Growing champignons as a business profitability. Home business for growing champignons. Sales market - ways of selling finished products

For those who are not afraid of anything new and are ready to work on their own mushroom growing plantation, growing mushrooms at home is a gold mine, as this business can become a good source of income for a family. So, how to grow mushrooms at home?

The effectiveness of the mushroom growing business is based on their nutritional value, that is, the benefits for the human body.

From this position, the nutritional characteristics of champignons are obvious:

  1. The presence of the necessary useful components: carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, proteins, more than 20 types of amino acids, as well as phosphorus, iron, potassium, zinc. As for phosphorus, its content in mushrooms is comparable to that of seafood.
  2. The low calorie content is due to the lack of sugar.
  3. The presence in the composition of thiamine, riboflavin, which helps to improve the quality of the skin. Dried mushroom is recommended for liver and intestinal diseases.
  4. High taste.

In addition, champignons surpass even some forest mushrooms in taste.

An impressive list of useful characteristics gives reason to think seriously about the possibility of growing champignons as your own business. 1 kg of mushrooms costs on average today from 100 to 150 rubles, so doubts about the profitability of their cultivation immediately disappear. For the family, this business will be a good source of income.

2. Acquisition of mycelium

Mycelium - soil with mushroom seeds - is the main point of the business plan. A wide range of mycelium offerings is not a reason to buy which is cheaper.

In order to avoid buying dubious mushroom pores, it is appropriate to contact sellers with experience in this area and positive customer reviews.

3. Preparing the soil

The basis of the soil, otherwise the compost for growing mushrooms is horse manure. Its value is made up of nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium and potassium compounds, which are acceptable for mycelium nutrition.

When there is a shortage of horse manure, entrepreneurs use cow manure, as it creates a favorable environment for the creation of an appropriate microflora.

When preparing compost without the use of manure, it is recommended to observe the ratio of temperature (65), humidity (72%), nitrogen content (1.9%), potassium (1%).

4. Purchase of technological equipment

To arrange the premises, advice to the entrepreneur: to provide in the business plan an item of expenses for the acquisition and installation of technological equipment:

  • Containers;
  • Shelves;
  • Plumbing and ventilation installation.

With taxes included, you will win in any case.... If you plant a batch of champignons with an interval of 1 month, you will be able to harvest every month - the income will be more tangible.

The technology of growing champignons at home

Compliance with the technology for growing champignons will seem laborious at first, but with the acquisition of experience, the procedure will be brought to automaticity, and the crop is harvested up to 5 times a year. The planting, care and harvesting process includes the following steps.

1. Preparing compost

To the ingredients: manure (50 kg), gypsum (12 kg), lime (12 kg), urea (1.5 kg) should be tamped tightly and covered with foil.

Its readiness can be determined by the absence of ammonia odor after 2-3 weeks. After that, the soil is placed in pre-prepared boxes or containers.

2. Planting mycelium

For planting, you need to carefully read the instructions, since the planting technology depends on the type of mycelium: grain, liquid or substrate.

Further, the growing process is reduced to observing the temperature regime (18–20) and humidity (up to 55%). If the preparation and planting were organized correctly, then after 2-3 weeks the mycelium should grow to 5 cm, as evidenced by a white bloom on the surface of the soil.

When it appears, it is necessary to sprinkle it on top with high-quality greenhouse soil to a height of 4 cm and cover with a film. From this moment, watering of the soil begins, but until the mushrooms have sprung up, it is recommended to water with a sprayer so that the earth remains loose.

Fruits appear in 35–45 days. At this stage, it is imperative to cleanse the air from carbon dioxide emitted by mushrooms. At the same time, there should be no air movement directly above the beds.

Having on hand official certificates for products, you can offer them to shops, wholesale depots, canteens, cafes and restaurants. Alternatively, you can sell mushrooms yourself by renting a place in the market. High quality grown products guarantees a constant clientele, regardless of the place of sale.

Thus, the advantages of starting your own champignon growing business are obvious:

  • Availability of resources;
  • Profit throughout the year;
  • Available requirements for consumables and space;
  • Acceptable taxation.

The cultivation of champignons is a type of activity that allows you to get a crop regardless of weather conditions and the availability of fertile land. You can actually cultivate these mushrooms even on the site in front of your own private house, although in this case you should not count on excess profits.

This type of business has fairly high profitability indicators, which distinguishes it from other types of agricultural activities. It should be noted that another positive point is the fact that agricultural waste is the main raw material for growing mushrooms.

Statistics show that the Russian mushroom market is growing annually by about a quarter, while it is represented mainly by foreign products, the quality of which is often far from satisfactory. The cost of one kilogram of champignons in large stores ranges from 80-150 rubles.

Actually, based on the foregoing, we can assume that the mushroom growing business today has very good prospects.

Production Description

Champignons can be grown in greenhouses, cellars and dugouts. These mushrooms grow in mycelium, a substrate made from chicken droppings and straw. It is worth noting that when making the mycelium, make sure that the straw and manure are not rotten. When growing mushrooms, it is necessary to maintain moisture levels within 70-80%. After planting the mushrooms in the ground, the temperature must be maintained within 24-26 ° C. It is at this temperature regime that a quick and good harvest is ensured. After the growth of mycelium, the temperature can be reduced to 20 ° C and sprinkled with a small layer of earth.
Around forty days after planting, you can see the mushroom crop. It is worth noting that fruiting occurs in waves. Within 2-3 months, there can be up to six harvest waves, and in the second or third wave the harvest reaches its peak. After the last wave, you need to change the substrate.

Premises and equipment

To grow mushrooms, you need to rent or own an area of \u200b\u200babout 550 sq. m., where it is necessary to allocate premises for organizing the following stages of work:

  • Composting - 400 sq. m .;
  • Compost pasteurization - 50 sq. m .;
  • Growing mycelium - 50 sq. m .;
  • Mushroom growing - 50 sq. m.

In the premises, it is necessary to carry out a centralized sewerage system, as well as water supply and ventilation systems.

To grow champignons, you need to purchase:

  1. Small tractor;
  2. Straw and grain crushers;
  3. Steam boiler;
  4. Irrigation systems;
  5. Containers;
  6. Shelving.


Today, there is a distinct lack of specialists who are well versed in the mushroom business. The problem lies in the fact that people cannot get an appropriate education anywhere, so the experience of growing mushrooms comes only after several unsuccessful attempts of their own. It is likely that in the early stages you will have to master the growing technique yourself. If a specialist is found, then in order to motivate him, it would be better to establish a remuneration for him, depending on the volumes grown.

In addition to a qualified manager, three workers will need to be hired, a sales manager and an accountant.

Implementation methods

There are three ways to sell grown champignons:

  1. Through wholesale stores;
  2. Through grocery stores;
  3. Through your own retail outlet.

The choice of one of the methods is mainly due to the final volume of the grown products. Of course, the highest selling price will be for self-sale, but a much larger volume of mushrooms can be sold through grocery and wholesale stores. It is worth noting that the so-called admission fee is often taken for the opportunity to sell large volumes in chain stores, but the selling price in such stores is higher than for wholesales.

When growing large volumes, it is advisable to create a website on the network, where you will need to post information and discounts for potential wholesale buyers.

Cost and return on investment

The initial investment for growing mushrooms is approximately 1.6 million rubles:

  1. Purchase of equipment - 500 thousand rubles;
  2. Purchase of land, construction of buildings - 1 million rubles;
  3. Other expenses, including registration, advertising, fuels and lubricants - 100 thousand rubles.

Monthly expenses:

  1. Wages fund - 150 thousand rubles;
  2. Utility costs - 30 thousand rubles;
  3. Advertising - 5 thousand rubles;
  4. Transportation costs - 15 thousand rubles.

Total: 200 thousand rubles.

The cost of one ton of compost sown with mycelium is 6 thousand rubles. One ton can collect up to 2 quintals of mushrooms. Taking into account the average wholesale cost of one kilogram of mushrooms, equal to 70 rubles, the income from the sale of the harvest will amount to 14 thousand rubles. When processing one hundred tons of compost with mycelium within three months, taking into account monthly expenses, the profit will be 200 thousand rubles. The cycle can be repeated 4 more times during the year. Thus, taking into account taxes, the profit for the year will be about 750 thousand rubles.

The estimated payback period for the initial investment in the mushroom growing business is two years.

Who doesn't dream of a stable income and a free work schedule? High income and confidence in the future can bring your own business. Your business allows you to independently choose a field of activity, adjust costs and ensure independence from other people. When opening your own business, you should take into account the availability of the necessary resources and the amount of investment. For those who do not want to invest money in dubious enterprises, burden themselves with renting premises and recruiting staff, the option of growing champignons is suitable.

Pros and cons of a mushroom growing business

Mushroom cultivation is suitable for those who love to take care of plants and dream of doing it. Such an enterprise does not require large investments, and most importantly, a mushroom plantation can be planted right at home. Growing champignons as a business has high profitability: from 130 to 150% for different farmers, depending on the volume of production. Mushrooms are a popular product at any time of the year, and the Russian climate is ideal for mushroom growing.

Subject to the simple rules of planting champignons and caring for them, the result will not be long in coming. The first portion of aromatic mushrooms can be enjoyed after a couple of months. Expensive restaurants, fast food establishments and private clients, including neighbors, friends and acquaintances, will always welcome finished products.

With all indisputable advantages mushroom farming is a business that requires considerable physical effort and compliance with certain conditions. An ordinary city apartment is not suitable for mushroom breeding. A novice entrepreneur will need a special non-residential premises (see), the area of \u200b\u200bwhich will determine the volume of the harvest and, accordingly, the possible amount of profit.

Many newcomers' dreams of a thriving business are shattered in the early stages of creating an enabling environment. It should be noted that a room equipped for planting champignons will be unsuitable for other purposes for a long time, since mushroom spores are incredibly tenacious.

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First steps - creating an enabling environment

Growing champignons at home is a business that involves equipping a special room. You can choose one of the following options: make a separate mushroom greenhouse or adapt existing utility rooms for mushroom growing.

In order to ensure a good healthy harvest in the future, you should take care of the ventilation system. For mushrooms, it is very important to observe the temperature and humidity level. The mycelium should be divided into 4 zones, each of which will require the creation of a specific environment:

  • area for making compost (here the air temperature should not be higher than 16 ° C);
  • a chamber for pasteurization of compost (it is necessary to install a steam supply system and exhaust ventilation. Such a chamber should be sealed, have a separate entrance);
  • the area in which the mycelium is sown and grown (the optimum temperature is 16-24 ° C, humidity is up to 100%, constant ventilation is necessary);
  • area for removing and collecting mushrooms (air temperature 14-16 ° C, humidity - 80%).

The multi-zone system will ensure strict adherence to technology in such a business as mushroom breeding at all stages of production.

Mycelium and its features

When the room for growing champignons is ready, you can purchase soil with mycelium spores. It is not recommended to save on planting material. It is advisable to purchase it only from trusted suppliers, otherwise the compost may turn out to be empty.

The mycelium is in the form of a substrate or grains. According to reviews of entrepreneurs who have been growing mushrooms as a business for many years, it is better to start with mycelium on a substrate. It is less demanding on the conditions of detention, is resistant to errors in growing technology, and is not afraid of external stimuli. In addition, the purchase of whole myceliums is possible.

Important: growing mushrooms from mycelium is very time consuming process, involving the use of special agricultural techniques. In such a matter, experienced mushroom growers feel more confident, selling not only the fruits of mushrooms, but also the material for their cultivation.

Compost preparation

Regardless of whether the mushrooms are grown in a basement or a greenhouse, the necessary soil for their development will be a compost mixture. The basis of compost is horse manure, because it is thanks to it that the necessary nitrogen environment for the growth of fungi develops. You can also use cow dung. Its advantage is that it can warm up, allowing beneficial bacteria to multiply.

Add soil, straw, urea, chalk and ammonium sulfate to the manure. Please note that the humidity required for the formation of humus must be at least 80%, and the temperature must be 65 ° C.

Mushroom spores should be planted at a temperature of 20-27 ° C. For 1 sq. m, you need 500 g of compost mixed with mycelium, or 400 g of grain mycelium. In the ground, you need to make small depressions at a distance of 30 cm from each other, where to place the mycelium. If spores are used as planting material, they should be sown directly onto the compost surface.

After 10-15 days, the spores will begin to germinate. At this time, it is necessary to prepare a special mixture of limestone, earth and peat and sprinkle it on the beds. The top layer of this mass should be regularly moistened, preventing it from drying out.

Important! Conditions for artificial cultivation of mushrooms should be as close to natural as possible. In the forest, mushrooms hide behind a layer of branches and leaves, so that even in the strongest downpour, only part of the moisture reaches them. Therefore, even in greenhouse conditions, irrigation should be done by spraying. Otherwise, all seedlings will die.


If these conditions are met, the first mushroom collection can be done 35-40 days after planting. Collect the fruits carefully, trying not to damage the mycelium. It is necessary to lightly hold the base of the champignon and the soil, tearing off the mushroom in a smooth circular motion.

To avoid rotting, you will have to collect not only large fruits, but also small ones. For 1 sq. m can account for up to 5 kg of mushrooms in one cycle. Growing can be done year-round and uninterrupted.

Storage conditions

If it is not possible to sell the mushrooms immediately after harvesting, they must be sent to the refrigerator, after having cooled down a little. In the refrigerator, fruits should not lie close to each other. There should be a small distance between the mushrooms to avoid deformation.

Mushrooms are practically not susceptible to diseases and pests. However, they are afraid of mold and rot. To prevent the formation of harmful microorganisms, ensure proper ventilation in advance. In addition, if a fruit with a deformed cap or leg, spots, is found in the mycelium, it should be immediately removed and all other bodies checked.

Possible income

You can plant 5-6 kg of mycelium in 1 ton of compost. The average yield of mushrooms is 250-300 kg from 1 ton of compost. The costs for the purchase of mycelium and preparation of the soil will total about 10,000 rubles. It is worth adding to this the costs of watering and maintaining the microclimate necessary for mushrooms - about 2,000 rubles more.

The average price of champignons is 250 rubles. per 1 kg retail and about 150 rubles. for 1 kg wholesale. Thus, having grown and sold a batch of mushrooms with a volume of 250 kg, you can gain from 37,500 to 62,500 rubles, depending on the method of sale. The profit will be from 25,500 to 50,500 rubles, respectively.

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Learn how to organize properly.

In nature, champignon grows in open meadows. However, this mushroom feels great in artificial conditions. In this article we will talk about what is remarkable about the industrial cultivation of mushrooms.

Where to start and how to make a plan

To avoid unpleasant surprises, it is necessary to draw up a business plan for the industrial cultivation of champignons. To do this, first, the sanitary norms and rules are studied, the recommendations of the authorized government agencies and, of course, growing technology. When all the necessary information has been collected and analyzed, you can search for a room. Here you need to decide on the volumes. For example, 2-3 tons of products per year are grown from an area of \u200b\u200b100 sq. m. The best way - construction, but you can also use a rented space.

The next thing you need to grow mushrooms at home is mycelium, that is, soil with mushroom pores. Don't rush to cheap questionable offers. Only buy from sellers who have real positive customer reviews. Alternatively, you can order compost in Belarus.

If you are going to grow mushrooms in industrial scale, then you still have to take care of advertising. A crop of more than 100 kg will be difficult to realize on your own. Therefore, you can give the mushrooms to dealers, offer grocery stores... True, in the second case, more special documents will be required.

The profitability of this business can be calculated by analyzing the market situation. For a long time on russian market imported products dominated. Polish champignons have never been stale on the counter. Demand exceeded supply. Now domestic producers are entering the arena, why don't you become one of them?

What can be encountered when growing

Breeding champignons has its own risks. Beginners without experience should not immediately deploy large volumes. Growing mushrooms is a simple process only at first glance; without experience, production can be ruined at the start. The culture can be infected with bacteria or diseases. This can only be prevented by maintaining optimal conditions in the nursery. Market analysis should not be neglected either. By itself, this business is quite profitable, but in countryside this product may not be in demand.

Harvesting and marketing of products

It is also necessary to harvest correctly: the mushroom does not break out, does not cut, but twists out. It is better to store champignons in 3-4 kg containers. The harvest is stored for up to 12 days at temperatures from 0 to -4 ° C.

Profitability also depends on the sale of products. If you have become an excellent mushroom grower, but have not been able to sell your products, then you will not receive profit from your business. There are different sales options. You can sell on the market yourself or give it to small wholesalers. It is more profitable to sell mushrooms through chain stores, supply them to public catering. You need to look for a client while waiting for the harvest.

Of course, mushrooms can be sold not only fresh, but, for example, pickled, canned, in the form of salting. Freezing and drying is a costly business, but it is also a way out of the situation, making it possible to save the crop.

How much money does it take to get started

To answer the question of whether it is profitable to engage in the production of champignons, you need to decide on financial investments... For small business 30-40 thousand rubles is enough to start. But if we are talking about an industrial scale, then you should have at least half a million investments. The items of expenditure are approximately as follows: business registration, equipment, purchase of a car and mycelium, advertising expenses and incidental expenses.

Choosing equipment

If you want to grow champignons, then you need to purchase special equipment or rent / buy a room that already has everything you need. Do not grow mushrooms without:

  • good ventilation system;
  • lighting systems;
  • steam generator and water heating boiler.

Refrigerating chambers will be needed to store the grown mushrooms.

How to register a business and what documents will be required

To legalize business, production will have to be registered. You must have the following documentation:

  • registration certificate individual entrepreneur;
  • owner's passport data;
  • application for opening an enterprise;
  • a document confirming the payment of the state duty.

Choosing a taxation system for registration

For those who consider growing mushrooms as a business, the tax system is suitable, where a single tax is used.

Do I need permission to open

Permission to open is required and this is perhaps the most problematic side of this business. So, the following documents are needed:

  • declaration confirming compliance with GOST;
  • special instructions for storing mushrooms and transporting them;
  • phytosanitary service certificate;
  • a document that confirms that the radiological control has been passed.

Video "The process of growing mushrooms"

From this view, you will learn about how mushrooms are grown and whether it is possible to make money on it.

Champignons are among the most popular types of mushrooms. They are distinguished by their special taste and relatively low cost, due to which they are in great demand among buyers. Self-cultivation of champignons is quite simple to organize, and the cost of implementation this business pay off quickly.

Business features and benefits

Commercial cultivation of mushrooms refers to simple types business. Its advantages are:

  • an easy, effortless way to grow mushrooms;
  • minimum size cash investments at the initial stage;
  • high yield rate.

By equipping a plot of only 3 square meters, you can get about 45 kilograms of champignons.

There are about 200 types of champignons. Of these, only two pose a threat to human health: yellow and variegated. For home made the best choice is the double-stemmed champignons, also known as "cultivated".

Organizing a mushroom growing business involves the use of industrial way... It will allow harvesting from 2 to 4 tons. But this requires a separate section.

This business has practically no drawbacks, while having a whole range of advantages. If you have a closed area, you can ensure a stable throughout the year. The taxation rate for is quite low. The room in which the mushrooms will be grown has minimum requirements. The resources for organizing production are available to almost anyone.

Where to begin?

Initially, it is necessary to develop for the cultivation and sale of champignons. It includes the following steps:

  • approximate size calculations;
  • business registration;
  • arrangement of a room for growing mushrooms;
  • purchase necessary equipment and materials;
  • selection of the most productive types of champignons, and study of the technology of their cultivation;
  • search for ways to sell products.

First, it is necessary to study the potential sales market, and calculate the approximate volume of champignons that can be sold. You should also provide possible risks, and develop ways to solve them.

Do I need permission to open a business, documents

In accordance with current legislation, permission to open a business for the cultivation and sale of mushrooms is issued in the presence of:

  • phytosanitary certificate;
  • a certificate confirming compliance with GOST;
  • instructions for the placement and transportation of mushroom products;
  • radiological control document.

Initially it is necessary to obtain the status (individual entrepreneur). Then an application is submitted about the desire to open a production for growing mushrooms. It is required to have a certificate confirming the payment of the state duty and a personal passport.

For the cultivation of mushrooms for commercial purposes, the taxation system (Unified Agricultural Tax) should be chosen.


To get a crop of 2 to 4 tons, a plot of 100 square meters is required. A special room is required for growing mushrooms. You can buy it, rent it, or equip it at home, if there is sufficient territory.

At the initial stage, a lease is better suited, since it is the cheapest, and if the enterprise turns out to be unprofitable, it will reduce monetary losses to a minimum.

The room should be divided into four sectors with different purposes:

  • compost making;
  • compost pasteurization;
  • sowing mycelium;
  • growing crops.

A complex of different systems should be installed in the room:

  • climate control;
  • communications;
  • ventilation;
  • humidifier.

To ensure the stable growth of mushrooms, a certain microclimate should be organized in the room. In the absence of the necessary equipment, the most suitable budget option for this purpose is a greenhouse. If the site already has a similar plant for seedling vegetables, it can also be used for growing mushrooms from September to February.

The greatest demand for mushrooms is observed in winter, so it is at this time that it is recommended to grow them.

Film and glass greenhouses are suitable for champignons. It is easiest to provide the temperature and humidity necessary for growing mushrooms in them. It is also allowed to use polycarbonate for arranging the greenhouse. It is necessary to organize in the greenhouse:

  • gas or electric heating system;
  • ventilation to eliminate carbon dioxide emitted by fungi;
  • shelves to increase the number of mushrooms grown.

Also, mushroom cultivation can be organized in a basement, shed, garage or attic. The requirements are the same as for a greenhouse. But the floor must be cement to reduce the chances of mold. Regardless of the room chosen for the mushrooms, a draft must be excluded. The champignons will have enough light used by the basement owners for their own convenience.

Equipment and materials

To provide conditions for growing mushrooms indoors, you will need:

  • ventilation and air conditioning with thermal control;
  • refrigerator for storing products;
  • water heaters (for heating the room and ensuring the required humidity indicator);
  • lighting system.

If mushrooms are not grown in a greenhouse, then you will additionally need a bleach solution. This substance disinfects the space of the room, reducing the risk of disease.

To grow mushrooms, you need to make a substrate consisting of:

  • straw;
  • sunflower husks;
  • non-coniferous sawdust.

Champignons are grown in boxes, bags, pallets, on shelves filled with a special substrate.

The most productive varieties of champignons

The list of the most productive and cultivated varieties of champignons includes:

1. Silvan 130 - a selective hybrid species, bred by American studies, which is distinguished by unpretentiousness, high yield and rapid growth.

2. Somicel 512, 608 -a hybrid species, bred by French scientists, which has a stable and long-term yield (the disadvantage is the requirements for keeping conditions).

3. Hauser A15 - popular in American and european market a variety that is characterized by a high yield rate, minimum requirements for various composts, wide caps.

If you plan to grow mushrooms throughout the year, it is recommended to use the imported species called Horst V1 and V3.

Growing technology

Growing mushrooms involves a simple technology. But inexperienced people will have to take into account a number of subtleties so that the mushrooms do not die. You must first prepare the room. In addition to installing the equipment, cleaning should be done with antibacterial detergents.

Buying or preparing compost

You can buy ready-made compost at the store, or prepare the substrate yourself. For this, sawdust, sunflower husks and straw are crushed, filled with hot water and cooled. This process is called pasteurization.

You can learn more about how to make your own compost for growing mushrooms by watching this video:

What climatic conditions are needed

The optimum temperature that is suitable for growing mushrooms is 25 degrees Celsius above zero. The minimum moisture content is 85%. After the casing layer is poured into the container with the mycelium, the temperature gradually drops to +15 degrees Celsius. For this, ventilation is used.

Cultivation methods and stages

The mycelium must be purchased initially. It can be bought at special mushroom-growing enterprises, or in shops selling flowers and garden products. It is possible to collect mycelium on your own only in laboratory conditions.

The substrate is loaded into plastic bags, into which the mushroom mycelium is laid. They need to make two-centimeter holes at a distance of 15-20 centimeters. With suitable climatic conditions mushrooms will grow in place of the holes. You can also use manure, lime and urea as a substrate. Many people choose to buy land for growing flowers.

If the substrate is poured into a tray or box, its thickness should be no more than 23 centimeters. Thanks to this condition, the likelihood that the pathogenic microflora will harm the mycelium is minimized. A five-centimeter layer of grain powder is poured out on top of the substrate, which is covered with another layer of substrate of the same thickness. After 2 weeks, the casing layer is poured out, which includes chernozem, chalk and peat.

Watering is necessary periodically. For this, a spray bottle is used. It creates an effect similar to rain. If you water the mycelium from a watering can, the mushrooms will not sprout. The champignons should not be exposed to direct sunlight - they can harm the crop.


If the planting technique has been used correctly, the first crop should appear after 2.5 weeks. On average, the duration of the harvest period is 4 months, depending on which type of mushrooms was used. Good watering can extend this period.

When picking mushrooms, the legs must not be cut off. The champignons are separated by twisting. After that, the place where the mushroom grew is covered with earth and watered. Thanks to this method, new mushrooms will sprout in place of the plucked mushroom.

Subject to the technology of growing champignons, you can get up to 8 waves of fruiting. But the full harvest is observed only from the first to the third wave. In the future, its volume gradually decreases.

Champignons can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.


To grow mushrooms in large volumes, a staff of 3-4 people is required. This number of employees will be enough for harvesting from 5 tons per year. Depending on the positions, the staff should consist of workers and a driver. Worker responsibilities include:

  • planting and growing mushrooms;
  • harvesting;
  • processing the premises and maintaining the necessary conditions.

The driver is engaged in the delivery of products to points of sale.

Business costs, approximate calculations

The organization of production for growing champignons will require about 3.5 million rubles. Of these will be spent:

  • 15 thousand rubles - for business registration;
  • 2 million rubles - for the purchase of premises;
  • 200 thousand rubles - for the improvement of the premises for growing mushrooms;
  • 1 million rubles - for the purchase and installation of the necessary equipment;
  • 25 thousand rubles - for the purchase or production of compost;
  • 10 thousand rubles - for the purchase of mycelium;
  • 25 thousand rubles - for the development and implementation of a marketing program.

If, instead of buying, the premises are rented, or production is organized on its own territory, you can save 2 million rubles. To support the business, you need to allocate about 70 thousand rubles a month. Of this amount, used:

  • 10 thousand rubles - for payment utilities;
  • 40 thousand rubles - for wages employees (with a staff of 3 people);
  • 12 thousand rubles - to pay taxes;
  • 5 thousand rubles - for the purchase of raw materials;
  • 3 thousand rubles - to pay for transportation costs.

If you work independently and devote most of your time to business, you can save 40 thousand rubles. But, given the volume of work, in this case it is also recommended to hire at least one assistant.

Profitability, how much income can you get

The profitability of this business ranges from 25% to 40%. But initially the income will be minimal. The average cost of 1 kilogram of champignons is 200 rubles. In the first 2 months, production will be unprofitable, since this period will be required for growing the crop.

With a stable increase in the emergence of mushrooms for three years, the yield indicator should increase by 2 tons. The average monthly rate is about 83 thousand rubles. Taking into account monthly expenses net profit varies from 11 to 40 thousand rubles, depending on whether they will be involved in production additional workers, or not.

In the second year, it will increase to 30 to 70 thousand rubles. In the third year - from 60 to 100 thousand rubles.


The main risks are pursued by inexperienced people who decided to immediately organize large mushroom plantations. In the absence of experience, there is a high probability that some of the mushrooms will die or not sprout, and the business owner will incur losses.

But even with experience in this area, there is a risk of death of fungi due to the fault of pests and diseases. To minimize this option, the room should be cleaned regularly.

Another risk is associated with the search for a sales market. It must be done in advance. Otherwise, you can grow too many mushrooms, for which there will not be enough buyers.

Growing at home

It is quite difficult to organize the production of champignons for commercial purposes at home. Mushrooms can be grown on the balcony, in the pantry or in the spare room. This area will not be enough to get the amount of mushrooms needed to start your own business. Therefore, growing champignons at home is suitable for those who want to have mushrooms for their own needs.

Growing champignons - good way open own business... But this requires a large room and knowledge of the technology of growing mushrooms. Therefore, first you should go through training, and try to harvest a small crop.