put duck eggs under a hen-hen, but you can't put duck eggs under goose, since duck eggs have a thinner shell and the goose can crush them. Put 13-15 duck eggs under the duck, 7-9 duck eggs under the chicken. The hen should cover all eggs with herself, without revealing her wings. It is better to plant a hen on the nest in the evening. There should always be food, water and a box with dry sand and ash near the nest, where the bird can swim. The hens usually leave the nest every day to eat and drink. You need to feed hens with whole grains, grain waste or dry flour mixture. In the first 2 days, the hen should not be disturbed at all, even if she does not leave the nest.

The hen is released 1-2 times a day for 10 minutes. If the brood hen does not leave the nest for more than 2 days, it is carefully removed and brought to the trough until she herself begins to approach the feed. You cannot allow her to walk with another bird in the yard, it is best not to let her out of the room where the nest stands. Eggs should be examined after the brook leaves the nest. Crushed eggs (if any) are immediately removed, the contaminated bedding is replaced with fresh ones, and traces of dirt are removed from the soiled eggs.

The eggs laid under the hen are examined several times during the incubation period on an ovoscope, since among them there may be those that are unsuitable for further incubation - unfertilized or with a frozen embryo.

When viewed on an ovoscope, fertilized duck eggs on the 7-8th day of incubation are quite clearly visible circulatory system and the germ. In eggs with a dead embryo, a blood ring, line, or blood gyrus can be seen during this period. Unfertilized eggs, i.e. eggs without embryos, are light. The first time duck eggs are examined on the 1-8th day of incubation, the second time - before hatching - on the 26th day of incubation. During the second viewing, the winding outline of the borders of the pug is clearly visible, and the movement of the duck's beak can often be established. In eggs with frozen embryos, a solid dark mass without blood vessels is noticeable, the contents of the egg overflow.

Duration of incubation of duck eggs is 27-28 days. Young poultry hatch wet, so the ducklings must first be allowed to dry under the hen, and then put in a box, box, lined with insulating cloth, covered with cloth on top and placed in a warmer place (26-28 ° C). A hen with young growth is isolated from other birds and kept separately. The ducklings are allowed to the brood hen after the hatching is over. Youngsters bred from two hens can be kept with one of them (provided that both chicks are of the same age), and the freed one can begin to walk around or lay eggs under it to hatch a new batch. Ducklings bred in the incubator can be allowed under the hen, depending on its size and maternal qualities, but no more than 20-30. Such planting successfully succeeds in the first days of the life of the young; among older ducklings, the brood hen distinguishes stranger chicks and drives them away.

The duck is a caring hen, under which you can grow up to 20-30 ducklings. The first 2 days the duck together with the brood should be kept in a warm room. In good weather, ducklings from the 3-4th day gradually begin to let out for walking and closely monitor their behavior. Ducklings are released into the pond early in the morning and fed only once in the evening in the yard, near the sleeping quarters. It is not recommended to admit ducklings earlier than 10 days of age to the water, as they can get very wet and overcooled. Ducklings are raised for meat up to 60-65 days of age, by which time they reach 2-2.5 kg. They are fed abundantly with highly nutritious concentrated feed. In household farms, where there are no hens, and the day olds were bought at an incubator-poultry station or in a poultry farm, they are in most cases grown under artificial conditions. Ducklings can be warmed up with electric heaters. At the same time, electric heating pads are the most fire safe, compact and hygienic.

Questions at the beginning of the paragraph.

Question 1. How did congenital forms of behavior arise?

Congenital programs of behavior - unconditioned reflexes, instincts.

They are found in both animals and humans. They “generalize” the historically (phylogenetically) established species experience and contribute to the satisfaction of basic needs, that is, the continuation of life.

Since at different stages individual development (ontogeny) the organism is not in the same conditions, unconditioned reflexes of individuals different ages may vary. But in all representatives of a species of a given age and sex, they are normally the same.

Question 2. Why in childhood do people easily master the language?

Like all reflexes, instincts are caused by a complex of external and internal reasons and represent a chain of unconditioned reflexes, thanks to which animals and humans adapt to a particular environment. For example, people easily master speech in infancy. At a later age, language learning is given to them with much more difficulty.

Question 3. How does mental activity differ from conditioned reflex activity?

A more complex form of individual behavior is rational activity. Here, based on past experience, new connections are formed that did not exist before. Here is one of typical examples... The dog was trained to stand on its hind legs. This movement became a signal for food. Therefore, the dog often began to use his skill for begging for food. This is a common conditioned reflex resulting from the combination of the "serve" posture with food. Consider another case. The dog asks for a walk: it barks, wags its tail. But this does not give the desired effect. Then she stands on her hind legs in front of the door, although no one taught her this. The existing skill is used by the dog for another purpose. And if he is reinforced, the animal will take him "into service."

Questions at the end of the paragraph.

Question 1. What forms of behavior can be attributed to congenital, and which - to acquired?

Congenital forms of behavior are unconditioned reflexes, reflexes that are inherited and provide the body's adaptation to constant environmental conditions. The simplest unconditioned reactions: sucking (unconditioned food reflex), blinking (unconditioned defense reflex), "what is it?" (indicative unconditioned reflex). More complex forms of innate behavior - instincts - chains of innate reflexes.

Acquired forms of behavior are the reactions of each person with the help of which his body adapts to the changing influences of the environment. Such an elementary reaction is a conditioned reflex. A stable chain of conditioned reflexes forms a dynamic stereotype. A more complex form of acquired behavior is rational activity.

Question 2. What unconditioned reflexes did a person inherit from ape-like ancestors?

Unconditioned reflexes that a person inherited from ape-like ancestors are reflexes that contribute to the satisfaction of basic needs, that is, the continuation of life, as well as food, protective, orienting reflexes.

Question 3. What is instinct?

Instinct (from Latin instinctus - motivation) is a set of complex innate reactions (acts of behavior) of an organism that arise in response to external or internal stimuli.

Question 4. Why do ducklings bred by a hen follow her, like chickens? What is the mechanism of this phenomenon?

Newborn animals, at the moment of maturation of the analyzers, fix images in their memory, which they will subsequently orient themselves to as significant objects. This property is called imprinting. They explain why ducklings bred by a hen follow her, like chickens. After the ducklings hatched from the egg, they developed a visual analyzer and a follow reflex. They captured the first moving object they encountered and followed it.

\u003e\u003e Congenital and acquired behavior programs

Section 54. Congenital and acquired behavioral programs

1. How did congenital behaviors come about?
2. Why do people easily learn a language in childhood?
3. How does the rational activity differ from the conditioned reflex activity?
4. Why do results temporarily deteriorate during skill development?

Congenital programs of behavior - unconditioned reflexes, instincts.

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